• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 751 Views, 3 Comments

Lyra's Discovery - Thunder Brony

What will Lyra find that could turn over pony kind and Equestrian on its head? Or is she just doing all this for fame? (Rated T for mild sexuality non clop)

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The next day they traveled to Canterlot and met with Celestia they all bowed.

Celestia said “greetings my little ponies congratulations on your discovery.”

They all bowed their heads

Anton showed them the molds of the skeletons.

Lyra asked “how long will it take to reassemble the casted skeletons?”
Anton said “not long about 3 weeks I will contact you when they’re assembled.”

Lyra went to Canterlot and met with Anton he said “hi Lyra we counted the bones from the bipeds skeletons.”

Lyra asked “what did you find?”

Anton said “the biped skeletons are fascinating they have almost as many bones as a pony the bipeds have 206 bones ponies have 205. He paused what did you say their species was?”

Lyra said “humans.”

Anton said “yes humans we counted the teeth in the human skulls they have 36 teeth ponies have 40 we made casts of the skeletons and assembled one based on the photos you provided.” He showed her the skeleton it had the same kinds of bones ribs spine etc. The main difference is they did not have horns or wings and they appeared to walk upright. We took measurements and estimate this one stood about slightly over 176.7 centemeters tall” he smiled “you’re going to be famous. I spoke with Sarbon Tormow at the Canterlot Museum. He’s willing to pay 800 bits for each skeleton and there are 9 so that comes to” he paused “7,200 bits,”

Lyra asked “how much does the university get?”

Anton thought for a moment then said “well when Daring Doo delivers artifacts to the museum they pay 12% but the artifacts are numerous so it balances out. But in this case were dealing with 2 organizations each charging 12.5%.” He paused 7,200 bits minus 25% comes to 1,800 for each organization so after the museum and the university you get 3,600 bits.”

After they left Canterlot they returned to Ponyville and went home ate lunch and picked up the list of employees for Little House of Bon’s they went to the Ponyville post office. Bon-Bon gave the post master some envelopes to deliver to the employees she selected reminding them the store will open in 3 days. They then went to the center of town and placed a note on the town poster. It read Come to the Grand Opening of the Little House of Bon’s Candy Store the date was set for 3 days from today. Afterwards they returned to the building and began setting up the candy store. Everything was ready for the employees to come and prepare the candies. The next day Bon-Bon went to the store and met with the employees. She said with a smile “we have two days until the store opens so we need to make candies I will help anypony who needs it.”

Later that day Bon-Bon came home to find Lyra sitting on the sofa writing something she smiled “hi Lyra”

Lyra looked over at her mare friend and noticed she had flower and sugar in her fur “how was the preparation?”

Bon-Bon sighed “a filly unicorn tried to levitate a bag of sugar lost control of her magic and it fell hitting a bag of flower on the way down the bags split open spilling their contents all over the floor in a huge cloud of dust. I could not see anything for several minutes” she sighed I need a shower.”

Lyra smiled and chuckled “I dunno I think you’ve never looked sweeter.”

Bon-Bon smirked as she went to the bathroom to clean up after she exited the bathroom with a towel on her head she sat down on the sofa laid her chin on Lyra’s lap and sighed.

Lyra stroked her back gently Bon-Bon smiled gently “that feels nice.”

Lyra said “I’m sure once news of the discovery of humans gets out Pinkie will want to throw an amazing discovery party.”

Bon-Bon chuckled looked up and said “would you expect anything less? Besides it’s not every day somepony discovers creatures that were thought to be myths.”

Lyra smiled “true.”

Later that evening the paper read local archeologist proves mythological creatures to be true. Below was an article describing the find and that it would be on display in the Canterlot museum in a few days.

Bon-Bon read the article then showed it to Lyra and said with a smile “you’re going to be famous” Lyra smiled.

The next day Bon-Bon went to the candy store to finish preparations for the grand opening at the same time Lyra traveled to Canterlot and went to the museum. When she entered she saw a pony she did not expect to see looking at the human skeleton replica.

Lyra walked up and said with a bow “hello Princess Luna.”

Luna turned and smiled as Lyra rose from her bow “greetings Lyra I read the article in yesterday’s paper I’m glad to meet the pony who proved the legend of humans to be true.” She turned back towards the skeleton “I never believed in the legends.”

Lyra asked “have you read the journal?”

Luna turned towards Lyra “there’s a journal?”

Lyra nodded “it’s written in Equarian.”

Luna arched an eyebrow “Equarian is a dead language how were you able to read it?”

Lyra smiled “I used a translation spell.”

Luna chuckled “I would have not have thought of that I would have taken it to a scholar.”

Lyra asked “didn’t they have spells like that 1,000 years ago?”

Luna shook her head “no such spells were only created in the last 500 years.”

Lyra said “Anton has the journal I’m sure he will let you read it.”

Luna smiled softly “I just may do that” she looked at the skeleton again “I wonder what they were like.”

Lyra said “read the journal based on what I’ve read they seemed nice nothing like the legends made them out to be” Luna smiled.

After talking with Luna Lyra went to see Anton “I met princess Luna she would consider reading the journal from Rambling Rock Ridge.”

Anton asked “does she speak Equarian?”

Lyra shook her head “I don’t think so translation spells did not exist 1,000 years ago she may learn one if she comes to visit.”

Anton said “we should have a modern translation soon we have scribes working on it as we speak.” He paused “oh by the way I secured the Canterlot auditorium as a location for your presentation.”

Lyra smiled “the acoustics there are perfect.”

Anton said “it will be ready next week.”

Lyra smiled “I’ll have my notes ready by then.”

After leaving Canterlot she returned to Ponyville and stopped by the Golden Oaks Library and met with Twilight.

Lyra asked “I’m writing notes for a presentation and was wondering if you would like to be part of it.”

Twilight said “yes I would love to be part of a momentous discovery.”

After returning home she and Bon-Bon went to bed.

The next day After Bon-Bon left Lyra began writing notes for the presentation Bon-Bon came home carrying some saddlebags Lyra put her quill down went over to Bon-Bon and gently nuzzled her.”

Bon-Bon smiled and sat down on the sofa and sighed “it feels good to sit down.”

Lyra asked “long day?”

Bon-bon nodded “yeah, I brought some candy it’s in my saddlebags”

Lyra smiled sounds like a nice after dinner treat.”

Bon-Bon smiled “I need a shower.”

Lyra smiled “I’ll make dinner.”

As Bon-Bon went into the bathroom she turned on the shower and stepped in. She sighed as the warm water washed off the flower, sugar and other ingredients in her fur. After she finished her shower she dried off an opened the bathroom door and could hear the sounds of cooking and a plesant smell fillef her nostrils.

As she entered the kitchen Lyra smiled “I made your favorite stuffed peppers.”

Bon-Bon smiled “extra cabbage and tofu?”

Lyra nodded “of course.”

Bon-Bon said with a sensual whisper “careful you just might spoil me” as she went to the refrigeration box opened it and pulled out a lemonade piture and poured 2 mugs. She then placed them on the table just as Lyra levitated over the stuffed peppers and a salad bowl. After dinner they shared a dessert afterwards Lyra read part of her speech.

Bon-Bon nodded “you should put more emphasis on the forbidden jungle monsters” she wiggled her hoof and smiled sheepishly “considering I got hurt because of one of them.”

Several days later Lyra stood in front of a podium in the auditorium of the Canterlot university as she straightened her notecards. Looking out into the audience she saw many ponies she knew others she did not she cleared her throat and began the presentation. She presented models of the skeletons with and without the skin. She also demonstrated the batteries using replicas of the clay pots, iron rods and copper cylinders. She poured lemon juice into the pot hooked wires to the rod and cylinder and powered a light bulb. She read from the journal and the disaster that befell the bipedal creatures and the alicorn city. She also told the story of the Dark Age that followed everypony in the audience sat there in stunned silence. Some sat with their mouths hanging open others had tears in their eyes.

After the presentation Lyra spoke to journalists and did her best to answer the questions they asked.

After the press questions Anton came up to Lyra and said “that was an interesting presentation” he smiled “it looks like we may have to rewrite history.” He looked at the cast of the human and sighed “it’s a tragedy what happened to them. I wonder how far advanced we would be if the asteroid had not struck.”

Lyra nodded “Twilight Sparkle has speculated we would be much more so than we are now but I’m worried others will try to go to the forbidden jungle and have run in’s with the monsters” she sighed “I hope they will heed the warning.”

Anton nodded “I’m sure they will the description you gave of the Saracnoid gave me chills” he smiled softly and said with a chuckle “I’m sure if I saw one I would have nightmares.”

Lyra smiled looked over at Bon-Bon who was talking to some ponies and said “just ask Bon-Bon she twisted her ankle, If were not for the necklaces Twilight made we would be-” she shook her head.

Later that evening Lyra and Bon-Bon were on the train bound for Ponyville as they sat in their seats as the scenery passed by Lyra seemed distracted.

Bon-Bon asked “are you alright?”

Lyra nodded “just thinking I wonder why no pony else has made this discovery don’t get me wrong I’m glad we made it” she smiled softly.”

Bon-Bon thought for a moment and said “maybe because no pony believed in the legends they thought they were only myths and the forbidden jungle is too dangerous to explore.”

Lyra nodded “it’s a shame I would love to explore that place who knows what else we would find.”

Bon-Bon lifted the hoof she injured not too long ago wiggled it and said “I don’t care to get hurt again or end up on the menu for the monsters.”

Lyra smiled got up came over sat next to Bon-Bon and nuzzled her “don’t worry” she chuckled and said “if we encounter one you could give them a Little House of Bon’s gift certificate.”

Bon-Bon pictured one of the monsters in her candy shop towering over the customers and buying some mint sticks she chuckled at the thought.

After they returned home it was late and Celestia was beginning to lower the sun and Luna raise the moon they saw the reds and oranges of twilight. Bon-Bon smiled “Celestia always makes a beautiful sunset.”

Lyra nodded “yes she does.”

They watched as the sun dipped below the horizon and the moon slowly rose in its place Lyra and Bon-Bon gently nuzzled each other.

Several days later Lyra was outside working in the garden when Derpy the mailmare came up and tapped Lyra on the shoulder she turned around and smiled “hi Derpy.”

Derpy smiled “hi there Lyra I have a priority letter for you from the Crystal Empire” she reached into her mailbag and pulled out a letter.

Once Lyra took the Letter Derpy held out a clipboard in her teeth “thign pleath.”

Lyra signed the clipboard Derpy flew off to continue her deliveries Lyra took the letter in her magic and opened it. As she read it she found it was from Princes Cadence it read Dear Lyra, word of your discovery has reached the Crystal Empire. Some of my subjects have found similar skeletons I would like for you to come to the Crystal Empire. You will be compensated for your troubles. I await your reply Sincerely, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadence.) Lyra blinked as she thought more skeletons? She thought about it as she continued tending her garden.

Later that evening Bon-Bon came home she was covered in flower and sugar. Lyra blinked and asked “what happened?”

Bon-Bon smiled and shook her head. “Some pony spilled vinegar in a vat of baking soda and sugar.” She sighed “it was an unbelievable mess we had flower and sugar up to our fetlocks.”

Bon-Bon went to take a shower after she came out of the bathroom Lyra said “I received a letter from the Crystal Empire Cadence wants me to do a presentation there.” She smiled all expenses paid.”

Bon-Bon said “sounds great.”

Lyra said “I would like for you to come along.”

Bon-Bon replied “I would like that I can ask Pinkie to watch the candy store how long will we be gone?”

Lyra said “it shouldn’t be long a few days I think the letter didn’t say.”

The next day Bon-Bon went to Sugarcube corner to talk to Pinkie returning a short time later with a smile “Pinkie agreed to watch the candy store while I’m gone.”

Lyra clapped her front hooves together and said “that’s great it would not be a presentation without the part about your encounter with a Saracnoid,”

Bon-Bon winced slightly thinking of the monster and her injury.

Lyra wrote a reply to Cadence and went to the Ponyville post office and sent the letter via priority mail.

Lyra asked the postal worker “how long will it take to arrive?”

The postal worker said “it should arrive tomorrow.”

The next day they went to the train station and purchased 2 tickets to the Crystal Empire.

As the train traveled along they admired the scenery then Bon-Bon noticed Lyra seemed distracted and asked “are you alright?”

Lyra nodded “I’m fine I was thinking about the letter from Cadance it said they found human skeletons.”

Bon-Bon asked “did she say where?”

Lyra shook her head “no probably in the crystal caves.”

When the train pulled into the station and the ponies disembarked when Lyra and Bon-Bon exited a crystal pegasus royal guard approached and said “greetings Ms. Heartstrings, Ms. Drops princess Cadence is waiting for you I am to escort you to the crystal palace.”

They walked a short distance to the waiting chariot they entered and the guard closed the door hitched hismelf yo the chariot and took off towards the crystal palace both Lyra and Bon-Bon watched as the ground below them flew past.

Bon-Bon moaned in discomfort.

Lyra asked “you alright?”

Bon-Bon said “I don’t like flying I prefer the sky with me on the ground looking up at it.”

Lyra nuzzled her gently “don’t worry it will be over soon see there is the palace.”

The palace came into view it glistened as the light gleamed off the spires soon the chariot landed on one of the balconies Lyra and Bon-Bon stepped off, Bon-Bon was happy to be on solid ground once more as she stomped all 4 of her hooves.”

Lyra chuckled “come on it wasn’t that bad.”

Bon-Bon was about to say something when Cadence entered the room both mares bowed Cadence smiled “no need to bow im glad you agreed to come follow me.”

They followed Cadence to a laboratory and on the table was a skeleton it was a jumbled mess of bones Cadence said “Midnight Rocket was exploring the crystal mountain caves and found this,”

Lyra looked at the skull, ribs, arms and legs then at Cadence “this is the skeleton of a human.”

Cadence arched an eyebrow “a hu-man?” she thought for a moment then said in sudden recognition “oh yes hu-mans I heard they were savage creatures that ate ponies.”

Lyra shook her head “no I found a journal and they lived alongside ponies but were wiped out in a disaster 5,000 years ago along with an alicorn city.”

Cadence said “this skeleton has been forensically dated to about 7,140 years ago” looking at the skeleton she asked “can you reassemble it? Nopony here in the empire has seen one and has no idea what a hu-man looks like.”

Lyra nodded as her horn glowed and the skeleton began to assemble.

Once the skeleton was assembled Cadence just stared at it then asked “are you sure this is correct?”

Lyra nodded “this is the same as the ones found in the Rambling Rock Ridge cave I took lots of pictures.”

Cadence turned to a guard and said “find Almond Thunder in the Crystal museum and tell him I want to see him at once.”

The guard bowed and went to carry out the order.

Once he left Cadence said “Velvet Lemon's team found a shrines in one of the crystal cave dedicated to something called Sugreeva.”

Lyra said “we found a Sugreeva shrine in the forbidden jungle.”

Cadence said “I’ve never heard of Sugreeva who or what is it?”

Bon-Bon said according to the dictionary of ancient Equestrian deities Sugreeva was the lord of dark magic, chaos and destruction. Sugreeva was worshiped by a group or groups of unicorns called the Selle Nurghleth they used this dark magic on their enemies,” She thought for a moment about 4,500-3,200 years ago.”

Cadence said “I’ve never heard of them,”

Lyra said “they lived during the dark age that came after the asteroid impact” she told the story that Celestia told her,

Cadence’s face turned pale all she could do was sit down shutter and flutter her wings slightly all she could say was “disturbing.” She looked up at Lyra and asked “do you know if this cult is still in practice?”

Lyra shook her head “I don’t think so I think it fell out of practice after the 3 tribes united,”

Cadence nodded “that’s good I would hate to think something so barbaric is still being practiced.” She paused then said thoughtfully “I wonder if that was where Sombra got his dark powers from before he took over the empire.” She summoned a guard “send a message to Spring Cherry and Amber Daisy tell them I wish to speak with them.” The guard saluted and went to find th ponies.

A short time later the 2 ponies met with Cadence Amber Daisy said “you wanted to see us your highness?”

Cadence nodded “yes” as she lead them to the skeleton “Spring Cherry I need you to make a cast of the skeleton Amber Daisy I need you to flesh it out” they both bowed and wet to work.

The next day Lyra gave her presentation to the citizens of the Crystal Empire she had 2 casts on either side both were covered by sheets. She said “this is something that was discovered all over Equestria and the Crystal Mountains.” Her horn glowed and she removed one of the sheets reveling a skeleton gasps were heard across the audience. She removed the other sheet “this is what the creature would look like with skin.” She told the story about where it was found and dated and the tragedy that befell them. After the presentation Cadence and Shining Armor came up to Lyra Bon-Bon stood by her side with a smile.

Shining said “Cadence told me about your discovery I never believed in” he paused looked over at Cadence “what did you call them?”

Cadence said “hu-mans”

Shining said “oh yes hu-mans.”

Cadence said “would you two like to stay for dinner? I would like to hear more about hu-mans.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon nodded.