• Published 25th Aug 2015
  • 316 Views, 2 Comments

The Mistake. - Changeling-101

Rainbow Dash experiences bad dreams which end with a mistake, something she regrets and would give up anything to change but what if it's too much for the element of Loyalty to handle?

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Part Two: Goodbye.

The group looked at the little coffin, They prayed that this is one of Rainbow's Pranks that went too far. but everypony knew it was true. Rainbow Dash is Gone.....

"Were here today to mourn the loss of Rainbow Dash, The rainbow maned Pegasus that everypony loved. The priest stopped for a moment.
Everypony was crying all except Pinkie pie, She sat there showing no emotions.
"Would Anypony care to say a few words?" The priest continued.

Apple was about to stand when Fluttershy stood up. "I would...."
The priest nodded and stepped away from the podium as Fluttershy walked to it.
She looked at the open coffin. Rainbow looked peaceful, as though she was just sleeping.
Fluttershy looked back to the crowd of sad ponies.
"She...was our friend..she was our Greatest friend.....She helped everypony that needed help.....she was loyal to everypony....We loved her...."
Fluttershy scanned the crowd of crying ponies, When she saw some familiar faces.
Gilda was sitting in the back row, Spitfire and Soarin were in the second row from the front they were all crying.
Fluttershy held back the urge to cry but was failing, Tears ran down her cheeks.
"We will miss you.....Rainbow..." And with that Fluttershy started crying as she walked back to the group and sat down.
Rarity hugged Fluttershy. "That was beautiful...."

Twilight stood up slowly. "I would like to say something"
She walked slowly to the podium
Twilight took a breath.

"There isn't much i can say that Fluttershy already said......But i can say this......I forgive you Rainbow.....i could never hate you no matter what you did......." Twilight couldn't continue she just covered her face and cried.
AppleJack got up and lead the crying pony back to her seat.
The priest walked back to the podium. "Would anypony else want to say anything else?"
Nopony got up, They all knew that nothing else could be said.
"Then anypony who wants to say there goodbyes please come to the front"
And with that the group got up and walked to there friend.

Fluttershy was up first. "Goodbye Dash...." she placed her stuffed teddy bear on rainbows chest.
AppleJack patted Fluttershy's back and looked at her resting friend.
"Fare well Rainbow...I want you to ave this..." She took off her hat and placed it next to Fluttershy's Teddy. Apple walked off with Fluttershy.
"Farewell darling you were always a beautiful pony..." Rarity placed a Rainbow dress next to Rainbows body.
"Goodbye Rainbow we will never forget about you....." Twilight placed a book next to the rest of the farewell gifts.
Pinkie Pie was last. When Pinkie saw her friend she cried and hugged Rainbows body.

"No no no Please wake up Dashie PLEASE!!!" Twilight and Rarity Grabbed Pinkie and ripped her off her friend.
"It's ok Pinkie it's ok..."
Pinkie hugged her friends.
"How could she do this!" Pinkie screamed.
The group stood looking at there old friend, Then they walked out slowly.

The next day everypony was quiet. nopony spoke a word since the following day.
*Knock Knock* "Pinkie you here?
Twilight heard a silent cry.
She opened the door and saw Pinkie laying in bed.

"Pinkie do you want to come out?"
Pinkie shook her head.
"Pinkie please were worried about you..."
"Why did she do it?"
Twilight sat down.
"I think she did it because of us...."
Pinkie sat up and looked at the lavender pony.
Twilight looked down. "She did it because she hurt me and we didn't give her a chance..."
"She hurt you?...when?"
Twilight pointed to where her horn used to be and teared up.
"I thought you said it was one of Discords tricks...." Pinkie said quietly.
Twilight shook her head.
"Why would she do that!" Pinkie yelled.
Twilight cowered.

AppleJack walked in the room.
"I erd yellin what happen?"
Pinkie dived on Twilight in anger.
"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" Pinkie screamed.
AppleJack pulled Pinkie off the crying Twilight.
"Don't blame her it was me!"
Pinkie kicked Apple in the gut and ran out crying "I HATE YOU BOTH!!"
"Pin...wait....." Apple coughed but it was too late. Pinkie was gone.
Apple cried on the floor. She felt a hoof on her shoulder.
"It wasn't your fault Apple..." Twilight said silently.
AppleJack buried her face in her hoofs.

Pinkie walked ran down the road crying.
"Stupid AppleJack and Twilight. They killed Rainbow..."
She shook her head.
"Dashies not dead. Shes just playing a prank." she told herself over and over again.
She stopped at a Big gate.
"Cemetery" She read the big letters that hung above the gate.
Pinkie entered.
"We can be together forever Dashie..."
Pinkie Twitched as she walked along the rows of graves.

Rarity wasn't doing any better. Her shop was a mess with all coloured pieces of silk laying around.
She was laying in the middle of the room crying.
Sweetie Belle lay next to her crying sister.
Rarity hugged the little filly close.
Sweetie Belle cried.

Apple and Twilight walked outside and looked around for there pink friend.
The sky was dark and colourless.
"Where are you Pinkie..."
The two ponies walked around ponyville looking for pinkie.
They could see everypony had sad faces, Like all the happiness and colour sucked out of Equestria.
The two ponies called out for Pinkie.
They saw a little orange filly crying.
"Scootaloo..." Apple walked to the little filly.
Scootaloo looks at Apple.
"Come on she wouldn't want you ta be sad."
"I just can't believe shes gone AppleJack....she was my hero..."
Apple put her hoof on the fillies head.

"We can't believe it either pardner.....But she wouldn't want to see us like this" Apple put on a smile.
The filly sighed and nodded.
"Go find AppleBloom and have fun don't let this eat at you." Twilight stepped in.
Scootaloo nodded and walked off still sad.
"Come on Twi lets find Pinkie" They walked on.

Pinkie sat in front of her friends grave with a shovel in her hoofs.
"Hello Dashie...it's me your best friend Pinkie Pie...sorry i didn't come here earlier i had some plans but now its just you and me" Pinkie smiled and started digging.
She stopped digging.
She tapped the soil with her shovel.
*thud thud thud*
Pinkie threw away the shovel and started brushing the dirt away from the coffin.

She opened the coffin and laughed. "Awwww Dashies asleep. Ill just take you back to my place its much more comfy" She grabbed her friend and dragged her out of the grave.
"Your heavy Dashie" she strained as she put her friend on the floor softly.
"Be right back just let me grab something" she said as she ran off laughing.
A pony walked up to Rainbows grave with some flowers of all colours.
She dropped the flowers when she saw the open grave and rainbows body laying next to it.
"Who did this?" The pony walked to Dash.
The pony fell into the open grave.

Pinkie looked at the pony in her friends grave.
"Lyra, look what you made me do!" she sighed.
She began to fill the grave back up.
"Oh well, nopony will look for her."
After Pinkie finished filling the hole, She looked at her friend laying on the ground.
"Alright lets go home Dashie." Pinkie picked up her friend and put her in the wheel barrow.
"You look cold Dash"
Pinkie wraps Rainbow in a blanket and started wheeling her back to her place.
"It's going to be all right now Dash..." Pinkie Smiled.

[To Be Continued......Again....]

Author's Note:

The style is a little different as a test, i do admit it didn't come out as good..

Comments ( 1 )


Well i wrote this a very long time ago, when i was still starting out as a writer. I don't feel right attempting to bring it back after so long, not when i believe i can possibly write something better. But i am glad to know someone enjoyed it, i did put a fair bit of time into it.

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