• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 5,642 Views, 141 Comments

Fireproof - Dragon Sage

Sequel to "The Dragon Sage." Spike and Twilight live and love comfortably in their tree-castle. But a princess in love with a dragon and life-long friend certainly attracts attention. How will everypony else react?

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The earliest and most gentle ray of sunlight trickled through the window and across Spike’s cheek. The blanket that rest on top of him slowly rose and fell in the movements of his chest. The spines along his back were neatly tucked underneath him and his mouth hung open as he snored lightly. The ray of sunshine crept up slowly until it crawled onto his eyelid and forced it open. He immediately shut it again and winced as the bright light invaded his senses. He groaned and turned, silently wishing Celestia would take the day off.

Then he remembered his task for the morning. He gave another groan and reluctantly rose from his large circular bed. He propped himself up and, after rubbing his eyes, peered over the castle library. The brilliant orange light from the windows bounced off of the walls and coated the room with a satisfying gleam. He yawned, stretching his wings out broadly, and began trotting his way down the stairs from his loft.

It had taken some time for him to get used to walking as a quadrupedal, but now he strode effortlessly on all fours as his long tail swished to and fro behind him. his claws lightly tapped on the hard floors beneath him as he made his way into the entrance hallway and out the main door. The sun that shined through his window cast all of his beloved hometown in silhouette.

Much of Ponyville would still be asleep at this hour, say for early birds like Fluttershy, Zecora, and the entire Apple family. Spike was usually one to enjoy his sleep, but he had a job to do this morning, so he thanked the Pegasi for keeping the skies clear and set his wings for takeoff. He kicked from the ground and beat his wings hard as he lifted upwards above town. The wind lightly howled at his ears and the cool air whipped across his scales, bringing his senses to full attention.

“Where is he?” he wondered aloud as the shape of Ponyville gradually shrank beneath him. He looked around for the pegasus for a moment before hearing his name called out from behind him.

“Right behind you kiddo!” the dark pegasus shouted. Spike smiled as his old teacher glided down and began flying beside him. His mane was dark and his scaled wings flapped a little more lazily than Spike’s did. He wasn’t wearing any Night Watch armor, but instead carried a saddlebag on his back that seemed to be weighing him down.

“Knight Wing,” Spike called out with a wave. “What took you so long?”

“Are you kidding me? I’ve been circling Ponyville for ten minutes. We said sunrise, and you’re late,” he said and pointed an accusing hoof at Spike.

“Alright, alright, I’m sorry,” Spike said and rolled his eyes.

“You know, when you were still a scrawny little pipsqueak, that attitude would have cost you 10 laps around Canterlot,” Knight Wing said.

“Well good thing I’m not a pipsqueak any more,” Spike said with a proud smile. His wings beat a little harder and he rose up and circled around Knight Wing in a display of acrobatic finesse.

“And you have me to thank for it, wise-guy.”

“And Princess Luna,” Spike added and regarded the saddlebag around Knight Wing’s flank. “Is that everything?”

“Yup,” he said flatly. “These should keep your princess off of my princess’s case for a little while.”

Spike glided over to Knight Wing, positioning himself just above him, and scooped the saddlebag off his back with his claws. It was pretty heavy so Spike took it in both claws just to be sure not to drop it. Spike gave a grunt before rejoining his teacher at his side.

“Any particular reason we have to do this so early? I’m not a morning dragon.”

“Gotta report to the palace by 10 and I need to make my way back to canterlot. But it was Princess Luna’s idea to do it this way instead of magic. Take it up with her, kiddo.”

“Send her our regards from Ponyville,” Spike said as regally as he could. Knight Wing smiled and saluted him with a hoof to his forehead before veering off towards Canterlot. Spike watched him fly for a moment before diving down back towards the castle.

With the bag kept firmly in his arms, he glided down and re-entered his crystal home, only having been gone a few minutes. He turned back and looked over at Ponyville once more. The sun was now well above the horizon and played beautifully off of the rooftops of the various houses and shops in town. The view was mesmerizing, and Spike considered perhaps waking up a little earlier could be worth it if this was his view every morning. With a smile, he turned and entered the main corridor towards the royal chambers. He had a present for his princess.

“Good morning sleepy head,” Spike prodded playfully. He placed his head on the edge of her bed and faced her disheveled form. Her mane was in a state, and her mouth hung open as she continued to doze. one of her eyelids gingerly fluttered open. Upon recognizing the intruder as Spike, she smiled and closed her eyes again.

“I don’t think you’ve ever been the one to wake me up,” she said with a yawn. “You’re not a morning dragon.”

“That’s what I told Knight Wing,” Spike said with a smile and observed her closely. She was a messy sleeper, but her face now was so calm and peaceful after gently waking up. Something about the way her mane drifted over her forehead and the way her hoof rested underneath her pillow made him want to crawl in with her and doze the rest of the morning away.

“Knight . . . Wing?” she mumbled as she squinted and began to collect her thoughts. She then realized why he was up so early and her eyes grew lively and wide. A hopeful smile spread across her face as she looked at Spike anxiously.

“Did you get them?” she asked.

Spike smiled and held up his left hand, which was clutching the saddle bag Knight Wing had given him. It dangled from his claws in front of her and it was clearly full and rather heavy.

“A fresh batch of one-of-a-kind first editions straight from Luna’s observatory,” Spike said proudly. Twilight gave a squeak of delight as she popped up from underneath the covers and stood up energetically. Her wings were splayed in excitement and her hooves giddily bounced on the soft bed beneath her.

“Oh my gosh, this is great! There must be a dozen in there!” she said and took the bag out of his hands with her magic. Spike sighed and watched her tear open the bag and float the numerous old books around her in a circle, eyeing their titles like a filly eyeing candy.

“I’ll let you get started then,” he said and brushed himself off. “I’ll get breakfast on the griddle. Spinach omelette?” he offered.

“Uh, hmmm. How about Prench Toast instead?” she said and dove back into her books.

“You got it,” he said and began to walk towards the door. Before he got there, Twilight zipped right to his side in a flash and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. She smiled up at him, a gesture he gladly returned.

“Thanks Spike,” she said smugly and turned back towards her pile of books. The mare playfully draped her tail across his shoulder before walking back towards her work.

“Hey. Dinner and a movie first, crazy mare,” Spike jested with a scowl.

“Ha! As if you should be so lucky,” she said with artificial pomp in her voice.

“Why? You don’t think I’d make a good date?” he said and playfully followed her closely. She kept her eyes to her books and fought back a smile.

“Please. You’re idea of a date is probably hayburgers and cartoons,” she jabbed.

“And yours is probably an evening in the library comparing notes,” he retorted. She reeled back and gave him a scowl.

“So what if it is?” she said challengingly and faced the dragon. He looked down at her with a smile and imagined an evening with her alone in the library discussing research over candlelight. He leaned forward and planted a thick kiss right on her lips, taking her by surprise. He lingered there only for a moment, just long enough for her to return it, before breaking it and smiling at her.

“That sounds nice to me,” he said, and with that, he turned and trotted out the door with a skip in his stride. She blushed a little as she thought about an actual date with him. They had been out to dinner to places before plenty of times, but never as a couple. Surely pony-folk wouldn’t see anything different than a princess and her assistant out to dinner. But anything remotely romantic between the two of them would get ponies talking. The last thing she wanted to do was have rumors floating into her friends ears before she had the chance to tell them.

But the idea of telling them was also daunting. They’d known both her and Spike for so long, but before he grew into an older and larger dragon they all saw him as a child. What if they learned about it and rejected them for it? After all, they were much like family, and changing their relationship might be too much for the others to handle. She wanted Spike, but she also wanted to keep her friends.

“No. They are my friends. They’ll understand,” she reassured herself. They were the most important ponies in her life, and she felt confident that, even if it took some time, they would still be friends after learning the truth. But how long would she wait? It was only a matter of time before they slipped up. She wanted to break the news delicately, but if she waited to long, they might get caught.

She made up her mind on the issue and put her books down. She trotted out the door and followed the sweet smells of Spike’s breakfast cooking. She entered the kitchen and saw Spike carefully flipping over two slices of toast on the griddle. He noticed her come in and observed her with a concerned look on his face. She walked up to him and eyed him seriously.

“Spike, we’re telling the others about us tonight.”

Author's Note:

Got some heartfelt requests for a follow up story. This won't be an action-packed adventurous sequel, more as an extended epilogue. Hope you enjoy.

As always, thanks for reading.