• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 1,113 Views, 64 Comments

Fundamentals - FerociousCreation

Throughout her life, Moon Dancer has been the pony to be by herself. Despite having resolved her friendship issue with Twilight Sparkle, the mare still acts the way she once did. That is... until Party Favor came into her life.

  • ...

Pondering the Mark

Ch. 5

Moon Dancer took in a deep breath and then sighed. Alright, let's do this. With the flick of a switch, the potter's wheel spun on top of her workbench. A large lump of clay rested at the center of the wooden surface as the machine went round and round. The mare had a bucket of muddy water to her left. Clay rested at the bottom of the water, waiting to be used.

Moon Dancer sat on a stool inside her dimly lit shed. One bulb lit up the room, but its light was barely decent and it flickered on the occasion. The work bench took most of the space inside the shed. Several tools laid in a corner far into the shed, rusted and covered with cobwebs.

For a while, the pony had been fascinated with pottery and wanted to make some of her own. She was inspired when she visited an art museum months before Twilight Sparkle came back to redeem her friendship with Moon Dancer. When she visited the museum, Moon Dancer saw a massive vase that was fat as it was tall. Many shapes and designs were carved and painted on it in a various manner. Moon Dancer never saw herself as being artistic but was never afraid of trying when she was inspired to become a potter.

Most of her work was warped and disproportionate. Only very few of her pottery work came out well and even she disliked her average work. Regardless, she knew she was improving and kept at her hobby.

Carefully, Moon Dancer brought her hooves to the spinning clay and prepared to give it shape. The touch was soft and cold, but Moon Dancer knew that. Just remember what the book said: nice and easy, Moon Dancer thought.

As the mare handled the clay, it began to take shape. It was beginning to form into a bowl-like shape. However, that is not what Moon Dancer was aiming for; Moon Dancer was trying to make a tall vase. Dipping her hoof into the muddy water, she took a hooful of clay and began to drip the mud onto the bowl. Moon Dancer began to raise her hoof, allowing the bowl to extrude upwards.

There we go. Nice... and easy.

After several minutes of concentration, the pony had made a tall cylinder-like shape out of the clay. She brought her hoof to the top of the cylinder to give it a curve inward. Moon Dancer brought her face close to the clay so she can focus on the area she wants to get perfect.

“Hello,” a voice spoke from the doorway. Turning her head, Moon Dancer looked to see Party Favor standing in the doorway. But the moment looked to see the stallion, Moon Dancer pushed her hoof into the clay cylinder. Losing its original shape, the clay spun around on the potter's wheel wildly and slapped the mare in the face. Her glasses were knocked off her face but were caught by the chain that was wrapped around her neck and stopped them from falling to the ground. Quickly, Moon Dancer turned off the potter's wheel so the clay can stop rotating.

“Was... I interrupting?” Party Favor asked.

Moon Dancer looked back at the stallion with an irritated stare. “What do you think?” she asked. Moon Dancer grabbed her glasses and placed it on her face. Despite the splat of muddy clay that blocked the mare's left eye, she didn't bother to wipe it off. She just continued to stare at the stallion.

Getting up from her stool, Moon Dancer walked over to Party Favor. “Do you want me to leave?” he asked, aware that he bothered his friend.

But instead of being irritated, she smiled. “Well since you are here, I don't suppose you wanted to hang out or something.”

“Wasn't planning on it,” Party Favor responded. “But we can if you want to. I just wanted to check up on you is all.”

“Well I am surprised that you were able to find my house on your own,” Moon Dancer snickered.

“Oh I didn't find my way.”

“You… didn't?” Moon Dancer lifted a thick brow in confusion.

“Nope,” he shook his head.

“Then how did you find my house?”

“I just asked the townsfolk if they know about a messy old house around Canterlot.”

Messy!? Moon Dancer scrunched her eyebrows at the comment.

“Most of them who did know of your home’s whereabouts didn't say very nice things about it,” Party Favor frowned. “Somepony even said something on the lines of ‘uncultured ponies live in a house like that,’ or something-”

“I get it,” Moon Dancer interjected. “Because we live in Canterlot, ponies are very critical towards others, especially toward ‘the uncultured,’” Moon Dancer quoted in the air with her hooves.

“Don't you get bothered by others when they insult your status?” Party Favor asked.

“No,” Moon Dancer shook her head. “Those who do criticize me probably don't know who I am and have no business telling me what I am. Besides, I already know who I am and what I am capable of.”

Party Favor smiled. “Glad you think like that.”

Now bothered by the mud stain on her glasses, the mare wanted to get them clean. “I need to go wash these off.” Moon Dancer walked out of the shed and into her backyard. Party Favor moved out of his friend’s way as she came to the outside world.

Weeds littered the backyard. And where there wasn't any weeds, dry dirt was to be seen, along with a good amount of dead leaves on the ground. The fence was rotten and ready to fall apart. The only thing not natural about the backyard aside from the shed, was a small square slab of concrete that rested at the house’s backdoor.

Opening the door, Moon Dancer walked in. She looked back to see her friend still standing in the same spot.

“You want to come inside?” the mare asked.

“I think it is best. You might lose your glasses while you clean them.” Party Favor laughed at his own joke.

Moon Dancer didn't turn to look at the stallion as he commented. She rolled her eyes instead.

Entering the bathroom, Moon Dancer removed her glasses and ran water on them. The clay washed off with ease and left no stain on the spectacles. Through her blurry vision she saw Party Favor in the reflection of the mirror. The moment he saw her, the stallion quickly backed up.

“S-sorry,” he apologized. “I didn't know the door was wide open.”

“It's okay.” Moon Dancer reapplied her glasses after drying them off with a towel. Turning around, then leaving the bathroom, she saw Party Favor still standing where he retreated.

“Hey,” he replied with a smile.

“Hey yourself.” Moon Dancer looked at her friend and was happy with his presence, or rather, sudden appearance. Though, she wondered why Party Favor didn't knock at the front door and decided to come into the backyard, but decided not to think about it. He was here now and that is what mattered.

“Thank you for checking up on me,” Moon Dancer spoke. Her lips grew into a silly squiggly grin. “It... means a lot to me that you did.” Quickly, the mare turned around, worried she was blushing and didn't want herself to embarrass herself.

Party Favor shrugged, “It’s just what good friends do.”

“I wish my friends would do that on the occasion,” Moon Dancer grumbled slightly as she began to walk down the hallway, Party Favor following in suit.

“Well, you have been doing your own thing for five days and your friends did come over to see if you were free Tuesday. So, I decided to see how you were doing today. Lucky for me, you were around.”

Moon Dancer stopped in her tracks and looked back at Party Favor. “They came over? To see if I was free to hang out?”

“Mmhmm,” he nodded. “We all figured you get distracted by your studying, so we are making an active effort to come see you and make you feel more welcome.”

“And who’s idea was this?”

“Lemon Drops.”

Surprised by her friend’s kind action and thought, Moon Dancer’s ears folded back. “I guess I think too harshly against my friends sometimes.”

Party Favor placed a hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder. “From now on, don't. They all care about you, ya know. Remember the day we met and what happened.”

A smile found its way on Moon Dancer’s lips. “How could I forget? It was the best day of my life.”

“But what did you learn?”

“That… I should go out of my own way and see my own friends on my own accord?”

“Exactly!” Party Favor grinned as he watched his friend’s attitude changed to even happier smile.

“Thanks,” Moon Dancer spoke. “I needed somepony to talk some sense into me.”

“That's what friends are for.”

Suddenly, Moon Dancer moved at Party Favor and embraced him. She didn't know what took control of her as she did what she did. Emotions maybe. Perhaps she moved on her own accord. But regardless, Moon Dancer smiled as she hugged her friend.

Party Favor held her in response. Good job Party Favor. You are turning out to be a good friend.

Clearing her throat, Moon Dancer spoke, “So, what would you like to do today?”

“I dunno,” Party Favor responded. He then snickered, “Unless you want to use me for a science experiment.

Moon Dancer huffed out her nostrils and turned around, whipping her tail in the process. “You think I do everything for science, don't you?” she asked as she walked forward.

Moon Dancer heard Party Favor walking behind her as he spoke, “You do study all the time you know.”

“Of course I study. What if I come across something nopony knows?”

Both ponies were now entering the living room. Presents were still resting on the couch and a bit of dust was beginning to settle on them. Party Favor was about to ask Moon Dancer about her unmoved gifts but felt that the current conversation was more important.

“But do you have any goals you want to reach?” he asked as he looked at the back of his friend. “Like, be a famous researcher or something?”

Moon Dancer froze. “I… never thought about that actually…”

Party Favor almost bumped into the mare when she stopped in her tracks. He waited for a moment, wondering when Moon Dancer was going to move again. However, she would not budge; she just kept staring off into space.

“Are- you okay?” Party Favor asked as he came into the unicorn’s peripheral.

“Just.” The mare was having a hard time looking for the right words. “Let's go have some lunch. I want to think this over.”

“About your goals?”

Bobbing her head up and down slowly, Moon Dancer answered with a silent yes.

Good job Party Favor… You upset her. Some friend you are…


The two ponies sat in silence as they ate their lunch in a slightly busy cafe; or rather, Party Favor ate his Caesar salad quietly. Moon Dancer stared at her blueberry muffin as it rested on a white glass plate, waiting to be consumed.

She took in a deep breath, trying to inhale a fresh air of inspiration to solve her current lack of a current goal. But no amount of oxygen was helping Moon Dancer clear her head. Nothing was coming to mind. Blank. She was starting to worry if all of her studying was going to get her nowhere. So she exhaled a soft sigh.

“Do you, umm...” Party Favor spoke, trying to break into a conversation with his friend, “need any help coming up with ideas for goals?”

Moon Dancer just shook her head.

The light-blue stallion was beginning to hate himself for causing Moon Dancer to behave the way she currently is. Try as he might, Party Favor couldn't think of anything to try and cheer up his friend.

“This is a surprise,” said a voice from the doors of the cafe. Both Moon Dancer and Party Favor turned their heads to see Minuette, her smile brighter than ever.

The stallion beamed at the blue unicorn and waved. Moon Dancer simply grinned a little at her friend’s presence.

Minuette quickly went over to the two unicorns. “Glad to see your face not shoved in a book,” she joked at Moon Dancer.

“Well,” Moon Dancer replied weakly, “I don't think I will be studying for a while.”

Minuette could easily read her friend’s eyes and could tell something was up. “Are you taking a break?” Minuette didn't want to ask Moon Dancer if something was wrong right away. She rather have Moon Dancer be the big mare and say if something was bothering her.

However, instead of getting a worded response, Moon Dancer folded her ears back and placed her arms on the table. Then the mare proceeded to place her head on the table, bringing in her arms toward her so Moon Dancer can hide her shameful face.

Unable to hold it in, Minuette asked Party Favor, “What happened?”

His ears too fell backwards. “I went to visit Moon Dancer this morning to check up on her. We were talking about stuff and I brought up the question: what are your goals for studying?” Party Favor looked at his friend with a sad frown. “Ever since I asked that question, she has been like this…”

Minuette nodded as she listened to Party Favor’s short story.

“Moon Dancer,” the light-blue mare asked as she placed a hoof on her friend’s shoulder, “is something wrong?”

Suddenly, Moon Dancer lifted her head up. The look in her eyes were… not what Minuette was expecting. Two purple eyes stared at her with worry and panic.

“Who said that?!” Moon Dancer blurted out quickly. “Who said something was wrong?” Minuette and Party Favor glanced at each other with confusion, not sure how to make out the sudden change of emotion from the mare. “If something was wrong, it would be something like this:” Moon Dancer took in a deep breath before continuing, “If somepony said two plus two is five,then THAT would obviously wrong. Very wrong. Yup.”

Other ponies were beginning to look at her because of her quick speech. Moon Dancer’s eyes darted between her two friends, trying to wonder if they will ask her another question. Or speak. Again, Minuette and Party Favor looked at each, wondering what to say.

Thankfully, Party Favor spoke up, “Are- you worried about something Moon Dancer?”

“NOT REALLY!” the mare spoke out loud, unaware of her obnoxious behavior. “It’s not like everything you studied for may be worthless because you have no goals. Perhaps it is like a race that you don’t know why you signed up, or having your parents signing you up for a sport against your will! Or maybe-”

While the unicorn resumed her rambling, Moon Dancer’s friends saw that she was making a lot of commotion. Customers and employees began to stare with bothered looks. Some children giggled at Moon Dancer’s insane attitude.

A pony came from out of the kitchen and came to Moon Dancer, Party Favor, and Minuette. A simple badge was pinned on the mare’s dress shirt that read “manager.”

“Excuse me,” she spoke to Moon Dancer. “Could you please keep it down? You are bothering the customers.”

“Keep what down? The sky?!” Moon Dancer pointed a hoof at the manager. “You seem to be bothering me with such an insane suggestion!”

The mare was not pleased with the unicorn’s behavior and looked ready to throw Moon Dancer out. But just when the manager moved in to try and remove the rambling unicorn, Party Favor placed his hoof on the shift supervisor.

“Let me handle this,” he spoke. Party Favor pulled out a balloon and faced his friend. “Moon Dancer.”

She looked at him with an insane look on her face. It almost scared him to the point where he didn't want to help.

“I- want you to take a deep breath...” The mare did as she was told. “And blow into this balloon.” Snatching the rubber object, Moon Dancer blew into it as hard as she could. The balloon puffed up in an instant with her expelled carbon-dioxide.

Taking the balloon away from Moon Dancer, Party Favor tied a knot at the end. With a few adjustments he made to it, the stallion made the balloon look like a speech bubble from a comic.

“Did that relieve some stress?” Party Favor asked.

The words “yes” left Moon Dancer’s lips; however, no sound came out. Shocked, Moon Dancer tried to make her voice box work by saying things like, “Hello?” and “What happened to my voice?!” But nothing came out. She then leaned toward Party Favor and “shouted,” “What did you do to me?!”

“Umm, what did you do,” Minuette asked, knowing exactly what Moon Dancer was trying to say.

Party Favor was distracted by Moon Dancer’s death stare as she looked at him, almost ready to hurt him. “I took her voice away,” he answered.

The cream unicorn tried to reach for the balloon, but the stallion was quick to react and moved his seat away from Moon Dancer. Wanting her voice, she pointed her horn at Party Favor and tried to use magic to pull the balloon toward her; but when the mare attempted to use telekinesis, that didn’t work either.

“I also took her ability to use magic,” Party Favor spoke to Minuette. “I have effectively silenced her.”

“So I noticed…”

The manager smiled and said, “Well I thank you for solving our noise problem.” Party Favor nodded with a smile. With her business done, the employee went back toward the kitchen. Everypony now seemed to have forgotten about Moon Dancer’s outburst and the normal ambiance of conversation returned to the room.

“Well… what now?” Minuette asked.

“Now that I have effectively quieted our friend down, we can ask her yes or no questions as to what she is feeling.”

“But how will Moon Dancer answer-” Oh, by nodding… Minuette felt slightly dumb for asking the silly question. Wanting to ask the first question, the blue mare said, “Moon Dancer, do you think your studying is worth nothing?”

Moon Dancer sagged her shoulders and frowned. She nodded and mouthed “yes” even though no words came out.

“And Moon Dancer,” Party Favor asked, now bringing the attention to himself, “do you like to study?”

The mare’s bushy brows moved up her forehead, surprised that he would ask such a question. Easily, she nodded yes.

Scratching his chin, Party Favor began thinking. Minuette also.

“So if you think all of your studying was worthless, then why do you like to study?” Minuette asked. Moon Dancer stared back with an irritated look. “Oh, hehe… Forgot you were silenced. Sorry...”

“Hmm…” Party Favor hummed. “If you like to study but think your studying has no value, what if… what if you studied something never studied before. Or it could be something not much ponies study about.”

A huff of air rushed out of Moon Dancer’s snout. Perhaps is was a sigh? Regardless, Minuette and Party Favor knew she was thinking. She was moving her lips, probably talking “aloud” to herself. Moon Dancer then nodded with a smile.

“You like my idea?” the stallion asked.

She nodded again.

“I do like the idea as well,” Minuette inputted.

“The only problem is…” Party Favor frowned, “I have no idea what she could study.”

“You’re right.”

Moon Dancer began to knock her hooves together, thinking again.

“I have an idea!” Minuette exclaimed. “I may not have a subject Moon Dancer can study, but this seems like a friendship problem.”

Party Favor and Moon Dancer glanced at each other confused. “What do you mean?” the stallion asked.

“I mean we could ask Twilight Sparkle!” The name alone was enough to grab several ponies’ attention as they looked at Minuette.

“That’s a good idea!”

Moon Dancer nodded happily in agreement.

“But how will we contact her?” Minuette asked.

“The closest thing we have is Princess Celestia,” Party Favor spoke. “We could ask her if we could send an S.O.S. message to Twilight Sparkle, saying it is a friendship issue.”

“And how will we be able to do that?” Party Favor’s suggestion was beginning to sound ridiculous.

“By approaching Princess Celestia and asking.”

Minuette let out a sigh while Moon Dancer facehoofed. “I mean how will we get to her? She must be busy. Princess Celestia is… well, it’s in her name!”

“I'll just ask one of the guards. I do live in the castle and have befriended most of them.”

“How were you able to do that?”

“From time to time… Okay, all the time I get lost in the castle.” Moon Dancer rolled her eyes upon hearing his statement, not surprised. “So when the guard of the moment helps me to my room, I just talk with them. Basically, the Royal Guard trusts me as a close friend.”

“Why haven't you-” Moon Dancer started, but forgot her voice was still not yet with her. All she could do was just sat in her seat irritated with her ears folded back.

“Shall we be going then?” Minuette asked.

“Yes.” Looking to Moon Dancer, Party Favor pointed to the balloon in his lap, “I'm sure you want this back, don't you?” She obviously nodded. “But before I do…” The stallion brought his hoof to his ear. “...can you say, ‘please?’”

Minuette couldn't help but giggle at Party Favor’s joke. As for Moon Dancer, she only stared at him with more irritation.

“I'm just kidding,” he laughed as he untied the balloon knot. Pinching the end, Party Favor said, “Just inhale all the air. And promise me you won't flip out when you get your voice back.”

Again, Moon Dancer nodded.

Taking the balloon from her friend, the mare sucked in all the air from it.

“Do you have your voice back,” Minuette asked with anticipation.

“I think so-” Moon Dancer cut her voice short. She did have her voice back, but it was not the same; Moon Dancer’s voice was high-pitched and squeaky. “What did you do to my voice?!” Minuette couldn't help but laugh aloud.

“What?” Party Favor chuckled. “It's just a side effect.”

“When will it go away?!”

“In a bit… I think…”

Moon Dancer was not amused with the practical joke being played on her. Others around her laughed along with Minuette.

“Alright,” the blue unicorn spoke, now finished with her laughing, “let's leave Moon Dancer alone. She has enough on her mind.”

“Okay,” Party Favor complied. “Let's get going.”

“But first,” Moon Dancer said in a calm, yet high pitched note. She levitated the muffin that was sitting in front of her.

“Umm…” Party Favor hummed, “you want to eat that fir-”

But before he could finish his sentence, Moon Dancer crammed the pastry into the stallion’s mouth.

“Why did you do that?” Minuette asked, shocked at the act.

“Just to silence him,” Moon Dancer squeaked.

Both mares giggled as Party Favor sighed out of his nostrils and ears fell back in embarrassment.


Thankfully for the stallion, he had to mares with him and didn't have to worry about getting lost. The moment they arrived at Canterlot Castle, a guard happily greeted Party Favor. Party Favor asked him where Princess Celestia’s whereabouts. The guard told him and his friends that she was currently speaking with her sister in the throne room and does not want to be disturbed for a while. Minuette asked if they could wait outside the throne room and said their reason was an emergency. Happy to help, he and another guard led them to where the princesses were.

“Thanks for the help,” Party Favor smiled as he waved to the two guards.

“Anytime Party Favor!” one of them called back.

Moon Dancer, Minuette, and Party Favor now stood at the throne room’s doors. The doors loomed over the small ponies, showing off its lovely patterns crafted into itself.

“So, when do you think they will be finished?” Minuette asked.

“Who knows,” Party Favor replied.

“Hey,” Moon Dancer spoke up, “I appreciate you two going out of your way for me, but you don't have to do this.”

“But we want to help our friend,” Minuette responded with a happy grin.

“Yeah, but-”

“No buts or flanks,” Party Favor interrupted. “You are going to be helped.”

Knowing neither of her friends are going to give in, Moon Dancer decided to accept her fate. “Fine. It is nice that you both want to help.”

“It's what we do,” Minuette giggled. She then moved toward her friend and gave Moon Dancer a nice embrace.

“Hugs from above!” Party Favor exclaimed as he hovered over the two mares. Neither of them noticed Party Favor as he was able to tie balloons to himself and stay afloat in the air. His descent was slow as his arms fell behind Moon Dancer and Minuette’s neck.

“You are weird Party Favor,” Moon Dancer commented.

“The word you are looking for is random,” he corrected.


Then a loud creak came from the large doors. All three unicorns turned their attention to them as one door opened slowly.

“It was nice to see you sister,” spoke a blunt, yet elegant voice.

“It is the same for me as well,” replied a much calmer and peaceful tone.

A pony then exited the throne room. It was not any normal pony, however; it was Princess Luna. Her dark-blue body and night sky mane that waved along with an invisible wind caught the ponies trapped in awe.

“Can I help you three?” Luna spoke as she caught their eyes.

At once they all bowed. “We wish to speak to Princess Celestia,” Party Favor requested. “It involves Twilight Sparkle. Unless you can assist us.”

“Ah, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna beamed. All three ponies now looked up as they finished their bowing. “A good friend of mine. Are you friends of hers?”

“She is- an old friend of Minuette and mine,” Moon Dancer answered, but couldn't help feel intimidated by the princess who commands the moon.

As much as Luna wanted to believe them, the mare had a hint of doubts. She poked her head into the throne room. “Sister, do these ponies resemble any of Princess Twilight’s friends?” In one quick moment, the large doors swung open and blew a gust of air at the commoners.

Lo and behold, Princess Celestia was propped on her throne. Majestic she was. Her mane whisked in the air, a permanent rainbow of colors that needed no rain and sunlight to shine. She smiled at the three ponies. “I recognize those three,” Celestia answered. “Two are old students and the other one lives here in the castle.”

Moon Dancer didn't know how Princess Celestia knew it was her because of how far away she was from the throne. But who knows the limitation of the one who raises the sun.

“Which of these is the guest who has an estate here?” Princess Luna asked with her booming voice.

“The stallion. He is Party Favor.”

The dark-blue alicorn raised her eyebrows. “I remember you mentioning him. Is it true he can make interesting works using his balloon craft?”

“Ask him yourself sister,” the white mare chuckled a bit.

“You two mares may go see Celestia,” Luna ordered. She then sat her gaze on Party Favor. “And you.”

“Yes me,” he smiled.

“I wish to see your balloon craft. I am always fascinated with ponies using magic as entertainment. After all, I still am learning customs of today’s ponies.”

“Of course,” he nodded. Looking at his friends who still stood in place, beckoned them to go forward. “Well, don't let Princess Celestia wait.”

“Yes,” Princess Luna agreed. “You two may be old students of hers, but my sister’s time is important. Do not waste it.”

“No need to be so harsh sister,” Celestia commented. “I have plenty of time right now.”

“Must you be so kind hearted every waking moment?” Luna grumbled.

“I have my moments of anger, but not as often.”

“Anyways, you two, go see my sister.”

“I'll talk to you two in a bit,” Party Favor waved.

Taking one look at each other, Moon Dancer and Minuette felt that their time had come to see the princess. The moment they entered the throne room, the large door behind them closed with a thunderous “thoom.”

As they walked through Celestia’s chamber, guards stood watch. To the mares, they were both handsome as they were intimidating. Lovely glass murals were in the windows, each one showing Twilight Sparkle’s accomplishments, one being the defeat of Nightmare Moon. Another was her and her friends stopping Discord’s chaotic rampage.

It made Moon Dancer feel special, knowing that her old purple friend was now an alicorn. And on top of that, Twilight went out of her way to fix what she had broken: Moon Dancer’s anger toward her and attitude toward friends.

Now at the foot of her throne, Minuette and Moon Dancer bowed before their princess. They then waited for Celestia to speak.

“If I am not mistaken, you two are friends of Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia spoke with a smile. “I remember you all spending time together throughout your years here at the School of Gifted Unicorns.”

“Very good memories indeed,” Minuette smiled. Moon Dancer could think differently about the past with Twilight Sparkle, but didn’t want to speak of it. The present was present; that was most important.

“I have a request,” Moon Dancer stepped forward toward the alicorn. “It would be the world to me if you could summon Twilight Sparkle for me.”

“Is something wrong?”

“It’s… well…” The unicorn blushed in embarrassment, knowing that her request seemed silly.

“You can tell me,” Celestia smiled.

Moon Dancer looked away. “It’s… silly. N-never mind-”

“Don't be ashamed with asking me,” the princess interrupted. “I request Twilight Sparkle’s presence all the time for many reasons.”

Not wanting to upset her, Moon Dancer looked back and spoke, “I'm conflicted with something.”

“And what might that be?”

Moon Dancer looked at Minuette for help, but she just gestured the unicorn to talk more.

“I feel that all of my time studying was just a waste of time.”

Celestia frowned, “Why would you say that?”

“I have nothing going for me currently…” Moon Dancer’s ears fell back and her heart sank along with them.

“Hmm…” Princess Celestia thought long and hard before speaking again. “Then I will request Twilight Sparkle now.”

Minuette’s face lit up, knowing her princess friend was going to come to Canterlot. Moon Dancer, however, felt differently. “No no, not now! It's too short notice! She might be doing princess duties.”

“And it is her duty to help with friendship problems as well,” Celestia replied as she levitated a scroll and feather to herself. Quickly unrolling the paper, she began scribbling onto it.

“Don't worry,” Minuette spoke. “I'm sure Twilight will be happy to help you.”

“I sure hope so.”

Finished with her writing, Princess Celestia levitated the paper and rolled it back into a scroll. Then, she closed her eyes for a moment. Suddenly, the scroll folded in on itself, and vanished.

“So how long will it be for Twilight to-” Minuette began but was cut off as a flash of green light flew into the throne room. It quickly formed into a scroll and unraveled itself as it floated in front of Princess Celestia. “...reply,” the blue mare finished.

“As quick as ever,” the alicorn smiled.

“Is it from Twilight?” Moon Dancer asked almost eagerly.


“What does it read?”

“It reads, ‘In a second.’” Celestia’s brows creased as she began to decipher what the simple sentence meant. “I wonder what that means…”

“Maybe she is taking a bath or something?” Minuette thought aloud as she made an educated guess.

“I don't think she is taking a bath now,” Moon Dancer argued. “It's the afternoon.”

Without warning, a flash of light blinked in the throne room behind Minuette and Moon Dancer. When they looked, they saw Twilight Sparkle… in a towel, her hair dripping with water.

“Alright, what’s the friendship problem?!” the princess asked eagerly.

Princess Celestia giggled with delight. “I am glad to see you willing to do your duties as a princess.”

“As always.”

Twilight Sparkle looked to her friends with a happy smile, “So Moon Dancer, what seems to be the problem.”

Both Minuette and Moon Dancer were confused about the alicorn’s current appearance. “Why are you in a towel?” they asked in unison.

“Just taking an afternoon bath.”

Minuette looked to Moon Dancer with a smug grin on her face. “Told you.”

“Lucky guess…”

Twilight walked to the two mares, almost tripping as the tile floor was proving to be slippery when wet.

“I'd hug you two but I am a bit wet at the moment,” the purple alicorn giggled.

“We are just glad to see you, Minuette answered.

“Yeah,” Moon Dancer nodded.

Twilight and Moon Dancer locked stares. “Celestia told me you were bothered with something. Are you having issues with another pony? Not sure how to make friends?”

“No,” Moon Dancer shook her head. “Just a personal issue.”

The princess began to think. Her eyes rolled in her head, looking around as if to find the answer to Moon Dancer’s issue in the throne room.

“I don't think I have learned about how to assist a friend with a personal issue…” Twilight spoke under her breath.

“Excuse me?” Moon Dancer asked, not sure what her friend had just said.

“I'll be happy to help!” Twilight exclaimed, ignoring the question.

“Thanks, hehe.” The cream mare then looked at her friend, seeing how she is still in a towel. “But what are you going to do about your current situation?” Moon Dancer gestured her hoof up and down.

“Oh, right,” Twilight giggled. Looking to Princess Celestia, she asked, “May we use the bath house here in the castle? It's been a while since I have had a steam bath.”

“You may do as you please,” the Princess smiled.

Minuette beamed, “We are going to the bath house?!”

“Why not?” Twilight spoke. “We are all here so might as well spend time as friends.”

While Minuette smiled with delight, Moon Dancer was taken by surprise that Twilight would suggest such an activity. “You sure you want to?”

“Of course. We can also talk about your issue there as well.”


Twilight Sparkle and Moon Dancer smiled at each other, happy that they were going to spend time together.

“Oh!” Moon Dancer suddenly remembered something. “I forgot Party Favor was with us.”

“Where is he?”

The cream mare gestured to the door. “Outside the throne room with Princess Luna.”

“She is observing his magic,” Princess Celestia spoke.

Twilight scratched her chin. “It would be nice for him to come along, but he is a stallion. And I'm sure he might make other mares uncomfortable if any are at the bathhouse.”

Moon Dancer frowned, “I feel bad that he can't come along…”

“Do you have any other suggestions?” Minuette asked.

“Well, my head is starting to get cold from all the water that's still soaked in my mane. What to do…” As Twilight thought about the situation, the large door to the throne room cracked open.

“Sister!” Luna’s voice boomed. Everypony flinched at the sudden outburst.

“Yes?” Celestia responded and wondering why her sister is shouting.

“Have, hehe… have you ever cooked eggs?”

The alicorn glanced at her subjects confused and they looked back the same. “Yes I have…”

“Do you… like them sunny-side-up?!”

A moment of silence. And then, laughter. Some of the guards broke their masculine expression and chuckled at the joke while others had a hard time not smiling. Moon Dancer, Twilight, Minuette, and even Celestia laughed at the silly joke.

“I didn't know you had a sense of humor sister,” Celestia laughed.

“Sorry, but I am no sister of yours,” Luna responded. And all noise ceased.

“Excuse me?” Celestia and everypony else looked puzzled.

“You thought it was Luna speaking to you…” The large throne room doors opened and standing at the entrance was Party Favor.

“But it was ME, Party Favor!” he exclaimed, but not with his own voice; he was speaking with Luna’s!

Stepping from behind the corner, Princess Luna came into view and got a good look at Celestia.

“Oh sister! You should see the flabbergasted expression you are wearing!” Luna laughed but with Party Favor’s voice.

“I sure am flabbergasted alright,” she spoke.

Twilight, Minuette, and Moon Dancer briskly walked over to the two ponies. Party Favor and Luna both held grins upon their faces.

“How did you two transfer voices?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Magic,” Party Favor responded.

“I mean how did you do it?” the princess grumbled, her ears falling back. Minuette giggled a little and Moon Dancer held in a laugh upon hearing the stallion’s comment.

“I have a better question Twilight,” Luna spoke. “Why are you in a towel?”

“I… can explain… after you tell me how your voices transferred.”


Steam drifted through the air of the sana ever so peacefully as five mares and one stallion sat on a bench. Each one of them had a towel wrapped around their torso. Because Party Favor was male, Twilight had him blindfolded if he were to be in their company. And he fully understood that.

When Twilight told him she, Minuette, and Moon Dancer were going to the bathhouse, Party Favor understood why he couldn't come along. But Moon Dancer didn't want to leave him out of the activity and thought about having him blindfolded.

Before they left the throne room, the Princess of Friendship asked Celestia and Luna if they wanted to come along. They happily obliged.

“So,” Party Favor spoke with his normal voice, “I had Princess Luna blow into the balloon and caused her to lose her voice. I then blew into my balloon and lost my own. After that, I inhaled the air from Princess Luna’s balloon and then had her voice.”

“And how were you able to do that?” Twilight Sparkle asked. “Explain with detail.”

“I just did,” he responded as he looked around blindly, trying to find the princess with the sound of her voice. But if he were able to see her, Party Favor would see a very disgruntled princess.

The others, however, laughed.

“You are quite humorous,” Celestia spoke.

“I agree sister,” Luna added.

“I wasn't trying to be funny, but thank you?” Party Favor pursed his lips, confused at all the laughter.

Moon Dancer laughed along as she sat next to the stallion. Minuette sat between Moon Dancer and Twilight. Celestia and Luna were on the other side of the steaming room.

“I must admit,” Princess Luna said after the laughter died, “it is quite impressive for a unicorn to possess such interesting magic. You have quite an interesting talent Party Favor.”

“Thanks,” he replied.

Looking to Twilight, Luna asked, “So why were you in a towel when you arrived? Were you bathing?”


“Why were you bathing in the afternoon? It seems it would be something you do in the morning or at night.”

“I had a late start,” Twilight shrugged.

A moment of silence filled the air thicker than the white hot mist.

“So Twilight,” Minuette spoke, breaking the silence, “Moon Dancer has a problem and I am sure you are happy to help, yes?”

“Of course,” the princess beamed. She looked at Moon Dancer. “You are my friend after all. And because my friend has a problem, it is my duty to assist you.”

Moon Dancer blushed as almost everypony turned their attention to her; Party Favor was still “looking.”

“I appreciate the help.” Her eyes looked around, happy and embarrassed at the many bodies that occupied the room. “I just didn't expect the Regal Sisters to be here.”

“If you wish to be alone with your friends, me and my sister can kindly leave,” Celestia smiled.

“Oh no no no, you two are doing no harm. I am greatly honored to be graced by your presences.” Moon Dancer glanced around nervously. “It's just…” A sigh escaped the mare.

“What's wrong?” Twilight asked concerned for her friend.

“Go on,” Celestia beakened, “tell her what is wrong.”

Knowing there is no backing out, Moon Dancer began, “I feel like all my studying is not worth anything…”

“What makes you say that?” Twilight asked earnestly.

“I'm sure you, having a title princess, have contributed substantially to many things. But what about me?” The mare furrowed her thick brows. “Nothing. I've got no goals, no idea of where I want to go or what I want to do with my studying. I just… study! That's what I do! And I don't know what to do with it…”

Even though he couldn't see the pony, Party Favor saw how his friend was feeling and wanted to contribute with helping. “Why don't you look at your cutie mark?” the stallion asked. “Maybe if you remember how you got it, then you might have some insight on what you are really good at.”

“That's right,” Twilight remarked. “Your cutie mark is what makes you special and stand out.”

Moon Dancer looked at her flank and saw the image that was placed there years ago. All she could do is frown at it. “What good is a crescent moon for a cutie mark?”

“Many things,” Luna spoke up. She pointed to her own cutie mark.

Realizing what she had just said, Moon Dancer stuttered, “I- I meant no disrespect to you princess!”

“No offense was taken,” the alicorn shook her head.

“But what does my cutie mark have to do with anything?” Moon Dancer argued. “Yeah, I am good at studying. That's how I got my cutie mark. By studying. But is that all I am ever going to be good at? Just studying?”

Everypony sat quietly in thought.

“Maybe you should see a counselor?” Minuette suggested.

“Or maybe…” Twilight hummed. “Maybe we could have some experts talk about your cutie mark!”

“And what good will that do?” Moon Dancer asked in an upset grumble.

“To help you get a better perspective about yourself. Your cutie mark does define your special talent. Maybe there is more to it than just a crescent moon as you said.”

Everypony stared at Moon Dancer as she thought about Twilight’s suggestion. “Alright,” the mare smiled. “I will talk to an expert on cutie marks.”

“Experts,” Twilight corrected.

“You know more than one.”

“You could say that,” the alicorn giggled. She then looked at Celestia. “Do you mind sending a letter to Spike?”

“Of course,” the princess replied, then sighed. “But after we are done here. I am really enjoying my time with all of you.”

“As am I,” Luna complied.

“Same here,” Party Favor commented.

“Me too,” Minuette agreed.

Moon Dancer smiled with everypony and said, “Thank you all. It's nice to have ponies who care so much.”

“Well, I try,” Twilight smirked as she looked at her hoof, admiring it like she is looking at a bracelet on her wrist.

Small talk then began in the warm room. While Twilight was talking about something to the others, Minuette leaned into Moon Dancer.

“I'm so thrilled to be with both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!” Minuette squeaked, unable to contain her happiness.

“Me too,” Moon Dancer answered. “Me too.”


The afternoon sun lightly baked the Sweet Apple Acres farmland as Applebloom and her friends kicked at the apple trees. But instead of knocking down apples, they were knocking the leaves off the branches.

“Come on girls, we’re almost done,” Applebloom cheered.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo huffed and puffed as they sucked in air. “We have been at it for a full hour now,” Scootaloo complained.

“And our hooves are aching from all the bucking,” Sweetie Belle whined.

Applebloom sighed, “This is nothin’ compared to the rest of the farm.” The filly gestured behind her, showing the acres on acres the many trees that still bared dying leaves on their branches. “Besides, it would take longer if I did this by myself. And I know y'all love to play in the leaves.”

“Can't you just wait for them to fall off?” Scootaloo argued.

“Now why would I do that?” Applebloom walked over to a tree with leaves on it. “If we wanted a pile of leaves-” She kicks the trunk very hard with her hind legs and cause all the leaves to fall down at once. “-there we go. Fresh pile ready for playin’!” Applebloom shook her head so remove any flakes and twigs from her mane.

“Well, at least we get to have fun once we are finished,” Sweetie Belle spoke, her breath now caught up.

“Can't argue that,” Scootaloo replied.

“Exactly!” Applebloom exclaimed. “Work before pleasure. Now scoot your caboose girls!”

Hey, girls!” a voice shouted from afar. At once all three fillies turned to see what the commotion was all about.

“Was that your sister?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Sure enough, the orange pony came running through the leaves. They crunched and broke as Applejack came sprinting, along with Spike on her back.

The earth pony came to a halt when she got to the fillies.

“Hey Applejack,” Applebloom greeted. “Whatcha need?”

“I got an important letter for you three,” Spike informed the girls.

They glanced at each other, confused about the current situation. “From who?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Princess Celestia,” Applejack answered.

“The princess?!” they all cheered.

“Does she want us to go on an epic quest with her?” Scootaloo asked, scraping the earth with her hoof almost ready to charge toward Canterlot.

“Or maybe she is having trouble with her cutie mark?” Sweetie Belle wondered.

“I am sure she knows what she’s good at,” Applebloom commented.

“Just read it,” Spike grunted, handing the scroll over to the fillies.

Scootaloo got her hoof on the paper and read it aloud:

“Dear Cutie Mark Crusaders,

An important task is at hoof. A friend of Twilight Sparkle’s is in need of help. Her name is Moon Dancer. She is conflicted with her cutie mark and is having a hard time understanding her true talent. It would be of great service if you three could assist her.

If you agree to help, I will send two guards and have them fly you in a carriage over to the castle.

Your Princess,


“We get to fly through the air on a carriage?!” Sweetie Belle bounced with delight.

“This is so awesome!” Scootaloo agreed. “Talk about a royal treatment!”

“And we get to help somepony with a cutie mark problem!” Applebloom cheered.

Spike shrugged, “Egh, I am used to being around royalty.”

“Not for these little youngsters,” Applejack spoke. “So what do y'all say? You wanna go to Canterlot?”

“Yeah!” the girls cheered.

“Then I'll take the scroll back,” Spike asked. Scootaloo hooved back the paper. The dragon then pulled out a feather and began writing onto it.

Scootaloo looked around and frowned. “Too bad all our hard work didn't get us to play in the leaves.”

“Yeah, what a bummer…” Applebloom grunted as she sprawled onto the leaves below her.

“I'm sure we can play in them tomorrow,” Sweetie Belle spoke up.

Taking in a deep breath, Spike blew at the scroll and it caught fire, then disappeared.

“Actually,” Applejack imputed, “tomorrow we gotta get these leaves up off the ground.”

“Aww,” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo whined.

“Now now,” Applejack reassured, “I'm sure there'll be plenty of leaves for you to play in this autumn.”

“I guess…” the while filly frowned as she dragged her hoof through the leaves.

A shadow dashed across the sky. Looking up at the sky, Spike saw the two pegusi guards pulling a large golden carriage. “Looks like your ride is here.”

“Alright girls, let's get a move on,” Applejack beamed.

Author's Note:

Anything needing work in this chapter? I feel like I could have done a lot more... Despite how long it is.