• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 500 Views, 21 Comments

True Gamer - WishSeeker

All across Equestria, gaming has become popular. Ponies play everything from League of Ponies to Gallop Theft Carto.

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Spike Kombat! - part 2

It was a late night for Spike, his hours on the computer had completely depleted him, even with this he was sensitive, he could feel the morning coming. For once Twilight was the second to wake up. He considered moving but he was happy in the dark.

Another morning beam penetrated the dark room. Spike reacted first, his eyes sandy and dry, he stood up and observed the mess around him. Crumpled packets of Ponyitos and crushed bottled of Equestrian dew surrounded his game console, still light up and humming.

Spike rubbed his sore eyes and began climbing through the rubbish. His arrival at the console birthed a question, Spike was tired and had played all night but something urged him in.

Temptation won, Spike picked up the controller and forgot about his real life, the life that isn't limited by a few inches of pixels. Maybe he was only going to play for an hour, maybe two or even three; well he was the assistant to Princess Twilight Sparkle, why couldn't he have time to relax?

Time dragged its way forward, at least an hour had passed since Spike began playing. The lump of bedding, which had concealed Twilight, began to move.

"Spike, what time is it?" A slothful face poked its head out the covers, the eyes were almost rusted shut, the voice was more of a wheeze and the pony was moving slowly.

Spike heard her voice but his attention was elsewhere, he continued to mash buttons causing the character on the screen to kick and fly at another."Uh, yeah Twilight sure."

"Are you still playing? Seriously? Spike, turn that off, we've got to get to that meeting. Go get my checklist." Twilight's dropped out of her bed as she rolled, she then preceded to the en suite bathroom.

A few words must have penetrated Spike's thick skull, the dragon turned to see Twilight moving away. He huffed and began scouting through the bags for the piece of paper.

"So here are the statistics for next years sales Princess Twilight, I hope you are happy with them." The suave pony stood at the forefront of a large table, surrounded by lots of official looking mares and stallions. His hoof was directed at a large graph on the wall.

Twilight sat at the other end of the table, her assistant was sleeping through the meeting. "I have to admit, it does look promising but the you are only taking in account of sales over the last two years; I suggest instead looking back to at least five years before making any assumptions."

Every other pony, except the the suave business pony, began nodding and clopping their hooves together. After some words had passed between everyone they all stared back at their representative.

The suave pony looked around, he then nodded as he prepared his response. "Well I guess we could take a look at those numbers, but it seems useless wasting resources and time on a task that will most likely yield the same ."

They went on for a very long amount of time, however Twilight eventually topped him, he then was forced to bring up the statistics for the past fiver years.

Twilight grinned as she saw slight variations in the data. "Aha, see according to this next years net profit is 5% lower than expected."

"but is that such a big difference, I mean 5% is barely one store not making a profit." The suave pony was tires of arguing with Twilight, and although he respected the princess he also felt that this was a waste of time.

"5% isn't big? That's at least 300,000 bits down the drain, you cannot afford that if your business should continue to decrease." A bit of pity was building up into Twilight, she could see from the data that the business would be down in a matter of three years.

Overhearing the ongoing debate, Spike awoke. He felt it strange that they still hadn't finished by the time he woke up. "Twilight what is happening, why haven't you finished?"

"Because somepony doesn't want to hear how to save their business." Twilight seemed angry, Spike was growing very agitated because of this. Everytime this week the dragon has tried to talk she has been angry.

The suave pony responded angrily with haste. "Well maybe you should go and help one of our competitors, my business is fine, and I'm not fighting over it."

Spike twitched at his voice. "Fight."

"This is not a fight, I'm just trying to help." Twilight's response matched the tone of the business pony.

Again twitching, Spike's eyes began to narrow. "Fight?"

In response to Twilight, the business pony continued. "Whatever your opinion is, your royal highness, it is much appreciated but I think we'll avoid this, I am not going to fight!"

"Fight!" He finally broke, Spike was flying across the room, kicking and punching all anypony that stood in his way. His attacks were relentless and almost unnatural, he jumped then slid and striked hard at one older pony.

As a climax to this moment, the out of control dragon assistant smashed through the door and disappeared, all that could be heard were screams and spikes grunts in the distance.

Twilight was left in shock, standing with her mouth ajar at the sight she just witnessed. As the only pony in the room not injured she quickly ran to get help for the others.

Further outside all that could be seen was a pile up of injured ponies, some rolling and some in even worse shape. Spike on the other hand had seemingly disappeared. The Princess was in a big mess and she had no idea how to deal with it.

Author's Note:

Sorry, been busy so this might seem rushed even though it took so long to write, I am really tired. :ajsleepy:

There is a part three coming, I don't know when but I'll be writing it as soon as possible.

I'd like to hear from those who seriously read this, cause I write to just get stuff out of my system. Tell me about your opinions of my terrible sense of humour and ways I can improve, trust me it will be much appreciated, and if you want to call it a pile of trash please do, might help motivate me to prove people wrong. :pinkiesmile:

Thank you readers,