• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 5,643 Views, 141 Comments

Fireproof - Dragon Sage

Sequel to "The Dragon Sage." Spike and Twilight live and love comfortably in their tree-castle. But a princess in love with a dragon and life-long friend certainly attracts attention. How will everypony else react?

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Brunch at Fluttershy's

Twilight walked into the library with a spring in her step. The morning after the storm was beautiful and warm, which did wonders for her spirits. She hopped up the stairs to Spike’s loft and found him happily snoring the morning hours away. She rolled her eyes and approached him quietly. The dragon’s mouth hung open, letting out a whiff of terrible morning breath that wafted onto her face. She grimaced and held back a cough, before slowly climbing onto the giant pillow-bed and resting a hoof on his head, rubbing it gently. Spike groaned and lazily lifted an eyelid, noticing her over him and smiling.

“Mmm. Morning,” he said weakly.

“Good morning,” she almost whispered and smiled back at him. “You shouldn’t sleep in so late.”

You shouldn’t keep me up so late,” he said and smiled a little wider, closing his eyes in sweet reminiscence.

“Come on, get up,” she said with a laugh. “I’ve got brunch with Fluttershy today, and I’d like the rest of those books ordered by the time I get back.” Spike yawned and stretched his arms to the side.

“Why the rush?” he asked her.

“We need to meet with Pinkie so we can plan out the book drive, remember? Plus, I was kind of hoping we could go get dinner tonight,” she said with a glance at the window facing town.

“Dinner? You mean like out in town? Like a date?” he asked.

“Yes, if you’d like to,” she said hopefully.

“Can’t,” he said flatly. She frowned and looked away for a moment.

“Oh, well okay, I understand. It’s still a little soon to let everypony else see I guess,” she feigned.

“No no wait!” he said quickly, “I meant I’ve already got plans. I’d love to take you to dinner somewhere, really! I just promised Big Macintosh I’d come by for the hoofball game. That’s all.”

“Oh, really? Well then, let’s do it another time,” she said and smiled down at him again.

“I hear there’s a full moon three nights from now. Let’s get dinner then, ok?” he offered.

“Alright Spike. But we’ve got work to do first, so get your scales out of bed,” she said and gave his shoulders a tug.

“What, no good-morning kiss first?” he goaded.

“Not with breath like that,” she said and waved her hoof in front of her nose. “Do you even brush before bed?”

Spike remained silent for a second and looked at her with a flat expression. His silence was answer enough.

“Spike!” she accused.

“What? My teeth are too sharp for brushes now! Last time I used one, all the bristles got sliced right up,” he defended himself and pointed to his extremely sharp teeth.

“I’m getting you some mouthwash on my way back from Fluttershy’s,” she said, and with that she turned on her hoof and began trotting down the steps of Spike’s loft.

“Tell Fluttershy I say hi!” Spike called out as he tumbled out of bed.

“I will. Oh, and before I forget, I left you some breakfast on the kitchen counter. I’ll meet you back here after noon,” she said and walked back out the door. Spike sighed and stretched again, this time splaying his wings and claws. He yawned again and stepped over towards the window. He watched as he saw Twilight begin to trot over towards town. She almost never flew, he noticed. Knowing her, she just wanted to savor the journey, seeing all the pony-folk in town. He smiled and gradually made his way through the hallway and into the kitchen.

The place was kept very tidy with a well-stocked fridge, considering the trips to town were now longer than they used to be. Twilight used the kitchen from time to time, but Spike was the real cook in the castle. His picnic lunches were already well liked among his friends, but recently his dinners became more complex as well, and his breakfasts were second to none. He walked in with pride and scanned the counter carefully. He spotted a plate with a large glass filled to the brim with oats, yogurt, and small blue gems sprinkled on the top.

“A sapphire parfait? Clever,” he noted as he took it in his hand. There was a small note on one side. He plucked it off with a claw and read it with a sigh.

Dear Spike,

We’ve been having pancakes too much recently, so here’s something new.



Twilight made her way to Fluttershy’s house, taking her time to enjoy the damp yet beautiful day that followed the storm. The grass still dripped with the night’s rain, and a few branches and leaves were scattered across the fields and roads. But the sun shined brightly and dried out the path before her. Fluttershy’s treehouse seemed to glisten with the remaining rainwater. She made her way to the door and politely knocked.

“Ow” the door said. Twilight jumped with a yelp in surprise and she fluttered into the air in reflex, landing a few yards away. Her eyes were wide as she glued them to the door. The door sprouted eyes and a cheeky grin, and her gaze changed from shock to frustration.

“Discord?!” she said and stomped her hoof.

“Why hello dear Princess, it’s wonderful to see you too,” he said and disappeared in a flash, appearing before her in his usual unusual form. "I heard all went well with the Miasma. I must say that it was quite fun," he said with a wink. Before she could speak out, Fluttershy appeared behind him at her door.

“Oh my, Hello Twilight. Discord, the food is ready inside. Would you be so kind as to help set the table?” she said sweetly and smiled.

“Of course, dearest Fluttershy. I was just greeting our friend here. I will see you both inside,” he said and chuckled. He slithered inside beside Fluttershy, who smiled and welcomed Twilight with an outstretched hoof.

“Fluttershy, what is he doing here?” she accused.

“Oh, um, He’s here for brunch. Oh my, did I not tell you he would be coming?” she said and put a hoof to her mouth.

“Come on Fluttershy, that’s not the kind of detail that just ‘skips your mind’!” Twilight said with a wave of her hoof.

“No, I’m sorry Twilight. It really was an honest mistake. See, he comes over for tea so often now, and I see you and Rarity occasionally visit too, I just forgot that I invited you to the same thing. I’m so sorry,” she apologized and bowed her head. “I understand if you’d rather not come in.”

Fluttershy’s apology made Twilight feel terrible. Of course she did not fancy a meal with Discord, for he was bound to create havoc. But he was still her friend, and Fluttershy’s good friend. Walking away from brunch would be both an insult to Discord and Fluttershy, and she did not want to disappoint her friend.

“Huh,” she sighed, “It’s alright Fluttershy. I just was not expecting him. I’d still like to have brunch.”

“Really?” she piped and smiled at her friend. “Oh thank you so so much! I know you’ll warm up to each other,” she said and dashed inside. Twilight followed her in, and to her surprise, nothing inanimate was brought to life. Discord hummed a little tune to himself as he rolled the plates from one end of the table. They all spun into their spots next to the chairs lined up at the table. Then he flicked his fingers and forks and knives flew from his hands in every direction. Each one bounced on the table once before finding their place on the table perfectly. Twilight watched in awe as Discord continued to hum.

“Do you like it? I call it ‘Organized Chaos’,” Discord said proudly.

“Wow,” Twilight said, legitimately impressed. “I never thought that would be your style.”

“Oh, it never was until recently. See, I always found chaos to be the most fun when it was the most out of order. But sadly brunch requires plates and forks and whathaveyou. So, I use a dash of chaos to start, and make sure everything ends up where it should be,” he said and displayed his handiwork with his paws.

“It looks wonderful, Discord. I’ve got the scrambled eggs right here. Juice, toast, and apples are on the table. Enjoy,” Fluttershy said happily and pulled a chair out for Twilight. She sat down and looked across the table at Discord, who was animating his fork and giving it orders to fetch him some eggs.

“So how is everything going at the castle?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh, it is all well. I’m actually planning a book-drive with Spike and Pinkie to help replace all the books we lost in the fight with Tirek,” she said and floated a piece of toast to her lips.

“Yes, I’m so sorry about that poor house of yours Twilight. That really was my favorite place in this whole town,” Discord said.

“Discord, you shouldn’t make fun when somepony’s lost something special,” Fluttershy scolded him.

“But I was not making fun, it’s the truth!” He defended himself with a scoff.

“Really? Why was Golden Oaks so special?” Twilight asked him. Discord snapped his fingers and in a flash of magic, his eggs solidified into the shape of Ponyville town hall.

“All the other buildings in this town are far too neat. They’re made of nothing but straight lines, perfect angles, flat surfaces and absolute symmetry. How boring,” he said and took a large bite out of the top half of town hall. “But your library? Goodness, it was a diamond in the rough. There was not a single straight line in its design. The wood swayed to and fro, the walls curved and curled. Every last inch of that tree was unique, and it deserved my respect. Do you remember when we first met?” he said and gave a sly smile.

“You mean when you turned Ponyville into your own personal playground?” Twilight asked sarcastically.

“Oh yes, how fun! I took all those boring buildings and I flipped them upside down, inside out, and occasionally simply knocking them over. But I never once touched your library,” he said and proudly chomped down on some toast.

Twilight thought back to when she first battled the agent of chaos. The chocolate rainclouds, the blue and pink hills, and all of the other various anarchic perversions littered the entire town. But he was right. He never laid a hand nor paw on her house. She and her friends weren’t given such mercy.

“Sounds as if you liked my house more than us. You did turn everypony into a crazy backwards version of themselves,” she countered.

“Well, I knew if I didn’t, you would surely use the elements and turn me into stone for another millenia. What choice did I have?” Discord said and drank his glass of juice, leaving the juice standing on its own somehow. She grunted in response. She hated to admit it, but he had a point. They were set to use the elements against him before he ever laid a finger on anyone. She looked at him and noticed how his smile seemed a little less sinister than she was used to.

“Is that why you are so comfortable in here?” Fluttershy asked and gestured to her own tree-home.

“While I do think your home is simply beautiful, I must say that the reason I feel comfortable is because I have a real friend with me here,” he said and his eyes glistened at the two of them.

“Discord . . .” Twilight started. She thought for a moment about what she wanted to say, but decided to tread very carefully.

“Yes, Princess Twilight?”

“Are you holding back? I mean, your chaos magic. Are you holding yourself back for us?” she asked slowly. Fluttershy cocked her head to the side at Twilight. Discord looked away from her.

“Well, I suppose I am. But as much as I like chaos, I like having friends more. After all, I learned that the hard way,” he said and snapped his fingers. In his palm, a plush doll in the form of Tirek formed in his hand before squishing it vigirously.

“Well, I suppose I’d like to see you make yourself at home,” Twilight suggested carefully.

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“I mean, the first time you had us all over to eat with Discord, we all shunned his magic right? But he still put everything back the way it was when he was done. So, I guess, no harm no foul right?” she asked, a little unsure herself. Discord put his paw on his side of the table and looked at Twilight very seriously.

“Are you saying I can be as chaotic as I want?” Discord asked hopefully.

“With a few rules. One: you have to put things back the way you found them when we’re done with brunch. Two: You need to keep it all in here. And last one, it needs to be ok with Fluttershy. Does that sound ok to you?” she asked Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus looked her home up and down, then turned to Discord who was giving her pitiful puppy-dog eyes.

“I think that’s a very good idea,” she said and smiled. Discord gasped and smiled so wide his cheeks vanished.

“Oh, wonderful!” he cheered and clapped his hands together. In one smooth motion, the walls began to curve inward with the floor and ceiling, turning the entire room into a giant sphere. The table stretched out and curved to fit the contour of the new sphere-house. One one end of the table, Twilight found herself sitting perfectly comfortably on what used to be the wall. Fluttershy, who sat in the middle of the semi-circle-table, was completely sideways relative to Twilight. Above her, at the other end of the table, Discord sat upside down comfortably as if he was sitting on the ground. A few pet-toys and decorations rolled about on the floor and up the walls.

“Twilight, would you be a friend and pass me a slice of toast?” Discord said from above her. She fought back a little vertigo and looked at the table to find the toast plate. She found one and looked up at Discord.

“Throw it!” he said happily. Twilight hesitated, looked down at the food in her hoof, and shrugged before tossing it up in the air. Instead of falling down, it made its way all the way across the room and fell into Discords outstretched paw.

“Wow!” Twilight gasped. “Did you turn off the gravity?”

“Oh no, that’s been done. I stretched the room into a ball, and now gravity is going in all directions instead of just one! More eggs, Twilight?” he offered.

“Um, ok,” she said hesitantly. Discord smiled and took a spoonful of eggs and tossed it up towards the center of the room. It slowed for a moment, before picking speed up again and falling on Twilight’s plate with a plop. The sight made Twilight smile.

“Thanks,” she said and looked over to Fluttershy. “Are you ok over there?”

“Oh, I’m fine. I guess this is new, but I can see Discord is so much happier.”

She was right. Discord cheerfully began humming to himself again as he rolled an apple from his side of the table over to Fluttershy’s. Clearly he was having fun, but she guessed it meant more to be let off the chain a little than just to mess with gravity.

“So, you were saying about a book-drive,” Discord said and buttered his toast by dropping it on the floor. He picked it up, and the side that hit the floor was covered in butter. He looked over to Fluttershy. “It always lands butter side down, after all.” Fluttershy giggled and looked over to Twilight.

“Well, we need to account for the lost books, so Spike has been hard at work ordering replacements. But we need everypony’s help getting them all back. So we’ll be taking donations and asking about what books they’d like to have replaced,” she explained.

“What a good idea,” Fluttershy complimented.

“But where will they all go?” Discord asked. Twilight furrowed her brow at the question.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Well, your old home was the town’s library, correct? Are you going to open up your castle as the new library?” He asked flatly.

“Yes, actually,” Twilight responded.

“Won’t that be, I don’t know, improper of a princess’s castle?”

“That’s an odd question coming from you,” Fluttershy said with another giggle.

“Oh, believe me, I support anything improper. I’m simply surprised you’d agree, Twilight,” he said and threw his glassless juice in the air where it turned into an orange and plopped down on the table beside Fluttershy.

“I’m not that kind of princess, Discord. Anypony is welcome to come read and borrow books whenever they’d like,” she said firmly.

“Well of course I know that, as do Fluttershy and the rest of your friends. But do you think the average pony thinks so?” he asked.

“I don’t . . .” Twilight started, and thought about it.

“He has a point, Twilight. If I was not good friends with you, I’d be too scared to go into your castle to borrow a book. Imagine ponies going into Princess Celestia’s castle to get books. Many ponies would be too bashful or intimidated to go near it.”

Twilight put a hoof to her chin, and thought about what she was hearing. She always imagined a host of ponies coming and leaving the castle everyday just like they did at Golden Oaks. But if there were going to be royal visits from the other princesses, or more guards around, it would hardly be a place where ponies felt welcome to study, even if that was true.

“I’d say this book-drive you are planning is an opportunity to build a new one,” Discord suggested.

“A new library?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, I think that’s an excellent idea, don’t you?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight kept silent to herself and looked out the window below her.

“May I put in a request? I’d like to see Einstable’s 'Theory of Randomocity' added to your collection. What a glorious read. Sadly, I don’t know where my copy flew off to,” Discord said. Twilight believed him when he said his book flew away.

“Oh look at the time! It’s nearly 75 past the hour. I must be getting back, my fish will be getting thirsty. Fluttershy, allow me to help you clean up,” he said and clapped his hands together again. The room squished itself together like an accordion, making the sound of one as well. Just before everything inside was squished to the width of an inch, the room expanded again and everything flattened out to the way it was before. Gravity restored itself and all of the plates and food were neatly placed on the kitchen counter.

“Thank you, Discord,” Fluttershy said happily and placed a hoof on his back. He bashfully smiled and gave her a quick hug. He then looked up and slowly approached Twilight.

“Twilight . . . I should say Princess Twilight,” Discord corrected himself.

“Just Twilight is fine, Discord,” she assured him.

“I’d just like to thank you for allowing me a brief respite. It really meant the world to me,” he said and dutifully bowed to her. She was surprised by his sincerity.

“It’s okay Discord. Yes it was different, and it takes some getting used to, but it is also kind of fun to see things differently. Just as long as everything is back the way it was, no harm . . .” she started.

“No foul,” he finished and gave her a wink. With that he slithered out of Fluttershy’s door and laughed to himself happily as he flew away.

Fluttershy followed Twilight to the door as she got ready to leave.

“Thanks so much for brunch, Fluttershy. It was . . . unexpected and unusual, but still a good time,” she said.

“I’m sorry if Discord offended you about the castle and all,” she said with a frown.

“It’s alright. The thing is, he’s right. You were both right. I think we’ll need to build a new library, and that’s not going to be easy for me. But that’s what the town needs, so I’ll get it done,” she said bravely and smiled.

“Let me know if I can help, I’d be happy to pitch in any way I can,” Fluttershy offered.

“I will, thanks for having me,” she said.

“No Twilight, thank you for allowing Discord to express himself. I’m still a little surprised you suggested it. Why did you?”

“Well . . . he’s different. He’s strange and outside of everyone’s comfort zone,” she said slowly.

“I suppose, but why ask him to use his magic?” Fluttershy asked.

“I realized something. He’s different and ponies tend to shun him or reject his magic for it. But . . . he’s a lot like me and Spike. We’re different too, and we’re probably going to push ponies outside their comfort zone. Perhaps they’ll shun us too. When I realized that, I needed to prove to myself that different is not so bad,” she said and frowned.

“Oh Twilight, I’m sorry. I know you and Spike are different, but you must remember that Discord wanted to throw the world into chaos, so you shouldn't compare yourselves to him. All you and Spike want to do is love each other, so how can anypony shun that?” she said and comforted her friend with a hoof on her shoulder. "For what it's worth, I think you two are adorable."

“Thanks Fluttershy. You're right. If Discord can grow on me, I guess me and Spike can grow on others too,” she said. She gave her friend a quick hug and left with a warm feeling of hope in her chest.

About an hour later, Twilight made her way back into the library, where Spike was licking envelopes furiously. She smiled, walked passed him and trotted up the stairs to his loft. She floated a brown shopping bag behind her as she walked. She entered his bathroom and, using her magic, took a green bottle of mouthwash out of the bag and placed it on the sink. She made her way back down the stairs and greeted her assistant with a kiss on his cheek.

“Almost done?” she asked.

“Last one right here,” he said and his long tongue slithered up and down the paper before he sealed it up and added it to the pile on his desk. “It would be so much easier if these were going to Princess Celestia. Then I could just send them all at once,” he said and stacked them up neatly.

“We’ll let the mailmare take care of it. Is there room for one more?” she asked. He looked back at her exasperatedly and sighed.

“Sure, why not? What book?” he asked and got out his quill and paper.

“Einstable’s ‘Theory of Randomocity,’ please.”

Author's Note:

I'm glad so many of you seem to like these Slice of Life style chapters. Does my heart good to hear from you all. Tell me what you think. Your thoughts and comments are welcome.

As always, thanks for reading.