• Published 7th Apr 2015
  • 4,771 Views, 68 Comments

A Slow Sunset - MegatronsPen

The story continues several weeks after the Rainbooms’ crushing victory over the Dazzlings at the Battle of the Bands, with an emotionally ambivalent Sunset Shimmer uncertain on what to feel about her brief and yet heated affair with Adagio Dazzle.

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The Tell Tale Heart

Perhaps what I am feeling isn't attraction, after all?

I mean, when we were going at it in the Principal’s office I wasn’t necessarily trying to seduce her to attain some kind of emotional response… other than the trying to make her orgasm before me thing, which, now that I think about it properly, sounds so completely messed up.

Why did she even suggest that, anyway?

Come to think of it, why did I even agree!?

It wasn't like I was playing that silly game of hers because I wanted to. That big boobed bimbo forced me into it! She was trying to seduce me into basically betraying my friends. I thought maybe if I played along I could possibly turn the tables on her…

I suppose in a way I kind of did.

But then again that contradicts the fact I just said I didn't want to play along and yet I agreed while having my own agenda—oh, to hell with it! A small part of me was interested; who am I trying to kid at this point?

No one.

Just myself, it seems.

It’s just… when it was happening, I just didn't think of the consequences.

All I could care about was winning and making her mine.

Didn't she say she would make me hers at one point?

Is it impossible to say that this feeling I have was also shared by her as well?

Again, so messed up! What the hell was wrong with me? Did she slip some kind of aphrodisiac into my drink during lunch or did she use some type of mind-altering Siren magic on me to make me feel this way towards her?

Urgh! This whole situation is ridiculous.

Why is it every time I think of her face I just get so frustrated and yet so… and yet so…

My heart beats fast, whenever I remember her moans and the things that we did in that office. It was my first time having sex and yet it felt just so comfortable and so natural.

My breath catches in my lungs whenever I imagine kissing those lips again! They tasted so sweet from someone so… bitter!

It’s true.

I can’t escape it, because it’s true.

I, for whatever reason, have fallen hopelessly for Adagio Dazzle and I just can’t understand why.

Over what, though?

Was it the sex or was it… her body? Was it the way she touched me or was it the way she spoke to me with those plush lips?

What is worse, is that we’re not exactly what you would call friends, either, considering myself and the girls technically destroyed their plans to rule the school, while simultaneously obliterating their magic, thus turning them into normal and exceptionally tone deaf high school girls.

Well… perhaps not all of us are normal high school girls, but that is besides the point!

Something tells me she isn’t going to be happy about that whenever they decide to return to school… so maybe my feelings are doomed from the start, anyhow?

Come to think of it, who am I even talking to?

“What’s up, sugarcube? You’re… kinda standing there staring into space. Are you sure you’re okay? Ya’ll said you wanted to tell me somethin’... is everything alright? Did something happen?”

Yeah… yeah something definitely DID happen alright...

Taking a deep breath, Sunset Shimmer attempted to calm her nerves.

She needed to do this.

She needed to say it!

She needed to tell someone—anyone—what it is that has been plaguing her mind and forcing her to lay awake at night since that fateful event within the Principal’s office before she went insane from her own jumbled up thoughts.

I need to be direct. There is no point beating around the bush—just suck it up and say it, Sunset Shimmer! You’re far more confident than this.

Stealing a glance over her shoulder, Sunset Shimmer looked back to the music room’s closed door, anxious that someone would walk in just when she had built up enough courage to spill her guts.

“I…” Sunset began, but found herself tongue-tied as she twirled her hair around her index finger, shifting on the spot while her blush deepened with every passing syllable. “The truth is… I… I… I-I had sex.”

The bassist's fingers paused around two tuning pegs as she slowly looked up from her guitar.

“... in the Principal’s office.” Sunset Shimmer added in a rush, her blush deepening and her embarrassment increasing.

Applejack simply stared open-mouthed at her friend.

Sunset Shimmer could have sworn someone had just swapped her personality with Fluttershy’s, as Sunset Shimmer’s voice dropped uncontrollably into a meek and distant whisper. With... Adagio Dazzle.

Applejack found herself unable to process in the information. Her body was completely frozen as she stared at Sunset Shimmer with raised eyebrows.

Did she just hear that correctly? Because she could have sworn Sunset Shimmer had just confessed that she had sex with Adagio Dazzle in the Principal’s office.


Sunset Shimmer settled onto a nearby chair, her face falling into her hands while she propped her elbows up atop her knees. “I… really don’t want to repeat it, Applejack… i-it was kind of difficult saying it the first time…”

Placing her guitar down onto the ground, leaning the neck against the wall behind her, Applejack approached Sunset Shimmer and placed her hands gently upon the seated girl’s trembling shoulders.

“Ah’m… not sure what to say? Ah mean… Ah didn’t know you swung that way—not that Ah’m against it or anythin’, but… why in the hay did you sleep with Adagio Dazzle? Ah mean, she’s a pretty girl an’ all but she’s not exactly the right type of person to want to be sharing some space with, let alone a bed.” Applejack tilted her head, still clearly stunned by Sunset’s confession. “Does anyone else know?”

Technically... Sunset Shimmer thought to herself, but chose not to impart the knowledge that they were actually caught on film by a security camera that both Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna had unfortunately viewed.

“It’s really complicated to explain, Applejack, but, to be perfectly honest that isn’t exactly why I wanted to tell you I just… It’s not like I am telling you because I want to come out as being into girls, or being confused about my sexuality, or something... I’m pretty sure I am bisexual at this point but, the truth is, I needed to tell someone before my head imploded. I have been thinking about this for weeks now and I just can’t seem to... I was going to write to Princess Twilight Sparkle about it all, but I didn’t want to make her worry about as something as unimportant as this, you know?”

“That isn’t what Ah call unimportant, Sunset, but Ah’m happy you came to talk to me about it first, even though Ah’m as much use in this department as trying to make sense out of Pinkie Pie when she’s on a sugar rush.” Applejack did her best to give her friend a comforting smile.

Thanks, Applejack... “ Sunset Shimmer embraced the other girl, sighing aloud, feeling most of the weight drifting off of her shoulders as the girl reciprocated the gesture.

“Think nothing of it, sugarcube. Now, what’s the real reason for tellin’ me any of this? Ah can kind of tell you’re keeping something back. After all, loads of people have sex for just pleasure an’ all, so, Ah suppose what Ah have to ask you is, is the reason you're tellin’ me this is because you wanted to sort of vent, or is it because you; you know… like her?”

Applejack was not entirely sure how to express herself under the notion Sunset Shimmer was even remotely interested in that sociopath.

Parting from the embrace, Sunset Shimmer lowered her gaze from Applejack. “I-I can’t get her out of my head, you know? I mean, the sex isn’t the reason why I’m… I’m not saying I’m in love with her or anything. She did try blackmailing at the time you—”

That got a curious eyebrow arch from Applejack as she interjected suddenly.

Hold up! She tried blackmailing you with sex? Listen, Ah’m no officer or lawyer or anythin’ but that sounds pretty darn wrong if you ask me. That sounds like the kind of stuff someone goes to jail over.”

Sunset lifted up her hands up, smiling awkwardly. “Without making it all the more confusing than it already is to explain, it was all an elaborate scheme at first to try and make me join The Dazzlings before the battle of the bands and… it sort of didn’t pan out how she wanted… we both sort of… we both sort of got caught up in the moment, so to speak.”

Resisting the urge to remember the finale of her time with Adagio, Sunset Shimmer released a very lacklustre chuckle at Applejack’s frown. She did not look amused.

Bending down so that she was eye level with Sunset Shimmer, she looked the girl square in the eyes. “And you’re tellin’ me you’ve fallen for her? Even though she tried usin’ you?”

Sunset Shimmer simply nodded. “I wouldn’t say I love her, but… she has been occupying my mind a lot recently, yeah...”

Sighing while pressing a hand against her face, Applejack took a step back while her eyes lifted to the ceiling, licking her tongue against her teeth. “Ah think you really should’ve talked to Rarity or someone else about this. Ah jus’ don’t know what to say other than that all sounds pretty complicated for you, sugarcube.”

“You’re telling me! I just don’t know what to think anymore.” Sunset Shimmer chuckled, smiling up at her friend. “I know I shouldn't have made you listen to all of this but, thanks for just being here, Applejack. I just needed to say it. I know she’s a terrible person that tried to brainwash the entire school into adoring them and everything, but I just feel...”

Sunset Shimmer paused as she realized what she was saying, looking at the incredulous expression on Applejack’s features.

“Yeah, well, ya’ll got somethin’ in common there,” Applejack mused, “but, you never know… you turned over a new leaf quite easily. Ah’m sure if we give The Dazzlings a chance, maybe everyone else will come to accept them too, like they did with you? Maybe that should be your first step in all of this?”

Maybe,” Sunset lowered her head, her shoulders sagging somewhat, “but none of them have returned to school since they lost at the battle of the bands. Nobody has heard or seen from them since. I just don’t think I can stand knowing I won’t get to see her again, as much as it pains me to admit it out loud. I suppose not knowing if she feels the same way is what is eating me up inside. I'll feel a lot better when she rejects the notion, to be honest.”

After all, they were not exactly the best of friends the last time they met.

“Ah’m sure they’ll be back causing mischief before you know it, you’ll see. Ah honestly think all good things come to those who wait.”

As if a higher power was listening in on the conversation, the music room’s door blew open by a wide eyed, panicked Pinkie Pie, her hair frazzled and her brow drenched with sweat.

GIRLS! You’re so not going to believe what just happened in front of the school gates! It was crazy! Completely and utterly crazy!” Pausing for a moment, Pinkie struggled to regain her breath. “Like, even I am having a hard time believing it and I’m pretty out there on the craze’o’meter!”

Applejack and Sunset Shimmer both looked at the panting pink haired girl, both eyeing her as if she had spawned several heads.

“Did ya’ll run all the way here or somethin’, Pinkie Pie?” Applejack commented with a blink. “You look you've battled through a forest to get here. Ya’ll look terrible!” The country girl leaned forward, noting a twig sticking out of the side of the poofy pink hair.

Sunset Shimmer stood up from the chair, concern growing on her face as she regarded Pinkie Pie. “What happened, Pinkie Pie?”

“Never mind me! It’s the Dazzlings… they’re back and they’re already causing chaos!”

Sunset Shimmer’s heart clenched at the trio's name, a hand lifting up to ball against her chest as a small measure of unexplained excitement grew inside of her. She would get to see Adagio Dazzle far sooner than she had anticipated, it would seem.

Applejack gave a passing glance to Sunset Shimmer, pressing her hands against her hips as she shook her head towards Pinkie Pie. “That ain’t exactly any reason to be running yourself ragged to come and tell us, Pinkie. They lost their powers. There ain’t much else they can do to cause—”

No-no-no!” Pinkie Pie leaned heavily against the door frame. “You don’t understand! They got into a big argument! There was a fight and everything!”

Both Sunset Shimmer and Applejack chimed in as one, both visibly stunned at the news. “What?!”

Pinkie Pie nodded frantically. “I don’t know the details because Principal Celestia broke it up before I could get there, but from what I understand, Aria punched Adagio right in the face! There was blood everywhere! Just like in those murder mysteries you see on TV… eeeexcept without the bodies or with an actual murder taking place… actually, there wasn't that much blood… I might’ve imagined that part.”

As soon as Applejack turned to face Sunset Shimmer, the girl had broken off into a sprint, brushing past Pinkie Pie without so much as a word as she moved out into the hallway at speed.

Pinkie Pie leaned out of the music room, watching Sunset Shimmer dash down the hallway, weaving in and around students, expertly avoiding them.

“Wow... what’s her problem? I have never seen her move so fast!” Pinkie Pie continued to observe Sunset Shimmer skid around a corner, disappearing from sight soon after. “Did she eat one of Rainbow Dash’s extra hot curries or something?”

Applejack had at this point poked her head into the hallway too, just missing Sunset Shimmer’s near drifting maneuver around the bend. “If Ah told ya, Pinkie Pie, you wouldn't believe me. Besides, Ah don’ think it would be right of me to—”

“Sunset Shimmer is in love with Adagio Dazzle and she came to confess in secret about it to you because she was unsure on how to properly deal with what she was feeling.” Pinkie Pie flat out replied, causing Applejack to frown and glare suspiciously at her friend. “Right?”

“How... how in the hay did you… Ya’ll weren’t eavesdropping on us, were you?”

“Nope!” Pinkie Pie shrugged. “Just a lucky guess, I suppose… that and they weren’t exactly being discreet when they were doing the nasty in Principal Celestia’s office.”

Applejack’s eyes widened at that. “Ah take it that’s another one of your lucky guesses?”

Pinkie Pie shook her head, beaming up at Applejack. “Don’t be silly! At first I thought they were having a fight, but, the naughty sounding noises they were making kind of gave it away. You see, I was kind of standing outside and listening to them when they were doing it. Kind of hard not to when they were being so really loud. Luckily not many people were in that part of the school building at that time, so I don’t think anyone else heard.”

That’s… that’s really kind of weird, Pinkie Pie, listening in on people like that. Especially when they’re… Just how long were you—actually, no, forget it… Ah don’t think I wanna know.”

Author's Note:

Leave a like, hate, flame, it's all good!

Thanks for reading this everypony.