• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 21,574 Views, 353 Comments

Life in a slower lane. - JuyUnseen

After another rejection Scootaloo begins to rethink her role models.

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To make things right

To make things right.

Rainbow Dash awoke with a cold chill. Her dreams during the night were haunting and troubled her sleep. She sat up and sighed. Earth pony beds weren’t as comfortable as cloud beds, but it was comforting to wake in a room and not be alone.
Twilight still slept. Her face was much calmer than Dash’s had been during her own restless sleep.

Dash slowly forced herself out of the bed her friend had been so kind to lend her, and made her way to the small kitchen in the back of the library. There she prepared herself some breakfast, and as an afterthought made some for Twilight as well.

It’s the least I can do to thank her…

Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash wasn’t the best cook in Equestria, but after a few attempts, she had created something passable.

The cyan pony sat down with a sigh. A plate with bagels topped with cream cheese, and some eggs on the side sat atop the counter. The fruits of her labor of thanks.

The cooking had taken her mind off of yesterday’s mishap, but now that she was once again sitting quiet, those thoughts returned once more. They floated around her head erratically like gnats. They teased her and annoyed her to no end.
She tried to think about something else, anything. Flying, barrel rolls, being awesome, weather patrol, the wonderbolts… nothing would take her mind off of the guilt, and the crushing sadness of realization.

She sighed.

I really hope Twilight wakes up soon…

Morning dawned early in the forest cottage. Scootaloo was asleep, draped across the small coffee table in the living room. It appeared she hadn’t moved since last night when she had been planning her routine on a piece of paper with crayons and imagination. Her breathing was light, almost as quiet as that of the bunny whom was curled up beside her. The two had worked late into the night; Scootaloo doing the drawing and choreographing, and Angel offering criticism and supervision (meaning he had been watching her work while he snacked on carrots).

Fluttershy had actually returned to her room before falling asleep the night before, and it was there that she woke up as rays of sunlight filtered through her window and fell across her face.

With a yawn, the yellow Pegasus rose from the warm embrace of her bed and stepped into the hallway. She trotted along the hall into the living room. It was there that her eyes fell upon a sight that melted her timid heart.

It was impossible to describe the feeling of joy that flowed through Fluttershy when she saw her bunny, and her guest sleeping side by side. She quietly pulled a blanket from a nearby closet and placed it over the two of them. With a motherly smile on her face, she went to prepare herself some breakfast.

She prepared a simple breakfast, just enough for two ponies, along with cleaning some carrots for her bunny. A plate with some toast and a cup of tea was left on the table next to the sleeping filly.

Fluttershy finished her own portion of breakfast rather quickly and once she took a few minutes to brush the tangle from her mane, she trotted quietly out the front door, down the path towards town, a specific destination in mind.

The yellow pegasus trotted happily down the path. She enjoyed hearing the birds of spring happily singing their songs in the cool morning air. The dirt below was damp with dew and what was left of the snow from a few days prior. After a time the trees around her gave way to the first buildings of the edge of town.

It was early enough to be quiet, while not being completely deserted. Some shops were already opened, but it was the weekend, ponies weren’t exactly in the mood to wake up early.

Luckily for Fluttershy, the particular shop she was looking for was open. Rarity was always one to open her doors as early as possible, no matter what she said during the day about needing beauty sleep. Fluttershy trotted on past the library towards the boutique.

Inside the library, another pony was opening her eyes to the new sunlight.

Twilight’s eyes fluttered open, and her nose was greeted with the scent of warm breakfast wafting up from downstairs.
“Spike?” she called out, “Did you make breakfast?”

It was a little unusual for Spike to be up so early, he was just a baby dragon after all.

She sat up and stretched, noting that Rainbow Dash’s bed was without its occupant.

In a brisk trot, she made her was downstairs, only to find that chef responsible for the warm smells of food was taller and bluer than she had been expecting.

“Oh Rainbow! You’re looking better this morning.” She chimed, happy to see her friend in an apparent better mood.
“Yeah… I feel a little better.” The responded quietly, “Want some breakfast?”

Twilight smiled.

“That sounds wonderful.”
The two sat down and Rainbow set out the plates.

“So,” Twilight began after swallowing her first bite, “Do you have any ideas on how to fix things with Scootaloo?”
Rainbow chewed thoughtfully before swallowing.

“I don’t know what I’m gonna do… I’m bad with words, only good at tooting my own horn.” The cyan pony sighed sadly.
“That’s true… but sometimes actions speak louder than words you know… maybe if you do something special for her.” Twilight said encouragingly, “And if anypony is good at action, it’s you Raindow Dash.”

“What could I possibly do for her? I hurt her so much…”

“That’s what you need to figure out. Nopony ever promised it would be easy.”

With a sigh and a heavy heart, Rainbow Dash stood, and readied herself to go outside and meet the day. After all, she still had a job to do, and maybe while she was at it she’d figure out what to do to try to make amends with the young orange filly.

With a deep breath, she opened the door, trotted outside, and bumped into Fluttershy.

With a surprised squeak, Fluttershy tripped and fell to the ground, dropping her shopping bag to the ground.
“Oh my gosh! I’m sorry Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash helped her friend up.

Fluttershy shook her head to clear it after the fall.

“Oh that’s okay Rainbow D-” the shocked registered on her face as the yellow pegasus realized who she was talking to, “-ash…”

A nervous silence brewed between the two.

“Um…” Rainbow bent to pick up the bag, sporting a carousel boutique logo on the side, “You dropped you bag.”
Fluttershy took the bag, looking slightly flustered.

“Oh, um, thank you…” She slowly turned to walk away.

“Wait.” Rainbow Dash put a hoof on her friend’s shoulder, “Fluttershy, I want to talk to you.”

“About what?”



Scootaloo woke a few minutes after Fluttershy had left. When she woke, the presence of the blanket had surprised her.

Fluttershy must have left this here…

She smiled and pulled the blanket closer around herself, and turned back to her project, munching on the breakfast left for her as she went.

She couldn’t have been happier.

The times she had been over to her friend’s houses, she had seen their older siblings or parents do nice things like that. Bring them snacks, offer a helping hand.

This was the first time Scootaloo had been given such love.

She cherished the feeling.

“And that’s how it happened…” Fluttershy finished the story of how Scootaloo came to live with her.

Rainbow Dash looked to be on the brink of tears again.

“O-oh no, um… don’t cry Rainbow Dash… I uh…”

Rainbow Dash raised a hoof to stop her midsentence.

“Please Fluttershy. I want to f-fix this. Can you think of any possible way, any way at all that I could make her happy?”
It was everything Dash could do to keep her composure as Fluttershy thought about her request.

“You could come to the talent show… cheer her on.”

“How would that help?”

“Because for once… well, you would be cheering for her.”

I would be cheering for her…

She’d be in the spotlight.

She’d be the important one.

The color seemed to return to Dash’s mane. She seemed to stand straighter that day, no longer slouching out of despair.
She had a plan.

A plan to make things right.

A plan that would change everything.

And that night, for the first time in an entire season, the cyan pegasus fell asleep happy.