• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 1,111 Views, 64 Comments

Fundamentals - FerociousCreation

Throughout her life, Moon Dancer has been the pony to be by herself. Despite having resolved her friendship issue with Twilight Sparkle, the mare still acts the way she once did. That is... until Party Favor came into her life.

  • ...

Making it Up to You


Because of the change in weather, Moon Dancer found it very difficult to sleep. The cold temperature kept waking her as she tossed and turned, wrapping herself more and more in her blanket, hoping she can keep herself from freezing.

Lucky for her, it was now morning. Moon Dancer did not know how many hours she slept, but was still glad it was the day time because the sun's heat warmed up her bedroom. She tried to move herself from her bed. However, her morning sleepiness was keeping her from getting up. Her bed felt more comfortable than usual and the mare wanted to enjoy laying in it just for just a bit longer. Making up her mind, Moon Dancer decided to lay for a few more minutes.

Letting out a yawn, the mare looked at the ceiling, still pinned down from her exhaustion. In her blurry vision, she looked at the wooden planks that stretched across the ceiling that held the roof from falling in. Moon Dancer thought about how worn down her house was in and thought about possibly renovating it sometime soon. But just as her current motivation to get up, Moon Dancer did not feel like fixing up her home at the current moment.

After what seemed to be a good amount of time just lying in bed, the mare finally got herself up from her soft mattress. She stretched her legs out and let out a loud yawn. Turning around to her dresser, Moon Dancer took her glasses and placed them onto her face. She had to struggle with the chain a little because it was slightly tangled, but managed to remove the knot and got it around her neck. As she walked through her home, she noticed that her ankles were freezing, so she put on her pink slippers to keep them from getting any colder.

The first thing the mare did was go into her bathroom and wash off her face with cold water. It was not something she was fond of, considering the cold weather affected the temperature of the water. But the freezing feeling woke her up sooner than later. After wiping her face with a dry towel, Moon Dancer looked in the mirror and saw that her hair was not in her typical bun; it was undone and messy. Instead of doing her hair, she felt like doing that after she ate breakfast and bathed.

Now more awake, Moon Dancer through her living room and into the kitchen. She reached up to a cabinet and went for a loaf of bread that was in its package, placing that on the counter. Moon Dancer felt like having something simple to eat. She rummaged through another cabinet and found a jar of peanut butter. Placing that on the counter, Moon Dancer then saw a bunch of bananas nearby and took one. Moon Dancer was making a childhood favorite meal: a peanut butter banana sandwich. Normally eating peanut butter alone was very difficult because of how gooey it can be. The banana gave the sandwich more moisture, making it easier to consume.

After making her sandwich, Moon Dancer began to eat it. While she was eating, she looked into the living room, where all of her presents still rested on the couch. It warmed her heart as she saw the many gifts that were there. Moon Dancer brushed her hoof on the right of her glasses and felt the chain that looped into the hole of the earpiece. Everything that she had got from the day before was great, but Moon Dancer could not get over the gift that Party Favor had given her: a chain for her glasses. It was simple, yet a loving thought. She never thought that she would have such a great friend after just one day of knowing them.

Before she knew it, Moon Dancer had finished her sandwich. With a sniff and a scratch of her nose, she made her way to the bathroom and gave herself a nice warm bath. Normally she takes a shower, but today Moon Dancer felt like she should treat herself. Even though she bathed for only five minutes, Moon Dancer felt that it was worth the time spent in the tub.

After draining the bathtub and removing the fog from her glasses, Moon Dancer went to the mirror and dried herself off. Her mane was in more of a frizzy state because of how she dried her hair, but it was no problem for her to brush it and straighten it. She then got her hair bands that had two plastic marbles attached to the rubber string. It took no effort for Moon Dancer to put her mane into a stubby bun. Even though she does not have much of a fashion sense, Moon Dancer liked her hair done in that way.

With herself dry, Moon Dancer went to her room and into her dresser, pulling out one of her many gray sweaters she typically wears. The thought as to why she had so many of the same brand of sweaters dawned upon the mare. But the thought was quickly lifted as she remembered that she promised Party Favor she would come to the castle and help him unpack. Though, she was still irritated from the night before, considering the forgetful stallion can't learn directions if his life depended on it and had to walk Party Favor back to the castle. It didn't help that she was very tired at the time as well, so that tacked onto her irritation meter.


He did say he was going to make it up to her. Perhaps she can think of something along the way...


“Just down the hall at the very end is Party Favor's estate,” said a pegasus guard in a gruff tone.

“Thank you,” Moon Dancer answered as she walked away from the guard that was leading her through the castle. If Moon Dancer would have decided to venture into the castle without knowing where to go, she would have been just as lost as Party Favor would have been.

It didn't take Moon Dancer very long to get to Canterlot Castle, considering she went to school there and knows how to quickly arrive.

It also made Moon Dancer feel even more welcomed when Celestia, who was on her way to whatever she was trying to attend to, recognized her and said hello to the mare. They talked briefly before the princess had to make her way to her her own business.

Because of her encounter with Celestia, Moon Dancer felt that the day was going to be a good one. Arriving to Party Favor's door, she gave it a knock a few times and waited.

No response.

After about thirty seconds, Moon Dancer knocked at the door again.

Still no response.

After knocking for a third time, the mare spoke at the door loudly, “Umm, Party Favor, it's me Moon Dancer.”

Standing still for minute, the mare wondered if he was out and about. But that idea left Moon Dancer, considering he can get lost very easily in the kingdom. Then again, Party Favor could have somepony following him around, making sure he does not get lost.

Wondering if he was out and about, Moon Dancer placed her hoof on the doorknob to see if it was locked. She gave it a twist.

And it turned ninety degrees.

It shocked Moon Dancer that the door was unlocked. Carefully, she pushed the door and pushed it open. Peering into the room, the mare saw the many boxes that were scattered about. Several were opened, most of which looked to have party supplies within them. A bed rested in the corner of the room, right below an arched window. The bedding was not done, indicating to Moon Dancer that somepony lives here.

Taking one step inside, Moon Dancer looked left and right, wondering if he is about. She was about to step back out when she saw something out of place. There was a cluster of boxes were piled on top of each other. They probably were stacked on top of each other and toppled over due to imbalance. Various things were spilled out on the floor due to the possible tipping of boxes; items such as clothing, party hats, and a large amount of balloons used to make balloon animals.

Among the mess, something stood out to her. Something fluffy and curly stood up in the air in the mess of boxes. It was like a large weed among a field of flowers, attempting to gain more attention to itself and away from the other plants.

Moon Dancer squinted her eyes and noticed that that was no flower. It was a tail Specifically, it was Party Favor's tail!

In a panic, the mare ran over to the box cluster and used her magic of levitation, removing them with ease.

Sure enough, Party Favor was revealed from beneath the pile of boxes. The mare began to panic and removed him from the mass of cardboard and into the open. He was breathing but unconscious. Shaking his shoulder, Moon Dancer said, “Hey Party Favor, you okay?”

Squinting his eyes, Party Favor stirred around before opening them. “Hmm? Moon Dancer...?” The stallion seemed confused. “What are you doing here?”

Moon Dancer sighed in relief, “Thank goodness you are okay.”


The mare explained that his door was unlocked and she decided to look inside to see if he was around. She then told him that she had to remove him from a pile of boxes that were toppled over him.

“It's rude to intrude on someone's property by entering without permission,” Party Favor said, now standing on all fours.

“I was just curious is all,” Moon Dancer responded with her thick eyebrows creased. “I was also worried that you were hurt.” Her attitude quickly changed from irritated to joking. “I should have left you to be consumed by your own belongings.”

Party Favor smiled at Moon Dancer. “At least you care about my safety.”

“I think I need to worry about you, considering you like to jump off balconies just to save my glasses.”

The stallion walked over to the cluster of cardboard and began to set them upright. “How is your gift treating you by the way?”

A warm feeling wrapped around Moon Dancer's heart, causing her to smile. “It's my favorite gift.”

“That's good.” Party Favor got all of his spilled belongings now back in their appropriate boxes.

“So how did you end up buried under all of those boxes?” Moon Dancer asked, curious about the situation he was in before the stallion was consumed by cardboard.

“Umm...” Party Favor looked slightly embarrassed. He brushed the back of his head and blushed. “It's an embarrassing story.”

The mare didn't care if it was or not. She rather here the story. “Then tell me what happened.”

Looking for a way out of his predicament, Party Favor saw a box that read: Alarm Clocks. Running over to it, he opened box. A wave of ticking sounds flooded the room the two ponies were in.

Moon Dancer went over to him and looked into the cardboard container. “Why so many alarm clocks?” the mare asked.

Looking at one of the clocks, the stallion saw that it was about lunch time and figured it would be the best way to avoid telling his story. “Say,” Party Favor spoke aloud, “why don't I tell you my story over lunch?”

“What about me helping you with unpacking?”

“Oh... we can do it later.”

Peering into the box herself, Moon Dancer saw the time on one of the many clocks. It read: 12:47. She figured that it was about time to eat as well, considering that her breakfast was not all that much.

“Sure we can. I know this great cafe we can eat at.”

“Good,” Party Favor sighed. She must not know about the story... With haste, the unicorn moved to the door. “Shall we get going?”

“Umm... sure...” Party Favor's attitude made Moon Dancer want to hear his story even more. However, she was still more curious about why he had so many alarm clocks.

Making her way outside of the room, Party Favor closed the door. “Shall we?” he asked.

“Mmhmm,” Moon Dancer nodded with a smile. And with that, both ponies went on their way. “So why do you have so any alarm clocks?”

“Well, there is a funny reason why.”


“Interesting,” Moon Dancer said as she scratched her chin. “So you place a sticky note on an alarm clock, then you set the time you want, and when it goes off and go to turn it off, you are reminded of the note.”

“Correct!” Party Favor exclaimed. “My method helps me keep track of things I wish to not forget.”

The two unicorns sat at a table, eating their own sandwiches. Moon Dancer was eating a daffodil sandwich with lettuce and a small amount of mustard. Party Favor was eating a grilled cheese sandwich with a ramekin filled with catchup.

Because Party Favor's conversation on why he has so many alarm clocks was over, Moon Dancer was still curious as to why he was buried under boxes at his estate.

Party Favor knew that she was going to ask the question, so he needed to come up with something quick. He could see Moon Dancer's mind working as she stared at her sandwich while she chewed her food.

“Hey... Moon Dancer... umm...” A gaze from the mare met Party Favor's eyes. He needed to keep her off the subject of his past story. “Do you... remember last night-”

“Yes I do remember last night,” Moon Dancer interrupted and caused Party Favor to halt his voice. She looked rather irritated as she remembered what he had her do: walk him back home because of his lack in knowing his way around the kingdom.

“Well, do you also remember what I said?”

“No... I do not.” Curious as to what he was getting at, Moon Dancer placed her sandwich down and carefully listened.

“Oh. Well, you see, I said I was going to make it up to you if you helped me get back to the castle.”

The memory of him saying such a proposition flooded back to Moon Dancer. “I do remember you saying that.” She then raised a brow. “Are you suggesting anything in mind?”

“W-whatever you want.”

Moon Dancer closed her eyes and began to think.

Yes! This is working. Soon, she will forget all about my stupid accident and we will never have to think about it again!

The mare opened up her eyes and said, “Okay, make it up to me by telling me why you were under all those boxes.”

Party Favor gave a wide smile. A smile that said, “I'm not hiding anything embarrassing... even though I am.”

“Have you considered anything else, M-Moon Dancer?” Party Favor asked, almost wanting to plead to her not to have him speak of his story.

“Not particularly.”

Party Favor was in a corner and had to find a way out. Moon Dancer could not know what happened last night as to why he was buried under a pile of cardboard cubes. “Have you thought of doing an experiment or studying something about me? I know you like to study about things. Why not have me as your guinea pig?”

Moon Dancer quickly sucked in a breath of air. And then, slowly exhaled. She was interested in Party Favor's proposal. “Hmm...” the mare hummed as she scratched her hoof with her chin. “Do you have anything in mind about what I can study about you?”

The stallion's plan was working, but was going to fall apart if he did not think of something quickly. “Maybe... study on how I... make my balloons do unrealistic features.” As the words came out of his mouth, Party Favor was screaming internally. He has not been friends with this mare for a week and we was willing to spill his secret behind the “magic” of his balloon craft. But if Party Favor were to keep his humiliating story away from Moon Dancer, he had no choice.

“That would be a good idea,” the unicorn smiled, liking the idea, “however...” The word “however” made Party Favor feel slightly uneasy for some reason. “...what if I studied your reactions with you without your cutie mark.” The suggestion made the stallion even more uneasy.

“We can do that,” Party Favor replied with an uneasy smile. “Why suggest that though?”

Moon Dancer could see that her suggestion was making the stallion uncomfortable, but continued moving the conversation forward, “I remember when Twilight said that when her cutie mark was replaced with an equal sign, she told me that the replacement caused her friends to almost lose all hope and motivation.”

“Yeah... it did do that...” Looking to his flank, Party Favor saw his cutie mark. It was something he did not want to see leave him ever again. However, he knows what would happen if he does not comply with Moon Dancer.

Knowing the subject matter was depressing the stallion, Moon Dancer said, “If you don't want to, we can think of something else to study. I don't want you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable...” Now she was feeling upset for suggesting her attempt to study somepony without a cutie mark. “Sorry for even thinking about it...”

“N-no, it's okay,” Party Favor reassured awkwardly. “I'm sure... I can handle it.”

“Are you sure?” Moon Dancer asked as a thick brow raised. “I don't want to see you hurt if we go through with this.”

“Yes,” Party Favor responded, nodding his head rapidly. “I mean, the equal sign cutie mark was what caused others to lose spirit. I don't think this study won't do too much harm.”

“You do make a good point Party Favor.”

The stallion sighed in relief that he was convincing Moon Dancer to go through with her studying. “So why don't we do that?”

Moon Dancer smiled, “Alright. Let's go to the study so we can get started.”

“Sure thing,” Party Favor smiled back. At least I don't have to tell her that embarrassing story... but...


Moon Dancer hummed to herself as she walked up and down the stairs of the study, trying to find anything that may help her with removing a cutie mark. Party Favor, on the other hoof, was on the first floor, sitting on a stool. The stallion was feeling slightly uneasy as he waited. Sure, his story of last night would not be told, but Party Favor didn't like what he was about to go though. Closing his eyes, the unicorn let out a sigh, awaiting his fate.

“Found it!” Moon Dancer exclaimed. Startled, Party Favor's eyes shot open and his heart began to race. Looking to the staircase, the stallion saw the mare briskly walk down to the first floor. “Or rather,” she continued, “I found what I was needed.” As she came to, Party Favor saw the title of the text she was carrying: The Magic of Removal.

Lovely title... Party Favor thought to himself.

Without realizing it, the stallion had a very bothered expression and Moon Dancer saw it. “Is something the matter?” she asked.

“I'm a little nervous is all...” the stallion replied honestly.

Giving him a caring stare, Moon Dancer said, “You don't have to go through this. I can use some other pony for this study another time.”

Somehow, Party Favor was able to smile. “But how would I make it up to you?”

“Well, if you insist, shall we get started?”

Sealing his fate, the stallion nodded and answered, “Yes.”

“Alright.” In a swift movement, Moon Dancer levitated the book and opened it. Her face was very serious and it intimidated Party Favor slightly.

The mare quickly fanned through the book before stopping on a page that Party Favor could not see. He stretched his neck up to try and get a better look at what Moon Dancer was reading. However, because the words were upside-down for Party Favor, he could not decipher what the words were saying.

“So,” Moon Dancer said, “it says here that you can remove two dimensional words and pictures with this spell.” The mare turned the book around for Party Favor to read. Moon Dancer pointed at the ancient words that spelled out a magical spell. Moon Dancer knew the language quite well as she studied it as she attended the Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns. As for Party Favor, he was looking at what he could only describe as lines that created many squares within the ancient text.

Turning it back toward herself, Moon Dancer read the language in her mind. Her horn sparked with magical energy as she repeated the words in her head, Achtunii Rehmor, Achtunii Rehmor.

With her horn charged, Moon Dancer shot out a yellow beam at the book she was holding. Light glowed from the text as the mare continued to focus. Party Favor watched in awe as he witnessed what was unfolding before him. The words from the book were beginning to fly off of the pages and float around himself and Moon Dancer.

Finished casting the spell, Moon Dancer looked at the mass amount of text that were around the two of them. “Wow,” she said with a bright smile. “This is a really nice spell.” The word “remove” was to Moon Dancer's right peripheral. Touching it with her hoof, the mare brought it in front of her face.

Party Favor sat silently, fascinated with what was happening before him. He saw Moon Dancer place her hooves in between the word, squishing it before tearing it in two.

“Interesting,” Moon Dancer said as she held “re” in one hoof and “move” in the other.

“Hehe, yeah,” Party Favor laughed nervously. “I wonder if you can tear images apart.”

“I wonder...” Looking among the text, there was an image of a book levitating above Party Favor's head. Using telekinesis, the mare brought it to her. The moment the image was within reach, Moon Dancer grabbed it and tore it with ease.

The look of horror came upon Party Favor as he witnessed the flat book being ripped with no effort.

“Now how do I put it all back...” Moon Dancer said aloud. Despite that the text was scattered about, it was still organized, still within their respective paragraphs. Glancing around the text that floated around the two ponies, she saw what she was looking for. Within a small paragraph to the mare's left was a simple explanation as to how to reverse the effects of the spell along with another scribbling of ancient glyphs. After reading it within her mind, all the words and images that floated around them swirled around the room before being sucked back into the text.

Looking at the page she pulled the words from, Moon Dancer saw that everything was back in its respective location. “Look,” Moon Dancer spoke, turning the textbook toward Party Favor. “The picture I tore was fixed as well.”

Party Favor let out a sigh of relief, knowing if his cutie mark was ever ripped, torn, or damaged, it would at least be fixed when it would be reapplied to his flank. Rubbing her chin, Moon Dancer thought about something.

“What is it Moon Dancer?” Party Favor asked.

“Since I will be removing your cutie mark, I would like to have a place to put it for safekeeping. We couldn't want anything happening to it, now would we?”

The thought of having his cutie mark forever lost was haunting. “Umm... maybe in a jar.”

“But I don't think we have a jar in the study here.”

Reaching behind him, Party Favor pulled out several balloons, flew into them, and crafted a hollow cylinder-like object. “What's that supposed to be?'” the mare asked.

“A container for my cutie mark.” Once more, the stallion reached behind him and pulled out more balloons. He then created a round, flat seal, placing it on top of the container. “I made sure the container is indestructible, so anything you put in it, will not get broken. Well, unless if you shake it, then maaaaybe whatever is in it might be damaged.”

The word “indestructable” caused Moon Dancer's mind to cramp, trying to wonder how his jar was what it was. However, the headache was only temporary as the unicorn remembered what she was doing in the first place.

“Hey Party Favor, can you make a balloon animal of your choice?”

Party Favor raised a brow. “How come?”

“You will see. Oh, and be sure to leave out some extra balloons.”

“Alright...” Nervously, the stallion began doing what he was told.

Turning away from him, Moon Dancer went over to her desk, where a notepad, an ink jar, and feather waited for her. She took the feather and lightly dipped it into the ink, slightly dabbing above the jar to drip excess liquid back into the container. After levitating the notepad over to her, the unicorn turned back to her friend. Upon seeing him, she saw Party Favor holding a balloon animal that resembled a dog. The jar he crafted was sitting on the floor. There was also several strands of deflated balloons that rested on his stool. Moon Dancer also noted that he looked quite bothered.

Walking over to her friend, the mare looked at him, concerned with what he was feeling. “So, are you sure you want to go through with this?”

Without words, Party Favor nodded with a small grin. “Wait,” he said suddenly. “I need to do something.” Before Moon Dancer could respond, Party Favor grabbed a deflated balloon and blew into it. Quickly twisting it, he created a small lock. “When you remove my cutie mark and put it in my container, I want to lock it and make sure it is safe from harm.”

“Alright,” Moon Dancer nodded. Clearing her throat, the mare's expression turned serious as she walked over to Party Favor's right. “Ready?”


With both pony's having their minds made up, Moon Dancer looked at Party Favor's flank, staring at his cutie mark. Closing her eyes, she thought, Achtunii Rehmor. Achtunii Rehmor.

Once more, the mare's horn began to glow and spark. Party Favor didn't look at his friend as she stood to his side. He didn't want to watch his cutie mark become torn off of him again.

Then, he felt it. On his right hip, Party Favor felt a numbing sensation for a brief moment before it went away. Daring himself, the stallion looked over to Moon Dancer. There, he saw his prized cutie mark beside her, once more removed from him. He looked at his hooves as his sky-blue color began to fade into a very white light-blue shade. He also felt his nervous attitude dampen into a careless depression, almost fully accepting his fate.

As the stallion sat on his stool, staring down at the ground, Moon Dancer scratched notes down on her pad:

Subject Party Favor

After removing his cutie mark, he has shown signs of color change. The body has turned into a lighter color than his original light-blue fur.

She scratched her chin, wondering what else to write. “Party Favor, how do you feel?” she asked.

“Who cares,” he responded weakly. Then he quickly corrected himself, “U-ugh I mean... just, upset that I have to go through with this.” Party Favor then gave a small smile. “B-but I am making it up to you and that is what matters.”

Moon Dancer's brows frowned as her eyes went back to her notes.

Subject has a noticeable change in attitude, despite his efforts to try and hide it. Party Favor has had some experiences with losing his cutie mark before, so perhaps his past is amplifying his sad behavior more than others might have.

I hope he does not go through too much pain... she duly noted.

As she looked up, Moon Dancer noticed Party Favor staring at his cutie mark that floated in the air. “Can you please put my cutie mark in the jar I made?”

“Of course,” the unicorn nodded.

“And be sure to put the lock on it.”

Levitating the jar to her, Moon Dancer placed the image in it and covered it with the lid. She then took the balloon lock and secured the container.

She heard Party Favor sigh. Taking a glance at him, Moon Dancer saw him smiling. “Thank you,” he said.

Walking over to the table with the jar, the mare placed it toward the back, against the wall. “It's going to be right here,” she said aloud.


Turning around, Moon Dancer went over to Party Favor who eagerly waited. He wanted to get the study over with so he can be reunited with his cutie mark once again.

“Alright Party Favor,” Moon Dancer said as she came to him. “I want you to make me a balloon animal.”

“What kind?” he asked, smiling.

“A dog.”

Looking to the ground, Party Favor remembered the one he made earlier. He chuckled, “Well, I don't know why you want me to make something so simple, but alright.”

Taking a strand of balloon that rested on his stool, Party Favor blew into it, elongating it. He pinched the opening of it to stop the air from escaping it. The stallion glanced up at Moon Dancer who just stared at him, waiting. The way she was looking at him made him feel uneasy.

Stretching the open end, still keeping it pinched, Party Favor began to twist the end into a knot. However, when trying to feed the end through a loop, it slipped from his grip and the balloon quickly farted out air as it dashed up into the air. Both Party Favor and Moon Dancer looked up and as it fell down and onto the mare's head. Part of the balloon was in front of Moon Dancer's left eye, causing her to close it.

“Hehe, oops,” Party Favor said with a chuckle. Moon Dancer giggled as she removed the elastic rubber from her head and tossed it back at the stallion. It didn't travel very far and just fell to the floor. She was about to get it for her friend when Party Favor said, “Don't worry about it. I got plenty here on my stool.”

Moon Dancer quickly stopped herself as she remembered telling Party Favor to have extra balloons available for him. Once more, Party Favor blew into another and tried tying the end. But the same thing happened. The stallion tried a third. Again, it happened once more. Holding the fourth one in his hoof, he leered at it. His eyes then left the balloon and looked up at Moon Dancer, seeing that she was writing something down.

Again, he blew into the balloon as he did the last three. This time, he stretched the end very long, making sure he can easily tie the knot. Because of this method, Party Favor was finally able to tie the end. “Finally,” he said aloud, sighing as he spoke.

As he exclaimed, Moon Dancer stopped her writing for a moment, looking up at him before resuming her writing. Party Favor watched her as she wrote, waiting for her to stop. He saw two strands of balloons that rested in her hair, reminding the stallion that it took him four tries before finally doing something he had been able to do hundreds of times. After a few moments, she did. Once more, the mare looked at him, now waiting for him. She wanted to tell him to make the balloon animal she requested, but wanted to not intervene. Her eyes looked down at her notes, reading what she had written.

After asking him to create a dog balloon animal, Party Favor's first balloon he tried to use slipped from his grip and flew around the room. At first I thought that that was an accident until he tried the same thing two more times, both flying through the air and onto my mane. He has shown signs of frustration as he attempted to tie the fourth one closed. If my hypothesis is correct, then the removal of a cutie mark results in the pony losing simple skills they were once able to do before.

Once more, Moon Dancer looked up at Party Favor who sat on his stool, waiting for her to stare back at him. Both ponies looked at one another in silence. Moon Dancer waited for her friend's next move, while Party Favor stared through her, remembering that he was a rat in this little experiment he was apart of.

Holding the balloon in his grip, Party Favor began to twist it. As he began to shape it, the stallion tried to remember how to make a dog. But for some reason, he was unable to. Because of this, he looked down at the ground where the balloon animal he made earlier rested. He began to use it as a reference as he twisted his balloon, glancing at it every once in awhile. After several minutes, Party Favor was finished. He looked down at his reference. The dog sat on the ground, almost looking right back at him. He then looked at what he had just made. Party Favor was confused. How... what is this?

In his hooves, all the stallion could see was a mess of knots and bends, resembling nothing like the dog he was able to make before.

Party Favor heard scratches coming from Moon Dancer's pad. He looked up at her notepad, leering at it, hating the sound that came from the feather. Noticing she was being stared at, Moon Dancer looked up to see Party Favor surveying her with an angry stare. “Is something wrong Party Favor?” Moon Dancer asked.

At once, the stallion blinked and darted his eyes back and forth, trying to come up with a reply. Looking down, Party Favor saw more strands of balloons on his seat. Without replying to his friend's question, he simply took another balloon and blew into it, attempting to make another dog.

Moon Dancer watched the unicorn with concern as he began to try and craft another balloon animal. Maybe I should stop him... Party Favor looked up for a moment and looked up at Moon Dancer. The moment their eyes met, the mare quickly looked down at her notes and then, at the jar that held Party Favor's cutie mark.


The sound of a balloon bursting startled Moon Dancer as she was forced to look back at Party Favor. She saw her friend with the look of disbelief, holding his hooves out like he was holding something in them. But nothing was there in his hooves. Ribbons of rubber clung to Party Favor's mane as he continued to keep his arms in the same place. Letting out a sigh, Party Favor's shoulders slumped before picking up another shriveled balloon.

Moon Dancer had to force herself to write something down in order to keep herself from staring at her friend. As she scratched notes onto her white paper, she wrote:

After the first attempt of trying to make a dog out of balloons, Party Favor was unable to make a recreation of his original creation. The second he tried to make popped. I was not looking when it did pop, but can only assume that it burst because he is having a hard time making a balloon animal.

Despite the willingness to study how a pony would be without their cutie mark, Moon Dancer was finding it hard to write anything down. She couldn't help but feel sorry for her friend.

“Hey Party Favor,” she said.

“Yes?” he responded without looking at her.

“Why don't you... try and make three more and then stop.”

“Sure,” the stallion said without even giving a quick glance. Moon Dancer saw frustration in Party Favor's eyes as he looked down every once in awhile, trying to remake what he was able to do not even fifteen minutes ago.

“I'm going to give you some time to make those balloon animals. I'll be upstairs.”


It took Moon Dancer a few moments to actually move herself. She couldn't help but worry about Party Favor. She knew he beginning to get upset. Finally moving, Moon Dancer went over to her desk and put her notebook down and feather into the jar of ink. Before walking up the stairs, the mare took one more look at Party Favor. He was twisting it for a short while before tossing it over his shoulder. Party Favor then noticed Moon Dancer looking at him and glanced in her direction. But the moment he did, she looked up to the second floor and began to ascend to it.

As she got finished climbing the last stair, Moon Dancer briskly went over to the balcony door and opened it. Now outside, the mare looked out at the world. Based on where the sun was, Moon Dancer knew it was now beginning to become late afternoon. The leaves that were on the ground made random patterns as they rested on top the of green grass and white stony paths. Still, with this nice view, it was not enough to make herself feel good at all. She knew that Party Favor was still inside, becoming more and more frustrated, perhaps even sad.

I can't have this go on anymore, the mare thought to herself. I am ending this so-called “study”. With her mind made up, Moon Dancer left the balcony and down to the first floor. Upon reaching the first floor, she saw her friend looking down at the ground. Several twists of balloons littered the ground around him, no where resembling the dog he created from before.

Walking up to him, Moon Dancer said, “Hey, Party Favor-”

“I'm sorry,” the stallion said weakly.

“For what?” Moon Dancer asked, her brows creasing slightly in confusion.

“I couldn't make the dog you wanted.”

“Hey, don't worry about it. I just wanted to let you know what you don't have to go through with this anymore. I have studied enough.”

“B-but,” Party Favor stuttered, “What about me making it up to you?”

“You already have.”

“No I have not.” Party Favor was not convinced he had made it up to his friend. “Umm... why don't you observe me trying to sleep without my cutie mark or... why not see if I-”

A hoof came over Party Favor's mouth. “Stop,” Moon Dancer said, now frowning.

“Why are you upset Moon Dancer?” Party Favor said as he sat upright.

“Because you are upset.” The stallion's voice escaped him before he could come up with a response. “Let me ask you something, and be honest with me.” Party Favor adjusted himself, awaiting his friend to speak. “Do you not like what you are going through right now with this little study?”

It took a moment for Party Favor to find the words, though he already knew the answer. “No,” he finally said. “But I-”

Again, a hoof fell on his lips. “I'll be talking for a moment. Talk when I ask of you please.” Blush ran across the stallion's face as he nodded. “Now, because of your discomfort, I will be stopping my little experiment on you.”

Party Favor moved his head, trying to get a word out, but Moon Dancer's persistent hoof stayed glued to his mouth. Her eyes were also speaking to him as both ponies stared at one another. They had a concerned, yet warm look to them. Party Favor stopped moving and stilled himself. After he did, Moon Dancer removed her hoof and placed it on the ground.

“I hope you washed your hoof while you were up there before putting it on my mouth,” Party Favor snickered.

Not surprisingly, Moon Dancer put her hoof back on his lips. “I thought I said I will ask you when to talk.” She couldn't see his smile, but felt his mouth move under her hoof. In return, Moon Dancer smiled back. But her smile was not long lived and it left as fast as it came.

“So why, Party Favor? Why are you so persistent in making it up to me if you are going to put yourself through hurt?”

The mare removed her hoof slowly and awaited a response from her friend. “Because...” Party Favor spoke softly, “I felt that I bothered you and... didn't want you to hate me because of what happened last night.”

One of Moon Dancer's brows lifted while the other creased. “You think, that after everything you did for me yesterday would be negated just because of your terrible skill in taking directions?” The mare shook her head. “Just you have one flaw does not mean I will turn a new leaf on you. A true friend accepts their friend's flaws and helps them as much as possible. Like... my chain on my glasses.” Moon Dancer removed her spectacles, causing her chain to dangle in the air. Light reflected off of it, causing it to shimmer and twinkle. “I somehow managed to lose my glasses over and over again yesterday, a flaw that happened to start when you arrived. And then, after you jumping off a ledge and thirty minutes of me worrying about you, you fixed my flaw by adding this chain to my glasses.”

Moon Dancer reapplied her glasses onto her face before continuing. “Do you understand Party Favor? Just because of one thing you are bad at does not mean I will hate you. And I am more than willing to assist you to help fix your flaw.” A sweet smile came across the mare's face.”

“Alright,” Party Favor responded with small grin.

Now with both ponies having their minds made up, Moon Dancer walked over to the desk and took the container. She faced her friend with the same smile she had.

“Now how do you expect to open that?” Party Favor asked.

“By opening it of course.” Placing her hoof on the lid, Moon Dancer began to remove the lid. However, it did not budge. After noticing that the seal would not come off, the mare used more strength. But still, no apples.

“What is up with this thing?” Moon Dancer complained as she leered at the object.

“I told you, I made it indestructible.”

So many questions as to why Party Favor's balloon container was “indestructible” flooded the mare's head.

Getting up to his stool, the stallion went over to Moon Dancer. “I also happen to have the key to that lock that you put on the jar as well.”

“Did you happen to craft a balloon key for it as well,” Moon Dancer snickered.

“No.” Party Favor lifted his hoof to show his friend a pin. “I have the key right here.” With a quick jab at the balloon lock with the pointy object, it burst into ribbons.

“Let me guess, that pin is the only thing to pop this container as well, right?”

“No,” Party Favor said again. A look of shock writhed onto Moon Dancer's face. The stallion took this time to take the jar from his friend. He then opened it so that he may be reunited with his cutie mark. Without warning, the mark flew up into the air, dancing around the large room before shooting toward Party Favor. Moon Dancer flinched as it went to him. Party Favor didn't move an inch. In fact, he didn't want to move. He wanted his cutie mark to come to him sooner; moving would mean he would have to wait longer before having to be reunited with his beloved image.

Without missing, the cutie mark landed on Party Favor's flank, right where it was before. He looked at the image and gave his hips a good shake to make sure it was secure and won't fall off. Before her very eyes, Moon Dancer saw his color return to her friend. His fur was its original light-blue and his mane was in its dark-blue color.

Party Favor let out a sigh, as he looked up. He could feel his happiness return to him. Looking back down to earth, the stallion noticed Moon Dancer was staring at his jar that he was holding. “Do you want the jar?” he asked.

“Yeah. I want to... test its durability.”

Party Favor chuckled, “Do you want to do another study? Because if you think you can figure out what makes this jar so strong, well, I don't think you can.”

“Oh really,” Moon Dancer said slowly, her mouth twisting into a grin. Moon Dancer pointed a hoof at herself and held her head with pride. “Well, if you must know, I am one of the best unicorns to ever attend Canterlot's School of Gifted Unicorns. I have been able to do things even Twilight Sparkle was unable to do.”

“Like what?” Party Favor challenged.

Moon Dancer took the jar from her friend. “Like figure out why this balloon container is so indestructible.”

“I don't think so.”

“Just watch me.”


I don't get it... I just don't get it...

Moon Dancer rested her chin on her wooden desk as she looked up at the invincible jar made up of rubber and air. Notes littered the area around and on the table, each one having the words “failed attempt” written somewhere on the paper.

The mare rubbed her temples, trying to understand the durability of this simple looking container. She has tried piercing it with Party Favor's pin, hitting it with an offensive magic spell, and even tried to burn it. All failing each attempt.

Taking a break from her study, Moon Dancer moved herself from the desk and stretched out her arms and legs. On the other side of the study, Party Favor was making a balloon animal. From Moon Dancer's point of view, it looked very dark and bulky. As she walked over to her friend, the stallion stopped what he was doing.

“What do you have there?” Moon Dancer asked as she looked at Party Favor's craft. Looking at the balloon animal, the mare noticed that it had three bulging heads that came off of one body.

“A cerberus,” the unicorn replied with a smile.

Looking closer, Moon Dancer saw the cerberus. It was very bulgy and looked more goofy than intimidating. Regardless, Party Favor's talent impressed the mare.

“So,” Party Favor spoke as he blew into another balloon, “figure out how to break my unbreakable container.”

Moon Dancer frowned. “No...” Her ears retreated backwards in irritation. “Whatever you did to your... 'jar,' I have no idea how to even make a dent in it.”

“Hehe, told you,” the stallion chuckled. He then tied the end of the balloon he blew into. Then he wrapped it around a small loop at the back of the cerberus' neck. “There we go.” Party Favor stood up and held the long balloon that protruded itself behind the balloon animal; the cerberus hovered just above the ground.

“What did you just add to your balloon animal?”

“A collar.”

Upon seeing the clever design choice, Moon Dancer smiled brightly. “That's cute.”

“Thanks. I got this great idea of making balloon animals based off of massive and legendary creatures.”

“Is there anything you have not made out of balloons?” Moon Dancer asked.

“A massive float for a parade. I've always wanted to make one, but just haven't found an opportunity yet.”

“Really? Well, that's interesting.” Moon Dancer was now finding it difficult to find something for them to talk about. Looking at the window, the mare noticed that it was dark out.

“Goodness!” she exclaimed. “I can't believe my day went by so quickly!”

“All because of a simple balloon jar,” Party Favor grinned.

“I'm sorry, who was the one who put themselves through discomfort today?” Moon Dancer flashed a smirk and creased her brows.

Both ponies looked at each other, both refusing to let the other intimidate them. But their composure was shortly held, and then, began laughing.

“I think it is safe to conclude our day, yes?” Moon Dancer asked.


The mare then began to walk to the door, gesturing her friend to follow her; however, Party Favor remained still, looking at the desk. “Is something wrong?” she asked when she noticed her friend was stagnant.

He pointed a hoof at the table. “What about your notes? Aren't you going to put them away?”

Moon Dancer waved her wrist at the stallion. “I'll worry about those later.”

“Alright then.”

Looking at the wall, Moon Dancer saw a switch. Going over to it, she flicked the switch down, the light vanishing from the room. Pitch black.

Suddenly, a loud crash rang out and Moon Dancer's heart began to race. Flipping the switch back up, the mare saw her notes drifting through the air. The table was turned over and Party Favor had his head through it.

“What in the world-!” Moon Dancer exclaimed as she ran over to her friend. “Are you okay?! What happened?!”

“Sorry, I-” Party Favor stuttered, as he pulled his head through the hole. His cheeks blushed as he nervously looked at Moon Dancer. “I uh... tend to panic when I am in the dark...”

“Well that was quite the reaction. You rammed your head right through my desk!”

Party Favor rubbed his cranium. “Think of it as me getting lost. If I don't know where I am going, I wander around without a clue of where I am. Only... when it is pitch black, I sort of... panic.” The stallion's ears fell backwards in embarrassment. “Basically, I... don't like the pitch black dark...

“Wait...” Moon Dancer thought intensely for a moment. “Is that why you were under all of those boxes when I came to see you?” Party Favor hunched his neck forward. His face was red and his ears were still held back. “Is that why you didn't want to tell me why you were under all of your boxes?” the mare chuckled.

The stallion didn't feel angry at Moon Dancer because of her small amount of teasing; he felt lame and weak because of his insane fear of the dark. Seeing Party Favor in a state of sorrow, the mare went next to her friend and stood beside him. She then put an arm around his neck. Party Favor leaned his head slightly toward Moon Dancer, acknowledging his friend's affection.

“Don't worry about being afraid of the dark,” Moon Dancer reassured. “I have a silly phobia as well.”

Looking back, the unicorn asked, “What is that?”

“Umm... well, I am afraid of umm... butterflies...” Moon Dancer gave a silly smirk, knowing that something as harmless as a butterfly can be feared.

“You're afraid of butterflies?!” Party Favor laughed with a wide grin.

A harsh glare came from Moon Dancer. “Hey, those things are gross with their... metamorphosis. I mean, how does a worm like... thing become something that flies?! It makes no sense! And I have studied caterpillars and butterflies to try and get over my fear of them, yet they still freak me out!”

The thought of the flying insect alone made Moon Dancer shiver.

“I guess we have our own fears, hugh?” Party Favor asked.

Regaining her composure, Moon Dancer nodded, “Yeah.”

Looking at the door, the mare gestured to the door. “Shall we now get going?”

Her friend nodded, “Yes.”

Both ponies then went for the door. Party Favor was the first to be almost out of the door when he looked back to see if Moon Dancer was behind him. As he glanced back, he saw that light from the study vanish, causing the stallion to briskly walk away from the black void. Moon Dancer quickly emerged from the darkness and was now outside with Party Favor. Taking the key to the study, she closed the door and locked it.

Turning to the stallion, Moon Dancer smirked, “You better walk close to me if you don't want the darkness to creep up on you.”

Unaffected with her remark, Party Favor grinned at her, “I don't mind night time. Only if it is pitch black dark and I cannot see is when I panic. Don't think you can freak me out that easily, Miss I am Afraid of Harmless Insects.”

Knowing she had no good quip to combat Party Favor's statement, she swung her body into her friend, bumping into him. “Let's go,” she smiled as she walked forward.

Party Favor nodded, mimicking Moon Dancer's expression.