• Published 13th Feb 2015
  • 7,773 Views, 252 Comments

A Bright Little Shadow - Princess OtakuGeek

Life in Twilight's new castle becomes even more intresting as she becomes a mom.

  • ...


After a long day of spas, beds and decorating, the six mares and one dragon went to the dining room for dinner. Sombra on the other hoof had such a long day that after the hugs in the throne room, he had fallen asleep still hugging Twilight. After taking him up to his room and tucking him in, Spike joined them at the dinner table. At that point, Twilight figured it was the perfect opportunity to bring up what she wanted to talk about so she cleared her throat to get her friend's attention. When they turned their attention to her, she began.

"While we were out, Spike, Sombra and I went bed shopping." She began. "And while we were trying to pick out Sombra's bed, I met up with Cheerilee and I came to the realization that, aside from the highchair that Applejack was so kind as to loan me, I don't have any of the basic amenities that Sombra needs."

"Wait why were you shopping for a bed for Sombra?" Rainbow Dash asked. "He's already got a bed."

"A bed that's too high for him to climb in himself," Twilight said flatly.

"So? A little climbing never hurt anypony." Rainbow Dash defended, still not really understanding.

"No, but falling does," Spike spoke up. "I'm sorry I didn't mention this earlier, but while you guys were gone dealing with Starlight Glimmer, Sombra actually fell off the bed. Hard. The next morning I found this small bruise on his side."

The other mare's looked at him shock and Fluttershy gasped. "Oh my goodness! Is he alright?!" She asked with concern.

Spike nodded. "Yeah, he's fine. Given how the fall was, we're lucky it was just a little bruise but I'm a little worried that his luck will run out."

"Okay okay, I get it. He needs a new bed." Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight nodded. "Anyways, as I was saying, while we were out I placed an order for a couple of beds and some shelves and a dresser. One of those beds is for Spike and the other one, plus the shelves and dresser, are for Sombra's room. And they're going to be delivered tomorrow afternoon."

"Say no more Twi." Applejack said. "Big Mac an' I can help you out with that. We could take the boxes upstairs an' put it all together."

"Thank you very much, AJ," Twilight said. "That's actually what I was going to ask you all about. Cheerilee helped me get a list of what I would need, but since it's getting late, it's going to have to wait until tomorrow and I was hoping you girls could help me out with this."

"Do you even need to ask?" Rarity asked rhetorically with a smile. "Of course we'll help you out with setting up Li'l Sombra's room. Just show us this list and a picture of the new bed."

Twilight nodded and pulled out her list and the picture. She passed it over to her friends and watched. "Hmm. This is a very nice bed." Rarity said. "Do the dressers and shelves look like this?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, they're actually very plain since I figured you'd like to paint and decorate it how you'd like."

"A marvelous idea!" Rarity cooed happily. "I already have a ton of excellent ideas for this endeavor. It will be the best colts room you've ever seen! Also, I hope you don't mind that I'll be adding a few things to your list."

"Go right ahead," Twilight said. "As I said, I don't know a lot about raising kids so I don't mind."

"Of course darling." Rarity said as she pulled out a quill and began writing. "So how about this, while AJ and Big Mac are working on your deliveries, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, myself and you will all go and get the things on this list?"

"I say it sounds like a pretty good plan," Twilight said. Rarity grinned and rolled the list up to give back to Twilight. As the scroll floated over to the alicorn, a certain pink pony jumped in front of the unicorn.

"And what about me?" She asked. "Do I get to help too?"

Rarity smiled and gently coaxed Pinkie back into her seat. "Of course you do darling." She said. "You get to spend the day with Sombra."

"Yay! So I get to be the one to keep somepony out of the castle this time?!" She asked enthusiastically.

"You do indeed." Rarity answered. "You could show him around town or anything you want to. Just keep him occupied and away from the castle."

"Yes, ma'am!" Pinkie replied with a salute. For some reason, Twilight suddenly felt a twinge of concern.

"Also Pinkie, could you please refrain from doing too many crazy things," Twilight added. Pinkie Pie just smiled and nodded.

"No problem Twilight." Pinkie reassured. "I work with kids all the time, so rest assured that Sombra is perfectly safe with me. No need to worry your pretty little mommy head." At that last part, Pinkie ruffled Twilight's mane. Twilight frowned lightly and reached up to straighten her mane out as she muttered halfheartedly to herself.

"I'm not his mom. I'm just taking care of him." Pinkie just grinned like she was in on a little secret.


The next morning, Twilight and Sombra were enjoying applesauce for breakfast while Spike had a plate of assorted gems for his meal. Just as they were finishing up, there was a knock at the door. Twilight answered the door and saw Pinkie Pie bouncing right there on the step. Figures she'd be first.

"Pinkie Pie, good morning." She greeted.

"And a good morning to you too Twilight!" Pinkie returned.

"So what brings you here so early?" Twilight asked as she led the earth pony into the castle.

"Well, I figured that if I'm going to be hanging out with Sombra all day, I should probably get started before everypony else comes." The hyperactive pony explained. Twilight nodded. While she didn't always understand Pinkie Pie, this was one of the times that she made sense.

"That's a very good point," Twilight said. "Good thing you came just when we finished breakfast. Follow me."

In the kitchen, Spike was putting away freshly cleaned and dried dishes while Sombra was doing his best to wipe down the table. The moment she walked in, Pinkie bounced up to Sombra with a wide grin.

"Good morning Li'l Sombry!" She greeted in her usual cheerful manner. Sombra looked up with a smile.

"Morning Auntie Pinkie!" He greeted back. Pinkie Pie squealed then scooped the little colt up and standing on her hind legs, held him up over her as she twirled around.

"Ohhh! You are just so adorable!" Pinkie exclaimed as she sat down on her haunches and hugged him close. Sombra giggled and Pinkie held him out in front of her again. "Hey Sombry, guess what?"

"What?" Sombra asked.

"You and are going to be going out together!" Pinkie announced. "We get to hang out and play and I can show you all over Ponyville!"

"So we're going to be hanging out together all day?" Sombra asked.

"To quote a well-known stallion, 'eeyup'!" Pinkie Pie answered. "We can call it a private date for just the two of us!"

"Is Twilight okay with it?" Sombra asked. This time, Twilight answered.

"Yes, I am." She said. "Go, hang out and have fun with Pinkie Pie. Just make sure to come home round about sunset."

"Yay! Private Date with Auntie Pinkie!" Sombra cried out as he threw his hooves in the air.

"That's the spirit!" Pinkie said with a grin as she stood up and placed Sombra on her back. "And don't worry Twilight. He's perfectly safe with me and we won't be late!"

And on that note, Pinkie Pie bounced out the door with a grin as she hummed a tune. Twilight just smiled and shook her head. Pinkie will be Pinkie and there wasn't a thing wrong with that. Twilight then grabbed the forgotten washcloth in her magic and finished wiping the table before putting the cloth away.


The next to arrive was Applejack and Big Macintosh with his toolbox. "Howdy Twi." Applejack greeted as they were led in.

"Hey Applejack," Twilight replied as she shut the door behind them.

Big Mac set his toolbox down so he could speak. "So where's the little fella? He asked.

"Pinkie Pie was here earlier so he's already out with her," Twilight answered. As if on cue, there was a knock at the door and when she opened it, there was Rarity on the doorstep with bags in her magic and two pegasi behind her.

"Good morning darling. May we come in?" She asked.

Twilight scooted aside to give them room. "Of course. Good morning to you to Rarity. And good morning to both of you, Fluttershy and Rainbow."

"Morning." Rainbow greeted casually as she flew in behind Rarity.

"Good morning to you too Twilight," Fluttershy said as she trotted in behind Rainbow Dash. Once they were all in, Twilight shut the door.

Rarity gently set her bags down then turned to the assembled friends. "Alright then, judging by the fact that we are short a certain pink pony, I'd say Sombra is now out of the castle with Pinkie Pie." Twilight nodded and Rarity continued. "Now then, I believe we should divide our efforts. Rainbow Dash and I will get the remaining furniture and paint while Twilight and Fluttershy will get the rest. You know, toys, games, books, blankets, sheets, maybe a rug or two, etcetera. Here's a list that I compiled." Rarity floated a piece of paper to Twilight then turned to AJ and Big Mac. "You two will be here with Spike to receive the deliveries and put the bed together. While you're at it, could go kindly set up a place where we can paint?"

"No problem Sugarcube." The farmpony assured.

"Excellent. Now since Rainbow and my list is shorter, we'll be returning before you two and we will get down to painting so we'll need that spot." Rarity explained. "Then when you come back, we'll set it all up in the room just in time for Pinkie to return with Sombra. Any questions?" Rarity paused long enough for her friends to raise any objections or questions. When none came, she wrapped things up. "Well then girls, let's get started!"


Rarity had brought with her two carts. One for each group to carry their purchases in. The larger of the two carts had been hitched up to Rainbow Dash while Twilight and Fluttershy got the smaller one. After a bit of discussion, the two mares ultimately decided to take turns pulling the cart. Twilight started. They started out with some necessities. Blankets, sheets, a couple of rugs, curtains, a lamp for the bedside table and certain cloths that Rarity had put on the list.

For a time they engaged in casual conversation. Then when they reached the toys part of the list, Fluttershy insisted on taking the cart. Twilight resisted at first, but ultimately she capitulated. So now here they were in the toy store looking over the toys. With Fluttershy's help, Twilight was able to choose toys and games that Sombra might enjoy. When they reached the plush section and began picking out plush toys, Twilight paused when she grabbed a plush pony and sat down staring at it. Noticing the pause, Fluttershy paused as well and watched Twilight study the doll.

"Twilight, are you alright?" Fluttershy asked with no small amount of concern. Twilight started slightly then smiled apologetically and tossed the plush doll onto their stack.

"Sorry Flutters." She apologized. "I just realized that my life has changed so suddenly I almost didn't notice. I honestly didn't expect to get toys like these until years later when I started expecting. It just feels so surreal."

Fluttershy patted Twilight on the back. "I know, I would feel a little weird about this too, but don't worry. You'll get used to it eventually." She soothed. "Soon enough, everything will fall into place and remember, we're there for you all the way."

"Thanks, Fluttershy," Twilight said with a small smile. "Because I think I'm going to need the help." She said flatly as she pushed their cart forward and began walking again. The yellow pegasus followed with a flutter of her wings.

"What do you mean Twilight?" She asked as she fell into step alongside Twilight.

"Even if he has a new bed, I'm not sure if he's actually going to sleep in it." She explained. "Before I went to bed last night, he was definitely in his bed. But then this morning I woke up to find him in my bed. And according to Spike, he gets these night terrors and when I wasn't sleeping at home, he would sleep under my bed. At this point, I'm wondering if I should just move his room into mine."

"Have you tried singing a lullaby?" Fluttershy asked.

"A lullaby?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Uh-huh. When I was just a filly, my mom would sing me a lullaby whenever I had a nightmare." She said. "I'm sure that if you sing him a lullaby, it'll help him with his nightmares. It always helped me when I was young."

"Hmm." Twilight hummed in thought as she set down the bits for their purchases. "That's actually a very sound idea. But I don't really know any good lullabies."

Fluttershy just smiled. "I can teach you one that my mom sang to me." She said softly as she helped Twilight place the toys in the wagon. "If you want me to of course."

"Of course I do," Twilight answered as they trotted towards the next stand.


As predicted, Rarity and Rainbow Dash finished first and returned to the castle. Applejack and Big Macintosh had just finished the shelves, dresser and Spike's bed and were just starting on Sombra's bed when the pair returned and they were directed to where the shelves and dresser had been set up on a paint-safe zone. As Rarity worked to bring her vision to life, Rainbow Dash hovered restlessly. She would've very much liked to fly away to blow off some steam, but Rarity had asked her to stay here and what could she say? Rainbow Dash never left a friend hanging. That didn't mean she couldn't pace in mid-air.

"I still don't get why we're doing this." She grumbled.

"Doing what?" Rarity asked as she put the finishing touches on the dresser.

"All this!" Rainbow exclaimed as she gestured at the pieces of furniture that were being painted. "I mean, we're getting a bed and setting up a room with toys and books, all for Sombra!"

"Well of course Rainbow Dash." Rarity answered having moved on to the nightstand. "What did you expect? Us keeping him in a dreary dungeon with chains, cobwebs and what not?"

Rainbow looked a little conflicted. "Maybe not entirely like that, but something like that." She admitted. "After all, this is King Sombra. He was a tyrant and he did all sorts of awful things when he was ruling over the Crystal Empire. And we're giving his room some sort of makeover?"

"Oh Rainbow Dash, that's not how it works." Rarity tsked. "Even if anyone does anything that gets them in the Canterlot dungeon, they're still treated well and given the basic amenities. It's not like those stories you hear where someone is mistreated while in prison. Also, wasn't the whole point of bringing Sombra back so we can reform him?"

"I guess," Rainbow admitted grumpily.

"Even though things didn't come out like expected, Celestia never said that we shouldn't try." Rarity reasoned as she was just finishing up the last piece of furniture. "And from what I've seen he genuinely has no memory of his previous life and his mind is as childish as his new form. So I've been taking the time to try what Fluttershy did with Discord. And so far, he's been the sweetest little colt."

"Uugh!" Rainbow Dash groaned and sulked in mid-air. Rarity quickly finished and directed her entire attention to the sulking pegasus.

"Rainbow Dash, you are the Element of Loyalty and that title is well earned." The unicorn said gently. "Everypony in Ponyville knows that they can depend on you, but I believe a part of being loyal is letting others earn your loyalty." Rainbow looked back at Rarity, who only continued. "I don't expect you to trust him immediately. That sort of thing needs to be earned. But, as your friend, I'm asking you to give him a chance to earn your trust and loyalty. Please. For Twilight."

Rainbow Dash hovered there in quiet thought before answering. "Alright. I'll try to ease up on the kid. For you guys. After all, I would never leave my friends hangin'." She finished with her almost trademark cocky grin.

"Thank you, Rainbow." Rarity thanked. "I know it won't be the easiest for you, so thank you. Now that's it for painting, so can you create a breeze to help dry these faster?"

"Of course I can!" Rainbow said. "Remember, this is Rainbow Dash you're talking to."

"Of course darling." Rarity said with a smile.


<Settling into this new role hasn't been the easiest. It isn't just settling into a new room and environment. It's also settling into new routines with all sorts of things I need to worry about. The assassination attempts aren't exactly making easy either.>

That made Cadence pause in her reading. She took advantage of this lull to shift into a more comfortable position. Ever since she'd found this journal, she spent as much free time as she could to read. Unfortunately, due to her numerous duties, this meant that free time was few and far between. So whenever she did get the chance, she'd binge read as much as she could. Fortunately, the number of her duties were beginning shrink, so it was possible she would find more and more time to read the journal. And speaking of which...

<I will not say that I'm the most popular stallion to walk the face of Equus, but at the same time, I'm not hated. The populace, in general, didn't have much problem with as most trusted Queen Peach Gem's judgment. It was the nobles that had the biggest problem with me. Most have said that I am undeserving of the role I've been given because I'm 'an outsider of common blood'. A few may actually believe that hooey, but I'm willing to bet my horn that a vast majority of the naysayers, both silent and vocal, actually hate me because I took their chance to rule the Empire.

In the time in between the announcement and my coronation, there were a large amount of 'accidents' that would've maimed or killed me if it weren't for either blind luck or somepony noticing and getting me out of the way in time. I still have a few of these manufactured 'accidents but, for the most part, its outright assassination. And the would-be assassins we've caught have always pointed us to a noble. Of course, since an attempt on my life is a serious crime against the crown, those noble have been removed from their Houses, stripped of their titles and incarcerated. I still don't feel comfortable with a death sentence and considering how often there are attempts on my life, it just strikes me as the quickest way to instill fear of me in the hearts of the Crystal Ponies. I don't want that.

The attacks have been slowing, so the nobles must be taking the hint. Maybe someday when I earn their respect, they'll cease almost entirely, though some may still try to take power in that manner. Until then, I and my guards will have to stay on our hooftips.


'Well, that certainly was an interesting entry.' Cadence thought before turning the page to the next entry.


Sunset was getting closer and they were barely making it. Soon after the furniture had dried and the Apple siblings had finished the bed, Twilight and Fluttershy returned. Immediately, the five mares, one stallion and one baby dragon set about putting everything together. By the time Pinkie and Sombra were in spitting distance, the last detail had been set and they stepped back to admire their work.

*whew* "We made it just in time girls." Rarity said in admiration for their work. "Now all that's left is the reveal."

As if on cue there was a knock at the door. Twilight rushed down to answer. The other ponies and dragon trailed behind at a slightly more sedate pace. When she opened the door, Pinkie Pie bounced in with Sombra giggling on her back. Unlike this morning, however, he now had a red scarf wrapped around his neck and a bag hanging from his mouth.

"Twilight! Twilight! Look!" He exclaimed as he lept from Pinkie's slightly lowered back and rushed towards the purple alicorn. "Look at what I've got!"

Twilight lifted the bag to see that it was filled with other cold weather clothes for him. There was a hat to march the scarf, a sweater, some boots, a coat, and earmuffs.

"Auntie Pinkie suggested we get these since fall is coming and I'll need warm stuff for winter too." He explained. "And I like my scarf so much, I wore all the way here. So what do you think? Do you like it?"

Twilight glanced at Pinkie who shot her friend a wink. Of course with everything going on, Twilight had completely forgotten that it was already late summer. But it looked like that hadn't gotten past Pinkie Pie and she'd been kind enough to get what he'd need for the upcoming season. Twilight then turned back to Sombra.

"It's a wonderful scarf." She said as she grabbed it. "And so soft. I hope you thanked Pinkie for getting you all this."

"He did indeed!" Pinkie Pie answered for the colt. "But enough about this, did you finish 'that thing'?"

"We did," Twilight said. "And just barely too." She then turned back to the colt in front of her. "Sombra, we've got a little surprise for you."

"What kind of surprise?" He asked. Applejack chuckled.

"Well now, we can't exactly tell ya, now can we?" She said with a smile in her voice.

"Yeah, that's because its a surprise!" Pinkie added.

"Indeed. You'll just have to come and see for yourself." Rarity finished.

The group led him up the stairs to his bedroom and paused at the door. At some point in the walk, Pinkie Pie had vanished from the group and the ponies and dragon could make a safe guess as to where she was. Applejack and Big Macintosh pulled the doors open and true to prediction, Pinkie Pie lept forward and threw confetti in the air while shouting out "SURPRISE!"

Since he last saw it that morning, the room had completely transformed. The floor was now covered with a few red and purple rugs and purple and gold curtains hung around the windows. There were a few shelves following this color scheme. Some were regular bookshelves and a couple were actually nailed into the wall. In one spot of the room was an art stand and other art supplies near it. There was a shelf where games and puzzled had been neatly stacked and another shelf with various books on them.

There was also a toy chest filled with toys and small neat piles of toys placed in various spots for aesthetic reasons. There was also a dresser where Sombra could put his neatly folded clothes and there was a desk on one side of the room. A nightstand was also there and right next to it was the bed. It was a fairly large bed but only in width, not height. The bed frame had six posters, three on each end. For of the ones on the corners supported a canopy with red curtains that perfectly contrasted with the blue and purple color with gold accents. The fifth and sixth shorter posts held up the large comfortable mattress so it could rock back and forth like a hammock. A little fence-like railing on this part prevented falling from the bed.

For a moment, Sombra was speechless and they watched as he slowly walked into and around the room. "This is my room?" He asked after a period of quiet.

Everyone nodded. "It is indeed. Do you like it?" Rarity asked. There was silence for a beat before Sombra answered.

"I-I love it!" He exclaimed after starting out quiet. He then ran around the room to look at everything that he could. "I love it I love it I love it! It's all so cool!! Look! I've got an art stand and my very own desk and my bed came!"

He squealed with excitement as he explored his new room and even jumped onto his bed, causing it to rock a little. When he was done, he rushed back to the others with bright eyes and a smiling face.

"Thank you all so much!" He declared as he spread out his forelegs like he wanted to give them all a hug.

"Hey now, it ain't no problem little feller." Applejack said.

"It isn't very often I get to design a room and it's well worth it just to see your smiling face," Rarity added.

"And you're right!" Pinkie Pie said. "It is so much awesome!"

"I'm really happy that you like it," Fluttershy spoke in a soft tone.

"Eeyup'." Big Mac agreed.

Rarity lightly nudged Rainbow Dash. "Uh, yeah its a pretty cool room. Glad you like it kid." She grunted.

"Well you needed a space to call your own so, here it is," Twilight said. "And I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we're all glad you like it."

Sombra threw his forelegs around Twilight's leg and hugged. "Thank you, Twilight." He said and for a time they were content to sit there at the moment.

"Alright then, what are we waiting for?" Pinkie Pie suddenly shouted. "Let's celebrate!"


The day had been a long full one for everypony, especially Sombra. So after a celebratory dinner with some celebratory cake (of course), everypony packed up and said their goodbyes before returning to their homes. After washing the dishes, Spike, Twilight, and Sombra went upstairs to get ready for bed. Teeth were brushed and manes as well. From near the entrance to his room, Twilight watched as a tired Sombra climbed into his bed without assistance. As he started to settle in, Twilight trotted up to the bedside and sat down.

"Hey Sombra, I have one last surprise for you." She said in a soft voice.

*yawn* "Really?" Sombra whispered as he fought to stay awake out of interest and excitement for this.

"Yes, but this is a different sort of surprise," Twilight whispered back. "Just lay down and relax." Sombra did as he was told and lay his head on his pillow. Twilight pulled his covers up to his neck and tucked it around him. Once she was certain he was comfortable, she began to sing and she rocked the bed.

I'll be your candle on the water
My love for you will always burn
I know you're lost and drifting
But the clouds are lifting
Don't lifting you somewhere to turn

I'll be your candle on the water
'Till ev'ry wave is warm and bright
My soul is there beside you
Let this candle guide you
Soon you'll you a golden stream of light

A cold and friendless tide has found you
Don't let the stormy darkness pull you down
I'll paint a ray of hope around you
Circling in the air
Lighted by a prayer

I'll be your candle on the water
This flame inside of me will grow
Keep holding on you'll make it
Here's my hoof so take it
Look for me reaching out to show
As sure as rivers flow
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go...

As she finished off the song that Fluttershy had taught her, Twilight glanced at Sombra and saw that he was fast asleep. As quietly as she could, Twilight stood up a new snuck out of the room. Before closing the door behind her, she whispered 'good-night' and then crawled into her own bed. The next morning, she woke up to find herself alone in her bed.

Author's Note:

Hey all. Hope you liked the new chapter. That song is Candle on the Water from Disney's, Pete's Dragon. I do not own this song, so nobody please kill me. I chose this song because it is both beautiful and it fit so well. I left it unchanged for the most part. As you may have noticed, I changed the 'hand' in one line to 'hoof' because it's ponies. There are no hands.

Anyways, hope you liked it and I'll see you next chapter!