• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 4,390 Views, 1,265 Comments

The Velveteen Mask - Crystal Wishes

Everypony knows her as a cute, bubbly mare with a penchant for playful mischief, but is that just a mask she wears? Who really is Velvet Step?

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Face Time

Velvet yawned as she walked out of the room she, her parents, and Red had shared for the night. Her hooves fell a little too loudly against the old, creaky wooden floors, so she tiphoofed her way onto the rug.

"Mornin', sunshine," Bitter Batter said from the recliner.

Velvet's ears wiggled as she climbed over the back of the sofa to land on the cushions. "Morning, Pappy. Coffee?"

Bitter Batter bobbed his head in an idle nod. "Black as the day I was born."

"You're grey, Pappy." Velvet grinned at him.

"And someday you will be, too." He paused to take a long sip from his mug. "So, sunshine, tell me about work."

Velvet stretched out on the couch, hugging one of the decorative pillows and burying half of her face against it. "I'm a ballerina for the Canterlot Ballet, Pappy. Not much to tell."

He peered at her with eyes a shade of yellow that she remembered being brighter. "You know that's not true. What were you saying last night about getting a role?"

"Oh, yeah." She shrugged. "My friend Nightingale and I auditioned for the Evil Stepsisters. The prima in our company is a total—" How should she put it that her grandfather would understand best?

"Crusty loaf?" Bitter offered.

Velvet snorted and laughed. "Super crusty. She took Canterella, of course, so now Nightingale and I get to torment her."

Bitter just chuckled for a moment, sipped his coffee, and finally said, "You're one of mine, all right." He leaned back in the recliner to stretch out. "This one going on tour?"

"I doubt it, honestly. This isn't the kind of ballet that gets us on tour. I'm pretty surprised Swan Lake didn't net us one, but I don't mind. That one is a real—a real crusty loaf."

"Hmm." Bitter drummed his hoof against the side of the coffee mug. "Shame. That last one you came through with was fun. Your cousins loved it."

Velvet just shrugged. She saw her cousins maybe once a year; what they loved or didn't love really didn't mean much to her. "Yeah."

"Your cousin Sourdough just got engaged." Bitter looked over at her with an expression that gave away nothing. "That just leaves you, you know."

Velvet's ears flattened against her mane. "Hey, that's not fair. Red doesn't have a special somepony, either."

Bitter snorted.

Velvet snorted back, adding a furrow of her brow.

After a long staring match, Bitter finally relented with a light chuckle and a shake of his head. "You can cut it out. You know I don't give a raisin's wrinkle whether you get married or not. Just thought you should know that your aunts are going to be on your case now that it's just you."

"Velvet's getting married?!" Cady Berry exclaimed from behind the couch.

"What?!" Rocky Road's voice came from one of the bedrooms, followed by a thundering of hooves. "Who's the stallion?!"

Velvet jolted upright. "Wait, no, I—"

It was too late. Velvet could do nothing to stop the mares from surrounding her, the questions pouring in as fast as Bitter could pour fudge to keep it from stiffening too soon. Within a matter of minutes, Sunbeam had stormed into the living room to chase the crazed aunts away, Pepper Ridge following behind her as backup support.

Velvet just sat there, doing her best not to snap at them. Instead, she sucked in a breath and slowly released it. This was why they visited Pepper's parents first—get the crazy out of the way, then wind down with the normal grandparents.


Berry Stitch overflowed with giggles and squeals as she bounced Red on her knee. "Who's a cute little lamb? Hmm? Who?"

Red stared up at her with a tortured look that Velvet recognized as the one he used when she bought him new outfits. Of course, she was pretty sure her store-bought onesies were no match for the lovingly hoofcrafted ones Berry had just dumped on the table. The current one they had forced him into was made with fluffy white yarn to resemble the curly wool of a lamb, complete with soft pink ears that fit over his own.

Whitecollar cleared his throat. "Dearest, you're doing that thing again."

"What?" Berry Stitch asked in a voice almost too high to register.

Velvet shook her head. "Don't mind him, Grandma! I can understand you just fine."

"Really?" Pepper Ridge rubbed one of his ears and tilted his head. "It's all squeaks to me."

Sunbeam giggled, nudging her shoulder to Pepper's. "It's okay, sweetie. I'll translate for you."

"Oohh..." Berry Stitch glared at them all.

"Oohh," Sunbeam repeated, grinning when it earned her a second glare.

Berry Stitch sighed. She held Red out to Velvet and slid out of her chair. "Fine! Fine, fine, fine."

"Fine! Fine, fine, fine," Sunbeam chimed. She laughed and ducked a throw pillow tossed her way. "Mom!"

Berry Stitch hobbled her way into the kitchen—her bad hip must have been acting up, Velvet guessed—and squeaked out her gripes as she made herself a glass of water. Once she had downed the whole drink, she returned to the living room with her normal voice back in place. "I can't help it that my grandfoal is the cutest thing I have ever seen," she muttered.

Velvet's tail lashed. "Thanks, Grandma." She looked down at Red, who squirmed in her lap and tried to wriggle his way out of his lamb outfit, and sighed. "Oh, who am I kidding? How could I ever have compared with this little ball of pure adorable!"

Whitecollar looked over at Velvet's parents. "How is business at Sunridge Sweets?"

Pepper Ridge smiled. "Great! It's been a bit stressful trying to raise Red and keep the bakery going at the same time, but he seems happy enough with his space in the back room."

Berry Stitch clasped her hoof to her cheek. "Oh! Dear, darling, dearest,"—she looked over at Whitecollar—"do you think we should move to Canterlot? We could help raise sweet little Red!"

Before Whitecollar could respond, Sunbeam cut in, "We're fine, Mom. We're doing fine. Does he look neglected to you?"

"Neglected? Sweetie, I'm not trying to say he's neglected!" Berry Stitch scrunched up her nose. "Just think of how much easier life would be if Whit and I could be there to take him off your hooves from time to time."

"Mom," Sunbeam practically pleaded, "stop, really, it's okay! You don't need to do that!"

Velvet idly played with Red's hooves, making him clap them together or wiggle in circles. "What do you think?" she whispered to him. "Do you want Grandma Berry to live with us?"

Red jerked his head back and stared up at her with wide, panicked eyes, forcing a laugh out of her that ground the debate between Berry and Sunbeam to a halt.

"What's so funny, sugarsnack?" Sunbeam asked.

Velvet shook her head. "Nothing, Mom." She grinned down at Red. "Nothing's funny." Clearing her throat, she looked over at Berry. "Hey, Grandma, do you think you could make something for a friend of mine?"

With lightning quick reflexes, Berry pulled the crochet needles out of her bun and snatched up her bag full of different yarns. "Tell me all about her, dearie."


"So, yeah, when I told my grandmother about you, she set to work making... this!" Velvet held out a light pink beret with Nightingale's cutie mark—a winged ballet slipper—emblazoned on the side in dark brown. "Tada!"

Nightingale hopped on the tips of her hooves, her wings fluttering. "Ooh! That's super cute!" She dipped her head low so that Velvet could slip it on her, then stood up straight. "How does it look?"

Velvet nodded. "Looks perfect to me!"

Nightingale twittered with giggles as they crossed the main room of the studio over to where Perennial waited impatiently. "This is so exciting! Your grandmother made me a gift and I've never even met her, and now we get to practice, and aaah!" She bounced in place once they reached their marks. "This is the best day ever!"

"That has yet to be seen," Perennial said, looking down her nose at Nightingale. "While this ballet may be far from quality, I expect professionallism from the both of you."

Velvet's ears folded back. "Yes, Perennial. Of course. This is our careers, too, you know."

Perennial turned her head to leer at Velvet. The look of disdain on her face was rivaled only by the ire that boiled in Velvet's chest. "Is that so? I thought you were just here to have fun. Well, it looks like you fooled me."

While Nightingale seemed content to wait for their cue, Velvet stomped a hoof and held Perennial's gaze. She was sick of putting up with the uppity attitude, the dirty looks, the snide comments—she was sick of all of it. "You're not the only pony in this ballet, you know! It takes all of us to make this a show, so you could stop acting like it's all about you!"

If Perennial was fazed by Velvet's persistence, she didn't show an ounce of it. "How typical. You get a little spotlight and let it go to your head." She snorted and turned her head. "Beauchamps, the music, please."

Beauchamps complied, and there was no room for Velvet to press the issue further. Perennial had shut her off. She was in her zone, drifting across the floor as she mimed cleaning up an invisible mess. Velvet's lips curled into a snarl, but all she could do was begrudgingly follow the choreography.

It would be okay. Velvet's hooves started moving of their own accord; this was the part she and Nightingale had practiced at least a hundred times, or at least it felt that way. Once practice was underway, Perennial would default to her normal level of diva crustiness.

Velvet grinned, but it faded away as she watched Perennial go through the movements for the first act. Even miming something as mundane as washing a mirror, Perennial moved with grace and poise.

As much as Velvet hated to admit it, there was a reason why the diva got away with being such so insufferable most of the time. Perennial was pretty much perfect in every way except personality.

It just made Velvet loathe her all the more.


The week was over. At any moment, Crystal would walk through the door, definitely-most-likely engaged. A Glimmer World trip after a super romantic Hearts and Hooves Day just screamed proposal. Velvet snorted and took another bite of cereal.

It wouldn't be so bad. Crystal would move out and live with Silent, of course. Velvet would get the condo all to herself. Maybe she'd get a roommate? Or maybe she could turn it into a super swanky love nest. Velvet looked out into the main area and laughed at the idea of Crystal dropping by to visit, only to be met with a pile of pillows, mares, and a stallion or two.

Yeah, no. Fun idea, but totally impractical. Would they pay rent? Would she have to feed them all? What if two got attached to each other and started a fight with the others? Where would Velvet go to relax and get away from the herd of hormones?

Velvet stirred her spoon around in the bowl. The little honey-flavored round circles bobbed about, trying to avoid the silver assailant.

Life would be different. But it would be okay.

Her ear twitched at the sound of Crystal's voice out in the hall. "It's not like that!"

Sounded like somepony was home. Velvet inclined her head to hear better.

"She's just worried that I'll leave her all by herself if I run off and get married."

"Oh. Is that all?" Silent's voice responded, followed by a light snort. "I mean this in the nicest way to myself as possible but I don't think I'm enough to break you two up."

"Exactly what I told her."

Somepony huffed—likely Silent, feinging offense—and Crystal giggled. Crystal had always been a giggler, but Silent especially brought it out in her. It was sickeningly cute.

"Well, she'll find out eventually." The lock turned and clicked, and Crystal called, "I'm home!"

Velvet gave her best look of over-exaggerated surprise and gasped loudly. "Oh, wow, I had no idea you were home, I definitely didn't hear noise outside the door or—"

Velvet blinked.

There it was. Sitting on Crystal's horn was an unistakable engagement ring.

Velvet blinked again.

Wow—Silent had really gone all out. The diamond was absolutely stunning.

Velvet blinked a third time as she returned to her senses and stiffened. This was really happening. Crystal was really, actually engaged. One step further away.

"I knew it!" Velvet shrieked, pushing the negative thought from her mind to focus instead on the present. She pointed at the ring with both forehooves. "He proposed!"

Silent cleared his throat, set Crystal's luggage by the door, and started to take a step back out into the hall. "I'll just leave so you two can be alone."

There was no way he was getting away that easily. She grinned as she pulled her hind legs into the seat of the chair for optimal pouncing position. "Oh, no you don't!" She kicked off the chair, which nearly toppled over from the sudden force, and grappled him with one foreleg wrapped around his neck. "You never asked for my blessing!"

One of Silent's brows raised and he peered at her out of the corner of his eyes. She watched as a look of consideration passed over his face until he just shrugged and allowed her to keep him in a headlock. "I'm sorry."

Velvet huffed and held on tight in case he changed his mind. "Sorry won't cut it. I'm hurt, Silent. Did you think you couldn't trust me with the knowledge?"

"I'm sorry," he just repeated.

Velvet allowed a small laugh. "Still doesn't cut it! I'm great at keeping secrets!" She reached up with her free hoof to muss his mane. "I'll remember this next time I'm going to surprise Crystal with something. I won't even give you a hint."

Silent chuckled and nodded just enough to acknowledge her. "Okay. I'm still sorry. I just figured since you live with her, well." He shrugged. "I'm sorry." He straightened up, his too-tall height lifting Velvet's hindhooves off the ground with annoying ease. "Anyway, I actually do have to go."

"Oh, you're no fun," Velvet muttered, letting go and landing on all fours.

Silent gave her a hug and placed a kiss on Crystal's cheek before turning to leave. "Have fun, you two."

"Bye, Siley," Crystal said in an almost seductive purr.

'Siley'? Now that was past the point of cute and heading straight toward sickening city. Velvet waited until they were alone before turning a mischievous grin on Crystal. "Siley?"

Crystal's face turned a bright shade of red. "It's a couple thing," she quickly explained, clearing her throat. "Couples use nicknames."

"You never gave me a nickname," Velvet teased and put on her best imitation of one of Crystal's classic pouts. "Why don't I get a nickname?"

"Fine." Crystal stuck her nose in the air, turned away, and started prancing toward her bedroom with her luggage floating after her. "You are now Giftless."

"Giftless?" Velvet followed right behind the suitcases, swatting at one to try and knock it off-course, but Crystal's magic held firm. "Aww, you brought me gifts?"

"Not anymore!" Crystal huffed and her tail flicked in mock agitation as she levitated a small package wrapped in mauve paper. "And to think, I broke the rule and spent more than I should have to bring you back something nice."

Giving in to the most foalish thing she could think of, Velvet draped herself over Crystal's back and drummed her hooves against the mare's side. "Crystal, come on, don't be that way! I was only teasing!" She grinned, trying to size up the package and guess its contents. "Come on, what did you get me?"

Crystal's magic carried the gift over to the waste bin in the corner. "It is this darling little accessory. I had to bribe somepony to go stand in line to get them."

"Aww..." A warmth spread throughout Velvet's chest at the very idea. "That's so sweet!" Velvet wriggled on Crystal's back and reached out in vain toward the package. "You care about me that much that you'd lower your moral standards and defbame yourself with base bribery?" She paused and blinked a few times as the words replayed in her mind. "Wait, stand in line?" With one final wiggle, she slid off Crystal's back and walked over to get a better look at the gift hovering in the air. "What is it, really?"

Crystal tossed her mane and gave a coy smile. "I suppose you'll have to open it to find out."

"Hurray!" Velvet grabbed the package and dropped down onto her haunches to focus on her forehooves. Ripping the wrapping away and tossing aside the lid of the box inside, Velvet gasped.

Resting on a white satin pillow was a pair of earrings. Glimmer earrings, to be precise; some of the most highly sought-after pieces of jewelry on the market. Both the white gold silhouette and the aquamarine gemstone that hung in the center were teardrop-shaped, and though they were something Velvet would probably never wear, she wanted to cry.

Crystal had been on the most romantic getaway with her stallionfriend-turned-fiancé, but she had stopped to think of Velvet.

Velvet hadn't been forgotten. Even though she wasn't physically there, a part of her was still with Crystal, halfway across Equestria.

And that made her the happiest mare in the world.

Author's Note:

Companion Wishes Chapter: A Glimmering Step