• Published 12th Jun 2015
  • 2,493 Views, 102 Comments

The Phoenix Tear - CartoonNerd12

Twilight is preparing to take on a task bigger than any before. But when she meets Sunset Shimmer, is there more than meets the eye?

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Chapter 12

When Sunset woke up the next day, she was greeted by Twilight, who wanted to spend some time with her quickly before Sunset had to go later that afternoon. They went into the library where Twilight's son, Fire Spark, was as he was reading from his stack of books he got out.

Twilight mentioned how proud she was of him, studying and learning things that could be useful for him in the future. Sunset went to him and questioned, "What kind of things do you like to read about?"

He answered, "Science. I found a fascinating subject on inventions that have been made throughout Equestria."

"Is that what you like to do? Invent new things?"

"I wish… but if I'm going to be king someday, I cannot fool around with devices and mechanisms."

"I take it then you don't want to be king someday?"

"When Star was born, I was happy to have a sibling, but also that maybe she could rule in my place instead. I still hope for that."

"What makes you think you can't rule?"

"I don't have the interest in it. To be a good ruler, one should care for the ponies, but if I can't do that, then I'm not qualified to be one."

"You make an inspiring point."

"And that's why my mom would make a great queen, because she truly cares for all creatures, whether they be ponies or not living in Equestria."

"I believe you are right."

"Have you ever felt that? Wishing you can do more than what others say you can do?"

"I have. I know from experience that you have to take a chance when it's offered to you, because you'll never know when you'll have one again…"

"I'll remember that." he beamed.

Sunset left him alone to his reading and went back to Twilight, who was trying her hardest to search through books to find an answer to their connecting dreams.

"Ugh! There's not that many books about dreams and the mind in dream state! If only you can stay longer, then my Aunt Luna would be here telling us what we're seeking!"

"Well, at least we tried."

The alicorn princess sighed, "Are you sure you have to go?"

"I must."

Twilight then signaled for Owlowiscious, "Then take Owlowiscious with you. We can correspond with each other. Once my Aunt Luna returns, I can give you a message telling you what I've learned."

"Great idea."

She then signaled for Philomena, "I'll use Philomena to bring a message."

Philomena rubbed her head onto Sunset's cheek, causing the mare to giggle a little.

"I better go get ready now." She turned to leave when suddenly, she felt something embracing her. She turned her head to see Twilight holding on.

"Sorry…" she backed away. "I just… I'm not sure what I'll do without you. Ever since we met, I feel relaxed around you and I feel like we should never part, as strange as that sounds…"

"No! I feel it, too! You're right… Ever since we met… I… I don't want to go away from you… It's so odd…"

Philomena chirped on.

"I don't want to leave, but I have no choice…" She rushed out of the room with Philomena hanging her head.

Sunset had her cloak on and set out for the castle doors where the princesses and their families were saying goodbye to her.

"Come back anytime!" waved Applejack.

"Our castle es su castle." said Rarity.

"Thank you, thank you all. This has been the most wonderful thing to have happened in my life… I'll never forget any of you…" She turned to Twilight, "Especially you…" She gave a small smile.

Twilight returned the smile as they hugged each other, feeling the strange feeling like last time. They slowly departed from each other and Sunset went out the doors, daring not to look back.

Owlowiscious flew up to her as she said, "Ready?"

The owl hooted.

"You, that's who."

He hooted again and she just shook her head, "Just stay close by and make sure you don't get seen."

He hooted, nodded his head, and flew up.

She made it to outside the gates of Canterlot and saw Troubleshoes and the cart.

"Did you have fun like you wanted?" he asked her as she climbed in and he began moving.

"Yes, and much more."

"Good, because the mistress had been griping how you've been sick these past couple of days and how work isn't getting done because of that."

"Oh, no…"

"The moment she was fast asleep, I scurried on out of there to come pick you up."

Sunset sighed, "Well, whatever work has to be done, I'd gladly do it since it was worth being out here and meeting the princesses."

"Princesses? What exactly have you been doing these past couple of days?"

Sunset giggled and began telling her tales to pass the time.

Moments later, they were back at the mansion where Party Favor and Sugar Belle snuck her in while Double Diamond and Night Gilder were making sure that Starlight was still asleep.

When she was back in her tower room, Sugar Belle gave her the one-on-one about what'd been happening since she left. "Well, while you were 'sick', I had to serve Starlight her tea and to make sure she was comfortable before getting her beauty rest."

"Other than that, things have been pretty much the same around here." said Party Favor.

"In the meantime, you can tell us everything that happened to you. We're just aching to know!" said Night Gilder.

"Well, for starters…" Sunset took out the bag of bits and handed it to Double Diamond, who was shocked when realizing all the bits they've saved were all still there.

"How…? It's all here!"

"But Sunset, how did you pay for your food and where you were sleeping?" Sugar Belle questioned.

"Because, instead of an inn… I got to stay at a palace!"

"What?!" all four of them gasped.

Sunset giggled giddily and began to tell her story. Once she was finished, she saw her friends gaping at her.

"Whoa… just… whoa…" It was all Night Glider could say.

"Yeah, I know. Even I still have a hard time believing it…"

"But Sunset, didn't you ever figure out about the mysterious music box and the necklace?" Party Favor asked.

She gasped, "I completely forgot! With all that happened, I… I didn't get a chance… Oh, no…" She sighed, "Well, too late now, because it's too risky to try to go out again anytime soon…"

"No kidding," said Night Glider. "It was hard keeping her at bay. She kept asking all sorts of questions that we could barely answer. We were quite lucky that she bought the whole scheme."

"Scheme? More like a sham…"

They gasped as they turned to face Starlight Glimmer, who was by the door. They knew then that they were caught red-hoofed.

"Did you have a nice little trip?" she asked in her sickly sweet tone towards Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset was at loss for words and couldn't speak.

Starlight continued, "So this is how you repay me? By sneaking away? Disobeying my orders? Risking your life?" She then turned towards the four ponies, "And you, to think that I am that dimwitted to believe such a trick? As punishment for lying and deceiving me, you shall take over Sunset's duties, since that's what you so badly wanted to do while she wasn't here, without pay."

They hung their heads and glumly said, "Yes, milady…"

"Now leave us!" she commanded them.

The four each gave Sunset a sympathetic look before going out the door.

Sunset started to beg, "Please! This was all my doing! I'm the one who asked for their help!"

"And yet, they went along with it, did they not?" Starlight contradicted.

Sunset couldn't say anything.

"Now then, how can I make sure this doesn't happen again?"

"It won't! I swear! I… I'll stay in this tower if I have to, as long as you like!"

"Hmm, an excellent idea… Since the tower is the one place I know you go to often, staying here would make it ideal."

"For how long?"

"Why… forever, of course!"

"What?! NO! You can't mean that!" She had near tears in her eyes at that point.

"Oh, but I do. You brought this upon yourself, Sunset Shimmer. I have no choice but to enforce it…"

"You can't do this!"

"Oh, but I can…" she smirked and went out the door, closing it behind her and started casting a spell that surrounded the door and tower.

Sunset went to the window, but when she tried to put her hoof through, a force field of some sort stopped her. She went to the door, but the same thing happened. She knew right then and there that she was trapped.

She shouted out, "You can't keep me in here! Let me out! Let… Me… Out!" But it was no use. Her pleas fell on deaf ears…