• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 1,113 Views, 64 Comments

Fundamentals - FerociousCreation

Throughout her life, Moon Dancer has been the pony to be by herself. Despite having resolved her friendship issue with Twilight Sparkle, the mare still acts the way she once did. That is... until Party Favor came into her life.

  • ...

Over the Ledge


Ch. 2

There was laughter among Moon Dancer and her friends as they walked toward the Castle. “So every time you dropped your glasses,” Cadence asked, “Party Favor was right there at the door?”

“Hehe, yeah.”

“To be honest,” Party Favor said, “I was just unsure of myself on where I was going so I just wanted to be sure I was going the right way.”

Lemon Drops let out a giggle. “Maybe he likes you Moon Dancer.”

Moon Dancer's cheeks turned beat-red upon hearing the statement. Lyra, noticing her friend was flustered, asked, “Why are you so flustered? Do you do like him?”

“Oh girls, leave her alone,” Minuette argued, defending her friend.

“Well I like Moon Dancer,” Party Favor responded with a smile. “She is quite the good pony. You all should know that.”

“T-thanks,” Moon Dancer said. Her smile made a squiggly U shape and her blush slowly faded away. “I like you too.” Looking at Lyra and Lemon Drops, they winked at her.

“Well, here we are,” Cadence announced as she and the others approached the ballroom. There were a good amount of ponies who were present at the building. Most of them were crystal ponies; ponies that shined like valuable gems. There colors arraigned from yellow, blue, light-purple, silver, and so on.

As they came to the entrance, a white unicorn stood in front of the ballroom. When his gaze came upon them, he made haste and came to them. “Hey Twily!” he spoke as he approached, then looked at Cadence. “Hello my birthday mare,” he said in a deeper tone as he wriggled his eyebrows.

The pink alicorn giggled and replied, “Hey Shining Armor.” Moving forward to him, they gave a quick kiss and then looked back at Moon Dancer and her friends. Twilight rolled her eyes and moved forward from the group.

“Save your kissing for another time you too,” Twilight said as she grinned at the two lovers.

“Sorry Twily. I just want to be with my wife on her special day.”

While Twilight rolled her eyes, her friends let out an “aww,” including Party Favor. The mares looked at the curly haired stallion upon hearing him say “aww” as well as the others.

“What?” he said as his brows creased slightly. “It was cute. Can't a guy find things cute?” Everypony gave a chuckle as Party Favor looked at them confused and slightly embarrassed.

“So who is the friend you brought along?” Shining Armor asked Twilight and Cadence.

Feeling a shove from her marefriends, Moon Dancer was pushed forward. Out in front of the two princesses and prince, the mare went forward to them. “Hello,” she said.

“Why hello,” Shining Armor replied with a smile.

“Today is also her birthday,” Twilight said to her brother.

His eyebrows raised. “Is that so?” Taking a few steps forward to her, Shining Armor took Moon Dancer's hoof and gave it a kiss. Looking up at her, he spoke, “Nothing wrong with having to two birthday mares today. Consider my kiss a gift.”

“O-oh! Th-thank you.” Moon Dancer's face began to blush as she looked at the hansom stallion. Worried that his wife was jealous, the unicorn looked up at Cadence, but thankfully the alicorn didn't give her any distasteful looks and just smiled at her.

The sound of her friends giggling from behind made Moon Dancer look back. Trying to keep them from laughing, she gave them a leer; but her efforts gave her no apples. “So,” Cadence spoke aloud, bringing everypony's attention to her. “Shall we head inside?” All of them agreed with a “yes” and began to make their way into the ballroom.

Moon Dancer followed behind Shining Armor as he followed his wife and sister. Looking around, there were tables set along side the walls of the ballroom. Various foods and beverages occupied them, arraigning from cubes of cheese, to a wild assortment of fruits, to kegs of cider. A good amount of ponies occupying the room as some mingled and others danced to the sound of classical music.

Pulling away from her sister-in-law, Twilight Sparkle went over to Moon Dancer and said, “I'm glad you came.”

“Me too,” Moon Dancer replied. “Sorry I was being a stubborn mule earlier...”

“It's fine. We all have our ups and downs in life. Trust me, you are not the only one who breaks down. I should know.”

“Hehe, yeah.” Looking back, Moon Dancer expected to see her friends, yet did not. “W-where did they run off to?”

“Who?” Also looking back, Twilight replied, “You are right! Where did they go?!” The alicorn wrapped an arm around her friend's neck. “We better go look for them and hope they didn't leave without us!”

“Uhh, yeah...”

Twilight Sparkle's attitude was quite odd, her words were very over exaggerated as she spoke aloud. Other ponies looked at her with confusion as she said her loud words. “Let's go look in the garden!” Twilight suggested.

“Alright...” Tugging on her friend's neck, the alicorn and unicorn made for the large door that rested on the left side of the building, just west from the ballroom entrance.

Walking up to it, Twilight gestured Moon Dancer to open the door. Pushing the large door open, Moon Dancer looked at her friend and said, “You have been acting very strange all of a sudden... What are you-"


The sudden burst of voices would have startled Moon Dancer and caused her to scream. But instead, she was speechless. There were many ponies in front of her. There were her friends who followed her to the ballroom, but there were others as well. Among the group, she saw her parents and sister, the librarian, her old elementary teacher, and even old classmates. There where others she didn't know, but most of the ponies who stood before her she knew. Looking behind the group, she saw a banner that read: Happy Birthday Moon Dancer. The birthday mare's eyes began to glow, her ears retreated backwards, and the unicorn's mouth began to writhe into a squiggly smile.

“Y-you all... remembered...?!” Moon Dancer choked.

“Of course we did,” her mother spoke. “We just thought we should remind everypony how special you are to all of us. So, your father and I planned this way ahead of time. We almost didn't get the garden reserved because of Princess Cadence's event. But thanks to her, she was willing to let us use the garden just for you.”

Slowly, Moon Dancer went over to her family. Others parted way for her as she made her way through the crowd of ponies. Arriving to them, the unicorn said, “Thank you.” Looking at everypony, she said again, “Thank you. This means a lot.”

Wiping a tear from her daughter's face, Moon Dancer's mother spoke, “Now, why don't we get this party started? I may be old, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to shake this flank.”

“Oh mother...” Moon Dancer responded with a roll of her eyes. “Alright everypony, I know I have kept you waiting. Let's get this party started!” An uproar of cheering burst from her friends and family as they began the festivities.


A beautiful mix of orange, red, and yellow rested in the sky as the sun began to set in the west. Moon Dancer was talking to her teacher, telling her the silly events that had happened that morning. Upon her head, the mare had a small, yet very lovely golden crown upon her head. It was a gift from Cadence and Shining Armor. There was a large ruby at the center of it and had two smaller emeralds on each side of the bigger gem.

Finishing her story, Moon Dancer finished with, “...and I still don't know what made the balloon heavy!”

“Ohoho,” her teacher laughed. “Sounds to me you have a pickle!”

“No kidding.”

“Well, I hate to leave you, but I must get going,” the teacher said. “Got to get up early and teach a new generation.”

“Alright.” Hugging her past instructor, Moon Dancer gave her farewells before walking through the garden. Against a large tree in the garden, she saw her many gifts that were given to her, arraigning from books, to knickknacks, to even a chemistry set that that came with many beakers and test tubes.

Other ponies waved to her as she passed by. Moon Dancer continued to enjoy herself as she continued her way through the garden. What a great day today has been. Moon Dancer couldn't help but feel so happy. It was the best and biggest birthday she had ever had; perhaps the best day in her life. As she walked toward the balcony that overlooked the land, she saw Party Favor, staring off into the distance, noticing how he wasn't smiling.

Making her way over to him, she approached him from behind. “Hey Party Favor.”

His ears twitched when he heard the mare's voice. Looking back, he replied, “Oh, hello.” Party Favor smiled as his friend walked up beside him. “Enjoying yourself?”

“Oh very much so.”

“That's good to hear.”

Both ponies smiled as they turned and looked across the land. From where they stood, they could see a small ville in the distance that sat in the valley. Trying to bring up a conversation, Moon Dancer asked, “So, what are you doing over here all by yourself? I remember you were making balloon replicas of everypony you saw, but now you are all alone here.”

“Oh...” Party Favor was quiet for a moment. “I'm just thinking...”

“About what?”

“Umm... well... I couldn't get you a gift and... I feel bad that I didn't get you something.”

Moon Dancer let out a chuckle and replied, “Is that it?” Placing a hoof on his shoulder, the mare gave him a bright smile. “Party Favor, you have helped made this day the most amazing experience I have ever had. The festivities, the cake, the friends. Everything! I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me and I am glad to be your friend, Party Favor.”

“Aw, thanks. That means a lot.” In return to Moon Dancer's compliment, the stallion smiled at her. Soon, twilight came across the land. The purple night atmosphere created a beautiful spectacle of white stars that twinkled in the sky. “It's beautiful out tonight,” Party Favor said aloud with a smile.

“Yeah.” In a quick flash, Moon Dancer saw a shooting star burn in the atmosphere. “Did you see that?”

“See what?” The stallion looked all around to try and see what his friend saw.

“I saw a shooting star.”

“Really?” He looked at his friend. “Why don't you make a wish?”

“Okay.” Closing her eyes, Moon Dancer thought long and hard about what to wish for. “Alright, I think I know what to wish for.”

“And what might that be?”

Opening her eyes, Moon Dancer said with a smile, “I wish for a good friend who will last forever.”

Giving her a nudge, the stallion asked, “I wonder who that may be.”

“Who knows?”

Looking at the ground, Party Favor saw a dandelion growing from in between the cracks. Picking it from the center of the stem, he brought it close to his lips. “You what to know what I wished for?”

“What?” Moon Dancer asked.

Blowing the dandelion, he replied, “A gift to give to my friend.”

The light-weight leaves drifted through the air, dancing around Moon Dancer.

“I thought I told you I don't need a gift from you,” she giggled.

“I still want to get you something.”

“No you d-” Suddenly, Moon Dancer felt a tickle in her nose. One of the partials from the dandelion entered her nostril and began to sneeze. “Ah... AHHHH...! chew...” Tilting her head forward, the mare's glasses slid off her face and fell over the balcony. “Oh no!” she cried.

“I'll get them!” Party Favor exclaimed.

Though her blurry vision, Moon Dancer saw her friend jump off the ledge of the balcony.

Moon Dancer couldn't help but scream. “AAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”


Moon Dancer and Twilight Sparkle accompanied each other as the princess kept her friend company on a wooden bench by a small tree that bared ripe figs. Moon Dancer sniffed harshly, trying to keep any mucus from running out of her nose.

A quick dash of rainbow flashed through the night sky and went toward the two mares. “Any sign of him Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked.

“No... No luck...” the pegasus replied as she scratched the back of her head. “None of the guards have seen him either.”

It has been twenty minutes since Party Favor made his plunder over the ledge, down toward the land below the castle. Since Twilight Sparkle was the only one who was able to accompany Moon Dancer, everypoony went into the ballroom to give her time by herself.

“It's my fault...” Moon Dancer huffed as she tried to see Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle through her blurry vision. “I deserve to not be able to see right again...”

“Don't beat yourself up Moon Dancer,” Twilight spoke with a close hug. “It's not your fault.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said with a light smile. “If we can't find him- I am sure he is alright.”

Her statement, however, did not make the depressed unicorn change her mood. “How do you know that? What if he fell into the river?”

Bringing her hoof to her lower lip, Rainbow Dash thought, I have not thought of checking the river. I just hope he isn't there. “I-I'll keep looking.”

“Whatever...” Moon Dancer replied weakly.

She leaned her head on Twilight's shoulder and closed her eyes. “I just want this to be a bad dream. This is just a bad dream that I want to wake up from.” However, the warmth of her friend's shoulder told her that she was awake in reality. Making her herself comfortable, Twilight reached her arms around Moon Dancer and kept her close. “I want this nightmare to be over,” Moon Dancer spoke.

“I know you do,” Twilight responded as she closed her eyes as well. A few moments of silence fell in the garden.

“What's wrong?” said a voice. “What's wrong with Moon Dancer.

“Forgive me,” Twilight answered, “but my friend and I are trying to calm down a bit. Please leave us be please.”

“But I have Moon Dancer's glasses.” Both mares' eyes shot open in shock. Twilight was the first to see Party Favor in front of her. He reached forward and hooved the spectacles over to the princess. She then gave them to Moon Dancer. When her vision came to, the unicorn got up and slowly went up to him.

She looked closely at his face. Then touched it. Party Favor's cheeks lit up as Moon Dancer ran her hooves down his cheek to his neck. The gentle touch tickled the stallion. Stopping at his shoulders, Moon Dancer held a firm grip.

“Are you okay, Moon Dancer?” he asked.

“Okay...?” Moon Dancer responded coldly. Party Favor felt a sharp pain. His shoulders were being clenched by Moon Dancer's grasp. Suddenly, she began to shake him violently, screaming, “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS?! WHERE WERE YOU?! WHY DID YOU JUMP OF THE BALCANY?! WE ALL THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!”

Party Favor's eyes spun as soon as the mare finished her venting. The world was very dizzy for the stallion for a few moments before he saw his friend leering at him with tears running down her face. “You... thought I died?”

“Yes!” she choked.

A voice came from behind Party Favor. “I heard yelling.” It was Shining Armor and Princess Cadence accompanied his left. “Is everything alright?” Turning around, Party Favor saw the couple, but was still unable to move from Moon Dancer's grasp.

“I don't know if everything will be right if I KILL THIS JERK WHO I THOUGHT WAS DEAD!” Once more, Moon Dancer violently shook her friend.

“Moon Dancer,” Twilight spoke, concerning Party Favor and his predicament. She placed her hoof on Moon Dancer's shoulder. “Why are you doing this to him?”

“Why?” Again, the unicorn shook the stallion. “BECAUSE I THOUGHT I KILLED HIM! I WAS WORRIED THAT I LOST A GREAT FRIEND!” With no more strength in her, Moon Dancer began to sob and held Party Favor close, her face buried in Party Favor's chest. Her tears felt warm as they went from her cheeks and pattered onto the leaves that were below her.

Despite the fact that Party Favor's vision was still impaired, he could feel his friend against him. Party Favor wrapped an arm around her neck and lightly tugged. Moon Dancer took a few steps forward and hugged Party Favor. “I'm sorry I am so emotional,” Moon Dancer sobbed. “I just... never had a friend like you. I don't want to lose you. I have just met you and yet, you've helped me so much.”

With his vision now back to normal, Party Favor looked down as his friend. “I'm glad to hear that,” he said. “I am glad that I mean something so much to you.” He glanced back and saw Princess Cadence and Shining Armor smiling at him as the held hooves. Turning back, he also saw Twilight Sparkle casting a smile at him as well.

“I... am so sorry I worried you. But don't worry. I won't ever put myself in harms way.” Moon Dancer lifted up her head and looked Party Favor in the eyes.

“Then why did you jump off the balcony like that?” the mare asked.

Party Favor smiled, “Because I have my balloons to keep me safe.”

Suddenly, Moon Dancer felt stupid. She remembered when she launched Party Favor from the teeter-totter and he had a balloon parachute to carry him down safely.

“Well, at least you are okay.” The mare removed herself from her friend and took off her glasses to wipe her eyes. When she did, something cold touched her neck. What was that? When she placed her spectacles onto her face, she felt it again; this time, the sensation lingered. Moon Dancer went to rub her neck to make the coldness go away, she felt as if she touched something metal. Getting a grip of what was touching her, she brought it into her view.

“What is this?” The object was a thin metal chain. From Moon Dancer's perspective, it went from her hoof to her left peripheral. Using her hoof, the mare traced it. The chain didn't go too far as it reached the earpiece of her glasses.

Party Favor spoke, “It is a chain to help keep your glasses from running away from you.”

“You mean, the chain is like a necklace?” Moon Dancer asked.

“Yup!” he nodded. “You see, as I was falling to catch your glasses, I asked myself, 'What if Moon Dancer had something to keep her glasses from falling off her face?' As soon as I caught them, I noticed there were two holes on your earpieces. Then an idea hit me. So I quickly went to a craftspony's shop and asked them if they could add a thin chain into the holes of your glasses. Lucky for me, they were about to close up shop because of how late it was getting, but I convinced them to add the chain, saying it was your birthday and all. Heh, that's why it took me a while to get back. I would have floated back up and gave back your glasses, but... I wanted to suprize you. So... happy birthday.”

Moon Dancer looked at Party Favor as he gave her his same old happy smile. Taking off her glasses, she took the chain and ran her head through it. She carefully guided the chain down the back of her head. The cold metal touched the back of the mare's neck and made her shiver a bit. Like a necklace, her spectacles hung in front of her chest. Moon Dancer gave a light tug on them and felt the chain yank the back of her neck.

“I hope you like what I did to your glasses Moon Dancer,” Party Favor said as he watched the mare admire her gift.

Moon Dancer mare placed her glasses on her face. “I love it Party Favor,” she replied with a happy smile. Again, she hugged her friend. “Thank you so much. This gift is more precious than any book I own.” Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Twilight Sparkle let out an “aww” as they heard Moon Dancer's sweet statement.

“Oh, that reminds me!” Party Favor's sudden exclamation startled Moon Dancer. He then shoved a wrapped present toward his friend. “I also got you a book. Your friends told me you like books, so I got this along the way.”

“You didn't have to get me two gifts,” she replied , pushing the nicely wrapped rectangle back to the giver.

“Well too bad. I feel like being generous today, so be happy,” Party Favor grinned as his brows slightly creased.

“Fine!” Moon Dancer responded sarcastically. “I will enjoy my gift.” Taking it, Moon Dancer tore the wrapping paper off of her soon-to-be book.

“The book store owner told me all the mares have been reading this book. So I got it for you.”

The mare tried to keep a happy facade as she read the title of the book: Fifty Shades of Hay.

“Wow! Thanks Party Favor!” Despite her overexaduration, Party Favor didn't seem to notice her strange attitude. Twilight, Cadence, and Shining Armor did notice Moon Dancer's sarcasm based on her tone.

“I'm glad you like it.”

“You bet. I'm just gonna hold on to this book here and... marvel at the cover. You can go tell everypony that you are okay now.”

Party Favor nodded. “Alright.” He happily trotted toward the ballroom and opened the large door. When the door closed with a loud clunk, Moon Dancer looked back.

“Time to dispose of this horrid novel,” she spoke deeply. Quickly she went over to the balcony that overlooked the Kingdom of Equestria. The mare placed the book on the ledge and prepared to push it off into the land below.

“What are you doing?” Princess Cadence asked.

“Like I said,” Moon Dancer looked back, “'to dispose of this horrid novel.'”

Cadence looked at her sister-in-law. “What is so bad about this book?”

Twilight hesitated to answer. “There's... well... the... male character takes advantage of the mare he is with.”

“As in...?”

Lifting her head, Twilight stretched her neck so she can whisper into Cadence's ear. Twilight whispered softly so her brother didn't hear.

“Oh!” Cadence blushed.

“What is it my dear?” her husband asked.

“N-nothing to worry about my love...” The pink alicorn gave an awkward smile toward her lover.

While the the three figures of royalty were bunched together, Moon Dancer was ready to dispose of the horrid novel.

Then, a shadow loomed over the unicorn. “Hello Moon Dancer!” Above her was Party Favor. He had a good amount of balloons strapped to his waist while looking down at his friend.

“AGH!” In a frightened moment, the mare swatted the book from the ledge, causing it to fall below.

“Oh boy, not again...”

POP! Looking to see who was above her, Moon Dancer saw Party Favor popping the balloons that held him in the air.

“What are you doing Party Favor?” Moon Dancer asked, still startled from his sudden appearance. “And when did you get here?”

“Well, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go on a balloon ride, but you seem to have knocked my gift off the ledge, so I am going to retrieve it.”


With each balloon that popped, they caused Party Favor to descend faster and faster, descending toward the area where the book fell from.

Before he was out of reach, Moon Dancer got a hold of a balloon and kept her friend from falling any further.

“Is something wrong, Moon Dancer?” he asked as he looked upward.

“Ugh... you don't have to get the book. It's just a book.”

Party Favor insisted, “But I want to get it. Don't you want me to get it for you?”

“Well... the thing is..."

He noticed his friend's change in attitude. “Do you not like the book?”

Moon Dancer's friend hit the nail on the head. “I... kind of don't... That book has... a lot of things I disagree with.”

“Really?” Disappointed, Party Favor looked down as he remained stagnant in the air.

From her perspective, Moon Dancer saw Party Favor's disapproving face. “Party Favor, I didn't mean to offend you or hate your gift,” she said. “I love what you've done for my glasses and-"

“Do I annoy you...?” When he looked up, Moon Dancer noticed he was upset.

His question caused Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadence to poke their heads over the ledge to look at him.

“W-why would you say something like that?” Moon Dancer answered. “You don't annoy me at all.” The reply didn't convince Party Favor to change his attitude. He just glanced downward. Looking at the balloon she was still holding and then back, Moon Dancer asked Twilight, “Can you help him up here?”

“Of course,” she nodded.

Twilight lifted off the ground and flew over the ledge. Party Favor was just hanging in the air as the princess flew down to him. “Hey Party Favor,” Twilight greeted.

“Hey...” he replied without glancing at the princess.

“Here, let me help you.”

Twilight grasped the strings that held the balloons from floating away and gently pulled on them, slowly lifting the stallion back up and onto the ledge.

Cadence and Shining Armor took several steps back to give Party Favor some space. Very lightly, he touched down and Twilight landed right next to him. Party Favor gave a pull on a knot of strings that were holding the balloons from flying away. Slowly, the thin wire unraveled from around his waist and the balloons drifted upward, into the dark sky.

Moon Dancer, Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadence all looked at Party Favor as he still wore his sad face.

“What's wrong Party Favor?” Moon Dancer asked, concerned for her friend.

“I'm sorry if I am being annoying...” he answered.

“W-what? Of course you're not. You are the nicest stallion I have ever befriended.”

None of her words convinced Party Favor. “Are you just saying that...?” His eyes were full of doubt and Moon Dancer saw it.

“Of course.” Moon Dancer's brows furrowed. “Do you not trust me?”

“I... want to trust you- Wait! I don't mean it like that! I-I just...” Party Favor looked at Twilight help. After all, she and her friends helped him and his village. He hoped she would help him one more time. “Twilight?”


“Can you tell them my story about my village? Please...?” The Princess of Friendship knew what he had gone through. She saw what happened to him when he was locked in the room with herself and friends. She remembered how the siren in that dreadful room spat out repetitive phrases that bantered the spirit. And she remembered how those phrases broke him.

Cadence and Shining Armor looked at each other in confusion, while Moon Dancer looked at Twilight and Party Favor with concern.

“Of course I can,” Twilight reassured.

“Thanks,” the light-blue stallion spoke quickly.

“What happened to him?” Moon Dancer asked as she approached Party Favor. She remembered what Party Favor told her: Remember how you asked me if I know what it is like to feel useless or without purpose? A pony had locked me in a room telling me that I am useless over and over for hours...

Could this be the 'long story' Party Favor didn't want to talk about?

Twilight Sparkle cleared her throat so that all attention was on her. “It's a bit of a long story,” she said toward Moon Dancer. Looking at her brother and sister-in-law, she told them, “I know I have told you two about it.”

“The story about the far east village and the villainous unicorn, Starlight Glimmer, yes?” Cadence answered. Twilight gave a reassuring nod. “Oh...” Cadence looked at Party Favor. Her heart felt heavy. “I would have never thought you, such a happy pony, went through something that horrible.”

“It's more than that, princess...” Party Favor replied, his head cocked even more toward the ground.

Feeling the need to help her friend, Moon Dancer moved close to her friend and reached her arm around his neck. The only sign of movement from Party Favor was him reaching for her hoof. With a tight grip, he held on.

“You ready to hear his story?” Twilight asked Moon Dancer.

“Yes. I need to know what is caused my friend so much hurt.” Moon Dancer's heart began to flare. “This Starlight Glimmer seems to be quite the retched pony.”

“Well, before you anger yourself, let me explain what happened.”

Taking in a deep breath and exhaling, the cream colored mare nodded.

Twilight Sparkle explained the story of how she and her friends found his village. She explained how simple it was, how everypony wore the same cutie mark, and the false smiles that the villagers had to broadcast from their faces. Then Twilight began to talk about their leader, Starlight Glimmer, and how she kept cutie marks locked in a vault so that others won't feel more special than others and how she stole Twilight's cutie mark; her friends were to follow the same fate. When Twilight began to talk about the room she and her friends were locked into, Party Favor began to shiver. But the comfort from Moon Dancer kept him from shaking for too long.

Concluding the story, the princess ended it by explaining how Starlight Glimmer was exposed as she was lying to the others as she hid her cutie mark by painting her flank with the same one as the other villagers and that she fled the village and vanished into a cave, never to be seen again.

“That was... quite the story.” Moon Dancer was now standing next to Party Favor, no longer having her arm around his neck.

“There is more to the story...” he answered.

Twilight looked at him and tilted her head to the side. “There is?”

“Think of this part of the story as the aftermath of what you just told Moon Dancer. This is the reason why I... well...” Party Favor looked at his friend Moon Dancer and then back at at everypony else. He took in a deep breath and exhaled, ready to tell his part of the story. “Ever since Starlight Glimmer fled the village, a good amount of the villagers, including myself, had a hard time... trusting.”

“Is that why you said, 'I want to trust you' to me?” Moon Dancer asked earnestly.

“Yes. A-and I do! It's just...” The stallion looked at his friend. She saw pain in his eyes. “We were lied to. Everything she told us was a lie. She told us that cutie marks brought pain; that being special can cause somepony to feel lesser than you. Some of the villagers are still having a hard time trusting, while some have grown past that.”

“And now here I am. I know I have good friends and I know how much you care about me Moon Dancer. But... there is that shadow of doubt that this is too good to be true. That your kind words are only kind words. I don't want to doubt. I want to believe that I am special. I want to be special. And I... want to trust. I just want to know... what is true and what is false sometimes...” Party Favor was quite for a moment. “When you said you liked your gift and then you turned around and said you don't want it because of the contents within it, and... well, you lied about your gift.”

Party Favor slowly began to away from everypony. “Sorry... I'm a bit sensitive when somepony lies to me now a days...” he said aloud. “Even the smallest white lie causes me to doubt. All I need truth. That's all.”

Stopping him, Moon Dancer intercepted his path. The two ponies looked at each other; the stallion wore his sad frown and the mare held a smile.

“There is one thing that is not a lie,” she said.

“And what is that?”

Placing a hoof on Party Favor's shoulder, the mare answered, “All the tears that I cried today and all the emotions I shared with you so far... Do you believe that?”

Party Favor smiled, “Yes.”

“And why is that?”

“Because you poured out your heart to not only me, but your friends. You may hide why you are upset, but you at least show you are. You don't hide your emotions. You let others know how you are feeling just by your expression.”

Moon Dancer let out a chuckle. “I was expecting you to say, 'I believe you because I just do,' but that works too.” She didn't think Party Favor would go into depth of why he believes in today's shared emotions.

“You are a good pony, Moon Dancer.” Party Favor's nose went skyward and he looked to the stars. He smiled. A shroud of relief came over the stallion. “I'm glad I can trust you as a close friend.”

Warmth came over Party Favor. Looking down to earth, he saw Moon Dancer hugging him closely. “I trust you too,” she spoke softly.

While the two unicorns held each other, a pegasus landed behind Twilight Sparkle. "I heard that Party Favor is alright," said Rainbow Dash.

"I think he is doing better than before," Twilight answered.


Looking at Party Favor, Moon Dancer asked, "So, if I can remember, you said you wanted to let me go on a balloon right."

"Yes I did. You sure you want to? It might be scary because we will be going high up."

Giving it more thought, Moon Dancer replied, "Well, it wouldn't hurt to have somepony safeguard us in case something went wrong."

Both she and Moon Dancer looked at Rainbow Dash.