• Published 14th Mar 2015
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xjuggerscrapsx - xjuggernaughtx

A collection of ideas and story errata with author's notes. Think of them as jugger-nots.

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An Understanding (Slice of Life)

Shining Armor winced as the huge doors to throne room banged shut. The sound seemed to roll down the chamber, amplifying and rebounding back to him again and again. Sweeping the room with his eyes, his old habits began to kick in.

Why aren’t the guards here by the door? he wondered. There should always be two guards stationed here. Something’s not right. Picking up speed, he trotted down the carpeted runner toward the princesses. Celestia and Luna had their head bowed close together, speaking softly. As he neared, they broke off their conversation and Princess Celestia descended from the dais to meet him.

“I’m honored to accept your invitation, Princess,” Shining Armor said, dipping into a deep bow.

“You don’t have to be so formal, you know,” Celestia said, smiling gently and rolling her eye. “We’re peers now, Prince Shining Armor.”

Blushing, Shining Armor shrugged and scratched behind his ear. “Oh, yeah,” he said, grinning ruefully. “Cadence keeps reminding me, but I’m having a hard time remembering. I spent too much time standing here with a spear.”

“Well, I could get you one, if that would make you more comfortable,” said Celestia as her eye twinkled.

Shining Armor frowned, scanning the room. “To tell you the truth, Princess, it might. Where are all the guards?” he asked, pointing to the spots they should occupy with his hoof. “There should be at least eight guards in this room!”

Celestia sighed and ascended the steps of the dais once more. “We’ve sent them away for this meeting,” she said, shaking her head. “This will be vital to national security. It’s top secret.”

“But, princess!” Shining Armor replied, his brow furrowing. “What if something were to happen? An attack!” He fought the urge to whirl around and look everywhere at once. One of the first things he had learned as a military recruit was how to stand still and focus, but even how he found it difficult. His eyes flicked over to Princess Luna as her shadow fell on him.

Much smaller than her sister, Luna still managed to intimidate him. While Celestia’s eyes spoke of warm and light, Luna’s cool gaze chilled Shining Armor. Standing atop the dais, she regarded him with a frown.

“I believe our combined power should be sufficient should the need arise,” she said, arching an eyebrow. Princess Celestia’s eye darted back and forth between Shining Armor and Luna for a second.

“The decision was not made lightly,” Celestia said quickly as Shining Armor’s eyebrows came together. “It is because we have faith in your guards that we can risk this private meeting.”

Author's Note:

I thought this up after Keep Calm and Flutter On because the plot of that episode doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I wanted more explanation.

The plot here was going to be that Princesses Celestia and Luna were concerned with an outside threat, and their best hope was in a reformed Discord. However, they were uneasy about what that meant, and how Twilight and her friends would react to the idea. So they called in Shining Armor to get a read on how he thought his sister would take the new. In doing so, they would outline the threat facing Equestria for the reader. Luna was going to be keeping tabs in Discord via dreams. That was going to be the control mechanism.

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