• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 500 Views, 21 Comments

True Gamer - WishSeeker

All across Equestria, gaming has become popular. Ponies play everything from League of Ponies to Gallop Theft Carto.

  • ...

Spike Kombat! - part 1

Rumbles of wheels and chatter from nearby ponies filled the Manehattan street. The Princess of friendship was marching down the street; to her side was her faithful dragon assistant, Spike. "So tell me again what we're doing in Manehattan Twilight?"

Twilight turned quickly, a hint of annoyance in her face. She fought the feeling, instead smiling for Spike and explained for the twenty-fifth time. "We are here on important business, I need to meet the CEO of 'Equinemart' tomorrow. Apparently being a Princess means I have to check in with certain major economical providers."

"Ok, yeah I still don't–" Only Twilight's purple hoof barred Spike from stepping onto a busy road. "– thanks, Twilight"

"You need to be more careful Spike, look both ways before crossing instead of letting a taxi run you over." Twilight was making a lecture out of this. Her voice seemed snobbier than usual: maybe, it was the terrible treatment she got from the train conductor; maybe, it was the pony who spilt his drink on her earlier; or just maybe, it was the fact she was 'ordered' by Princess Celestia to attend this meeting.

"Ok! I get it Twilight, look both ways. I wish was back in Ponyville where no pony would 'run over' you." Spike's sharp reply may have ticked the 'Twilight clock' that little bit more.

The Princesses face was quickly developing a furious tone, her eyes both focused on the dragon. "And you think that I don't wish I was at home, maybe with the girls or reading a good book. Well no, I'm stuck here in Manehattan with only a vague idea of what it is I am meant to do."

"I'm sorry Twilight, I didn't mean to make you upset. I was just hoping that we could hurry this and get home by tomorrow afternoon." The watery eyes that shone from Spike's face calmed Twilight a little.

Twilight changed to a more motherly voice. She gave spike an apologetic hoof on the back. "I'm sorry Spike, I'm just really stressed out and I didn't mean to lash at you, especially over something like that. Look, we have a few hours to check in at the hotel, let's go have a look around the shopping centre for something for you."

Small but noticeable, Spike returned a shy smile and nodded.

There were hundreds or maybe thousands of stores around, the building was huge, it could easily fit ten thousand ponies inside without trouble. Spike bounced around looking at the different stores, Twilight followed behind him. "So Spike, where do you want to go?"

"Well, I want something fun, maybe a trampoline or bouncy castle. I also want something cool, like a pair of aviators or a magic amulet. I could really do with something to pass the time with, a model or a train set!" Spike's excitement got the best of him, he found himself toppling over his own tail. Lying there on the floor like a rare rug, that's when he saw it; it was the most amazing thing ever and he wanted it. "The Ponystation three-sixty-one."

A sharp shot of concern rattled Twilight. "Wait, I heard those are very addictive, some ponies start playing and just never stop; I even heard that some take what they do on it into real life, it never turns out well."

"But you said I could have whatever," the purple dragon replied, "besides I'm not a pony."

"Spike, I'm trying to help here, I've heard stories from Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash about what those games can do to you." The Princess, desperately trying to dissuade Spike from the console, but was getting nowhere.

Spike opened the door to the store and stared back at Twilight. "Twilight, I want a Ponystation three-sixty-one!"

"And you press this button to start it. Place the games in this tray and close it, they should then run. Would you like me to wrap it or is it just to take now." The friendly store clerk had a strange mane style but was very helpful to customers.

"It's fine, we'll take it as it is." Twilight smiled at the kind pegasus.

The pony turned around to box up the console and games for Twilight, he exposed his cutie mark which seemed to be a game controller. "And here you are, if you need any help your highness, don't hesitate to call the number on the box. We'll come and sort whatever problem you find with the game."

"I'm sorry, I didn't get your name, just so I know who to ask for." Twilight strangely pressed the pony for this information.

"Oh, my name's Blizz Blitz, but my friends call me Blizz." Blizz seemed to realise what he had said to a Princess, calling her a friend, and blushed.

"Ok, thanks Blizz!" Twilight's aura enshrouded the box as it floated, she flew it out of the store with Spike following behind.

The floating mass above created a shadow around Spike, the two journeyed towards the hotel. "So..."

"So?" An odd confusion caused Twilight's eyebrow to rise.

"So you 'know who to ask for', right." An elbow from Spike connected with Twilight.

Twilight returned the nudge with another raised eyebrow and a snort. "I don't know what you're implying."

Spike giggled at the Princess' response "Yeah, right."

"Fatality!" Red words appeared on the Spike's game, it was dark in the hotel room, excluding the light the screen.

Twilight moved in the bed behind him, her slumber disturbed. "Spike, will you go to bed I have a big day tomorrow."

"But one more game, come on Twi." Claws together, Spike pleaded and begged.

"You said that an hour ago, don't make me return your game tomorrow." She glared at the groveling assistant.

Spike continued to beg at Twilight's hooves, a lack of dignity could be seen in the dragon's words."But, Twilight!"

Twilight responded with a furrowed eyebrow, a cold stare and a distant frown; She was not giving in to Spike again.


Author's Note:

Sorry, it took me forever to come up with something and I decided to do it in two parts so at least something is published. :facehoof:

Again, any problems with my writing, spelling, grammar or punctuation don't be afraid to let me know. I am always prepared to work on my skills, especially considering I enjoy writing. :pinkiesmile:

I started college and I've kind of been all over the place, plus I had to write an extract for English. But I realm appreciate those of you who are following this story. :twilightblush:

Thank You Readers,