• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 750 Views, 3 Comments

Lyra's Discovery - Thunder Brony

What will Lyra find that could turn over pony kind and Equestrian on its head? Or is she just doing all this for fame? (Rated T for mild sexuality non clop)

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Litte House Of Bon's

After concluding their business at Twilight’s house they returned home Bon-Bon picked up a bag of bits and placed them in her saddle bags.

Looking at the clock on the wall then turning to Lyra she said “I need to meet with Carmar in an hour wanna come along?”

Lyra smiled and nodded and they went into town to meet with Carmar at his office he was happy to see them again he smiled and said “good day ladies have you reached a decision?”

Bon-Bon said “yes I would like finance the former pie shop building.”

Carmar said “excellent.”

Bon-Bon signed the paperwork and paid Carmar the 750 bit down payment.

Carmar smiled said “congratulations” as he stamped the documents and said “Cherries pie shop is now Little Houser of Bon’s.”

Bon-Bon smiled “thank you.”

Carmar smiled “good luck I wish you best of success” he passed a document and said “here’s your copy.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon went to the location of the former pie shop and began removing the sheets from the stoves and mixers Bon-Bon said “I’m so exited this is a dream come true.”

Lyra smiled and said “I’m happy for you.”

Bon-Bon said “now we need a sign, I know an artist who can create one.”

Lyra said “oh who?”

Bon-Bon said “an old friend who lives in Manehattan.”

After folding the sheets and putting them away and reorganizing a few things after they noticed the sun was far across the horizon it was early evening.

Lyra said “have we been in here all day?”

Bon-Bon said “it would seem we have.”

They left the shop and went home once there Bon-Bon went over to a desk and wrote a letter and sealed it then put in in the mailbox. After she returned from the mailbox she said “I sent a letter to the artist friend I mentioned earlier. Her name is Veltor Lophar I asked her to come to Ponyville for a visit and help create a sign.”

Lyra smiled “sounds good I hope she can help I would create one but my talent is music not painting.”

Bon-Bon smiled “have you tried painting?”

Lyra smiled “yes I tried once before I discovered my love of music and got my cutie mark” shaking her head sadly “it looked like a foal jumped in a mud puddle and ran across the canvas.”

Bon-Bon chuckled in amusement “I know the feeling before I received my cutie mark and before I tried being a masseuse I tried my hoof at standup comedy” she sighed.

Lyra said “I’m guessing that did not work out.”

Bon-Bon sighed again “no, one of the jokes was bad.”

Lyra asked how bad?”

Bon-Bon smirked “just remember you asked for it” she paused and said “did you hear about the the pony who had their left side removed?

Lyra shook her head “no.”

Bon-Bon said with a slight smirk “their all right now.”

Lyra groaned and face hoofed.

Bon-Bon snickered “I warned you.”

Lyra said with a smile “and you called me bad.”

Bon-Bon just smiled raising a hoof to her chest “bad? Me?”

Lyra kissed Bon-Bon on the cheek and said “just the way I like it.”

Bon-Bon smiled and nuzzled Lyra gently.

The next day they went to the Mayor’s office and met Mayor Ivory Scroll and registered the new business with the town register.

After signing the paperwork Ivory said “coagulations Little House of Bon’s is now officially registered and is now in the town records.”

A few days later Bon-Bon went to the mailbox and retrieved a letter she looked at it smiled and opened it. The letter read Dear Bon-Bon it’s been too long since last we spoke I would be happy to help with your little project. I am on my way to Los Pegasus and will stopping in Ponyville I send a message when I arrive Sincerely, Veltor Lophar.

A few days later Veltor arrived in town and sent a letter directly to Bon-Bon Derpy delivered it Bon-Bon was exited. She opened the letter it read Dear Bon-Bon, just arrived in town I had this letter sent to you directly. Meet me for lunch tomorrow noon at the Happy Times restaurant, I told the restaurants host you will be coming when you arrive ask for me. I look forward to catching up and discussing your project Sincerely, Veltor Lophar.

The next day some time before noon both Lyra and Bon-Bon went to the Happy Times restaurant when they arrived they met the host Bon-Bon said “we are here to meet Veltor Lophar.”

The host nodded and said “follow me ladies” and lead them to section D there were patrons in various booths.

Lyra said “where is your friend?”

Bon-Bon looked around smiled and pointed to a mare sitting in a booth waving a hoof “there.”
Bon-Bon trotted over with Lyra close behind coming up to the unicorn “hi Veltor.”

Lyra looked over and saw a unicorn mare she had a beige coat an off white mane and tail. as they approached the booth. The unicorn emerged Lyra noticed she had a painter’s pallet with the 3 primary colors on it and a paintbrush over it for a cutie mark.

Veltor smiled and said “hi Bon-Bon it’s good to see you again” as the 2 shared a hug.

Turning to Lyra Bon-Bon said “Veltor this is my mare friend Lyra Heartstrings.”

Veltor smiled and said “hello Lyra” and the 2 shook hooves she smiled as her face lite up in recognition then said “wait I’ve heard of you you’re the pony who discovered evidence of a new legendary species.

Lyra nodded “yes I’m searching for evidence to what happened to them so far all we found are bones and a few artifacts.”

As the 3 sat down Bon-Bon asked “how long are you going to be in Ponyville?”

Veltor said “I’ll be here for a week after that I have to travel to Los Pegasus for an exhibition opening.”

Soon after they took their seats a unicorn mare came to their table and levitated some waters and some menus from her saddle pouches then levitated a pad and pencil. “Good afternoon ladies my name is Alatoria and I will be your server today what would you like to drink?”

Lyra said “I’ll have a cherry soda.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ll have an apple beet carrot juice.”

Veltor said “I’ll have an ice tea sweet with a hint of lemon.”

Alatoria smiled “I will be back soon.”

Veltor turned to Bon-Bon and said “your letter you said your opening a candy store and needed help with a sign any ideas on what it should look like?”

Bon-Bon said “I haven’t thought of anything I was hoping you had some ideas.”

Veltor smiled and levitated out a small rectangular picture from of her saddlebags “after receiving your letter I made this.”

Just then Alatoria returned with the drinks placing them on the table she said “cherry soda, ice tea and strawberry milkshake.” Levitating a pencil and notepad “Have you decided on your orders?”

Looking at her menu Lyra said “I’ll have the potato soup and a daffodil sandwich.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ll have a have the mixed vegetable stir fry and a lettuce tomato sandwich with mayonnaise.”

Veltor “I’ll have tomato soup and a chick pea patty with lettuce and tomato on lightly toasted rye bread.”

Alatoria said “excellent choices I will get them.”

As Alatoria left to send the order to the kitchen Veltor looked at Bon-Bon and said as I was saying I made this.” As she re-levitated the object the background was a very soft pink almost white 2 three striped blue and yellow stripped candy wrappers on each corner. The center wrapper was offset slightly to the right. In the center of the sign were the words written in a fancy text below the letters were dark shadows of the letters creating a 3-D effect were the words Little House of Bon’s.

Bon-Bon smiled “my cutie mark it’s perfect I love it.”

Veltor smiled “I thought you would like it.”

Lyra smiled then asked “I doubt you do such projects for free so what do we owe you for your services?”

Veltor thought for a moment then smiled “well usually the samples are 400 bits however, since Bon-Bon is an old friend.” She smiled softly “who helped me get my cutie mark so in honor of that this sample is free. As for a full scale sign that costs 850 but for you Bon-Bon I will charge 450 bits.”

Lyra briefly sat there in amazement then smiled warmly and looked over at Bon-Bon with admiration.

Bon-Bon said “thank you this business is the opportunity of a lifetime” and told her the location of the building.

Veltor nodded “I know of that building it used to be a pie shop” she smiled your right this is the opportunity of a lifetime. It’s like the first time I created my first painting Bon-Bon posed for me as I painted her I got my cutie mark.” Looking at Bon-Bon she said “if you had not let me paint you I may have never discovered my love of painting and enrolled in art school" she smiled softly I still have it.”

Bon-Bon asked “you do?”

Veltor smiled “yes it’s hanging over my fireplace.”

Bon-Bon smiled softly.

Veltor said thoughtfully “after I enrolled I art school I created a landscape painting it went on display and received critical acclaim.”

Alatoria came and placed the food on the table “potato soup and a daffodil sandwich, mixed vegetable stir fry and a lettuce tomato sandwich with mayonnaise and tomato soup and a chick pea patty with lettuce and tomato on lightly toasted rye bread.”

After they finished eating Alatoria returned and asked “would any of you like anything for dessert?”

The trio looked at each other and smiled then Lyra said “I’ll have strawberry cheesecake.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ll have an apple pie with 2 scoops of ice cream.”

Veltor said “I’ll have a bowel of swirl ice cream."

Alatoria smiled and went to send the orders to the kitchen.

As the orders were being placed Bon-Bon asked Veltor “how long will it take to create the sign?”

Veltor smiled “not long only 2 days maybe 3.”

A short time later Alatoria returned with their desserts.

After finishing dessert the 3 settled up the bill each paying for their respective meals as they left Veltor said “I need to get back to my hotel and work on the project.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon nodded and the 3 shared a hug and went their separate ways.

Three days later Veltor went to Lyra and Bon-Bon’s house and knocked on the door Bon-Bon opened the door smiled and said “hi Veltor come in.”

Veltor smiled and entered the house and looked around. Lyra was sitting on the sofa in an upright horizontal position she thought I didn’t know it was possible to sit that way. She smiled waved “hello Lyra.”

Lyra waved “hi Veltor.”

Turning to Bon-Bon Veltor said “the sign is ready and is at the building.”

Bon-Bon nodded and said “have a seat I’ll be right back” as she went into another room Veltor placed her saddlebags on the floor and sat down. Moments later Bon-Bon returned with a small bag in her mouth placing it on the table she said “200 bits.”

Veltor levitated the bag with her magic and placed it in her saddlebags then smiled and said “thank you.”

Bon-Bon said “I’m eager to see the new sign.”

Veltor said “I’m ready when you are.”

The three went into town and came to the building Veltor went behind the building and returned with 2 signs floating in her magic. She then levitated the larger sign in the front of the store over the entrance the sign read Little House of Bon’s the sign looked exactly like the demo. The smaller sign was smaller it was simple and did not have the 3-D effect. It was black text against a white background it read Coming Soon.

Lyra and Veltor levitated the large sign up into a holding rack above the entrance and moved the 4 holding clamps down and secured them into place.

Then they placed the smaller sign over the front door then stepped back to admire the sign.

Lyra said “it looks lovely.”

Bon-Bon smiled widely “I love it.”

The trio sat down in front of the sign and smiled proudly.

Lyra said “it looks great for pre-opening advertising.”

Bon-Bon looked over at Lyra then at the sign and nodded “it does.”

Veltor said “I’m glad you like it I wish I could stay longer but I have to leave for Los Pegasus tomorrow for my exhibit which gives me one day to prepare.”

Bon-Bon said “thank you for your help.”

Veltor smiled and said “your welcome, when you open your shop I hope you send me some of your candies.”

Bon-Bon nodded “I will.”

The next day Lyra and Bon-Bon walked with Veltor to the train station as the strain pulled into the station Veltor and Bon-Bon shared a hug turning to Lyra Veltor she said “it’s been nice to meeting you Lyra” as they shared a hug.

Lyra smiled and said “you too, the next time you’re in Ponyville stop by and visit us.”

Veltor smiled and nodded “I will.”