• Published 29th May 2015
  • 2,458 Views, 113 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Space Captain Andromeda - Weavers of Dreams

A pre-apocalyptic superweapon awakens to find a desolate wasteland and a stack of comic books. What will become of this new wanderer with a true vendetta?

  • ...

Chapter Twenty: Parting Ways

"Attention, New Canterlot Republic. This is Space Captain Andromeda of Her Majesty's Space Command. Though, you may know me better as the mare who slaughtered many of your comrades in a fit of rage and dark magic earlier today. I am afraid that this is a grievous error on my part. You see, I've only awaken several days ago from a long sleep. For the past two hundred years I have been orbiting this world inside a failed Equestrian superweapon. One that was meant to change the outcome of the Great War. Only recently have a I truly learned about the fate of our world. I am now turning myself in and submitting to your judgement. I know ignorance is no excuse, but it is my only defense."

Everyone in the Rainbow Facility had gone really quiet after hearing that voice speak come over the loudspeakers. She was supposed to be dead, right?


Everyone tensed up.

"I have some things I wish to trade in exchange for some leniency before I unlock the control room doors. That's where I am if anypony's curious. No one's hurt. Just... um, well, that guy's peed himself. Sorry. Anyway, I have archives full of Old Equestrias most technologically advanced blueprints, as well as information on hidden wartime caches, and secret bases. I... I will give them all to you for a little mercy upon my poor soul. I will await your decision."

There was a short pause.

"Wait a second, forgot something," she said, clearing her throat. "Missy. I know you can hear this. Don't come for me. Whether it's out of friendship or geass, do not try and rescue me. Go and find the others. Keep them safe. Only after all of this blows over can you come and find me. Okay, I'm giving these poor guys their weapons back. I am at your mercy."

* * *

"Yeah, I deserve this," Andromeda sighed as she watched soldiers scrambling to barricade the door to the room they had just thrown her in. After proving already that she was hard to kill, they had peacefully escorted her to an empty closet with one exit, and locked her inside. But that was apparently not satisfying enough for them.

"You don't think they'll weld the door shut, do you?" she asked when she heard something screech as it was dragged across the floor and pushed up against the door.


Though the situation was grim, Andromeda couldn't help but smile. "You know, Rarity. I don't think I'm going to miss Peppy all that much. He really was a jerk at times."


"Ah, why not?" Andromeda teased. "He was my best friend for... huh. How long was I up there repairing that stupid rocket? Speaking of which. Should I give the NCR its location? It could really boost my standing, maybe erase a few details of my... um. Ugh, I could just throw up. If this helmet would ever stay open."


The good mare nodded. "You're right. I just need to get a grip. I did some bad things. I'm going to regret them for the of my life. But, I can't let them weigh me down. There are some ponies depending on me. I can get through this. Right? For them."


"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Andromeda snarked. It was good though. Good to know she had an old friend by her side. Always by her side, even if she never knew it.

* * *

Missy was hardly in a good mood. After disguising herself as one of the wounded, she managed to slip away after she had been left in the infirmary. Stealing a new uniform, she had begun her search for Andromeda, convinced that the mare must have survived. But, with no luck.

The Rainbow Facility was big and confusing. The signs weren't much help either, probably hadn't been updated since before the Great War. She was beginning to feel just a little bit hopeless, and then she heard Andromeda's voice over the loudspeaker. Which only served to deepen her sour attitude.

"Leave it to that lunatic to turn herself in and tell me to abandon her," the changeling snarled as she changed her objective to just escaping and searching for a magical abomination and two ex-raiders. Ahem, marauders. Raider's didn't have standards... or egomaniac leaders looking to rule the world with aforementioned magical abomination. "It would serve her right if I just wandered off and never thought about this ever again. Yeah, that's what I'll do. That'll show them."

She took only a few steps before changing her mind. "Ugh. No... she saved my life. I owe her. She rescued me from prison just today as well. Errgh. You impossible mare." She paused when a thought struck her. "Why should I care? After all, ponies and other beasts turn on each other. My parents sold me into prostitution just so they could fill their own bellies. Probably fought to the death with each other over it too. Why can't I do the same?"

She quickly dismissed that idea.

"No-no-no, I just couldn't," she moaned in despair. "She's just so innocent. When she's not blowing up canyons or hijacking airships. Stupid Miserables. I promised myself no one would ever tell me what to do ever again as long as I lived. Yet, here I am, prancing off like a good little nymph to save those kids. It's like she's their mother or something."

She froze mid-step, eyes wide. "Good grief... she's old enough to be MY great-great grandmother. Eeeww. She'd better not be thinking of us all as her grandfoals... that'd be... be..."

She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Really not that bad, actually." She cleared her throat. "If I was a little naïve little nymph, that is. After all this is over, I am so going to have a talk with her about where we stand with each other. I am going to draw the line in the sand like it's nobody's business."

"Ma'am? Are you taking to yourself?" A young NCR soldier bearing coffee asked what he deemed was unicorn mare in need of mental counseling.

Not missing a beat, Missy grabbed him by the collar of his uniform and growled menacingly in her face like a raging beast. "Look, half-pint. I've had a very busy day full of giant robots with big guns and crashing airships. Tell me where the exit is so that I can get some fresh air and clear my head."

Changelings were natural liars. It was nothing personal, just a matter of survival. Though, it sometimes backfired, as Missy soon found herself the recipient of a delicious snack, curtesy of a love-struck corporal.

"Well, a little for the road won't hurt," she sighed as she allowed the pony to escort her to the nearest exit.