• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 1,113 Views, 64 Comments

Fundamentals - FerociousCreation

Throughout her life, Moon Dancer has been the pony to be by herself. Despite having resolved her friendship issue with Twilight Sparkle, the mare still acts the way she once did. That is... until Party Favor came into her life.

  • ...

Floating Piano

Ch. 3

“Don't worry Moon Dancer,” Party Favor reassured. “If anything happens, I'm sure Rainbow Dash here will take you down to safety. Right?” He looked at Rainbow Dash who flew close by.

“Of course,” the pegasus responded with the wave of her hoof. “I wield the element of loyalty. I would catch any of my friends in a heartbeat!”

“T-thanks... Just don't expect me to not be nervous...” Moon Dancer looked downward as she saw the land below her.

No more was she bound to the world by gravity, but was now adrift in the sky with many balloons holding her afloat. Many strings wrapped around her torso and were strung not to tightly, making the air travel not too uncomfortable.

Accompanying Moon Dancer, Rainbow Dash, and Party Favor was Cadence, Twilight Sparkle, and Shining Armor. Unlike his sister and wife, Shining Armor did not possess the gift of flight and had to use balloons as well so that he may accompany everypony else. His wife flew next to him, but slightly below him, just in case something happened to his balloons and that she may catch him in a moment's notice.

It was a new experience to Moon Dancer, seeing the world from a different perspective. Everything was so small and she felt so large to everything she saw. All the houses and buildings within the confines of the castle walls looked nothing more than little figurines one may see in a makeshift model of a construction concept. Red and yellow lights specked all across the city, creating a beautiful spectacle of bright dots. The light of the moon was very bright and kept the land of Equestria lit in a cool vale. The air was slightly chilly, but thankfully, Moon Dancer always wears a sweater as her common attire, so it was less bothersome.

She saw how the castle clung to the mountain side and wondered how it was able to keep itself from falling to the land below. Looking down into the valley, everything looked even further away. Things were less distinguishable because Moon Dancer was so far up and it was night time. Still, her experience was both thrilling and frightening. She can feel her body shiver from the adrenaline that was rushing through her body. But with Rainbow Dash near by, Moon Dancer felt safe and knew she was in good hooves if anything bad were to happen.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Party Favor asked as he drifted beside the mare.

Moon Dancer gave an unsure laugh before replying, “I'm a bit nervous, but... it's nice to see a different perspective on the world.”

“I do this all the time. I had a hot air balloon at my village and take the children for a ride.”

“Were you afraid the first time you flew through the sky?”

“Yes I was, but I wanted to take a chance. A chance to try something different. That's why I am the way I am. I never want to do the same thing over and over. You got to shake things up in life to make it more interesting. For example, I wanted to expand my experience as a caterer by moving here to Canterlot. Sure my village is a wonderful place to live, but it's small and I have already catered to everypony there multiple times.”

“I thought you said that you had just arrived to Canterlot.”

“I did, but all of my things were transferred to my estate last night.”

Moon Dancer thought about what he had said. She usually is stuck inside with her studies and away from others, not experiencing other things in life. She could only remember going to the Canterlot Theater, watching several plays and musical performances on her own accord, but that was about it. Looking at Party Favor, the mare thought about her friendship with him. Maybe he was a friend that could help her get out of her shell more. After all, he now lives in Canterlot, so she might as well get close to him.

“Hey, Party Favor?” Moon Dancer asked.

“Hmm?” Party Favor drifted in front of the mare and faced her.

“Would you like to spend time with me more often? Like... hang out?”

Embarrassed, Moon Dancer turned away from Party Favor and looked at Twilight Sparkle. The alicorn gave her a bright smile and looked at her brother and sister-in-law and saw that their expressions were the same as hers.

“Of course I would love to spend time with you,” Party Favor replied, causing Moon Dancer to look back at him. She saw the stallion smile at her as he clapped his hooves together.

“Thank you Party Favor.” At the same time, both ponies reached out to hug each other. However, Party Favor accidental pushed her arm and caused her to spin around in the air. Moon Dancer's world began to rotate and she started to panic. “Stabilize me please!” she complained as her legs began to flail around, trying to stop herself.

Hearing her request, Rainbow Dash quickly came to her aid and made her spinning come to a complete stop. “Thanks Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey, that's why I am here,” the pegasus replied.

While Moon Dancer and Party Favor were mingling with each other, Cadence looked at her husband and smiled. “Such a lovely night, isn't it.”

“With you here, it is a lot more magnificent.”

Cadence giggled from her husband's complement, while Twilight rolled her eyes.

“You know,” Twilight imputed, “I think a piano playing in the background would make this evening a lot more beautiful. I always thought that a slow playing piano made me feel like I am flying through the air.”

Party Favor heard the princess as she was talking to her family members. “I can have that arranged.” Quickly, he pulled out a bunch of balloons and began crafting something. After a short while, the other ponies noticed that he was crafting a piano. It was a bulky creation, considering it was a piano. When he was finished, the balloon crafted piano was held by three other balloons that kept the object afloat in the air. Drifting over to his creation, Party Favor adjusted himself and prepared to play the instrument.

“You can't possibly play music with THAT,” Rainbow Dash spoke. Looking at Moon Dancer, she asked, “Can he?”

Answering her question, a smooth complement of notes came from the so called piano and made everypony was speechless. Nopony dared to question how he was able to create such wonderful sounds. The music was calm and smooth as Party Favor continued to play.

(This is the song that inspired the theme and can picture Party Favor playing this particular piece.)

Moon Dancer began to relax herself as she watched Party Favor play the "instrument". The breeze wafted her underside and almost made her feel like she was going higher. A thick slowly drifted by and covered everypony in a deep fog. But that did not stop Party Favor from playing his song. Looking at Party Favor, Moon Dancer saw his expression. He was very focused on what he was doing, even though his vision was impaired. The cloud's moisture caused Moon Dancer's glasses to fog up and she had to wipe them so she can see again. Just as quickly as it came, the cloud left them. Feeling a bit brave, Moon Dancer began to try and swim through the air. To her surprise, she was able to. Even though she was a beginning to move further away from everypony, the music remained the same volume.

Such sweet music, the mare thought as she smiled and watched the world below her. The fear from within her heart began to fade as she marveled at the towers of the castle.

While listening to the music, it changed tone. The notes were a lot deeper and louder. They grew louder and louder. And yet, the tone did not ruin the peaceful atmosphere. Closing her eyes, Moon Dancer let the soft breeze carry her. She didn't care where. All she cared about was drifting through the air and listen to the music.

What a wonderful birthday.

After several minutes, the music calmed down and went to its original tone and sweetness. It began to get slower and slower. Then a high note was played. Then a pause. A brief pause. Then he resumed to play. But as he played, the music was beginning to slow to a crawl. Moon Dancer's heart began to flutter as she listened to the last minute of the song. She closed her eyes once more and pictured a stallion holding her hooves as she drifted in the sky.

With a final sound of notes, Party Favor ended his song.

A round of applause came from the spectators.

“Beautiful,” Cadence spoke.

“That was awesome,” Rainbow Dash complemented.

“Well played,” Twilight said.

“Wonderful,” Shining Armor replied.

Drifting over to him, Moon Dancer smiled down the stallion. “Did you like my song?” Party Favor asked her.

“It was the most amazing thing I have ever heard.”

“Then consider my music as another birthday gift.”

“Hehe,” Moon Dancer giggled. “You don't have to spoil me.”

“Well, it still is your birthday. There are several hours before midnight, so I have free reign over doing so.”

The unicorn gave him a shove and caused him to drift away a little.

“So, how were you able to play music from a piano made out of balloons?” Twilight asked.

“Magic,” Party Favor replied as he moved one of his arms and arched them in the shape of a rainbow.

Twilight didn't like the response she got, but remembered that there are a lot of things that were magical and had yet to be explained.

“I also never knew you played the piano,” the purple mare spoke.

“I don't.” Party Favor's statement caused everypony to look at him with shock.

“Then what was that?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with her arms gesturing to the piano. “How could you not know how to play the piano if you were able to do what you did just now?”

“Because this is one of those pianos where you just press any note and it plays a song for you.” Party Favor gestured Rainbow Dash to come over to him. “Try it yourself.” Without hesitating, Rainbow Dash went over to the piano and pressed a note. Then another and another. Soon she was pressing random keys and was surprised to see herself playing music. Playing really fast now, Rainbow Dash was now playing Flight of the Bumblebee.

“Having fun,” Twilight asked as she came over to her friend.

“This is awesome,” the pegasus replied.

“I'll take that as a yes.”

Considering Flight of the Bumblebee is a short song, Party Favor allowed Rainbow Dash to play the musical piece. Concluding her song, Rainbow Dash looked at Party Favor. “Is it alright if I take this piano home?”

“Sorry, no can do.” Out of nowhere, Party Favor pulled out a pin and poked the piano with it. Instead of a loud popping sound, the balloon craft made the sound of a piano being dropped and crashing onto the ground.

“Why'd you go and do that?” Rainbow Dash argued.

“Because my balloon making is what makes me unique. I don't want my balloon crafts all over Equestria. Somepony might try and take my idea.”

Rainbow Dash folded her arms. “Fair point.”

“So,” Moon Dancer interjected, “may we go back onto land? I enjoyed the time up here, but I'd rather have my hooves on the ground.”

Party Favor nodded, “Sure.”


Inside the Canterlot Ballroom, Moon Dancer was walking beside Party Favor. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Cadence, and Shining Armor left to do their own business. As they walked, Moon Dancer noticed that there were even fewer guests than before.The time was eleven in the evening, so it was understandable as to why there were less ponies. Moon Dancer noticed Lemon Drops was breaking down several tables and stacking them against the wall, assuming she was beginning to clean up.

“Thank you for everything you have done tonight,” Moon Dancer said to Party Favor with a smile.

“You are very welcome,” he replied back. “Are you going to head home soon?”

A yawn escaped Moon Dancer. “Yeah... I think so.”

“Would you like me to walk you home?”

“Thanks but no thanks. I'll be fine on my own.”

“But I insist. Also, what about all of your gifts? How will you get those home?”

Moon Dancer gave Party Favor's request more thought. Even though she would rather do some things on her own, the mare believed that Party Favor wanted to help her out just for the sake of being a good friend.

“Sure, you can follow me home. But how will we get all of my presents home? I have quite a lot you know.”

Party Favor smirked, “You forget what I do.”

Moon Dancer apparently forgot what he does until they got to her presents. Party Favor created a horse-drawn wagon and placed everything in the back of it. In no time, both were on their way to Moon Dancer's home. They chatted along the way, conversing about when they could spend time together.

“So tomorrow around noon?” Moon Dancer clarified.

“Sounds good. When you get to my estate, you can help me unpack and we can have lunch afterwords.”

Both soon came to Moon Dancer's home. The front of the house was quite warn down. Several branched of vines crawled up the house and weeds sprouted from between the cracks of the concrete walkway. Leaves were everywhere, covering the entire lawn, making a blanket of orange, red, and yellow. Cracks were visible on the wall of the house and the roof looked like it needed to be re-shingled.

“Your house needs some renovation,” Party Favor spoke.

“Don't remind me...” Moon Dancer grumbled as she opened the gate to her yard. As it swung all the way open, it fell of the hinges. She grunted as she pushed the now fallen gate aside. Opening her door and turning on the light, Moon Dancer went back to Party Favor and began to unpack the wagon. Because Party Favor was lending a helping hoof, it took them less than ten minutes to get everything into the house. They placed all the gifts in the living room. The gifts were either on the dust covered coffee table or on the musty old couch.

“Thanks again for everything,” Moon Dancer spoke as she watched Party Favor place a heavy box on the couch. A plume of dust puffed out of the cushion and caused the two of them to cough.

“Your- ehem... welcome once more.”

“Ah... Ahhhh... AAAAAGGGHHHHHH! chew...” Moon Dancer squeaked out a sneeze, trying to get the dust out of her system. Her glasses slid off her face, but the chain that wrapped around the mare's neck kept it from falling to the ground. Moon Dancer stood there for a while, giggling a little before placing the glasses onto her face.

“This simple thing you did for my glasses was really sweet,” she smiled as she looked at Party Favor.

“I just don't want you to lose your glasses and be left helpless.”

Moon Dancer rolled her eyes. She considered herself very independent and having her friend say she would be helpless without her glasses left an uncomfortable ring in her ear.

“Well, I shall be on my way,” Party Favor spoke as he headed to the door.

“Wait,” Moon Dancer said loudly and caused the stallion to stop in his tracks. “Where is your estate? Are you renting a room at somepony's home?”

“Oh, I'm living in the Canterlot Castle. Third story. Just ask the guards and they will lead you to my room.”

“Wait... You live in Canterlot Castle?”

“Yeah. Thanks to Princess Twilight, she convinced Princess Celestia to allow me to live there. Pretty neat, hugh?”

Slowly, Moon Dancer walked up to Party Favor and placed a hoof on his shoulder. She looked at him with a blank expression as he stared back with uncertainty. “Are you okay?” the stallion asked.


Despite the fact that Party Favor was quite dizzy from the angry mare, he replied, “I like to go on early morning walks and wanted to explore the kingdom a little bit.”


“I didn't have any at the time. Will you please stop shaking me please?”

“How did you not-! N-never mind.” Moon Dancer removed her grasp from the stallion, still wondering how he got lost. Party Favor, however, was still a bit dizzy and had a hard time standing.

“Besides,” Party Favor smiled stupidly as his eyes spun in his head, “I am glad I forgot my balloons back at my place.”

Moon Dancer was about to ask why, but she knew what he was going to day if she did. “I'm glad you did too. If you didn't I would have not made a great friend today.” Both ponies looked at each other with smiles. Without asking, the two of them moved forward and held each other for a short while.

“I'll be leaving then,” Party Favor said as he removed himself from the mare. As he removed himself, Moon Dancer wished he hadn't. She was enjoying his embrace and wanted to be held for just a while longer.

It soon became an awkward moment for the two ponies for they could not find anything to say to each other. Without any words, Party Favor went for the door and Moon Dancer followed. Leaving the home, Party Favor turned toward the mare. “I will see you tomorrow Party Favor,” Moon Dancer finally spoke.

“You too Moon Dancer.” With a simple wave, Party Favor turned around, leaving Moon Dancer to herself.

The mare let out a loud yawn and closed her door. What a day, Moon Dancer thought to herself. She was suddenly weighted down by exhaustion. Slowly, she made her way to the second couch in the living room that didn't have any gifts on it. Letting out a sigh, the unicorn laid down on the couch and rested her head on a pillow. The dust for some reason did not bother her, which she liked, considering she does not like to sneeze.

Moon Dancer removed her glasses and reached for the table to place them onto it. But because her vision was impared, Moon Dancer missed the table and had her glasses fall to the floor. “Whatever,” she grunted as she placed her head back onto the pillow and closed her eyes. Soon, she began to fall asleep.



Disturbed by the sound, Moon Dancer twitched and looked at the door.


You can't be serious... Slowly, Moon Dancer got up and tried to find her glasses, but could not. Assuming the one at the door was Party Favor, the unicorn slowly went toward the door. She may not have been able to see well, but she knew her own home more than anypony and made her way to the door. Once she reached it, Moon Dancer opened it.

“Hey Moon Dancer,” Party Favor spoke. “I see you are not wearing your glass-”

“What is it, Party Favor?” she asked as she tried to see him through a foggy vision.

The stallion smiled nervously as Moon Dancer looked back at him with irritation. “I am really sorry for bothering you... but umm... I kind of... umm... can you give me directions back to the castle?”

“Can't you just use your balloons and fly back to the castle?” Moon Dancer moaned in a gruff.

“I actually ran out of balloons...hehe...” Party Favor could tell Moon Dancer was not pleased. “I'll make it up to you,” he reassured.

“Do you want me to just lead you there?” she asked.

“P-please? I promise I will make it up to you.”

Moon Dancer sighed, “Fine. But help me find my glasses first.”

The stallion laughed loudly, “You lost your glasses?! How did you-” Party Favor was met with an angry glare. “Sorry... I'm in no position to talk...”

You think?