• Published 6th Mar 2015
  • 7,404 Views, 340 Comments

inFAMOUS: Second Storm - FrostTheWolf

A young conduit that lives in San Diego does not know what he got himself into after saving a young girl during a hostage crisis.

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Chapter 7- Retro City

Chapter 7- Retro City

San Diego, California (4:25am)


“Yes, Please”

“Alright, two pieces coming up.”

Taking what remained of the apple pie in the fridge, Shawn cut it into two pieces and set the slices onto two different Navy Ceramic plates. Afterwards, he heated them up in the microwave each for around thirty seconds and handed them to Soarin and Rainbow Dash after putting a fork next to their food. The warm feeling of the plates and the strong smell already convinced them that this was going to be good.

“Here you go. Would you like anything else with that?” The Snow Conduit asked his two guests.

“Oh, no thank you.” Soarin replied while Rainbow Dash and just shook her head. Both of them took their first bite moments afterwards. Then, they set their gaze back on Shawn again. This time, a bit surprised.

“Dear sweet Celestia!!”

“You like it?”

“Absolutely!! This tastes great!”

This was a first for Shawn. It was technically the first time that someone from another world praised him for something other than his powers or combat skills. (Not to mention the moment the princesses praised him for figuring out who they were.)

“Did you make this?” Soarin asked. The pie reminded him of the one he purchased when Applejack set up her pie shop at the Galloping Gala. The Snow Conduit’s response was a nod of the head, which was followed by even more phrase. Both guests were so impressed by how delicious the pie was. Not to mention how talented of a cook he was.

“Wow, did anypony you know teach you how to make this?”

“Why yes actually. My mom always taught me a couple of recipes and let me use the recipe book for if I had the time to make something.” The teenager told him as he pointed to a blue 2-inch three ring binder labeled “Recipes” on the side.

“I was beginning to wonder about that.” Rainbow mentioned as she got halfway through her pie slice. “We’ve seen your dad, but I haven’t seen your mom… Is she here?”

That’s where things felt a bit… uncomfortable at first. “Actually, she isn’t here. My mom is a doctor and spends a lot of time on travel helping people in other countries. Taking care of the wounded… The ill… The sick… The Homeless… She wants to do everything she can to help others who can’t help themselves.”

“Oh… Uh, sorry if I-.”

“No, it’s alright.” Shawn told his guests. “Even though she’s far away, I still talk to her. She taught me to stay strong and keep moving forward. It’s helped me to get to where I’m at right now.”

He now noticed that the guests had already finished their food by the time he was done talking, which was a bit of a surprise for him at first to him. Being the gracious host of a few guests, he took their empty dishes, washed them in the sink, and put them in the dishwasher.

“So, to change the subject a bit…” Rainbow Dash started to speak as she got up from the stool she was sitting on. “What’s the rest of your house like?”

The Snow conduit, following her lead, walked on over to her. “Well, let me give you the grand tour.” The three of them soon began to walk down a medium sized hallway, passing the first photo inside a frame on the wall. The frame had a picture of two women. Both of them were of Asian descent and one of them wore a suit and tie like a government agent while the other one wore a doctor’s coat and was holding her doctorate. At the bottom of the phrase was a phrase that was engraved in Japanese. If translated, the meaning of the phrase would be seen as very emotional and heartwarming.


I love you, sister.

Seattle, Washington

It was around 7:50am when Twilight Sparkle abruptly woke up from her short lived slumber. The beams of Sunlight that poked through the windows and the sounds of cars outside were the two main reasons why the Conduit of Magic only got around six and a half hours of sleep last night. Upon waking up though, she found a folded sheet of paper on top of the stack of books that she was planning to read today after breakfast. She didn’t see Vinyl anywhere right now. But upon opening up the note, it’s message was simple, brief, and from her companion.

“Going to get some more food for breakfast. I’ll be back as soon as possible.” -Vinyl

Twilight groaned a little as she got up from her laid down position on the couch she used as a bed and felt her stomach growl in hunger. The old studio that She and her friend were hiding in wasn’t exactly like home, but it still had it’s advantages. First off, Plumbing and electricity still worked so they could use the sink, bathroom and put food in the fridge (That was one thing Vinyl knew that Twilight didn’t at the time). Second, there was a lot of space to move around and left over stuff that the two of them could find useful for their current situation. Third and finally, there were books. Lots of books. The one thing that would peak Twilights interests wherever she would happen to be.

The Princess had spent some time after waking up by using a speed reading spell so she can read through a huge economics book, the world atlas she found last night and a variety of other books that might give her a clue on what exactly were these “Conduits” that she kept on hearing about around town. The end result of an hours worth of reading had most of what the Magic Conduit was looking for… But not everything.

She was amazed to find out how this world was way different from Equestria but also had it’s similarities. For one thing, some cities like Seattle and Philadelphia reminded her of Seaddle and Fillydelphia back home. Another was the economy. It was almost three times as advanced as Equestria’s current market and each country had their own currency.

The only thing she hadn’t found out about yet was about how this “conduit” problem started. Well, it wasn’t actually a problem, but more like a dilemma to Twilight. The Conduit, despite hours of reading multiple books and sources, had not found anything on the subject at all. It was beginning to frustrate her… Severely frustrate her.

Around now though was when things started to get weird. Mostly because the door at the far back end of the room began to creek open and the noise startled the Element of Magic. Twilight’s first thoughts were that Vinyl had finished her errand and had come back. However, that theory was demolished when she heard this person’s voice.

“Hello? Is anyone here?”

The voice was nothing like Vinyl’s. It sounded more like a teenaged colt around her age. Without being seen, Twilight stopped reading and teleported herself to the studio’s second floor. She used an old recording booth as a place to hide as she took a moment to try and evaluate the situation. An unknown intruder was in the back of the warehouse and the only thing she had on her was a device called a “Cell phone” that she barely knew how to use. Yep, she was in as good of a position as any right now.

“I just want to talk… I think one of my friends did not introduce herself properly yesterday.”

Great, this kid had back up… But who was this friend? That’s when she decided to make up her mind. Twilight needed to talk to this kid. Maybe he wasn’t like the others she had seen before. But the only way she would know for real was if she gave it a try.

Using the same power she had used previously, she teleported herself back into the middle of the warehouse. Turns out, her teleport put the magic conduits position right behind the boy. He turned around and almost tripped, startled by Twilight’s sudden appearance. This kid had a grey hoodie jacket that was unzipped, wore jeans, glasses, sneakers, and a red t shirt with two h’s and one of those h’s having a sword in the middle. The teen also had a moderate sized backpack on his shoulder.

“Hello. I’m sorry if I startled you.” Twilight introduced herself, offering a hand to the hooded teen.

“Oh uh… It’s not your fault.” The teen muttered, shaking the dust off his pants and taking Twilights hand to help himself up. “I get surprised real easily.”

“So do I sometimes.”

“I wouldn’t happen to think you used Teleportation just now, did you?” His words almost had Twilight act defensively. She didn’t think he would figure that out so fast. Before she could say anything else, he noticed that some blue energy with some electronic 1’s and 0’s and some small boxes appeared in his left hand. “It’s okay… I’m a conduit as well.”

“So you can tell who is a conduit and who isn’t?” Twilight asked.

“Not quite. A friend yesterday told me of a girl she ran into that had teleportation powers.”

“Wait… Does that friend happen to be named ‘Fetch’.”

“I guess you two met then?”

“Unfortunately, yes.” The Conduit of Magic said. “The way she approached my friend triggered some bad memories for her from when she was little.”

“I’ll stop there then.” The other Conduit replied. “Oh uh… I forgot to ask you this… But what’s your name?”

“My name? It’s Twilight.”

“Twilight? That’s a new one.” The hooded teen retorted as he raised an eyebrow.

“And what’s your name, mister?” Twilight followed up with a question of her own, folding her arms across her chest.


“Well Eugene… My friend Vinyl and I aren’t exactly ‘From here’ and are unfamiliar with a lot of things.”

“What do you mean? Like a Immigrant from another country?” The teen asked. Hearing that her friends name was Vinyl made him think ‘No wonder her friend could control sound.’

“No no no… it’s not like that-.”

Twilight tried to explain what she meant, only to be cut off by the kicking of the door and the sound of two bodies hitting the pavement and a third one walking in. Eugene and Twilight turned towards the direction where the sounds came from, only for the video conduit to be surprised that he knew the two conduits on the floor.

“Fetch!! Delsin!!!”

“What’s going on-?” Twilight looked up to see that her companion Vinyl was by the door with a half melted door lock in her hands that was still hot.

“I would want to know the same thing,” The DJ told them. “I was coming back from getting food when I saw these two trying to break in by melting the lock on the door.” Twilight’s response to all of this was a face palm slap to her face and a deep sigh as she looked at her DJ friend.

“Vinyl… There wasn’t a need to do that. My friend Eugene here knows these two and I think they want to help us.’

That drew a blank stare on Vinyl’s face. “Wait… So all of this just now… was a misunderstanding?”

Twilight nodding her head was what made the Sound Conduit realize her mistake. Without thinking, Vinyl stretched out her hands towards both Conduits that were on the floor. Reciting something in her head, silver energy flowed from her hands and began to restore both Fetch and Delsin to proper health. Both Twilight and Eugene were personally surprised by this power that the DJ was demonstrating.

“What was that?” Eugene asked.

“I call it Symphony. It’s a power that allows me to use Song melodies and sound waves to heal and tend to the wounds of anyone that’s hurt.”

“Well, that’s one way of introducing ourselves.” The conduit with the beanie cap interjected as he got off the floor and stood back up on his feet. “I’m Delsin. I believe you’ve already met both Fetch and Eugene.”

“Indeed, we have.” The magic conduit replied. “Well, my name is Twilight and I think you two have already met my friend, Vinyl.” The DJ herself just rolled her eyes at the comment as Fetch got back on her feet. After introductions were made, Eugene took a moment to talk to the two conduits and catch them up to speed on what Twilight had already told him. After a little bit, the Akomish conduit nodded, taking a deep breath.

“Well Twilight… Eugene tells me you two are not exactly from here and that you're not immigrants from another country either. So, would you care to explain what you mean please?”

Twilight and Vinyl looked at each other for a minute, both of them with a different reaction. Not long after though, Twilight looked back at Delsin and deeply sighed. “It’s a lot to explain. We’re really unfamiliar with a lot of things that work here. You might even think were crazy if we told you our story.”

“Come on now,” Delsin chuckled. “We live in a world of Conduits where crazy stuff happens everyday. What’s the worst thing that could happen?”

Delsin definitely had no idea what exactly he was getting himself into.

San Diego, California (8:00pm)

Inside the home of the Kingstons, Shawn was introducing both Rainbow and Soarin to how the TV works in the family room (or as Shawn and his father liked to call it, “The Den.”) The past few hours was used by Shawn to introduce every nook and cranny inside the house, establish a bit of rules, and answer a bunch of questions after Rainbow stumbled into his room. This included why did his room have figurines of herself and some of her friends, Comic books of their adventures, and most importantly; Why did his laptop have her Cutie Mark on it?!

Talk about a reality check.

Now though, (after an hour long explanation on the Brony fandom and how their adventures so far had become a popular TV series on earth) The three of them were trying to figure out what to watch on TV. Mostly everything on a sunday morning was either cartoons, talk shows, or the early morning local news. All of them being quite boring (especially with no new my little pony episodes besides reruns.)

With a click of the NetCast button on the TV remote, Shawn brought up the home menu on his LG LCD TV and then clicked Netflix.

“Shawn? What did you do?” Soarin asked, confused on what the human was doing.

“Well, this TV model allows me to access additional services through the houses internet connection. One of these services is Netflix, which allows you to see hundreds of movies and TV shows at the click of a button.”

“Sounds a lot better than the channel surfing we were doing.” Rainbow commented from the beanbag chair on the floor she was sitting on. The main menu loaded up on the TV a few moments later; showing previously watched shows, recommendations, most popular and other choices according to different genres. Being a little curious, Shawn decided to ask his guests a question. “So, what kind of movies do you like?”

“Well, I like my fair share of Action and Adventure films.” The storm conduit answered Shawn’s question. “Would you happen to have anything that involves Treasure hunters and/or archeologists?”

Shawn grinned a little when he heard her ask that. He sort of expected that question to pop up since Rainbow was a big fan of the Daring Do books. “Well, there’s Indiana Jones. The first three films were great, but the fourth was… Meh, not as great. Okay at best if you ask me.”

“Oh? How come?”

“Well; the time gap between both films was a big factor. First off, there was a nearly twenty year release gap between parts three and four and with that, there was also higher expectations on the movie industry.” The Snow Conduit told his guests. “The Third part was released in 1989 and part four was released in 2008. With that, new filming techniques are released and shown through through cinematography.”

“Wow… You know quite a lot on movies.” Rainbow replied with her return comment.

“Actually, I’ve had the opportunity to meet some well known actors over the years.” The thought of this now gave Shawn a good idea for a film to show his two guests. “Do you two like Sci-fi?”


“He means Science fiction.” Soarin clarified. “You know, like Space and Aliens.”

“Oh that? Yeah, I like it. However, I haven’t really found anything that would peak my interests if you know what I mean.”

Shawn grinned a little as he went into Favorites and had the cursor highlight the title called “Pacific Rim.”

“I think you two will be in for a treat.”

“We lost power!! Get to the Hatch!”

“No no no!! Don’t!!!” Rainbow screamed as she watched the events unfold between the jaegers and the kaiju on screen. As they watched, Shawn’s guests laughed, gasped and reacted while he just relaxed and enjoyed his favorite film by Guillermo del Toro. Honestly, he didn’t think that Rainbow would react the way she did when the Storm Conduit was watching the film. She even cried when Raleigh Beckett’s brother gets killed ten minutes into the film (Spoiler Alert!)

Just as the three of them were watching the fight between Monster and Machine unfold in Hong Kong and the Gypsy Danger check a kaiju’s “pulse”, A bright flash occurred in the living room. Judging from the sounds of it, the princesses and Shawn’s father had just returned from the Astral Horizon.

“Alright, break time!”

“Oh come on!!” Rainbow complained. “We were just getting to the good part!!!”

“It’s on pause, Rainbow.” Her colleague Soarin, reminded her. “It’s not going anyway.”

As the three of them walked into the living room, a now surprised Nicholas was looking at his son with a nod, coughing a little as he got up off the floor.

“Okay, I believe you. I guess they're going to need your help?”

“I’m more than willing to help. Besides, the three of us had some fun while we were waiting for you guys to come back.”

“Waiting? But we were only talking for a little over half an hour.”

The Snow conduit looked at Celestia, who then looked at Luna. She sighed a little at the point where she forgot to mention the most important aspect of where they were. “Yeah, we forgot to mention that time flows differently in the dimension we were in than right now.”

“How differently?” asked the Chief of Police.

“Well…” Shawn began to explain to his father. “You left at 4:20 and since every minute there is nine minutes here… To put it bluntly, you’ve been gone for five hours.”

Seconds after being told that, Nicholas ran upstairs in a hurry. He was beyond shocked on how much time had passed and still had to do a lot of things to catch up with the normal morning routine that the chief was use too. Luna asked Shawn about if his father was okay and he explained everything, followed by asking if they were hungry enough for breakfast. Both sisters nodded their heads as Soarin and Rainbow Dash shook theirs as Shawn looked in the fridge and the freezer to find Tortillas, Organic red potatoes, and fresh cut up peppers along with getting out the skillet he needed for making breakfast. As he went for the cheese though, he noticed the pre cooked chicken and stumbled a little of his train of thought as a new question appeared in his head.

“Sorry for bringing this up so suddenly, but are you guys vegetarians?”

The four equestrians looked at Shawn like it wasn’t a bit obvious. Even Rainbow herself chuckled a little. “Not exactly. We eat eggs and some of the Wonderbolts eat fish for the nutritional benefits.”


“What else would Pinkie Pie use to bake her treats at Sugarcube Corner?”

Noticing this, the snow conduit soon understood the pegasus by what she meant. “Good point.”

“What about yourself?” Luna then asked, wondering. “Are humans… Similar?”

“We’re omnivores. Don’t worry though, we don’t eat ponies.” The teenager assured them as he added a little olive oil into the skillet as he heated the stove to medium temperature and started to add the potatoes and peppers in; letting it cook as he added some spices. He got out a second skillet, which he began to use to heat the tortillas. Four of them out a ten-pack since Soarin and Rainbow Dash didn’t want any for the time being, but the teen still cooked two extra nonetheless. After some time cooking, both the tortillas and what Shawn was cooking were done.

“Can someone please give me a hand?” He asked politely.

The first individual to come up to him was Luna. “Sure, what do you need?”

“Four plates from that cupboard.” Shawn told the Lunar princess, pointing out the cabinet that had the dishes he needed. Luna opened the cabinet, looking around a little and finding them after some time. Since she was still a little unfamiliar with her hands, she set the plates down on the empty countertop using a bit of levitation. Shawn himself used the chance after she set them down to put the tortillas and the potatoes on each of the plates once Luna was out of the way.

“Alright, that should do it.” The teen now sprinkled a little bit of cheese with each one, letting it melt with the warm dish. “All of that within ten minutes.”

“What did you make?” Luna asked out of curiosity; helping him set the plates on the dining room table.

“Breakfast burritos.” Shawn replied as everyone was called over to sit down. Despite Soarin and Rainbow not wanting any since they weren’t hungry, Shawn insisted that they should try some anyway. As everyone sat down, all of them were equally impressed as they were curious on how exactly were they suppose to be folded. It took some teaching, but the equestrian conduits got the hang of it by the time their plates were empty.

Soon though, Shawn was stuck with another task to do… Dishes. Washing, cleaning, scrubbing. You name it, he had to do it. Of course, his snow element can be quite useful here since he could use it to get to the stains that were deep in the skillets that he used for cooking.

As he was finishing the last of the dishes, the phone rang and Shawn checked to see who it was. His eyes lit up a bit as he saw the caller.

“Dad!! Mom’s calling!”

The chief was originally focused on opening the morning paper. But the call from his wife right now was more important than the front page headlines. He got up and answered the home phone while his son walked back into the den where Soarin and Rainbow were. The Conduit didn’t notice that the front cover of the paper had the portrait of a very famous individual that was currently on trial.

Brook Augustine. Former head of the DUP

Along a very empty stretch of road, an RV the size of a Luxury sports bus traveled along a very empty highway. The vehicle's windows were closed and the blinds were partially open to prevent sunlight from entering. Inside though was a different story as a young boy was beginning to wake up. Earlier in the day, he collapsed in the city of St. Louis while running away from DUP officers with his friend. The boy’s vision was foggy, but his hearing was still spot on.

He could hear two voices talking. Talking about him.

“Zeke, it’s Spike. He’s waking up!”

“Right now? Jesus, that kid can sleep. Do you need me to pull over or-?”

“That won’t be necessary, darling. I’ll go check on him.”

Around now, Spike was fully awake and found himself on a small couch. He was covered in a wool blanket and his jacket was on the back of a nearby chair. He straightened himself up; his head still aching a little as Rarity soon appeared by his side.

“Spike! I’m glad you’re okay.”

“R-rarity?” The young dragon groaned as his body started to rumble a little. “W-where are we?”

“On some kind of transport called an “RV” or something like that.” The Crystal conduit told him as she handed Spike a glass of water. “A man named Zeke found us shortly after you passed out. I told him what happened and Zeke believes that he could help us out.”

“Help us?” How?” Spike asked. That was when Rarity insisted that he follow her to the front of the RV and meet the driver. Zeke and Spike greeted each other shortly after meeting one another and then Zeke began to speak to them.

“Well, to answer your question kiddo, I did hear your friends story and given the fact that anything these days is possible in a world filled with conduits, I believe you. In fact, I met a boy that gave me almost the exact same story whose right now at the hideout we’re going to.”

“So, you’re not afraid that we have… you know… this?” The young child asked him as he showed some green flames from his palms.

“Kiddo, let me tell you something.” Zeke told him as they passed a road sign that said that the closest city was in eight miles. “I’ve been there since the beginning.”

End Chapter 7

Author's Note:

No pulse :rainbowlaugh:

Anyways, I apologize about this chapter being from three different perspectives, but I promise that for the next few ones that the chapters will be only from certain points of view. As for the next chapter, it will mostly consist of Flashbacks and a LOT of storytelling. Plus, we got some new powers coming soon... What they are? Well, that's for you to find out.


Music: Adventure Club- Retro City