• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,141 Views, 64 Comments

Happy Anniversary Sug - Bysen

Set about ten years in the future, this is basically Ponies as a Soap-Opera. Events start at Fluttershy and Applejack's 10th anniversary and take place over the course of a year. Each of the Mane Six and CMC have their own story arcs throughout.

  • ...


She found it hard to believe. Dash didn’t remember Pinkie at all but still remembered her, and her sisters? Applebloom had stayed out of the room when they’d gone in to see Dash. She liked Dash just fine and was worried about her just as much as Applejack and Fluttershy where, but wasn’t really that close to Dash as them. Or any of her sister’s friends really. They just ran in different circles. Applebloom could swear she had heard some singing coming from the room not long before they left for the night.

Pinkie and Octavia led Applejack, Fluttershy and Appelbloom herself to their well-sized home above a pastry store. Applebloom hadn’t seen the Cakes in years now and didn’t really recognise them until Applejack greeted them. “Well howdy Cup, long time no see, you too Carrot. How are Pound and Pumkin doin’ these days?”

“Oh they’re doing just fine.” Mrs Cake replied. “We’ve been giving them some responsibility taking care of Ace Swift and Ventura for us. And they’ve sure been glad to have Pinkie Pie around again.”

“Are you sure that’s such a good idea?” asked Fluttershy. “Those two are a lot to handle. I’m not sure I could handle them both myself.”

“You mean our kids or Pinkie’s?” chimed in Mr Cake. “It’s not a problem cutie,” he was pretty much the same though now he was sporting a small beard... despite his wife’s ‘subtle’ objections. “Our little monsters where a load themselves at that age. And beside we’re here anyway if anything goes wrong. It’s the least we can do for Pinkie since she used to take care of our little brats...” he was interrupted by Mrs Cake elbowing him lightly in the side “I mean our little angels.” he finished with a cheesy smile, letting out a small laugh that Mrs Cake sighed and copied.

“I’d hate to impose more on you two.” interjected Pinkie, surprisingly chipper, all things considered, but down trodden compared to her usual self. “But these three need a place to stay here in Cantalot!”

“Oh, well they’re welcome to stay here of course, Pinkie.” replied Mrs Cake. “But I don’t know how much room we’ll have. You’re already in our spare room. Your deary little sister’s been on the couch the few other times she’d stain.”

“I’m three years older than Pinkie...”

“Well I’m leaving tomorrow anyway so I won’t be an issue.” said Applebloom.

“Ya are sis?” ask AJ, she’d forgotten that Applebloom was only here for the wedding and had planned on heading back to Las Pegasus the day after. “Right. Musta slipped my mind. All’a our plans got a little missed up ah guess. Sure ya couldn’t stay ‘little longer there Sis?”

“I’m sorry Applejack, I got a match in two days and I gotta get back there. Sil and Die’ll be expecten me. Ah got a bit more time an all seems I don’t have ta head up here ta Cantalot and transfer trains but that only saves me ‘bout an hour. Train all the way out there takes mostly a full day. Mostly.”

“A’alright Applebloom. Just wish we had a bit more time together is all. We gotta see Dash again tomorra but whad’ya say we go out a little before yur train. You too fluttershy.”

“Yeah, that sounds nice Mu... Sis.”

~ ~

It was after midnight now. Pinkie Pie had given Fluttershy and Applejack the guest room and they had gone to sleep some time ago. Octavia had put up a small fuss that she had been given the couch... again. Pinkie was up; wide awake somehow, just scribbling down notes of what she’d do tomorrow. The Cakes where glad at first to hear that Dash was a awake and well but it quickly turned dark all around as Octavia told them what was going on. Pinkie couldn’t bring herself to tell them herself.

Applebloom couldn’t sleep. She’d also been allocated to sleep on a piece of furniture. Mr Cake’s recliner chair. It was quite comfortable and felt really nice... for maybe the first hour. After that her back had started to hurt and she wasn’t able to sleep. She flicked the lever on the side of the chair and it shot her upright. “Argh!” shouted Octavia as the rushing of cogs and springs woke her.

“Oh, I’m sorry Oct... tavia right?”

“Yes, Octavia. We’ve met before right? You’re Applejack’s sister, correct?”

“Yeah, I’m Applebloom. Think we met maybe once before. Years back. When yur sis got the Cake’s old shop. I’m sorry if I woke ya. Just woke myself just a while ago and haven’t been able ta get back since.” Applebloom said softly, it was still late at night after all in a packed house she was a guest in. She didn’t want to wake any of the other up as well. She also had to try hold in her laughter what she saw now...

“No it’s fine. I wa... I’m pink aren’t I?”


“I wasn’t even passed out this time... just sleeping... I don’t even know how she... nevermind.” Octavia just sighed as she heard snickering coming from Pinkie’s direction. “She claims to do it as a way to get me to stop drinking... but this kind of ruins her justification!” she raised her voice for the last part, turning towards Pinkie while still mostly lying on the couch.

“Shh... ponies are sleeping.” Pinkie whispered back. “And it’s just spray this time, it’ll wash out in a shower.”

Octavia decided to let this one go. Pinkie seemed happy... that and she hoped Pinkie was telling the truth and it wouldn’t take those harsh dye removers to well... remove it. It was completely possibly those chemical where the reason her coat had gotten duller as she aged. Octavia turned back to Applebloom who was covering her month, trying her hide her grin and quiet laughs; she was failing at it miserably. And that was saying a lot seems the room was nearly pitch dark.

Pinkie could clearly hear anything that the two would say, which made Applebloom a bit hesitant to ask but she had a few questions “Hey, Octavia, you mind if I ask you a few things... about Dash?”

“Why, of course. Though I’m not sure how much I’ll know.”

“Thanks.” Applebloom said before pausing and looking towards Pinkie who was still scribbling down ‘plans’, if the ones Applebloom had seen so far could even be called that... “Before all this. Did you think Pinkie and Dash where happy. With kids I mean. I heard that Dash didn’t really want kids.”

“I’m sure they were happy. I may not know Dash as well as I do my sister, but I know her well enough. She loves her children.”

“I’m sure she does but, don’t ya think she woulda been happier without ‘em? And the one she’s got coming. She don’ even know who th’ father is. Or the others fer that matter.”

“I’m sure neither Dash nor Pinkie see it that way. And I have to ask you what gave you that idea? They don’t know the fathers? I’ve met Ace and Ven’s father. Quite a nice fellow, very athletic, likely Dash’s choice. And despite what they may’ve said, I’m quite sure they know who the new father is. Though... she did once tell me they had only planned for one foal. That Pinkie wanted a child but they would both try for one. Whomever conceived first.” Octavia grimaced at her thought... Pinkie could hear all of this. “Of course I heard all this from Pinkie, perhaps you should talk to her about this.”

“Yeah, maybe.” Applebloom said as she stretched and slowly got out of the chair. There was a nice loud crack as she stood up from her chair... that hurt a little. Octavia lay back down on her own chair and tried to get some sleep. It wouldn’t be easy with this running through her head now. Applebloom walked past her and headed towards Pinkie. When she got to the table that Pinkie had been hastily scribbling on earlier it seemed different. The sound of pen stretching was gone despite Pinkie clearly writing stuff down.

She realised what the reason for that was. Pinkie wasn’t writing anything. She was just pretending to as she quietly sobbed. “Are you alright?” Applebloom asked, startling Pinkie a little, she’d thought Applebloom was still in the chair.

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine... don’t sneak up on me like that. I’m meant to be the one sneaking up on ponies.” Pinkie said, trying to cover up what she’d really been doing.

“I’m sorry if what I where talking about up set ya or anything. I just wanted ta know is all. Also sorry if I said ya don’ know who ya kids father where. Just’n Twilgiht told me once that Prism Slash where from some novel she once read.”

“Hehe, trust me Twilight and novels have never gone well together. But, we did only want one foal. I wanted one foal. But Dashie insisted she help me have my baby. She didn’t want it really. I knew I could get pregnant if I tried but she insisted she would try for me too... I gave her what she didn’t want.

“Now that don’ sound right.”

“I know, it’s wasn’t right of me...”

“No, no! That’s not what I meant at all. I meant I think yur wrong. You said ya knew you could get knocked-up right... err, pardon me if I where little not-so delicate with ma word phrasin’ there. But you told her that din’ ya?” Applebloom asked and received a nod from Pinkie before continuing. “Well sound ta me like she wanted a child as well. That it where her choice."

“You, you think?” asked Pinkie. No pony had ever said anything like this before. Most of them just thought it was a partying mistake that had happened to them, and honestly she had kind of perpetuated that idea.

“Yeah I do. That Prism fella, Octavia seems ta think Dash chose him ta father them. If’n she did then, I think she wanted a child! You know her better than I do, but don’ ya think that if she wanted something like her own foal, she’d be to headstrong ta down-right say it? Maybe she just used you wantin’ a foal ta get one herself. I mean, she’s a good ma ain’t she? But she’d never say it, it's one’a the things she wouldn’t brag about thinken she’s girly. I know I’ve never heard it from her... but you have haven’t you. She’s a proud mother ain’t she?”

“Yes... she loves them. Both of them. Thank you Applebloom. No ponies ever said that to me before. Or to her for that matter. Just, thank you.”

“Didn’t say nothing that you didn’t already know. But I’m glad I could help. Ya know, maybe you should bring the kids in ta see her tomorrow.”

“Today.” Pinkie corrected. “It’s after midnight so it’s already today now!” it sounded like something Twilgiht would say but was exclaimed in a very Pinkie Pie manor: cheerfully. “And yeah, I think I’ll do that. Thanks again Applebloom.”

“Now don’t you mention it.” Applebloom said as she put a hoof over Pinkie’s shoulder. Pinkie was still half slumped over the desk, sitting in a position that would’ve been rather uncomfortable for any pony... any pony but Pinkie apparently. And maybe that weird green-blue pony with a harp Cutie Mark that Applebloom had seen around Ponyville every so often.

She soon after took her hoof off Pinkie’s shoulder and walked back to her chair-bed for the night. As she did, she noticed two things. One: the light but clear sound of pen stretching against paper could be heard once more and two: Octavia had a smile on her face. She’d likely heard everything that was said and knew her sister was happy once more. At least for now.

Pinkie continued to write notes and ideas of what to do today. New on the top of the greatest idea pile was a note that read:
Bring Ace Swift and Ventura in to see Dashie.
P.S. I totally know who the father of this new foal is. But you never will! =D

~ ~

Applejack walked out of Rainbow Dash’s room in the hospital, Fluttershy following shortly behind her. They could both tell that Dash was disappointed they were leaving so soon. She remembered them completely and in a weird way, they felt bad leaving her alone with Pinkie’s... ‘Pinkie-ness’. They’d been there about two hours and of that had spoken with her for a solid hour in-between Pinkie’s ideas. But they had to leave.

Applebloom’s train back to Las Pegasus was at 2 o’clock and it was just before midday now. They’d have to be at the station at least thirty minutes before-hoof as well, just to be safe. But still, that gave them an hour to just walk around the city as a family. It would’ve been an hour and a half but there was something AJ had to do first, even if it was something she knew Fluttershy wouldn’t like.

“Hey Elliot. Mind f’I speak with ya for a bit?” Applejack said as she left Dashes room. Elliot was sitting in a chair just outside, still pouring over Dash’s case file and medical records like she had been since they’d all arrived this morning. Applebloom was sleeping in a seat just a few seats away from Pinkie’s sister.

Nopony had gotten very much sleep last night. Pinkie herself hadn’t gotten any at all but still somehow managed to exhue energy as she always did. Applejack and Fluttershy themselves had gotten up early and baked Dash an apple pie. They’d even gone into the early morning markets and found some of their own apples being sold here. It felt kidna weird to pay for their own crop... and at such inflated prices too. Too bad it turned out Dash wasn’t aloud solid foods yet...

“Huh, yeah, sure. What about?” replied Elliot as she folded the file and placed it in the seat she’d been sitting in, before walking towards them.

“Well, ah where hoping ta get some advice... some medical advice. Yeah see... Fluttershy here. Well, she’s... um. She’s a plot of land that won’t grow crops if you know what I mean.” AJ was nervous as she said it. She hadn’t told Fluttershy she planned on doing this and she couldn’t really think of a nice way to say ‘my wife is barren’. Still, Elliot was a doctor... a professional.

“You mean her bajingo is on the fritz?” or maybe not...

“Oh...” muttered Fluttershy. “Um, Applejack, I don’t...” Applejack turned to Fluttershy and gave her a small, light kiss. The look on AJ’s face; as serene and calm as Fluttershy’s expression normally was quieted the trembling pegasus. Whatever her wife was planning, she knew AJ had her best interest in mind.

“It’s alright Sug. I know it must be hard ta talk about, maybe even think about, but this’ll be good. We don’t know fur certain something’s wrong wi'cha... not there’s anything wrong wi'cha at all! I just mean... well, it never hurts ta get a doctor’s advice.” secure that Fluttershy trusted her on this now, she turned back to Elliot “Ah’d like ta book us in fer a fertility test. "

“Oh well, I don’t technically work here. I’m just a private doctor for Dash. This definitely isn’t my field either so... but I’ll see what I can do.” Elliot half-stammered. She was clearly off put by this ‘bajingo’ talk. Applejack had a second-second doubt about her professionalism but what she’d said was true, she was an internal medicine doctor and AJ had only spoken with her because she thought Fluttershy would feel more comfortable speaking about this with some pony she at least knew a little. Then again, Fluttershy didn’t even feel comfortable talking about this with her. It didn’t matter though. This was already in motion. Elliot motioned for them to follow her as they went off to book themselves an appointment.

Unbeknownst to them all though, Applebloom had woken up and grabbed Dash’s file Elliot had put down. She read over them and found one thing, well, she found many many scary things, but one thing in particular that she didn’t know, that Pinkie hadn’t mentioned. Every pony was worrying about her mind but that wasn't what grabbed Applebloom's attention. Dash's heart was in far worse shape than anypony had been letting on. FAR worse...

~ ~

The three family members had been all round the main hubs of Cantalot tourism: the palace, the gardens and they kinda brushed over the museums... eventually they made it to the train station. Applebloom had brought a single bag with her to Ponyville but had left it at Sweet Apple Acres so it was basically claim your ticket and step onto the train. AJ would send her the bag once she got home herself in a few days.

They’d arrived ten minutes earlier than the train was due to depart. It wasn’t very full so they were all inside one of the carts and would stay there until it was about to leave. As joyous as the short family outing had been, Fluttershy could tell there was something bothering Applebloom. She wasn’t sure if AJ had picked up on it but if Fluttershy had, surely her sister would have as well. “Applebloom, is something bothering you? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“I’m just concerned for Rainbow Dash is all. And I been thinking about her foal.”

“Oh, I have been too.” Fluttershy replied softly, the thought of her own potential child in her mind once more thanks to Applejack. “I’m sure she’ll remember little Ace in time. She’s always been a very caring matron.”

“That’s not what I meant. I’m talkin’ bout the one still in her. I know she wanted Ace but I don’t know if she did want this one. And now more than ever...”

“Now don’t you go saying nothing like that Sis!” chimed in Applejack. “Ah know Rainbow well and she’d never even think such a thing.”

“Yes she would! It’s you who wouldn’t... but even if you never think about it, you have to tell me. Mum? Wouldn’t your life have been better if you never had me?”

“What... Applebloom... ah, ah’d never even thought of life without ya. Ah couldn’t even imagine it!”

“Well try. I know it woulda stopped you from working and left Big Mac ta run the farm by himself. And I know we had some money problems when I where younger. And you even said that you where ashamed o’ it. You can’t tell me you’ve never thought about it.”

“Fine... ah used ta think about it a lot... and ah hated myself for thinking it and ah hated myself even when ah didn’t think it. But ah can’t change it and ah wouldn’t even if ah could. No matter what hardships ah went through and even if ya brother had a hard time fer a couple of years because’a it, ah don’t… neither of us would rather not having you.”

“Applebloom. I um, know Rainbow Dash as well. Even if she doesn’t remember Pinkie, I know she’ll love her child. She wouldn’t be better off without it.”

“No, that ain’t why I’m asking ya this..."

"Then what is it Sis?" asked AJ, wondering if calling her 'Sis' right now felt right or not.

"It’s cause... I’m pregnant... and I think I'd be better off without it.”

“Yur... pregnant? But... how long?”

“I’m about a month and a half... I found out just over a week ago when I... missed my cycle. I took a test… and then three more. They all said it were true.”

“And who’s the fath... Jade Dagger...?”

“I told you I moved in with him... there was more of a reason for it than I told ya though. I’m pretty sure he’s ganna propose ta me when I get back... at least Sil and Die seem ta think so. I think they may even be forcing him to. But I just don’t want this foal... I can’t have it. I couldn’t take care of it... I’m not ready...”

“Oh, well, maybe...” Fluttershy spoke up, quite cheerfully as well despite the mood of the conversation. “Maybe we could help take care if it for you?”

“I couldn’t ask you ta do that. I don’t want ta do that... I also wanna keep it for maself. I mean... what me and Jade have... it weren’t a one time thing. We've been seeing each other a lot before ah found out... and I like him. I don’t know if I’m just hormonal... or if I can even be hormonal this early on. But I’m happy he’s planning ta propose... I just wish he’d be doing it fer different reasons though. But if it weren’t fer the baby... I don’t think he would.”

“Applebloom. If he’s just proposing to ya fur that... then he ain’t the right stallion for ya ta begin with.”

“There it is!” Applebloom shouted! “That’s it right there! That’s why I didn’t wan’ to tell you... I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

“That ain’t it Sis. It’s just that... when ya first told me about ya coltfriend, the first thing ah thought where it’ll end badly... and ah really hope it don’t, but ah just keep thinking it.” Applejack sighed. She still felt that that was true. That somehow her daughter was going ot get her heart broken by this stallion and now she knew she already had.

“But how you had me... and even if you won’t admit it, you would’ve been better off. I’ve known you where my mother for, forever... but this all just feels wrong ta me!”

This is the five minute boarding call for the direct line Cantalot to Las pegasus express. Please board the train if departing from this terminal today. Blared a loud speaker from outside of the train.

“Please... Applejack. Just tell me what to do... I don’t know!”

“Ah can’t. Ah’m sorry but ah don’t know what ta do myself.”

“I’m sorry but um, we need to go.” entered Fluttershy. “But Applebloom. You where an accident... I mean Applejack having you wasn’t... I mean... oh I’ve messed this up I’m so sorry.” she pouted as she felt she’d only made things worse. But she hadn’t. Applebloom saw she was trying. Even if it sounded rough, whatever Fluttershy was going to say would be well intended.

“No, please go on.” Applebloom said with a smile, though some-what forced, it felt real.

“Well, what I meant was. Applejack never intended to have you. But she’d glad she did. And you didn’t intend to have this child. Maybe you’ll be glad you had them as well. And... maybe. Maybe you should just be glad that you can have a foal at all. And that some ponies would be just happy to even be able to have a foal!...”

“I know bu... Applejack, are you crying? I’m sorry! Pleases... please don’t be think lessa me... even if...”

“Sis.” Applejack said bluntly, before switching to a more reaffirming tone. “Me and Fluttershy... well, we’ve been wanting a foal for us.” she said as she nuzzled up against Fluttershy. “But Fluttershy’s... ah think she’s just hurt is all. Ah know ah am.”

“Really? You want a foal?”

“Y-yes...” whimpered Fluttershy. Not crying but sobbing a little. “For a while now...”

“It where what caused mosta our issues those few months back. I’m sorry Sug... can ah tell her the whole truth?” AJ asked towards Fluttershy. Fluttershy responded with a slight nod. Applejack nodded back and gave her a small peck before add “Fluttershy can’t have a child.”

“I didn’t know that. But it’s... it’s perfect!”

“Come again Sis?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. But... if I gave you my foal, I know he’d have loving parents. Somepony who could take care of them, that I could see him whenever I wanted. And I’d be doing it for you. It's perfect!”

“No Sis. That might not be so. I mean sure we’d love him he like he where our own... but he wouldn’t be your son. He’d be ours. We’d be his parents... you’d be his sister.”

“What? Why?”

“Because as it is, you’d be his sister... and his aunty. I don’t want this to happen again. If you gave him... or her, to us. You’d be giving them up. And we’d be adopting them. We’d treat 'em no different than we would our own... but ah’d wanna raise him as my child... not my gran-child...”

“That’s fine...”

“Is it Sis? I want you to really think about this.”

This is the final boarding call for the direct line Cantalot to Las Pegasus express. Please board the train if departing from this terminal today. Applejack walked passed Applebloom. She had a choice to make and plenty of time to make it, but Applejack herself only had so long to get of the train before it left.

“I’ll, I’ll think about it. I’ll... tell you when I see you next. I promise I’ll put a lot of thought into it.” Applebloom wanted to say more but she couldn’t hear anything as a very loud, and apparently very close steam whistle blew for a good fifteen seconds. In that time Applejack had tried to say something but it was drowned out. Fluttershy put a wing over AJ’s shoulder and started to the train cart’s exit despite her resistance.

The whistle stopped and the couple left the cart. It was close too. A smaller, mouth whistle blew, and then a second one a fare distance down the track blew. It was the signal for the train to start moving. Applebloom popped her head out the window as it started forward with a shunt and then a snail’s pace. “I’ll write more. And I’ll miss you. I’ll see you both in two months. I love you!”

The train had started to pick up speed and there wasn’t much room left on the platform for Applejack to follow or speak for long. But she managed to say it. What she’d tried to say earlier but couldn’t be heard over the steam whistle. “I love you too Sis! And no matter what you choose. I’ll never be disappointed in ya! Please remember that!”

As the carriage Applebloom was in passed the end of the platform and drew off into the distance Applejack heard the last word she’d hear from her sister in a few months. “I’ll never forget. I love you too Mum...”

~ ~

It was getting late in the evening now; and Fluttershy and Applejack where heading back to the hospital. They’d gone to the museum they’d skipped over before, mostly just due to time restraints. Neither Applebloom nor Applejack had much interest in art so it wasn’t really something they’d spend their time on before she left. Fluttershy however, did. Maybe not as much as Rarity but she enjoyed it all the same. And as much as Applejack hated it, finding it either boring or just plain confusing how it could be called 'art', she loved anything that made her wife happy.

Besides the museum they’d been all over the city. They’d had a small lunch just after Applebloom left and then heading to the cultural centre of the city. The two didn’t really know what was good here and had thought that seems they were nearby, maybe they would ask the one pony they knew who lived in Cantalot, other than the Cakes and royalty that is. However when they knocked they quickly found that Elusive wasn’t there at the time. In the end they just ended up seeing a small broad-neigh play.

The play had just ended and there where leaving the theatre. It had its issues, but it had its charms as well. The story had been a lot longer than either expected and had so many plot points and twists that it was hard to keep track of all of them at times and the small things it threw in to try make the story feel real but didn’t really mean anything where getting annoying by the 300th page worth. Fluttershy had picked up on at least two breaches in continuity but just let them slide as they were small. It also felt as if the story had been heading in one direction at the start and then completely changed around act ten. The ending though…brilliant! Those final few word... simply amazing! Well, it felt like it could’ve ended about five times but then just picked everything it had worked on and threw it out the window and kept going. It was alright, they diffidently wouldn’t recommend it though…

As the pair walked out of the theatre, Applejack looked around for a clock. In the centre or the walk way about a block down was a large one that read 20 to 6. It was much later than she’d thought and they’d have to rush back to the hospital. Fluttershy’s appointment with the fertility specialist was in just twenty short minutes!

They galloped back and got there with five minutes to spare, they were both quite exhausted. As luck would have it though, it had been nearly half an hour since they arrived and their doctor was still else wise occupied as the receptionist put it. All they could do was wait, but it did give them some time to recover at least while they sat in the waiting lobby.

A few more minutes passed and Applejack was starting to get a bit nervous herself. She knew Fluttershy didn’t want to do this but it would be good for her. With what Applebloom had told her, Applejack just felt… proud. She’d raised her daughter and even if she’d made some mistakes in how she'd done so, Applebloom had grown into fine pony and she wanted Fluttershy to feel the same way. Maybe it was that foal she was having… or maybe it was because Applebloom had called her ‘Mum’. She just felt proud to be a mother for once.

“So, how’d it go?” came Elliot’s voice as she and Octavia walked past. Ace and Ven where flying about them, pestering Octavia more than Elliot as they knew her better than their other aunty.

“Oh, um… I haven’t been seen yet. They’re nearly half an hour late. Maybe we should just leave. Octavia looks like she could use some help with those two.” Fluttershy said, trying to coax her way out of seeing a doctor about this. As if on queue, Octavia yelped as Ace had managed to tie her mane to her tail.

“Oh don’t worry, she’s got it covered…” snickered Elliot

“Argh! It’s in my eye!” screamed Octavia… Elliot didn’t bother looking though.

“Yeah, she’ll be fine.” Elliot shrugged it off as a small explosion came from behind her… she still paid no mind to it... “So your doc hasn’t shown up yet? I’d say just wait but the clinic closes in less than an hour. I’ll go find what’s going.”

“Oh no, it’s fine. We can just come back some other time.” Fluttershy protested. She would’ve left when the doctor was a second late if Applejack hadn’t been here with her. She hoped so much that AJ would be allowed to come in with her. Fluttershy knew Applejack wouldn’t let her leave no matter how much she protested. She would still try though.

“It’s no problem, I’ll go find him.” Elliot said and turned away before Fluttershy could say anything more. Elliot stopped and said a few words with Octavia before heading into the back of the lobby. Octavia came over for a brief moment, scorch marks covering most of her body form what ever Ace and Ven had just done to her and said goodbye for the night before taking Ace and Ven home to the Cake’s. Then the two were just left there again… waiting.

Eventually Applejack spoke up, she’d been worried about Fluttershy’s nerves and had finally thought this may be a bit too much for her. “She said ‘him’, Elliot was goin' ta go find ‘him’. Ah’m sorry ah pushed ya inta this. If ya wanna leave we can.”

“Yes, I want to leave!” Fluttershy said as she quickly stood up, ready to sprint away from this place. She slowly, and hesitantly sat back down though. “But… I won’t.”

“Thank ya Sug. This really is fer ya best and ah’m glad ya see that.” Applejack said as Fluttershy lay her head against her neck. Reassured now that even Fluttershy though this was for the best. “Ya know, ah might…” Applejack was cut off as Elliot returned.

“He’s held up. He’ll be with you as soon as he can.”

The tenderness of the previous moment shattered, Applejack spoke up “That’s all ya got? We already knew that he where delayed.”

“Yes, well let me finish. He’s delivering a foal right now. The mare went into labour five weeks early. He’ll be a few more hours, but if you’re willing to wait he can see you tonight.”

“You, you can do that? Five weeks early? That’s more than a month.” Applejack replied. She’d heard of early labour before but… it wasn’t Dash was it!? No… Elliot wouldn’t be so calm if it was. How far along was Dash anyway? She was due in two months right?… why was she thinking about this? “Ah guess that explains why he’s late. Guess it’s up ta you Sug. You wanna stick around?”

Applejack had said this already mere seconds ago but had kinda scared herself thinking about a foal being born more than a month early. If she was scared, she could only imagine what Fluttershy was thinking… “No. We-we’ll stay. I, I want to know if I’m…” and with that Applejack was reassured that she’d made the right choice. And that she was going to make the right choice.

~ ~

He’d delivered the baby with no altercations, aside from it being more than a month early. It was in good health, breathing fine and crying loudly like it should. With a bit of luck it would live a perfectly normal life. It was days like this that made Dusk Shine glad to be a doctor. It had taken nearly six hours but he wasn’t done for the day yet. He still had an appointment in… two hours ago. Apparently the pegasus was still waiting for him down in the lobby.

As much as he’d like to call it a day and go home for the night, he’d worked in this profession for a while and in his speciality found that if a mare would wait around this long, they tended to be rather scared and needing to know. He couldn’t blame her, he’d been reading her history before he was called away for the emergency birth. The basic of it where: female pegasus, thirty-three, married, trying for baby, potentially infertile. He’d seen it before and would see it many more times… it was times like this, when he may have to crush some filly’s dream of being a parent, that he hated being a doctor.

He finally made his way down to the reception desk and stood there for a few moments looking over her file once more. Neither Fluttershy nor Applejack took much notice of the purple stallion, they’d seen a good number of doctors doing the same before either calling somepony else or walking off all together. He walked up to the pair, he knew this yellow mare was his patient, this was the only pegusas here. “Fluttershy, I assume?”

“Ye-yes.” she stammered in response.

“I’ll be you doctor, Dusk Shine, but you can call me Dusk. Would you like to come this way so we can begin your exam?” he said indicating towards a pair of doors leading into a hall with private rooms. Fluttershy hesitantly stood. She looked towards the doors and then at him. She was much more nervous than he had expected.

“Pardon me, but. Would it be ok if ah where ta tag along?” Applejack said. She’d been sitting a seat away when he’d first approach.

“And who are you?” he asked, not sure if she was a family member, friend or what.

“Sh-she’s my wife.” responded Fluttershy for Applejack. It wasn’t something she’d normally do and she didn’t show it to well, but she felt she was being as brave as she’d ever been. Although, answering on behalf of her wife was nothing compared to simply still being here in her mind.

“I see.” replied Dusk. Applejack didn’t quite like the tone and thought he may be one of those types of ponies. But he added shortly after. “Of course, come this way too, please.”

Dusk led the way and Fluttershy followed with AJ close behind. Fluttershy seemed calm to AJ… or maybe AJ was just so panicked that Fluttershy’s fear seemed like nothing. AJ looked around, hoping for a sign that this was going to go well. It only could right? Even if they got bad news, they already knew it and anything but that could only be good news. AJ looked around, hoping for some sort of sign that nothing was going to go wrong.

She got her sign… Pinkie Pie. It was about the time when she would have to leave for the night, but seeing her didn’t help. Sure Pinkie was a friend and seeing her was nice but it wasn’t a sign. With what was happening with Dash, even if it was a sign AJ didn’t know if it was good or bad. At least she thought so until she realised that Pinkie wasn’t walking… she was hopping. Pinkie Pie was hopping again. She hadn’t done that in months! She was smiling and hopping and possibly even singing. AJ still didn’t know what had happened between Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash but she knew it could only be good. Maybe things were going to start getting better again. Maybe…

~ ~

Fluttershy had been on the edge of crying for the entirety of the examination and a few tears occasionally escaped. She lay in on a padded table on her back, her legs up in stirrups as Dusk performed his tests. She wasn’t the most fearful mare he’d treated though. He’d seen cases of abuse and rape that had left the mares quivering masses. He’d even treated fillies as young as nine who were pregnant and didn’t even know why or how it happened. There was no record of such abuse in Fluttershy’s past though and before the exam began she had calmly said no when asked, along with the other standard questions.

Fluttershy hated it. She felt vulnerable, exposed to the doctor as she was. She knew this wasn’t sexual to him but she couldn’t help but feel it was. ‘Violated’ partly described it but that wasn’t right. If it wasn’t for Applejack being there for her, holding her hoof the whole time she would’ve… she didn’t even know what. Fluttershy was just glad Applejack was there. Once the first examinations where done and she could take her legs down to a more ‘decent’ position, Fluttershy calmed drastically. What he’d been doing… ‘down there’ was over now and she didn’t want to think about it anymore. She’d only ever been with Applejack and wanted to keep it that way, even though she knew something like this didn’t count. There was only one test left to perform. Dusk left the room and returned shortly after with a machine. Applejack hadn’t seen one in years but she recognised still it.

“Those things’ve sure gotten lot smaller since ah las’ saw one.” Applejack had had one used on her so long ago when she was carrying Applebloom.

“What is that thing Applejack?” asked Fluttershy.

“It’s a magisound. It lets a unicorn channel his magic through you and displays an image o’ yur insides.”

“My, my insides?”

“Your ovaries and womb to be precise in this case.” Dusk added, there was much more of course but he spared her the details of her own anatomy. “I’m going to use it to see if there’s any damage or malformations that could be causing you to not go through your cycles. There wasn’t anything wrong with you in the initial examination but I can only do so much externally. If there’s something inside there that’s causing it, this will lets us know and if so it would be a just a simple surgery to fix the problem. If it’s ok with you, of course, to use this. While not invasive, it can cause some ponies to feel very… ‘Susceptible’ during its use.”

“Y-you’ve, have you had this done before Applejack?”

“Ah have Sug, and trust me, it ain’t nothing you can’t handle. And ah’ll be here wi’cha.” Applejack said with a smile. She knew Fluttershy was stronger and braver than she believed herself. It was touching; as much as this was for Fluttershy herself, it was also for Applejack and that Fluttershy would put herself out of her comfort zone by so much for her just kept running through Applejack’s head.

“Oh, ok… I’ll take this test. Um, Applejack could you take my hoof?”

“I’ve already got it Sug.” Applejack laughed.

“Could you take my other one too?”

“Heh, sure thing.” she added calmly and happily as she leaned over the table Fluttershy was lying on and put her hoof in hers, giving her a small kiss on the cheek as her head now lay next to Fluttershy’s.

Dusk readied the machine. He put a small circlet connected by a wire to the machine over his hoof and another around his horn. Fluttershy was still lying on her back as Dusk placed his hoof on her stomach. His horn glowed and she felt it immediately. What he’d meant before about ‘susceptible’. She could feel his magic, his essence flowing through her and it felt… wrong. It wasn’t bad but it was… indescribable. But the worst part of it was that it felt some-what intimate.

“Uh oh.” Dusk said in a deep tone as he looked at the screen, starling Fluttershy away from her thoughts of what was happening to her. This was it! He’d seen something already, she just knew it! She had a tumour. Or cancer, or a cancerous tumour… she was dead and she knew it. “Oh, don’t worry, the screen’s a bit fuzzy is all.” he said as he gave the machine a small thump with his spare hoof. “There we go.” he added as he turned it to face the other two ponies.

Applejack smiled as she saw Fluttershy calm down… it had been many years since she’d had a magisound performed on her but she remembered the doctor doing the exact same to her. A small scare at the start to stop her focusing on the feeling running through her. Applejack could tell Fluttershy wasn’t thinking about it anymore and was just looking at the screen. She knew Fluttershy could handle this once she got past the initial shock of it, but she also remembered how it felt. Not how the magisound felt, but how it felt to be so scared.

Dusk moved his hoof around slowly for a few minutes, looking at the screen and making short ‘Hmmm’ noises every so often. Eventually he’d checked everything and he couldn’t find anything wrong with her here either. It was now that Applejack was starting to see that fear returning to Fluttershy. She was young still, relatively at least, but it was still possible she’d just ended her cycles naturally early: mareopause.

“I can’t find anything wrong with you. I’d like to take a few blood samples but there’s not much I can do for you if we don’t find anything there either.”

“Ok… just uh, take the blood from my hoof, I always have problems finding the veins in my forelegs.” Fluttershy replied a lot more calmly than Applejack had expected from her by this point. Nor what dusk had expected from her as well.

Dusk took her advice. He levitated a band around her right foreleg and tightened it to help make the veins in her hoof more prominent and then levitated a needle into position. It only took two tries to find a vein and he was able to fill the needle’s syringe. He emptied it into three separate capsules and ladled them. He was about to leave and bring them to radiology when Applejack spoke up.

“Hey Doc, uh, if it ain’t to much hassle.” Applejack paused and turned from him to Fluttershy. “Once your done with that, ah’d like ta get checked out myself. Ah think maybe ah should be trying for a foal myself.”

“Applejack, you, you don’t need to do that for me. If, if I’m not able you don’t have to have a baby for me. It’s…” she was cut off by Applejack.

“It ain’t fur you Sug, it’s for me. Ah want this. Ah’m happy about all this fur once. Ah’m proud that my daughter’s grown up and ah’m proud that she’s proud of me. Ah’ve always felt ‘shame'da what happened but ah don’t no more. And ah think ah’m ready again. Ah don’t know where ah got the idea from, but ah got it from somewhere. Maybe we should both try for a foal. But if that’s not what you want that’s ok too. Ah love ya Sug, and whatever will make you happy'll make me happy too.”

Applejack thought she’d have to say more to convince Fluttershy she wasn’t just doing this for her. There was a small part of AJ who was doing this for Fluttershy but it was mostly for herself. She truly did feel proud to be a mother. But Fluttershy knew her, and she believed every word of it. “Alright…” she said with a smile. “But no weird earth pony names like ‘Ventura’.” Fluttershy continued. With a small laugh, which Applejack happily copied.

~ ~

Dusk had mumbled something about 'I'd like to go home some time tonight' and then something about ‘Private Practice Pony’s patients’ under his breathe. He'd then openly said he was annoyed at having more work to do and staying even later tonight when asked. He didn’t mean anything by it, he just liked to complain, which he admitted as well. Besides it was only about half an hour longer he had to stay seems he couldn’t leave ‘til after the radiology report on Fluttershy’s blood came back anyway.

What Applejack and Fluttershy didn’t know was that that would take almost three more hours. Fluttershy’s exam had taken a bit longer than Applejack’s had and in total both had taken just over an hour. It was almost midnight now and both ponies had been sitting back in the lobby waiting. Both where now sleeping against one another. “Ehem!” came Dusk as he woke them both. “The results from the blood work are back.

Applejack thought this was another dream, she’d had three in a row that started like this now and she really couldn’t tell the difference. “Let me guess, ya got good news and bad news.”

“Well yes. I wouldn’t have put it like that though.”

Applejack’s thoughts that this was a dream quickly vanished as he spoke, though she had a feeling she knew what the news was. That she was fertile but Fluttershy wasn’t. “We’ll have the bad news first. Or how ever you’d put it.” Applejack said, sounding slightly more angry than she’d intended, she had just woken up after all.

“Well. I’m afraid Fluttershy is unable to conceive naturally.” Dusk announced.

Applejack had known he was going to say this. But it didn’t change anything really. She still wanted her own foal, even if they’d had a child each, both of them would’ve still been hers and vice versa for Fluttershy. Like Ace and Ven are to Pinkie and Dash. Applejack’s child would still be Fluttershy’s child.

“But she is able to conceive.”

“I, I am?!” Fluttershy exclaimed. Applejack was taken aback by this. “You mean, I, I can have a child? I can really have my child!?” Fluttershy said… cried… laugh… sang… everythinged! “I can have my child! MY CHILD!!!”

“Fluttershy, ah’m so happy for ya. Ah’m so, so happy!” Applejack lunged at Fluttershy and pulled her into a hug.

“Her blood work showed only a fraction of the testosterone levels that are normally produced by the body and I believe this is what stopped her cycles from occurring. With medication this can be fixed and most likely her cycles will continue.”

“Testosterone? Ah ain’t no chemist or nothin’ but ain’t the one male’s are meant ta have, us females got estr’gin or something.”

“Who cares! I, I can have my foal; we can have our foal!” Fluttershy yelled as she started to shake Applejack in her hug. There was a foal in her future!

In both of their futures.

Author's Note:

300 pages!
This story hit 300 pages in this chapter.

This was writen about a month ago, back when my main computer died. I wanted to write something but didn't know exactly where I was with Rarity at the time so I threw in another side story... well main story seems this was meant to be about AJ and Fluttershy to begin with. All of this kinda come out of no where, turns out I AM using Jade Dagger, dispte saying I wouldn't a while ago...

I know who the father of the foals is... actually I don't... but Pinkie does and all I'm going ot say is it is NOT Big Mac... I made that a possibility early in the story but I am 100% ruling it out right now! I have no plans to make this a plot point, I just wanted to redeem Pinkie and Dash a little. Not that she needs it, she's perfect! both of them.
Of course seems I did end up using Jade Dagger, and I will again now, I may also use Pinkie's father as a plot point if I find a good way ot work it in.
100% not Big Mac!

I really find turning Octy pink hilarious!
'My bajingo's on fire.' - Elliot Dorian Pie, May 2004 - Scrubs, 2008

'It had its issues, but it had its charms as well. The story had been a lot longer than either expected and had so many plot points and twists that it was hard to keep track of all of them at times and the small things it threw in to try make the story feel real but didn’t really mean anything where getting annoying by the 300th page worth. Fluttershy had picked up on at least two breaches in continuity but just let them slide as they were small. It also felt as if the story had been heading in one direction at the start and then completely changed around act ten. The ending though…brilliant! Those final few word... simply amazing! Well, it felt like it could’ve ended about five times but then just picked everything it had worked on and threw it out the window and kept going. It was alright, they diffidently wouldn’t recommend it though…'
This about sums up how I feel about my writing once again...
"Pinkie was still half slumped over the desk, sitting in a position that would’ve been rather uncomfortable for any pony" See what I meant in the last Writer's notes by writing as if they're anthro even though they're not. Remember, this chapter was written BEFORE that one.

I already broke how heat works for ponies right back in chapter 1 and I didn't want to say Applebloom missed her period and that's how she found out she was preggo, so I came up with 'cycles'. It works without making them too... human? They're magic talking ponies, I don't have to explain shit!
On a similar note, I had a very... 'detailed' desciption of Fluttershy's exam that I deleted...
Bonah. wut r u doing? bonah? STAHP!
Dusk = 63 Twilight of course. I think I established his character in those first to paragraphs pretty damn well!
Fun Fact: The female body produces more testosterone than it does estrigen.
That whole thing about take the blood from my hoof instead of my arm is because no matter how fucking much I tell the doctor they won't find the vein in my arm and that they should go straight for the back of my hand they Never. Fucking. Listen! and spend 20 minutes digging needles into my arm before saying 'ok let's try your hand instead.'

Let's take a look at the score board:
Fluttershy and AJ - happy.
Dash and Pinkie - happy.
Twilight and Big Mac- happy.
Sweetie Belle and Spike - happy
Rarity and Elusive - good enough...
Basically, I'm starting to round everything up right?
Na... I built everything up so I can tear it all back down one last time... Everypony is ganna get some surpreme butt-hurt in the final part of this story.

Holy crap! I added 1000 words in this Writer's note... maybe I should stop adding these.

Edit: I added a link to Elliot's Bajingo but I may've also used that link in a few chapters from now, I can't remember. Keep in mind that they where written months apart.