• Published 18th May 2012
  • 4,383 Views, 39 Comments

Terminal Worlds - Android

Love can happen to anyone, anywhere, at anytime. Unpredicable, untamed, perfect.

  • ...

Terminal Worlds

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza once said, “Love is unpredictable. It can happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone. It’s an ancient magic that binds all together. Capable of performing miracles…”

Nurse Redheart looked at the medical chart before her. It was the medical file on a young stallion; it was empty. His name was Terra. As part of her duties as Ponyville’s chief nurse it was her job to document all the medical data on the town’s residents.

She grabbed the file and walked out of the clinic towards the pony’s new house. Far as she knew he had just recently moved to town. She came to the right neighborhood, she hoped.

“Mulberry 12, Mulberry 13,” Redheart said to herself, “Mulberry 14, Ah here it is, Mulberry 15.”

She knocked on the door. No answer. She knocked again. No answer. Hmm, she thought, Maybe he’s not home. I’ll come back later. She turned to leave when the door opened. A grey pony with a brown mane answered the door. His mane was laid back with a windblown look and his cutie mark was a mountain with a treble overlapping it.

His eyes were red and puffy and his fur was matted along his face. Nurse Redheart spoke up, “Oh hello, you must be Terra?”

The stallion sniffed before speaking, “Yeah. Who are you?”

“Oh silly me, I’m Nurse Redheart. I help run the Medical clinic on Mane Street. I have to collect medical information on all of Ponyville’s residents. I was hoping you could answer a few questions for me.”

The stallion suddenly turned cold, “Well you can forget it. I don’t want to answer anything right now.”

Nurse Redheart was taken aback by his sudden harshness. She spoke softly when she spoke, “I’m sorry sir but it’s mandatory.”

Her hurt expression must have gotten to him, “Ok fine,” he put on a sad smile, “You win. Sorry for being so short with you but…I’m having a bad day right now…”

“Oh it’s alright,” she smiled warmly, “We all have a bad day at one point or another. But there’s no use letting it ruin our mood. Tomorrow will be a new day, a new chance to live life to the fullest!” She had a huge grin spread across her face.

Terra finally smiled with her, “We can do this inside.”

She walked in. The design of the home was surprisingly Spartan; peach walls with a couch and an arm chair and an unremarkable coffee table. In the corner was a guitar on a small pedestal.

Terra walked to the armchair and sat down while Nurse Redheart took a seat on the couch.

“So where do you want to begin?” she asked.

“Where ever you want is fine.”

“Ok, I’ll just finish with your physical appearance for now. And…Done. Ok, what is your blood type?”

“Type O.”

“When were you born?”

“January 31st 1990.”

“What type of ponies were your parents?”

“My mother was a unicorn and my father was an earth pony.”

Nurse Redheart continued to ask and Terra continued to answer. Finally they were almost done.

“Ok, you’re going to have to come in for a checkup at some point in the future for all the things we can’t get with this questionnaire.”

“Uh…Ok,” Terra said.

“Just one more question. Have you had or have any contagious or terminal disease?”

Terra paused before responding, “No ma’am.”

“Well here we are. All done. Was that so bad?”

Terra sighed, “No I guess not.” He let his head fall toward the ground as he held it between his hooves.

Nurse Redheart looked at him with concern, “Hey, you know there’s a party at Ponyville lake this weekend. You’re welcome to come if you’d like.”

He looked up and smiled, “I’d like that very much. Thanks.”

“Just doing my job,” Nurse Redheart smiled as she walked out of the house.

Hmm, she thought as she walked back towards the clinic, he must have had a bad day. He looked like he was borderline depressed.

She walked back into the clinic, saying hello to her sister before heading to the record keeping room. She walked up to a filing cabinet and placed in everything she had gathered about Terra.



The party was going well. It was a Pinkie Party after all. Nurse Redheart stood near the drink table. She was casual. Her pink mane wasn’t in a bun and flowed freely down her neck. The top of her head wasn’t covered with a nurse’s cap. She searched for Terra.

“Hey sis,” Tenderheart said trotting up to her, “Who ya looking for?”

“Just that new pony that moved in last week. I invited him to come but so far I don’t see him,” she sighed.

“What does he look like?”

“He’s got a grey coat with a brown mane. His cutie mark is a mountain with a treble overlapping it.”

“Hmm,” Tenderheart said, “Oh is that him?” The blue and green mare pointed at a confused and out of place pony. He matched Redheart’s description accept he was wearing a Fedora.

“Yeah that’s him,” she smiled, “Thanks sis.” She galloped off to the stallion. He was looking around in a confused manner. He seemed a bit socially awkward at the moment.

“Hey you made it!” Redheart said.

“Oh hello,” Terra said, “Yeah I guess I did.”

They stood near each other as an awkward silence set in. Finally Nurse Redheart spoke up.

“So where are you from?”

“Oh me? I’m from Mareis City.”

“Why’d you move to Ponyville?”

Terra lied, “I…I…I guess I felt the need for a change in scenery is all.”

Suddenly the lights dim. The DJ, a white mare with an electric blue mane, puts on slow dance music. Ponies form couples and begin to dance. Terra looked around at his surroundings. Nurse Redheart had a similar expression on her face.

The spot light shinned on them. The couples slowed and stared.

“Um… What’s happening?” Terra asked.

Nurse Redheart leaned in on him, “I think we’re supposed to dance.”

“What? I can’t dance! I can’t dance to save my life! Literally.”

She wrapped her head on his neck, “Follow my lead.” She let herself blush as they went onto the floor. The spotlight followed. She felt Terra’s neck intertwine with hers as they began the slow dance.

Terra blushed, “This is awkward.”

“What? You don’t like dancing with me?” she pouted.

“Wha? No No, I didn’t mean it like that! I just-”

“Oh relax Terra,” she teased, “I’m just having a little fun.”

“Oh, uh, Ok.”

The rest of the crowd joined in. Terra and Nurse Redheart managed to finish their dance without stepping all over each other. They finally managed to sneak out of the crowd and emerge on the edge of the dance floor.

“Well that was…interesting,” Terra said, “Not every day I’m spontaneously sucked into a slow dance with a nurse.”

“Gosh you got really tense,” Redheart said, “You should relax.”

“Well I’m used to being at the other end of the stage or turntables in this case. Normally I’m playing the music instead of dancing to it.”

“Oh, well that explains the guitar in your house. By the way, my name is Valentine. Valentine Redheart,” the nurse said.

“You already know mine. It’s nothing too remarkable.”

They stood in silence for a bit. Terra found something interesting to stare at near his hooves while Nurse Redheart just looked at the ground. Finally she got an idea.

“Hey! I’m going to the spa on Monday. Do you wanna come?”

“Wha? Spa? Um, I’m not sure.”

“Come on! It will be fun!” Valentine peered at him with her big sky blue eyes, “Please?”

Terra sighed. Can’t really say no to those eyes can you? “Oh alright.”



Nurse Valentine Redheart sat at the front desk of the clinic. She hated this part of the job but it had to be done and was an important part of the clinic. She rested her head on her hoof and stared at the door. Nothing exciting had happened all day, just like last week. Though Rainbow Dash had broken her hoof the week before, it had been a quiet month.

Her sister, Joy Tenderheart strolled up to the counter.

“So sis,” she smiled, “You have that far off look in your eyes. What’s on your mind?”

“Oh nothing,” Red sighed, “I just hate this part of the job.”

“Yeah no kidding, but we all gotta do it. You looking forward to your date after work?” the blue mare smirked.

“Hey it’s not a date; I just invited him to the spa is all. He’s new here and I want him to feel welcome.”

“Please, I’m your sister. I can read you like a book.”

“I was just… I was just thinking is all. When I first showed the questionnaire to Terra-”

“Ooh,” Tenderheart giggled, “We’re on a first name basis I see.”

“Oh shut up,” Red blushed, “Any way, Terra seemed almost depressed. He didn’t mention any psychological issues but I still can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just letting my instincts get the best of me.” She flopped her head on the desk with a sigh.

“Jeez, sounds like you really do need this spa day. Here, I’ll finish up here. You go relax.”

“Really?! I mean, thanks sis,” Red got up from the desk and galloped out of the clinic, “I owe you one!”

“Oh peshaw! Have fun with your coltfriend!”

Nurse Redheart stuck her head back through the door and glared at her sister.


Terra stood in the lobby of the spa. He checked the address that Valentine gave him. Yup, he was in the right place. His signature fedora was on his head. He checked his bag. He had plenty of bits on him and in the bank so money shouldn’t be a problem. A blue earth pony with a pink mane stood at the edge of the lobby staring inquisitively.

The bell rang. Terra turned to see a tired Nurse Redheart walk into the spa. She smiled when she saw him.

“Hey Terra, so you made it after all!” she smiled.

“I have a lot of free time on my hooves.”

“Well are you going to stand there or are we going to relax? Come on,” she grabbed his hoof and ran up to the counter. A pink pony with a blue mane popped up.

“Hello,” she said, her voice soft, “And what would you two like to day?”

“Hmm,” Valentine said, “Ooh, give us the mud bath with a massage!”

“Excellent choice madam. Will there be anything else today?”

“Nope that’s it. Come on Terra!” she dragged him into the spa.

Soon Terra found himself being lowered into a warm mud bath by the blue spa pony. Her name tag read ‘Lotus.’ This was the first time he’d ever been to a spa before. The mud bath was certainly a strange experience.

Nurse Redheart released a content sigh as she settled in next to him. Eh what the heck? He thought, Why not? He let himself loosen up and felt his muscles relax.

“So…” Redheart said, “How do you like it?”

“Well… It was certainly interesting at first but it’s actually kind of relaxing right now. It feels good to let all your cares float away like this.”

“Heh heh, I know that feeling. After a long day like today this is just what the doctor ordered.”

“What happened today that made it long?” Terra asked as Aloe placed two cucumbers over his eyes.

“It’s a long story. Are you sure you wanna here it?” Red asked.

“I have all the time in the world.”

“Well today was like any other day but as usual, Mondays are terrible, so I got stuck with desk duty…”



They met like that every Monday. Each time at someplace different. Terra was a good listener; Red never would have thought he was so friendly and an extremely good friend.

Again it was Monday. November was generally an exciting month for the clinic. All sorts of ponies entered the clinic with everything from a bruise to a broken leg. Skiing and snowboarding accidents were common now in the winter months. Rainbow Dash had already been treated for a concussion and a broken wing and it was only one month into the three month winter season. At least it wasn’t all bad.

Red looked up as the door to the clinic opened. Much to her surprise it wasn’t some pony who’d hurt him/herself. Terra walked in.

Nurse Redheart smiled, “Hey Terra, how’re you today?”

“I’m doing great,” the stallion said, shaking some snow off of himself, “What are you up today?”

“Same old same old. A few ponies came in today with some minor injuries but that’s to be expected. You’re here early. What are you doing?”

“Well I was hoping we could go to lunch today.”

“Really?! I mean OK!” she said excitedly, “I just have to let my sister know I’m leaving. Wait here.” She rose from the desk and galloped off.

Red ran through the clinic before running into her sister. Tenderheart had a confused look on her face as the mare skidded to a halt in front of her.

“Hey Joy, I’m going out to lunch,” Red breathed, “Can you fill in for me until I get back?”

“Shesh you’re losing today. I was on my way to relieve you anyway but since you so urgently need to go on that date with your coltfriend, go.”

“Hey! We’re just friends! Celestia you are so assuming,” Red blushed.

“Sure Red. My name is Tenderheart. I know these things,” The blue mare smiled.

“Oh shut it,” Red blushed, “I’ll be back in an hour.”

“Love you too Red!” Tenderheart called after her sister.

She walked down the hallway. About half of the rooms were occupied with ponies suffering various injuries. As she trotted along she thought to herself.

He is a nice stallion, she thought, Maybe Joy is right. Do I like him though? Oh this is all so confusing!

She reached the lobby. Terra was leaning up against a wall, his back towards her. He quickly pulled a syringe out of his leg before taking a deep breath and holding it. He replaced the syringe in a case with a red cross on the side and shoved the case in a pouch in his saddle bag. He finally exhaled.

What was that? Red thought, Is he a drug addict? Is he sick? If he is, why doesn’t he check himself in to the clinic?

All these thoughts rushed into her head at once. No, she thought, lots of ponies have to take certain drugs to stay healthy. He probably just has some condition. And it’s none of my business to know what it is. Doctor, patient confidentiality goes both ways. If he was taking some drug under prescription from some out of town doctor then it wasn’t her business.

She put on a friendly face and spoke up, “Alright, I’m ready to go.”

Terra turned back to face her, “Great! Let’s go.” He galloped to the door and opened it, “After you madam,” he bowed as she exited. He threw his coat over her back. Red giggled at this show of chivalry.

The two walked out of the clinic. They trudged through the snow in silence until Red finally spoke up.

“So what are you doing for Hearth’s Warming Eve?”

“Don’t know,” Terra responded, “I’ll probably just end up sleeping in and doing nothing like always. Why?”

Red looked at the ground, “I don’t know. Joy and I used to visit our parents during the holidays but they moved to the other side of Equestria to an old pony’s community making travel planning hectic and difficult.”

“I wish I could see my parents,” Terra sighed, “You’re lucky you have the chance to see them. Both mine are dead.”

Red stopped. Dead? Was that what he was sad about when she first met him? Was that what was bothering him? She grabbed his tail with her teeth, pulling him to a stop.

Terra turned. Red’s eyes were full of concern and worry.

He sighed, “Red it’s no big deal. I had many long wonderful years with them before they passed. They gave me everything I could have ever wanted.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked.

“No it’s fine. While I miss them, I’m at peace with what happened. One of my father’s rules was never leave things unfinished, leave no regrets. There’s nothing I regret about any of that. They were loving, caring parents. The best any foal could ask for.” He smiled sadly.

“Well if you need anything, anything at all, you can come to me,” Nurse Redheart said.

Terra smiled, “I know Red. That’s what makes you a great friend.”

“You’ve always been there for me. There were days when you were the only one who would listen. The least I could do is listen back.”

She nuzzled his neck before continuing on to their favorite restaurant, The White Rose.


Hearth’s warming Eve.

“Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way!”
“Oh What fun it is to ride in a one horse open slay! Hey!”

Terra was sitting on a bench in town square. He nodded his head to the beat as the DJ played the song. He smiled contently, enjoying the serenity of the moment. All around were ponies with last minute gifts or couples simply taking a nice Sunday morning stroll. To his left were the Cutie Mark Crusaders who managed to get into a snowball fight with Big Mac, the latter seemed to be succumbing to the number of snowballs accumulating on his back.

He laughed at the comedy of the situation. Snow covered the ground and was falling in small flakes. Above he saw Rainbow Dash pushing a rouge cloud back into formation with the others.

Nurse Redheart trotted up to him.

“Ready to go?” he asked.

She sighed, “I’m ready.”

They walked down the street towards the train station. Once they found their platform they boarded and headed to the town of Trottingham.

The train ride was long but Red wished it was longer. She turned to Terra who offered a reassuring smile. She smiled back, all apprehension gone.

They exited the train car and headed into town. Red led them to a house in the suburbs of the city.

She turned, “I don’t know about this Terra-”

He hushed her, “Ssshh. Regret is something you won’t get over. If you leave this unfinished you’ll regret it. Please, if not for yourself do it for them.”

She blinked away tears, “Alright T.”

She knocked on the door. Two Earth ponies answered the door. One was white as snow with a green mane, the other blue with a pink mane.

The pink maned mare smiled. She had the same sapphire eyes as Red and Tenderheart. The white earth pony smiled too.

“Red Dear,” the mare said, “We haven’t seen you in a while. Come in!”

The stallion smiled. His voice was gruff and friendly, “And introduce us to your friend too!”

The two entered. They each took a seat on the couch.

“So what have you been doing all this time? We haven’t seen you in a while.”

Red sighed, “Mom, Dad, There’s something I have to tell you. Joy would be here but she had to work so I’ll tell you for her. It’s about Liberty Kindheart, your daughter and o-our s-s-sister…”


“Thank you Terra.”

Red and Terra were once again on the train. She turned and smiled at him, the tears gone from her eyes replaced by a look of gratitude and happiness.

“You needed that Red.”

“I did. That was eating me up from the inside for the longest time. I don’t know what would have happened if I didn’t get that off my chest. Normally I’m getting ponies to do things like that. I’m glad I met you.”

Terra reddened, “Oh please, I’m just another guy doing the right thing. My mother always told me that.”


“Don’t do what others want, do what’s right.”

Red smiled, “That’s good advice.”

“My mother was a wise mare.”

They sat in silence the rest of the ride, happy to enjoy each other’s company as the sun set.

All in all, Red thought, I’m really glad I met him.


Terra headed to the outskirts of Ponyville. He headed to his best friend and now current doctor’s house, Doctor Whooves.

He knocked on the door and the doctor answered.

“Hey Terra,” he smiled, “Come on in.”

Terra smiled and walked in. He took a seat in a nearby armchair while the doctor got some drinks.

“So how long now?” he asked.

The doctor returned, “About eight months.”

Terra smiled, “That’s what I figured too.”

“Making the most of it?”

“The most I can.”


Red walked down the street. It was her day off and she wanted to relax but she couldn’t find Terra anywhere. Maybe he’s at the spa, Red thought.

She was about to head to the spa when she walked by the park. Guitar music could be heard coming out of the park. Whoever it was talented. Their singing left little to be desired too.

Under a tree sat Terra and an unknown earth pony. He was light brown with a brown mane and had a stethoscope for a cutie mark. Terra was playing a guitar as his friend sang along.

Listen to this.

♫ Tell Everybody I’m on my way
New friends and new places to see
With blue skies ahead, yes I’m on my way
And there’s nowhere else that I’d rather be. ♫

♫ Tell everybody I’m on my way
And I’m lovin every step I take
With the sun beating down yes I’m on my way
And I can’t keep this smile off my face. ♫

♫ ‘Cause there’s nothing like seeing each other again
No matter what the distance between
And the stories that we tell will make you smile
Oh it really lifts my heart♫

♫So tell ‘em all I’m on my way
New friends and new places to see
And to sleep under the stars
Who could ask for more?
With the moon keeping watch over me♫

♫Not the snow, not the rain
Can change my mind
The sun will come out
Wait and see
And the feeling of the wind in your face
Can lift your heart
Oh there’s nowhere I would rather be. ♫

♫ ‘cause I’m on my way now
Well and truly
On my way now. ♫

Red galloped up to the duo. She had a huge grin on her face. Terra failed to notice as he played. His eyes closed, he smiled.

“Terra! You never told me you could sing.”

The brown pony smiled, “That’s his special talent. He’s great with music.”

Terra continued to nod his head to the music as he played. By now a crowd had gathered around as Terra continued the song.

“Oh here comes the next part.”

♫ Tell everybody I’m on my way
And I just can’t wait to be there
With blue skies ahead
Yes I’m on my way
And nothing but good times to share ♫

♫ So tell everybody I’m on my way
And I just can’t wait to be home
With the sun beating down
I’m on my way
And nothing but good time’s to show
I’m on my way ♫

♫ Yes I’m on my way ♫

Terra played the last note of the song and opened his eyes. Red was in his face with a grin on her face. He looked over her and saw the crowd and blushed.

“Terra that was amazing!” Red said.

The crowd stamped their hooves in applause.

“Oh it was nothing really,” he blushed, attempting to be modest.

The brown pony stood up, “I take it you’re Nurse Redheart?”


“I’m Seth Whooves. I’ve recently transferred to your clinic. He talks about you a lot.”

“DO not,” Terra blushed.

“Dude I’ve known you since we were colts. Don’t you lie to me,” Whooves smirked.

Terra stood up, “You’re lucky you’re my best friend.”

“You know you love me.”

“So how come you don’t sing more often?” Red asked.

“I don’t know. I guess I’ve been busy hanging out with you.”

“You’re a card Terra.”

He smiled. Whooves said, “So who wants to get some eats?”


“Me too, I’ll buy.”

The three of them made their way through the crowd and headed into town. Terra had never been happier.


Hearts and Hooves day.

Red had the day off for the holiday. Ponies bustled about with flower bouquets and boxes of chocolate. And Red was alone. Again as she had been the year before and the year before that. But there was one pony in her heart at this time. But did he feel the same about her? Tenderheart had been right. Curse her but she was right.

Terra was sitting under his favorite tree. Again it was Hearts and Hooves day. He was alone. Normally this didn’t bother him but there was somepony on his mind. He didn’t mean for this to happen but a wise stallion once said ‘life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.’ He wasn’t even sure he wanted something like this to happen but it did.

He sat under his tree thinking when a certain white mare with a pink mane wrapped in a bun trotted up to him.

“Oh hi Red,” Terra said trying not to sound awkward.

“Oh um, hey Terra,” Red blushed.

They stood trying not to stare at each other.

“Well uh,” Terra said, “What are you doing for Hearts and Hooves Day?”

“Oh um, nothing really.”

“Oh, Ok.”

Terra pawed the ground with his hoof. Red decided to take in the detail of her surroundings.

Gosh this is harder than I thought, Red thought.

Oh this is going to be difficult, Terra thought.

“Willyoubemyspecialsomeponyforheartsandhoovesday?!” Red blurted before covering her mouth with her hoof.

What will he say? Red thought, oh no I shouldn’t have done that. I’ve probably ruined our friendship now.

“Yeah Red,” Terra said, “I’d like that a lot.”

She looked up, “R-Really? You really mean that?”

“Yeah Red. Oh I might as well spit it out, I really like you. Your kind, loving, and an overall nice pony. I’d love to be your special somepony.”

Red grinned, “Well then, special somepony, what do you want to do today?”

“I don’t care as long as it’s with you.”

He held out his hoof which she happily accepted. They walked into town, enjoying each other’s company.

They laughed with each other at their awkwardness about the earlier situation over lunch.

“This is absolutely beautiful,” Red smiled. She nuzzled herself up against Terra as they watched the sun set.

Terra couldn’t help but grin. This was heaven, right here in Equestria.

“I can’t imagine anywhere I’d rather be. Heaven seems droll compared to this paradise,” Terra smiled.


“Yeah! I’m in one of the most beautiful corners of the world with the most beautiful mare in the world right next to me. I couldn’t ask for more could I?”

Red smiled. She closed her eyes and nuzzled her head against his neck, “Let’s make this last.”


“This moment. It’s perfect. There are only a few of those in a lifetime so let’s make this one last.”

Terra smiled, “Ok Red.” He settled in as the sun disappeared behind the horizon.


Terra ran down the stairs. Somepony was at the door. He reached the door and undid the lock and opened it up.

Red’s face met him as she reached in and tapped a kiss on his cheek, “Hey T. You ready?”

Terra grabbed the picnic basket from the coffee table and tossed it in his saddle bag, “Now I am.”

She grabbed his hoof in his as they walked to the park. Terra couldn’t help but smile at the mare at his arm.

“What’s so funny?” she asked.

“Oh nothing. Just you.”

She giggled, “You think I’m funny?”

“Yeah, you’re a bouncy fun mare. You’re caring and wonderful in every way.”

She giggled again, “Hey we’re almost there! Race you to the top of the hill!” With that she took off up the hill.

Terra laughed and ran after her. She easily reached the top before him. He was almost to the top.

He slowed. He had to finish the run walking. He was out of breath when he finally caught up with her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked concerned.

“Nothing,” he huffed, “Never been to good at the whole running thing.”

“That’s Ok,” she smiled, “Lots of ponies are perfectly healthy without having the best cardio in the world.”

“Try telling that to my gym teacher,” Terra laughed.

“Speaking of which, you never came in for that Checkup when I first met you.”

“Oh… Um… I guess I can do that sometime.”

He flopped down on the top of the hill. Red curled up next to him. The world was serene. The sun was high and the flowers were in bloom. Butterflies and birds fluttered about the sky. And farther above them was various weather Pegasi clearing the sky.

He pulled the basket out of his saddle bag and placed it between them.

“Ooh,” Red grinned, “What’s that?”

He pulled out two sandwiches, “Lunch.”

They ate as they enjoyed the simple serenity of the moment.

“I’m glad I decided to visit your house that day,” Red said, “Even if you were a little grumpy.”

“And I’m glad you came.”


It was nearly fall again. Red and Terra had been together for the last seven months. The two had grown closer. Whooves eventually even found himself a marefriend in one Ditzy Doo. Both couples couldn’t have been happier. Life was perfect.

Terra and Red walked along with the Doctor and Ditzy. Both of them had planned a special dinner date and decided to have a joint night together.

“Have you ever been here before?” Terra asked Red.

“Nope. Doctor?” she responded.

“I’ve been here probably a million times! I’ll tell you, The Amethyst Rose is one of the best restaurants in all of Equestria. The stir-fried vegetables and flowers are to die for.”

“And they have muffins!” Ditzy bounced.

They approached the building. It looked high up and important but the Doctor said that it served all kinds of clientele. On its front was a large purple rose with the restaurant’s name running over it. They entered the building.

A waiter in a tux with a pencil thin mustache was waiting.

“Hi, Whooves party of four?” The Doctor said.

“Ah yes,” the waiter said in a Prench accent, “Right this way.” He led them into the building. There was a large lobby that led off in an L in rows of seats that turned at the corners of the room and reconverted at the opposite corner of the room. In the center was a bar and along the far wall rested a salad bar.

The waiter led them to a booth near the bar.

“So whatcha gonna get?” Red asked as she looked over the menu.

“I think I could go for a tossed Caesar salad with a baked potato,” Terra said as he put down his menu.

“What’re you getting darling?” The Doctor asked.

“Muffins of course!”


“Bye!” Terra waved to the doctor as he and Ditzy headed home.

“Thanks for the meal!” Red shouted.

“Any time you two! We had a wonderful time.”

“See you tomorrow doc.”

Red and Terra walked along the road. Night life in Ponyville was certainly interesting. DJ Pon-3’s night club was a popular attraction. Lights from shops as they closed up lit the street.

“They were really nice,” Red said, “The only time I ever saw Ditzy was when she hurt her hoof and had to be brought in on a stretcher. I’m happy that I got to know her better.”

“I never thought the doctor would be interested in Ditzy but then again I never thought I’d fall in love when I moved here…”

“Aww, you’re cute.”

“So are you my darling Valentine.”

Red’s face glowed as she blushed, “How about we go star gazing? That’s something I used to do when I was a filly.”

“Sounds wonderful. As long as I’m with you I don’t care what we do.”

They walked down the street towards their favorite part of the park; their hill in the center where they had watched the sunset all those months ago.

“So how did you get into star gaz… Whoa,” Terra said. His vision grew blurry and colors became brighter. His breathing became labored. It became harder to stand up. His legs felt like spaghetti. He gasped for air.

“Terra? Sweetie are you alright?” Red’s voice grew distant and warped. Terra gasped for air again. He reached for his syringe case in his pocket. It fell onto the ground as he lost consciousness and collapsed.

The last words he heard before the darkness over took him were Red’s frantic cries for help.





Terra’s mind reactivated. Consciousness returned in slow bursts. Slowly he opened his eyes. There were lights above him but he couldn’t make out anything else. His vision was still too blurry to make out anymore.

“He’s regaining consciousness,” said a voice.

The world slowly came back into focus. The surroundings were familiar. He was in a hospital. He’d been in them many times before since he was a colt. He sat up in his hospital bed.

The Doctor stood before him, wearing his doctor’s coat and stethoscope. Red sat at his bed; here sky blue eyes were red and puffy from crying.

“You’re awake!” she cried out in joy, rushing him for a hug, “You just collapsed like that. I was so worried!”

He pulled her in for a hug. He gave a sad smile. He turned to the doctor.

“How long now?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” he said solemnly, “This thing is unpredictable.”

Red pulled herself off of his chest, “How long what? What are you talking about?”

“Is there still a chance Doc?” Terra asked.

“There’s always that possibility. Your medical records don’t indicate that’s impossible but right now it’s highly unlikely. You must have known this.”

“I know,” Terra smiled sadly, “Couldn’t hurt to ask though.”

“T? What’s going on?” Red asked, concern now began to creep into her flowing voice.

“You should tell her,” The Doctor said, “She’s bound to find out sooner than later. It’s almost tragic really.”

“I never meant for any of this to happen,” Terra said, “But the paladin of Love says that it can happen anywhere, to anyone.”

“T-T-Terra?” Red began to whimper, “W-w-what’s happening?”

Terra sighed, “Red, for the last 12 months I’ve been dealing with SCD.”

“SCD? What is that?”

The Doctor spoke up, “Systematic Circulatory Collapse. It’s an extremely rare condition. You most likely wouldn’t have heard of it. It’s a condition where the major arteries and veins collapse that eventually leads to cardiac arrest.”

Red blinked away tears. “W-w-why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, turning to Terra.

“Red I didn’t want you to worry about me. I also didn’t plan on falling in love when I came here.”

“W-w-what do you mean b-b-by that?”

“Red, the condition is almost always fatal. I was given only a year to live so I thought I’d live out the rest of my life in peace in a small town. That day when you showed up at my house changed everything. I was severally depressed when you knocked on my door. You were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.”

She smiled sadly, “B-but you said almost fatal. There has to be something we can do! Isn’t there some medicine that we can give you? Some procedure? Something?!”

“I’m sorry,” the doctor said, “But there’s nothing we can do. The only thing we can do now is make him comfortable and hope for the best.”

She burst into tears. She jumped onto Terra before burying her head in his chest. Terra felt her sobbing into his chest. I never prepared for this, Terra thought; I never wanted to fall in love! Why?

“Please don’t die!” she cried, “Don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die. Please! I need you!”

Terra lifted her up. Her face was stained with tears, her eyes red and puffy.

“My dearest Redheart, If it is my time then I must go. These last eight months have been the best of my life. If I could relive my life the only thing I would change would be when I met you. I wish had met you years earlier but I’m grateful for the time I had with you.”

“I don’t want you to die! You can’t!”

“Red this is a natural part of life. That’s what my name means in the language of the ancients: one with nature. If this is the way it happens then there’s nothing we can do to stop it. I’ve never felt more at peace than now with you at my side.”

“NO! You can’t die because I love you!”

“I love you too Red. More than anything in the world.”

“You don’t understand! You can’t go. Who’s gonna be a father to our foal?”


Red smiled sadly through her tears, “I’m pregnant Terra.”

Now it was Terra’s turn to cry. Tears of happiness streamed down his face, “That’s wonderful. I-I-I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything, just fight.”

Terra smiled, “I…I…I’m gonna be a father?”

“You’ll make a great dad.”

Terra grinned, “And you’ll make an excellent mommy.”

They shared a hug. Red planted a passionate kiss on Terra’s face. I’m a dad, Thought Terra, a daddy.

The heart monitor began beeping faster. Red broke the kiss, a worried look on her face. Terra began to gasp for air as his heart worked harder to pump blood through his blood vessels. Red looked into his eyes. All she saw was the will to live and the love of her life.

His heart began to labor harder. The IV in his arm began to pump drugs into his arm in a desperate attempt to keep him alive.The doctor rushed over.

“I’m sorry Red but I need you to stand back,” the doctor said, “Nurse! I need 50ccs of Procainamide!”

Red moved back. She shouted on last message, “I love you Terra! Now fight it!”

“Fight… It…” Terra breathed before blacking out.

Nurses and assistants rushed into the room. One of them, and blue and green earth pony, stabbed a syringe into Terra’s arm before shoving the plunger. She turned for a brief second before returning to her work.

The doctor pulled on a mask and a pair of gloves, “Prep for emergency surgery! Nurse! I need a scalpel!”

Red sat down in a chair and put her head in her hooves. The only sound she heard was the incessant beeping of the heart monitor.