Lyra's Discovery

by Thunder Brony

First published

What will Lyra find that could turn over pony kind and Equestrian on its head? Or is she just doing all this for fame? (Rated T for mild sexuality non clop)

Lyra Heartstrings is an archeological student who has recently graduated from Canterlot University. After seeing some artifacts from the Equestrian Badlands she goes on an expedition and makes a discovery of a lifetime. Only this discovery could turn the history of Equestria upside down. Not to mention cause a paradim shift and possibly shake the foundations of Equestrian history to it's very core.

Graduation day (revised)

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Lyra Heartstrings was sitting on a stage in an auditorium on the Canterlot University campus with her graduating class. She had been looking forward to this day since her enrolment nearly 4 years ago. She looked out into the audience and could see the auditorium was filled with the graduating classes friends and their families. Looking to the front row she saw her friends Bon-Bon, Twinkleshine, Lemonhearts, Minuette, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. She smiled as the Valedictorian came to the podium and talked about the journey of a pony from enrolment to graduation. She gave a testimonial about the acquisition of knowledge and how it shaped a ponies perception of the world around them. After the commencement ended the graduates and the audience proceeded to the larger banquet hall where they all mingled.

Pinkie came up to Lyra and said “congratulations on your archeological degree if you ever need a geologist my sister Maude can lend a hoof.”

Lyra smiled “that sounds good I will let you know” Pinkie smiled.

As the ceremony began to die down the director of education walked up to Lyra. A light tan unicorn stallion with a pick and shovel for a cutie mark. He said “hi Lyra” turning around she said “hi Anton glad you could come to the ceremony.”

Anton smiled “I wouldn’t have missed it for anything” he looked around “I read your thesis on the ancient bipedal theory.” His face took on a serious look “there may be some truth to the legends.”

Lyra arched an eyebrow “there is?”

Anton nodded “yes approximately 200 years ago an archeological team was digging in the Badlands and they found something interesting.”

Lyra asked “what did they find?”

Anton said “paintings inside of some caves of strange creatures.”

Lyra asked “what do you mean strange?”

Anton said “it’s hard to explain all we have are some sketches.”

Lyra arched an eyebrow “sketches of paintings?”

Anton nodded “yes this was before the camera was invented so all we had were sketches and the find was so unusual it could have potentially turned Equestrian history on its head.”

Lyra said “wow that sounds exiting.”

Anton nodded “yes but no pony has been to the Badlands in 200 years not after what happened to the archaeologists.”

Lyra asked “what happed to them?”

Anton said “based on what I heard the dig site was abandoned amid claims of the site being” he chuckled “haunted.”

Lyra just smiled “you don’t believe that do you?”

Anton replied “personally no but some do and because of that no pony wants to go there and those who do make unreasonable requests like added security for fear of raiders.

Lyra asked “there are raiders there?”

Anton replied “no I think some pony confused ghosts with raiders the Badlands is a barren desolate area very few if any pony ever goes there. It would not be practical for a bandit or raider to hide there and rob a traveler. That makes some sense since the Badlands lead to the Forbidden Jungle to the south east. There are rumors of ancient structures with vast treasures inside” shaking his head “personally I don’t either one is true.”

Lyra asked “has any pony been to the Forbidden Jungle?”

Anton replied “not in over 500 years currently Ventor Farnock is studying notes and sketches from the last expedition he is retiring in a week. The university could use a new archeologist how would you like his position?”

Lyra was slightly taken back she said “I would be honored to take the position.”

Anton smiled “great welcome aboard come to the university tomorrow morning and fill out the paperwork.”

Lyra asked “what happens after that?”

Anton said “once you’re in the system you will have access to the vast archeological archives then learn all you can from Ventor Farnock.”

Lyra was exited as Anton excused himself to talk to the other guests she was so excited she went and told her friends they were all exited to hear the news.

Bon-Bon said “that’s wonderful news I’m so happy for you.”

Pinkie Pie, Lemmon Hearts, Twinkle Shy and Minuet offered their congratulations and wished her the best of luck with her new career.

The next day Lyra went to Canterlot University and met with Anton and filled out the paperwork and he showed her around the university and introduced her to the staff.
After the tour she met Ventor Farnock he was an elderly unicorn stallion with a grey mane and tail and a mining helmet for a cutie mark.

Lyra walked up to him and introduced herself Ventor smiled and said “I’ve heard of you.”

Lyra said “you have?”

Ventor nodded “you’re the pony who wrote the thesis on the ancient biped theory I find it compelling.”

Lyra asked “have you found anything to support the theory?”

Ventor said “not anything definitive I’ve been searching the Badlands and the Macintosh hills for over 616 moons. I never found anything definitive but I can tell you there is something to the theory.” He sighed all “all that time digging and all I found was this” he opened a drawer and levitated out a small stone tool. It was 12 cm long and shaped like a small spade with curves on each side of the base the stone looked as if it had been fashioned a stone toolmaker.

Lyra asked “what is that?”

Ventor said “I don’t know but it looks like some sort of hunting tool see the curves at the base I watch this.” He levitated a wooden rod with a split in the tip and some string he placed the tip into the rod and tied the string to it “see what I mean?”

Lyra said “that makes no sense ponies don’t hunt unless wait are you saying the theory is true?”

Ventor replied “I am not saying anything, this is not definitive proof but however, aside from that there’s this” he levitated a book over to her.

Lyra took the book in her magic and read the cover Journal of the Equestrian Badlands by Sinbar Jormalia.

Ventor said “read that it details her expeditions and here’s a map where some interesting items were found.”

Lyra asked “what kind of items?”

Ventor said “it is best if you see them for yourself when you get the chance visit the Canterlot museum basement they are located in the section 7 row 17 drawer 21.”

Lyra arched an eyebrow as she levitated the journal and opened it in the front flap was a piece of folded paper. She unfolded the paper and saw what looked like a drawn mini map of the badlands. There was an X on a location in the area of one of the caves Ventor said “I’m going home for the day if you have any questions feel free to ask me.” Lyra nodded put the map down and opened the journal and began to read. It detailed several expeditions to the Equestrian Badlands and detailed the day to day search for items of interest. On the last page there was an entry it read I have found definitive proof to support the ancient bipedal theory. There are cave paintings on the walls I found pieces of a skeleton. I packed the bones into a crate and had it sent to the university to be identified. The bones cannot be matched to any known Equestrian species magic dating tests on the remains have determined them to be at least 150,000 years old.

Lyra looked at the map again and wondered what these creatures looked like she imagined the possibilities. She looked out the window and noticed it was early evening. She caught the last train to Ponyville and returned home and said hi to her roommate Bon-Bon.

As she sat down Bon-Bon asked “how was your day?”

Lyra said “it was nice I found a mini map of the Equestrian Badlands and evidence that lends credence to the ancient bipedal theory.”

Bon-Bon sighed “you don’t really believe in that do you?”

Lyra replied “I’m not sure I like to keep an open mind about it, I read a journal that stated remains from an exuviation site were dated to be 150,000 years old. Besides it’s a great mystery and like any great mystery we have to keep searching, until we find not what we think the solution should be but the truth.”

Bon-Bon smiled “that’s what I like about you your drive to find the answers to any problem and your unwillingness to let anything stand in your way.”

Lyra smiled as she levitated over her lyre and began strumming the strings Bon-bon smiled and swayed to the rhythmic tune Lyra smiled softly.

The next day Lyra went to the Canterlot museum showed her ID card to the museum guards and was granted access to the downstairs storage area the archive. It was huge consisting of 32 sections. Each section had 27 drawers that ran from floor to ceiling each drawer was numbered and each section. On the far ends of each section was a hydraulic scissor lift for Earth ponies and unicorns. It was 1 meter long and 60 cm wide it had 2 flexible hoof slots on either side. Following the numbers to section 7 went down the corridor she came to the lift and slipped her hooves into the slots and pushed the lift which moved easily on the hard floor to row 17. Stepping onto the lift she saw a hoof shaped slot in a groove in one direction was the word UP and in the other DOWN. She slipped her hoof into the slot and pushed it the UP position and began to walk on the treadmill. This turned a wheel which in turn moved a connecting rod. The rod moved a wheel on the lower part of the lift this made the hydraulic fluid flow from a small tank into a piston. As she walked the lift rose into the air until she reached drawer 21. She stopped walking activating her horn she opened the drawer inside was a piece of paper it read samples excavated from expedition to the Equestrian Badlands lead by Sinbar Jormalia. Looking inside she saw some amazing items. A jawbone unlike any ever seen before it had 16 teeth and was shorter than a pony’s jaw. Next to it was a plaster cast of a print unlike anything she or any pony had seen before. It was 25 cm long by 15 cm wide and it had 5 dots on the top of it. Each one from right to left was shorter than the last. The most unusual item was a bone it was 38 cm long with a ball at a 47ᴼ angle. She closed the drawer then slipped her hoof into the grooved slot and moved it to DOWN position and the lift slowly descended. Curious about the artifacts she went to see Anton and asked about the items his response was a bit of a surprise.

He said “I don’t know all I do know is they were found in an excavation from Sinbar Jormalia’s expedition no pony knows what they are.”

Lyra asked “ancient bipeds?”

Anton thought for a moment said “possibly but we can’t jump to any conclusions not without further evidence.”

Lyra asked “is that why there not on display?”

Anton nodded “we don’t know what species they are all we know is they are 150,000 years old if you can find more evidence then we can put them on display in the Canterlot museum. Imagine what it could do for the university not to mention your reputation as the premiere archeologist in Equestria.

Lyra’s eyes glistened in delight “I like the sound of that.”

Anton smiled “in that case how would you like to travel to the Badlands?”

Lyra nodded “that sounds great but I need to think about it I will have my answer tomorrow.”

Anton smiled “great if you decide to do this the university will supply you with travel as far as Dodge City and once there we will provide lodging as well as camping provisions such as food, water and tents.”

Lyra asked “why has no pony ventured there in over 200 years?”

Anton replied “not many believe in ancient bipeds some say they are only a myth like the lost city of Equinetis, not to mention the rumors of ghosts and raiders have kept them away.”

Lyra said “I do not think a ghost would spend its time haunting a cave a cottage or a house maybe but not a cave.”

Anton said “if you succeed just think of the fore mentioned possibilities.”

Lyra smiled “I’ll do my best.”

On the train ride back to Ponyville she stared out the window possessing the information she just learned even when she arrived at her house she was still a little out of it.

Bon-Bon noticed her friend’s preoccupation and asked “Lyra are you feeling alright?”

Lyra snapped out of her daze “huh? Oh yes I’m fine it’s just the university wants me to go on an expedition to the Equestrian Badlands.”

Bon-Bon said excitedly “they do? That’s great what did you say?”

Lyra said “I said I would think it over and have my decision by tomorrow I would like to but I don’t want to go alone.” She took a deep breath “if I go on this expedition I want you to come along with me.”

Bon-Bon smiled “I can think of no pony I would rather be with.”

Lyra smiled “you always make me feel so good it’s almost like were…. She stopped abruptly.

Bon-Bon just smiled and turned her head slightly Lyra thought she saw her blushing slightly.

The next day Lyra traveled to the university and met with Anton she said “I made my decision I will go on this expedition.”

Anton smiled “that’s great you depart for the Badlands next week when you arrive at Dodge City train station look for a sky blue unicorn mare with an amber mane and tail with an unfurled mini map cutie mark she will show you the way to the Badlands.”

Lyra was excited when she told her friends Pinkie threw her a party on the night before she left for Dodge city and then the Badlands after the party ended they said their goodbyes. They went home and packed their things. The next day went to the train station then boarded a train bound for Dodge City. As the train began to move away from the station Lyra and Bon-Bon looked out the window as the ground moved slowly at first then more quickly.

Lyra looked away from the window and said “I am a little nervous I have never been to the Badlands before.”

Bon-Bon said “nether have I what do you think we will find?”

Lyra said “I hope to find some artifacts just think if I become famous you can say you live with the premiere archeologist of Equestria.”

Bon-Bon just smiled and said “that sounds very nice.”

Lyra noticed something in her friend’s eyes but Bon-Bon just smiled softly and looked out the window.

When they arrived in Dodge City it was late and the sun was beginning to set as they disembarked with their bags and went to the local hotel and rented a room for the night.

Entering the Badlands

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The next morning they left the hotel and traveled to the train station and boarded the train bound for Dodge City.

As they stared out the window watching the scenery passing by Bon-Bon turned and asked “what do you think we will find in the badlands?”

Lyra looked at her traveling companion smiled and replied “hopefully with a little luck and Celestia’s blessings the discovery of a lifetime.”

Upon arriving they at their destination they disembarked and amongst a sea of ponies sat a sky blue unicorn mare with an amber mane and tail with an unfurled map cutie mark. upon spotting Lyra she levitated a sign that read Greetings Lyra Heartstrings. As they approached the unicorn Lyra said “hello you must be my Canterlot contact.” The unicorn nodded “yes my name is Topogra Lands.”

Lyra and said “hello Topogra this is my friend Bon-Bon.”

Topogra turned to Lyra’s companion smiled and said “hello Bon-Bon” then turning back to Lyra “your wagon and supplies are loaded and ready the university has allocated supplies for 5 days.”

She led them to the edge of the station where a wagon sat loaded with fruits and vegetables and other supplies. They both placed their saddlebags in the wagon then Lyra activated her horn and placed the wagon hitch on her back Topogra said “I will take you to the road that leads to the Badlands follow me.”

She led them to a road on the edge of town pointing to the road “just follow that road to the south and once you reach the Macintosh hills you will come to an archway. Once you pass through it you will enter the badlands.” She looked in the direction of the road and back at the station smiled and said “I must return to the university Celeatia’s speed” then turned and left.

As they began walking along the road Bon-Bon said “if you ever get tired of pulling the wagon I would be glad to help.”

Lyra smiled and nodded as they walked along the road they paused and she levitated out her saddlebags and pulled a map looking at it she said “once we pass through the archway then go to the south to balancing rock.” Pointing to the landmark on the map there is a cave to the east we’ll begin there.”

As they walked along they soon came to the archway it was short only 2 meters wide and 3 meters high moments later they emerged on the other side. Lyra said with a smile “were here I need a rest you can pull the wagon if you want.”

As Lyra unhitched herself from the wagon and stretched Bon-Bon smiled and hitched herself up to the wagon as they continued on their journey.

Bon-Bon looked out across the vast expanse “it looked so barren and desolate she asked “how do we find anything out in this vast emptiness?”

Lyra said “what we’re looking for in in the caves not out in the open.”

As they approached the balancing rock the sun was beginning to sink low in the sky Lyra said “let’s set up camp here according to the map the cave is not too far from here.”

Bon-Bon looked around at the terrain then the map and said “I wonder why this place looks like a giant depression it almost looks like a giant crater.”

Lyra looked over at her friend and said as she set the camp up “not exactly 77 million years ago this area was a river delta. The river that currently flows near Baltimare and into the Horseshoe Sea flowed through here which carved out the formations we see now. The region of the forbidden jungle became a delta.”

Bon-Bon asked “what happened to the river?”

Lyra said “nopony knows it changed course about 5 million years ago and now flws on its current course.”

As night began to fall Lyra levitated some firewood out of the wagon and used a bow and stick to start a campfire. As Bon-Bon prepared dinner after they finished eating Lyra took out her lyre and began to play a soft melody she smiled and said “never leave home without it.”

Bon-Bon smiled and said “speaking of things you never leave home without” she reached into the wagon and pulled her saddlebags. She sat down next to Lyra and opened it and took out a box of chocolates and smiled “I made these before we left Ponyville.”

Lyra levitated one from the box and ate it “mmm these are delicious you should open a candy shop.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ve considered it but I do not have enough bits to get started.”

Lyra said “after the expedition is over we should do that, just think ponies from all over Equestria coming to your candy shop for the best candy anywhere.”

Bon-Bon nodded smiled and said “I haven’t decided on a name.”

Lyra thought for a moment and said “how about Little House of Bon’s?”

Bon-Bon smiled and said “Little House of Bon’s I like it I always wanted my own business. You remember about a year ago I wrote a business plan for a candy shop I just needed a name and some bits.”

Lyra nodded “well you have a name and soon you will have bits.”

Bon-Bon smiled “it would be a dream come true and we will run it together?”

Lyra smiled and nodded as she levitated another piece of candy she said with a slight chuckle “this candy is so good I could eat the whole box.”

Bon-Bon smiled and moved over rubbed a hoof on Lyra’s back, neck and shoulders she closed her eyes and said softly “oh that feels nice” Bon-Bon smiled with a soft warm smile.

The next day Lyra woke up as the sun was peaking over the horizon she looked over and saw the sleeping bag next to her was empty. She went outside the tent and saw Bon-Bon sitting outside watching the sun rise over the plateau.

Lyra sat down next to her Bon-Bon looked over smiled and said “I love watching the sun rise” then turned back towards the rising sun “I can see a bit of Celestia in each sunrise.” She looked over at Lyra again and smiled softly.

Lyra yawned and said “I agree it’s always a glorious site but I never thought of seeing Celestia in the sun.”

Bon-Bon said “well metaphorically speaking she uses her magic to raise the sun so therefore a part of her is in the sun.”

Lyra said “never thought of it that way” Bon-Bon looked over and smiled Lyra walked over to the wagon and levitated 2 apples, 2 carrots, 3 celery stalks, lettuce, bread slices and some plates. After they ate breakfast Lyra unfurled the map levitated a compass and said pointing to a spot on the map marked cave 4. She said looking at the compass “its 250 meters to the east of here.”

They put on their saddle bags and began walking towards the cave when they arrived Lyra levitated 2 hats with lights on them from her saddlebags and they made their way into the cave.

Bon-Bon said “isn’t this cave supposed to be haunted?”

Lyra said “you don’t believe in that do you?”

Bon-Bon replied “I’m not sure but can we afford to that that chance?”

Lyra said “tell you what if we encounter one let’s just give it some of your candy and an invitation to the Little House of Bon’s.”

Bon-Bon laughed as they went inside the interior was surprisingly large enough to hold several ponies comfortably.

Bon-Bon asked “why would any pony or other creature want to live in a place like this? Its dark chilly in here.”

Lyra replied as they went deeper into the cave “this place was not always like this, thousands of years ago this area was a fertile valley”. Lyra turned her head towards a wall she noticed something moving closer to the wall paintings came into view. She looked at them in amazement suddenly a wailing sound could be heard as a gust of wind blew past them.

Bon-Bon jumped up and screamed “A GHOST!” Running out of the cave as fast as she could.

Lyra looked around then went outside to find Bon-Bon outside the cave entrance trembling on the ground she came over and comforted her friend. Holding her she said “that wailing sound you heard was air blowing through small tunnels that were carved by water erosion. The ghosts are nothing more than an acoustic effect.”

Bon-Bon said with a nervous chuckle “I was going to give then an invitation to little house of Bon’s.”

They laughed and continued to hold each other as Bon-Bon regained her composure.

Lyra asked “feeling better?”

Bon-Bon nodded “uh huh” and the 2 went back inside the cave Lyra showed Bon-Bon the small tunnels as Bon-Bon looked around she felt kind of silly.

Lyra said “I want to show you something” she walked over to the wall she was looking at earlier as she shone her light on the wall. Bon-Bon’s eyes grew wide as she saw what looked like paintings.

She said “wow.”

Lyra levitated off her hat and focused as her horn glowed and a golden light filled the room and the entire wall came into view there were pictures mostly of ponies and various animals.

Bon-Bon looked at them as she came across an image she did not recognize she sat down and stared at the images.

She said “Lyra take a look at this.”

Lyra walked over and asked “what is it?”

Bon-Bon said “you better come see this for yourself.”

Lyra walked saw something unbelievable a picture a tall skinny creature it had 2 legs 2 arms one of them was carrying a horizontal stick.

She clapped her hooves together and cheered “this lends credence the ancient bipedal theory” as they looked around at some of the other pictures were unbelievable. What looked like smaller versions of the tall skinny creatures were riding some of the ponies.

Bob-Bon asked “what does all this mean?”

Lyra said “as weird as this may sound it looks like they lived and worked together.”

She levitated a camera out of her saddlebags and took pictures as Bon-Bon looked around then a wailing sound was heard as a slight breeze blew past them.

Bon-Bon jokingly said “the ghosts are back” as the breeze blew past some of the dirt was kicked up causing a small dust storm reviling something sticking out of the ground.

Calling over Lyra she said “I found something.”

Lyra came over and levitated a small digging spade and brush from her saddlebags Bon-Bon sat down and watched as Lyra removed the dirt from around the object. A form began to take shape it was metallic shaped like a 20 cm wide curved triangle. Thinking it to be interesting she pulled it out of the dirt.

Bon-Bon asked “what is that?”

Lyra said “I have no idea.”

She placed it into her saddlebag and continued digging but found nothing looking back at the paintings she noticed something the object she had looked similar to an object on one of the ponies in the paintings. The small skinny creature had its lower extremity in an object similar item. She levitated the item next to the picture and they were the same. Lyla sat on her haunches as she processed the discovery she just made.

As Bon-Bon looked towards the exit and could see the sun was beginning to set and said “the sun is beginning to set we better get back to camp.”

Lyra snapped out of her daze and said “huh? Oh yeah, yeah let’s go.”

Bon-Bon said “it seems what we found so far is a good start.”

Lyra nodded and they exited the cave the sun was low on the horizon they went back to camp and ate dinner afterwards Lyra played her lyre.

Bon-Bon closed her eyes and swayed as her friend played a nice tune Lyra smiled and contained playing she looked over at Bon-Bon who was lost in the song Lyra smiled softly.

The next day they woke up early and ate breakfast and went into the cave again and Lyra wanted to be sure she did not miss anything of value. So she and Bon-Bon marked off a small area and Lyra used her magic to levitate anything buried that may have been buried in the dirt. After dividing the area of the cave into 4 sections Lyra walked over the area moving her head side to side as her horn glowed. She passed over the area and finding nothing feeling defeated they left the cave and returned to camp to eat dinner.

Lyra said happily “I’m so glad this expedition is not a total loss.”

Bon-Bon asked “are there other caves to explore?”

Lyra pulled out the map and unfurled it and sighed “it does not say if there are other caves on this side of the plateau there might be more but we only enough supplies for the next 2 days.” She sighed “I wish we could explore more.”

Bon-Bon lay down with a sad look then said “another time perhaps.”

Lyra noticed her friend’s sad expression and asked “are you feeling alright?”

Bon-Bon looked up and said with a slight smile “I’m fine just thinking about something.”

Lyra tilted her head slightly.

Bon-Bon smiled again but did not say anything.

Lyra could see something in her friend’s eyes but was not sure what.

Bon-Bon lowered her head again and said “I’m tiered maybe sleep will be good.”

Lyra said “I’ve known you a long time and I can tell there if there is something on your mind.”

Bon-Bon smiled and said “you know me well, your right I do have something on my mind and I am working on a way to articulate it into words but don’t worry it’s nothing bad,”

She went inside the tent leaving Lyra slightly confused she poked her head inside the tent and saw Bon-Bon asleep in her sleeping bag. She wondered what she was talking about as she levitated her lyre and began playing a soft melody. After playing a few melodies she put it away and joined her friend inside the tent.

The next day after breakfast they decided to explore the area they found a nearby cave that was not on the map. They went inside but it did not have any paintings like the other one did Lyra said “there’s nothing here.”

As they were leaving Bon-Bon tripped over something causing her to fall on her face “ouch”.

Lyra came over “you alright?”

Bon-Bon said coughing and brushing herself off “I’m fine I just tripped over something.”

Lyra looked behind her friend and saw something sticking out of the dirt levitating her digging tool and brush out of her saddlebags and began to dig and uncover something unusual. Bon-Bon sat down as the item slowly began to take shape. As Lyra moved the dirt away she could see it was white and flat Lyra pulled it from the ground levitated a measuring tape. She placed it on the object and said “its 15 cm long.” Rotating it she noticed its most unusual feature was its spade shape and a bone protrusion on one side where a bone was supposed to be attached. But was missing she searched for the missing bone but found nothing.

Bon-Bon asked “what is that?”

Lyra said “I don’t know it looks like a shoulder blade but it does not look like any pony shoulder blade I have ever seen. Pony shoulder blades are about 30 cm long and are wide at the top and narrow at the base.

Bon-Bon said “could it be from those bipedal creatures in the paintings?”

Lyra said “possibly but I can’t be sure not without more pieces we will need more than just this, it’s a good start but we can’t jump to any conclusions without further evidence.”

She dug in the area around where she found the bone expanding outwards to an area 3 square meters wide and 15 cm deep to see if there were more bones but found nothing. As the light in the cave began to dim they noticed sun was beginning to set once more and they decided returned to camp for the last time.

Lyra was slightly disappointed “I can’t believe we have to return already we were so close.”

Bon-Bon said “there will be others right? This should convince the university to fund future expeditions.”

Lyra nodded and smiled “yes I hope to do this again soon” she smiled and continued “having a companion makes things more enjoyable.”

Bon-Bon nodded and smiled softly and said “I agree I do not think I would like being alone in Ponyville.”

Returning to Ponyville

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The next morning they packed up their things and began making their way out of the Badlands and back towards Dodge City. As walked along they laughed and talked they were halfway Doge City when the sun was approaching the western horizon.

Lyra said “let’s set up camp here we should reach our destination by tomorrow late afternoon as they set up a camp and a fire.

As the fire burned they enjoyed the last of the provisions it was a nice dinner Lyra said “I’m so exited tomorrow we will arrive in Dodge City then Canterlot. If you like we can stop in Ponyville and say hi to every pony.

Bon-Bon nodded “we should I want to see all my friends again.”

Lyra smiled “I have high hopes for these artifacts.”

Bon-Bon smiled “I’m happy for you I can’t wait to get back to Ponyville.”

Lyra said “neither can I.”

Bon-Bon looked up and smiled Lyra could see a strange look in her eye.

Lyra tiled her head slightly and said “Bon-Bon you have something on your mind.”

Bon-Bon sighed “is it that obvious?”

Lyra nodded and lay down next to her and said with a smile “as long as we’ve known each other I can tell when something is on your mind. You can tell me anything, come now tell me what’s on your mind?”

Bon-Bon looked over and said “we’ve been friends a long time.”

Lyra said “yes we have.”

Bon-Bon smiled “I’ve been thinking about something but am not sure how to say it.”

Lyra asked “what is it?”

Bon-Bon smiled and said nervously “well I would like us to be more than friends.”

Lyra arched an eyebrow “you would?”

Bob-Bon nodded nervously Lyra smiled softly “that sounds nice I would like that.”

Bon-Bon looked up surprised “you would?”

Lyra smiled and nodded as Bon-Bon leaned forward and kissed Lyra on the lips which caught her by surprise. Bon-Bon saw the surprised look on Lyra’s face and drew back wondering if she went too far.

She said in a somewhat nervous tone “I-I I’m sorry.”

Lyra looked at Bon-Bon smiled and said “its ok I had a feeling you felt that way.”

Bon-Bon asked “you’re not angry or upset?”

Lyra just smiled shook her head then kissed Bon-Bon on the lips and said softly “no I’m not.”

Bon-Bon smiled as she felt a warm tingle all over as she nuzzled Lyra gently “I’m glad.”

Lyra said “it’s chilly out here let’s go inside.”

They went inside the tent as they were wrapped in each other’s embrace gently caressing each other both feeling a sense of warmth and contentment. Bon-Bon asked “Lyra, does this mean we are mare friends now?”

Lyra thought for a moment and nodded “yes” as she gently nuzzled her companion.

Bon-Bon sighed contently as she dozed off to sleep Lyra soon followed.

The next morning as the sun began to rise they emerged from their tent and ate breakfast as they were eating Lyra said “it’s a good thing were almost to Dodge City, these are the last of the provisions.”

After eating breakfast Lyra levitated the wagon hitch on her back and they began on their way along the road.

Bon-Bon said “when we reach Ponyville Pinkie will throw us a welcome home party.”

Lyra said “yes she will and I think every pony will know we are mare friends even if we don’t say anything it will be obvious.”

Bon-Bon smiled “I don’t care if they know I for one am happy.”

Lyra said “me too.”

As the sun rose higher into the sky as they made their way to Dodge City when they arrived it was early evening. The first thing they did was send an express telegram to Ponyville then checked into a hotel Bon-Bon thought about how nice it was going to be to have a bath. She liked Lyra’s cleaning spell. However, it did not do justice to the wonderful feeling of soaking in warm water. She went first as Lyra sat on the bed after she finished her bath she came out into the room her mane wrapped in a towel. She smiled as she saw Lyra sitting on the bed playing her lyre.

Lyra looked up and smiled Bon-Bon said “all yours.”

Lyra nodded put her lyre down and went to take a bath as Bon-Bon looked outside she saw the sun was low on the horizon casting a reddish glow across the landscape as she let her mind drift.

As Lyra came out of the bathroom her mane wrapped in a towel and sat next to Bon-Bon who said “what a beautiful sunset.”

Lyra said “yes I love the sunsets they are so colorful” she smiled “I will be happy to be returning to Ponyville and seeing all our friends.”

Bon-Bon said “me too” as she got on the bed and lay down.

Bon-Bon smiled and joined her companion the couple embraced as Bon-Bon gently rubbed her hoof over Lyra’s back. Lyra moaned softly and closed her eyes ans Bon-Bon continued the sensual massage.

Lyra said softly “you have the hooves of a masseuse.”

Bon-Bon said “I considered being a masseuse at one point in my live but then I found making my talent for making candy.”

Lyra rolled over on her back as Bon-Bon rubbed her hooves over Lyra’s chest and along her sides then leaned in and kissed her. Lyra wrapped her hooves around Bon-Bon and they continued to kiss. Afterwards Bon-Bon lay on top of Lyra’s chest and looked her in the eyes and smiled and Lyra smiled back as Bon-Bon slide off and they fell asleep in each other’s embrace.

The next morning after breakfast they checked out of the hotel and boarded a train bound for Ponyville they were so excited. When they arrived there were banners and welcome home signs that read Welcome Home Lyra and Bon-Bon. Sitting at the station was a grey pegasus mare with a blonde a mane and tail with a Lyra and Bon-Bon sign around her neck. She approached the couple and reached into her saddlebags and passed them a letter. Lyra took it in her magic as the pegasus mail mare took off.

Lyra said with a smile “it seems they’re expecting us it says come to the town hall.” Then wuh a a slight smile said “I guess they got the letter.”

They walked along to the center of town the town hall seemed dark Lyra’s horn lite up as she opened the doors as they entered. Lights came on and party horns sounded confetti flew everywhere and the sound of dozens of ponies all shouted in unison “SURPRISE!”

Lyra and Bon-Bon jumped in surprise.

Pinkie shouted “WELCOME HOME!”

Lyra said “it’s good to be back.”

Twilight asked “how were the badlands?”

Lyra said “it was desolate there was not much of anything there now however, I did find some interesting artifacts.”

She showed the metal item she found in the cave to Twilight she looked at it and asked “I’ve never seen anything like it before what is it?

Lyra said “I don’t know either when I return to Canterlot I hope Professor Anton can identify it I also found a shoulder blade bone” levitating it out of her saddlebags.

Twilight said “this is not like any pony shoulder blade I’ve ever seen.”

Lyra said “me neither I think it could be something else like an unknown species.”

Twilight said with a smile “you know if this is a new species it could make you famous, if you find out what the species is let me know.”

Lyra smiled and nodded “I will” looking around she smiled as she saw Bon-Bon playing pin the tail on the pony.

As the party died down and ponies left Lyra found Bon-Bon lying on the floor holding mug of hard cider she was totally hammered. She stood over Bon-Bon who looked up saw Lyra and said “oh hii hoooney nith to tee you peere.”

Lyra sighed and levitated her mare friend on her back and said goodnight to the remaining ponies and went home.”

When she arrived home Bon-Bon was passed out on her back she levitated her sleeping mare friend placing on the bed smiled and kissed her gently on the head “goodnight Bon-Bon.”

The next morning Bon-Bon awoke to the smell of cooking her head ached slightly placing a hoof to her head she moaned as she stumbled out of bed and made her way to the kitchen.

Lyra looked over smiled and said “good morning Bon-Bon you’re just in time for breakfast.”

Bon-Bon said “I feel awful I think I had a little too much party.”

Lyra said “I’m not surprised you drank enough hard cider to fill a bathtub.”

Bon-Bon smiled as Lyra levitated a plate of blueberry pancakes and a glass of juice in front of her she smiled as they ate breakfast.

After they finished breakfast Lyra sat down on the sofa in a way that made Bon-Bon tilt her head and wonder how she could sit that way. She walked over sat next to her and asked “is sitting that way comfortable?”

Lyra replied “yes I know it looks weird it’s something I’ve been able to do since I was a philly” Bon-Bon smiled and laid on her back placing her head on her mare friends lap. Lyra smiled and stroked Bon-Bon’s mane gently she looked up and smiled. Lyra leaned down and gently kissed Bon-Bon on the head and smiled.

Bon-Bon asked “when are you going to Canterlot?”

Lyra replied “day after tomorrow I want to take some time to re-acclimate being home.”

Bon-Bon smiled and asked “can I come with you to Canterlot? I would like to see where you work.”

Lyra nodded “I would like that.”

Bon-Bon smiled and relaxed even more as Lyra stroked her mare friend’s chest gently sliding her hoof up and down Bon-Bon moaned softly “that feels so good” Lyra smiled softly.

Returning to the Badlands

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Two days later while eating breakfast Lyra said “todays the day were going to Canterlot I must admit I’m a little nervous.”

Bon-Bon asked “about what?”

Lyra said “the artifacts we found, I hope are genuine.”

Bon-Bon said “consider this why would any pony go to such great lengths to create such exotically strange artifacts? Not only that but place them in a location few ever visit in hopes that somepony might find them as a practical joke? It would stand to reason that if somepony were to perpetrate such a hoax they would place the artifacts in a more easily accessible location”

Lyra thought for a moment chuckled slightly then said with a smirk “to avert suspicion?”

Bon-Bon just arched an eyebrow.

Lyra said “you do have a point.”

Bon-Bon smiled and said “don’t worry I will be there to give you support.”

Lyra smiled “I can think of nopony I would rather have by my side.”

After breakfast Lyra placed the artifacts in her saddlebags and went to the Ponyville train station and boarded the train to Canterlot. As the train began to move Lyra just stared out the window and watched as the ground began to move slowly at first then faster and faster.

Bon-Bon noticed her mare friend’s preoccupation and asked “Lyra are you feeling alright? You seem preoccupied.”

Lyra turned away from the window and smiled softly “just thinking, I wonder if what we find turns out to be true it will turn equine history completely on its head.”

Bon-Bon thought for a moment and said “that could shake up a few established beliefs not to mention you will go down in history as the pony who rewrote history.”

Lyra nodded “imagine how some would react if they found out equines were not the pinnacle of evolution and that another species lived alongside them.” Then thought for a moment “or the ponies were subservient to them.”

Bon-Bon said “do you know how silly that sounds? However, you make a valid point such a disclosure could cause a serious uproar at first but over time ponies will adapt.”

Lyra smiled “your right it’s kind of like the legend of Nightmare Moon the difference here is this is more than an evil alicorn who wanted eternal night.”

As the train pulled into the Canterlot station they disembarked and went to Canterlot University where they met Professor Anton. He was happy to see Lyra he said with a smile “Lyra it’s good to see you again.”

Lyra said “hello Anton it’s nice to be back” pointing a hoof she said “this is my friend Bon-Bon.”

Anton extended a foreleg and the 2 shook hooves Anton said “nice to meet you Bon-Bon come both of you join me for lunch at the Whitherton café. I want to hear and see what you found on your expedition.”

They went to the Whitherton café and sat down at a table moments later a unicorn stallion with a white coat a cyan mail and tail he had a tray with food on it for a cutie mark. He came up to their table and placed 3 waters on the table. He smiled then said as he levitated 3 menus from a saddle pouch. “Greetings my name is Kaldre and I will be your waiter would you like anything to drink?”

Lyra said “I’ll have an apple carrot juice.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ll have a strawberry shake.”

Anton said “I’ll have an apple cherry cider.”

Kaldre asked “hard or soft?”

Anton replied “soft.”

Kaldre smiled and said “I will be right back.”

As he walked away the 3 looked at their menus a short time later Kaldre returned holding 3 drinks on a tray in a white arura he said as he placed them on the table “apple carrot juice, strawberry shake, apple cherry cider soft, have you decided on your orders?”

Anton said “I’ll have an oat burger and horseshoe fries.”

Lyra said “I’ll have an Eshtier salad extra sunflower seeds.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ll have an alfalfa burger and hay fries.”

Kaldre said as he wrote them on a piece of paper “excellent choices if you need anything else let me know.”

As he left Anton said “so Lyra what did you find during your expedition in the Badlands?”

Lyra smiled opened the flap on her saddlebags and levitated the shoulder blade and the metal triangle Anton looked at it and said “this is most unusual. It looks like a shoulder blade but the triangular item I have never seen before.” He rotated the blade 90ᴼ to vertical his eyes grew wide “this is not like any pony shoulder blade I have ever seen but to be could be from another species. I will contact Professor Carment Andacard. He is a paleontologist at Hoovesintown University in Philly Delthia looking up at Lyra he asked “do you have more of these?”

She shook her head “no that was all we found.”

Anton was about to say something when Kaldre came carrying their food on a tray as he placed the items on the table. “Alfalfa burger and hay fries, oat burger and horseshoe fries and an Eshtier salad extra sunflower seeds enjoy your meal if you need anything let me know.”

As he left and they ate their food Anton asked “what else did you find during your expedition?”

Lyra said “I found drawings in a cave I took several photos.”

Anton said “oh I would love to see them after were finished eating.”

After they finished eating Lyra levitated the photos of the cave paintings Anton looked at them and said “wow these are incredible.” Looking at one closely he said “it looks like some sort of symbiosis.” Pointing to one of the depictions it looks like a young creature with 2 legs is riding one of the ponies.”

Lyra said “I believe there are more caves to explore the map I found in Sinbar Jormalia’s journal showed some caves to the west that were designated as unexplored. As far as I know no pony has explored them yet”

Anton nodded “indeed no pony has” lowering his eyes for a moment “pity, this is the discovery of a lifetime the university will gladly fund more expeditions.”

Lyra smiled “wonderful I hope we can find more.”

Anton said “I will send you a letter when the university approves another expedition” with a smile he continued “with these artifacts it should not be too hard.”

After lunch they went to the Canterlot museum and met the curator Sarbon Tormon after examining the artifacts. He said “this is amazing the museum is willing to pay will pay you 500 bits for these artifacts and significantly more if you can find a complete skeleton.”

Anton said “I have a colleague in Philly Delthia who may be able to identify what species this shoulder blade is from and possibly its age.”

Sarbon agreed and placed the shoulder blade in a box labeled fragile and the destination Hoovesintown University Department of paleontology Philly Delthia. Afterwards he said “I’ll be right back” moments later he returned with a coin purse and said “500 bits.” Lyra took the bag in her magic and placed it in her saddlebags.

Several days later Lyra was sitting at home when she heard a knock at the door she opened it and saw a grey Pegasus mare. She had a blonde mane and tail and lopsided eyes she was wearing a blue cap that read Ponyville Postal Service Lyra smiled “hi Derpy.”

Derpy smiled “hi Lyra I have a priority letter for you” as she pulled out a clip board with a document and quill from a pouch on her mailbag.

Lyra took the clipboard in a golden aura and signed the document passed it to Depry who then pulled a large vanilla envelope out of her sack and Lyra took it in her magic.

Derpy said “I would like to stay and talk but I have to finish my deliveries.”

Lyra nodded “another time” Derpy smiled and flew away to finish her deliveries Lyra closed the door and opened the envelope inside was a letter from Canterlot University and a map. The letter read Dear Lyra Heartstrings, the university has allotted funds for an expedition to the Badlands 7 days from today enclosed is a map of the western side of the Badlands. This map is derived from the original expedition maps and aerial survey missions. Lyra cheered “whoo hoo another expedition” Bon-Bon smiled.

Lyra noticing Bon-Bon did not seem to be sharing in her elation asked “are you feeling alright? Aren’t you exited to be going back to the Badlands and finding more stuff?”

Bon-Bon smiled and said “I’m happy as long as we are together.”

Lyra smiled and gently kissed Bon-Bon on the top of her head and said with a smile “just think soon we will have enough bits to open Little House of Bon’s so far were off to a good start.”

Bon-Bon smiled “that’s wonderful it’s not far into the Badlands is it?”

Lyra placed the map on a table pointed to the location on the map said “here this area near the Macintosh hills has not been explored yet” Bon-Bon looked at the map as Lyra walked over to the sofa sat down and levitated over her lyre over and began to play a soft melody.

Bon-Bon looked up from the map smiled climbed up on the sofa and laid on her back with her head on Lyra’s lap closing her eyes she relaxed after a short pause asked “when do we leave?”

Lyra said “in a week.”

Bon-Bon said “you know Pinkie will want to throw us another party” Lyra smiled and nodded.

Six days later Pinkie threw them a going away party in the town hall this time Bon-Bon made sure to not drink too much cider and have a repeat of her last embarrassment.

The next day they went to the train station and bought tickets to Dodge City after a short tile they arrived as they disembarked in the rear of the station there was a tarp covered wagon.
The pony they met last time came up to them Lyra said “hello again Topogra” smiled “hello Bon-Bon and Lyra.” Bon-Bon said “hello” Turning to “Lyra she said “the university has allocated supplies for a 12 day expedition you may leave whenever you’re ready” Lyra nodded Topogra smiled and said “Celestia’s speed.”

Lyra smiled “thank you” as she mounted the wagon hitch on her back and began the trip to the Badlands. Along the way she and Bon-Bon talked about various things mostly what they might find and took turns pulling the wagon. Soon they came to the entrance to the Badlands as they entered they turned to the west.

Soon they saw several caves in the distance Lyra said “there they are.”

They came within walking distance of the caves as the sun began to set Bon-Bon said “let’s set up camp here.”

Lyra nodded and they set up a tent and Lyra started a campfire as Bon-Bon prepared a fruit salad and canned potatoes. After they finished eating Lyra levitated out her lyre and began to play a melody Bon-Bon laid down on her stomach placing her muzzle on the ground closed her eyes. She smiled softly as Lyra plucked the lyre strings gently.

The next morning they set out for the first cave on the map as they approached the entrance Bon-Bon saw what looked like tool marks on the entrance she said “Lyra look at this.”

Lyra walked over and saw the tool marks she levitated her camera and snapped some pictures she looked at the marks and noticed they went all around the cave entrance. Bob-Bon pulled out a lantern and the entered the cave.

Bon-Bon asked “what could have made these tool marks magic”

Lyra said “unlikely a boring spell would leave the rock smooth this was dug with a tool.”

As they went inside they noticed the interior had the same tool marks and was unusually tall.

Bon-Bon asked “how tall is this tunnel?”

Lyra pulled out a measuring tape from her saddlebags and said “let’s find out.”

She levitated the tip to the ceiling with her magic and the other on the floor then did the same for the width looking at the tape she said “interesting, the ceiling is 2 meters high and the floor 121 cm wide.”

Bon-Bon asked “what does that mean?”

Lyra said “according to the ancient bipedal theory they stood 1.5 or 2 meters tall and 110.5 cm wide so 121 cm would be considered a comfortable walking space for 2 of them standing next to each other.”

Bon-Bon stopped and said “wait-wait are you saying one of those biped’s you talk about carved this cave?”

Lyra said “possibly that is what were here to find out.”

Bon-Bon said with a chuckle “I think you’ve been reading too many mythology novels your imagination is catching up with you.”

Lyra smiled “maybe but we did find that one strange bone.”

Bob-Bon said “true but it could be a dragon bone.”

Lyra smiled and said “possibly but then again that’s why we are here to vindicate or debunk the theory and put the controversy to rest one and for all. Besides if we are lucky we will find something interesting.”

Bon-Bon smiled and nodded and followed as Lyra ventured deeper into the cave.

As they descended deeper in the cavern the tunnel expanded into into a large cavern it resembled a living chamber there were clay pots strewn all about most were broken. They looked into the intact ones they were empty. As Lyra took pictures she noticed something interesting there were several clay pots strewn about they were different sizes some tall some short. They were unusual they had a stopper made of tar with an iron rod pushed through it. She levitated one of them and removed the iron rod inside was a copper cylinder. She marveled at it and placed it and a few others into her saddlebags.

Bon-Bon asked “what is that?”

Lyra said “I don’t know I hope further analysis can determine what it is how it works and possibly who made it.”

As they exited the cave Bon-Bon placed a small flag near the entrance and the proceeded to the next cave it was empty.

Before traveling to the next cave Lyra asked Bon-Bon “do you want to go to the next one or go back to camp?”

Bon-Bon said “I’m hungry let’s go back to camp.”

They returned to camp and ate lunch after they finished Bon-Bon pulled out a box of candy Lyra levitated a piece out and ate it.

She marveled at the textures and flavors “mmmm these are really good.”

Bon-Bon smiled and said with a cynical tone pointing to her cutie mark “my special talent.”

Lyra chucked lightly in amusement then nodded and said “when were done here and return home the Canterlot Museum curator should pay lots of bits for these artifacts. Hopefully it will be enough to open the candy store.” She smiled “just imagine I will be famous for these discoveries and you will be known for the best candy in Equestria.”

Bon-Bon smiled then asked “that sounds very nice but are going to be partners? If so what about you and the university?”

Lyra thought for a moment then looked down at the ground and said softly “I hadn’t thought of that.”

Bon-Bon said “we will think of something” she came close sat down and took Lyra’s hoof and said “as long as we work together we can overcome any obstacle.”

Lyra smiled and said “you’re right” leaning in she gently kissed Bon-Bon on the nose “thank you for supporting me.”

Bon-Bon smiled and said “what are mare friends for?” She smiled and nuzzled Lyra gently she nuzzled back.

A short time later Lyra found light helmets in the wagon buried under some food supplies after finding the hats they decided use them instead if lanterns. Placing them on their heads they entered the next cave as they entered the natural light began to fade. Reaching up they pressed a button on the side of their helmets and the lights came on. The beams shone in the cavern as they walked into the cave suddenly Bon-Bon cried out “umph” and fell on her face.

Lyra asked trotted over and asked “are you alright?”

Bon-Bon stood up slowly and said with a slightly embarrassed tone “I’m fine I tripped over something.”

Lyra shined a light to where Bon-Bon tripped and saw something sticking out of the dirt it was white in color. She levitated a small digging spade out of her saddlebags and began removing the dirt. As the dirt was cleared the object began to emerge as the item was removed from its dirt casing Lyra placed it on the ground. She then levitated a brush from her saddlebags and brushed the dirt off the item.

Lyra said with excitement “it a skull!”

Bon-Bon said “your joking right? That’s not like any skull I’ve ever seen before.”

Lyra said “of course not this is a skull from an extinct species most likely an ancient biped” levitating it and rotating it she said “hmmm looks like the lower jaw in missing” she dug around the area and found it nearby. She then took measurements of the skull “17 cm at the top and 12 cm at the bottom.

Bon-Bon said “I thought the stories about ancient bipeds were just myths, but if this is one of them do you know what that means?”

Lyra asked “what?”

Bon-Bon said “were going to be famous.”

Lyra said excitedly “yes we will be and we will go down in history” she placed the skull in her saddlebag as they continued to search the cave. The cave was mostly empty looking over in the corner she noticed something tucked away in a corner it was a clay jar with a lid on it. She removed the lid and inside was a papyrus scroll she unrolled it she and Bon-Bon looked at it and saw the writing on it was unlike any either of them had ever seen before. It looked like hieroglyphic symbols but spaced in such a way to indicate words or sentences. Lyra pondered over the text then took a photo of the scroll then re-rolled the scroll and placed in her saddlebag.

Bon-Bon asked “do you know what it says?”

Lyra shook her head “no it looked like ancient Equarian a language that has not been used in Equestria for over 3,500 years I hope some pony at the university can translate it.” They looked around the rest of the cave but found nothing and returned to camp.”

Back at camp they settled down and Lyra levitated her lyre and began to play a song Bon-Bon smiled and laid down in front of Lyra she seemed slightly distracted.

Lyra stopped playing looked down and said “you feeling alright? You seem distracted.

Bon-Bon rolled on her back and said “slightly, what we found today is going to overturn history as we know it.

Lyra put her lyre down and laid down next to Bon-Bon “yes it will but I believe it will be for the better.”

Bon-Bon turned her head to the side facing Lyra she rolled on her side reached up and gently caressed Lyra’s muzzle and stroked her mane then said “as I said before it does not really matter as long as we are together.”

Lyra smiled and stood over Bon-Bon s she rolled on her back Lyra lay on top of her then leaned in and kissed her on the lips gently and said “we will always be together.”

Bon-Bon smiled and kissed Lyra and she kissed back then after a few moments of kissing Lyra rolled off her mare friend. Then on her back and took Bon-Bon’s hoof as the 2 looked up at the evening sky holding hooves. As the stars began to come into view and the moon began to rise over the horizon.

An amazing discovery

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The next day they packed up their equipment and began to make their way out of the Badlands when they reached Dodge City it was evening. After they sent messages to both Ponyvile and Canterlot University they booked a hotel room for the night.

As they settled into their room Lyra said “you know when we reach Ponyville Pinkie will want to throw a party for us.”

Bon-Bon chuckled “of course when does Pinkie not throw a party?”

Lyra smiled “good point.”

Looking towards the bathroom Lyra asked “mind if I bathe first?”

Bon-Bon said “no, go ahead.”

As Lyra went into the bathroom Bon-Bon looked out the window as the sun slowly dipped below the horizon and the reddish orange sky faded away and darkness fell over the land. Soon after the moon began to rise bathing the land in a soft white glow and the stars came into view.

She smiled softly and watched as they began to twinkle she thought Luna always does a nice job with the night sky its always so beautiful.

The bathroom door opened and Lyra came out with a towel in her mane when she saw Bon-Bon staring out the window at the sky came up and sat down beside her. She looked over and said “the night sky is beautiful isn’t it?”

Bob-Bon turned and said “yes it is it’s hard to believe ponies so long ago never saw the beauty of a star lite sky” looking towards the bathroom she said “I guess it’s my turn.”

Lyra nodded as Bon-Bon went into the bathroom Lyra hopped on the bed removed her towel and laid down a short time later Bon-Bon came out with a towel in her mane.

She looked to the bed and asked pawing a hoof on the floor “Lyra, is it ok if I sleep next to you tonight?”

Lyra smiled and nodded and Bon-Bon removed her towel and got onto the bed with her and the two cuddled as they fell asleep in each other’s embrace.

The next day they boarded a train to Ponyville a short time later they arrived and were greeted by the same the same blonde maned grey pegasus from before again with a Welcome Home Lyra and Bon-Bon sign around her neck.

Lyra and Bon-Bon smiled waved and said “hi Derpy.”

Bon-Bon said with a slight chuckle “are you the welcoming committee?

Derpy said “oh no I have a letter that was to be given to you as soon as you arrived” she reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a letter Lyra took it in her magic.

As the pegasus mail mare rose into the air she said “see you soon and flew away.”.

Lyra looked at the letter said with a smile “it says come to the town hall.”

They went to the town hall and opened the doors as they entered lights came on and party horns sounded confetti flew everywhere as all the ponies shouted in unison “SURPRISE!”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon jumped in surprise and entered and saw it was another welcome home party.

There were decorations everywhere as well as food and refreshments they mingled and ate some of the food talking about some of the things they found during their expedition. Things like the caves showing signs of previous habitation. But making sure not to say too much about some of the more unusual things they found. As the party drew to a close they decided to go home and unpack their stuff.

When they arrived home and met Blossom Sprout who was watching their house while they were away.

She smiled and said “welcome home ladies.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ll be right back” as she went to another room.

Lyra said “thank you for house sitting while we were away.”

Blossom said “it was my pleasure.”

Bon-Bon came back with a small bag in her mouth “here is a little something for your house sitting services.”

Blossom Sprout said “oh thank you, did you find anything interesting on your expedition?”

Lyra and Bon-Bon looked at each other then at Blossom and nodded unison.

Blossom said with excitement “oh? What did you find?”

Lyra asked “have you heard of the ancient biped theory?”

Blossom blinked then looked at Lyra and said “I have but they are only a legend as a filly my grandmare told me stories about bipedal hunters. She called them hop-ons no, hyn-hums no, oh hu-mans a race of creatures that would roam the land and enslave ponies. They used them to do the work they found too tedious sometimes they would even” she cringed “eat ponies.” Her eyes grew wide in surprise “wait the legends aren’t true are they?”

Lyra said “you don’t believe that do you?”

Blossom replied “no, I outgrew those old mares’ tales long ago but over time I learned those old mares were pretty smart.”

Lyra thanked Blossom for watching their house while they were away as Blossom left Lyra took her camera into a dark room to develop the pictures. She had a feeling that making multiple copies would be a good idea. A short time later as the pictures hung to dry she emerged from the dark room her nostrils caught the aroma of cooking and it smelled good.

She went into the kitchen and saw Bon-Bon cooking some alfalfa burgers and horseshoe fires. She smiled came up behind her and whispered in her ear in a sultry tone “I want mine with extra Bon.”

Bon-Bon turned smiled and said “you’re a bad mare you know that right?”

Lyra nodded the said with a wicked smile and a coy tone “who me? I’m not bad I just play that way.”

Bon-Bon smiled and said “m-m-m just the way I like it.”

As Lyra sat down Bon-Bon brought over a plate of alfalfa burger and horseshoe fires and placed it in front of Lyra then brought over her own. Lyra’s horn glowed as the refrigeration box opened and 2 echo colas levitated out. She placing them on the table and removed the tops and took a sip from her bottle.

After they finished lunch Lyra said “I need to go into town and get some plaster, clay and other supplies.”

Bon-Bon said “you aren’t going to try and make another life size mold of yourself again are you?”

Lyra chuckled “no I want to make a cast of that skull we found and those clay pots also there is something familiar about those glyphs on that scroll. It looks like Equarian if it is I believe it can be translated. ” Her eyes lit up “do you know what this could mean if it is Equarian?”

Bon-Bon said “something big?”

Lyra said “not just big but gigantic, come lets go into town and get the supplies but until this is confirmed I don’t want to get any hopes up. I hope Twilight has some books on translating Equarian.”

Bon-Bon nodded as they went into town and procured the supplies they needed then returned home Bon-Bon watched as Lyra used the supplies and magic to make a mold and cast the skull and jaw bone she found. She also made a small pot like the small one found in the cave she rolled up a sheet of copper into a tube. Then pushed the iron rod through a cork a n wrapped the copper cylinder around the cork and placed the 3 items into the clay pot.

Bon-Bon asked “do you know what you’re doing?”

Lyra said “not really but I saw something like this once as she connected some wires to the device and a bulb but nothing happened.

Not sure what it was of if anything she did was wrong she said “let’s go to the Golden Oaks library maybe Twilight has a book on translating the scroll and maybe help us figure out what this thing is or does. Bon-Bon placed the scroll in her saddlebags as Lyra levitated the clay pot into her saddlebags before leaving Lyra wrote a letter and sealed it in an envelope..

Then the two left for the library Lyra said “I need to drop this letter off at the Ponyville post office.”

After dropping the letter off they went to the Golden Oaks Library Lyra knocked on the door and Spike answered the door “hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon what can I do for you?”

Lyra said “hi Spike is Twilight home? We need a book.”

Spike nodded “she’s in the basement conducting an experiment, something about food preservation I’ll get her.”

He invited them in and disappeared around a corner moments later he came back with Twilight behind him. She looked at the couple and said “hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon what can I help you with?”

Lyra said “were looking for a book and we found an artifact I made a replica of it but I’m not sure what it is or does.”

Twilight asked “do you have the replicated artifact?”

Lyra said “yes” as she levitated it from her saddlebags “it’s a pot with an iron rod and copper cylinder but I have no idea what it is or does.”

Twilight looked at it and said “something about this seems familiar” looking at the copper and iron and the clay pot she said “I wonder, Spike could you bring me a glass of orange juice.”

Spike was slightly confused “just one?”

Twilight said “yes it’s for a science experiment.”

As Spike left for the kitchen Twilight placed wires on the iron rod and the copper cylinder and connected them to a small bulb Lyra said “I tried that and nothing happened.”

Twilight asked “what did you use for a electrolyte?”

Lyra said “oh I hadn’t considered that.”

Twilight said “I saw something like this once before when I was a philly somepony made something similar only they used magic as an electrolyte. If I’m right this device does not need magic to operate the pony that did the display used magic. ” She smiled “it made for a nice display but was less than scientific.”

Spike returned with the juice Twilight took the glass in her magic and poured the contents into the small clay pot and placed the stopper in the jar. They all watched in amazement as the bulb began to glow dimly at first then brightened slightly.

Slightly astonished Twilight said “I was right” she blinked “wait this is based off of an artifact? Where did you find it?”

Lyra said “in a cave in the Badlands along with scrolls written in what might be Equarian that’s why we’re here to borrow a book on translating it.”

Twilight said “no pony has spoken it in over 3,200 years it’s pretty much a dead language.” Her eyes lit up “wait you found genuine Equarian texts?”

Lyra replied “yes and I want to make sure they are authentic.”

Twilight said “I would love to help you do you have the scroll?”

Bon-Bon said “it’s in my saddlebags.”

Twilight said “I can use a translation spell on the scroll I promise they will not be harmed in any way.”

Bon-Bon pulled the scroll from her saddlebags.

Twilight said “Spike pull the language translations spell book row 3 section 6.”

Spike pulled the book from the shelf Twilight took it in her magic and found the page on Equarian and said “Spike I’m going to translate the text on this scroll. I need you to write down what I say.”

Spike had scroll and quill in claw “ready.”

They watched as Twilights horn glowed and she began reading the scroll as Spike wrote down what she said “my name is Columar Harnark and I am the last of my species. I write this in the hopes that it will be found and viewed by future eyes. It has been 152 suns since the great fireball came and stole the sun. Ever since that fateful day then the skies has been darkened to a perpetual dusk. Food supplies have been exhausted and no food can be grown all that seems to grow are small wild shrubs and some grasses. Rifts are beginning to form amongst the races each blaming the other for the disaster that befell us. The history of my race and the cataclysm are located in the power pyramid located to the southeast of this location. I hope it was not damaged by the great fireball I do not know what it was. What I do know is first it appeared then the ground shook violently then a super fire wind followed. Afterwards I emerged from the cave to find everything for as far as I could see was laid waste then the sun slowly faded away. To whoever reads this I ask this of you remember us always. Do not let the legacy of my species fall into obscurity.”

Lyra, Bon-Bon, Twilight and Spike all looked at each other in amazement and none of them said anything for several minutes.

Twilight broke the silence “I don’t understand what species is the author of the scroll talking about and what races?”

Lyra lowered her head slightly and asked “are you familiar with the ancient biped theory?”

Twilight said “I’ve heard of it but I thought it was an old ponies tale.”

Bon-Bon said “some of those old ponies were pretty smart besides isn’t that what they said about Nightmare Moon?”

Twilight said “you have a point.”

Lyra said “based on what I can determine so far is the bipeds were called ho-hums no, har-carns no, oh hu-mans. Also based on some cave paintings it seemed they lived alongside the pony races.”

Twilight said “if this is true do you know what this means?”

Lyra nodded “this is the discovery of a lifetime.”

Twilight said “if this is a message from those legendary hu-mans it could turn Equestrian history on its head if this can be proven true you’ll be famous.

Lyra said “were taking our findings to Canterlot in a few days for verification and maybe we can find out more in the meantime were looking for a building for Bon-Bon.”

Twilight asked “building for what?”

Bon-Bon said “I want to open up a candy store called Little House of Bon’s.”

Twilight said “that’s wonderful” she said with a slight chuckle “just don’t let Pinkie eat you out of business.”

Bon-Bon asked “what do you mean?”

Twilight said “when her sister came by for a visit she made 90 kg of rock candy we all ate some of it the rest are in jars at Sugar Cube Corner.” Chuckling she said “she didn’t eat any sweets for a week after that.”

As they left the library they thanked Twilight for her help. As they went looking buying a place for the candy store.”

Twilight stood in the door and said “let me know if you find anything else.”

Lyra stopped turned and said “stop by our house tomorrow I want to show you something” then with a smirk said “I promise it will blow your mind.”

Twilight nodded as the couple went into town they soon came across a building that was once a pie shop. They went inside and saw it had all kinds of machines they were all covered with sheets. After removing them they saw stoves, ovens and mixers Bon-Bon smiled in delight “this is perfect.”

Soon they were approached by a well-dressed unicorn stallion with a turquoise coat a blue mane lite green eyes and a house with a $ over it cutie mark. He smiled and said “good afternoon ladies my name is Carmar Hondrdar are you interested in buying this building?”

Bon-Bon said “possibly, how much are you asking for it?”

Carmar said “well, do you wish to rent finance or buy?”

Bon-Bon said “I would like to see all three options.”

Carmar smiled “of course” and levitated 3 sheets of paper and placed them in front of Bon-Bon both she and Lyra looked at the papers. The buying option was 25,000 bits, financing was 121 bits at 7% interest for 48 moons with a 750 bit down payment. The rental option seemed to be the most reasonable 110 bits per month and a 400 bit deposit.

Bon-Bon said “I have to consult my business plans to find out which one of these options is most financially feasible can we meet back in a week?”

Carmar smiled and nodded “of course I will see you in a week.”

The 2 shook hooves and they left and went home Bon-Bon took out her abacus and began working on balancing the 3 methods of payment against projected income.

At the same time Lyra opened the 2 molded castings of the skull and lower jawbone the pieces separated the castings and made 2 more just in case.

Soon Bon-Bon came to a conclusion that renting seemed to be the least expensive option but she wondered if financing was a better option. The cost was slightly more she thought about it from a long term perspective. Turning to Lyra she asked “what do you think would be the best payment option?”

Lyra said “I think over the long term to finance or buy is the better option. If you buy then after 100 moons you can sell the business and retire if you wish or sell it to another pony. But if you finance the interest may make it more expensive long term

Bon-Bon said “I considered that option” and after moving the abacas “if I go with that it comes to 28,983 bits and we only have 500 bits so far. I could go with the rental option I have enough for a down payment and the first month’s rent. It should be enough to open the store but still need a sign and staff. On the plus side whatever the University pays for these artifacts can go towards startup capital.”

Lyra said “yes I hope it’s a lot.”

Bon-Bon smiled “yes this is great I’ve been dreaming of my own candy store since before I received my cutie mark.”

Lyra said “fresh made candies daily who can resist that?”

Bon-Bon smiled and nodded then asked “does this mean we’re going to be partners?”

Lyra said “I would like to do that but I could not give up my career as an archeologist but I do want to help you start our own business.”

Bon-Bon smiled and gently nuzzled Lyra and said softly “thank you this means so much to me” Lyra nuzzled back “I’m happy to help.”

Lyra said “maybe you should hold off on this until you have more bits you have enough for the building but what about a staff and a sign and supplies?”

Bon-Bon said “I considered that I thought I would obtain the building first then hire a staff and procure the supplies.”

Lyra nodded “I see where you’re going obtain the building then the rest of what you need, whatever we receive for these artifacts can be put towards the store. ”

Bon-Bon nodded “yes.”

Lyra smiled “very clever.”

Bon-Bon smiled softly.

The next day Twilight stopped by and knocked on the door Bon-Bon opened the door and smiled “hi Twilight come in.”

Lyra came into the room “oh hi Twilight as promised I have something that will blow yourmind ready?”

Twilight nodded as Lyra removed a cloth from an item on a pedestal Twilight looked at it here eyes grew wide in surprise “sweet Celestia’s golden rays the legends are true?!”

Lyra said “since you helped us translate the scroll it seemed only fair you should be the first to see this.”

Twilight said “I’m honored to be the first oh wow this will turn history on its head your right my mind is blown.”

Two days later they packed the skull, scrolls, photos and clay pot and the replica into their saddlebags and traveled to Ponyville train station and boarded a train for Canterlot. When they arrived and met Anton and the museum curator Sarbon Tormon.”

Anton said “Lyra good to see you again I got your letter you said you discovered something that could turn history on its head.”

Lyra said “yes I have 4 things to show you we found these artifacts in one of the caves” as she levitated the photos them from her saddlebags. “I took these at the cave entrance look at the markings.”

Anton said “they look like tool marks.”

Lyra nodded “yes unicorns that use boarding spells leave smooth surfaces in the rock also the height is too tall for a pony they’re 2 meters high and 121 cm wide.”

Anton said “that is very strange.”

Lyra said “next we have this” as she levitated the clay pot and replica from her saddlebags.

Anton looked at the pot and asked “what is that?”

Lyra said “we found this in the same cave, I created a replica and added juice to it and connect wires from the rod and cylinder to a bulb and it glowed.”

Anton asked “what kind of juice?”

Lyra said “we used orange but I think any will do.”

Anton poured lemon juice into the replica and placed the cap on top and connected wires to a bulb it began to glow softly he said “fascinating.”

Lyra said “and now for this as she levitated the scroll passing it to Sorbon.

Sarbon unfurled the scroll eyes growing wide “sweet Celestia this is Equarian!”

Bon-Bon asked “can you read it?”

Sarbon said “I think so it’s been awhile.”

He read the scroll and it was exactly what Twilight said then looked up “pyramid of power?”

The 3 just shrugged Anton said “the only thing to the southwest of the Badlands is the forbidden jungle it is a region that is largely unexplored. They say there are monsters there that can put the ones in the Everfree forest to shame.”

Bon-Bon asked “what kind of monsters?”

Anton said “like I said worse than everfree you think a lupus major or mantacore is bad? Try a Sarachnoid or a Korpoterite.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ve never heard of them.”

Anton said “I’m not surprised few ponies have, they are creatures of legend the Korpoterite is a giant bat like creature that lives in the trees and feeds on mammalian blood. It secretes a venom from its saliva that is absorbed by the skin of its prey they are temporarily paralyzed . Once immobilized it feeds on the creature’s blood.”

Bon-Bon’s face scrunched in disgust “ewww.”

Anton continued “the Saracnoid is an 8 legged creature with large front pincers a tall vertical midsection a pear shaped head and 6 eyes. It spins webs similar to a spider and ensnares its prey then injects venom into them then uses its pincers to help encase its meal. They also use them for defense.”

Lyra asked “how do you know so much about them?”

Anton said “I have a colleague who specializes in the study of exotic creatures she’s traveled to the Forbidden Jungle a few times and she’s a pegasus. This gives her an advantage when it comes to eluding some of the monsters.”

Sarbon said “well I know where not to spending my next vacation.”

They all chuckled Sarbon said “once age is confirmed on these artifacts I will put them on display and you’ll be famous.”

Lyra smiled.

Anton said “also once age is confirmed this discovery will be published in all the newspapers soon all of Equestria will know about this and they will flock in droves to your museum Sarbon.”

Sarbon nodded “it will be good for business turning to Lyra he said “as always if you find anything else let me know.”

Lyra nodded “and now for the last artifact I saved the best for last I’m sure you will find this one most interesting.” As she levitated the skull from her saddlebags both Anton and Sarbon’s eyes grew wide in surprise.

Sorbon said in a somewhat shocked tone “is that what I think it is?

Lyra nodded with a smile.

Anton said in an equally stunned tone “sweet Luna’s moon baths the legends are true?!”

Sarbon said “I’ll be right back” and left the room.

Moments later he returned with a small bag “I’ll give you 4,500 bits for those artifacts?”

Lyra nodded “deal.”

Anton said “as before I would like to send the artifacts to Hoovesintown University to be dated but I can tell by looking at them they are very old.”

Sorbon said “if you find more artifacts like these we will pay you handsomely.”

Lyra nodded “I’ll do my best.”

Missing artifacts

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Several days later news of the discovery was published in the Ponyville and Canterlot papers the headlines read Local Archeologist Makes Amazing Discovery! With a picture of Lyra and an article about what she found it mentioned the non-magical clay pot. Below the headline it said Coming Soon to Canterlot Museum.

Lyra read the article and smiled and said “hooray I’m famous” she showed the article to Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon smiled “congratulations.”

Later that day Lyra was sitting on the couch Bon-Bon was laying on her back her head on Lyra’s lap. Looking upwards her front legs at her side as Lyra gently rubbed her hoof over her mare friend’s chest and stomach. Bon-Bon moaned gently closed her eyes and a smiled softly Lyra smiled gently when a knock came on the door.

Bon-Bon groaned in annoyance and said with a hint of sarcasm and a light chuckle “maybe if we ignore them they will go away.”

Lyra said “it could be important.”

Bon-Bon sighed as she rolled off Lyra’s lap “it better be I was very comfortable.”

Lyra smiled “don’t worry I’ll make it up to you later.”

Bon-Bon said with a smirk “I’m going to hold you to that.”

Lyra smiled as she went to the door and opened it there stood Derpy the mailmare with a smile “hi Lyra I have priority letter for you” pulling out a clip board. Lyra took the clipboard in her magic signed the document. Then traded it for the letter as Derpy flew away to finish her deliveries.

Bon-Bon came to the door and saw Lyra with a letter and asked “another letter from Canterlot University?”

Lyra looked at it and said “it’s from Anton” as she opened it read Dear Lyra, Dating results from the artifacts have come back from Hoovesintown University the skull and clay pot has been the skull has been scanned by teams in the paleontology department. They have been verified as authentic and we are awaiting dating results. However, on their way back to Canterlot something strange happened I want to discuss the details with you. I am sending this letter in advance so by the time you read it I will be in Ponyville. Meet me in the park at 2:30pm on Friday and I will tell you everything Sincerely, Anton.

Bon-Bon saw the confused look on Lyra’s face and and asked “what’s going on?”

Lyra said “I’m not sure Anton wants to meet me in Ponyville park tomorrow afternoon I want you to come along as a witness.”

The next day they went to the park and saw Anton sitting on one of the benches with a strange expression on his face.

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon came up sat down in front of Anton Lyra asked “Anton is everything alright?”

Anton looked up with a depressed look and sighed “something strange has happened last week the artifacts disappeared.” His eyes took on a worried expression “the train containing the artifacts that was bound for Canterlot was robbed” he shook his head slowly “the strange thing was only the artifacts were stolen. Those artifacts were to be placed on display in the Canterlot museum the day after arriving” he sighed “the crime is being investigated as we speak.”

Bon-Bon asked “what would anypony want with ancient artifacts that have no monetary value to anypony other than a museum curator?”

Anton said “I don’t know I’m sure one of them was a unicorn because witnesses described a shimmering figure pass by them that sounds like a cloaking spell.”

Lyra said “all is not lost I made a cast of the skull before bringing it to Canterlot I wasn’t sure why but I had a feeling doing so was important.”

Anton’s eyes lit up “yes there maybe hope after all but that still does not account for why the artifacts were stolen.”

Lyra said “I will speak to Twilight Sparkle she’s close to Princess Celestia maybe she can assign a team to help investigate.”

Anton smiled “I hope so.”

Later that day Lyra and Bon-Bon went to visit the Ponyville library after knocking on the door Spike answered.

Lyra said "hi Spike is Twilight home?”

Spike smiled nodded and invited them in.

Twilight was coming down the stairs saw them and said “hi ladies what can I do for you?”

Lyra said “we have a favor to ask.”

Twilight gave an invitation to sit down both Lyra and Bon-Bon smiled and sat down and told her what Anton told them.

Twilight asked “that’s interesting but what does this have to do with me?”

Lyra said “you are the only pony in Ponyville who’s close to the princess we were wondering if you could you request an audience with her on our behalf regarding this issue.

Twilight said “I see, I will send a letter but I can’t promise any results” turning to Spike she said “Spike prepare a letter” Spike retrieved a parchment and quill “ready.” Twilight dictated “Dear princess Celestia, a resident of Ponyville Lyra Heartstrings would like to request an audience with you. A situation has arisen regarding the history of Equestria sincerely, Twilight Sparkle.”

Spike rolled the parchment up and blew flames onto it they watched as the smoke traveled to its destination a short time later Spike coughed out a scroll. He unfurled it and said “Dear Twilight, I will grant an audience with Lyra. Have her meet me in Canterlot Castle at her earliest convenience Sincerely, Princess Celestia.”

Twilight asked “are you going to tell the princess about the hu-mans?”

Lyra said “I don’t know I was going to see if she would aid us in the search for who stole the artifacts, why do you think she won’t believe humans existed?

Twilight said “I don’t know I didn’t believe it until you showed me that skull but as long as she’s been around I’m sure she may have seen one.”

Lyra thanked Twilight as they left the library and went to their house and Lyra placed a casted skull into her saddlebags, then traveled to the Ponyville train station and bought a ticket for Canterlot.

As they rode on the train Bon-Bon laid her head on Lyra’s lap turning her body over so she was on her back looking up at her mare friend she said “I’m so nervous I’ve never talked to the princess directly this is so exciting.”

Lyra gently stroked Bon-Bon’s torso gently sliding her hoof up and down Bon-Bon closed her eyes smiled contently. Lyra moved down and gently kissed Bon-Bon on the top of the head “neither have I but I hear she’s very nice.”

Bon-Bon smiled and said softly with a slight chuckle “how about we forgo the trip to Canterlot and just stay here on this train. Then we could do this for the rest of the day.” Bon-Bon sat up and smiled and kissed Lyra on the lips. She kissed back after the kiss ended Lyra smiled and stroked Bon-Bon’s mane looking into her eyes she said softly “that is very tempting.”

When they arrived in Canterlot Castle they made their way to the throne room there were 2 thrones one white the other deep blue. On the back of the white was a picture of the sun and on the blue was the moon they resembled both Celestia and Luna’s cutie marks. Celestia was was in thre room talking to a few ponies. When she finished talking to them and they left she turned to them and smiled “greetings Lyra and Bon-Bon it’s good to see you.”.

Lyra and Bon-Bon bowed and Lyra said “thank you for seeing us your majesty,”

Celestia smiled and said “of course my little ponies what can I do for you?”

Lyra said “this is going to take some time is there a place we can sit?”

Celestia nodded and lead them to a room with several cushions the 3 sat down and Lyra told Celestia about the situation and what happened.

Lyra said “we found this on an expedition this is a casting of what we found” she opened the flap on her saddlebags and levitated the skull.

Celestia looked at the casting her eyes grew wide and she said “so the legends are true after all.”

Bon-Bon asked “you know of them.”

Celestia nodded “not directly I like you have heard the legends.”

Lyra asked in a confused voice “wait you weren’t there?”

Celestia shook her head and said “no I am only 4,500 years old and Luna is 3,200 when I was young I heard the legends and I was always open to the possibility. But Luna never believed in them” she smiled softly “the last human died over 5,000 years ago.

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon had confused expressions Lyra said in unison “you’re mortal?”

Celestia smiled “yes, contrary to popular belief alicorns are not immortal we just have very long life spans” she smiled softly “well by pony standards anyway. That is why we pass ourselves on to other ponies that are chosen to succeed us she sighed “there was a time when this was not so”

Lyra asked “what do you mean?”

Celestia lowered her head slightly “there was a time when alicorns were more abundant and we reproduced the same way as ponies do. But let’s just say humans were not the only casualties of the great cataclysm.”

Bon-Bon asked “what happened?”

Celestia said “the story passed down from my father was alicorns once inhabited a place called Ianantica which was located in what is now Equestria. They did not rule over the land they served more as mediators for disputes. Ponies would either come to Ianantica or an alicorn diplomat would be sent to a region to meet with the disputing parties. Then the cataclysm occurred and Ianantica was destroyed the skies went dark all the time. Sadly without the alicorn mediators rifts began to form among the pony races.”

Lyra felt a sense of familiarity thought that sounds just like what the last human said.

Turning her attention back to Celestia as she continued “Luna and I are the last natural alicorns we were born after the great cataclysm. I heard when the skies were dark it lasted for 28 moons world temperatures dropped by 5.5ᴼ C. Ponies survived by eating hay, and various grasses but the humans could not eat those foods nor could they grow any crops.” She sighed “pestilence killed many, others starved to death. I heard rouge groups hunting ponies and” she cringed “eating ponies.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon cringed in revulsion.

Celestia sighed “sadly my parents were too old to procreate and we never saw any other alicorns our DNA is slightly different from other ponies. So we are unable to pass our genes down by conventional means so they created and taught me a spell. One that could allow” as she pointed to herself “us to pass our DNA to a chosen pony, one who is worthy to be our successor.”

Lyra asked “how long do you live?”

Celestia said “on average about 6,200 years I heard stories about the humans from my parents they lived among them and some of them were their best friends.” She smiled softly “they always had such fond memories of them. What I can’t understand is why anypony is trying to keep this information from being known.”

Her horn glowed as she levitated a map over to where they were sitting “this map has been passed down to me from my grandstalion.” As she unfurled it Lyra and Bon-Bon looked in amazement it looked similar to a modern map only slightly different. There were settlements all over and roads leading a location south of the Badlands. It was a grassland with a few trees and to the south and east of the road was a stepped pyramid.

Lyra asked “do you have a modern map?”

Celestia nodded and levitated a map over and unfurled it they looked at it and compared it to the old map.

Bon-Bon said “that pyramid looks like it’s in what is now the forbidden jungle.”

Celestia said “yes I traveled to the pyramid in that region once 3,000 years ago it was a grassland at that time and what was inside the pyramid was interesting.”

Bon-Bon asked “what did you find?”

Celestia said “an abundance of corridors and in the center were 2 giant crystals and writing in glyphs it was a language I could not read.”

Lyra said “probably Equarian”

Celestia said with a slightly embraced look “I never learned and since nopony has spoken it in over 5,000 years learning it seemed unnecessary.”

Bon-Bon asked “I wonder why they call it the forbidden jungle.”

Celestia said “much like the Everfree forest it is inhabited by monsters only the forbidden jungle monsters can put the ones in Everfree to shame.”

They looked at the old map again and compared it to the modern map and saw something interesting the location where the Horseshoe Sea was a city it was round. A river flowed around the city forming a C shape

Lyra asked “is that Ianantica?”

Celestia nodded.

Lyra said “come with us your knowledge of the jungle and pyramid will be invaluable.”

Celestia smiled softly “I can’t I have duties here but perhaps Twilight could join you on your expedition I will ask her and provide transportation.”

Lyra said “we also were hoping you could assist in the investigation of who is responsible for the disappearing artifacts.”

Celestia thought for a moment then said with a smile “I believe I can spare a few investigators.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon bowed their heads Lyra said “thank you princess we hope to find a resolution.”

Celestia nodded “as do I it is not right to suppress history, ponies will adapt to the revelation of there being species that are only legendary.”

After leaving the palace they went to Canterlot University where they met Anton’s assistant who said “Anton is out on a business ventures.”

Lyra asked “do you know when he will be back?”

The assistant replied “he didn’t say try coming back tomorrow.”

Lyra snorted slightly but said nothing she just turned and left and boarded the next train to Ponyville.

On the train to Ponyville Lyra lay on her back next to Bon-Bon as she gently stroked Lyra’s head who looked up with sad eyes “all that time and work lost.”

Bon-Bon said “no not completely lost we did get Celestia to help us out.”

Lyra rolled over on her stomach “yes but at the risk of sounding self-centered my reputation is ruined nopony in the field of archeology is going to take me seriously.” Laying her head down she said softy “I’m ruined.”

Bon-Bon gently stroked Lyra’s back and gently kissed her on the head “we will find out who did this and why.”

Lyra looked up and saw Bon-Bon looking at her with a warm soft smile Lyra smiled softly she rolled over on her stomach as Bon-Bon rubbed her hoof over Lyra’s chest and stomach gently.

Lyra closed her eyes and moaned softly.

After returning to Ponyville they went home on the door was a letter Lyra took it in her magic and opened the letter it read Dear Lyra, meet me in Ponyville park today same place as last time I will be there until sunset Sincerely, Anton.

Turning to Bon-Bon she said “Anton wants to meet me in the park wanna come? I could use a witness to what he says.”

Bon-Bon nodded “sounds like fun.”

They traveled to Ponyville Park and on a bench sat Anton he saw them and smiled.

They walked over to where he was and sat down Lyra said “we were looking for you at the university but obviously you were not there.”

Anton chuckled and shook his head “a few days ago I went to Hoovesintown University in Philly Delthia and talked to Professor Carment Andacard regarding the shoulder blade you found. I got back here yesterday I went to your house but you were not home.”

Lyra said “we were in Canterlot looking for you.

Anton said “I will be returning there tomorrow

Lyra asked “what did Professor Carment say?”

Anton said “he said he has never seen anything like it, it’s not a pony shoulder nor is it from any known species.”

Lyra said “that’s great this adds weight to the theory and Celestia has agreed to help find who stole the artifacts.”

Anton smiled “that’s good news I just hope we can find out who stole the artifacts and retrieve them.”

Lyra said “maybe we can put the casting of the skull I made on display and rub the offender’s muzzles in it. Or even put pictures of it in the papers and offer a reward that should help us find them.”

Anton said “that’s a good idea do you have the casting?”

Lyra said “it’s at our house.”

The trio walked to Lyra’s house Anton and Bon-Bon waited outside as Lyra went in and moments later returned with the casting in a golden aura.

She gave the skull cast to Anton he gently placed it in his saddlebags and said “I will take this to the Canterlot museum and put it on display to spite the thieves. Then run the story in the Foal free press, Ponyville tribune, Canterlot morning star and evening news.”

As Anton left Bon-Bon asked Lyra “do you still have the mold?”

Lyra nodded “yes I can make more if need be also we should speak with Twilight.”

They went to Twilight’s house and asked if she could send a letter to Celestia apprising her of the plan to put a replica on display. Then use the press to flush out the ones responsible for stealing the artifacts.

Twilight agreed and sent a letter to Celestia apprising her of their plans she said the princess told me about your visit and the dirigible and I would be happy to help.

Lyra asked “who else can we bring along?”

Bon-Bon said in a joking tone “don’t forget about me.”

Lyra nuzzled her cheek and said “I want you by my side always.”

Bon-Bon smiled and nuzzled back.

Twilight smiled and said “we should keep it to a minimum until we can determine what or if there is any danger.”

Lyra nodded “good point.”

Just then Spike coughed up a rolled up scroll with the royal seal on it.

Twilight said “a letter from the princess?”

She took the scrolls in her magic and opened the scroll read part of it then said in a slightly embraced tone “oh it’s to you Lyra.”

Lyra smiled and took the first scroll in her magic and read it said "Dear Lyra Heartstrings, I have information on the theft of the artifacts. I recently received a letter from a group calling itself the society for the preservation of historical accuracy. They claim such information about the past will cause civilization to collapse, mass panic and total anarchy."

Lyra looked up from the scroll “that’s it mass panic is the reason for hijacking a train and stealing priceless artifacts?”

Twilight said “it seems fear of change is the motivation it’s an unfounded fear but ponies will adapt to such revelations.

Lyra nodded “Celestia shares that same philosophy.”

Just then a knock cane at the door Spike went to answer as he opened it and saw the mailmare standing there “hi Derpy.”

Derpy smiled “hi Spike hers your mail” handing him several letters then noticing Lyra and Bon-Bon she said “hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon” the 2 mares waved and said in unison “hi Derpy.” The mailmare smiled and said “Lyra I have a letter here for you too.”

Lyra smiled as Derpy reached into her mailbag and took out a letter Lyra took it in her magic as Derpy smiled and continued her deliveries.

Lyra opened the letter it was from Professor Carment Andacard at Hoovesintown University in Philly Delthia it read Dear Lyra Heartstrings, I am sending this letter at the request of my colleague Professor Anton Sheldon. The skull and clay pot we received has stirred up quite a debate amongst the scientific community. They have been dated to between 5,025-5,547 BCL. Also the shoulder blade is not from any known species currently living in Equestria. I sent the artifacts to Canterlot museum if you find any other artifacts let either Professor Anton or me know. Sincerely, Professor Carment Andacard. PS. We performed a DNA test on the skull and have determined it does not match any known species.

Lyra lowered the letter and sat on her haunches looking up to the confused expressions of the others they all looked at each other and none of them said anything for several seconds.

Bon-Bon said “come dearie don’t keep us in the dark.”

The voice snapper Lyra out of her daze she looked around and told them what the letter said the other 2 just sat there with astonished expressions.

Litte House Of Bon's

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After concluding their business at Twilight’s house they returned home Bon-Bon picked up a bag of bits and placed them in her saddle bags.

Looking at the clock on the wall then turning to Lyra she said “I need to meet with Carmar in an hour wanna come along?”

Lyra smiled and nodded and they went into town to meet with Carmar at his office he was happy to see them again he smiled and said “good day ladies have you reached a decision?”

Bon-Bon said “yes I would like finance the former pie shop building.”

Carmar said “excellent.”

Bon-Bon signed the paperwork and paid Carmar the 750 bit down payment.

Carmar smiled said “congratulations” as he stamped the documents and said “Cherries pie shop is now Little Houser of Bon’s.”

Bon-Bon smiled “thank you.”

Carmar smiled “good luck I wish you best of success” he passed a document and said “here’s your copy.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon went to the location of the former pie shop and began removing the sheets from the stoves and mixers Bon-Bon said “I’m so exited this is a dream come true.”

Lyra smiled and said “I’m happy for you.”

Bon-Bon said “now we need a sign, I know an artist who can create one.”

Lyra said “oh who?”

Bon-Bon said “an old friend who lives in Manehattan.”

After folding the sheets and putting them away and reorganizing a few things after they noticed the sun was far across the horizon it was early evening.

Lyra said “have we been in here all day?”

Bon-Bon said “it would seem we have.”

They left the shop and went home once there Bon-Bon went over to a desk and wrote a letter and sealed it then put in in the mailbox. After she returned from the mailbox she said “I sent a letter to the artist friend I mentioned earlier. Her name is Veltor Lophar I asked her to come to Ponyville for a visit and help create a sign.”

Lyra smiled “sounds good I hope she can help I would create one but my talent is music not painting.”

Bon-Bon smiled “have you tried painting?”

Lyra smiled “yes I tried once before I discovered my love of music and got my cutie mark” shaking her head sadly “it looked like a foal jumped in a mud puddle and ran across the canvas.”

Bon-Bon chuckled in amusement “I know the feeling before I received my cutie mark and before I tried being a masseuse I tried my hoof at standup comedy” she sighed.

Lyra said “I’m guessing that did not work out.”

Bon-Bon sighed again “no, one of the jokes was bad.”

Lyra asked how bad?”

Bon-Bon smirked “just remember you asked for it” she paused and said “did you hear about the the pony who had their left side removed?

Lyra shook her head “no.”

Bon-Bon said with a slight smirk “their all right now.”

Lyra groaned and face hoofed.

Bon-Bon snickered “I warned you.”

Lyra said with a smile “and you called me bad.”

Bon-Bon just smiled raising a hoof to her chest “bad? Me?”

Lyra kissed Bon-Bon on the cheek and said “just the way I like it.”

Bon-Bon smiled and nuzzled Lyra gently.

The next day they went to the Mayor’s office and met Mayor Ivory Scroll and registered the new business with the town register.

After signing the paperwork Ivory said “coagulations Little House of Bon’s is now officially registered and is now in the town records.”

A few days later Bon-Bon went to the mailbox and retrieved a letter she looked at it smiled and opened it. The letter read Dear Bon-Bon it’s been too long since last we spoke I would be happy to help with your little project. I am on my way to Los Pegasus and will stopping in Ponyville I send a message when I arrive Sincerely, Veltor Lophar.

A few days later Veltor arrived in town and sent a letter directly to Bon-Bon Derpy delivered it Bon-Bon was exited. She opened the letter it read Dear Bon-Bon, just arrived in town I had this letter sent to you directly. Meet me for lunch tomorrow noon at the Happy Times restaurant, I told the restaurants host you will be coming when you arrive ask for me. I look forward to catching up and discussing your project Sincerely, Veltor Lophar.

The next day some time before noon both Lyra and Bon-Bon went to the Happy Times restaurant when they arrived they met the host Bon-Bon said “we are here to meet Veltor Lophar.”

The host nodded and said “follow me ladies” and lead them to section D there were patrons in various booths.

Lyra said “where is your friend?”

Bon-Bon looked around smiled and pointed to a mare sitting in a booth waving a hoof “there.”
Bon-Bon trotted over with Lyra close behind coming up to the unicorn “hi Veltor.”

Lyra looked over and saw a unicorn mare she had a beige coat an off white mane and tail. as they approached the booth. The unicorn emerged Lyra noticed she had a painter’s pallet with the 3 primary colors on it and a paintbrush over it for a cutie mark.

Veltor smiled and said “hi Bon-Bon it’s good to see you again” as the 2 shared a hug.

Turning to Lyra Bon-Bon said “Veltor this is my mare friend Lyra Heartstrings.”

Veltor smiled and said “hello Lyra” and the 2 shook hooves she smiled as her face lite up in recognition then said “wait I’ve heard of you you’re the pony who discovered evidence of a new legendary species.

Lyra nodded “yes I’m searching for evidence to what happened to them so far all we found are bones and a few artifacts.”

As the 3 sat down Bon-Bon asked “how long are you going to be in Ponyville?”

Veltor said “I’ll be here for a week after that I have to travel to Los Pegasus for an exhibition opening.”

Soon after they took their seats a unicorn mare came to their table and levitated some waters and some menus from her saddle pouches then levitated a pad and pencil. “Good afternoon ladies my name is Alatoria and I will be your server today what would you like to drink?”

Lyra said “I’ll have a cherry soda.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ll have an apple beet carrot juice.”

Veltor said “I’ll have an ice tea sweet with a hint of lemon.”

Alatoria smiled “I will be back soon.”

Veltor turned to Bon-Bon and said “your letter you said your opening a candy store and needed help with a sign any ideas on what it should look like?”

Bon-Bon said “I haven’t thought of anything I was hoping you had some ideas.”

Veltor smiled and levitated out a small rectangular picture from of her saddlebags “after receiving your letter I made this.”

Just then Alatoria returned with the drinks placing them on the table she said “cherry soda, ice tea and strawberry milkshake.” Levitating a pencil and notepad “Have you decided on your orders?”

Looking at her menu Lyra said “I’ll have the potato soup and a daffodil sandwich.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ll have a have the mixed vegetable stir fry and a lettuce tomato sandwich with mayonnaise.”

Veltor “I’ll have tomato soup and a chick pea patty with lettuce and tomato on lightly toasted rye bread.”

Alatoria said “excellent choices I will get them.”

As Alatoria left to send the order to the kitchen Veltor looked at Bon-Bon and said as I was saying I made this.” As she re-levitated the object the background was a very soft pink almost white 2 three striped blue and yellow stripped candy wrappers on each corner. The center wrapper was offset slightly to the right. In the center of the sign were the words written in a fancy text below the letters were dark shadows of the letters creating a 3-D effect were the words Little House of Bon’s.

Bon-Bon smiled “my cutie mark it’s perfect I love it.”

Veltor smiled “I thought you would like it.”

Lyra smiled then asked “I doubt you do such projects for free so what do we owe you for your services?”

Veltor thought for a moment then smiled “well usually the samples are 400 bits however, since Bon-Bon is an old friend.” She smiled softly “who helped me get my cutie mark so in honor of that this sample is free. As for a full scale sign that costs 850 but for you Bon-Bon I will charge 450 bits.”

Lyra briefly sat there in amazement then smiled warmly and looked over at Bon-Bon with admiration.

Bon-Bon said “thank you this business is the opportunity of a lifetime” and told her the location of the building.

Veltor nodded “I know of that building it used to be a pie shop” she smiled your right this is the opportunity of a lifetime. It’s like the first time I created my first painting Bon-Bon posed for me as I painted her I got my cutie mark.” Looking at Bon-Bon she said “if you had not let me paint you I may have never discovered my love of painting and enrolled in art school" she smiled softly I still have it.”

Bon-Bon asked “you do?”

Veltor smiled “yes it’s hanging over my fireplace.”

Bon-Bon smiled softly.

Veltor said thoughtfully “after I enrolled I art school I created a landscape painting it went on display and received critical acclaim.”

Alatoria came and placed the food on the table “potato soup and a daffodil sandwich, mixed vegetable stir fry and a lettuce tomato sandwich with mayonnaise and tomato soup and a chick pea patty with lettuce and tomato on lightly toasted rye bread.”

After they finished eating Alatoria returned and asked “would any of you like anything for dessert?”

The trio looked at each other and smiled then Lyra said “I’ll have strawberry cheesecake.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ll have an apple pie with 2 scoops of ice cream.”

Veltor said “I’ll have a bowel of swirl ice cream."

Alatoria smiled and went to send the orders to the kitchen.

As the orders were being placed Bon-Bon asked Veltor “how long will it take to create the sign?”

Veltor smiled “not long only 2 days maybe 3.”

A short time later Alatoria returned with their desserts.

After finishing dessert the 3 settled up the bill each paying for their respective meals as they left Veltor said “I need to get back to my hotel and work on the project.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon nodded and the 3 shared a hug and went their separate ways.

Three days later Veltor went to Lyra and Bon-Bon’s house and knocked on the door Bon-Bon opened the door smiled and said “hi Veltor come in.”

Veltor smiled and entered the house and looked around. Lyra was sitting on the sofa in an upright horizontal position she thought I didn’t know it was possible to sit that way. She smiled waved “hello Lyra.”

Lyra waved “hi Veltor.”

Turning to Bon-Bon Veltor said “the sign is ready and is at the building.”

Bon-Bon nodded and said “have a seat I’ll be right back” as she went into another room Veltor placed her saddlebags on the floor and sat down. Moments later Bon-Bon returned with a small bag in her mouth placing it on the table she said “200 bits.”

Veltor levitated the bag with her magic and placed it in her saddlebags then smiled and said “thank you.”

Bon-Bon said “I’m eager to see the new sign.”

Veltor said “I’m ready when you are.”

The three went into town and came to the building Veltor went behind the building and returned with 2 signs floating in her magic. She then levitated the larger sign in the front of the store over the entrance the sign read Little House of Bon’s the sign looked exactly like the demo. The smaller sign was smaller it was simple and did not have the 3-D effect. It was black text against a white background it read Coming Soon.

Lyra and Veltor levitated the large sign up into a holding rack above the entrance and moved the 4 holding clamps down and secured them into place.

Then they placed the smaller sign over the front door then stepped back to admire the sign.

Lyra said “it looks lovely.”

Bon-Bon smiled widely “I love it.”

The trio sat down in front of the sign and smiled proudly.

Lyra said “it looks great for pre-opening advertising.”

Bon-Bon looked over at Lyra then at the sign and nodded “it does.”

Veltor said “I’m glad you like it I wish I could stay longer but I have to leave for Los Pegasus tomorrow for my exhibit which gives me one day to prepare.”

Bon-Bon said “thank you for your help.”

Veltor smiled and said “your welcome, when you open your shop I hope you send me some of your candies.”

Bon-Bon nodded “I will.”

The next day Lyra and Bon-Bon walked with Veltor to the train station as the strain pulled into the station Veltor and Bon-Bon shared a hug turning to Lyra Veltor she said “it’s been nice to meeting you Lyra” as they shared a hug.

Lyra smiled and said “you too, the next time you’re in Ponyville stop by and visit us.”

Veltor smiled and nodded “I will.”

An interesting theory

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The next day they traveled to Canterlot and met with Celestia and asked her if they could use the prototype dirigible.

Celestia said “of course, when will you be needing it?”

Lyra said “in a few days we need to gather a few things first but while we are here were wondering if you could you tell us more about the about the bipeds.”

Celestia smiled warmly “I heard they’re young used to ride on the backs of ponies and sometimes the pegasi would take them for rides.” She looked at both Lyra and Bon-Bon and said with a slight grin “where do you think the saddle comes from? As well as some other fashions, they were descended from shared technologies.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon looked at each other and then at Celestia then Bon-Bon asked “you mean we owe our fashion and technologies to them?”

Celestia shook her head and smiled warmly “no I’m saying it was shared and some lingering bits of them and their technology were passed down over the centuries. Have you seen Octavia Melody playing her instrument? Where do you think something like that comes from? As you know ponies were designed to stand that way.”

Bon-Bon looked at Lyra and said with a slight smirk “or sit.”

Lyra just shrugged then said “uhh living mythology?”

The three chuckled when a guard came in “excuse me your highness but I’m here to remind you about your meeting with the delegates from the Bugbear territories will be arriving to discuss treaty negotiations.”

Celestia stood up and sighed “alas my little ponies duty calls after the bugbear attack we have been working on a treaty to prevent such a thing from happening again. Do not hesitate to contact me when you’re ready to depart the best way would be by magic scroll.”

On the train ride back to Ponyville Bon-Bon lay on Lyra’s lap as Lyra smiled and gently stroked Bon-Bon’s mane and cheeks.

Looking down at her marefiend Lyra asked “enjoying yourself?”

Bon-Bon smiled contently and nodded she smiled and said in a joking tone “maybe I could get Dr. Hooves to build us a time machine so moments like this can last forever.”

Lyra smiled leaned down and kissed Bon-Bon gently on the lips “that would be nice.”

Bon-Bon asked “I wonder who else we can bring along on our expedition besides Twilight.”

Lyra thought for a moment “I don’t know if we should I’m worried about the monsters.”

Bon-Bon said “maybe Twilight has an invisibility spell.”

Lyra said “until we are sure of what we are dealing with I think we should keep the party members as small as possible.”

Bon-Bon nodded in understanding “makes sense.”

As the train pulled into the Ponyville train station the couple disembarked.

After leaving the train station they stopped by the Golden Oaks library and told Twilight what Celestia told them. Then asked if she would like to join them on their expedition not to surprisingly she said yes.

A few days later Lyra and Bon-Bon went to the Golden Oaks library and met with Twilight and she sent a message to Celestia informing her of their arrival. Then traveled to Canterlot and met with Celestia when they arrived she showed them the dirigible. It was a light red oblong balloon 6 ropes connected to a smaller oblong basket made of tightly interwoven wicker strips. In the rear of the basket were 2 propellers on the floor towards the rear embedded into the weaving were 2 small white sockets one on right side the other on the left. Both were 15 cm long and had an indigo gem in them. In the center of the basket was a large wheel and a seat on either side of the seat was a pedal on the right side and one on the left.

Celestia said “the gemstones provide magical energy to the propellers in the rear press the pedal on the right to move forward the pedal the one on the left to reverse, to stop release the pedal. To steer turn the wheel to move the propellers here I will show you”. She stepped into the basket sat on the seat and moved the wheel and the propellers moved to the left then to the right. She moved the wheel forwards and back the propellers moved up and down. She continued “push the wheel forward to descend and pull it back to ascend.”

Twilight asked “how will we know when or if the gems need recharging?”

Celestia said “when they turn from the deep indigo you see now to lighter shades when it turns white the gem are depleted. She smiled but don’t worry if you don’t use them they will recharge themselves in about 2.5 hours if it’s an emergency you can infuse them with a burst of magic.”

The 3 climbed into the basket and Lyra asked “who wants to be the pilot?”

Twilight said “I’m just along for the ride besides you two know where you’re going.”

Bon-Bon smiled “I’ll pilot it” getting on the seat she pushed the pedal on the left down slowly and the propellers began to rotate and the dirigible began to move forward.

Celestia spread her wings and flew out of the basket and hovered next to it.

Lyra asked “can you come with us considering you’ve been there before?”

Celestia said “I wish I could but royal duties calls” then with a wave she said “good luck” as she flew towards Canterlot castle.

As the dirigible floated away from Canterlot Lyra and Twilight looked over the side the view was great they could see the railway tracks leading to the city and Cloudsdayle in the distance.

As they floated along Twilight said “look there’s Ponyville” then in a joking tone said “I think I see my house from here.”

They looked over at the town it looked amazing from their vantage point small colorful dots could be seen moving around the town.

They soon passed over Rambling Rock Ridge Twilight was looking at the strange shape how it was higher on one side than the other then she noticed something.

Getting Lyra’s attention she said “look there’s a cave inside the ridge.”

Lyra said “we should make a note to come explore it later”

Twilight nodded and levitated a scroll and quill out of her saddlebags and made a note of the anomaly.

The dirigible soon passed over a strange set of ruins Twilight asked “Lyra what’s that?”

Lyra looked over at the ruins it was a circle of stones the base had 3 circular stones stacked on top of each other. The bottom was the largest the center was smaller and the top was the smallest forming a step effect. On the outer perimeter were 12 small pyramid shaped base stones with flat tops. On top of them were cylindrical stones pillars the top of the pillars were inverted pyramids similar to the base stones. On top of the stones were flat rectangular stones the mysterious stones wrapped around the perimeter of the structure. Lyra shook her head “I don’t know I doubt any pony has seen it.” Pointing to the structure she said “the entire area obscured by the forest and the ridge” she took a picture of the structure.

Twilight nodded then said “I’ll add this to the list of places to explore.”

Lyra smiled and nodded “I’m willing to bet there are enough unexplored places to last several lifetimes.”

As Bon-Bon steered the dirigible they came over Dodge City it looked amazing from their point of view they soon passed over the city not long after that they were over the badlands.

Lyra smiled and pointed to one of the caves on the west side and said “that’s where we found the skull, clay pot and scroll.”

As they passed over the east side of the Badlands a gust of wind blew them over the hayseed swamp


Bon-Bon shoved the wheel forward hard causing Twilight and Lyra to fall forward slightly as the dirigible moved below the mountain peaks. The winds began to die down and Bon-Bon gained control of the dirigible. After regaining control she turned the dirigible around when a glint shinning off the rocks caught their attention.

Lyra said “Bon-Bon move us as close as you can to the cliff.”

Bon-Bon moved the dirigible as close as she could to the cliff there they saw the source of the glisten the rock on the side of the mountain the rock was smooth and glassy. It covered the entire side of the mountain from base to peak.

Twilight asked “did you see this when you entered the Badlands?”

Lyra replied “no” turning to Bon-Bon she said “let’s see how far this glass goes.”

Bon-Bon moved the dirigible north and the glass went on until they reached an 87ᴼ curve in the rock the rock face on the curved side was unaffected. They turned around and went the other direction Lyra looked around and could see the Horseshoe Sea in the distance.

Twilight spoke breaking Lyra out of her thoughts “these rocks look like glass, wait I’ve heard of this, these rocks have been vitrified or heated to the point of melting.”

Lyra nodded and took a photo of the rock then turned to Twilight and asked “do you think you can take a sample?”

Twilight nodded and the dirigible came to a stop as as her horn glowed as she directed a beam of magical energy at the rock slowly moving the beam in square shape. She slowly pulled a 7.6 cm cube shaped sample from the rock “holding it in front of Lyra and asked “will this do?”

Lyra nodded “it’s perfect.”

She rotated it and noticed the glassy texture was only on the outside the rest of the rock was normal she placed it in a bag. She then levitated a quill and wrote on the bag where it came from then placed it in her saddlebags.”

Asa they moved along the mountain they saw the entire side of the mountain was covered in this glassy glaze then where the rock angled off 90ᴼ to the west the glassy effect stopped.

Soon the swampy marshlands gave way to dense forests as Lyra and Twilight looked over the edge and could see patches of clearings just then a creature entered a clearing. It was large it had beige skin a vertical torso attached to a horizontal midsection and 4 legs on each side. Attached to its torso were large 2 arms that ended with large pincers. The creature stopped and looked around then it looked up it had a pear shaped head 6 deep blue almost indigo eyes. It opened its mouth revealing 4 large fangs then let out a screech. The sound made the 3 ponies blood run cold it sounded like combination of a hiss and a screech crossed with the royal Canterlot voice. Thinking quickly Lyra took of a picture of the creature before it disappeared.

Bon-Bon said “w-was that a Saracnoid?”

Lyra said “I believe it was.”

Twilight asked “a Saracnoid? I thought those were only a myth.”

Bon-Bon said with a slightly cynical overtone “like the humans?”

Twilight chuckled “good point.”

The dirigible traveled over the trees and soon something came into view it was made of stone and pointed Twilight asked “what is that?”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon turned their heads and saw the point sticking out of the trees they came to it and could see it was the top of a pyramid.

Lyra said “look everypony it’s the pyramid of power” as she took a picture.

As Bon-Bon lowered the dirigible into the canopy Twilights horn glowed and enveloped the dirigible she smiled “a light bending spell just in case any creatures decide to come by.

As the dirigible landed in front of the pyramid Lyra took another picture the outside was made of large bricks the entrance was made of 3 rectangular stones 2 on the sides and one on top. Most of the entrance was blocked by a giant stone that had fallen down. Twilight and Lyra used their magic to move it away from the entrance once it was cleared Lyra took another picture.

Bon-Bon looked at the stone and noticed writing on it she said “hey everypony theres writing on this stone.”

The writing was a strange set of large glyphs below them was a set of smaller glyphs Twilight said “this is Equarian” her horn glowed as she read the inscriptions “welcome to the pyramid of power” she paused “where harmony freely flows to all who have the spark.”

Twilight looked inside and saw it was dark said “it looks like nopony has been here in ages.”

Suddenly a noise caught their attention turning around they saw something unbelievable a huge beast it looked like a timber wolf only larger. It was grey with black stripes but the most striking feature was its red glowing eyes. The beast sniffed in their direction as if it could smell them Lyra motioned for them to move into the pyramid to elude the beast. They moved inside slowly as the monster sniffed where they were. It sniffed the invisible dirigible Twilight raised it out of the creature’s reach it sniffed the air then turned and walked away.

As the beast disappeared Bon-Bon asked “w-what was that?”

Twilight said “it looked like a Calamitous Manu” seeing the confused looks on Lyra and Bon-Bon’s faces she elaborated “it means dreadful beast. I saw a few artistic renderings in a book about legendary/mythological creatures.”

Lyra said “wow Sarbon wasn’t joking about the monsters here.”

As they entered the pyramid it was dark Lyra and Twilight lite their horns as they entered the corridor it was square but it was very large Lyra stopped sat on her haunches and looked around.

Twilight said “is everything alright?”

Lyra nodded and said “Bon-Bon does the size of this corridor look familiar?”

Bon-Bon looked around “yes it does” she reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a tape measure.

Lyra took the tape measure in a golden arura and held the end to the top and the base on the bottom on the floor she said “2.5 meters high” she placed the end on one side of the wall and the other side “121 cm wide.”

Bon-Bon said “exactly the same as the cave.”

Twilight said “I don’t get it”

Lyra said “this corridor is the same size as the cave in the Badlands it had tool marks in it consider this, humans stood about 1.5 or 2 meters tall and were 110.5 cm wide. So 121 cm would be considered a comfortable walking space for 2 of them standing next to each other.”

Twilight looked around and said “you’re saying this was built by them?”

Lyra shrugged “I don’t know all I’m saying is the cave we found the skull in has the same measurements.”

They traveled along the corridor and soon it gave way to a larger room the Twilight noticed a illumination gems on the wall. She illuminated it as the gem glowed softly as other gems came into view that lost their magic long ago.

Twilight’s horn glowed and a wave of magic pulsed out from her position and the dormant gems began to glow softly at first then began to grow in intensity. She smiled and said “I’ll bet these gems haven’t been activated in thousands of moons they just needed an infusion of magic.”

As the room lite up it bore the signs of age and neglect but overall it seemed to be in good condition aside there were spider webs all over the place. The room was very large the walls were smooth along the wall were archways some were tall others looked pony size. In the center of the room were two stone rings they stood 45 cm high inside the rings was a curved polished crystal. There was writing on the base of the rings written in the strange glyphs as the slab outside.

Twilight said “it’s Equarian the same as the slab outside” her horn glowed as she looked at the texts she looked at one and said “sun” then at the other “moon.”

Before they could ask any questions a flapping was heard.

Bon-Bon said “d-did anypony hear that?”

Lyra said “hear what?”

Bon-Bon said “I thought I heard someth-.” A flap was heard again.

Twilight looked up her eyes grew wide in surprise and said softly “I think you heard them” pointing a hoof up towards the ceiling.

Lyra and Bon-Bon looked up and their jaws dropped in amazement hanging from the ceiling were several Thestral looking creatures.

Lyra said “sweet Celestia those are Korpoterites!”

Twilight said “back out slowly we don’t want to make any loud noises.”

As they exited the pyramid Twilight canceled the light bending spell and lowered th dirigible and they climbed into the basket and rose into the air. They noticed it was early evening suddenly dozens of the bat like creatures flew out of the pyramid.

They decided it would be best to return to Ponyville and then to Canterlot in the morning.

Lyra said “we want to avoid those mountain wind gusts as much as we can.”

Bon-Bon said “we could travel through the badlands keeping below the mountain levels.”

Lyra nodded “good idea let’s do that” turning to Twilight she said “light permitting I can show you where we found the paintings.”

Twilight nodded eagerly as they approached the balancing rock Lyra said pointing to a cave “that’s where we found the paintings” she giggled “and Bon-Bon saw a ghost.”

Twilight said looking at Bon-Bon “you know there are no such things as ghost’s right?”

Bon-Bon just shrugged “I started to sing giggle at the ghosties and they ran away.”

Both Lyra and Twilight laughed Bon-Bon smiled widely the started laughing too.

By the time they returned to Ponyville it was nighttime they landed and moored the dirigible.

Lyra said “tomorrow we have to return this to Canterlot thank you for joining us on this expedition.”

Twilight smiled and said “it was fun I had a good time if you ever need me again just ask.”

Lyra said “we will” and they went to their homes.

When they arrived home Lyra developed the photos she took at the same time Twilight wrote a letter detailing what they found and considered sending it to Celestia. But Spike was asleep and possibly Celestia was as well she decided to wait utill morning.

The next morning Twilight sent the letter Lyra and Bon-Bon returned the dirigible to Canterlot and had an audience with Celestia. Anton and Sarbon were there as Celestia read Twilights report detailing what they found Lyra showed the photos she took.

They all looked at the photos none of them said anything at first Sarbon was the first one to speak “this is amazing the pyramid of power is real.”

Lyra said “currently it’s a home for Korpoterites is there any way to persuade them to seek shelter elsewhere?”

Anton said “yes they are Thestrals and are susceptible to ultra-high frequencies.”

Celestia said “that gives me an idea excuse me” she walked over to a desk and levitated over a scroll and quill she wrote something on it and sent off it in a puff of golden smoke. “I sent a message to Twilight asking her to enchant some gemstones with an ultrasonic spell.”

After they finished with Celestia they returned to Ponyville and met with Pinkie.

Lyra asked “Pinkie is your sister Maude home? We found some interesting geological features.”

Pinkie nodded “yuppers she’s at the family rock farm oh-oh what did you find?”

Lyra smiled “I’ll show both of you.”

Pinkie took them to her rock farm and said “have a seat I’ll go get Maude”

They sat down at a table as Pinkie went outside to get Maude moments later she came inside.

Maude came in looking around and said “Pinkie says you have some geological samples you want to show me?”

Lyra nodded as she levitated the pictures and rock sample from her saddlebags placing them on the table.

Maude looked at the pictures and the sample then at Lyra and asked “where did you find this rock?”

Bon-Bon said “I think it was north east outer rim of the Badlands near the Hayseed Swamp” looking at Lyra she said “right?”

Lyra nodded “yes.”

Maude said “this rock has been vitrified.”

Bon-Bon asked “what could cause that?”

Maude said “these rocks were exposed to intense heat somewhere between 600 - 1300ᴼ Celsius.

Lyra asked “what rock type are the Badlands”

Maude said “the Badlands are made of granite and it melts between 1215-1260ᴼ Celsius.”

Bon-Bon asked “what could generate heat that intense?”

Maude said “the only that that could cause vitrification on this scale would be an asteroid impact.”

Lyra asked “do you have a map of Equestria?”

Maude nodded and a moment later returned with a map and unfurled it.

Lyra pointed to the Badlands and said “the vitrified rocks were here” moving her hoof from the base to the north west she noticed something then said “look at this.” Pointing to the Horseshoe Sea and placing a hoof to her chin “I wonder.”

Bon-Bon asked “what?”

Lyra said pointing to the map “the vitrified rock is along this side of the mountain I noticed this while we were traveling along the mountain side. This may sound strange but based on the journal and the vitrified cliffs I suspect the Horseshoe Sea was created by an asteroid impact. This would explain the vitrified rock and also I believe the resulting fallout drove the humans into extinction.

Maude asked “journal?”

Lyra told her about a journal they found and it mentioning a giant fireball that stole the sun.

Maude said “that makes sense if you find anything else let me know.”

Lyra smiled and said “we will.”

They thanked Maude for the information and left the rock farm and returned to Ponyville once they arrived home Lyra sat on the sofa. Bon-Bon laid her head on Lyra’s lap as Lyra gently ran her hoof up and down Bon-Bon’s chest and stomach.

Bon-Bon closed her eyes and smiled as Lyra moved her other hoof over Bon-Bon’s mane and behind one of her ears Bon-Bon moaned softly “m-m-m that feels so nice” she reared up and kissed Lyra gently Lyra smiled softly.

The next day they traveled to Canterlot University and met with Anton and told them about her theory.

Bon-Bon smiled as Anton’s jaw dropped he just sat at his desk with a look of both amazement and wonder after regaining his composure he said “that is a lot to take in.”

Lyra said “I know how it has to sound but I’ve been right so far haven’t I?”

Anton nodded “I can persuade the University to fun an expedition and I know some scan and dive teams in Baltimare. If what you say is true there may be remains in the Horseshoe Sea. I will contact you when the teams are ready and I want you two to be there when and if they find anything” they nodded and returned home once more.

Several days later Lyra was at home while Bon-Bon was out getting groceries Lyra was going through her mail when she spotted a letter from Canterlot University. She opened it and read Dear Lyra, the university is only willing to give funding for a single days expedition. Also I have procured scan and diving teams meet me at Charger Bay in Baltamare in one week Sincerely, Anton.

One week later they went to the Ponyville train station and boarded a train bound for Baltimare as it traveled into Canterlot Mountain the light in the cabins faded. The cabin lights illuminated the interior with a dim glow.

Bon-Bon turned Lyra and raised her hooves over her head and waved them in an exaggerated manner and said in a spooky voice “ooooo I’m the spirit of the dark cave. I haunt all who pass through.”

Lyra said giggling “oh no a cave ghost what ever shall I do?”

They both giggled as Bon-Bon said “I have you in my power.”

Lyra said in a dramatic tone “oh no whatever shall I do.”

Bon-Bon said as she fell on her marefriend and said as they lay on top of each other looking into each other’s eyes.

Lyra smiled and said “I hear the only thing that can repel a cave ghost is the kiss of light.”

Bon-Bon said in a dramatic tone “oh no not the kiss of light.”

Lyra leaned up and began to kiss Bon-Bon they kissed for several seconds then parted Lyra said “the kiss of light shines bright does the ghost give up?”

Bon-Bon said “hmm the ghost still needs to learn a lesson.”

Lyra smiled and kissed her again as the train exited the cave Bon-Bon said “the ghost gives up for now” then with a slight giggle said “but will return.”

Lyra said with a slight chuckle “in that case I’ll stock up on kisses of light.”

Bon-Bon smiled warmly as they lay on top of each other stroking each other’s manes.

When the train pulled into Baltimare it was early evening as the 2 exited the train and entered the station Anton stood there with a smile.

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon said in unison “hi Anton.”

Anton smiled “hi ladies glad you could make it.”

Lyra smiled “we would not miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime.”

Anton smiled “follow me we have accommodations for you at the Horseshoe Inn get some rest I will be stopping by tomorrow morning after breakfast we begin the expedition.”

The next day Lyra and Bon-Bon were lying in bed wrapped in each other’s embrace when a knock came on the door. They stirred as Lyra rolled out of bed and went to the door her horn glowed as she opened it still slightly groggy she saw Anton standing in the morning light.

Lyra yawned and said “morning Anton.”

Anton said “morning Lyra wake Bon-Bon up and join me for breakfast and I’ll go over the details of the expedition.”

Lyra nodded and said “ok give me a moment” as she closed the door.

Anton sat down and waited as Lyra and Bon-Bon got ready.

As short time later the door opened and Anton stood up and asked “ready?”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon nodded in unison.

Anton said “ok follow me.”

They entered the lobby then passed through a foyer and entered a dining room it was an elaborate setting. There were several woodened tables and chairs made from some the finest wood. The tables were covered with embroidered cloth featuring designs such as birds, flowers and butterflies there were several chandeliers bating the room in a soft warm glow. Each one had several arms that held a photo-energetic gem. A few ponies sat at various tables talking amongst themselves they sat down at a table. Along the far wall was a table with a coffee pot, cups, cream and sugar the cream and sugar was in a pumping dispenser. The trio went over to the wall and each got a cup of coffee and sat back down at the table.

Soon a unicorn server came up to the table “greetings my name is Helbar and I will be your server this morning. Today’s early bird special is egg quiche and hash browns and hay bacon with your choice of orange or grapefruit juice and a donut.

Anton said “I’ll have the special with orange juice and a jelly donut.”

Bon-Bon said I’ll have the special with grapefruit juice and a glazed donut with extra sprinkles.”

Lyra said I’ll have the special as well with orange juice and chocolate donut.”

Helbar said “so that’s 3 specials with two orange juices, one grapefruit and three donuts one jelly one chocolate and one glazed with extra sprinkles correct?”

The three nodded in unison Helbar smiled “very good I will return soon with your meals.”

As Helbar went to the kitchen to place orders Anton smiled “ok the ship will be ready to depart in a little over an hour so I will give you the summery.” He paused for a moment then continued “we have a total of 6 ponies 2 unicorns, 2 pegesi and 2 Earth ponies. The earth ponies steer and navigate the ship. The unicorns work together using a scanning and projection spell it’s a single spell that is shared by the casters. When it’s cast the two spells merge together into one as the boat moves along one scans the bottom as the other projects images in a 3-D format. This makes any anomalies or items of interest easy to identify once an anomaly is identified the pegasi suit up and dive to the location.”

Bon-Bon said “I’m curious why only pegasi divers?”

Anton replied “any pony can be a diver but pegasi are best suited in water because their wings can act like flippers they wear a wetsuit over their bodies and a similar covering for their wings this gives them more thrust in the water.”

At the same time Helbar came over carrying their meals in a teal aura placing them in front of each pony their meal drink and sides. “Two orange juices and one grapefruit one jelly donut, one glazed donut with extra sprinkles and chocolate donut enjoy. If you need anything else let me know”

After breakfast they went to Charger Bay Anton pointed to a boat moored by the dock with several ponies on board “there is out expedition boat” as they approached the boat. Anton said “greetings every pony allow me to introduce Lyra and Bon-Bon the ponies who helped make this expedition possible.”

The others nodded they all said hello and they all shook hooves as Anton introduced the crew pointing to the 2 unicorns one mare one stallion. The stallion had a tan coat with a lite blonde mane and tail and a picture of the ground with waves bouncing off it Anton said “this is Sonar.” Turning to the mare Anton continued “this is Holojection” she had a grey coat and a platinum mane and tail her cutie mark was a rod with a ball on top and waves emanating from it.

He then turned to the 2 Earth ponies one mare and the other a stallion the stallion had a brown coat and a teal mane and tail. His cutie mark was a ships steering wheel “this is Skipper.”

Skipper nodded his head slightly and said “call me Skip.”

He pointed to the mare she had a reddish coat and a lite blue mane and tail her cutie mark was an unfurled map with lines on it “this is Cartie.”

Then he pointed to the pegasi both stallions and said pointing to the one with a lite blue coat and red mane and tail his cutie mark was 2 swim flippers. “This is Aquatica” then pointed to the other a stallion of similar build but with lime green coat and a darker shade of green mane and tail and a scuba tank cutie mark “this is Diver.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon waved.

Skip said “I will be piloting the ship and Cartie will be navigating we will be traveling south along the inner rim unless you know of another location.”

Lyra shook her head “no” then looked at the map and the shape of the sea and considered whether or not to disclose her theory. Then decided to test every ponies reaction slightly nervously she said “everypony take a look at this”

The group gathered around the map as Lyra explained as she pointed to the river on one side and the edge of the sea the 2 edges of the sea “look at this see how it looks like a river delta.”

Diver said “I don’t get it.”

Lyra said “I’m not sure I do either, but I want to confirm something Skip can you move the ship to the edge of the peninsula closest to this location?”

Skip said “yes but what does this have to do with anything?”

Lyra said “look at the map and the shape of the sea this may sound weird but it’s possible this sea is the site of a giant meteor crater. Pointing to the map she continued “notice how the north and south peninsulas curve inwards. See how the openings look like the edges of an ancient river delta.”

Cartie asked “that’s a bold claim but what evidence do you have to back this up?”

Lyra said “on the mountains near the Badlands on the Hayseed swamp side the rocks have been vitrified.”

Skip said “vitri- what?”

Lyra said “the rocks were exposed to intense heat between 600 - 1300ᴼ Celsius and turned to glass and that’s what we hope to find evidence here.”

Skip nodded and set course for the mouth of the sea once the ship reached its destination Skip said “were here.”

Cartie said “ok Sonar begin scanning.”

Sonar and halo went to the stern of the ship and Sonar’s horn glowed as waves of magic pulsed out from his horn and into the water as Holo’s horn glowed and projected the images. As Sonar’s magic scanned the sea floor Skip moved the ship forward slowly as images came into view.

As they passed over the mouth of the sea an image appeared the bottom showed remnants of sediment it spread outwards from the peninsula. Cartie said “that looks looked like the remains of an ancient river delta.” Turning to the pegasi she “Diver, Aquatica suit up and prepare to investigate this anomaly.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon watched as the 2 ponies put on wetsuits diving goggles and an underwater saddlebag then a single air tank on their backs and strapped them in place. They placed rubber sleeves over their wings and respirators in their muzzles. They climbed onto the edge of a diving platform looked at each other and nodded as they went over the edge into the water. Once underwater they used their covered wings to swim. They moved downwards towards the bottom as it came into view. They moved forward could see the land formed a sloped wall forming a slope 30 meters high covered by 45 meters was water. The area was mostly mud covered but there was lite mud that extended out past the land. Then Aquatica noticed something getting his comrades attention he pointed to the object Diver nodded and they approached it. As it came into view it looked like a rock it was unusual looking and it was embedded in the slope. They swam over Diver took the rock in his hooves and placed it in his saddlebags. After they returned to the surface as they used their wings to tread water moving close to the boat.

Halo levitated the diving ponies out of the water and onto the boat.

Once on board they removed their diving equipment Diver said “we found something interesting it’s in my saddlebags.”

Halo levitated the saddlebags with the rock inside on the table as they gathered around the table Halo removed it from the saddlebag and everypony looked at the rock it was 20 cm in diameter and jet black in color.

Lyra picked the rock up in her hooves and lifted it 15 cm off the table she noticed it was very heavy she asked “does anypony know what kind of rock this is its very heavy?”

They all just shook their heads she let go of the stone and it made a loud thud on the table she asked “does anypony have a scale?”

Skip returned with a scale Lyra levitated the rock placing it on the scale she said “weight 4.5 kg” turning to Diver asked “you found this near the shelf?”

Diver nodded “yes I saw it in the mud it was lodged in the side of the shelf about” turning to Aquatica continued “about a meter above the bottom?”

Aquatica nodded “yeah there was also something glistening all along the cliff face they looked like tiny diamonds only they were round.”

Lyra asked “did you bring any up with you?”

Aquiatica replied “no I did not think it was important.”

Skip said “we can use the ships anchor to dredge up some mud and collect whatever they are.”

Lyra nodded “ok do that I’m curious to see what these are.”

Anton said “as am I.”

Skip moved the ship to as close to the coastline as he could get and dropped the anchor into the mud then slowly raised it once it was above the water.

Lyra said “I will need a sieve, bowel, spoon and some water.”

Cartie went with Aquatica to the galley and got a flower sieve, bowel and a large wooden spoon.

Sonar levitated the bowel into the sea and scooped up some water and placed it on the table.

Lyra levitated the sieve into the bowel then levitated the spoon over to the anchor and scooped some mud and placed it onto the sieve. She rotated the sieve in the water several times. The water turned brown as the finer silts filtered through the sieve. After several seconds of swirling she then placed a dark cloth on the table and emptied the sieve. Several small items fell onto the cloth in addition to shells of long dead mollusks there were particles that glistened in the sun.

Diver said “those look just like what we saw the seabed is covered with them.”

Anton said “I will take those back to Canterlot for analysis.”

Anton said “if the southern peninsula is the same we may be on to something” turning to Skip he said “set course for the southern peninsula Sonar, Halo scan the area.”

Skip set course Sonar and Halo scanned the bottom when they arrived and scanned the area and saw the same slanted slope.

Anton said “these shores appear to slant like a giant bowel” turning to Skip he said “place the ship between the shores Sonar, halo scan the bottom.”

The ship moved between the peninsulas as Sonar and Halo scanned the bottom they could see the bottom was flat.

Anton asked “wow Lyra your theory is beginning to take shape if it’s true you’re going to be famous.”

Lyra smiled.

Anton said looking at the rock on the table “does any pony know a geologist?”

Lyra said “I do.”

Anton asked “who?”

Lyra said “Maude Pie of the Equestrian geological society.”

Anton said “I’ve heard of her she’s the professor of the Manehattan university geological division right?”

Lyra nodded.

Anton said “very well I will entrust this rock to you as well as some of those smaller diamond stones we found.”

Cartie said “Skip set course 25 km to the west of this point Sonar begin scanning the area.”

The ship moved forward away from the Draconic Ocean as Sonar and Halo scanned the bottom Sonar said “there is something about the ground here.”

Anton asked “what do you mean?”

Sonar said “I’m not sure.”

Holo projected the image the sea floor looked like ripples in a pond.”

Sonar said “there are a rich deposits of iron down there.”

Anton asked “like iron ore veins?”

Sonar said “no” as Holo projected the image there were small stones strewn all about the seabed.”

A scan of other parts of the bottom reveled similar results as the days expedition drew to a close and the sun began to move towards the west and would be setting soon. The ship returned to port and they disembarked.

The next day after checking out of the hotel Lyra and Bon-Bon went to the Baltamare river delta it was a short walk from the motel Lyra wanted to look around the area.

Bon-Bon asked “what are you looking for here?”

Lyra said “crystalline rocks similar to what we found outside the Badlands.”

Bon-Bon nodded then noticed something gleaming in the light she said “Lyra I found something.”

Lyra asked “what is it?”

Bon-Bon said “I think it’s a diamond.”

Lyra went over and saw the object half buried in the mud it was semi clear and looked like a diamond she levitated it out of the mud and washed it off in the river. She looked at it more closely “I don’t think this is a diamond or at least it’s not like any diamond I’ve ever seen

Bon-Bon asked “what do you mean?”

Lyra said holding it up “it’s too opaque.” she looked closer “I think this is quartz.”

Bon-Bon lowered her head “aww bummer.”

Lyra said “aww cheer up I didn’t say it wasn’t but if it is” she smiled “just think what it could look like as a necklace.”

Bon-Bon smiled “that would be nice.”

Lyra kissed her on the head “don’t give up hope we will find one someday and you can wear it to the gala and put those Canterlot snobs to shame.”

Bon-Bon smiled softly.

They took a train back to Ponyville and met Pinkie.

Lyra said “hi Pinkie is Maude home? I have some rocks we need to identify.

Pinkie nodded and they went with her to the rock farm.

They went into the farmhouse and saw Maude sitting at a table her back was to them reading a book.

Pinkie held up a hoof to her lips then snuck up behind her sister and shouted “MAUDE GUESTS!”

Maude jumped several centimeters off her seat and dropped her book she spun around in surprise and stared at Pinkie.

Pinkie just fell on the floor laughing.

Maude rolled her eyes and said “Pinkie you know I hate when you do that.”

Pinkie composed herself a little still laughing said “ooh but its so much fun.”

Maude just stared at her “you said we have guests.”

Pinkie still giggling nodded and pointed to Lyra and Bon-Bon.

Maude looked over to the doorway and said “oh hello again how can I help you?”

Lyra said “we have some strange rocks we hope you can help us to identify them.”

They sat down and Lyra’s horn glowed as she levitated the strange stones and the cloth out of her saddlebags on the table. Maude looked at the jet black stone closely sniffed it picked it up with her hooves and dropped it on the table. It hit the table with a loud thud she raised an eyebrow then looked at the other one and tapped it with a hoof.

Turning to Lyra she asked “where did you find these?”

Lyra said “the black stone was at the bottom of the Horseshoe Sea the crystal looking one was in the Baltimare river delta and we found these on the sea bottom.” She opened the cloth showing the small crystals.

Maude said “I’ll be right back” and left the room for a moment she returned with a horseshoe magnet she placed it on the table next to the stone. She then pushed the magnet towards the rock when it got close it stuck to the rock.

Bon-Bon asked “what does this mean?”

Maude said “this stone is pure iron and the crystal is shocked quartz” pausing for a moment she continued “this explains the vitrified rock.” Pointing to the small crystals on the cloth “those are nano diamonds” all three are caused by asteroid impacts.”

Bon-Bon perked up “diamonds?”

Maude said “yes but they’re too small to be of any value.”

Bon-Bon moaned in disappointment.

Lyra put a hoof on Bon-Bon’s shoulder and rubbed it gently looking at Maude said “this confirms my theory.”

Maude arched an eyebrow “theory?”

Lyra said “have you seen the article in the papers about the amazing discovery?”

Maude nodded.

Lyra smiled “it’s part of a theory I have 8-10,000 years ago Equestria was inhabited by a race of bipedal creatures that lived alongside ponies. So far we discovered scrolls written in an ancient language and artifices dated to that time period and older as well as cave paintings.

Maude asked “what happened to the bipeds?”

Lyra said I’m not sure I think they went extinct I’m currently looking for evidence of that but so far I can say based on what I discovered so far is this. Those rocks on the table are from the Horseshoe Sea. I believe based on the evidence so far is that the sea is the site of an asteroid impact she did not mention Ianantica or the lost alicorn race at least not yet.

Maude said “and you think this impact wiped them out?”

Lyra nodded “possibly based on a scroll I found in a cave it mentioned something about a fireball that stole the sun.”

Maude nodded “this rock is shocked quartz and this rock iron is pure iron and those are nano diamonds this seems like pretty strong evidence of an asteroid impact.”

Bon-Bon asked “how can a asteroid steal the sun?”

Maude said “it can’t but a large impact could throw up a large amount of dust into the atmosphere it would block out the sun for a period of time the bigger the impact the larger the dust cloud without enough sunlight the food chain collapses and life forms go extinct. In order to block out the sun long enough to do that it would-.” She paused for a moment “wait an asteroid that big would have to be the size of Mount Everhoof.”

Bon-Bon asked “how big is that?”

Maude said “about 11 km.”

Lyra nodded in understanding “it all makes sense now the Horseshoe Sea is 21 km” turning to Maude she asked “do you have an abacas?”

Maude nodded and left the room moments later she returned carrying abacas.

Lyra smiled and took a pencil in her magic and began writing some numbers on the paper and moved some beads on the abacas and said “this is a rough estimate. But an 11 km rock slammed into the ground in where the Horseshoe Sea is now would create a 15-26 km crater. The Baltimare River began to fill the crater over time it became a sea this also explains the shocked quarts, Nano diamonds, vitrified rock and the iron rock we have here.”

Maude said “if what you say is true then there should be a dark band in the rock strata dating to that time period.”

Bob-Bon asked “where?”

Maude replied “everywhere.”

Lyra said “come with us we could use you expertise.”

Maude said “I would like to but I can’t, next week I have to give a lecture on sedimentary stratification and erosion at Vanhoover University.”

They thanked Maude for her incite and were preparing to leave when Bon-Bon had an idea she went to Pinkie and asked “after this expedition is over I’m opening a candy store. Do you know of any ponies who would like a job?”

Pinkie thought for a moment and said “yes I know a few ponies when will the expedition be over?

Bon-Bon said “I hope it will be soon were on to something big and are very close but in the meantime have the applicants contact me.”

As they left the rock farm they returned to Ponyville and went home after entering Lyra said “it’s good to be home if only for a little while.”

Bon-Bon nodded and lay down on the sofa and smiled.

Lyra said “I’m going to get a soda you want one?” Bon-bon nodded. Lyra went into the kitchen and moments later came out holding 2 sodas in a golden aura she removed the caps and passed one over to Bon-Bon sat down next to her and they drank their sodas.

Lost history

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The next day during lunch a knock came on the door Bon-Bon went to answer it she saw the mailmare standing there “hi Derpy.”

Derpy smiled “hi Bon-Bon here’s your mail” as she reached into her mailbag and pulled out some letters as Bon-Bon took them in her teeth Derpy said “see you around.”

Bon-Bon smiled and nodded as Derpy took off to finish her deliveries she placed the mail on a table and spread the letters out when she noticed one from Twilight. She opened it read Dear Lyra and Bon-Bon, I have spoken with Princess Celestia and she wishes to meet with us regarding the disappearance of the artifacts in 2 days. I procured 3 train tickets see you in 2 ou in 2 days if you unable to make it let me know see Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle.

She found a second letter in the stack addressed to her she opened it a party horn sounded and confetti popped out she wondered how anypony could put confetti in a letter. The letter it read Dear Bon-Bon, I found some employees for you candy store. Meet me at Sugar cube Corner at your convenience Sincerely, Pinkie Pie.

Bon-Bon thought now the confetti makes sense as she put on her saddlebags turned to Lyra and said “I’m going into town Pinkie found some potential employees.”

Lyra said “ok see you later.”

Bon-Bon smiled and kissed Lyra goodbye and went into town later that day she home and said “Lyra I’m home.”

Lyra came into the living room carrying her lyre in a golden aura as she sat on the sofa “hi Bon-Bon did you find what you were looking for?”

Bon-Bon climbed onto the sofa laid down and said “sort of I had no idea Pinkie was so well connected there were ponies lined up outside.” She smiled gently “most were phillies and colts that were either looking to make extra bits or finding their talents.”

Lyra placed her lyre on the table and sat down next to Bon-Bon “any luck?”

Bon-Bon shook her head “not yet I never thought there would be so many ponies.”

Lyra asked “how many were there?”

Bon-Bon said “45.”

Lyra smiled “would you expect anything less from Pinkie?”

Bon-Bon smiled “you have a point I narrowed it down to 15 but I only need 5” she smiled “two to run the front counter, two to help with inventory and one to help prepare the confections. I should have what I need by tomorrow.”

Lyra smiled and said “that’s good.”

The next day Bon-Bon went into town and met with the remaining 15 candidates after she returned home she said “Lyra I’m h-o-o-me.”

Lyra said “welcome home she came up and kissed Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon said “I found the five I was looking for, 3 fillies and 2 colts.”

Lyra smiled “that’s wonderful news.”

The next day a knock on the door Lyra and Bon-Bon both knew who it was Lyra answered the door “hi Twilight.”

Bon-Bon said “hi Twilight.”

Twilight said “hi Lyra, hi Bon-Bon you two ready?”

Lyra said “were ready who’s mining the library?”

Twilight said “Spike” she smiled “he was so excited to be given such a responsibility I told him if he had any problems he could ask Rarity she agreed to help him out if he needs it.”

The two nodded as they as they made their way to the train station on the train Lyra asked Twilight “are there any non-pony references to a giant fireball stealing the sun.”

Twilight thought for a moment and said “yes the dragons have legends so do the griffins, Zebras and Minotaur’s when we get back I have some books and go into greater detail.”

Once they arrived in Canterlot they met with Celestia as they entered the royal chambers they saw her sitting on her throne they entered and bowed respectively. Celestia smiled stood up and came down from the throne.

Twilight said “thank you for this meeting your majesty what did you find out regarding the missing artifacts?”

Celestia said as she lead them into a small room with several small cushions “please make yourself comfortable” as the 3 laid down on the cushions.” She smiled as she lay down on a cushion facing then “I’m always happy to see my subjects. We have a few leads on the missing artifacts.”

Twilight, Lyra and Bon-Bon listened as Celestia continued “I have information about the society for the preservation of historical accuracy they sent a letter. Analysis has determined it to be written on a typewriter so the author could not be verified by writing analysis. However, the next time they send a letter we should be able to track them.

Bon-Bon asked “how are you going to do that?”

Celestia said “we have 2 letters so far if they send one more we can use a scribe spell and track them even if they are send it from multiple locations we can triangulate there location.”

Lyra said “it does not matter let them threaten us, soon we will have enough evidence to prove the theory and they will be exposed and will have no choice but to acknowledge our findings.”

Celestia asked “what did you find inside the pyramid?”

Lyra and Bon-Bon told her what they found Celestia nodded then said “I remember something I heard in my youth after the loss of Ianantica Equestria fell into a dark age. Not just technology was lost but harmony too as rifts began to form among pony races and the pyramid began to fall into disuse.

Twilight asked “what was it used for?”

Celestia said “I’m not sure but I think it had something to do with the sun and moon.”

Twilight said “that explains the crystals we saw.”

Lyra nodded in agreement and said “we also found a scroll in the Badlands that Twilight translated it was a last will and testament from Columar Harnark. The last human and he said something similar.”

Twilight nodded in acknowledgment.

Bon-Bon suddenly had an epiphany “wait if legends of humans are true then does that means the hearts warming story is also true” she paused “right?”

Celestia said softly “yes legends are based on some degree of truth the hearts warming play is close to what really happened what it did not say was.” Looking at Lyra she said “the last human said a fireball stole the sun right?”

Lyra nodded “we now know it was a giant asteroid impact that that threw a large amount of dust into the atmosphere that blocked out the sun.”

Celestia nodded “yes based on what I heard the darkness lasted for 6.5 months but the Dark Age that followed lasted for about 1,500 years. After the skies cleared the unicorns raised the sun but it took the combined effort of at least 20 to move the sun any less and the sun would not move. It also taxed their magic so they rotated by region. Each day a different region would raise the sun giving the previous region time to relax and recover.”

Bon-Bon asked “who moved the moon?

Celestia said “the unicorns but since the moon is smaller it took only 7-10 depending on their magical aptitude they also alternated regions but not as often.”

Lyra, Bon-Bon and Twilight listened intently as Celestia continued.

Celestia paused for a moment as she levitated over a challis and took a sip of water and continued “I was born 500 years after the great cataclysm and Luna 1,300 years later. I was 1000 years old and Luna was 200 years old when the pony races united. My parents decided to give us a place to call home so they began to build us a castle.” She smiled nostalgically “Luna and I helped move some of the stones into place. Once the basic construction was complete my father placed a glowing magic orb high above the castle. It was to serve as a beacon to draw in other alicorns but after several decades none came. We began to suspect we were the last of our kind” she sighed “centuries passed the castle was completed but still no alicorns came.”

Twilight was slightly confused I don’t understand why you don’t procreate?”

Celestia said “we can’t at least with not with the three pony races, during the time of Ianantica many tried and failed it was discovered that alicorn DNA is not compatible with pony DNA.” Her eyes took on a slightly sad look “alicorns are a different genus of pony. However, when we pass ourselves onto others using magic we infuse a portion of our DNA into a chosen pony. Such as Cadence this process gives them greater magical reserves and abilities. But they retain their fundamental DNA and therefore can procreate. So their offspring will be part alicorn” she smiled softly “I guess in some way alicorns will carry on.”

Twilight Lyra and Bon-Bon sat there in amazement as Celestia continued “several hundred years after the pony races united they had several small governing bodies all over Equestria. My parents were elderly but despite their ages they met with the various governing leaders. They told the leaders if they had any problems they could be found in the castle in the forest south of the spire mountain look for the large evergreen orb in the sky. Word spread quickly and the various governing bodies they were surprised to learn alicorns still lived. They heard the legends of Ianantica Luna and I helped in unification of the various governing bodies. Which lead to the founding of Equestria.”

Twilight, Lyra and Bon-Bon looked at each other and then at Celestia in amazement after a brief pause Lyra said “wow that’s quite a tale your majesty, but what does that have to do with the lost pyramid?”

Celestia smiled softly and said “everything remember those crystals I found inside?”

Twilight, Lyra and Bon-Bon all nodded unison.

Celestia continued “this happened before I received my cutie mark I heard stories about the pyramid of power but its location was lost to history. So I went in search of the legend my parents said it was located somewhere to the southeast of the castle we lived it at the time. I flew in that direction and soon found it the area was still grassland. There were not very many trees so the pyramid was easy to find. I landed and saw something above the entrance but I could not read what the text said.”

Twilight told her what the translation said.

Celestia nodded “so that’s what it said I haven’t thought about that in a long time” she smiled “as I was saying I went inside wondered what those crystals were for. I could not read the text and translation spells had not been discovered yet the pyramid had fallen into disrepair. I entered the pyramid and saw the crystals. I was not sure what they were for so I focused my magic on one of them suddenly the sky went dark. I wondered what happened and went outside I looked up and what I saw shocked me. I saw the sun and moon in the sky at the same time the moon covered the sun causing darkness in the afternoon.”

Bon-Bon said “wait what? You saw the sun and moon in the sky at the same time how is that possible?”

Celestia said “I suspect the crystals in the pyramid were used to amplify magic and when I focused on the one I accidentally moved the moon the across the sky and covered the sun. I’m not sure what happened and not wanting to cause any more damage than I already did. So I reached out with my magic and found I could move the sun. So I moved it out of the way of the moon and restored the daylight. When I returned home Luna told me I had a mark on my flank pointing to it I turned my head and noticed I got my cutie mark. I was excited to get it I wondered if Luna could do something similar. Looking up into the sky I noticed the moon was still in the sky so I asked her to see if she could set it. She was unsure but tried and was successful and got her cutie mark.” She was so excited she smiled softly “we celebrated all night long several months later we got visits from emissaries from all over the land. The magic beacon my parents placed over the castle still lingered. They heard the stories about alicorns and the caste they all told spoke about the sun going dark. They thought it was the end of the world I assured them it would not happen again. They also told me there was a virus that was spreading among unicorns it was not fatal but it did limit their magical abilities. As a result they were not able to raise the sun over time we learned it afflicted over 1/3 of the unicorn population. They asked if I could help so I offered to raise the sun in their place. The next morning I raised the sun soon word spread the legends of the alicorns were true over time they asked me to govern them. Not long after Luna came to rule alongside me. Over time our governing evolved into a diarchy. All was well for a time then when Luna was 500 years old our parents died. She took it pretty hard” then 50 years later she started to rebel and the rest every pony knows.” She smiled softly “I hope this aids you in your reaserch.”

Twilight Lyra and Bon-Bon nodded Lyra smiled and said “ does thank you your majesty.”

Celestia nodded her head.

Bon-Bon asked “why is this not in the history books?”

Celestia said “most of the history of pre Equestria was lost in the cataclysm and subsequent dark age.”

Lyra said “were going back to the pyramid soon there may be some of the lost history there.”

Twilight said “the enchanting of the gemstones to repel the Korpoterite’s is almost finished.”

Celestia nodded “I look forward to any artifacts or information you find.”

Twilight, Lyra and Bon-Bon bowed their heads Lyra said “of course your majesty we will be coming back soon and would like to use the dirigible.”

Celestia nodded “it will be ready for you it seems no pony uses it.”

Lyra grinned sheepishly “well that is because no pony knows about it.”

Bon-Bon giggled.

Twilight smiled softly.

Celestia just grinned and said with a sheepish tone “oh yeah.”

After they concluded their business with Celestia they returned to Ponyville and stopped by the Golden Oaks library.

Twilight said “come in and sit down.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon entered and sat down.

Twilight said “Spike I need you to get the book on mythologies section 7 row 4.”

He pulled the book from the shelf and Twilight took it in her magic and levitated it over the cover read Ancient Equestrian Myths and Legends. Turning a few pages she said “this is what the non-pony races have to say about the cataclysm. The dragon religion says their God was displeased with them for their lack of nobility. So in order to punish them their God stole the sun for a period of time.” She paused for a moment “the Griffins were also punished by their God for not keeping enough gold in their kingdom. The Minotaur’s were also punished not being motivated enough and the Zebras for not using alchemy to benefit others.”

Lyra said “that’s fascinating” she thought for a moment and asked “does the book say anything about Ianantica?”

Twilight said “Spike get the book on lost cities and civilizations section 7 row 3” he pulled the book from the shelf she took the book in her magic floated it over and flipped to a page. After finding the page she said “yes the philosopher Paltimino wrote a dialogue in the year 4,000 BCL 1000 years after the great cataclysm. He said there was an advanced civilization of alicorns located south east of Spire Mountain known as Equinetis also known as Ianantica.”

Bon-Bon asked “does he say what happened to it?”

Twilight said “no he says it disappeared and was swallowed by the sea” looking at the page again she paused. “This is interesting it also says after the city sank the were so distraught they hide the sun.

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon looked at each other and then at Twilight neither of them said anything.

Twilight broke the silence as she closed the book “it seems that in this case the legends are true.”

After Lyra and Bon-Bon finished at Twilights house they went home sat on the sofa and Lyra levitated her lyre and looked at it quizzically.

Bon-Bon asked “is everything alright?”

Lyra looked at Bon-Bon and nodded “I’m fine I was just wondering if this instrument was a part of the shared technology the princess mentioned.” Levitating the lyre closer she continued “it looks like something that is best played with apposable appendages.” She smiled “kinds like the cello Octavia Melody plays or a piano.”

Bon-Bon smiled and climbed onto the sofa and placed her head on Lyra’s lap and rolled over on her back and said with a smile “that is an interesting thought. I can’t imagine a world without such things.”

Lyra smiled and replied “me neither” as she plucked the strings with her magic and began playing a softy melody as she rubbed a hoof over Bon-Bon’s chest and stomach.

Bon-Bon smiled and closed her eyes and purred “m-m-m-m that feels nice.”

Lyra smiled as Bon-Bon closed her eyes after a few minutes Lyra looked down and noticed her mare friend had fallen asleep. She smiled as her horn glowed and she placed her lyre on the table then enveloped Bon-Bon in a golden aura and carried her into the bedroom. She gently placed her on the bed then turned out the lights and climbed into bed and went to sleep.

The next day Bon-Bon woke up and saw Lyra lying in the bed she smiled and gently kissed her on the head and went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

Lyra awoke to the smell off cooking she went to the kitchen and saw Bon-Bon cooking eggs and hay bacon.

Bon-Bon looked over said “good morning Lyra.”

Lyra smiled and said with a yawn “morning” as she went to the refrigeration box and levitated a pitcher of orange juice and 2 glasses from the cabinet. As she placed the glasses on the table and filled them with the juice as Bon-Bon sat breakfast on the table.

As they ate breakfast Bon-Bon asked “what’s next step in your research?”

Lyra arched an eyebrow “don’t you mean our research?”

Bon-Bon smiled “this is your quest I’m here for support” she grinned “among other things.”

Lyra smiled and said “so far we have a rock, crater and vitrified rock next we need to find hard evidence of for lack of a better term.”

Bon-Bon arched an eyebrow “what do you mean?”

Lyra said “I’ll show you after were finished eating.”

After they finished eating Bon-Bon took her and Lyra’s plates into the kitchen when she returned Lyra smiled and levitated over a map unfueled it and said “based on what Celestia told us the area around what is now Charger Bay was part of Ianantica.” She placed a hoof on the river that flowed into the sea and surrounding area. She traced around the area of the Horseshoe Sea “Notice how there is no forest around the area from the Badlands to Baltimare?”

Bon-Bon looked at the map then up at Lyra and nodded “why is that?”

Lyra said “I believe it’s because that area is the part of the blast radius from the asteroid impact.”

Bon-Bon said “that explains that large piece of quartz I found in the river.”

Lyra nodded “if the impact theory is true then there should be evidence in the rock layers.”

Bon-Bon asked “where would we find such evidence?”

Lyra looked at the map and pointed to 2 locations “here Ghastly and Galloping Gorge.”

Bon-Bon asked “Ghastly Gorge what about the quaray eels?

Lyra said “we are going here” pointing to a location south of a forest “I want to search here” she placed a hoof over a location on the map. Then to a location further south “the quaray eels are here past the railroad bridge so we should be safe.”

Bon-Bon looked at the forest location and said “isn’t that near Froggy Bottom Bog?”

Lyra nodded “we will have to borrow the dirigible so we can avoid the hydras.”

Bon-Bon agreed “when do you want to do that?”

Lyra said “in a couple of days it’s nice to be home and taking a few days to relax would be nice.”

Bon-Bon smiled and nodded “I need to talk to Pinkie I hope she found some ponies who would like to work in the candy store.”

Lyra nodded and said “if you’re going to Sugar cube corner bring me a lemon cookie” Bon-Bon nodded put on her saddlebags kissed Lyra and left to visit Pinkie.

A short time later she retuned “Lyra I’m home.”

Lyra emerged from the music room levitating her lyre behind her as she placed it on the table and said “welcome back how did it go?”

Bon-Bon sat down removed her saddlebags and reached inside and removed a small bag Lyra took it in her magic and removed 2 lemon cookies. Bon-Bon did the same as she took a bite of cookie and said “I have some leads.”

Lyra took a bite of a cookie and said “that’s good news.”

Bon-Bon looked up nodded then and said “I think Pinkie got too many.”

Lyra arched an eyebrow “what do you mean?”

Bon-Bon said “I needed 3 maybe 4 you know how many she got? Over 40 they came from all over Canerlot, Apple Loosa, Ponyville and even Dodge City.”

Lyra smiled and said “would you expect anything less from Pinkie?”

Bn-Bon shook her head and smiled “no I guess not I’m not complaining but that’s a lot of ponies but I guess that means I will find the best of the best.”

Lyra nodded and said “makes sense, while you were out I went into town and reserved a hot air balloon so we can use it to visit Ghastly Gorge and avoid encountering any quaray eels.”

The next day they Lyra placed some small containers, bags and a garden spade and camera in her saddlebags and placed them on her back. They went into town and met with the balloon vendor paid the rental fee and boarded it.

As the balloon lifted into the air they could see the ground moving away as they began floating south soon they passed over the Everfree forest and soon came to Ghastly Gorge.

Lyra’s horn began to glow as the balloon descended as it landed she placed a large stone into the basket and smiled “just in case.” Bon-Bon smiled they walked to the edge of the gorge they could see the railroad bridge in the distance. Lyra said “there should be a evidence of the cataclysm in the sedimentary layers of these rocks.

Bon-Bon asked “how far down is the layer you’re looking for?”

Lyra said “not far the cataclysm was over 5,000 years ago so it should be near the surface” she looked around and in the direction of the forest where the river flowed out of a cave. Looking down she noticed it flowed down in steps. The river was lower than usual exposing several sandbars. Lyra looked down and thought if I go down there I might not be able to get back up looking over at the balloon she had an idea. Turning to Bon-Bon she explained the situation Bon-Bon nodded as they climbed into the balloon. Lyra removed the stone and used her magic to descend into the gorge.

Bon-Bon asked “are there any eels this close?”

Lyra said “no they are past the rail bridge we should be safe here.”

Bon-Bon looked around nervously “I hope so.”

Lyra smiled and nuzzled Bon-Bon gently then smiled and said with a chuckle “if we encounter any we can give them an invitation to Little House of Bon’s.”

Bon-Bon chuckled and said “I can see one of them coming to the store and wanting some stripped taffy.”

They both laughed as the location came into view the balloon lowered to the desired height.

Landing on a sandbar Lyra said pointing a hoof to a dark band in the cliff face “see that dark band there?”

Bon-Bon nodded and took out their camera out of her saddlebags Lyra took it in her magic and snapped a photo of the band in the cliff face. She took a small container from her saddlebags and the garden spade and scrapped the contents from above the dark stripe into a container. Passed it to Bon-Bon who labeled Ghastly Gorge sample #1above the band Lyra levitated second container. She scraped a sample from the band and passed it Bon-Bon who labeled it Ghastly Gorge sample #2 from the band. Lyra levitated out third container and took a sample from below the band. Again she passed it to Bon-Bon who labeled it Ghastly Gorge sample #3 below the band and placed the sample in her saddlebags.

Bon-Bon asked “Galloping Gorge next?”

Lyra nodded as the balloon ascended and began traveling to the northwest as the everfree forest passed by Lyra said “this is so much better than walking.”

Bon-Bon nodded “yes and the view is great.”

Soon they passed the outskirts of Ponyville then the unicorn range Canterlot could be seen in the distance Bon-Bon saw something that looked like clouds in the distance and asked “what’s that?”

Lyra looked over and said “I think that’s Cloudsdayle.”

Galloping Gorge could be seen in the distance as they approached they noticed the chasm did not have progressive steps like Ghastly Gorge this Gorge was a vertical cliff face.

Lyra used her magic to lower the balloon to the desired height and Bon-Bon noticed the same strange layer as before.

As the moved closer Lyra levitated her camera and took a photo and levitated out the same tools as before. Taking samples in the same order as before Bon-Bon labeled them and placed the items into their saddlebags.

After gathering the samples Lyra said “we should take these to the Canterlot University Pedology department.”

Bon-Bon arched an eye brow “Pedowhatigy department?”

Lyra said “Pedology the study of soil” she grinned sheepishly “I guess you could say it’s a dirty job.”

Bon-Bon just face hoofed and groaned “and I thought my jokes were bad.”

Lyra smiled and said “looks like you’re rubbing off on me.”

Bon-Bon smiled and said with a cynical tone “Celestia help us all.”

They both laughed and watched the scenery pass below them enjoying the view.

After returning to Ponyville they returned the balloon to its vendor went home placed the strange rock fron Chrger Bay in their saddlebags with the samples then took a train to Canterlot. Once they arrived they went to the University archeology department and met with Anton.

Lyra explained the samples and said “I would like to have these analyzed by the Pedology department” as she levitated the samples from her saddlebags.

Anton asked “what are you looking for?”

Lyra said “these samples were taken from Ghastly and Galloping Gorge 152 cm below the surface there is a thin band in the strata. I would like to have the samples marked middle analyzed for anything unusual and compare them to the other 2.”

Anton nodded “come with me.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon followed Anton to the Pedology department where they met a unicorn stallion with a jade coat and a light green mane and a shovel in the ground for a cutie mark.

Anton said “Lyra Bon-Bon meet Vedecke Наука head of the Pedology department.”

Bothe Lyra and Bon-Bon said “hello and they shook hooves.

Lyra’s horned glowed and she levitated the samples from Ghastly and Galloping Gorge out of her saddlebags to Vedecke who in turn took samples in his magic. He said “let’s begin with the Galloping Gorge samples” he placed the layer marked top into a mass spectrometer. Several moments later the results appeared on a screen. He then did the same procedures to the samples marked middle then the sample marked lower.

Vedecke said “this is interesting” pointing a hoof to the 2 graphs starting with the top graph there were 3 lines with varying spikes. “The top graph is from Galloping Gorge the lines are from above middle and below notice how they are exactly the same.” He then pointed to the center graph said “notice how the samples marked center have 3 spikes in them.” Pointing to graph “notice the elements silicon iron and iridium. “They are in trace amounts in the top and bottom samples but the sample marked center is over 400% above normal.”

He performed the same procedures for Ghastly Gorge and received the same results then asked what depth were these samples taken?”

Lyra said “about 152 cm below the surface layer.”

Vedecke said “interesting, that would place the event at about 5,000 years ago.”

Anton asked “what could cause that?”

Vedecke said “many things but iridium is rare to this planet the only thing that can place that much iridium would be a meteor impact.”

Lyra levitated out the rock and said “this was found in Charger Bay we believe it to be made of pure iron.”

Vedecke asked “are you sure?”

Bon-Bon said “we had it inspected by a geologist and it also holds a magnet.”

Vedecke took some fillings from the rock and performed the same mass spectrometer analysis and said “yes this rock is rich in silicon iron and iridium. I would like to send this to other universities to verify our findings.”

Anton nodded “agreed” he then smiled softly turned to Lyra and said “your theory is taking shape now if we only had more evidence. So far we know there was a cataclysm and that an asteroid was most likely the cause.”

Lyra said “were working on that in a few days were going to secure a ride to the forbidden jungle by then we will have something to repel the monsters.”

Anton nodded “I await your findings.”

The pyramid of power

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After they finished at the university they had an audience with Celestia to set up a date to use the dirigible.

Celestia asked "when will you need it?"

Lyra said "hopefully tomorrow I will confirm this with Twilight."

Celestia nodded.

After finishing with Celestia they went to the Canterlot train station and boarded a train to Ponyville.

As the train pulled out of the station Lyra said "with all this lost history I could write a book."

Bon-Bon said "if you do don't forget me."

Lyra smiled and nuzzled her "never."

Upon arriving in Ponyville they disembarked and traveled to the Golden Oaks library.

Lyra knocked on the door and Spike answered.

Lyra said "hi Spike is Twilight home?"

Spike nodded "she's in the basement come on in and take a seat."

They both sat down as Spike went downstairs and returned moments later with Twilight following behind with 3 necklaces floating in a purple arura. Each had a gem was embedded in a silver colored casing.

Twilight smiled "hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon the gems are ready" she levitated over the 3 necklaces each had a teal colored diamond shaped gem embedded in it. She levitated 2 of them over to Lyra and Bon-Bon and continued "I enchanted each of them with a proximity spell. When something other than a pony comes close it activates a shield spell." Turning to her dragon assistant and said "Spike would you like to help with an experiment?"

Spike said "sure what do you need me to do?"

Twilight levitated a necklace around her neck and said "try to touch me."

Spike walked towards Twilight as he approached her necklace glowed and a teal aura surrounded her Spike touched the aura and quickly retracted his claw "ouch."

Shaking his claw he said "I felt a small electric shock."

Twilight nodded "yes and the harder you strike the more intense the shock will be” she grinned mischievously "want to try again?"

Spike raised his claws passively " I'll take your word for it."

Twilight chuckled then said as she removed the necklace and the aura faded "these should keep the monsters at bay."

Bon-Bon looked at hers as she held in her hooves and said "ooo shiny."

Twilight and Lyra chuckled.

Lyra said "we spoke to the princess and scheduled the dirigible for tomorrow will you be joining us?"

Twilight said "I'm free tomorrow."

The next day they traveled to the train station and bought 3 tickets to Canterlot once they arrived they went to the palace and met with Celestia.

They bowed and Lyra said "greetings your majesty we would like to use the dirigible."

Celestia smiled "greetings my little ponies the dirigible is ready."

They went to the balcony where the dirigible was docked.

Lyra asked Bon-Bon "do you want to fly it again?"

Bon-Bon nodded "we should stop by Ponyville and pick up some supplies."

Lyra and Twilight nodded in agreement and boarded the dirigible.

As they left the docking platform Celestia said "good luck."

Twilight waved goodbye as Canterlot faded into the distance soon they landed on the outskirts of Ponyville each went to their homes to gather their supplies. A short time later they returned to the dirigible carrying their saddlebags.

Twilight met up with Lyra and Bon-Bon and Lyra asked "ready?"

Twilight nodded.

They boarded the dirigible and ascended Lyra looked at Bon-Bon and pointed a hoof to the southeast and said "onward Mon Capitan."

Bon-Bon smiled and saluted "eyie-eyie" as the dirigible rose into the air and began moving southeast they passed over the Everfree forest they passed over the strange ruins and soon flew over Dodge City.

As they approached the Badlands Bon-Bon lowered the dirigible to avoid the wind gusts that blew over from the Macintosh hills plateau as they descended below the platau the could hear the sounds of winds howling could be heard overhead

Soon they came to the Forbidden jungle and the pyramid came into view Twilights horn glowed a she opened her saddlebags and levitated out the 3 necklaces "we should put these on now."

They landed in front of the pyramid and entered once inside they clung to the walls Twilight levitated out a small cyan gem and she floated it over to the center of the room. The Korpoterites hanging from the ceiling flapped their leathery wings in in agitation then shrieked and flew out the entrance as fast as their wings could carry them.

As the last of the Korpoterites departed Twilight's horn glowed and she infused fresh magic to the illumination gems as the room began to brighten she looked around "I think they're gone."

Bon-Bon said "I hope so they give me the creeps."

Lyra said "could be worse could be snakes."

Twilight looked around nervously and shivered.

They saw the same two cylinders they encountered the last time they looked around. Now that the Korpoterites were gone they could see the celling. It was very high with horizontal and vertical beams.

They looked around and soon saw several archways the closest one was to the right Lyra sat on her haunches and stared at the archway.

Twilight asked "Lyra is something wrong?"

Lyra looked at Twilight smiled and shook her head turning to Bon-Bon she said "I need the tape measure."

Bon-Bon reached into her saddlebags and pulled out the tape measure Lyra took it in her magic and took the measurements of the archway top and sides.

Bon-Bon said "let me guess the measurements here and the entrance are the same as the Badlands cave entrance."

Lyra looked at Bon-Bon smiled and nodded "2.5 meters high and 121 cm wide."

The 3 walked through the archway and entered a corridor and looked around it had the same dimensions as the archway. Twilight lite her horn the light reveled a ramp that slanted upwards at a 15° angle. There were gems in the walls much like the ones in the main room.

Twilight's infused the gems with magic the gems began to glow filling the hallway with light.

Bon-Bon asked "where do you think it leads?"

Lyra said "there's only one way to find out, but how do we avoid getting lost?"

Twilight thought for a moment "I have an idea" her horn glowed and conjured a small glowing orb and attached it to the wall she smiled "we can follow these think of them as magical bread crumbs they will dissipate in a few hours."

They walked up the incline and it went up for 55 meters then they came to another archway that lead to another room the room was dark as they entered it Twilight cast a light orb spell the darkness faded and the room came into view. The room was large the light orb did not fill the entire room but it floated upwards towards the ceiling. Lyra looked upwards and saw what looked like 2 white rippled square crystals embedded in the ceiling. In the dim light they could see 4 tables they appeared to be made of a white purple crystal mixture. Each one was flat in the back and curved in the front and seemed to be either embedded into the wall or carved from it.

Lyra noticed a something in the wall she lite her horn she noticed a lite grey crystal just above and below the table that was emended into the dark blue wall it ran to the ceiling and the floor. She levitated the tape measure and measured the table "46 centimeters" then measured the width of the crystal above and below "23 centimeters."

The crystal ran down the wall and along the floor to a white triangle shaped crystal in the center of the room each point of the triangle had a crystal connected to a table.

Twilight looked at the crystal tables and at the large triangle in the center of the room and said "these crystals look familiar." Thinking for a moment she said "yes I remember now I've seen this form of crystal in the Crystal Mountains."

Bon-Bon asked "are you sure?"

Twilight nodded "the ponies in the Crystal Empire use this kind of crystal to amplify magic and spells" she looked around and said "if these are the same kind crystals I would like to try something."

Lyra smiled and said with a chuckle "sure just don't bring this place down on us."

Twilight smiled as her horn glowed as she focused her magic on the triangular crystal in the center of the room the crystal began to glow. The grey crystals in the floor glowed slightly as the magic traveled along to the celling the crystals in the ceiling began to glow and light filled the room.

Bon-Bon looked up and said with a bit of surprise "overhead lights?"

Lyra said "it appear to be so."

As the room lit up another archway came into view they entered it just like the one before they walked up another 55 meter the ramp. Then came to another archway and entered another room it had the same white crystal triangle in the middle and slots in the celling. Twilight's horn glowed as she activated the floor crystal and the crystals in celling glowed as the room lite up. As light filled the room they could see shelves emerging from the darkness each shelf was craved into the wall forming several small shelves with books in each shelf.

Twilight squealed in delight "a library!"

Lyra took photos of the shelves and books.

There were 3 bookshelves each one had a plaque above it written in Equarian Twilight's horn glowed as she translated the texts "history, astronomy and alchemy."

Lyra noticed an archway on the right wall between 2 shelves.

Bon-Bon's stomach growled and she said with a look of embarrassment "maybe we should stop for lunch."

Lyra smiled and nodded.

Twilight said "l'll go get the basket." as her horn glowed and she disappeared in a purple flash and returned several seconds later holding a basket in her mouth.

Lyra levitated the basket and pulled out a blanket out of the basket and spread it out on the floor and levitated out some sandwiches and sodas.

After they finished eating Twilight levitated over a book from the history shelf from the top left she looked at it carefully "this cover appears to be made of a strange parchment." Opening the book placing a hoof over the pages "these pages are made of papyrus. There was text on the cover her horn glowed as she translated the text "History of Equraria vol. 1." She looked up and said "it seems this land was once called Equraria. We better go back home when I was outside the sun was getting low in the sky and I don't want to encounter anything that comes out after dark."

Lyra said "good idea some of the monsters here can put the ones in the Everfree forest to shame."

Twilight grimaced as she placed the book in her saddlebags as they exited the pyramid they could see the sun was low in the sky they boarded the dirigible and returned to Ponyville.

They landed the dirigible and entered town Twilight said I'm going to translate this book l'll stop by your house tomorrow."

Lyra said "see you then."

When Lyra and Bon-Bon went home Bon-Bon said "l'll make us dinner as she went into the kitchen.

Lyra said l'll be in the darkroom developing the photos."

After dinner Lyra sat on the sofa and played her lyre while Bon-Bon read the mail finding nothing of significance Lyra sat on the sofa Bon-Bon laid her head on Lyra's lap.

Lyra smiled and ran a hoof over Bon-Bon's chest and said softly "you like?"

Bon-Bon moaned softly "mmm that's nice."

Lyra smiled and leaned down and gently kissed her gently on the lips.

The next day a knock came to the door Bon-Bon went to answer it when she opened it she saw Twilight standing outside she said "hi Twilight come in."

Twilight smiled and entered as Lyra came into the room and greeted their guest.

Twilight said "I did some research into the crystal tables in the pyramid the crystals are used for casting transfiguration spells."

Lyra said "wait wasn't that discovered by Moon Solstice the great?"

Twilight nodded "it would seem the spell is even older" she smiled "it looks like history is going to be rewritten."

Lyra smiled then said "we are going to be famous" then paused "that is if the historical preservation society does not get to it first.

Twilight smiled then said as she levitated the book out of her saddlebags "I read the book it's a history of the 5 tribes the three sat down as Twilight opened the book and began reading.

Clearing her throat she began "To whoever reads this my name is Columar Harnark I am a historical scribe and record keeper. This is the historical account of the 5 races passed down from generation to generation. Thousands of years ago alicorns, Earth ponies, unicorns. pegesi and humans lived as hunter gatherers sometimes they would interact and trade. Over time this gave way to friendship over time they learned that pooling their resources was very advantageous. They learned strength in numbers was beneficial not only for protection but also crop surpluses. This gave rise to the first civilization in the far west the alicorns built a city on the east coast north of the swamplands. they did not have much in the way of spells. But they exceled in the fields of philosophy and diplomacy and became mediators to settle various disputes. Some magically adept alicorns had the ability to move the sun and moon. Over time a rule of 2 was established one for the sun and one for the moon, when one becomes too old to perform their magical abilities a protégé was chosen. This method worked well for centuries one day 2 alicorns named Lemon Glider and Winged Thunder fell ill and could not perform their duties. This caused some problems if sun did set. It would not only disrupt the ecological balance but there would be no way to track the passage of time or the seasons. Also the heat absorbed by the ground could not dissipate cause temperatures to rise. Conversely under preputial night temperatures to fall causing crop failure leading to famine. One day a pony named Celestial Crescent a protégé of Winged Thunder received a crystal from a pony from the mountains in the far north. The pony said the crystal could amplify magic. Celestial Crescent decided to use the crystal to amplify her magic to try and move the sun. But inadvertently moved the moon in front of the sun instead causing darkness during the day in a panic she tried to move the moon out of the way. But used too much magic and created a resonate harmony in the crystal causing it to shatter. With Lemmon and Winged both bedridden the skies were dark for several cycles. The members of grand council knew without the sun the land would grow cold. Celestial tried to move the moon but was unable do so without the amplification crystal. Representatives were sent out to meet with the the most magically adept unicorns and asked them to help them with moving the sun and moon until Lemon and Winged recovered. It was discovered that the sun could be moved with 20 unicorns the moon only took 10 unfortunately the task was extremely taxing. In order to prevent another extended day or night from happening again. The grand counsel met with a representive from each of the 4 races, they asked them to build a structure to move the sun and moon the 5 races drew up plans for a power pyramid. To ensure optimal magical amplification a location of intersecting points of natural magic was chosen. The only suitable location was grassland located south of the swamplands. The nearby mountains had a special kind of stone it had rich deposits of quartz which was good conductor of magic. Construction of the pyramid took several years to complete. The work was divided amongst the 5 races the alicorns would locate the stone needed and mediate any disputes or grievances that would arise. Unicorns would quarry the rock and shape it then cast a spell on them to make them temporarily light. Earth ponies would transport them pegesi would lift them into the air and humans would set them."

Twilight stopped reading for a moment "that explains how they transported such massive blocks of stone when we were in the hallways. I noticed the walls were massive single blocks of stone."

She continued reading "during construction we sent some representatives to the mountains in the far northern region to barter for access to the crystal mines. Unicorns would quarry the crystals and cast weight reducing spells on them Earth ponies transported them. The cap stone was carved from white quartzite quarried from the far western mountains near the ocean. Once the pyramid completed 2 large crystals were placed on the ground floor. A yellow crystal was used to move the sun and a blue crystal to move the moon."

Twilight closed the book and said "that's all for this book."

Lyra said "we should share these findings with Celestia and the university."

Bon-Bon asked "what about the society for the preservation of historical accuracy?"

Twilight said "what if we set up a decoy just in case, keep the original at the library and create a duplicate for the university."

Lyra said "I like it since and since nopony knows about this finding if you make a copy of this book can you enchant it with a tracking spell?"

Twilight thought for a moment "I think so it will take some time to research the spells."

Lyra said "once this becomes public the preservation society will most likely strike and when they do we should be prepared to track them. The discovery of this library is too valuable to let some two bit thieves suppress this important historical archive."

Twilight said "I agree how long will all this take? I will need at least 2 days to research."

Lyra tapped a hoof to her chin then said "we need to travel to Canterlot and discuss this with Anton and set everything up so about 3 maybe 4 days in the meantime the book will be safe with you."

Twilight nodded then smiled as said "I have a secret compartment in one of the bookshelves Spike found it when we were inundated by the swarm of Pinkie doppelgangers."

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon remembered the chaos that the heard of Pinkies caused it was amusing at first then quickly escalated into a disaster as they thought about how the pink herd trampled the bed of flowers they were growing."

Bon-Bon said "they ruined the rows of Azalea's, daffodils, Bellflower and Tulips she pouted and mumbled "now I have to start all over."

Lyra nodded "me too I lost a bed of pansies and begonias."

Twilight gave a sympathetic smile and noticed the sun was beginning to set and said as she placed the book in her saddlebags she said "I will begin researching as soon as I get home. As she turned to leave she stopped turned back and said "let me know when you're ready."

Lyra and Bon-Bon nodded as they bid Twilight goodnight as she left Lyra smiled "I don't feel like cooking tonight let's go out for dinner instead."

Bon-Bon smiled seductively as she nuzzled Lyra "let's make it special let's make it a date night."

Lyra smiled and said "let's make it extra special let's go to that new restaurant that opened last month the Daring Marauder."

Bon-Bon smiled "that sounds wonderful."

As they walked they discussed what they heard about it from the other towns ponies.

Lyra said "I hear they have very good food."

Bob-Bon said "I hear they have nice wines."

When they arrived they saw the restaurant was not very busy as they entered they were greeted by the restaurant host a well-dressed pegasus stallion. He bowed his head and said with a smile "good evening ladies welcome to the Daring Marauder will it be a table for two tonight?"

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon nodded the host said "follow me" and lead them to a table and pulled 2 menus out of the sleeves on his vest and placed them on the table your server will be with you shortly.

As the host left Lyra and Bon-Bon opened their menus and looked at the choices they all looked appetizing.

Soon an Earth pony mare came to their table smiled and said "good evening ladies I am Shining Berry and I will be your server this evening would you like anything to drink?"

Bon-Bon looked up from her menu "I would like wind water 2201."

Shinning asked "red or white?"

Bon-Bon smiled "red."

Turning to Lyra she said "and you?"

Lyra said "wind water 2201, white"

Shinning smiled and said "excellent choices " as she turned to get the drinks.

Moments later Shinning returned with a rack strapped to her back and a tray with 2 bottles and glasses on a tray she placed them on the table, and then pulled a pencil and pad out from her vest "have you decided an appetizer?"

Lyra said "l'll have the fried tofu cubes, potato skins and a side salad with hay bale dressing."

Bon-Bon smiled and said "l'll have the same."

As Shinning left to fill the orders Lyra's horn glowed as she popped the corks on the wine bottles and poured them she lifted her glass in a golden glow Bon-Bon lifted hers with with her hooves. Lyra said with a smile "a toast to the wonders of discovery where ever we find them."

Bon-Bon smiled and said "cheers" as they clinked their glasses together and took sips of their wines.

Bon-Bon smiled and said "this is really good wine."

Lyra smiled "wind water is the best wine in Equestria."

Bon-Bon put her glass down and held Lyra's hoof and said with a sultry smile "I hope we can discover how far relationships can go."

Lyra smiled softly and said "when we get home we can find out."

Bon-Bon smiled as she rubbed Lyra's hoof gently "I look forward to it."

Shinning came up to the table carrying the appetizers on her back then placed their orders on the table "fried tofu cubes, potato skins and a side salad with hay bale dressing." She took the appetizer menus and slid them into the slots on her vest then left."

A short time later she returned took the empty plates away and passed them the main course menus .

Lyra said "l'll have the linguini with white sauce and prench bread."

Bon-Bon said l'll have lasagna extra cheese and prench bread."

Shinning took the menus and slid them into the slots on her vest and took the orders to the kitchen.

Bon-Bon asked "what do you think Anton will say about the journal we found?"

Lyra chucked "I imagine he will flip his mane."

Bon-Bon thought for a moment as she imagined Anton's mane rising up off his head and doing a flip in midair then landing back on his head she said in amusement "wouldn't it be funny if that really happened."

Lyra said "it would and I can see the Flim Flam brothers making an exhibit out of it" she raised her hooves up in exaggeration "come one come all, see the pony who can make his mane spin in midair only 2 bits."

Bon-Bon laughed.

Soon after Shinning came to the table carrying 2 plates she removed a plate and placed it in front of Bon-Bon "lasagna with extra cheese and prench bread." She placed the other plate in front of Lyra "linguini with white sauce and prench bread" she smiled "enjoy."

After they finished eating Shinning returned "would you like dessert?"

Lyra said "I would like an peach pie with swirl ice cream."

Bon-Bon said "I would like a chocolate sundae."

Shinning smiled and proceeded to fill the orders and a short time later returned with the desserts.

After they finished Shinning returned with the bill.

As they left Lyra placed a tip on the table and went to the front desk to pay the bill.

When they got home they went into the bedroom and climbed into bed Lyra kissed her marefriend gently on the lips then smiled as her horn glowed and the lights went out.

The next morning Bon-Bon awoke with Lyra's forelegs wrapped around her she smiled and gently kissed her on the nose.

Lyra stirred opened her eyes and smiled and asked "sleep well?"

Bon-Bon nodded "last night was amazing."

Lyra smiled "music is my special talent and your body is an instrument of harmony."

Bon-Bon blushed and poked Lyra on the nose "I'd say you tuned me."

Lyra groaned and face hoofed then said "I'm going to make breakfast" as she sat up and stretched and got out of bed she looked at Bon-Bon and said with a smile "later today I'm going to ask Celestia to banish that joke to the moon."

Bon-Bon giggled and playfully stuck out her tongue.

Lyra smirked as she turned went into the kitchen.

After they finished breakfast they went to Twilights house Spike answered the door and invited them in he said Twilight's in the basement I'll go get her" he went downstairs and emerged a short time later with Twilight in tow she looked tiered.

Lyra asked "are you alright you look like you've been up all night?"

Twilight yawned and nodded "I found a replication spell that only works on inanimate objects if anypony does a dating spell on it the results will come back as only a few hours old if that happens the deception may be discovered."

Lyra nodded "I understand."

Twilight said "it's also enchanted with a tracking spell" she levitated a compass "this has also been enchanted with the same spell and will point in the direction of the book so if it disappears we can track it."

Bon-Bon said "we should test it and see if it works."

Twilight agreed and passed the book over to Lyra "take this somewhere and I will try to find you."

Lyra smiled as she took it in her magic and placed in her saddlebags "where's the original?"

Twilight pointed a hoof towards a bookshelf "hidden."

Lyra smiled as she and Bon-Bon left the library and decided to go to a place where she would not be easily found. She thought of a friend who lived on the outskirts of town named Pepper Leaf.

Lyra knocked on the door Pepper answered and said with a smile "hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon nice to see you what brings you here today?"

Lyra explained the experiment they were performing and that Twilight would probably be stopping by, Pepper agreed and let them in.

They talked for a short time when a knock came on the door Pepper went to answer it she opened the door and sa Twilight standing outside she introduced herself and explained why she was there then asked "is Lyra here?"

Pepper nodded as Lyra stepped into view and said with a smile "it seems the spell worked."

She thanked Pepper for helping with the experiment Twilight went home as Lyra and Bon-Bon went to the Ponyville train station and boarded a train to Canterlot. When they arrived they went to the University they met with Anton and explained the plan.

Anton placed his hoof to his chin and said "hmm that's a good idea I'll place an article in the evening papers."

Later that evening Lyra saw an article that read amazing historical discovery found south of the Equestrian Badlands with a brief description of the artifact and its location. Turning the paper towards Bon-Bon said "now let's see if they take the bait."

The next day a knocked came to the door Lyra answered there stood Derpy the mailmare with a smile.

Derpy said "hi Lyra I have a priority letter for you" she reached into her mailbag and pulled out a letter and a clipboard from a sleeve on her mailbag.

Lyra levitated the clipboard signed her name and received the letter she sat down on the sofa next to Bon-Bon it said To Lyra Heartstrings c.o. Canterlot University she opened and began to read it. Dear Lyra, I had this letter sent to you via priority express mail meet me in the park today at noon Sincerely, Anton.

Lyra smiled as she lowered the letter.

Bon-Bon said "let me guess its from Anton."

Lyra nodded "he wants to meet in the park at noon" she looked at the clock it read 10:17.

Two hours later they went to the park and saw Anton was sitting on a bench they came up and sat down next to him he said "thank you for coming I felt I should tell you this directly. The museum was broken into last night and the book was stolen I told Celestia who contacted Twilight. The book is on it's on its way to the North West and the only city in that direction is Vanhoover. He smiled "the Canterlot Bureau of Law will deal with them I hear Celestia is watching this one very closely also Twilight and her friends are going there as reprehensives of the princess."

Bon-Bon said "its a good thing it was a duplicate the original is hidden away."

Anton asked "are there others?"

Lyra said "yes an entire library."

Anton thought for a moment then his eyes lit up "wow the amount of historical information is priceless the University will provide what resources it can for future expeditions to the pyramid. After these thieves are dealt with the museum will pay generously for the texts."

After they finished with Anton they went to Twilight's house when they arrived she was packing her bags she said "hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon."

Bon-Bon asked "are you going somewhere?"

Twilight said "yes remember that tracking spell I placed on the duplicate journal it's been tracked to a small city south of Vanhoover called Haystack. We have been chosen to work with Canterlot Bureau of Law to deal with them and retrieve the artifacts if possible."

Lyra said "wait if your leaving who translate the texts?"

Twilight said with a smile "you."

Lyra blinked in surprise "me how?"

Twilight's horn glowed and she levitated a book from one of the shelves "this book contains a translation spell" she smiled again it's not difficult to learn." She levitated over another book "this book has some script written in zebra and the translations are in the back it's good to practice with" she sighed "I wish I could go back with you to the pyramid."

Lyra said as she placed the book in her saddlebags "thank you I wish you could come too where is the original book?"

Twilight walked over to the bookshelf and levitated out 3 books and showed her a wooden door with a horseshoe on it "in there."

Lyra nodded as Twilight placed the books back on the shelf.

Twilight turned to her dragon assistant and said "Spike I am giving you a choice either one I will support, you can either come with us to Haystack or you can stay here and watch the library. If you choose to stay and have any problems Crystal Sunshine has agreed to assist you."

Spike said with wide eyes "that's a tough decision I'll have to think about it."

Twilight said "of course we will be leaving tomorrow afternoon."

Spike nodded "l'll have my decision by then."

After leaving the library Lyra and Bon-Bon went home and Lyra studied the translation spell after reading it she asked Bon-Bon to write down the translations. She opened the zebra book it was 40 pages long the first 20 pages were written in zebra. The other 20 was in written in modern Equestrian. Each paragraph was marked with a shape a circle a square a triangle and so on a sequence of shapes was next to each paragraph and were random to prevent any duplication. Her horn glowed as she read the text after reading a paragraph Bon-Bon passed the parchment over to her. She opened the book to the Equestrian page and matched the shapes to the paragraph and compared the text in the book to the parchment and they matched she smiled.

Bon-Bon asked "did it work?"

Lyra nodded and said "yes."

The next day after packing a picnic basket and supplies they boarded the dirigible as it ascended into the sky they could see Ponyville and the towns ponies moving about. In the distance they could see Twilight and her friends boarding a train. They watched as it moved out of the station and began traveling to the west Bon-Bon steered the dirigible to south and began moving towards the forbidden jungled. When they arrived at the pyramid they returned to the library Lyra was looking at a bookshelf when she noticed a scroll with a binding.

Her horn glowed as she levitated the scroll over and noticed there was writing on the binding she looked at the text and said let's see how well the spell works." Her horn glowed as she read the text "pyramid of power magic and use." Curious she removed the binding and unfurled the scroll and translated the text. "Welcome to the pyramid of power this structure is a magical resonance amplifier the crystals on the ground floor are for moving the sun and moon. The tables on the second level are for transfiguration spells. To use them place an item on the table and channel magic into it and the pyramid will amplify the spell the third floor is a library and the fourth floor is the harmony room."

Bon-Bon asked "what's a harmony room?"

Lyra said "lets find out."

They went to the fourth floor and the entrance had a plague over it the translation read harmony as they entered the room it had the same wall lights as the ground floor. In the center of the room was a sphere five square crystals similar to the ones in the 2nd floor were embedded into the floor they were connected to 5 chairs made of crystal.

Bon-Bon asked "are those for unicorns only?"

Lyra said "I don't know maybe its connected to the room with the tables if not maybe the library has some information."

They returned to the second floor and Bon-Bon asked "do you think non unicorns can use these tables?"

Lyra said "the scroll not say I suppose so since Earth ponies and pegesi since they have their own magic."

Bon-Bon asked "but how can a structure amplify magic?"

Lyra said "only one way to find out" Lyra levitated an apple out of her saddlebags and placed it on one of the tables. Her horn glowed as she cast her magic on the apple and thought of making it larger. The apple glowed bright blue and grew in size she levitated out another one for a comparison the test apple was significantly larger than the control.

Lyra said "pass me the tape measure" she compared the two "the control apple is 8cm and the test apple is 15cm. She snapped a photo of the apples then said let's see if non unicorns can use this table."

Bon-Bon nodded as Lyra placed another apple on the table.

Lyra said "just focus on the object and what you want to do to it."

Bion-Bon placed her hooves on the table closed her eyes and focused and the apple glowed shrank in size she opened her eyes and stood there astonishment I-I don't believe it."

Lyra said "it seems non unicorns can use these tables as she took photos of the apples and took measurements "control 7.5cm test apple 5.5cm" she smiled do you know what this means?"

Bon-Bon said "we found a way to make bite sized food?"

Lyra chuckled "possibly but seriously it seems the crystal in the center of the room supplies magic and the pyramid amplifies it this was how spells were cast before they were discovered." She paused "or rediscovered."

They returned to the library and lay down as Lyra levitated the 2nd book from the history shelf her horn glowed as she read the text "spreading harmony across the land." She opened the book "the pyramid is capable of spreading harmony across the land the 5 races sit in the harmony room and project their positive energies into the chair they sit in. The sphere in the center will amplify these energies and transfer them to the cap stone which projects it across the land. As long as this energy is projected no harm can come to the land" she looked up "this sounds like a predecessor to the elements of harmony."

Bon-Bon asked "I wonder what happened."

Lyra levitated the 3rd to last book on the history shelf and began to read it "there are rumors of a rouge star in the night sky. Astronomers from Ianantica are assuring us all there is nothing to worry about. The star is getting brighter each night some think it is a sign of impending doom others say it's nothing. A few of us have decided that should something bad comes to pass we are preparing provisions. In the event of a disaster we are relocating to a cave located in the bowl shaped ridged south of the single mountain."

Lyra stopped reading and looked up "bowel shaped ridge south of the single mountain? I wonder if he's talking about Rambling rock ridge south of Canterlot Mountain." Her stomach rumbled the sound was amplified by the room she smiled slightly embraced and said "maybe we should stop for lunch."

Bon-Bon smiled and they went to the ground level and retrieved the basket from the dirigible as Lyra levitated the basket Bon-Bon noticed something in the distance it looked like a small stone structure it was hard to see through the foliage. She placed it in the back of her mind as they went inside as Lyra levitated out a blanket and they lay down and ate lunch.

When they finished eating Bon-Bon mentioned the stone structure.

Lyra said "in that case we will need these" as she levitated out the repellent necklaces and placed them around hers and Bon-Bon's neck.

They returned the basket to the dirigible Lyra asked "where is that structure you saw?"

Bon-Bon said "over there" as they went towards the anomaly they discovered it was 4 obelisks around a base of 3 round stacked stones on the top stone was what looked like an alter. It was mostly covered foliage they removed the foliage and discovered writing on the base.

Bon-Bon asked "Equarian?"

Lyra nodded "this text is similar to the books in the library" her horn glowed as she read the text "shrine of Sugreeva."

Bon-Bon asked "who's Sugreeva?"

Lyra said "I don't know I-" her reply was cut short by a rapid clicking sound.

Bon-Bon said "did you hear that?"

Lyra nodded then looked around and could see something moving in the distance as it emerged from the brush she gasped and shouted "SWEET CELESTIA ITS A SARACNOID."

Bon-Bon turned around and saw the creature as it began moving closer remembering the necklace she was wearing "I hope these crystals can repel them."

Lyra said "we should go inside the pyramid just in case."

They began to back away slowly making their way towards the entrance when the creature saw them it lowered its head and hissed revealing a set of sharp fangs.

Bon-Bon said in a worried tone "we've been spotted."

The creature hissed again and began charging towards them they turned and began galloping towards the pyramid entrance.

The monster was faster that they were and was quickly gaining ground suddenly Bon-Bon tripped over something and fell on her face.

Lyra saw her fall and screamed "BON-BON!" She went to her looking back as the creature closed in on them they held each other close thinking they were going to be on the menu.

As the creature closed in the pendants began to glow and enveloped them on a soft teal glow the monster suddenly stopped as it hit the magic barrier. It backed up then ran forwards again and slammed into the barrier again Bon-Bon opened an eye and saw it trying to smash through barrier as the gems glowed even brighter. The creature backed up then tried charging at them again. Then slammed into the barrier again made contact for several seconds then let out a high pitched shriek as it reeled back and ran off into the jungle.

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon breathed a sigh of relief.

Lyra looked at Bon-Bon and asked "are you alright?"

Bon-Bon said as she tried to stand "I don't know I tripped over a something I- AHH!" she quickly lifted her lett front hoof as a surge of pain shot through her leg.

Lyra's horn glowed as she placed Bon-Bon on her back "were returning to Ponyville" she returned to the dirigible placed Bob-Bon inside. Then went inside the pyramid and retrieved the picnic basket when she returned she climbed into the basket then flew it back to Ponyville.

Once they arrived in Ponyville Lyra levitated Bon-Bon from the basket placing her marefiend on her back and took her to the Ponyville hospital. Once inside orderlies placed her on a gurney and rolled her inside.

After Lyra filled out the paperwork she sat in the waiting room a short time later a unicorn stallion stepped out and approached her.

"Good afternoon Ms. Heartstrings I am Dr. Hoofsteps."

Lyra said "good afternoon doctor how is Bon-Bon?"

Dr. Hoofsteps smiled she's fine she just twisted her ankle."

Lyra nodded "can I see her?"

Dr. Hoofsteps smiled "of course she's in room 14-B."

Lyra smiled "thanks doc."

Hoofsteps nodded and said "I'll show you to the room then I have to check on other patients."

The two walked to room 14-B and Hoofsteps left to attend his other patients Lyra walked into the room and saw Bon-Bon lying in bed with a bandage wrapped around her left front leg she had a sad look on her face.

Lyra entered the room "hi Bon-Bon."

Bon-Bon smiled "hi Lyra."

Lyra asked "how you feeling?"

Bon-Bon smiled slightly "I'm a little woozy they gave me some medication for the pain" she raised her left front leg "I twisted my ankle it's only a light sprain and I won't be able to walk on it for a few weeks."

Lyra smiled and nuzzled Bon-Bon and gently kissed her gently on the lips.

Several hours later Bon-Bon was discharged Lyra sat in the waiting room as Bon-Bon came out walking on 3 legs with her left front leg in a sling.

After they returned home Bon-Bon sat down on the sofa Lyra levitated 2 fruit juices from the refrigeration box and popped the tops and gave one to Bon-Bon.

Just then a knock came on the door Lyra went to answer when she opened it and saw Derpy standing there with a smile.

Lyr smiled "hi Derpy."

Derpy smiled "hi Lyra here's your mail."

Lyra took the mail in her magic.

Derpy said "see you around" as she took off to continue her deliveries.

Lyra sat on the sofa and began looking through the mail when she saw one that caught her interest

Bon-Bon asked "what will you do now?"

Lyra opened the letter and said "it seems I will be going to Canterlot Celestia wishes to see me" she turned to Bon-Bon "care to come along?"

Bon-Bon smiled and nodded "of course."

Researching a theory

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The next day Lyra and Bon-Bon boarded a train to Canterlot when they arrived they went to the castle as they approached the throne room entrance they saw 2 unicorn guards standing in front of a set of double doors.

One of the guards said “greetings Lyra, Bon-Bon the princess is expecting you” the doors glowed white and opened.

They entered the throne room and saw Celestia sitting on her throne she smiled came down from the throne “greetings my little ponies it is good to see you again.

They bowed Lyra asked “you wanted to see me your highness?”

Celestia nodded then noticed Bon-Bon’s leg in a sling “how was your trip and what happened to you?”

They went into an audience room sat down on some cushions as Lyra and Bon-Bon told about the shrine and the encounter with the Saracnoid.

Celestia said “I’m glad you made it out of there safely and in one piece, I recently received a letter from Twilight she sent it via express mail. The letter stated that the society of preservation of historical accuracies hideaway has been found. The Canterlot Bureau of Law is working on infiltrating the group and hopefully retrieving the lost artifacts.I will tell you more details as they become available" she smiled again "what did you find during your expedition?”

Lyra told her what they discovered and what they learned so far based on what they read in the pyramid’s library.”

Celestia asked “did it say what happened to them?”

Lyra shook her head “no we were exploring outside and found a shrine dedicated to a deity when we were ambushed by as Saracnoid.”

Celestia looked over at Bon-Bon and nodded.

Lyra asked “I was wondering if we could use the Canterlot library?”

Celestia said “yes the library is yours to use.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon stood and bowed Lyra said “thank you your majesty.”

Celestia smiled “good luck with your research.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon went to the library and found the section Ancient Deities and Pantheons.

The section was rather large they split up and taking one end of the section after searching more books than either of them cared to think about Bon-Bon said “I found something” and brought the book down from a shelf.

Lyra walked over as Bon-Bon placed the book on a table the book was light brown with black text was black text written in fancy letters Dictionary of Ancient Equestrian Deities. Bon-Bon opened the book to the index page she found S page 42 turning to the page she said “Simphilo, Sovighia, ahh Sugreeva.” She began to read “Sugreeva was a deity from the ancient unicorn pantheon that was worshiped from between 4,500-3,200 BCL. Sugreeva was the lord of dark magic, chaos and destruction unicorns would make offerings to access to dark magic. Shrines were created and soon they reined chaos and destruction down on their enemies. After the unification of the pony tribes the shrines were abandoned and destroyed.”

Lyra asked “is that all?”

Bon-Bon flipped a few pages and said “it appears to be so” she looked up “I’ve never heard of Sugreeva aside from that shrine in the Forbidden Jungle.”

Lyra said “maybe the princess would know.”

They returned to Celestia and Lyra asked “princess we found a name in the library. It’s the same as the one we found on one of the shrines near the pyramid have you heard of a deity named Sugreeva?”

Celestia frowned and looked as if she had seen a ghost and shook her head sadly “now that is a name I have not heard in a long time.”

Bon-Bon said “the book said Sugreeva was the lord of dark magic.”

Celestia sighed “yes sit down, what I am going to tell you is not written in any book this is something that I witnessed.” She took in a deep breath “during the dark age I heard stories about a group of renegade unicorns. They called themselves Selle Nurghlethwhich means the lords chaos and decay. They worshiped a deity known as Sugreeva the lord of dark magic shrines were built across the land.” She closed her eyes and continued “t-they made sacrificial offerings at the shines in return Sugreeva would grant them access to dark magic.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon reeled in revulsion.

Celestia shook her head sadly “there were rumors of foals disappearing during the night some said it was the Selle Nurghleth taking them to use in their sacrifices to Sugreeva. I cannot say if that’s true or not I think it was an old mare’s tale what was true was the Selle Nurghleth used their dark powers to concur and enslave the neighboring tribes. Not only unicorns were enslaved but pegesi and Earth ponies as well.” She shook her head again “some escaped from enslavement and put their differences aside and banded together to form a rebellious faction. They called themselves the Vapaus Vapauden they commenced raids on the various concord villages and freed some ponies. This went on for 12.5 moons the Selle Nurghleth declared war on the Vapaus Vapauden the war lasted for 95 moons. One night I was in the Everfree forest normally I would fly over the forest but this night there was an electrical storm raging above. If I were to try to fly over trees I would have been struck by lightning. I walked around as the storm began to subside. I was about to take flight and go home when I saw a campsite curious I approached it. When I got close I realized it was a Selle Nurghleth camp I heard stories about them so out of Curiosity I approached the camp. Not wanting to be noticed I cast an invisibility spell and moved close enough to see them. Their coats were jet black their horns a dull grey. The most disturbing thing was their eyes. They were lite crimson red with black dragon like pupils. “She shuttered I-I saw a stallion turn and look in my direction I think he could see me through the invisibility spell. As if to confirm this he smiled wickedly then his eyes flashed crimson for a moment I panicked and ran away as fast as I could. I was so scared I ran 47 meters before remembering I could fly” she shivered “after all these years those eyes still gives me chills.”

Bon-Bon asked “what happened to them?”

Celestia said “The Selle Nurghleth were defeated and the Sugreeva shrines were destroyed” she sighed “sadly peace only lasted for 47 moons as the pony tribes resumed their petty squabbles.” She smiled softly “I hope this information is useful.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon bowed Lyra said “yes your majesty it was.”

After they finished with Celestia they left the castle and stopped by a small café as they sat down a unicorn waiter came up to them and said “good afternoon ladies would you like the daily special? Daffodil sandwiches and spicy cucumber strips.”

Lyra said “I would like that and ice tea sweet and a lemon wedge.”

Bon-bon said “I’ll have the same and lemonade.”

The waiter nodded and placed the order a short time later he returned levitating a tray with 4 plates 2 with daffodil sandwiches and 2 with sliced cucumbers cut lengthwise. With a side of dipping sauce and their drinks. He placed them in front of them smiled and said “bioapatite if you need anything let me know.”

As the waiter left Lyra said to Bon-Bon “have you decided who you want to hire for your candy store?”

Bon-Bon said “I hired a few fillies and colts to make the candies but I still need a manager, and accountant.”

Lyra smiled “I have some ideas of who you can hire.”

Bon-Bon asked “who?”

Lyra smiled “a few old friends from magic school Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine and Minuitte.”

Bon-Bon said “weren’t they at your graduation?”

Lyra nodded “yup.”

Bon-Bon said “I would like to meet them.”

After they finished eating and paid the bill leaving a tip on the table as they walked past a small candy shop when suddenly the doors violently flew open and causing the pair to jump back. A forest green unicorn stallion with a 3 gumdrop cutie mark one red one blue and the other yellow. The pony flew through the doors landing on his haunches followed by a pair of saddlebags hitting him in the face and knocking him over on his back. A voice could be heard from inside the shop “YOU’RE FIRED!”

The stallion stood up and snorted “how undignified” he looked over at Lyra and Bon-Bon and shook his head and began to walk away.

Bon-Bon said “wait.”

The stallion stopped and turned his head “I'm sorry you had to see that.”

Bon-Bon trotted up and said with a smile “it’s ok what happened? By the way I’m Bon-Bon and that’s Lyra.”

The stallion said with a smile “I’m Galloping Gumdrops you can call me Gallie.”

As Bon-Bon talked to Callie Lyra went inside the store.

Bon-Bon asked “what did you get fired for?”

Gallie sat down “I’ve been working there for about 45 moons over time I noticed the inventory was coming up short I inventoried 242 peanut butter fudge cookies, 127 peppermint sticks and other assorted candies. The next day we would run out of inventory this began after we hired a pegasus named Sunshine Rose.” Suspicious I enchanted the candies with a hidden glow spell. Any pony that touches the candy will be enchanted with the spell It casts an aura around the pony that touches the candy it’s a relatively easy spell to cast. Any unicorn can see the aura if they cast a light detection spell they will see several small yellow orbs rising from the pony. He gritted his teeth “also she and the manager were a little too friendly.” He sighed “I went to the manager’s office and was about to knock when I heard sounds coming from the other side.” He lowered his head and muttered” sounds and words I dare not repeat in public” he raised is head slightly that was a violation of company policy. The policy states all non-work related activities are to be performed off company grounds. We all signed this agreement when we were hired I tried to bringing this contractual violation to the attention of the owner but he didn’t listen. He told me to gather evidence I couldn’t use the spell as evidence because the manager was a pegasus and the owner was an Earth pony. When you passed by I was arguing with Sunshine over the missing iventory. She hinted she was going to take my job and grinned wickedly called the manager. Who came trotting in she told him she saw me taking candies and said to check my saddlebags. In them were the missing candies he shook his head sadly “after all this time of loyal service this is what I get.”

Bon-Bon said “that’s awful.

Gallie nodded “when your unicorn friend returns ask her to perform a light detection spell on sunshine that should confirm what I’m saying.”

Just then Lyra came out of the store and “I went inside and talked to the mare behind the counter and asked what happened to Gallie. She said something about sending troublemakers on vacation the look she gave me made me shiver.”

Gallie told Lyra to cast a light detection spell on the mare behind the counter and what to look for Lyra was confused.

Bon-Bon said “I’ll explain later.

Lyra nodded went back inside to not arouse any suspicions she ordered some candy when Sunshine turned her back Lyra cast the spell as saw yellow orbs. After paying for the candy she left the store and went to where Bon-Bon and Gallie were standing she nodded “I saw the orbs" Gallie smiled softly.

Bon-Bon smiled “I’m opening a candy store in Ponyville maybe you could come work for me.”

Gallie said “that would be wonderful.”

Bon-Bon said “were waiting for supplies to be delivered from Trottingham they should arrive in a few weeks” she reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a business card with the text Little House of Bon’s. On the reverse were 3 wrapped candies.

Gallie placed the card in his saddlebags and nodded “when you’re ready I’ll be here in Canterlot” he reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a pencil and paper and wrote something on it “this is where I live look me up.”

Bon-Bon smiled and placed the paper in her saddlebags.

As Gallie left Bon-Bon nuzzled Lyra and said “let’s go home.”

After returning home Lyra sat on the couch and levitated over her lyre and began to play a soft melody.

Bon-Bon laid on her back placing her head on Lyra’s lap looking at her bandaged ankle then up up at Lyra “I feel kind of foalish if I hadn’t tripped we could still be exploring the pyramid and surrounding jungle.” She paused “I’m curious about what else we could find.”

Lyra stopped playing placed her lyre on the table and ran a hoof over Bon-Bon’s chest and smiled softly “don’t worry about it, your safety and wellbeing is more important than an expedition. Besides we don’t have to go to the pyramid we could explore Rambling Rock Ridge instead considering you’re in no condition to run from monsters.”

Bon-Bon smiled and placed a hoof on Lyra’s cheek and stroked it gently Lyra smiled softly then asked “how do we get there? While we were in Canterlot we did not request the dirigible.”

Lyra said “we could use the balloons here in town Rambling Rock Ridge is about the same distance from here as Canterlot and there are no monsters.”

The next day they packed their saddlebags and went to the Ponyville balloon vendor and rented a balloon for the day as the balloon ascended they could see the town below ponies moving about. As the balloon moved to the east passing over the Everfree forest.

Bon-Bon looked down and said “I’m glad were not walking through that.”

Lyra nodded “me too.”

Soon they came to Rambling Rock ridge on the eastern side Lyra saw what looked like a small cave she said “there” her horn glowed and the balloon descended when they landed Lyra found a large nearby rock and placed it in the basket.

As they approached the cave entrance Lyra noticed the entrance and asked Bon-Bon for the tape measure as she levitated it she said “2.5 cm wide and121cm high.”

Bon-Bon said “those are the same measurements as in the Badlands and the pyramid” she looked at the cave “look there are tool marks.”

Lyra said “these are the same tool marks similar to the caves in the Badlands” she levitated out her camera and took pictures.

As they entered the cave Lyra noticed writing on the walls her horn glowed as she translated the text “welcome to the Equarian sanctuary.”

They walked 6 meters into the cave came upon a large pile of rocks.

Lyra said “looks like a cave in.”

Bon-Bon asked “what caused this?”

Lyra said “an earthquake perhaps” she paused “I wonder if this region is on a major fault line when I was researching history at Canterlot University I read about an earthquake that shook this region about 2,200 moons ago.”

Bon-Bon asked “that caused the cave in?”

Lyra nodded “possibly we should ask a seismologist first also the rocks have to be moved and I will need your help with that” she looked at Bon-Bon’s bandaged hoof in a sling “your still recovering.”

They returned to Ponyville and the balloon to the vendor and went to the train station and bought 2 tickets to Canterlot as they sat on the train watching the scenery pass by Bon-Bon asked “what do you think we will find in the cave?”

Lyra thought for a moment then said with a smile “lost treasure plundered from the griffin empire or a horde of precious jewels from a dragon’s cave.”

Bon-Bon smiled and envisioned precious gems and gold coins she imagined herself covered from hoof to flank in golden crowns and precious jewels and smiled softly.

When they arrived in Canterlot they went to the university and met with Anton Lyra asked “is there a seismologist on campus we can talk to?”

Anton said “I think so Kamen Stalwart is head of the seismology department and may be able to help you he just finished a lecture about 45 minutes ago and should still be in his office.” He paused “by the way we sent a second expedition to the Horseshoe Sea and found more of the same rocks from before and more nano diamonds. We dated them to the same age as the iron rock between 5,000 - 5,300 years.”

They thanked Anton and traveled to the 4th floor and the seismology department they soon found the departments main office. They entered and at a desk sat a unicorn stallion reading some papers he had a light blue coat and a teal mane and tail. He had what looked like ground separating for a cutie mark.

Lyra entered “excuse me I’m looking for Kamen Stalwart.”

The unicorn looked up “that’s me how can I help you?”

Lyra introduced herself and Bon-Bon and said “were looking for a map of Equestrian seismic zones.”

Kamen said “the topographical library has all sorts of maps” standing up he said “follow me.”

They walked down the hall and into another room the sign above read Equestrian topographical libraryKamen walked over to a rack and looked around then said “ah here it is.” He levitated over a map and unfurled it placing weights on each corner he asked “any specific location?”

Lyra said “Rambling Rock Ridge.”

Lyra looked at the map and saw 4 white lines and a shape next to each line there were lines along the Celestial sea, the Crystal Mountains, the Dragon lands and Rambling Rock Ridge. Each regions line had a different shape. The Celestial sea line had a green triangle next to it the Dragon lands had a red square and Rambling Rock Ridge had a brown circle. Each shape was connected from one point of the fault to the other with short horizontal lines along it.

Lyra looked at the legend in the bottom left corner of the map and it read white star compression fault, blue triangle spreading fault, brown underground fault and red square subduction zone. She thought to herself that explains why the Dragon lands are volcanic.She saw a brown line starting beginning from the Macintosh hills through to the Foal Mountain’s to Neighagra falls.

Kamen walked to a bookshelf and levitated a book EquestrianSeismological Records he opened it and turned to a page. “The Rambling Rock Ridge fault zone moves at a rate of 2.5 cm every 1.15 moons. The fault slips every 2,500 moons the last time the fault slipped was 1,500 moons ago.”

Lyra asked “does it say how powerful it was?”

Karmen read the quote from the book “no but it says the ground shook violently every pony was knocked off their feet and the ground moved like ripples in a pond” he looked up “that sounds like a 8.5 on the Rickmare scale.” He thought for a moment “45 moons ago I did an excavation in the Crystal Mountains they had a similar seismological record. We dug some trenches and could see the layers of past earthquakes in the region. The fault moves about 2.3 cm every 1.35 moons we found evidence of one that measured 6.2 on the Rickmare scale the last earthquake was 1,328 moons ago.”

Lyra asked “what’s the strongest one you found?”

Karmen thought for a moment then said “there was one in the Dragon Lands 8,220 years ago excavations revealed it measured 8.8 on the Rickmare scale.”

Lyra just shook her head “wow.”

Bon-Bon asked “how bad is that?”

Karmen with a sly smile said “let’s just say you would not be able to stand for the duration of the quake.”

They thanked Karmen and left as they walked down the hall “Lyra said “I wonder if we could employ more ponies to help to move the rocks in the cave.”

Bon-Bon asked “what if we move the rocks and there’s another cave in?”

Lyra thought for a moment “we will need a geologists opinion I wonder if Maude Pie could help.”

They went back to Anton and explained the situation.

Anton said “I hope Maude is available our campus geologist is on vacation in Los Pegasus.”

Lyra said “when we return to Ponyville we’ll see if we can find her.”

After leaving Canterlot they returned to Ponyville and met with Pinkie and asked if Maude was in town.

Pinkie nodded “yup she just got back from Vanhoover stop by the rock farm tomorrow.”

The next day they stopped by the Pie rock farm Lyra knocked on the door Maude answered the door “hi Lyra Bon-Bon Pinkie said you would be stopping by come in.

They went into the living room and sat down Maude said “Pinkie said you needed my help.”

Lyra nodded “were here to ask about the inside of a cave that has caved in due to an earthquake we are considering moving the rocks but are worried about triggering another cave in. We would like to ask for your expertise in assessing the risk.”

Maude replied “that depends on the rocks I would have to see them to give an opinion, what cave are you taking about?”

Lyra said “Rambling rock ridge.”

Maude said “I will gather my equipment meet me in Ponyville in an hour.”

Lyra said “meet us by Crystal Sunshine’s hot air stand.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon thanked Maude and returned to Ponyville and waited by Crystal Sunshine’s stand when they saw Maude approaching.

Maude came up to them “I’m ready.”

They boarded the balloon and traveled to Rambling Rock Ridge as they entered the cave Maude looked around as they came to the cave in site.

Maude looked at the rocks and poked them with a hoof “this is Rapakivi granite a very brittle kind of rock.”

Bon-Bon asked “can we move these rocks and not have it cave in?”

Maude said “I believe so moving these rocks won’t cause another cave in it would take another earthquake to shake them loose so removing them should be safe.”

They returned to Ponyville and thanked Maude for her insight as she left Bon-Bon asked “what do we do now?”

Lyra said “not much we can do your still injured and I’m not sure if the university is going to spare the resources to clear the cave.”

Bon-Bon said “I doubt the university will spare resources just for an obscure theory.”

Lyra nodded “it’s true we lack hard evidence” she grumbled “or rather we do now” she sighed “for now we should focus on Little House of Bon’s at least until you can walk on all fours again.”

Bon-Bon nodded “you have a point when we get home I need to send a list of supplies to the Trotsalot Supply Company in Trotingham.” When they got home she wrote the list of items she would need and placed it into an envelope. Then turning to Lyra she asked “what do we do now?”

Lyra thought for a moment “I’m not sure.”

Bon-Bon smiled and gently nuzzled Lyra and said “maybe you should take a break from field research go to Canterlot and look into legends and mythologies. I will stay here and work on the getting the candy store ready” she looked down at her leg in the sling “or as best I can.”

Lyra smiled and nodded “good idea.”

The next day Lyra traveled to Canterlot and went to the library she remembered what Celestia said about Equestrian history being lost she also remembered what Twilight told her. Taking this into consideration she decided to try looking into the pre history of the non Equestrian races. She started with the Dragons after looking around she found a book Dragon Mythology she opened to the table of contents and saw Dragon sky deities’ page 23. Turning to the page she found the name Bai-UlgentheDraconian sky god. It read Bai-Ulgen was worshiped between 6670-2215 BCL. One day Bai went before the Ouroborus and described the state of the dragon rulers they abandoned their code of nobility in favor of depravity and corruption. The Ouroborus gave Bai-Ulgen permission to take away the sun until they learned their lesson.

Writing this down she put the book back on the shelf and found another book Griffin Mythology opening tot the table of contents she found Griffin sky god page 44. She turned to the page and read Teiwaz was god of the sky and was worshiped between 7220-3287 BCL. Teiwaz used gold to power the sun one day the Griffin gold mines were exhausted offerings dwindled and eventually stopped without a supply of gold to power the sun the sky went dark.

Lyra wrote the information down below the dragon record she placed the book back on the shelf and found another book Zebra Mythology. She opened the table of contents Zebra sky god page 26 she turned to the page and read. Sabazios was god of the sky and was worshiped between 7247-2241 BCL. Zebras were trained in the art of alchemy by Sabazios provided they use their skills be used for good. But rulers began useing the craft for conquest when Sabazios learned of this hid away the sun.

Lyra wrote this down under the Griffin record then placed the book back on the shelf then looked around soon she found the last book Minotaur Mythology.Opening tot the table of contents she found Minotaur sky god page 17.Zhinü was god of the sky and was worshiped between 6454-2674 BCL. Zhinü taught the Minotaurrace agriculture. The method they used produced a surplus the exes was stored away and sold to neighboring nations. After many moons of abundance they grew lazy and greedy and refused to share their bounties. They began exploiting their neighbors as a result the kingdom began to suffer. When Zhinü learned of this punished them by taking away the sun and would only give it back when they learned their lesson.

Lyra wrote the information down and smiled looking it over she thought there is a pattern here all mentioned the sun being stolen around the time of the asteroid impact. Looking out the window she saw the sun was low in the sky she gathered up her notes and returned to Ponyville. Whe n she arrived she went home as she entered she said “Bon-Bon I’m home.”

Bon-Bon came out of the kitchen “hi Lyra I was just making dinner.”

Lyra smiled “what’s for dinner?”

Bon-Bon said “tofu burgers and hay fries.”

Lyra smiled and her horn glowed as she levitated 2 sodas from the refrigeration box gently placing them on the table.

Bon-Bon came to the table with 2 plates on her back placing them on the table and sat down Lyra sat down followed by Bon-Bon and they ate their dinner. As they ate Lyra said “I found a common theme from the other lands and told her what she discovered.

Bon-Bon said “wow that should lend weight to your theory.”

Lyra nodded “yes the pieces are coming together all we need now are more finds like the ones from the Badlands.”

After they finished dinner Bon-Bon said with a smile “I made dessert” as she got up from the table Lyra levitated the dishes over into the sink.

Bon-Bon said “sit on the sofa and I’ll bring dessert.”

Lyra sat on the sofa as Bon-Bon came with a plate of fudge on her back she placed the plate on the table near the sofa Lyra levitated a square from the plate and took a bite.

Bon-Bon picked up a square took a bite and smiled.

Lyra said “m-m-m-m these are good.”

Bon-Bon said “I’m considering selling these in the candy store.”

Lyra nodded “you should I think they would be your best selling item.”

Bon-Bon smiled slyly and took a cube in her mouth and lay down on Lyra’s lap holding the cube Lyra smiled bend down and bit half the fudge at the same time moved her lips touching Bon-Bon’s gently she smiled and lifted her head. She smiled she saw the same smile on her marefriend’s face.

Later that evening Lyra wrote down all the evidence she had so far in support of her theory at the same time Bon-Bon decided to try something she placed her bandaged hoof on the floor and tried applying weight to it. She felt a slight pain but nothing too severe. Placing it back in the sling she went to the room where Lyra was writing some things on some paper.

She sat down next to Lyra facing her sideways Lyra looked up and over “oh hey Bon-Bon I’m just preparing some notes for Anton tomorrow.”

Bon-Bon said “on the way to Canterlot can we make a stop at the Ponyville clinic? I think I may be able to walk on my ankle again”

Lyra asked “are you sure?”

Bon-Bon nodded “I tried putting some weight on it and it hurts a little but I think I can walk on it but I want to be sure.”

Lyra smiled “alright.”

Bon-Bon smiled nuzzled Lyra and kissed her on the cheek “I’m going to bed.”

Lyra smiled “I’ll join you soon.”

The next day they went to the Ponyville clinic and met nurse Redheart they were led to a room Redheart asked Bon-Bon to lay down the table. As she lay down said “I twisted my ankle I was wondering if could you check it and see if I can walk on it?”

Redheart asked “have you tried walking on it?”

Bon-Bon said “yes I put weight on it yesterday it hurt a little but I wanted to be sure.”

Redheart nodded and sat on a stool and said “extend your leg.”

Bon-Bon stretched her leg out as Redheart touched her ankle as she did so she asked “does this hurt?” Bob-Bon shook her head. Redheart said “looks like you ankle has healed well. You can walk on it but don’t do anything too strenuous for the next few days.”

Bon-Bon nodded as she got off the table placing her hoof down and place weight on it.

Redheart asked “how does that feel does it hurt?”

Bon-Bon said “a little I was told it would in the hospital heal in a few weeks.”

Redheart asked “who was the doctor?”

Bon-Bon said “Dr. Hoofsteps.”

Redheart asked “I’ve heard of him hes a unicorn right?”

Bon-Bon nodded.

Redheart said with a smile “you should be fully recovered in a few days” she smiled softly “a little known fact about Earth ponies is fast healing. This fact is not generally known by unicorn or pegesi doctors and is generally not listed in medical journals.”

Bon-Bon thought for a moment “yes I remember hearing that when I was a filly.”

After Lyra and Bon-Bon left the Ponyville clinic they took a train to Canterlot and went to the University and met with Anton Lyra presented the notes she gathered.

Anton looked at the notes “hmm this is fascinating you believe there is something significant at Rambling Rock Ridge?”

Lyra nodded “I do I hope to find at the least some petroglyphs like what we found in the Badlands.”

Anton nodded “I have a tool to assist in the removal of the rubble wait here a moment.” He left the room a moment later he returned with a necklace. A blue diamond shaped crystal encased in a gold necklace “this is a magic augmentation crystal from the Crystal Empire it doubles a unicorn’s levitation magic. Bring it back when you are finished it’s a very rare crystal” he smiled in amusement “not to mention if I lost it princess Cadence would hang me by my tail.”

Lyra smiled as she placed it in her saddlebags thanked him he said “oh before I forget princess Celestia wishes to see you.”

Lyra nodded she and Bon-Bon went to see Celestia she they went to the palace and met with Celestia they bowed Lyra said “you wanted to see us your highness?”.

Celestia smiled “yes, I have good news my little ponies I just got a letter from Twilight and her friends in Vanhoover and the Canterlot Bureau of Investigation.”

Lyra smiled “good news I hope.”

Celestia smiled “yes the thieves who have been stealing the artifacts are now in custody and the artifacts are in the C.B.I’s possession and the suspects are being interrogated as we speak. The artifacts should be arriving here in Canterlot a few days I will hold them for you.”

Lyra smiled widely “that’s great news and thank you.”

Celestia said “I will contact you when the artifacts arrive.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon bowed and returned to the university and met with Anton and told him what Celestia told them. He nodded and said “when the artifacts are returned I want you to present your findings to everypony.”

Lyra asked “are you sure?”

Anton said “yes so far we have enough evidence to draw a strong conclusion we can use the skull mold you made to create a face for it” we don’t know what or if they have hair on their heads or what color it would be.”

Lyra said “I would be glad to present my findings I hope to find more evidence in Rambling Rock Ridge as for hair based on the petroglyphs in the Badlands they had hair but I don't know what color.”

Anton asked “what have you found so far in Rambling Rock Ridge?

Lyra said “so far some Equarian writing that said it was a sanctuary.”

Anton said “that’s promising let me know if you find anything.”

Lyra nodded “I will.”

Rambling Rock Discovery

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After returning to Ponyville they went home Lyra sat on the sofa Bon-Bon sat down next to her Lyra said “if we’re going to clear out the cave we will need a wagon.”

Bon-Bon said “The Apple family has wagons maybe we could borrow one from them.”

Lyra nodded “good idea” she looked out the window “lets do that tomorrow it’s kind of late.”

The next day they went to Sweet Apple Acers Lyra knocked on the door Applejack answered the door “hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon how are ya?”

Lyra said “hi Applejack I hope we are not disturbing you.”

Applejack shook her head “nah I’m just finishin' lunch I’m about to return to the orchards what brings yall here to ma farm?”

Lyra said “I was wondering if we could borrow a wagon.”

Applejack said “we have several come with me.”

They went to the back of the barn and in were several wagons some large some small they looked around Applejack asked “what are ya needing one for?”

Lyra said “moving rocks maybe some large ones.”

Applejack said as she walked to a wagon with small rails along the sides and a gate on the back “this one is good for moving large items such as stumps and heavy stones.”

Lyra said with a smile “we’ll take it.”

Applejack said with a chuckle “ya break it ya buy it.”

Bon-Bon chuckled “if we break it we’ll hold it together with tape” she chuckled “maybe nopony will notice.”

Both Lyra and Applejack laughed Applejack asked “when will ya need the wagon?”

Lyra said “we have a few things we need to get first so a few days.”

Applejack nodded “I’ll leave it here and tell ma family you’re coming by to borrow it.”

They thanked Applejack and returned home Bon-Bon said “how are we going to go to Rambling Rock Ridge?”

Lyra said “I’m not sure I’d rather not walk through the Everfree forest.”

Bon-Bon asked “if we can get the dirigible how are we going to transport the wagon?”

Lyra thought for a moment then said “Anton gave me a magic augmentation necklace it amplifies levitation magic I think I can use it to levitate the wagon alongside the balloon.” She paused “I should test it first.”

Bon-Bon nodded.

Just then they heard a knocking on the door Lyra went to answer it when she opened the door and there stood Derpy the mailmare.

Derpy smiled “hi Lyra.”

Lyra smiled “hi Derpy.”

Depry said “I have a priority letter for Bon-Bon is she here?”

Lyra nodded as Bon-Bon came to the door “hi Derpy you have a letter for me?”

Derpy nodded as she pulled out a clipboard “sign here” as she held the clipboard in her teeth as Bon-Bon took it in her hoof and took the pen from the sleeve on the side and signed her name. Gave it back to Derpy who placed the clipboard in her mailbag and reached in and pulled out a letter. She smiled “have a nice day” as she took off to continue her deliveries.

Bon-Bon opened the letter and began to read she smiled “it’s from the Trotsalot Supply Company in Trottingham. The supplies I requested have arrived and the delivery wagon will arrive tomorrow morning around 10:00 am.”

The next day they put on their saddlebags and went to the location where the candy shop was and there was a carriage waiting outside.

Bon-Bon walked up to the driver a yellow unicorn stallion with a lite blue mane and tail wearing a driver uniform with the logo Trotsalot Supply Delivery. Spotting the approaching pony he said “hi I’m looking for a pony named.” He levitated a clipboard from a sleeve on the side of his uniform “Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon said “that’s me.”

The driver said holding the clipboard in his magic “sign on the bottom line.”

Bon-Bon pulled the pen from slot on the side of the clipboard and signed her name.

The driver placed the clipboard back into the sleeve and levitated the boxes of supplies from the carriage and placed them in front of the building. He hitched himself to the wagon “have a nice day” and trotted away.

Bon-Bon walked over to the boxes and found a scroll she unfurled it and asked “Lyra can you check off the items as I read them?”

Lyra nodded and levitated the scroll and a pencil.

Bon-Bon began reading the sides of the large wooden boxes “sugar, oatmeal, raisins, flower, baking soda, chocolate chips, cinnamon, chocolate, sprinkles, milk and cooking oil.”

Lyra checked each one off the list.

Bon-Bon saw each box had a handle on top so non unicorns could move them she bent down and began to lift one Lyra levitated one as they took the boxes inside. They opened boxes and placed the items on the storage shelves.

After placing the stock on the shelves they returned home Lyra said “I would like to test that amulet Anton gave me any ideas on where I can find something big?”

Bon-Bon thought for a moment then gave a mischievous grin then said with a chuckle “you could move Canterlot castle from the side of the mountain to the peak.”

Lyra laughed “I can just imagine the look on Celestia’s face.”

Bon-Bon said “what about the carts on Sweet Apple acers?”

Lyra nodded as she looked out the window at the late evening sky “we can visit them tomorrow somehow I doubt they would be happy if we showed up this late.”

The next day Lyra put the necklace in her saddlebags and they traveled to Sweet Apple Acers.

They met Big Mac was just coming out of the house said he smiled “hi ladies what can I do for ya?”

Lyra said "were here to borrow a wagon" he nodded "yup AJ told me about that" as he and pointed to the barn “I’ve got to get back to the field.”

They went behind the barn and found several wagons one of them was full of apples and covered with a tarp.

Lyra's horn began to glow a golden glow enveloped the wagon she tried to lifted it she strained it lifted off the ground slightly. She panted slightly and said “let’s see how this necklace works.” She levitated the necklace levitated from her saddlebags and placed it around her neck. Her horn glowed again brighter than before a golden glow enveloped the wagon. She lifted the wagon up as Lyra moved her head to the left and to the right and the wagon moved at the same time.

Bon-Bon said with a smile “I would say it works.”

Lyra lowered the wagon and nodded “it took almost no effort to move.”

They returned to Ponyville and went to the hardware store and bought some rope.

The next day they packed their saddlebags and a picnic basket then went to the balloon vendor rented a balloon for the day traveled to Sweet Apple Acers. After landing Lyra used her magic to tie the rope to a wagon and the balloon. The balloon ascended into the air suddenly the balloon stopped the weight of the wagon prevented the balloon from ascending further.

Lyra levitated the augmentation necklace from her saddlebags and placed it around her neck she then cast a levitation spell and enveloped the wagon in her magic. She smiled as the balloon began to move they passed over Ponyville watching ponies moving about. They soon passed over the Everefree forest and then Rambling Rock Ridge. Lyra sloly released the spell and the balloon descended after landing Lyra placed a large stone in the basket. Bon-Bon hitched herself to the wagon and they went inside when they came to the location of the cave in. Lyra began levitating the rocks and placed them into the wagon when the wagon was full Bon-Bon tried to walk but was not able to move the wagon.

Lyra asked “is it too heavy to move?”

Bon-Bon nodded “I can’t move at all.”

Lyra’s horn glowed and she used the amplified levitation magic to envelope the wagon Bon-Bon began moving the wagon as if it weighed almost nothing. They moved the stones out of the cave and deposited them several meters away from the cave entrance after several trips the cave began to open up.

Once an opening large enough to fit through was made Lyra poked her head inside and activated her horn.

Bon-Bon asked “what do you see?”

Lyra said “I think I can see a light gem like from the pyramid but not much else I think the corridor goes in further.”

After they removed the rocks they went down the corridor Lyra activated the gem and the light reveled other gems she activated them which reviled several rooms. They entered one in the center of the room was a white triangle crystal similar to the one in the pyramid Lyra infused the crystal with magic. The crystal glowed as magic traveled along lines that went to an overhead light. As light began to fill the room they saw furniture in the room several tables and chairs made of stone. Several were pony sized but there were some that were designed for something other than a pony Lyra levitated her camera out of her saddlebags and took pictures.

Bon-Bon noticed something on one of the tables that looked like a book she said “look Lyra a journal” she walked over to the table and looked at the cover “it looks like it’s written in Equarian.”

Lyra said “let’s read it after we explore the corridors.”

They went back into the hallway Lyra looked around and said “pass me the tape measure.” Bon-Bon reached into her saddlebag and pulled out the tape measure. Lyra took it in her magic and took measurements of the room entrance and the corridor “2 meters high and 121 cm wide.”

Bon-Bon looked closer at the walls and said “these walls have tool marks.”

Lyra levitated camera and photographs of the tool marks.

They walked further down the end of the corridor to several rooms that had the same tool marks the rooms they all had remains of beds and other furnishings. After exploring the rooms they decided to break for lunch Lyra went outside the cave and levitated a basket from the balloon Bon-Bon spread out a blanket. Lyra levitated out several cucumber sandwiches and bottles of soda. after they finished the sandwiches Lyra levitated out a small cloth from the basket she unwrapped the cloth and revealed several fudge squares

Bon-Bon smiled “I made those this morning I hope they are a hit at the candy shop.”

Lyra took a bite and smiled “these are good I’m sure they’ll be a huge hit.”

After they finished lunch they went into the center corridor and a short way in the corridor was blocked by a cave in they brought the wagon back inside and began removing the rocks. Bon-Bon hitched herself to the wagon Lyra put on the augmentation necklace. Once the rocks were removed Lyra lit her horn as they entered the room. Soon they found a crystal sphere on the wall Lyra infused the crystal with magic. As light filled the room they made a shocking discovery there were several skeletons they counted 12 in all. Upon closer examination they determined 9 skeletons were ponies 3 unicorns, 3 Earth ponies and 3 pegesi the remaining 3 were unknown they were bipedal. The pony races were easy to determine but the remaining were harder neither one of them had seen anything like them before. They appeared to be bipedal they had no muzzles, horns or wings and long digits on the end of their upper bodies.

Bon-Bon looked over at Lyra and said with a hint of uncertainty “humans?”

Lyra looked at the skeletons then at Bon-Bon “I believe so.”

She levitated her camera and took pictures then left the room and returned to the center room where they first came in.

Lyra levitated the book her horn glowed as she opened it as she read the cover Sanctuary journal she opened to the first page “Journal of Columar Harnark.” She turned to the page “this is an account of the destruction our beloved land it all began 21 suns before the disaster. Astronomers began to notice a bright star in the sky that got brighter every night it was brought to the attention of the Ianantican high counsel’s supreme chancellor Kalpharia. I suggested it could be something dangerous and we should be prepared just in case. But Kalpharia said the Ianantican astronomers have determined that the star was merely an anomaly and posed no threat."

Lyra turned the page and continued reading “14 suns before the disaster the object in the sky is getting brighter and can now be seen during the day. Still the Ianantican high counsel says it’s nothing to worry about I was concerned and had a feeling something ominous was coming. I rallied as many as would listen but my efforts got me exiled from Ianantica I decided gathered supplies of food water and medicine. I found a cave in the bowl shaped rock outcrop east of the single mountain I moved the supplies there. As teams of humans dug the caverns of what would become a sanctuary some ponies assisted with resources such as wood and tools. With the help of my alicorn friend Crystal Morning we traveled to the far reaches of Equraria. We hoped to convince any who would listen to join us in the new sanctuary. Pegesi traveled to the far reaches of the land to warn and invite as many as would listen. Crystal Morning tried to warn the citizens of Ianantica none of them would listen. The Ianantican security commission exiled her for spreading fear and undermining the decree of the supreme chancellor.”

Lyra paused said nothing and turned the page and continued “day of the disaster, it was mid-morning and I was riding Crystal Sunshine we were resting near the great gorge north of the small mountain range. When we saw a giant fireball streaking across the sky it was huge it looked like a giant mountain. As it fell from the sky the day grew so bright it became difficult to look directly at. As it fell we felt a growing heat the giant fireball had long trail of smoke behind it the strangest thing there was no sound we watched as it disappeared over the horizon suddenly the ground shook violently. In the direction where the fireball disappeared we saw a huge fireball rising into the sky followed by a thunderous boom. This was soon followed by something that looked like a magic spell moving along the ground knocking down everything in its path. We ducked into the canyon as the wave passed over us. It sounded like a very gusty wind we looked up and saw not only the super wind passing over us but debris as well things like rocks small trees and some soil. Some of it fell into the canyon moments later the wind stopped and an eerie silence followed. We poked our heads out from the canyon and saw a pillar of smoke rising from the east we explored the surrounding forests trees were flattened some were uprooted. Others were lying flat as if they had been smacked by a giant hand the sun was high in the sky but it began to grow dark Soon we watched as rocks began falling some were bright red. We thought it best to return to the sanctuary I climbed on Crystal Morning and we made our way to the sanctuary. Along the way we encountered other survivors pegesi, earth ponies and unicorns. The pegesi carried the non-winged ponies the extra weight slowed them as rocks began to fall they managed to dodge most of the rocks that fell from the sky many were stuck in midair knocking them to the ground. They were quickly buried by the red hot rocks 30 of us that met up but only 22 made to the sanctuary. Once inside we could see rocks falling outside like a red rain and could hear the sounds of larger rocks striking the roof of the sanctuary. A few times the ground shook we saw one rock strike the ground and exploded in a small burst of fire. Again the ground shook violently then heat began to fill the cave. Crystal Morning cast a heat dissipation spell across the entrance and a sound dampening spell the rock rain continued deep into the night. The following morning we awoke to an eerie silence. Crystal Morning removed the spells we stepped outside and find our beloved land in ruins. There were depressions of all sizes everywhere we could see smoke coming from a nearby forest. Crystal Morning took to the air and looked around moments later she returned and told us travel would not be possible for several suns. She explained the surrounding forests were on fire. We could see the sun in the sky we hoped the pyramid was still intact and the sun would be moved and things could return to normal. The strangest thing was sun was high in the sky but it was dark as if it were early evening.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon looked at each other Bon-Bon looked as if she was about to cry Lyra had a similar feeling Bon-Bon smiled softly and nodded Lyra smiled and continued “it has been 4 suns since the disaster the skies are dark as late evening and temperatures are dropping. Crystal Morning and I decided to travel to Ianantica and inform the high counsel of survivors we hoped they would be able to provide aid those who needed it. But as we approached the location of the city we discovered to our horror the city was gone! Where the city should have been was only a giant water filled crater we landed on the rim of the massive crater and could not believe what we saw. The entire city of Ianantica just disappeared. We saw pegesi came from the south west They were glad to see more survivors many saw the fireball and took refuge in the caves and the pyramid we were relieved to learn it suffered no damage. They said the mountains to the southwest near the caves were glowing. Morning Glory and I decided to investigate we saw the mountains they were glowing like they were on fire.

Lyra looked up “that’s the vitrified rock we found.”

She continued reading “it has been 17 suns since the disaster we placed a magic beacon over the sanctuary for survivors from across the land many refugees came to the sanctuary. They all gave the same story everything everywhere was destroyed forests were burned or flattened. The only casualties were some who got caught in the rock rain. The city of Ianantica was destroyed only a few dozen alicorns survived.”

Turning the page Lyra continued “25 suns after the disaster the sky is getting darker and temperatures are still falling and now its snowing in summer. If current trends continue there will be no way for us to grow crops. The only thing that can grow in dim light and cold temperatures is grass and a few shrubs humans cannot live on grass and a few shrubs. The pegesi have tried clearing the skies but there are no clouds to clear.”

Lyra turned the page “102 suns after the disaster the snow is getting deeper Crystal Morning and several pegesi surveyed the land to assess the damage. What they found was not promising the forests east of the single mountain gone everything was burned or flattened. The forests to the west were flattened and burned to the east we found bodies of humans, ponies and alicorns. Some suffered from the blast and the subsequent rock rain others froze to death trying to the sanctuary we buried the bodies in a mass grave and wished them a happy afterlife. It seemed exposure to the cold had an effect on the survey team they began coughing. Crystal Morning also became sick over time it escalated to the point where breathing became difficult and then well…. The surviving pony races began bickering over meager patches of grasslands each claiming it as theirs alone. There were not enough alicorn mediators to resolve all the grievances as a result some of the petty squabbles continue to escalate. A few surviving humans came to the sanctuary to rest on their way to the pyramid. One day an earthquake struck causing a cave in blocking one of the rooms trapping several ponies and humans inside we tried removing the rocks but for every one rock we moved several more fell in their place. After spending half the day of trying to remove the rocks we decided all hope was lost. We placed a wreath on the outside of the entrance in honor of them.” Lyra turned the page “108 suns after the disaster the remaining ponies continue to bicker over petty issues and have left the sanctuary. The alicorns have left as well I am going to take what supplies I can and travel to the caves south I have high hopes that I can find more survivors and supplies.”

Lyra looked up and said nothing Bon-Bon just had a sad look on her face.

Lyra closed the book then looked at the entrance to the cave and noticed it was early evening she said with a sad tone in her voice “we better get back home and return the balloon and find some containers to transport the skeletons.”

The next day they traveled to Canterlot and met with Anton and showed him the pictures and returned the augmentation necklace.

Anton said “this is an amazing discovery museums all over Equestria will want to display these artifacts” he smiled “and the university will benefit as well.”

Lyra smiled softly then gave an abbreviated description of what she read in the journal and said softly “I want the story of what happened to be told to all of Equestria because it were to happen again it could wipe out everything.”

Anton nodded “yes it is a lesson we all can learn from I will send a team to the site to retrieve the remains, oh by the way princess Celestia said she wanted to speak with you when you when you got back.”

Bon-Bon asked “what will you do with the remains?”

Anton said “we will make casts and put them on display along with the photos did you make copies?”

Lyra nodded “yes.”

Anton said “ok I would like to use these as a reference for our forensic reconstruction sculptors to reconstruct and add flesh to them” he paused “did the humans have fur?”

Lyra thought for a moment “as far as I know they don’t and I want to use the models both fleshed and non fleshed in my presentation.”

Anton nodded "of course."

They left the university and went to see Celestia as they entered the throne room they bowed and Lyra said “you wished to see us your highness?”

Celestia smiled and nodded “yes my little ponies I have good news the artifacts that were stolen have been returned and are here in Canterlot.”

Lyra said “that’s great news” she then told Celestia what they found in the cave and what was in the journal they found.

Celestia nodded “I heard a similar story when I was young but I had no just idea how bad it was

Bon-Bon asked “if the pyramid of power was used to spread harmony across the land where did the elements of harmony come from?”

Celestia said “there is a document in the Canterlot library’s Star Swirl wing that says after the great cataclysm and during the Dark Age that followed harmony was lost and the pyramid was lost to history. Then 785 moons after the pony races united a unicorn named Silver Snow heard legends of the pyramid and led several expeditions there. She claims she found the room of harmony and wanted to return with an expedition party to document the find. I told her to beware of the monsters.” Celestia shook her head “she did not listen and did not return. One survivor made it back he spoke of giant monsters he was so traumatized he could hardly speak he said he saw an 8 legged spider like creature with pincers.”

Bon-Bon said “sounds like he saw a Saracnoid” she winced remembering her own encounter with the creature.

Celestia continued “several expeditions since have traveled to the forbidden jungle looking for the pyramid before air travel few returned. The jungle is mostly home to Calamitous Manu’s, Korpoterites and Sarachnoids those monsters have made finding the pyramid difficult. After the tribes united harmony was rediscovered and the pyramid again faded into legend.” She smiled and levitated over a small box and said “here are the artifacts that were stolen. If I may ask what do you plan to do with them?”

Lyra said “I plan to use them in a presentation once molds of the skeletons are made and assembled we can put them on display I have some photos they can use for reference what I don’t understand is why they were stolen in the first place.”

Celestia shook her head and said “they believed that proof of mythical beings past or present would cause mass panic and social collapse.”

Bon-Bon said “that’s just silly how is finding a new species is going to cause a panic?”

Celestia said “I don’t know.”

Lyra said “you highness I would like to request use of the dirigible I’m hoping we can get an idea of the size of the pyramid and we can avoid the monsters if we stay off the ground. Of course if any get too close we can always rise above them” she paused “but if the can jump.”

Bon-Bon said “we may need those necklaces Twilight made.”

Celestia smiled “come by tomorrow the dirigible will be available I will have the artifacts sent to your house.”

Lyra and Bon bowed and left the castle on the train ride home Bon-Bon asked “how do you plan to determine the size of the pyramid?”

Lyra said “I have an idea but will need Twilight’s help.”

Upon returning to Ponyville they went to Twilight’s house and knocked on the door Spike answered.

Lyra said “hi Spike is Twilight home?”

Spike nodded “come in I’ll get her.”

They entered as Spike went into the basement and soon came back with Twilight following behind she smiled “hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon what brings you here?”

Lyra said “we need your help.”

Twilight said “I’ll do what I can what do you need?”

Lyra explained the mapping expedition she planned.

Twilight asked “why do you need me? Don’t get me wrong I’m happy help.”

Lyra said “I need somepony to help calculate the size of the base and to help watch out for monsters as Bon-Bon powers the dirigible.”

Twilight thought for a moment the nodded “ok.”

The next day they packed their saddlebags and a picnic basket then went to the library and met Twilight who placed her saddlebags on her back “ready.” Turning to her dragon assistant “Spike watch the library” Spike saluted “you got it” Once Twilight left Spike gabbed a bowel of gems and a power ponies comic. He was exited to read this issue the previous issue ended on a cliffhanger. The Mane-iac occupied an ancient castle and found a way to open a gateway to another world and was about to bring some monsters through. The monster had 2 legs and 4 arms they joined forces with the Mane-iac the power ponies were on their way to the castle. Not only to not only to stop the Mane-iac but send the creatures back to their universe before Maretropolis was destroyed Spike sat in a chair and eagerly began reading.

On the train to Canterlot Lyra said to Twilight with a smile “just think your name will go down in history.”

Twilight just smiled.

Bon-Bon asked “aren’t you exited?”

Twilight said “I am the chance for knowledge is exiting" she paused "I could help you co-author a book.”

Lyra smiled "I would like that" she looked over at Bon-Bon "don't worry we wont forget you."

Bon-Bon smiled.

Once they arrived in Canterlot they went to see Celestia and boarded the dirigible soon they were over the Forbidden jungle Twilight said “Bon-Bon lower the dirigible to 1.5 meters off the ground start at one side and move to the other.”

Bon-Bon did as she was instructed once they passed the wall Twilight was taking notes when they heard a growling sound.

Lyra said “if somepony is hungry we can stop for lunch.”

Twilight said “that wasn’t me.”

Bon-Bon said “me neither.”

A sense of dread came over them as they looked around for the source of the sound looking around franticly Lyra saw some nearby bushes moving and heard a rustle rustling. Her eyes grew wide and she shouted “BON-BON GET US UP NOW!”

But it was too late a Calamitous Manu jumped from a thicket of bushes and leaped for the dirigible it dug it massive paws on the rim of the basket digging its claws into the basket. The creature looked silly hang from the basket the weight of the monster began to pull them downwards Bon-Bon pedaled faster increasing power to the engines. Lyra and Twilight cast spells at the beast but this seemed only to anger it. The beast began to climb up the basket once it poked its muzzle over the rim of the basket.

Twilight cast a cloud spell across the face of the monster “Lyra get the necklaces!”

Lyra levitated the necklaces from her saddlebags and placed them on her and Twilights necks the gems glowed and a burst of teal light burst out from them pushing the monster with it. The monsters claws pulled pieces of the basket with it the monster fell 5 meters to the ground. They watched as the creature jumped immediately to its feet with the loss of the extra weight and the extra power to the engines the dirigible quickly shot upwards. Bon-Bon managed to stop the assent they looked down as the beast stood up stared up at them and kept jumping at them swiping its paws.

All 3 breathed a sigh of relief Lyra said “that was close.”

Twilight said “yes too close” she looked at the damage to the basket and moaned “Celestia is not going to be happy about this.”

They returned to Canterlot and docked the dirigible the sun was low in the sky Celestia noticed the damage to the basket and asked “what happened?”

Twilight said “we were ambushed by a Calamitous Manu.”

Celestia’s eyes grew wide in surprise “you saw one?”

All three nodded.

Celestia said “not many see a Calamitous Manu and lived to tell about it.”

Bon-Bon asked “have you seen one?”

Celestia nodded she “let’s go inside I’ll meet you in the conference room after I lower the sun” after lowering the sun Luna took over and raised the moon. Afterwards she joined the others in the conference room and sat down on some cushions. Once she was comfortable she said “yes I’ve seen a Calamitous Manu when I was 450 years I was flying south of the Macintosh hills in the Artimaspit Territory when I saw several of them. As far as I could tell they are solitary creatures I was far enough up in the air to avoid them.” She shuttered “it saw me and tried to jump up a get me it jumped higher than its size would lead you to believe.”

Twilight asked ‘what are they doing in the forbidden jungle if Artimaspit Territory is their native homeland?”

Celestia said “they migrated across the gorge some parts are shallow enough to cross others are deeper than others much like ghastly gorge.” She smiled “I know it’s getting late and by the time you reach the station they will be closed for the night you can stay here the rooms in the east wing are vacant” the 3 bowed and went to their rooms.

In one of the rooms Lyra lay on the bed but could not sleep she got out of bed went to a window opened it. She placed her front hooves on the sill and breathed in the cool night air. She smiled and looked up at the sky and watched the stars as they twinkled she admired Luna’s work. When a soft knock on the door snapped her out of her daze. She went to the door opened and saw Bon-Bon who smiled softly “I can’t sleep can I stay with you?” Lyra smiled and nodded “I can’t sleep either.” Bon-Bon smiled softly they both climbed into bed they held each other and each nuzzled the other as they drifted off to sleep.

The next day they returned to Ponyville Twilight said “come by the library in about an hour I should have the measurements by then.”

One hour later Lyra and Bon-Bon came to the library Bon-Bon knocked on the door Twilight answered and smiled “hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon come in I have the measurements.”

They sat down on a sofa as Twilight levitated over a paper with a drawings of the pyramid and numbers on it “here are the measurements these are based on the speed we were going and the time it took to move across the ground.”

Lyra took the paper in her magic and held it in front of her moved it so and Bon-Bon could see it “according to this the pyramid is 520 meters across and 243 meters high."

Twilight said the monument covers 60,702 square meters.”

Bon-Bon asked “how large is that?”

Twilight said “it covers 6 hectares you could fit the city of Canterlot into the space it occupies” just then Spike clenched his stomach and belched out a scroll. Twilight took it in her magic and read it “its from princess Celestia.” Dear Twilight, Lyra, and Bon-Bon the skeletons have arrived in Canterlot and are being cast as we speak. They should be ready tomorrow Anton and I want you Lyra and Bon-Bon to be there Sincerely, Princess Celestia.

Twilight turned to her dragon assistant “Spike a reply.”

Spike held a scroll and quill “ready.”

Twilight cleared her throat “Dear princess Celestia, we would be honored to attend such a momentous occasion we look forward to seeing you Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle.”

Spike took the scroll rolled it up and breathed fire onto it sending it on its way to Celestia.


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The next day they traveled to Canterlot and met with Celestia they all bowed.

Celestia said “greetings my little ponies congratulations on your discovery.”

They all bowed their heads

Anton showed them the molds of the skeletons.

Lyra asked “how long will it take to reassemble the casted skeletons?”
Anton said “not long about 3 weeks I will contact you when they’re assembled.”

Lyra went to Canterlot and met with Anton he said “hi Lyra we counted the bones from the bipeds skeletons.”

Lyra asked “what did you find?”

Anton said “the biped skeletons are fascinating they have almost as many bones as a pony the bipeds have 206 bones ponies have 205. He paused what did you say their species was?”

Lyra said “humans.”

Anton said “yes humans we counted the teeth in the human skulls they have 36 teeth ponies have 40 we made casts of the skeletons and assembled one based on the photos you provided.” He showed her the skeleton it had the same kinds of bones ribs spine etc. The main difference is they did not have horns or wings and they appeared to walk upright. We took measurements and estimate this one stood about slightly over 176.7 centemeters tall” he smiled “you’re going to be famous. I spoke with Sarbon Tormow at the Canterlot Museum. He’s willing to pay 800 bits for each skeleton and there are 9 so that comes to” he paused “7,200 bits,”

Lyra asked “how much does the university get?”

Anton thought for a moment then said “well when Daring Doo delivers artifacts to the museum they pay 12% but the artifacts are numerous so it balances out. But in this case were dealing with 2 organizations each charging 12.5%.” He paused 7,200 bits minus 25% comes to 1,800 for each organization so after the museum and the university you get 3,600 bits.”

After they left Canterlot they returned to Ponyville and went home ate lunch and picked up the list of employees for Little House of Bon’s they went to the Ponyville post office. Bon-Bon gave the post master some envelopes to deliver to the employees she selected reminding them the store will open in 3 days. They then went to the center of town and placed a note on the town poster. It read Come to the Grand Opening of the Little House of Bon’s Candy Store the date was set for 3 days from today. Afterwards they returned to the building and began setting up the candy store. Everything was ready for the employees to come and prepare the candies. The next day Bon-Bon went to the store and met with the employees. She said with a smile “we have two days until the store opens so we need to make candies I will help anypony who needs it.”

Later that day Bon-Bon came home to find Lyra sitting on the sofa writing something she smiled “hi Lyra”

Lyra looked over at her mare friend and noticed she had flower and sugar in her fur “how was the preparation?”

Bon-Bon sighed “a filly unicorn tried to levitate a bag of sugar lost control of her magic and it fell hitting a bag of flower on the way down the bags split open spilling their contents all over the floor in a huge cloud of dust. I could not see anything for several minutes” she sighed I need a shower.”

Lyra smiled and chuckled “I dunno I think you’ve never looked sweeter.”

Bon-Bon smirked as she went to the bathroom to clean up after she exited the bathroom with a towel on her head she sat down on the sofa laid her chin on Lyra’s lap and sighed.

Lyra stroked her back gently Bon-Bon smiled gently “that feels nice.”

Lyra said “I’m sure once news of the discovery of humans gets out Pinkie will want to throw an amazing discovery party.”

Bon-Bon chuckled looked up and said “would you expect anything less? Besides it’s not every day somepony discovers creatures that were thought to be myths.”

Lyra smiled “true.”

Later that evening the paper read local archeologist proves mythological creatures to be true. Below was an article describing the find and that it would be on display in the Canterlot museum in a few days.

Bon-Bon read the article then showed it to Lyra and said with a smile “you’re going to be famous” Lyra smiled.

The next day Bon-Bon went to the candy store to finish preparations for the grand opening at the same time Lyra traveled to Canterlot and went to the museum. When she entered she saw a pony she did not expect to see looking at the human skeleton replica.

Lyra walked up and said with a bow “hello Princess Luna.”

Luna turned and smiled as Lyra rose from her bow “greetings Lyra I read the article in yesterday’s paper I’m glad to meet the pony who proved the legend of humans to be true.” She turned back towards the skeleton “I never believed in the legends.”

Lyra asked “have you read the journal?”

Luna turned towards Lyra “there’s a journal?”

Lyra nodded “it’s written in Equarian.”

Luna arched an eyebrow “Equarian is a dead language how were you able to read it?”

Lyra smiled “I used a translation spell.”

Luna chuckled “I would have not have thought of that I would have taken it to a scholar.”

Lyra asked “didn’t they have spells like that 1,000 years ago?”

Luna shook her head “no such spells were only created in the last 500 years.”

Lyra said “Anton has the journal I’m sure he will let you read it.”

Luna smiled softly “I just may do that” she looked at the skeleton again “I wonder what they were like.”

Lyra said “read the journal based on what I’ve read they seemed nice nothing like the legends made them out to be” Luna smiled.

After talking with Luna Lyra went to see Anton “I met princess Luna she would consider reading the journal from Rambling Rock Ridge.”

Anton asked “does she speak Equarian?”

Lyra shook her head “I don’t think so translation spells did not exist 1,000 years ago she may learn one if she comes to visit.”

Anton said “we should have a modern translation soon we have scribes working on it as we speak.” He paused “oh by the way I secured the Canterlot auditorium as a location for your presentation.”

Lyra smiled “the acoustics there are perfect.”

Anton said “it will be ready next week.”

Lyra smiled “I’ll have my notes ready by then.”

After leaving Canterlot she returned to Ponyville and stopped by the Golden Oaks Library and met with Twilight.

Lyra asked “I’m writing notes for a presentation and was wondering if you would like to be part of it.”

Twilight said “yes I would love to be part of a momentous discovery.”

After returning home she and Bon-Bon went to bed.

The next day After Bon-Bon left Lyra began writing notes for the presentation Bon-Bon came home carrying some saddlebags Lyra put her quill down went over to Bon-Bon and gently nuzzled her.”

Bon-Bon smiled and sat down on the sofa and sighed “it feels good to sit down.”

Lyra asked “long day?”

Bon-bon nodded “yeah, I brought some candy it’s in my saddlebags”

Lyra smiled sounds like a nice after dinner treat.”

Bon-Bon smiled “I need a shower.”

Lyra smiled “I’ll make dinner.”

As Bon-Bon went into the bathroom she turned on the shower and stepped in. She sighed as the warm water washed off the flower, sugar and other ingredients in her fur. After she finished her shower she dried off an opened the bathroom door and could hear the sounds of cooking and a plesant smell fillef her nostrils.

As she entered the kitchen Lyra smiled “I made your favorite stuffed peppers.”

Bon-Bon smiled “extra cabbage and tofu?”

Lyra nodded “of course.”

Bon-Bon said with a sensual whisper “careful you just might spoil me” as she went to the refrigeration box opened it and pulled out a lemonade piture and poured 2 mugs. She then placed them on the table just as Lyra levitated over the stuffed peppers and a salad bowl. After dinner they shared a dessert afterwards Lyra read part of her speech.

Bon-Bon nodded “you should put more emphasis on the forbidden jungle monsters” she wiggled her hoof and smiled sheepishly “considering I got hurt because of one of them.”

Several days later Lyra stood in front of a podium in the auditorium of the Canterlot university as she straightened her notecards. Looking out into the audience she saw many ponies she knew others she did not she cleared her throat and began the presentation. She presented models of the skeletons with and without the skin. She also demonstrated the batteries using replicas of the clay pots, iron rods and copper cylinders. She poured lemon juice into the pot hooked wires to the rod and cylinder and powered a light bulb. She read from the journal and the disaster that befell the bipedal creatures and the alicorn city. She also told the story of the Dark Age that followed everypony in the audience sat there in stunned silence. Some sat with their mouths hanging open others had tears in their eyes.

After the presentation Lyra spoke to journalists and did her best to answer the questions they asked.

After the press questions Anton came up to Lyra and said “that was an interesting presentation” he smiled “it looks like we may have to rewrite history.” He looked at the cast of the human and sighed “it’s a tragedy what happened to them. I wonder how far advanced we would be if the asteroid had not struck.”

Lyra nodded “Twilight Sparkle has speculated we would be much more so than we are now but I’m worried others will try to go to the forbidden jungle and have run in’s with the monsters” she sighed “I hope they will heed the warning.”

Anton nodded “I’m sure they will the description you gave of the Saracnoid gave me chills” he smiled softly and said with a chuckle “I’m sure if I saw one I would have nightmares.”

Lyra smiled looked over at Bon-Bon who was talking to some ponies and said “just ask Bon-Bon she twisted her ankle, If were not for the necklaces Twilight made we would be-” she shook her head.

Later that evening Lyra and Bon-Bon were on the train bound for Ponyville as they sat in their seats as the scenery passed by Lyra seemed distracted.

Bon-Bon asked “are you alright?”

Lyra nodded “just thinking I wonder why no pony else has made this discovery don’t get me wrong I’m glad we made it” she smiled softly.”

Bon-Bon thought for a moment and said “maybe because no pony believed in the legends they thought they were only myths and the forbidden jungle is too dangerous to explore.”

Lyra nodded “it’s a shame I would love to explore that place who knows what else we would find.”

Bon-Bon lifted the hoof she injured not too long ago wiggled it and said “I don’t care to get hurt again or end up on the menu for the monsters.”

Lyra smiled got up came over sat next to Bon-Bon and nuzzled her “don’t worry” she chuckled and said “if we encounter one you could give them a Little House of Bon’s gift certificate.”

Bon-Bon pictured one of the monsters in her candy shop towering over the customers and buying some mint sticks she chuckled at the thought.

After they returned home it was late and Celestia was beginning to lower the sun and Luna raise the moon they saw the reds and oranges of twilight. Bon-Bon smiled “Celestia always makes a beautiful sunset.”

Lyra nodded “yes she does.”

They watched as the sun dipped below the horizon and the moon slowly rose in its place Lyra and Bon-Bon gently nuzzled each other.

Several days later Lyra was outside working in the garden when Derpy the mailmare came up and tapped Lyra on the shoulder she turned around and smiled “hi Derpy.”

Derpy smiled “hi there Lyra I have a priority letter for you from the Crystal Empire” she reached into her mailbag and pulled out a letter.

Once Lyra took the Letter Derpy held out a clipboard in her teeth “thign pleath.”

Lyra signed the clipboard Derpy flew off to continue her deliveries Lyra took the letter in her magic and opened it. As she read it she found it was from Princes Cadence it read Dear Lyra, word of your discovery has reached the Crystal Empire. Some of my subjects have found similar skeletons I would like for you to come to the Crystal Empire. You will be compensated for your troubles. I await your reply Sincerely, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadence.) Lyra blinked as she thought more skeletons? She thought about it as she continued tending her garden.

Later that evening Bon-Bon came home she was covered in flower and sugar. Lyra blinked and asked “what happened?”

Bon-Bon smiled and shook her head. “Some pony spilled vinegar in a vat of baking soda and sugar.” She sighed “it was an unbelievable mess we had flower and sugar up to our fetlocks.”

Bon-Bon went to take a shower after she came out of the bathroom Lyra said “I received a letter from the Crystal Empire Cadence wants me to do a presentation there.” She smiled all expenses paid.”

Bon-Bon said “sounds great.”

Lyra said “I would like for you to come along.”

Bon-Bon replied “I would like that I can ask Pinkie to watch the candy store how long will we be gone?”

Lyra said “it shouldn’t be long a few days I think the letter didn’t say.”

The next day Bon-Bon went to Sugarcube corner to talk to Pinkie returning a short time later with a smile “Pinkie agreed to watch the candy store while I’m gone.”

Lyra clapped her front hooves together and said “that’s great it would not be a presentation without the part about your encounter with a Saracnoid,”

Bon-Bon winced slightly thinking of the monster and her injury.

Lyra wrote a reply to Cadence and went to the Ponyville post office and sent the letter via priority mail.

Lyra asked the postal worker “how long will it take to arrive?”

The postal worker said “it should arrive tomorrow.”

The next day they went to the train station and purchased 2 tickets to the Crystal Empire.

As the train traveled along they admired the scenery then Bon-Bon noticed Lyra seemed distracted and asked “are you alright?”

Lyra nodded “I’m fine I was thinking about the letter from Cadance it said they found human skeletons.”

Bon-Bon asked “did she say where?”

Lyra shook her head “no probably in the crystal caves.”

When the train pulled into the station and the ponies disembarked when Lyra and Bon-Bon exited a crystal pegasus royal guard approached and said “greetings Ms. Heartstrings, Ms. Drops princess Cadence is waiting for you I am to escort you to the crystal palace.”

They walked a short distance to the waiting chariot they entered and the guard closed the door hitched hismelf yo the chariot and took off towards the crystal palace both Lyra and Bon-Bon watched as the ground below them flew past.

Bon-Bon moaned in discomfort.

Lyra asked “you alright?”

Bon-Bon said “I don’t like flying I prefer the sky with me on the ground looking up at it.”

Lyra nuzzled her gently “don’t worry it will be over soon see there is the palace.”

The palace came into view it glistened as the light gleamed off the spires soon the chariot landed on one of the balconies Lyra and Bon-Bon stepped off, Bon-Bon was happy to be on solid ground once more as she stomped all 4 of her hooves.”

Lyra chuckled “come on it wasn’t that bad.”

Bon-Bon was about to say something when Cadence entered the room both mares bowed Cadence smiled “no need to bow im glad you agreed to come follow me.”

They followed Cadence to a laboratory and on the table was a skeleton it was a jumbled mess of bones Cadence said “Midnight Rocket was exploring the crystal mountain caves and found this,”

Lyra looked at the skull, ribs, arms and legs then at Cadence “this is the skeleton of a human.”

Cadence arched an eyebrow “a hu-man?” she thought for a moment then said in sudden recognition “oh yes hu-mans I heard they were savage creatures that ate ponies.”

Lyra shook her head “no I found a journal and they lived alongside ponies but were wiped out in a disaster 5,000 years ago along with an alicorn city.”

Cadence said “this skeleton has been forensically dated to about 7,140 years ago” looking at the skeleton she asked “can you reassemble it? Nopony here in the empire has seen one and has no idea what a hu-man looks like.”

Lyra nodded as her horn glowed and the skeleton began to assemble.

Once the skeleton was assembled Cadence just stared at it then asked “are you sure this is correct?”

Lyra nodded “this is the same as the ones found in the Rambling Rock Ridge cave I took lots of pictures.”

Cadence turned to a guard and said “find Almond Thunder in the Crystal museum and tell him I want to see him at once.”

The guard bowed and went to carry out the order.

Once he left Cadence said “Velvet Lemon's team found a shrines in one of the crystal cave dedicated to something called Sugreeva.”

Lyra said “we found a Sugreeva shrine in the forbidden jungle.”

Cadence said “I’ve never heard of Sugreeva who or what is it?”

Bon-Bon said according to the dictionary of ancient Equestrian deities Sugreeva was the lord of dark magic, chaos and destruction. Sugreeva was worshiped by a group or groups of unicorns called the Selle Nurghleth they used this dark magic on their enemies,” She thought for a moment about 4,500-3,200 years ago.”

Cadence said “I’ve never heard of them,”

Lyra said “they lived during the dark age that came after the asteroid impact” she told the story that Celestia told her,

Cadence’s face turned pale all she could do was sit down shutter and flutter her wings slightly all she could say was “disturbing.” She looked up at Lyra and asked “do you know if this cult is still in practice?”

Lyra shook her head “I don’t think so I think it fell out of practice after the 3 tribes united,”

Cadence nodded “that’s good I would hate to think something so barbaric is still being practiced.” She paused then said thoughtfully “I wonder if that was where Sombra got his dark powers from before he took over the empire.” She summoned a guard “send a message to Spring Cherry and Amber Daisy tell them I wish to speak with them.” The guard saluted and went to find th ponies.

A short time later the 2 ponies met with Cadence Amber Daisy said “you wanted to see us your highness?”

Cadence nodded “yes” as she lead them to the skeleton “Spring Cherry I need you to make a cast of the skeleton Amber Daisy I need you to flesh it out” they both bowed and wet to work.

The next day Lyra gave her presentation to the citizens of the Crystal Empire she had 2 casts on either side both were covered by sheets. She said “this is something that was discovered all over Equestria and the Crystal Mountains.” Her horn glowed and she removed one of the sheets reveling a skeleton gasps were heard across the audience. She removed the other sheet “this is what the creature would look like with skin.” She told the story about where it was found and dated and the tragedy that befell them. After the presentation Cadence and Shining Armor came up to Lyra Bon-Bon stood by her side with a smile.

Shining said “Cadence told me about your discovery I never believed in” he paused looked over at Cadence “what did you call them?”

Cadence said “hu-mans”

Shining said “oh yes hu-mans.”

Cadence said “would you two like to stay for dinner? I would like to hear more about hu-mans.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon nodded.

Wrapping Up

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After dinner in the crystal dining room as diner finished Cadence invited them to breakfast.

The next morning Lyra asked Cadence “what are you going to do with the human skeleton?”

Cadence said “it will go on display in the crystal museum.”

Bon-Bon said “we encountered a group of bandits who believe ponies should not know about humans existing we had a few run in's with a group of them.”

Cadence nodded “I understand I will cast an anti-theft spell on the exhibit.”

Shining Armor said “and I will assign some guards.”

Lyra smiled “it will be good for the empire the Canterlot museum had an increase in attendance since they put the skeletons on display.”

Cadence smiled.

After they returned to ponyville they went home just as Luna began raising the moon.

Lyra sat on the sofa and said with a contented sigh “it’s good to be home.”

Bon-Bon jumped on the sofa and laid down next to Lyra and laid her chin on Lyra’s leg then rolled on her back and said “yes.” Then grinned playfully and said with a slight hint of cynicism “it’s good to be back and away from the good food and all the pampering.”

She looked up at Lyra who looked down and they both burst out in giggles.

After they calmed down Lyra smirked and bent down and kissed Bon-Bon on the nose then gently on the lips, Then said “when I get royalties from the museums and what you earn from the candy store we can hire our own servant’s and all the pampering we want.”

Bon-Bon said “that’s very tempting.”

The next day Lyra went to Canterlot and met with Anton when he saw Lyra he smiled and said “Lyra glad you could come I was going to send you a letter to come visit. Our paleo Reconstructionist added some skin color to the reconstructed humans.

He led her into a room where the human models were being painted all different colors matching colors for the hair on their heads Lyra asked “why are they different colors?”

Anton said “since we do not know what their skin tone was we are basing it on pony skin tones.”

Lyra asked “do you have those pictures I took in the Badlands?”

Anton nodded led her to a nearby file cabinet opened it and pulled out a folder with pictures Lyra’s horn lit up and she levitated a picture.

She looked at it and said “I see your point” she paused “somehow I thought there were a set of skin tones I saw in the caves.”

Anton shrugged “I think the multitude of colors gives ponies who see them something they can relate too and we have no evidence that multiple colors is incorrect.”

Lyra chuckled slightly “true but somehow I doubt you asked me here to come all this way just to discuss forensic reconstruction.”

Anton nodded “your right I asked you here to offer you a position how would you like to be the director of ancient biped studies?”

Lyra blinked “wow I would be honored.”

Anton smiled and nodded “I’m sure there are more skeletons and artifacts out there and we will need more ponies to find them.”

Lyra nodded “but what if there are more artifacts in the forbidden jungle?”

Anton said “I will speak with Twilight about making the monster repulsion spells available.”

Anton showed Lyra her new departments there were 3 labs forensic anatomy, anatomical reconstruction and forensic dating Lyra smiled.

After she finished the tour of the labs and getting an overview of their purposes Lyra returned home she found a note on the door. She levitated it and read it she smiled it was a party invitation from Pinkie Pie. It read in honor of your amazing discovery and promotion. I’m throwing an Amazing Discovery Party tonight at Sugarcube corner. At the party several ponies expressed interest in Lyra’s discovery a few wanted to enroll in anthropology. After the party ended Lyra and Bon-Bon returned home t as they went to bed and kissed each other goodnight and turned out the lights. Lyra laid in the dark and let her mind drift she wondered what new discoveries awaited her she smiled softly and closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The End