• Published 27th May 2012
  • 1,920 Views, 33 Comments

Discordian Revelations - LemonDrizzle

Pfft, who needs a short description? I have a loooong one. Its a darker Discord story.

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Morbidly Discorded

Morbidly Discorded

Moments before

Inside the corrupted, churning mind Discord could only watch in horror as he saw himself carelessly throw the petrification spell over his shoulder, realization hitting the trapped draconequus far quicker then it hit the dark, lumbering beast that had claimed rights to his mind. He watched in suspense as Luna charged towards his darker self, felt tears prickling his mental eyes as he watched himself pull back one dead, dull lions fist, ready to shatter the lunar princess's head with one almighty blow. He could only watch in unbearable agony as the the Goddess of the Night tore past him, letting out a quiet sob and convincing him of his earlier thoughts, the thoughts that he was desperately trying to block out but to no avail. He fruitlessly tried to stop his own body as the rotten version of himself turned around slowly to face the one sight that Discord had been fearing, dreading for the whole of his imprisonment. The sight that cleaved into his heart and soul, that stabbed deeply into his abysmally small heart.

Celestia was before him, half petrified and valiantly battling to stay silent despite the rolling amounts of pain that were obviously flooding her body. Discord watched, large fat tears streaming down his hideous face as the granite relentlessly moved forward, climbing up her snowy white chest. He jolted once in surprise and dark depression as he heard her scream out in pain, as he heard his chaotic influence give a soft chuckle inside of his mind, the sound ringing in his created ears. He watched in abject fear, trying to tear himself away from the sight but unable to, as the cold, dead stone reached her elegant swan like neck. As she gagged and choked, trying to draw the air in without any hope of the breath entering or exiting her body again, her hopeless cause swiftly being abandoned as the stone rose higher. He watched in undiluted sadness as her beautiful, vibrant rainbow mane was turned to stone in the blink of an eye, colours fading into hard, granite-grey stone that dragged the mane towards the ground. Finally, he watched in dismay and dread as those gentle magenta eyes flooded once with tears, a look of such betrayal crossing their depths before they were consumed by the tide of stone that had roared across her body and consumed her. Discord could only watch from the sidelines as the last traces of the solar princess, the Goddess of the Sun, the ruler of Equestria faded from view as the magenta eyes disappeared for all eternity.

Discord's mind collapsed as he struggled to come to terms with what he had done to her. How he had tortured her and trapped her for all eternity. How he had broken his age old promise to never petrify, never hurt and never kill a pony. His mind flooded with self loathing and pity and such unprecedented guilt that scorched his heart and soul with great lapses of liquid pain. His body hit the still strobing red ground with a low thud as he crumpled into a ball of tears, great sobs wracking his body as his head plunged into his mismatched hands, shudders shaking his deformed body. He felt his heart break just as his mind had, he felt pain and misery burning through his veins like rays of the beating sun. Her sun. He felt such guilt and fear and anger.

Discord raised his head, eyes burning with rage and hate as he beheld the swirling red mass of tortured, corrupting feelings that had wormed their way into his mind and pushed him to his breaking point, the same swirling red mass that had turned one of his most beloved, cherished ponies to stone. Tears dried on his ancient face as he stood up to his full height to glare at the chaotic influence that swarmed around his mind before he growled in an unimaginable voice, pain and misery and anger racing across the sound and echoing awfully around the crimson cell. He opened his snaggletoothed mouth and, with the power and the anger of a enraged deity, began to roar at the tendrils of red corruption, voice shattering the tight grips that his chaotic influence had grappled onto his mind with.

No, no, no, no, no, NO!

Discord reached forward with his shaking, rage induced hands and began to tear into the cloud around his mind, tendrils of chaos stabbing into him with excruciating pain that he ignored as he continued his relentless assault. He felt the twirling, dark cloud give a little, as fear flooded the newly infected mind of chaos, icy tendrils of horror lacing the chaos influence as it vainly tried to fight back at the unstoppable godly juggernaut that was slicing and screaming and pounding into it with the force of planets and suns.

Discord advanced his relentless, bloodthirsty assault on his persecutor and his corrupted, warped mind as he dove further and further into the storm around him, ripping great tufts of the influence apart with his bare hands, barely registering the sharp stabbing tendrils that tore into his body. He plunged further into the wriggling mass, slicing and tearing until he reached its very core. An orb the size of a watermelon lay in the centre, bursts of red lightning sparking out of its core and torching the confines of his mind. Dark black storm clouds coated its length, smothering the orbs colour from view with great blasts of blue lightning snaking out and zooming towards the approaching draconequus, striking him in the chest but not stopping his rapid approach.

Discord leapt towards the red and blue lightning smothered orb, ignoring the stench of burnt fur and scorched flesh that wafted around him every time a burst of the lightning struck him. Smashing the dark storm clouds aside, Discord gripped the now revealed golden sheeted orb with one hand and his imprisoned mind with the other before tossing them as far away from each other as possible, the golden orb slamming into the walls of his mind with a loud crack that exploded in brilliant white light.

Immediately, Discord felt pain rip into his body as he felt his very being tear itself in two. He dropped to his knees as the pain intensified, the agony exploding within him with the force of a bomb. He glanced up once, tears of afflictions pouring down his face like great sheets of rain, as he saw the orbs shattered white light approach him and coat his body in a dulling, pain relieving glow, before grabbing him with a gentle embrace. Discord closed his eyes as he felt the pain wash away, the bright shining light now encompassing his whole being, growing brighter and brighter until it blotted out all other sights and sounds. Somewhere in the distance he heard a low scream of pain before a curious ripping noise billowed around his ears as the brilliant white light faded. He opened his golden, small and large eyes slowly before they surged open rapidly as they took in the baffling sight that lay before him.


Unimaginable pain tore through the twisted form of Discord as he felt his mind rip in half, his conscious beginning to crumble as he dropped to one green, rotten, scaly knee, his mismatched hands pressed tightly against his head. Tears sprung up in his golden, torturous eyes as the pain increased, tearing through his very soul and slicing his shrivelled, blackened heart in two. This feeling was unlike anything he had experienced in his millennium’s of life, such pain and agony soaring through his form as he felt his body pull itself apart. Through his closed eyelids, Discord could faintly see a bright white light but none of that mattered, the only thing that mattered was the shards in his mind and the pain in his body. A scream tore from his mouth, cracked curled lips opening to allow the low shriek to escape as the pain surged out of him before he heard a loud ripping noise similar to fabric being pulled apart break across the garden. Almost immediately the pain ended and the draconequus was left panting and sweating with terror at the newfound empty feeling, his limbs shivering slightly with horror and his eyes darting swiftly towards the lunar princess who was still sobbing over the stone body of her sister, great golden orbs twitching ever so slightly.

Discord rose unsteadily to his feet, quivering slightly as his muscles coiled and wrapped around his insides, his mind pushing him towards the prospect of just curling up and falling asleep, to rid itself of the fear of experiencing that pain again. His eyebrows declined along his eyes as he glared at the whimpering form of the lunar princess before speaking up in a raspy and yet relieved voice, vague hints of experienced pain tainting the tone.

“What...what did you do to me?”

Luna just continued to sob, disgusting the lord of chaos with her petty whimpers that brought bile to his ancient throat. His lips curled in disgust at her revolting display of love before, waveringly, he began to walk over to her. His dulled grey feet stomped across the ground with loud thuds, dirt and dust flicking upwards and soiling his body as the dragon talons tore great clumps out of the earth. It took him perhaps thirty seconds to cross the clearing, by that time his power and his energy had returned to him and the confident but sickening smirk had reappeared on his face. Calmly he wandered up to the still sobbing Goddess of the Night, raising his head to peer over her body at the stone statue of Celestia before he let out a gagging sound and spat phlegm onto the face of the statue, watching in glee as it rolled down the cold grey face. Now Luna raised her head to look at him, puffy red eyes blazing with anger at the shocking display of impudence. She made to stand up, her horn glowing slightly with an ethereal light before Discord grabbed her around the throat and raised her into the sky, the lack of oxygen cutting off the spell as Luna desperately flailed to draw in a breath. Discord raised his serpentine neck so that he could stare into Luna's now terrified eyes, whispering softly to her with the smell of rot on his breath.

“I asked you a question little Luna. What did you do to me!?”

Luna's eyes widened in fear and oxygen deprivation, making her eyes bulge slightly. Discord was overjoyed to see that her eyes were staring straight at him, wide with terror at his asphyxiation of her. He felt a perverse sense of pleasure at the feeling of holding a life in his sharp, dirty hands. Suddenly, her eyes flickered to something behind him and they widened even further, a strangled grunt echoing out of her throat as she desperately tried to back-pedal away. Her wings beat furiously at the air but it was like trying to move a rock with a feather, Discord had an iron grip on her throat and nothing, nothing, would make him let go.

Well, almost nothing.

A loud, ear-splitting whistle tore through the clearing, riding on the wind like a bird upon the air. Discord frowned slightly before dropping Luna in a bundle on the floor where she proceeded to draw in loud, shaky breathes before coughing wracked her body, sending her into convulsing fits of pain. Discord's mind raced towards the idea of whatever creature may have raised his alarm, perhaps a foolish guard pony had come out to convert himself towards the role of the chaotic demons new plaything.

Discord turned just in time to see a brilliantly yellow lion paw collide painfully against his muzzle, sending him flying backwards.


The newly freed Discord could only watch himself in bafflement, glancing down at his perfectly imperfect, mismatched hands before glancing up at the figure that had its back faced towards him. It was himself except rotten and broken, pockmarks torn into the folds of his beautiful bat wing and dusty, shadowed webs clinging to his blue pegasus wing. His precious red tail ended in a bloody, weeping stump that oozed blood and marrow white pus. Discord watched as the sickening version of himself stood shakily onto its feet, repeating the movement himself until both gods of chaos remained standing. It still had its back to him as it called out to the weeping figure of Luna.

For a split second, the now free Discord pondered the matter at hand, his splitting from the darker adaptation of himself before events began to converge that forced his mind to focus on something else, something dark and cruel and negligent.

Discord's eyes narrowed as it watched it, himself, stroll up to the princess and spit upon the fallen statue with a disgraceful expression upon its face, Discord's own vision going red at the monstrous sight. He let out a light growl that no one heard before slowly walking towards the dark visage of himself as he watched it pick up Luna as if she were merely a doll. He watched her kick and struggle, watched the life start to fade out of her old eyes as she became slowly starved of oxygen. He watched her eyes widen slightly at the sight of him, bugging out of her head as she desperately tried to suck in breath to no avail. Looking into those eyes he could see that she thought this was it, her death by the hands of not one but two Discord's. Her ultimate fear, the god of chaos doubled but without the fun.

How wrong she was.

Discord whistled loudly as he sauntered up to the monster that had claimed his body, bringing his lion paw back as far as he could, ready for the reaction that he was hoping for. He wasn't disappointed. The Discord like brute dropped Luna like a sack of potatoes before turning around just at the right moment to experience the joys of having a lions fist sent smashing into its distorted face with the strength of a herd of stampeding buffaloes. He watched his other form for a moment as it soared through the air and out of sight, slamming through a dense green hedge at the edge of the garden before he knelt down next to the still coughing figure of Luna, bringing his hands to rest upon her neck as he fixed her constricted and crushed oesophagus. The Princess of the Night jumped at the sudden touch, air flooding her now free throat as her horn glowed a bright blue, magic building up to blast at the sadistically twisted monster before her.

“Cut that out Lu-lu, if I was going to hurt you I would have done it by now.”

Discord grumbled at the Alicorn princess, grabbing the tip of her horn and extinguishing the magical build up that she had been preparing for him like a birthday candle. The Princess of the Night raised her head to meet his, eyes locking together as the two gods stared at each other in bated silence. In a hazy, wheezing voice the ruler of the moon spoke up, eyes flashing with never-ending sorrow and blazing with unquenchable anger.

“You...you did hurt us. You...turned Celestia to stone you-you monster.”

Discord winced slightly at the brutal words that she had used to attack him before his gaze fell upon the stone figure that lay beside him, raising one hand to gently caress the rough, hard granite, running a loving trail across the petrified neck of Celestia.

“I would never, never, do that.” Discord whispered softly so that Luna and Luna alone could hear his voice, could see how hurt and guilty and angry he truly was. So that she could hear the pounding of his bloody heart and the whispers of grievous mistakes dripping from his voice.

Discord stood up as a loud crack sounded from the now three holed hedge, bracing himself for the return of his dark, twisted side. He glanced at Luna for a split second, blazing eyes shining into hers.

“I'm going to take care of that thing and then, my dear Luna, I am going to save Equestria and restore your lovely sister to flesh and blood. And I'll tell you something else, when all is said and done you will thank me.”

The discordantly mischievous grin flashed across his imperfect face, a sight for sore eyes compared to the curled, decaying smile that the other Discord had worn as Luna looked up into his eyes, briefly searching them for any hints of the dark monster that had petrified Celestia and then spat on her stone body. The lunar princess found only guilt and sadness and unbearable anger in those ancient, age-old eyes and her heart gave a slight leap of hope as she saw the hardened, battle-ready expression enter his face as he prepared himself to fight for his world. Discord allowed a slight, wavering smirk to curl the corners of his mouth upwards as he watched the night princess give a short, sharp nod at him before resuming her mourning of her sister. He turned just in time to see his corrupted body untangle itself from the hedge with a loud curse.

The abnormal, atrocious body turned itself to stare at the mismatched figure before it, confusion giving way to a large, yellow teethed smile that broke across its features as it beheld the screaming, whining voice that had lain trapped in its head for so long now, in its full form.

“Hello brother of bone, it's certainly been a while since I've seen you like this.”

The voice that emanated from the diabolical draconequus was filled with sarcasm, scorn and blistering malice, nearly make Discord shudder with a tremor of anxiety.

“I am not your brother! I'm Discord, me! You're...nothing.”

Discord spat venomously at the unnatural being before him, the stench of decay and rot slipping into the air, lacing it with light trails of death. The loathsome king of chaos smirked softly, bringing one broken talon up to his mouth as it formed into a small pout at the stabbing words.

“Oh dear me that stung! Well if I'm not dear Dissy then I suppose I'd better find a more...suitable name for myself.”

The now nameless draconequus seemed to struggle for a second, eyes darting upwards as if to stare into its very own mind as it rapped one long, bony finger against its chin before it raised it up in triumph, a loud aha splitting the silence like a knife cutting through butter.

“If you're Discord, spirit of chaos then I am Morbid, master of suffering. It has a nice little ring to it right? Oh, I'm so glad you like it!”

Discord merely curled his lips, arms flailing around him to cover all of the burning landscape around him, the ringing of screaming soaring across the crumbling, razed city.

“Look at what you've done Morbid. This isn't the way that life is supposed to be. Chaos is one thing but death and misery and pain. They are tools that should not be wielded by any creature. You were there with me, in my mind, when I petrified the last truly great threat to Equestria. You alone know what it feels like to live under the shadow of a barbaric monster. Do not change into the beast that we swore so long ago to never convert to.”

The newly named Morbid just looked at Discord with disgust, anger boiling up inside of him like a burning stew. His fiendish eyes glittered with unsuppressed contempt at the sight of the should be king of chaos before him that refused to accept that over time things change, circumstances differ.

“Do you not remember the way those pitiful ponies fled from you, even after all you had done! Do you no longer care that there is no creature in the world that can stand your presence, no creature that knows your suffering, no creature that can help you bear the pain of betrayal and dissatisfied emotions of those disgusting ponies.”

Morbid spat out his speech, venom and malice and hatred lending volume to his dark voice, the screams and crackles of burning diminishing in the background as the wind began to pick up around the two intricately linked deities.

“Nobody but me. I can help you Discord, you would no longer have to live in shame and anger from these ponies, they would bow before you like peasants to a god. Together, we could claim Equestria as our own. All you have to do is join with me.”

Luna glanced up from her sorrow-felt moaning at this, her eyes widening slightly in fear as she beheld Discord's silence as he pondered the thought, terror erupting in her soul as she pushed herself to her feet painfully, preparing herself to fight the two of them if the situation may arise. Her horn glowed weakly with faint blue energy, Morbid noticing and looking at her with a carrion smirk and cold, humourless eyes. Discord shook his head softly before his gaze returned to Morbid, burning into the dark draconequus's eyes with rage that would have burnt worlds and caused suns to collapse. His voice was quiet but strong, anger and hate lacing the voice like a drug.


Morbid's features fell in open shock at the decline of his dark invitation before his face morphed into a blank, cold look that screamed a warning to every creature nearby.

“So be it.”

Discord rose to his full height, cracking the knuckles of his hands with loud, shot-like noises that blasted around the clearing, preparing himself for the inevitable storm that was about to descend. His voice rose loud and clear, cutting through the air with a monotonous tone.

“So be it indeed.”

The two dark gods, one of the refines of chaos and the other of the pain of misery and madness, began to circle each other with slow, deliberate steps. Their heavy feet left great indents in the ground around them, the grass mushing itself into place as the soles of the draconequus's came down upon it. Discord held a cold, steady frown upon his face that betrayed his rolling emotions of rage and misery whilst Morbid wore the same carrion smirk that he had equipped to his facial expressions so early on in his rise to power. The twin deities that had both risen from each others contempt and power locked gazes, lightning flickering from golden orbs to golden orbs as rage and confidence clashed together in a pitched battle for dominance. Their mismatched hands curled into fists and then unclenched with small popping noises as the bones cracked against each other, magical energy swirling around the fingertips with a light crackling of sparks. Their twin tails, one long and winding and the other stumped and bleeding, writhed behind them slightly as the breeze picked up, magical power flooding the environment around them and bending it to their rolling emotions. Their wings fluttered in the strong gusts of wind, blue feathers swirling contrastingly with black feathers as they continued to beat to keep the two battle-locked contestants inside the still forming circle.

Then the first mistake was made.

Morbid, still looking into the pouring, angered eyes of the spirit of chaos opposite him took a wrong step, one large cloven hoof sinking slightly into the indent of the footstep that Discord had made into the ground previously, causing him to make a slight shift in his balance as his eyes flickered down to glance across his next stepping point.

Morbid's eyes rose upwards just in time to see the spirit of chaos flying at him, magic crackling around his mismatched body as he propelled himself forward at an excruciating speed. Morbid smiled chillingly as Discord drew closer by the second, a brief thought flickering through his seething mind as he felt the battle begin.

Now, now things get really fun!

Authors note: Careful guys, we got a badass draconequus over here. In all honesty, I'm pretty hyped about writing the, hopefully, epic battle scene that is about follow in the next chapter. Wish me luck because if I fail dismally at that task then I give you full permission to yell abuse at me...over the internet.