• Published 29th May 2012
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Conversion Bureau: A Girl's Wish - Lux

A girl meets an unlikely friend and wishes for a new life

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Play Date

The Conversion Bureau




By Lux

Chapter Three – Play Date

Penny waited in anticipation for the day that she could return to the playground with her mother. This time it wasn’t the park that drew her, but instead it was meeting Swift Wind. Her new friend, after all, was basically Penny’s dreams being manifested. Instead of just imagining playing with a Pegasus, she was actually meeting one!

“OK, Penny,” her mother said, “have fun. And if your friend is here you can invite her over.”

“OK, mom,” Penny said as she ran off through the playground area. Once in the field, she first looked around, thinking that Swift had already landed and was waiting for her. After not seeing her friend there, Penny searched the skies, hoping to see her soaring overhead. Suddenly she saw something fly overhead and her heart leapt in excitement, but it was quickly subdued as she realized it was just some other Pegasus pony flying over the park.

Penny wondered why Swift wasn’t showing up. Maybe her parents couldn’t bring her today? Whatever the reason, Penny felt sad not seeing her friend. She had so much that she wanted to say, so much that she wanted to do, and she especially wanted to invite Swift Wing over to play.

Penny was about to go back to her mother when she heard a familiar voice behind her. “Hi Penny!” Swift said, “Sorry I was late.”

“Swift!” Penny squealed with delight as she hugged the Pegasus, almost knocking her off her hooves.

“Yep. That’s me!” the pony said with a smile.

“Oh, I’m so glad you came! I talked with my parents and they said it’s OK for you to come by the house. That is, if you want to.”

“Of course I want to!” Swift said.

“Mom said Saturday is a good day. Is that OK for you?”

“Saturday’s fine I think,” Swift said, “I’ll have to check with my parents, but I think they’ll say it’s OK.”

“Great!” Penny said.

“Alright then!” Swift said, “let’s play!”

The two played for what seemed like hours. It was just like the first time they met. At last, just when they thought they could play forever, Penny heard her mom calling again from the same familiar bench.

“It looks like you have to go.” Swift said sadly.

“Wait! Before I have to go, I want you to meet my mom.”

“Ok then.” the Pegasus said, hovering along a few feet in the air as she followed Penny to her mother.

Penny’s mother saw her daughter approaching, with a Pegasus pony in tow. Part of her was shocked that Penny had indeed found a Pegasus friend, but she was happy to meet this new friend.

“Hi mom!” Penny said, “This is my friend Swift Wing! Swift, this is my mom.”

“Nice to meet you Penny’s mom!” Swift said.

“Well it’s nice to meet you too, Swift. Penny told you that you can come over, right?”

“Yes. She said Saturday.”

“Well then, we all look forward to meeting you there.”

Ok then,” Swift said, “I’ll see you there.”

The Pegasus was about to turn and fly off when she stopped and came back to the two.

“Oh almost forgot. Here Penny, have this.” Swift gave the child what looked like a watch except it had no clock face but instead a blinking red light on the side and a strange display with a cross-hair pattern and a blinking light.

“This is what my dad calls a homing watch,” Swift explained, “It’ll tell me where you are since I have a watch just like it. And see that green dot? That’s me! The closer I am in the center, the closer I am to you.”

“Wow Swift,” Penny said as she put it on her wrist, “thanks!”

“You’re welcome. Well, I guess I’ll see you Saturday.”

With that the Pegasus pony took flight and Penny and her mother returned home. Penny felt sad that she could only stay a short time with her friend. But there was one thing else that made her sad, although at the time she couldn’t figure out what it was. Yet her sadness was quickly replaced by her happy thoughts of seeing Swift again, this time at her house.