• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 1,934 Views, 55 Comments

Spicy Tuna Roll - Fuzzyfurvert

A series of bite-sized, somewhat spicy scenes with Twilight and Luna in the vauge EQG-verse.

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Sexting 4 Newbs

“Alright now class, we’re going to be working on some sample problems to find the phase difference of a wave. I want you all to open your book to page…”

Miss Cheerilee droned on from the front of the room as Twilight caught herself staring at the clock on the wall for the umpteenth time. Being a transfer student unfortunately meant some of her course credits counted, but not all of them did. Math, for instance. Which meant retaking a class she had already passed with flying colors. Which meant being bored. Which meant that she now knew there were 36 ceiling panels in this room, 28 students with a roughly 2:1 ratio of female to male students, 3 overhead projectors pressed up against the back wall, 7 pieces of gum stuck to the underside of her desk and 5 more under her chair.

Twilight was just about to consider blinking when she felt a light vibration against her leg and heard the near silent buzzing of her phone in her backpack besides her desk.

Miss Cheerilee cleared her throat. “Phones off in class, or I confiscate them.”

Apparently it wasn’t silent enough. Twilight blushed and sank in her chair as she fished out her phone to obediently power it down. She took a quick look at the screen and the little symbol on her notification bar said she had received a text from Luna. Twilight looked up at Cheerliee but her back was turned as she continued on with her lecture. None of the other students seemed to be paying her any attention, so she swiped her fingers across the touch screen and held it under her desk to see what Luna has sent her.

She blinked at the short message, running it through her mind. Why is Luna texting me now? I’m in the middle of first period, for crying out loud. Wait...she thinks I’m sexy? Twilight smiled and straightened up in her seat a bit. Am I supposed to respond?

Twilight looked around and her fellow students were paying various levels of attention to the math Miss Cheerilee was trying to teach. What else am I going to do right now? A few quick finger swipes turned off the vibration function and Twilight opened the the little key pad app and typed a reply.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. That’s...cute? Smell my hair? What?

Twilight felt her blush warm on her cheeks and and she looked around nervously again as she sunk in her chair again. She swallowed and hunched her shoulders as she tried to curl herself around her smart phone. There was no way she could let anyone at school see this. It could ruin Luna’s career and reputation forever, not to mention her last year of public school.

What is Luna doing?

Oh my god. Vice Principal Luna is sexting me in class. Twilight’s head snapped up as a voice other than Cheerilee’s spoke up. A boy two rows ahead of her was answering a question she hadn’t even known had been asked. He mumbled through it with obvious disinterest that at on any other day would have bothered her, but in light of the texts she had received, it was a welcomed distraction that let her tap out a response.

Twilight smiled sweetly and sighed. Of course she would fall for the amazing older woman that was everything she wanted to be and anxious about appearing young. It felt like something that should be cliche, it was so adorable. Was this really the same woman that had held her off the ground against the wall in the shower and licked her until she was clean and exhausted?

Poor baby. Twilight smirked and squirmed in her chair slightly. The text were having an effect on her and if she got called on to answer anything, Cheerilee might notice and take her phone.

‘Sorry. I am too. Here, let this hold you over for now, ok? We can video chat tonight.’ Twilight typed her last message and looked around as she chewed on an errant strand of her hair. No one in class was paying attention to her so she flipped her phone around in her hand and slid forward in her chair until she could feel her butt reach the edge. With her thumb she flicked the big central nub and there was a muted flash from under her skirt.

Twilight coughed quietly and finally powered down her device before slipping it back into her bag.

I wonder how long it’ll take her to realize those are her panties in that pic?