• Published 24th Feb 2015
  • 1,351 Views, 24 Comments

The Sacred Elements - Wind Typhoon

Have you heard that Celestia and Luna have a brother? Do you know of the counter parts to the Elements of Harmony? No? Then sit and let me tell you a tale.

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Chapter 13: The Fourth Meeting & A Sunny Morning

Chapter 13: The Fourth Meeting & A Sunny Morning

As the day went on, Wind worked on various parts of the book with the translations that Aria gave him. "You know, even with Aria's translations; this thing is still a big pain in the ass to translate," Wind said as he was about to go to sleep.

"Did Aria's translations help in any way?" Sonata asked the frustrated Wind.

"They did help translate some words, but it doesn't help if I can't translate the other words to make sense of the book. Even with the words I translated, I would still need context in order to understand them," Wind told Sonata as he put the book down.

"Hey, I don't think I've ever seen the book before. Do you mind if I take a look?" Sonata asked curiously.

"Well, I don't see what there is for me to lose with you trying it. Heck you might even know more than Aria by the way, no offense to you or your sister," Wind responded as he handed her the book.

"None taken," Sonata said as she opened the book. After a few seconds of looking through the book, Sonata stopped on a page that had a picture of two trees. "You know, I'm looking at these words, and I like I've seen these before, but I can't remember what the language is," Sonata said as she recalled seeing these before.

"I feel like that as well, but what makes me curious is the fact that you come from another world and don't remember," Wind commented.

"Oh, that might be because of the fact that there are parts of me and my sisters past that we don't remember clearly," Sonata said casually with a big smile on her face. Wind nodded as he processed that, then stopped and realized what Sonata told him.

"Wait, what do you mean that you and your sisters don't remember?" Wind asked in a surprised tone.

"In a sense, we remember most of our past clearly, but there are certain patched that we just don't remember," Sonata explained, her voice taking on a sad tone. Wind said nothing to that response and simply hugged Sonata. "You don't need to do this you know," Sonata told Wind.

"I know, I just feel like doing this after hearing that," Wind responded. Sonata smiled and returned the hug to Wind. As Sonata did that, she felt a familiar feeling that she hadn't felt since the Battle of the Bands come from Wind. "Hey Wind, is there something that you're not telling me?" Sonata asked in an innocent voice.

"It's something I don't want to talk about," Wind said in a sad tone.

"Oh, sorry," Sonata said in a guilty voice.

"It's fine, maybe I'll tell you in the future. I'm going to sleep, good night," Wind said as he laid down on the bed. Sonata got up off the bed and walked out to the terrace.

"Smooth move Sonata, smooth move," Sonata thought as she looked at the sunset. As she watched in wonder, she closed her eyes and concentrated on happy thought. "It's always so nice out here," Sonata said to herself.

"I'll say, I always liked this time of the day," she heard Wind say as he walked up behind her. Sonata kept her eyes closed as Wind joined her.

"I thought you were going to sleep," Sonata said in a sad voice.

"I couldn't sleep," Wind said.

"Hey, have do you have any idea what language that book is in?" Sonata asked curiously.

"Well, I will say that the letters did look like runes. But why are you asking me that again? I've been teaching you this language for a week," Wind told Sonata. Sonata thought about that for a bit, realized that she didn't know what he was talking about, and opened her eyes to see that Wind was not there.

"What just happened?" Sonata thought as she went back inside. As she went back inside, a shimmering figure appeared beside where Sonata was standing. The figure said nothing as it faded away into nothingness.

As Sonata was getting into bed, Wind was fast asleep and was just waiting in the cave for the next light to be lit with Conta to keep him company. "So, if I may ask, do you know why Cyclone left?" Wind asked Conta curiously.

"Well, I guess he would be checking up on the actual Sacred Tree," Conta told Wind.

"Wait, you mean this thing is in the real world?" Wind said out of semi-surprise.

"Of course it is, after all, everything you see or hear about in a legend is true in some form," Conta told Wind.

"So, why is Cyclone so obsessed with the thing anyway?" Wind wondered aloud.

"You know, for how close me and him are, basically a father/daughter relationship, he has never told me why he is so obsessed with the tree," Conta said. Before Wind could say anything, a bright orange light came from the room with the doors.

"Well, looks like that is for me," Wind said as he got up from the ground.

"Good luck Wind," Conta said happily.

"She's a really good kid," Wind thought as he reached out to open the door. As he did, he briefly felt a presence beside him. Deciding to quickly write that off as his imagination, somehow, he opened the door and stepped inside.

When he emerged on the other side, Wind found himself in a very fancy bedroom. The bed room had a big bed, a full length mirror, a dresser, and a window that lead to a balcony. Wind decided to walk to the window in order to see where he was when he heard some singing coming from outside. "Hello? Is someone out there?" Wind asked nervously.

"Oh, you must be the one that Cyclone told me about. Come on out, I was just passing the time while waiting for you," a voice said. When Wind stepped outside, he was greeted by the view of a beautiful sunset on a city at the foot hills of a mountain, which he assumed was where the room was located. Leaning against the railing, he saw the one who he was supposed to meet. "Welcome, you must be Wind," she said to him with a smile on her face.

"That would be me, I'm going to guess that your name would be Sunset Shimmer," Wind said as he walked beside Sunset.

"How did you guess?" Sunset asked curiously.

"Well, I noticed a pattern forming between the color of the door and the person I visited. So, by using the process of elimination, I was able to know that you were the next one that I was going to visit," Wind explained to Sunset.

"Wow, you really are as bright as Cyclone says you are," Sunset said in an impressed tone.

"You know, I'm curious to hear what you have to tell me about this place," Wind said as he admired the view.

"Well, if you're curious where we are, then all I'll tell you at the moment is that we're in a castle on the mountain side," Sunset told him in a hinting tone.

"Wait, if we're on a mountain side, how are we not falling down the mountain?" Wind asked curiously. Sunset stayed quiet and just gestured to the sky. Wind looked up and saw a faint shimmer of something surround the city. "Magic?" Wind asked in a slightly bored tone.

"Yes, that would be the reason," Sunset said in an innocent smile on her face.

"Why is that all the impossible feats that would take human years to solve or work towards fixing be solved by simply using magic?" Wind commented out loud as he face palmed.

"Hey, it's kind of the way things are done in Equestria," Sunset told Wind. Wind was about to retort, but stopped himself when he realized what she told him.

"Wait, so you mean the world that I have been visiting over all my trips to my dream world is Equestria?" Wind asked as he came to a slow realization.

"That would be correct," Sunset told Wind.

"So, I'm going to assume that either you and the others made these places for me or Cyclone made all these area from his memories," Wind said as he processed the information.

"Actually, we're not even sure as to why your dream areas look like Equestria. I mean you would have no knowledge of how things are positioned or even the names of cities," Sunset admitted.

"Then these places should be Cyclone's memories right?" Wind asked.

"Actually, Cyclone also lost his memories, so we don't know how these places even came to be?" Sunset told Wind. Wind let that thought sit in his head for a minute before feeling a little groggy. "You feel like waking up?" Sunset asked.

"I do, but I don't want to wake up because I have so many unanswered questions," he told Sunset. Sunset stayed silent for a moment before crating a door of cyan light. "What are you doing?" Wind asked curiously.

"I'll go tell our Sonata about today's conversation and tell her to explain everything to you, but there is something I want you to do," Sunset told Wind.

"What would that be?" Wind asked curiously. Sunset leaned next to Wind's ear and whispered something in his ear. "I was planning on doing that anyway," Wind commented as she pulled away.

"Well, I think you should wake up for now. Something tells me that your Sunset is already awake," Sunset told Wind before stepping through the portal. After Sunset walked through the portal, Wind felt himself get knocked unconscious by something.

When Wind woke up, he felt a dull pain in the back of his head. He was about to groan, but remembered who was sleeping next to him. Wind quietly and carefully got out of bed, walked over to the door and exited the room. "Ow, what in the hell hit me and why do I feel a dull pain?" Wind silently said once he exited the room. He was about to wonder more when he heard the sound of someone walking around downstairs.

"Knowing my drams, that's probably Sunset down there," Wind thought as he started to head downstairs. As he walked down the stairs, he heard Sunset saying something.

"Why do I feel so nervous?" Sunset said to herself.

"Hey Sunset, are you ok?" Wind called as he entered the main room.

"Wind, what are you doing awake?!" Sunset responded out of surprise.

"To be honest, I think I hit my head on something," Wind told Sunset, keeping his dreams a secret at the moment.

"Oh, are you ok?" Sunset asked in a worried voice.

"I am, it's just that there's a dull pain for me. But that does make me wonder what you are doing up so early," Wind responded as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, I honestly do get up before sunrise pretty much every day in order to watch the sunrise. Do you want to come watch it with me?" Sunset told Wind.

"I don't mind," Wind said as he started to walk towards the back of the cabin.

"Actually, I have a better place where we can watch sunrise, follow me," Sunset told him as she headed towards the stairs. Wind just decided follow Sunset and not ask any questions about the location in question until they got there. After walking upstairs, the two headed to Sunset's room.

"Wait a second; doesn't your room face away from the sunrise?" Wind asked curiously.

"Just watch, you'll see what I found," Sunset told Wind. When they entered the room, Wind noticed that Sunset's window was open. Before Wind could ask about it, Sunset walked over to the open window and climbed through it. Quickly figuring out where the window lead to, Wind quickly followed Sunset through to open Window and onto the roof of the cabin.

"So, this is the place you discovered was a good place to watch the sunrise?" Wind asked as he carefully followed Sunset over the roof.

"It is, the day after we arrived at the camp and got settled in, I opened my window to watch the sunset and found a way up onto the roof. For the past three days, I've always come up here if I needed to think peacefully and to watch the sunrise and sunset each day," Sunset told Wind. After a bit of careful maneuvering, Sunset and Wind found a good place two watch the sunrise.

"Wow, it is very dangerous to be up here," Wind commented as he got a grip on the roof.

"Hey, what can I say, I do like the risky thing from time to time," Sunset said in a happy and slightly excited voice. Wind agreed with Sunset, but also took note of the hesitation that she hid.

"Wow, this is a pretty good view if I do say so myself. While I do think this is really dangerous, I will have to admit that it is a very nice view from up here," Wind told Sunset in an appreciative tone. A few second after Wind finished his sentence, the sun slowly started to appear on the horizon. Wind looked at the view of the forest and the sunrise from the roof and was amazed by it.

"Well, I think you have a new past time to do now," Sunset comment with a giggle. The two then just sat in silence as they watch the sunrise. After a few minutes, Sunset spoke up and broke the silence. "Hey, do you think the two of us can talk after the activity?" Sunset asked in a nervous voice.

"Sure, I was planning on talking with you anyway, but what did you have in mind?" Wind asked curiously.

"Well, it's something I've wanted to get off my chest for a while," Sunset told Wind.

"In that case, where do you want to talk?" Wind asked.

"Well, how about we watch the sunset together?" Sunset suggested.

"Why, I'm already looking at the Sunset," Wind said in a joking voice. As soon as he said that, Sunset laughed at that.

"That's honestly one of the funniest jokes about my name in a while," Sunset said as she laughed. Wind simply smiled as they continued to watch the sunrise and talked for a little while.

Author's Note:

Well, it's always good to leave cliffhangers right.