• Published 27th May 2012
  • 1,920 Views, 33 Comments

Discordian Revelations - LemonDrizzle

Pfft, who needs a short description? I have a loooong one. Its a darker Discord story.

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Revelation Of A Solar God

Revelation Of A Solar God

Months passed, season melted into season. Fully fledged green canopy withered and fell into a dark brown void of decaying leaves and bone chilling wind. Ponies began to take to wearing winter gear, the brilliant coloured coats smothered by layers of jumpers, sweaters and scarves. Snow fell daintily from the sky, a blanket of pure, crisp white coating the skin of Equestria. The temperature plummeted, causing icicles to form on each upturned entrance, stalactites of snow hanging from the most out of reach areas. Animals had fled, delving into their readily arranged homes for hibernation during the cold, harsh winter months. No longer could the jaunty singing of ponies be heard through the great city of Canterlot. The citizens had resigned themselves to merely sitting in their homes with their families, the fireplaces flickering an illuminating orange and yellow gleam, talking of the past and the present and what spring might bring. The guards of Canterlot still remained, their jobs allowing no time for weak willed thoughts directed to the shriek of the wind around them or the spine tingling cold that gripped the great capital. They had a job to do and they would be damned if they allowed such fickle things as the cold to keep them from doing it.

The snow had coated his statue, shrouding the dark god in a lovely coat of white, making him look like a malformed snowpony. He would have welcomed the feeling of snow for even that was not as blisteringly cold as the icy tendrils that spread throughout his body. He would have welcomed the feeling of soft, crumbly snow coating his fur and scales instead of the diamond hard stone that swirled around his body. Alas, he had retired to his mind long ago, happy with the temporary home he had created for himself. As it was, he was currently creating fountains of chocolate milk around his home, shrouding the should-be white home in dark cascades of a muddy brown colour. And how he loved it, laughing as he spewed chocolate around his new stomping ground, his chaotic domain. A few months ago, dear Discord had given up entirely. No more would he worry about these ponies, no more would he lay down and sob because of Celly-Belly, no more would he listen attentively for the soft sounds of wings and of rain that he so enjoyed. He was the king of chaos, the darkest lord of the darkest night and it was about time he started to act like it. Sobbing and, gag, caring wouldn't help him in this situation and ,whilst being a chaotic rebel certainly wouldn't either, at least he'd be able to have a little fun.

Well, on most days he liked to believe that. Other days though, the days she would visit would leave him just as confused as months ago. She would talk to him, convince him that all is well in Equestria, she would promise that she would look after them and Discord would then do something he never thought he would do.

He would believe her.

And it would drive him mad.

How she, she, the embodiment of all that is good and pure in this world could strike a cord with the embodiment of all that was bad and tainted in this world. How she could simply talk about the foolish lives of her ponies and herself and how he would foolishly be caught in rapt attention, desperate for her to keep talking, to rid him of the crippling mundaneness of his new life. How she could make him disregard his precious chaos, perhaps only for a few minutes, in order to listen to her soft, royal voice talk to him about the most simple things. Malice is something that Discord understood well, anger and hate along with it. But being thankful, being grateful, that was something new to him and it made him want to cry, to dance and to roar slander in her face at the same time. She would surely laugh if she could feel the pitiful state of his dark, twisted heart whenever she spoke, how he listened to her like a young puppy. Today was no different, at least he did not believe so at first.

Discord had been in his home, sparking and fizzing fireworks until they exploded in a brilliant puff of blue smoke which gave birth to flying tortoises in turn when he felt her presence. With a muffled, “I feel a disturbance in The Force”, Discord exited his perfectly imperfect world and cast his mind and his ears towards the Princess before him. He could picture her now, glistening white coat with a rainbow streaked mane that he had often regarded as vaguely watermelon coloured. Of course, she would just scream abuse and slanderous terms at him when he said such a thing and he would wheel away laughing. Ah, the memories. He could practically feel her greyish, magenta eyes burning into his snowy statue, twinkling with a hint of mischief and enthusiasm that he remembered from the days of old. She would, of course, be wearing her royal golden “armour”. A golden, glowing tiara would sit upon her royal noggin, a large, purple jewelled enthused necklace would rest upon her chest and stunningly bright golden horseshoes would keep her dainty little hooves cold from the winter's snow.


She would always start this way, just his name, a blank pause and then she would delve into her ready made, boring speech about his bad past and how much she did for him.

“I've made a terrible mistake”

Well, this is new.

“When I realized what I had done, I just..I had to...”

She seemed to whittle off towards the end, her speech diminishing as she desperately clawed for a way to speak about her own misgivings. Had he been alive and well, Discord would have surely laughed at this display of weakness but being nothing but stone he had come to realize that his boredom was so great that he would much rather actually listen to Celestia then to verbally berate her in his mind palace.

“You weren't always-you were...,” Celestia started softly and then began to stumble towards the end trying to get her point across, “good” she finished, whispering.

Discord, the god of all things wrong and unnatural in the world, the cause of confusion and mayhem, was chillingly shocked at her discovery. No knowledge had been kept from his first rule, ponies believed they lived their little lives without any intervention. He did not publicly announce his protection or his rule over them. He would help, he would fight for them if need be but when they saw him, they would just run. Or scream. Sometimes both.

Clearing her throat, Celestia continued. Discord could practically feel the guilt rolling off of her in waves.

“When I first saw you, all those years ago, I saw only what I wanted to see. A monster. A filthy, dark, twisted behemoth of darkness”.

Discord cringed a little bit in his stone cell. Had he been mobile he would surely have clutched his heart and toppled over most dramatically in order to cover his hurt at the words. Even now, years later, those words still stung.

“I didn't see the knowledge before my eyes. No pony had been hurt or killed in all the time of your second reign. You...you didn't ever harm them. Not even once. In fact, if I could hazard a guess, I believe you even protected them”.

Discord was once more stunned. She had, inevitably, hit the metaphorical nail on the metaphorical head. He longed to tell her the truth, to scream his full past, to laugh in joy as she peeled away his rotten skin to expose what he was below it. And what was below it was a fair, playful, protective ruler though no pony may have seen it.

“And I fought you. And you would laugh like you were having the most fun in the world and at that time I thought you were laughing at me but you weren't were you?”

Discord stopped nodding for a minute in his mind in order to roll his eyes at her. Only dearest Celly would ask a question to a statue.

“You were laughing because finally, finally you had found another being that understood. Another being that could see Equestria as you saw it, a glorious haven that needed protection. It just made you so...happy to see a member of your precious ponies finally stand up for themselves, to stand up to you”

Discord just stood there, in his stone prison a grimace on his face. He'd been overjoyed to see a member of his protected, loved race finally stand up for themselves but he never wanted another to see Equestria the way he saw it. He would never have wanted to inflict that burden to anypony, not even his most hated enemy who was, at this moment, that bloody bird. The sight of Equestria as he and Celestia saw it, well, it robbed you of your freedom. No longer were you able to do what you want out of fear of leaving your people defenceless. No longer could you simply watch the world go by without constantly worrying over the slightest thing. No longer could you be yourself around others, of fear of them looking upon you in a stained light. You had to be more, you had to be powerful and wonderful and scary at the same time. And such a task was a torment on the soul.

“Then Luna joined the fight, my precious little sister fought you with me. She didn't truly understand, she never saw Equestria the way me and you see it. Even now, I don't believe she does and yet she still helped.”

Discord remembered the days of Luna's arrival. The fun he had had at her expense, the fury and anger in Celestia's eyes every time he had beaten her down. Still she always returned and for that reason, Discord started to warm to her (not in that way!). She was, after all, like a little filly Celestia, constantly allowing her emotions to get the better of her. She refused to visit his statue now, Discord himself wasn't fully sure why but he believed it was to do with the fact that when he last got out he had turned her bedroom floor into bubblegum and filled her room with foam and bubbles.

“We founded the Elements, bent them to our will and together we drove you off your throne. For the first hundred years I was happy. But then weariness began to set in. The crippling loneliness that ruling brought, the inability to be yourself. It drove Luna to do terrible things and it drove me to the point where I to had to reciprocate those terrible things in order to stop her”

Discord could feel the sadness and the anger and the self loathing roaring off of Celestia, masking all other emotions. This was the reason, the reason why he wanted no pony else to bear the weight of the throne. It drove them mad, self loathing and anger bubbled around their very soul until one day they would snap. However, Celly had surprised him.

“But I forgave myself, the only thing I could do. I forgave myself because I would have been a worthless ruler had I been smothered in guilt. And when Luna finally returned I felt so happy and so sad at the same time. Sometimes, even now, it hurts to look back on what happened between me and her. The rift is too wide now, we will never be as close as we once were”

Discord could hear Celestia whimper slightly and, without his realization, he found his heart began to ache.

“But alas, my sister and I's quarrels are not why I came here. You see, when you broke out of the stone statue and caused chaos you said something that seemed to strike a nerve with me. In fact you said a few things”.

Discord began to sweat inside his stone prison, his mental fear beginning to form into something more physical. Well, as physical as you could get inside a stone cold statue. Had he said something bad? Had he destroyed his last chance of speaking to Celestia whilst he allowed his chaos to consume him? Had he obliterated Celestia's feelings and mistakes towards him by insulting her in some way?

“You said, for I can remember it as well as if it were yesterday “Did you miss me, Celestia? I've missed you. It's quite lonely being encased in stone. But you wouldn't know that, would you, because I don't turn ponies into stone”.

Discord stopped his needless sweating, his mind vanishing all traces of his perspiration of terror as he stopped to listen to his repeated speech. He could remember that, perhaps one of the few moments beside the feeling of happiness from his glorious chaos and the feeling of agony as he turned to stone, that he could remember.

“You missed me? Oh, at the time you may have been joking but I have ruled over ponies long enough to unravel emotions. Somewhere, deep inside, you had missed me and I missed you. Oh, I missed you so much. The only one who I believed could understand me, the only one who could have helped me bear the pain of leadership”

Discord's heart have a little quiver, a slight shake of joy as he listened to her soft words, growing louder and louder as she grew more and more emotional. She had missed him!

“And then you said something that struck me to the very core, my very being. “I don't turn ponies to stone.” I didn't believe you at first but once the threat of your chaos had been extinguished I had to check, I just had to. When I found nothing, no sign of any petrification towards any living creature I decided to take it upon myself to visit you. To keep you up to date with the goings on in Equestria. At first I thought the reason I was speaking to you was guilt, guilt at not believing you but I began to see something else. I began to see that you cared for them, you cared for the ponies, for the rabbits and the manticores and even the hydras.

You never openly showed it, I know, but there was something about your actions. When you broke out you mentally harmed 6 ponies but that was it. There was no physical harm to any creature, nor did you attempt to break up any more friendships. Heh, even the rabbits that you...warped were happy. Apparently, according to one Miss Fluttershy, the rabbits actually quite enjoyed being the tall creatures for once.”

Celestia spoke very rapidly, allowing little time for any interruption even though the object of attention which she was talking to was a statue. She seemed almost scared to be halted, as if she needed to get this off of her chest as quickly as possible. Discord noted the hurried sound of her voice, the way she seemed to almost squirm when speaking.

“Naturally I went snooping over your life, if you could have called it a life. I learnt many mysteries, many dark secrets that should have stayed buried. Yet, I found nothing on you.”

Behind his stone walls, Discord smirked triumphantly. During the openings of his second tyrannical reign he had personally sought to destroy all knowledge of his previous reign, his new chaotic self sickened by the lengths which he had previously gone to in order to help those creatures. Even now, his mind free of the darkened influence of his chaotic self, he still revelled in the pride of keeping his old self hidden from the world.



“I happened to stumble across an incredibly old tome named quite loosely as “The Time Before The Rise”. Intrigued I was to find that such an old book lived in the Canterlot libraries, a place that I had searched time and time again. Hidden at the back it was, such an old, dusty, tattered, stained book.”

Double shit. Discord himself remembered that tome, written by a pony named Cornelius Quill if he remembered correctly and, needless to say, it was the bane of his chaotic life. That book was everywhere in the old days! Libraries had to be burned just to get rid of it, hundreds of copies scattered all across Equestria. He had travelled far and wide to destroy these “history” books and yet he had not even bothered to search the capitals library.

“The things I learnt from that book, Discord. The guilt that plagued me, the horror at what I had done. The things that you suffered through, the torment and the ridicule that ponies tossed towards you without a care in the world. Even after everything you had done for them they despised you. Now, now I can truly see why you are what you are.”

Too many times today Discord had felt shocked. Too many times he had been surprised by this pretty pony Princess. Emotions boiled up inside of him like a cauldron filled with a brew. Happiness at being seen as who and what he is, anger at being pitied by the Princess, sadness at having to relive his past but, most surprising of all, comedic. Here she was, the Princess of the sun, founder of Harmony, protector of the lands of Equestria apologizing to the monster in the statue. Oh, if Discord could laugh out loud his sides would be splitting and his breathing would be laboured. How the roles had been reversed, the angry, foolish, blind Princess turned guilty and depressed just because of his past. How he could make her suffer just by reciting his memories.

“But don't worry Discord..”

Don't worry! Worrying is the last thing on my mind dearest Celly! Discord chortled to himself, wrapped up in the comedy and the tragedy and the oddity that was his own life, entwined without consent to Celestia's.

“...I'm going to help you.”

Now Discord froze. Now he began to worry. Help from the Goddess of the sun herself was an unusual idea to the draconequus. It wasn't so much the idea of how she would help him, Celestia was a stubborn old mare, he was pretty sure she'd find something, some form of powerful magic to “help” him in some form. It was more the idea of why she would help him that caused Discord to mentally sweat. Guilt is a feeble thing. It can only drive someone so far before it breaks and the whole cause is forgotten. Discord did not want to see Celestia strive to help him, he did not want himself to see progress, to get his hopes up and then to have them shattered by the cruel temptress before him. And it was for that reason alone that Discord started to worry.

“I shall study, learn new magic to help you. Discord, I promise to undo the damage I have wrought upon you. I have realized that your more...chaotic side will be a burden but there must, there simply must be a way to silence it.”

Now Discord began to truly freak out. This wasn't going well. This wasn't going well at all. He didn't want his chaotic influence taken away, it was a part of his life, his calling. To strip him of that would be to tear the wings of a pegasus or take the horn of a unicorn. Never before in his millennia upon millennia of life had Discord been so afraid of a simple, feeble promise and pretty soon he started to hope that she would break that horrible, cruel promise.

“I'll return Discord, the kingdom still needs me right now and if I were to loiter here any more suspicions would be raised. But mark my words, by the end of the year, you will be free of your chaos burden!”

With that, the Princess of the sun, the ruler of the throne, the light that beaconed among the darkest day strode off towards her palace, completely oblivious to the draconequus's mental strife. Oh and the mental strife he was feeling. Every instinct in his body screamed danger, his chaotic side was pretty much whimpering in a corner, shielding itself from the promise of complete destruction that lingered around the mind of the chaotic beast.

Aiming to free himself of the pressing topic at hand, trying to rid his mind of the possible horrors and dark days that lay ahead of him Discord retreated to his mentally created land. And when he arrived there he was greeted by a sight that made his pupils contract and the breath catch in his throat. Subconsciously his mind must have been working, altering his world whilst he listened, at first, in rapt attention to Celestia and then in horror of her plan, her promise. Because before him stood the Alicorn princess herself, unmoving, smiling, one foreleg raised forward in a greeting similar to a hoofshake but that was not what scared Discord the most.

She was completely covered in grey, cold granite, the same grey, cold granite that clung to his body, the same grey, cold granite that he had sworn to never use on a living being had been utilized by his subconscious to try and take away the threat of Celestia's promise in his mind. To try and make him see that the only way out is a fight, to try and make him see that sometimes his own rules must be broken for him to live the way he needs to.

Discord looked upon the petrified Princess and sobbed once, turning his back on his created, twisted, sadistic world as he fled to the darkest recesses of his now cluttered, now churning mind. And there, the great king of chaos, scourge of ponies, tyrannical ruler started to weep tears that stained the dark, empty black void around him.