• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 4,390 Views, 1,265 Comments

The Velveteen Mask - Crystal Wishes

Everypony knows her as a cute, bubbly mare with a penchant for playful mischief, but is that just a mask she wears? Who really is Velvet Step?

  • ...

Preface to a Dream

Weddings. Velvet was pretty sure they were the worst kind of torture a pony could inflict on others and not be seen as some kind of villain.

While her friend Horsey'd had hers recently, it at least had been short and to the point. Crystal's friend Raven, on the other hoof, turned her wedding into a whole fiasco. Then again, perhaps being the personal aide to Princess Celestia demanded such things.

Whatever the reason, all Velvet knew was that she was already losing interest. It had been half an hour already and ponies were still being seated by the ushers, one by one, hooves moving in time with the slow music that played. Velvet slumped in her seat and stared at the ceiling.

She was undeniably, utterly, and completely bored.

Once the last pony had been seated, the groomstallions made their way to the altar, followed by the groom. The music changed to signify some small amount of progress had been made as the bridesmares glided down the aisle. Crystal was among them, which was interesting for all of about three seconds before the boredom settled back in.

Velvet's head nearly dipped as drowsiness gripped her, but she jerked it back up once the stallion of honor—Raven's brother—reached his position and Princess Celestia lifted her hoof to gesture for them all to rise.

They did, the music changed once more, and Raven walked into view. She looked gorgeous, especially for a mare who on any other day was rather ordinary in appearance. Velvet scrunched up her nose. Was that a rude thing to think on Raven's wedding day? Oh, well. Too late now.

Bored, bored, bored. Velvet let out a small sigh of relief when they were allowed to sit again and Princess Celestia cleared her throat. How long was this going to be?

"Ladies and gentlestallions," Princess Celestia began, her soft voice carrying across the large room with ease, "friends and family. I thank you all for taking the time out of your lives to be with us here today to witness the union of these two wonderful ponies, Raven and Pony Moore."

Velvet's ears perked. Even through the veil of boredom, the voice of Princess Celestia was too captivating to ignore.

"In our lives, we are blessed with the chance to meet many ponies that become acquaintances and, hopefully, friends as well. Where life truly becomes magical, however, is in those special moments where the relationship blossoms further and we find our soulmate."

To her left, Velvet heard somepony sniffle. She inclined her head to peer out of the corner of her eye and saw that the mare beside her was crying. Velvet rolled her eyes. Seriously? Barely a few sentences in and somepony was brought to tears? From Velvet's limited experience, wedding ceremonies were all the same. Love, commitment, miracles, blessings, respect, honor, cherish, forever, blah, blah, blah. What was there to cry over? Well... aside from the forever part.

"I am so happy to stand here with Raven and Pony Moore, who have found each other and today are ready to start their lives together forever as one."

There! 'Forever' already! Velvet raised a hoof to smother a grin. She should make a bingo game for weddings.

"This is an opportunity not only for us to bear witness to the love of these two ponies, but to share in their joy as they begin their journey through the union of marriage."

Joy needed to go on the list. Velvet snorted in her attempt to bite back a snicker while the ponies around her sniffled and dabbed their eyes with kerchiefs.

"Marriage is the ultimate commitment two ponies can make. It is not only choosing to stand by your partner in times of happiness, but in times of hardship, as well."

Velvet struggled to breathe out of fear that opening her mouth would let out the laughter rumbling in her chest. She took several deep breaths in and out through her nose, her hoof remaining firmly pressed to her lips. Don't laugh. Definitely don't laugh. Nopony would understand the explanation of 'marriage bingo'. Or, if they did, they'd probably be really, really offended.

"Today, Raven and Moore promise to embrace the sunny days as well as the cloudy skies. To endure through conflict as well as enjoy the peace. To give as well as receive. To cherish as well as respect."

At that moment, while Velvet's eyes were tearing up from the withheld amusement, Crystal glanced out into the crowd and their gazes met. Oh, crabapples. Did she look like she was laughing or crying? Considering her vision was blurry, she hoped it was the latter. As casually as she could, she moved her hoof to feign a discreet wipe of her eyes.

She managed to survive the rest of the ceremony without blowing her cover. Slowly, each row filed down the aisle after the wedding party to form a receiving line, which was almost as boring as the ceremony. Velvet stood amongst the strangers and tried not to look too distracted as she shuffled, waited, shuffled, and waited her way toward the doors.

"Hello!" she chirped when it was her turn to shake hooves with the bride and groom, flashing a grin at them. "Hope the food's as good as your dress, Raven!"

Her completely serious statement was met with polite laughter as though she were joking. No, she didn't joke about food. Thus far, the free food seemed to be one of the only good parts about weddings, and given who Raven was, Velvet really hoped it was the castle staff that was catering. They made some of the best food in all of Canterlot.

Finally, she made her way into the reception hall that was decked out in Hearts and Hooves decor—considering the holiday was the very next day, of course—and made a beeline straight for the buffet. One hoof balanced a plate while she smiled at the server standing at the station. "I'd like some of that, that, a little of that, a lot of that, and, if you don't mind, that, too, please."

The server blinked a few times. "So, everything?"

"You got it!"

With a soft chuckle, the server's magic started to levitate rolls, little sandwiches, scoops of pasta, vegetables, cheese and crackers, and a little bowl of soup to her plate. "Enjoy, ma'am!"

Velvet winked. "I hope I do!" On her way to the tables to find the chair marked with her name, she spied the cake. It was pure white with piped decorations that complemented Raven and Moore quite well, but... Velvet sidestepped toward it and sniffed, then scrunched up her nose.

Really? Just a plain vanilla cake? No hint of lemon or orange or anything to make it a little more exciting? She rolled her eyes and continued on her way to fill up on free food before she bailed.

She was, at least, extremely pleased with the meal, and blissfully feigning ignorance of the glances sent her way for stuffing her face. The rolls were accompanied with fresh honey butter, and the pasta? Divine! The little crackers topped with cheese were so-so, but the lentil soup was unforgettable.

The only downside, however, was that she was pretty sure everypony noticed her lethargic wobbling as she tried to sneak out of the hall. Oh, well. That was Crystal's problem, not hers! The only thing she had to worry about right then was making it to the condo and getting into bed before her body collapsed into a food-induced coma.


"Can you believe it, Red?" Velvet peered up at the foal from where she was on the floor of her parents' condo, sprawled out with her legs stretched out to the sides. "You're my first Hearts and Hooves Day date."

Red blinked at her and tilted his head to the side, ears flopping in different directions. "Uwah?"

Velvet snorted. "This intellectual conversation is absolutely riveting." She rolled over and sighed, shaking her head. "What's wrong with me? Crystal kicked me out so she could get it on with Silent, Mom and Dad stuck me with foalsitting you..." A grin tugged her lips upward. "Not that I mind too much, but let me complain, okay?"

"Annh!" Red wiggled his forelegs at her and she wrapped hers around him to pull him close.

"Okay, fine, let's talk about you, my little cream cheese cupcake. It's always about what you want to talk about!" One hoof shifted to tousle his mane. "Well, maybe I'm not done talking about me. Like..." Her ears drooped. "What's wrong with me?"

Red gently slapped his hooves against hers, giggling and gurgling.

Velvet's ears flicked back upright. "Why can't I be like Crystal and Horsey and Raven and Mom, and find a special somepony, and live happily ever after?"

In his slapfest, Red accidentally punched the underside of her chin and her teeth clanked together. He gasped at the sound and withdrew all of his legs in toward himself. "Ouh!"

Grimacing, Velvet worked her jaw and ran her tongue along her teeth to ensure they were all in place. "Seriously, Red? Is your idea of getting me out of a pity party resorting to violence?" She wrapped her forelegs around him to trap him against her and snuffled his mane. When he squealed in delight, she pulled back to laugh. "Okay, fine. Nothing's wrong with me. I'm just different. Different's okay." She paused, then sighed. "I guess. Maybe. I don't know!"

Red managed to get one of the locks of hair that framed her face trapped between his forehooves, tugged it down, and stuck it in his mouth. Lately, everything seemed to end up in his mouth.

"Hey!" She glared at him out of the corner of her eye. "That's gross, Red! Cut it out!"

"Mmah," he managed while chewing on her hair, then gasped when she tugged it away from him. "Mmah!"

Velvet groaned as she stood upright and trotted over to the bathroom to grab a hoofcloth to clean her hair of drool. "We really need to talk about this mouth obsession!"

"It's perfectly normal at his age," her mother's voice came from the other room.

Velvet stiffened before leaning out of the bathroom. "Oh, hey, you're home!"

Sunbeam shot her a light but playful glare as she scooped Red into her embrace. "How long did you leave him alone!"

"Oh my gosh, like, not even a whole minute! I doubt half of one! You probably got in literally as I walked in here!" Velvet rolled her eyes, then smiled. "So, date night was a success? Where's Dad?"

Sunbeam didn't look at her. "At the bakery."

Velvet blinked and tilted her head as she walked out into the living room. "Okay... What's he doing there?"

There was a moment of trepidation before Sunbeam muttered, "Sulking, I imagine. I had the audacity to say that dessert was delicious. Now he's all certain that means I don't like his baking." She shook her head, letting out a groaning sigh. "Honestly!" With a weak smile, she looked over at Velvet. "We'll be fine, sweetie. Why don't you run along and enjoy what's left of Hearts and Hooves?"

Velvet lingered where she was, glancing between her mother and the door. "Are you sure? I mean, it's not like I have a date, so—"

"But you might find one!" Sunbeam winked. "It's the perfect day to find a special somepony, after all!"

"Okay, sure, all right, Mom." She lowered her head to Red's level. "Well, it was fun, little guy, but Mom says you're not enough and I have to go out and find a stallion so I can make a new baby for her. Tough breaks!" She grinned and ducked when her mother swatted at her. "Bye!"

Velvet maintained her prancing all the way out the door, but once it shut behind her, she sighed and allowed her tail to droop. She would have rather been with Red for the whole night, not out and about reminded that most ponies wanted somepony to be with.

Hearts and Hooves Day was such an awkward holiday. Even Canterlot became a cesspool of love on this particular day. One place was sure to be a safe haven, however, and she urged her hooves to take her to the Mare Contraire. Maybe a few drinks would get her spirits back in order.

As usual, Dolly looked over and smiled when Velvet walked in the door. "Hi, sweetie. Usual?"

"Please." Velvet dropped down onto a stool at the bar, glancing around. The crowd was thinner than normal, but she was comforted by not being the only single loser there that night. When an appletini was set in front of her, she smiled. "Thanks, Dolly. I can always count on you."

"Oh, I know." The bartender chuckled and leaned in. "You seem pretty down, hun. Wanna talk?"

Velvet shook her head. "Not really. I'm sure you've heard it all before."

Dolly gave a slow, sagely nod. "Feeling lonely on such a lovey day?"

"What? Lonely?" Velvet raised her brow before a bark of laughter escaped her. "Not even! I just..." Her smile faded and her gaze darted down to her drink. "I'm not lonely, and I feel weird because I feel like I should be."

"I see!" Dolly rested her elbow on the bar to prop up her chin. "Sweetheart, it sounds like you just need to relax. There are plenty of mares here just looking for a good time, just like always. You're not the only one, so don't beat yourself up, all right? Especially not when that new cutie's been giving you the eye while we've been talking."

Velvet's ears perked up. "New cutie?" She looked around and spotted a mare sitting at the far end of the bar. The sweet little thing fumbled with the glass in her hooves when their eyes met and a heavy blush showed through her light grey coat. "Cutie indeed," Velvet purred. Yes, a good time was exactly what she needed.

Dolly laughed and waved a hoof to shoo her. "I know your type! Now, run along and have a happy Hearts and Hooves."

Velvet tossed back her appletini, flashed a smile at Dolly, then slid off the stool to prance her way over to the mare, who shifted either nervously or excitedly. Velvet hoped it was excitement that made it hard for the mare to sit still. "Well, hi there!"

"Oh gosh, hello!" The mare nearly dropped her drink, glancing between it and Velvet. Her eyes were a brilliant shade of yellow that contrasted with her pale blue mane, which was tied into two long braids. "Hi, um, how are you?"

Velvet sat down next to her and leaned against the bar, one brow raised and a coy smile on her lips. "Better now that I've found such a sweet little treat."

The mare responded with a sound somewhere between a giggle, a gasp, and a titter. She set her glass on the bar to wring her hooves. "I'm, ah, I'm Dawn Walker! What's your name?"

Velvet offered a hoof out to her. "Velvet." When the mare tried to accept the gesture of greeting, Velvet instead pulled Dawn's hoof to her lips and kissed it.

Dawn gasped and flushed a bright shade of red. "Oh my gosh! I-I'm sorry, but I just want to make sure I'm not confusing the signals. We're flirting, right? This is you flirting with me?"

Velvet grinned at her. "Do you want it to be, sunshine?"

"Y-y-yes, yes, I would like that. Please?" Dawn offered a tentative smile.

Velvet leaned in and placed a peck of a kiss on her lips. "Then we're definitely flirting." She held their closeness, grin returning twofold as she asked in a low voice, "Would you like to stay here and flirt, or show me where you live?"

Dawn gave a strangled squeak of surprise. Her blush reached the very tips of her ears and she looked around as if to ask for help, but then returned her gaze to Velvet and just nodded.

"It wasn't a yes or no question, cutie." Velvet straightened up. "You're gonna have to tell me what you want."

"I, um, well." Dawn swallowed and chewed on her lip before continuing, "I'd like to get to know you better? And, well, my apartment is pretty quiet."

Velvet nuzzled her cheek before rising to her hooves and nodding her head toward the door. "Lead the way, buttercup, and we can get to know each other a whole lot better."

Author's Note:

Companion Wishes Chapter: Union of Hearts