• Published 30th May 2012
  • 7,381 Views, 586 Comments

Dancing Flames, Cooling Ember - Tamara Bloodhoof

Human in Equestria becomes a dragon. Takes place in the universe of Griffin the Griffin & Co.

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Chapter Fifteen, Buck Me Once, Shame On You, Buck Me Twice, Shame On Me.

Chapter 15,
Buck Me Once, Shame On You. Buck Me Twice, Shame On Me.

A bucket of water splashed into my face, soaking me completely. My eyes cracked open, then bulged as some of the water trickled into my mouth, slipping down the wrong path towards my lungs. Rolling off of my side, I put my hands against the ground and pushed up, lifting my chest shakily off of the ground. I retched once, twice, then puked, my stomach heaving, its contents pouring out of my mouth all over the ground, the liquid painting the ground a noxious green, flecks of red throughout. Light was shining onto the stones beneath me, so at least four to six hours had passed since I fell.

The sound of hooves clopping against the ground resounded in the air, my hearing to bucked up to focus on its origin. “What the hay was that for!?” someone said, speaking in a southern accent.
‘Wait, WHAT?! We actually woke up? How the hell? We fell from over fourty feet up! Oh yeah, almost forgot, nice job waking up and immediately being sick over a random creature.’

I tried to stand, but my body was betraying me, my limbs working about as effectively as if they had been crafted from gelatin, all of them feeling rather stiff for some reason. I tried to raise my head, but pain shot through my neck as if someone had shoved a needle into it, causing me to whimper slightly. Conceding defeat, I instead settled rasping out, “Who….are…you…” to the stranger.

“Could ask ya that myself.” she….yes….definitely she….replied. “Ya’ll a relative of Spike’s? Got a clue why all these darn ponies are sleeping off the day? I swear, it’s like a ghost town here.”

I recognized her voice, but couldn’t quite place it, like a friend I hadn’t seen for a long time, the answer niggled at the back of my head, buzzing around just out of reach. One thing I could register was what she just said.

‘Sleeping ponies?’

I could hear Gemina whistling softly in my head. ‘So now we know why you fell unconscious, you cast a spell so strong it knocked out a town worth of ponies for easily over four hours. For once I’m actually surprised at how strong you are.’

‘I don’t know how I did it though, but thanks anyways. Now here’s the big question, why isn’t she asleep?’

‘No bloody clue, wanna ask her?’

‘Not particularly my first question, but at some point.’

‘Okay then, so what are we going to tell her?’

‘So should I tell the truth or make up a lie?’ I queried.

‘Truth in this case. You’re shot, and if it decides lying is the bad alternative, then we’re bucked.’

After a second of panting and gasping for air, I croaked out, “I think….it was …..me.”

I immediately felt the sensation of two metallic horseshoes smashing into my skull, sending me tumbling away, rolling right into Twilights tree-brary, my body landing in the comical position of legs and tail over my head, my torso lying on the ground. I couldn’t see crap as vision had suddenly gone on the fritz, but before it could begin to settle out I felt a hoof crush the side of my face into the ground, and swirling mass of orange covered my vision.

“Who in tarnation are you?” the voice said, menace dripping from every syllable. “Answer me now.”

“Ember.” I wheezed. “Who in…Fronds name….are you?”

“Are you here to cause trouble?”

“No…who are you?..” I groaned, the hoof still slowly increasing its pressure upon my cranium.

“What did you do to all of these ponies?”

‘You deaf girl? We’ve asked who you are way one too many times!’

“I think…put them to…sleep….who are you?”

The voice ignored me, pressing my head into the ground harder. “Why did you put them to sleep?” she growled.

‘One word needed pony, answer it damnit!’

“To stop one of my friends….from being kidnapped by…..Diamond Dogs…and who...the buck…are you!” I growled back, gnashing my teeth in fury.

The pressure on my skull disappeared, and I heard the sound of hooves trotting on stone, the mass of orange leaving my field of vision. “How does a dragon get caught by those idiots?” she asked me quizzically.

“He wasn’t a dragon,” I muttered, my breath returning to me as I rolled onto all fours, “and you still haven’t mentioned who you are yet.”

“Name of a Applejack, and how do I know you’re telling the truth?” said the voice.

Everything suddenly clicked into place. Why someone was still awake when everyone else had fallen asleep, why she had been able to buck me with so much strength, the orange fur in my face. I struggled to my feet, ignoring the pain that pricked at me from all over, and looked forward at the pony.

Applejack was standing in a me sized crater, a small puddle of bile and blood pooling in the bottom of it. Her expression clearly depicted mistrust and fear, but she seemed to at least be listening to me right now.

I coughed slightly, then wheezed out, “I…can’t prove…much…”

Her eyes narrowed, looking into mine with a stare that could burn metal, and I knew I was being tested, forced to either meet her stare or look away. After a second she stopped squinting at me and shook her head. “Can’t sense a ounce of ya that’s trying ta fool me, but how the buck does sumpin like that happen?”

“Let me explain.”

My head started whipping around, Applejack just freezing stiff as a pole. I knew that voice…..

Grim came out from behind one of the buildings in a steady walk, his forepaws holding onto the scruff of two dogs, both of whom had no armor or weapons and bloody crowns. As he came toward us the dogs made soft thumping noises, their hindpaws smacking into every cobblestone. Applejack had slowly turned around to look at Grim, and at the sight of the two bloodied mutts in his paws, she started to back slowly towards the tree, her eyes tracking his every movement.

I looked at the two of them, Applejack with her nose flaring, Grim with his predatory stance, and sighed in resignation. “Would both of you mind just stopping now, I’d rather not start a fight in the middle of Ponyville. Please could we just agree to not fight?”

“Why should I resist beating the pony that hurt a friend?” Grim growled, his voice dripping with rage.

“Why shouldn’t I buck some danged fool who knocked all my friends out?” Applejack shot back with equal venom.

“Why don’t all fight each other when only one of us knows everybody’s stories.” I whispered sarcastically. “Cause isn’t that the best idea ever!?”

‘They do both raise a good point you know…’

‘Not helping.’

‘Not trying to Keiko.’

Grim looked at me with disgust. “You’re in a right state! How did you let a pony do that to you!”

‘……..say what?’

‘Didn’t we just have a case of nausea and pain from our landing?’I thought, looking down at my body. ‘Dear lord…….’

My body had been destroyed, my right shoulder looking as if I had caved it in, half of the scales hopelessly shattered. Blood still oozed out of the wound, slowly trickling down my arm, dripping from my index claw to the ground below. I had sustained more than just a mangled shoulder though, my legs had gaps where scales had been ripped out and my tail had a giant gash in the middle.

‘We’ve taken harder hits than that before, how did we get hurt so badly when our body is practically armored?’

‘I…..it........our magic must have run out….’


‘Just a hypothesis, but I’m guessing that our body is so strong due to magic. It would make sense why I was so tired on the run last night. I had run that far before, and was once forced to do it in worse conditions, but if my body’s directly connected to magic, then that puts me under a whole new set of constraints.’

“What the buck you accusing me of? She was this beat up when I found her.” Applejack shouted, her front hooves pawing at the ground.

“Likely story.” growled Grim, dropping the dogs, his hand reaching for his sword.

“Wait.” I shouted wildly, quickly stepping between them. “Stop this!”

“Ember, get out of the way.” Grim growled at me.

“No.” I responded, turning and glaring at him eye to eye. “Why are you so set on hurting her?”

“She hurt you first!”

“I’m fine!”

“She might do it again!”

“She’s. A. Pony. What are you so afraid of?” I growled. I lifted my right claw, expecting for Grim to do the generic cliché of pushing me out of the way to kill her so I readied for the impact, but it never came. Grim instead removed his paw from his sword hilt and looked me in the eye, his voice speaking in a clear, even tone.

“Ember, I haven’t had a true friend in years. I don’t care if I get hurt, I’m used to it, but you shouldn’t be wounded, not like this.”

My guard dropped, my claw falling to my side, my stance broken to bits. I had expected anger or rage, not this. He didn’t even seem servile, but rather like a sad little boy, sorry for his friend getting into an accident. Gripping his shoulder with my right claw, I pulled him into a one armed hug.

“I know that, but we’re together in this, right?”

His face had been a picture of shock, but he slowly returned the hug, his big paws surrounding me. “Forever.”

“So are we all cool now?” came a southern accent from behind me. Turning around, I saw Applejack was looking at us impatiently. “I still have jobs to do, and this isn’t exactly where I need to be right now.”

I gave a quick grin, detangling myself from Grim. “I know that, but I need to tell you a few things. First off, all the ponies will wake up soon, not sure exactly when, but soon. Second, take care of Applebloom, you’re doing a good job with her, don’t screw it up.”

“How do yo…”

“I just do, okay? It’s not the weirdest thing you’ve had to experience today, so take it at face value please.”

“Fine then, though I don’t like it, I’ll cope with someone who’s being truthful.” She pouted, bringing a small smile to my face.

‘Thank you honesty.’

‘Never expected to hear you say that.’

‘Hey, just because I’m sarcastic doesn’t mean I don’t value honesty!..oops…’

‘……..No comment…’

“Thank you. Finally, memoria submersion.” I muttered, my right index claw touching her forehead.

Applejack eyes rolled forward as she whispered softly, “Oh buck.” Then fell backwards, her eyelids closing. Grim walked towards her slightly, then poked her forehead. Her head rolled on the ground, her tongue lolling out.

“Did you kill her?” he whispered.

Grunting in pain, I slowly shook my head as I walked back to him. “No,” I responded, throwing my right claw over his shoulder again, “just changed the memories. She won’t remember us when she wakes up, but we won’t have more than a half hour at most.”

Grim raised his eyebrow at my arm, then looked at my pale face. “Need help?”

I groaned exasperatedly, and he just broke into a grin. “I can take you and the dogs out in one go, but you might need to rush a bit if we want to put enough ground between us and this town.”

My eyelids half closed as I settled my weight upon his shoulder, letting him support me. After getting comfy, I muttered tiredly, “I’ll manage.”

As we walked out of the town, I looked over my shoulder once. I had just visited the one place I knew from the show, and had left it as a disaster zone. Three areas, three disasters. Strike three, I’m out.