• Published 29th May 2012
  • 2,308 Views, 63 Comments

Conversion Bureau: A Girl's Wish - Lux

A girl meets an unlikely friend and wishes for a new life

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A Wish Comes True

The Conversion Bureau




By Lux

Chapter 9 – A Wish Comes True

Penny’s eyes slowly fluttered open, her pupils trying to adjust to the light in the room. She wondered if she was still in the Conversion Bureau. Then she realized: she was here to become a pony with her parents! She wondered if it had worked, if she had become a Pegasus. She hoped that all her wishing and the kind gesture that Fluttershy did by giving up one of her feathers to add to the potion had worked.

“Oh, you’re awake,” Twilight’s voice was heard, “How do you feel, Penny?”

“I feel fine,” she said, “Where am I?”

“You’re in the recovery room,” Twilight said, “You were asleep for about an hour.”

“Did it work? Did I become a pony?”

“Yes, Penny. Congratulations, you’re a pony!”

“I’m a pony now!” Penny said, squealing with delight. “Did I become a Pegasus pony? What color am I? How about my mane and tail? Oh, I really want to see what I look like!”

Twilight Sparkle couldn’t help but giggle at Penny’s excitement.

“OK, Penny, you’ll get to see yourself soon. But first, we need to check a few things. Could you look around for me?”

Penny looked in different directions as Twilight asked.

“OK, can you hear and see alright?”

“I can see fine, and I can hear even better than I did when I was a girl.”

“Since you’re a pony now,” Twilight said, “your senses will be better than when you were a human. Now you’re going to try walking. You’ll be walking on four hooves now, so it might be a little awkward for you at first. I want you to very slowly try to get up on your hooves.”

Penny gradually rose to her hooves, albeit shaking a bit. It was a strange feeling being on all fours with the majority of her body behind her instead of directly under her.

“Great!” Twilight said, “Now please walk around a little to get the feel of your hooves.”

Penny began walking, slowly at first, but then picking up the pace. For a brief moment she almost fell after tripping over her hooves, but she quickly regained her balance and continued walking.

“Fantastic!” Twilight said admiring her progress, “Now I know you wanted to see what you look like and what your pony type is. So, there is a mirror on the wall over there. Why don’t you go see for yourself? I’m sure you’ll be pleased.”

Penny excitedly walked over to the mirror. Her mind was racing in the anticipation of what she looked like, especially if her wish to become a Pegasus had come true. She stopped at the mirror and gasped at what she saw. There in her reflection, she saw a pink Pegasus pony staring back at her. She had a bubblegum pink coat that reflected her favorite color. Her mane was silvery, reaching past her shoulders and although messy from sleeping on, it had a natural curl at the end, almost like how Fluttershy’s mane was. Penny’s tail was longer than her mane, almost touching the floor and having the same distinctive curl. The pony gave it a little flick and giggled at it. Her eyes were the same bright blue, but of course they were bigger and brighter than when she was a human.

Penny noticed that there was something else, something attached to her sides. She could feel them when she walked, but didn’t know what they were. Tilting slightly so she could get a better view of her one side, she squealed in delight as she saw wings!

“I’m a Pegasus!” she said. “The wish worked! I’m so pretty looking! I love my pink color and my silvery mane.”

“I’m glad you like the way you look,” Twilight said with a smile, happy that the new pony was happy.

Just then Fluttershy stepped in the room smiling that Penny had become a Pegasus. “Fluttershy!” Penny said as she ran and gave her a hug, almost knocking down the mare, “I’m a Pegasus like you now. Thank you so much for giving me that feather.”

“Oh well, you’re very welcome!” Fluttershy said. “I’m so happy that you are happy. Now, try to unfold your wings... that is if you want to.”

Penny focused on her new appendages. Suddenly they unfurled like a sail as she cooed in delight. “This is amazing! I can’t wait to learn how to fly.”

“Oh,” Fluttershy said, “well you’ll be learning that in your new school. Rainbow Dash is a great teacher. She’ll have you flying in no time.”

“Oh I can’t wait to show my parents how I look as a pony!” Penny said.

“Well your parents are here now, Penny,” Twilight said as she motioned over to the doorway. There, standing in the doorway were two older ponies. One was a unicorn stallion with a blue pelt and a blonde mane and tail. The other was a Pegasus mare with a white pelt and a reddish mane and tail.

“Mom? Dad? Is that you?”

“Yes, Penny,” the mare spoke with a smile, “it’s us.”

“Hello kiddo,” her father said, “How are you feeling?”

“I’m great!” she said as she folded her wings and trotted over to the two, giving them a big pony hug. “So, how do I look?”

“You look very pretty!” her father said.

“And you became a Pegasus!” her mom said. “I’m so happy for you!”

“Well, there’s one thing left to do,” Twilight said, “You need a pony name, Penny. It can be anything you want, but I can’t decide for you. You need to make one.”

Penny thought for a moment about what name she wanted to be for the rest of her life. Finally it dawned on her.
“I want to be called Air Heart.

Her parents smiled in approval as their daughter stated her name.

“Well, Air Heart,” Twilight said, “congratulations on becoming a pony! Now a nurse will show you and your parents to the next room where you’ll then be taken to your new home. I think that there’s a certain pony that’s asking for you there.”

Air Heart gave Twilight a big hug. “Thanks Twilight!” she said.

“You’re welcome,” the unicorn said, “well, good bye you three!”

The three new ponies proceeded down the hall with the nurse to an open room. Air Heart’s parents were busy filling out some paperwork while penny looked around.

“Penny?” a voice was heard, “Is that you?”

“Swift!” Air Heart exclaimed as she saw her friend behind her and gave her a hug.

“You look pretty!” the Pegasus exclaimed. “And you got your wish to become a Pegasus!”

“Thanks! I’m so happy I get to fly now.”

“Well, I’ll definitely teach you how to fly. You’ll be in the air with me really soon.”

“Oh, there is one thing,” the pink pony said.


“My name isn’t Penny anymore. It’s Air Heart.”

“Air Heart!” Swift said with a smile. “Nice name!”

“Air Heart!” her mom was heard calling, “Time to go to our new home!”

“I have to go, Swift. But I’ll be having you over really soon.”

“OK then,” Swift said, “See you later!”

Air Heart and her family then walked out the door where a waiting carriage was to take them to their new home and the start of their new life.