• Published 26th May 2012
  • 5,840 Views, 189 Comments

Discordian Episodes - CelestialScribe

While the mane six were off defeating Discord, what did the other inhabitants of Equestria get up to?

  • ...

Discord's Challenge I

The confused mess of colours that were sewed into the sky refused to rehabilitate, a sign that disharmony was here to stay. And, while the sun was steadfast in position, it's glorious rays were partially disrupted by the cotton candy clouds and crude, shifting weather. Being carried through the wind was a scent of maturing cheese, not at all helping the slight vertigo felt by Bon-Bon as she looked down.

"So..." Vinyl began, "Fancypants... Blueblood... I can't help but notice we've only picked up couples so far... erm... does that mean..." She rubbed the back of her neck in an attempt to act awkward, but the trace of her knowing shone in her slight smirk.

Octavia face-hoofed, while Blueblood looked near-horrified. Fancypants just chuckled, "Yes, things weren't working out with Fleur. I am fortunate Blueblood was there to 'catch me on the rebound', as they say."

"In your dreams," Blueblood scoffed, discarding the conversation and went about styling his mane.

The two upper-class ponies were the noticeably odd ones out, the only two wearing anything. Both formal, black suits in a climate which demanded only an umbrella, but also oven gloves, because you can never be too sure when the sun turns into a toaster.

"Oh, you have no idea how much I've been looking forward to this. Just me, a few regular ol' ponies and some innocent chaos..." Discord said as the cloud limo descended to a stone bridge floating miles high in the air. The bridge connected to the previously seen giant bowl, holding in the six oversized hamsters and the transparent spheres that should house them.

"Regular ponies?!" Blueblood scoffed. "What in Equestria makes you think I fit in with this rabble?"

"Hey!" Vinyl started, "What makes you think we want to have anything to do with your prissy flank?"

"Perhaps because I have some degree of an education, and therefore, you all need me to survive whatever circumstances we are currently facing. Besides, I haven't exactly seen any talents on your part, what exactly is it you do..." He regarded Vinyl, and her currently shifting pose. "...Some kind of mare of the night?"

With no time for any of the ponies to gauge Vinyl's reaction, she lunged at him. Colliding, they both fell through the limo and onto the bridge. It didn't stop her attacks though, even on the brink of the safety-less bridge she still punched and strangled the insulting stallion, who was bravely defending his face from being the slightest bit scarred.

"You see?" Discord laughed, "So, so easy to get them fighting." He snapped his fingers and the rest of the limo disappeared, landing the others on the three metre wide stone. As they did, they came to the conclusion that they should probably break up the fight, even if they just wanted to see Blueblood pummelled.

Fancypants and Lyra attempted to telekinetically pull Vinyl away from the near-crying pansy, while Octavia struggled to drag Vinyl by the hooves away from him.

The grey mare tried to convince her otherwise, pleading through grunts of effort, "Come on... dear... he's not... worth your time...!" Just as Vinyl was pried from the stallion's neck, Blueblood thought it was a good time to amend Octavia's previous statement.

"I think you mean the other way around, Octavia."

Once more, Vinyl charged at him, breaking free of Octavia's grasp and near toppling him over the edge.

"For the love of Celestia, Blueblood, shut up!" Octavia begged.

Several punches and noogies later, Vinyl released the blond stallion, pleased with her work. His carefully coiffed mane strewn about his face, tuxedo creased and slightly ripped. He dusted himself off and stood up, staying away from his new nemesis, Vinyl.

Waiting at the other side of the bridge was Discord, dressed as a bouncer, guarding a red rope that blocked off entrance to the hamster-filled structure. The six ponies gradually made their way across, walking in pairs over the gravity-defying stone to what they assumed would be doom. Or more stupidity.

"Vinyl, please do not confront Blueblood again. Do you know how much power he has over Canterlot? Any performances of mine could be cancelled with his whim," Octavia said, hushed so to not inform Blueblood who was walking at the back of the line with Fancypants.

"Ponies actually listen to that idiot in Canterlot? I told you there was something wrong with them," She replied.

"Regardless of whether or not he should be in a position of power, he is. I just want to get through whatever the hay this is and go home. Surely, if we play his game, he'll eventually tire and let us go."

"Because that's totally a flawless plan. Not like he's screwed over all of Ponyville or anything."

Bon-Bon suddenly joined in from behind, "Exactly, he's got bigger things to worry about. We just have to wait until he gets bored."

Lyra pointed a hoof through the two in front of her and to Discord. He was happily swimming around in a blender full of pineapples.

"Somehow, I don't think he's the type to get bored. Ever."

Without warning, the ponies were enveloped in a flash of magic, and each of them were transported into the huge hamster balls. They were spread out along the rim of the bowl, about to fall in. Through the transparent spheres they could could see behind them the multicoloured hamsters, holding each individual in place.

"Wow, you ponies are SLOW!" Discord exclaimed, floating above the centre of the arena. "Honestly, how do you get around anywhere without wings?"

The ponies were too far from each other and Discord to respond.

"Whatever, I don't care. This is really quite simple, something to keep both you and me entertained while I skirt around Ponyville and make sure certain mares aren't disrupting my fantastic operation here," He addressed to everypony.

"Let's see..." Discord materialized a scroll before him, spanning a few feet in length. "Rules... rules, rules, rules..." He read through the list with a pair of heart shaped glasses. "Oh, I'm sure you'll figure it out! Who needs rules anyway?"

With no option for communication, the ponies dotting the rim of the wide bowl could only stare helplessly at each other covering the wide distance. Vinyl could faintly make out the scowl Blueblood had on his face, and returned one.

The green hamster holding Lyra's ball in place was eager to start, rocking it back and forth and sniffing frantically at the delighted pony inside.

"Aww, look at how cute you are!" Lyra touched a hoof to the ball next to the hamster's face, and in return it tried chewing and licking at the clear plastic. While the caliber of the hamster should have intimidated her, all she saw was a fuzzy pet that she would now need to convince Bon-Bon to keep. "I'm gonna call you Nibbles!"

Blueblood's yellow-coated hamster, however, was getting a much more stern talking to.

"Noble, while I do realize I am talking to a hamster, I am certain you can understand some form of redemption." Noble the Hamster cocked his head to the side like a dog. "Especially with this strange magic going around, it would not surprise me if you were some kind of super-intelligent rodent that could talk."

The hamster barked in response.

"I... see. Nevertheless, SHE is your target,' Blueblood said as he pointed towards Vinyl and her purple hamster, directly opposite them and across the expanse of the bowl. "I can make a fair assumption that this is some kind of gladiator battle, so, whatever the objective, make sure she does not succeed!" Noble mooed, and it was settled.

"Was Blueblood talking to a hamster?" Vinyl asked herself, and turned to see her own goggle-coloured hamster staring back. "Am I going to start talking to you?" The hamster actually shrugged. "Am I totally going to call you MC Synth?" She smiled, and wished that he had a pair of goggles of his own. "Are we gonna kick Blueblood's flank?" She took the scratching of an ear as a yes.

Discord, pleased with the amount of insanity already reaching the ponies, begun, "Hamsters, charge!"

The circle of mutant hamsters pushed each of the owners in near-synch, starting off the momentous collision course. The ponies who didn't run fast enough inside the balls, Bon-Bon and Octavia, were instantly stumbled, causing them to fall, now victim to the increasing speed.

The increasing momentum of Vinyl and Blueblood in particular made them visible leaders, and as soon as they reached the inclination of the bowl, they crashed. The resilient plastic casing held fine, but the ponies inside both had capsized. Discord let out a cheer and summoned forth a cacophony of applause.

Blueblood and Vinyl got back to their feet, ready to launch at each other once more, before the others arrived.

"Tally ho!" Fancypants exclaimed as he came smashing into Blueblood, knocking him up the side of the bowl and recoiling back into him. As they were swept away into the distance, Octavia came tumbling into Vinyl, they grey pony bouncing around the confines of the transparent sphere.

As soon as they connected, Bon-Bon had struck the both of them from out of nowhere, still not quite sure what was going on from the floor of the ball. Opening her eyes from her position upside-down, she caught a quick glimpse of Lyra with a wide grin, and retained a bemused face as they slammed into each other.

Discord was laughing, now perched atop a cloud pedestal with a bag of popcorn. "This is too good, I'm sure Pinkie would love this... speaking of which..." Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared, off to continue ensuring the chaos would stay.

The ponies came to a sliding halt, the momentum wearing off and them refusing to move. All but Vinyl and Blueblood, who were still running at each other, the thumping plastic giving Octavia a headache.

"Everypony, stop! We don't have to do anything! It's not like he can make us," Octavia said, getting approval from the others around her as the arena stood still. The ceasefire didn't last long though, as Discord appeared once more to put things right.

"Must you be such a buzzkill, Octavia?" He was stood on top of her ball, looking down at her disapprovingly. "Well, if you're so confident that I can't make you, I know what can." He snapped his fingers, and, before disappearing, called, "Come along, hamsters, there are no spoilsports in this dojo!"

Heeding the call, Discord's fluffy minions jumped into the bowl, sliding down on yet another collision course with the ponies. The mix of colours diving in from every direction gave them no chance of escape, and the ponies in the centre of the arena were consumed in a big ball of fuzz.

"That was the cutest thing I've ever seen..." Lyra said from somewhere in the disjointed pile of hamsters.

Recovering from the impact, the hamsters arose and went to their individual owners. Each of them grabbed the orbs containing the ponies and were now in control. They were pushing them around the arena, standing on their hind legs and shuffling their small paws.

Lyra's hamster targeted Bon-Bon, and started a run for the cream mare. Bon-Bon's hamster did the same, forcing her to run in the same direction.

"NIBBLES, NO!" Lyra yelled, but her pet didn't listen, and they soon crashed. The chaos started again, and soon enough, everypony was forced to keep the fight going.

Discord and his terrible organisational skills meant he had re-appeared at the arena, with one last message for the participants of his crazy game.

"Okay! Last detail: bowls are no fun." Snapping his fingers, the arena burst into streams of flashing light, and began a transformation.

The sky lit up with the previous red colours escaping, and being replaced with a flow of green shooting into it. The structure commenced morphing into something too, the steep inclinations folding downwards and becoming completely flat. The hamsters and ponies shielded their eyes from the blinding light, and when they looked, the bowl had become a snooker table.

The soft, green expanse went on like a natural plain of grass beneath them, only being cut off by the table's edges or the pots.

"Very nice," Discord complemented himself, and suddenly grew a few hundred times his normal size. "Now," His voice bellowed, "Being this humongous doesn't come without it's magical price, so let's hurry up and break, shall we?"

His massive mix of scales and fur that was his arm scooped them all across the table. He placed the hamsters on the edges of the table and placed the ponies in a triangle formation. Trapping them in a large, black triangle so they wouldn't move, he fetched a flaming cue stick and polished it with his tongue.

"Spicy." Next, he grabbed an egg in place of a cue ball and lined up his shot after removing the triangle. Before the ponies could run anywhere, Discord struck the egg, somehow intact in the first shot, and it was propelled towards Blueblood, currently the head of the triangle.

He let out a feminine scream and covered his face as it shattered all over the orb, finding it's way through the air holes and permanently staining his black attire. The rest of the egg shot up in the air, raining down on the others as they were all pushed away from the force of the break.

Scattered across the table, the hamsters rejoined them, ready for the final push against each other. With a successful break, Discord vanished once more to keep control of his expanding empire.

Octavia was picking out bits of the shell that had managed to perfectly fit through the cracks from her usually smooth, black mane. She was tired, angry, hadn't eaten yet and was covered in egg shell. Now it was raining explosive lemons. Her grimace refused to vanish, so Vinyl decided to shift it for her.

"Synth, attack!" Obeying, the purple pet propelled Vinyl into Octavia, the ball side-swiping and sending them both into a spin. Even with the multiple three-sixty degree turns, her expression chose not to change. "C'mon, Tavi, lighten up," Vinyl said, voice quavering from the fading spin. "Not like there can be much more in store, might as well enjoy it while we can."

"No," She rebutted bluntly.

"See, you're so boring, he'll throw you out, so no need to wor-"

Before Vinyl could finish, Blueblood's yellow hamster had catapulted him towards Vinyl. They clashed thunderously, the force instantly knocking down Vinyl and sending her directed towards the snooker pocket. While Blueblood watched, smirking at Vinyl's near-end, Bon-Bon came out of nowhere, defending the white mare.

Her ball absorbed the impact, and she took Vinyl's place in the pocket, falling into the dark depths below- out of the game and into the unknown. Bon-Bon's pink hamster scurried away, now watching from the sidelines.

"I can't tell if she's lucky or not," Octavia said, still at a standstill at the middle of the table. Much to her displeasure, her black pet started rolling towards Lyra, and with Octavia along for the ride.

Although the collision was not nearly powerful enough to knock them far from each other, it still managed to stumble and trip the ponies inside. They simply brushed it off, however, and kept talking.

"Hey, Octavia," Lyra began, "So, what's this little guy's name?" She asked, pointing towards the black hamster.

"What do you mean, little?! And why would I go as far as to name them? Please don't tell me you have n-"

"This is Nibbles. I'm going to try and sneak him home when this is over!"

"I have no idea how you plan on accomplishing that feat, he's not exactly concealable."

The hamsters begun using the two opponents as melee weapons, batting them against each other in mid-air on their hind legs. While Lyra could be heard laughing as she floated around inside the ball, Octavia could only grumble as she took repeated blows to the face.

On the other side of the table, Fancypants and Blueblood's hamsters were circling each other.

"En guard, Blueblood."

"Have at you, Fancypants, I've always wondered when this day would come."

"The day in which we were forced to fight alongside mutant hamsters against each other in an arena resembling a snooker table?"

"Perhaps not quite in the same circumstances, either way, prepare to be defeated... as soon as my hamster stops scratching up the flooring..."

"Not the smartest fellow, is he?"

"Noble's talent speaks in volumes compared to yours."

"I didn't realise nobility allowed the hamster categorization. It would explain a lot, Prince."

"Comparing me to a hamster, are we? Very well, have you succumbed to the madness and named yours?"

Fancypants looked back at his blue hamster, who was sat in a dignified pose capable of rivalling some of the Canterlot elite.

"Chives," Fancypants said plainly.


"Chives," He repeated.

"Any particular reason?"

"My chauffeur's name. Nice fellow."




The formal conversation was brought to an end when their pets began attacking, driving them against each other. Each lunge the hamsters made lead to them ricocheting from the sides of the table. If not for some careful steering, Blueblood would have fell into the back-left pocket.

The physical exertion was beginning to take it's toll on everypony, the fights becoming more lethargic and slow. The hamsters seemed uninterested in continuing as the pummelling Lyra and Octavia were taking gradually came to a halt.

On the other hand, Vinyl was still geared up for an attempt on Blueblood's life. Unprovoked, on her own, she ignored the paused Octavia and Lyra, racing instead at the close proximity Blueblood with Fancypants.

Clashing, the precise shot coordinated by Synth had managed to strike both the Canterlot ponies. It had brought Vinyl to a stop, and sent the other two in opposite directions. By a complete fluke, they both dissected perfectly into the large back pockets.

Vinyl sat, partially dumbfound at first, then thrilled. "Aww yeah! A two-fer!"

Vinyl set her sights on the two remaining ponies, clearly mad with adrenaline dictating her actions. Victory was nearby, and, without the push of her hamster, she darted towards the soon to be runners-up.

"WAIT, VINYL!" Lyra cried. Octavia was much too tired to try and reason with the chaotic mare. Vinyl stopped, and soon after, so did the ball's momentum. The hamsters had already evacuated, jumping down the snooker pockets and into oblivion. Or whatever lay down there.

"Now that Blueblood's gone, we don't need to keep fighting!" Lyra tried to reason, "Call it a tie?"

Just as Vinyl looked as though some thought process was about to be complete in her mind, the sky cracked with an omnipotent voice.

"THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!" Discord bellowed, and he materialized into a neon inferno.

Blazing blue lights streaked across the arena as Discord came closer into view. He was on some sort of motorized bike, torrents of blue following him as he swept across the dodging ponies. The trailing blue line stemming from the hypersonic bike encased the ponies in a large rectangle, trapping them.

As the bike successively ceased, it's structure could be seen now that it wasn't a blur of motion. A slick black finish gave way to electroluminescent strips of blue light, circling where the wheels should be. Except they weren't. The two wheel-holes that now rested on the green table somehow propelled the contraption forward, despite not having anything rotational.

Discord stepped off from the futuristic-looking bicycle and reached a claw to his face. The ponies cringed in horror as he pulled off his head, revealing a motorcycle helmet with a large numeral 'one' at the front.

"Turns out it's me!" Snapping his fingers, the chunk of land that was holding the imprisoned ponies fell. Swallowing them, the flooring re-moulded itself, sealing them in the blackness.

Octavia awoke to the pangs of pain felt caused by Vinyl poking her with a stick. Groaning, she held a hoof out to block the sunlight burning her eyes. Sunlight? She flashed open her eyes for a brief second before clenching them shut once more. Sunlight.

"Hey, you're not a zombie, are you?" Vinyl asked, poking her harder.

"No, but thank you for your concern," Octavia replied. Only now could she feel the soft grass on her back, mixed with the scalding sunlight and the gentle breeze of wind that barely cut through it. They were outside, not eaten by a table like she had previously expected.

Another voice sounded, and she recognised it as Fancypants'. "Perhaps we should get moving now that we are all, more-or-less, alive."

"You're right," She heard Bon-Bon say, and her cream hoof was held out to her. Shielding her eyes with one hoof, she took Bon-Bon's with the other and could commence the difficult task of standing.

Everypony she had been involved with previously was there, walking about an immense grassy plain. There was not a thing in sight but grass, clouds and patches of trees. Examining the sky, Octavia saw the white fluffy clouds lead into pink mammoth ones.

Before she could, Lyra asked for her, "So... are we in the 'chaos-free' zone right now? There's a serious lack of flying octopi and stuff like that."

"I suppose so... he just ditched us here? In the middle of nowhere?" Octavia asked, being the last to wake up.

"Yep," Bon-Bon said, being the first one to fall. "I've been sitting here for some time, I knew sooner or later you'd all get here... or I'd be sent somewhere else."

"You were asleep when we found you," Fancypants said, looking in every way for any sense of direction.

"It's been one of those days," Bon-Bon said, and everypony in the group seemed to murmur some form of approval.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm headin' home into that scary pink horizon known as Ponyville," Vinyl said, "It's way too hot out here."

Blueblood harrumphed, "Ponyville, I should have known. Well, for those of us like me who still have an image to keep, I'll be heading to Canterlot."

"Apparently neither of you have seen the distance they both are away from us," Octavia started, lying on the floor again in a giving-up attitude. "I can barely make out the back of the mountain Canterlot is perched on, let alone any sight of a road, and you expect us to walk there in this heat?"

The deserted ponies looked helplessly at each other, stranded and soon to be suffering from heatstroke.

"WHY IS IT SO DAMN HOT?!" Vinyl shouted into the sky, and whirled on Blueblood, eager for another scrap. "Where are those talents now you pompous snob?!"

Instead of a witty response, Blueblood was locked staring off to the side with a blank face. Chasing his point of view, they saw their saviours knocking down the few trees as they got closer.

"Noble," Blueblood muttered to himself quietly.

The collection of hamsters scrambled their way to the owners, the different shades of colours simmering in the hazy heat. The mundane colours of nature were quickly overshadowed by the mix of black, pink, green, blue, blond and purple.

"A... parting gift... from Discord?" Bon-Bon suggested, and the others went to their respective pets.

"Hey, Tav-" Vinyl was quickly cut off by Octavia.

"No, you're not keeping him."

"How... b-but... you'll think differently once he's saved our lives!" She suddenly proclaimed. Jumping onto Synth's back, she yelled, "Onwards, Synth! To Ponyville!" The hamster reared up and began a charge towards the cotton candy clouds above Ponyville.

Before she could question Vinyl's impulsive attitude, she saw Lyra race past after the white mare.

"Hi-ho, Nibbles! Away!" The green fur brushed past Octavia as she stared at the rest of them dubiously.

Even Blueblood was ready for the lengthy trek, giving Noble some kind of flight check, inspecting his paws to make sure he would run smoothly. Fancypants, meanwhile, brought out a spare monocle from underneath his lapel and equipped the dapper hamster's eye with it. It stuck perfectly, like it was the hamster's calling in life.

"Splendid, come along, Chives."

Fancypants and Blueblood paced their hamsters, starting at gentle jogging strides. It was far too hot for the tuxedos by now, especially after all of the strenuous exercise. In a stroke of mad genius, both of them instead chose to adorn their formal attire around their heads, suitable for the desert-like conditions they were facing.

Octavia and Bon-Bon stood back, silently wondering how all this happened.

"We're not getting out of this sane, you do realise?" Octavia said dolefully.

"Whatever chance of that ended when I met Lyra."

With all said and done, another delirious chapter of life in Ponyville ended for this particular group, and they rode back into the chaos they had barely escaped.

On hamsters.