• Published 16th Oct 2014
  • 9,305 Views, 207 Comments

The Midnight Dance - CartoonNerd12

An MLP fairy tale comes to life when six princesses fight for love.

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Chapter 12

When the music stopped for them to have a break, it gave a chance for the girls to take their dates around the castle. Fluttershy and Discord went out to a nearby balcony. Rarity and Fancy Pants went into a room attached to the ballroom. Rainbow and Soarin' went up to the castle roof. Applejack and Spike went to the front steps of the castle. Pinkie and Cheese stayed in the ballroom. Twilight and Flash found a pavilion outside the castle.

"Twilight, this has got to be the most magical place I have ever been to."

"I know… I felt that way, too, when my sisters and I found this place."

"Speaking of your sisters, it's truly amazing how none of you ended up an alicorn like your mother, the queen."

"It is strange. Even I can't figure out why that out of six daughters, Mother and Father never had an alicorn."

"I think it should have been you."


"Why not? You would have looked great with a pair of wings." he opened his own wings for emphasis.

She giggled, "I don't know about that… but if I did have wings, it would be easier for us to get around."

"Well, then… looks like I'll just have to be your wings in the meantime."

"What do you mean?"

He smirked and started singing, "Let me be your wings, let be your only love… Let me take you far beyond the stars… Let me be your wings, let me lift you high above… Everything we're dreaming of will soon be ours… Anything that you desire, anything at all… Everyday I'll take you higher and I'll never let you fall! Let me be your wings… Leave behind the world you know, for another world of wondrous things… We'll see the universe and dance on Saturn's rings! Fly with me and I will be your wings…" he took hold of her and lifted her up, "Anything that you desire! Anything at all…"

She sang to him in harmony, "Anything at all…"

"Everyday I'll take you higher and I'll never let you fall!"

"You will be my wings…"

"Let me be your wings…"

"You will be my only love…"

"Get ready for another world full of wondrous things…"

"Wondrous things are sure to happen…"

They sang together, "We'll see the universe and dance on Saturn's rings!"

He sang, "Heaven isn't too far…"

"Heaven is where you are…"

They finished, "Stay with me and let (me/you) be (your/my) wings!"

He gently flew her down with her hooves still wrapped around his neck, enjoying the embrace they were sharing from their flight.

Applejack and Spike looked up to the sky of the magical kingdom.

"It sure is quiet…" she said.

"It is…" Then he frowned, "But one thing still bugs me… Why didn't you or Twilight or the rest of you tell me about this place at first?"

A look of guilt came over her and she finally said, "I guess we didn't know how. It felt like it was our place and we wanted to keep it to ourselves… It wasn't until today we realized it could be used for good by bringing…" she stopped short, not sure how to tell him.

But he got the idea and said, "Bringing over colts you like?"

She simply nodded.

"AJ… Why did you bring me here?"

Her cheeks went pink, "Um… I…"

"Was I just a pity date since the rest of your sisters had a special some pony?"

"What? No! No, it's not like that!"

He took her arm, having her keep facing him, emerald eyes meeting one another, "Then tell me…"

"Well…" they found themselves leaning over to kiss, "I…"

Right as their lips were about to touch, the doors burst open by a hyper pink pony, saying, "Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing!" both the dragon and orange Earth pony said quickly looking away from each other, cheeks flushing red.

"Oh, okay." then she turned back into the ballroom going, "La-la-la!"

"We should," AJ cleared her throat, "get back."

"Right! Totally! That's what I was going to say!" he nervously chuckled.

She gave a glance back at him before going inside thinking, So close!

Behind her, Spike was pounding his head with his claw, Stupid, stupid! Now you scared her off! I'll never get the chance to kiss her again!

Soarin' lied back on the castle roof, saying, "This place is so awesome, Dashie."

"It's even more awesome now that you're here, although I'm still not sure about Discord being here. It's still weird to me how my sister has fallen for the guy and since Fluttershy wasn't spellbound by him, I have to let her be free to see whoever she wants. Though, I do hope he slips up and that tips off Fluttershy to get away from him."

"You want to check on her?"

"It wouldn't hurt." she flapped her wings to the overhead of the balcony where Fluttershy and Discord were sitting together, holding hooves with love shining in their eyes. Rainbow could not see it from her view; however, she could still hear them.

"Fluttershy…" he said.


"I can't thank you enough for bringing me here…"

"Oh, you're welcome…"

"It's nice to get away from a world that detests you…"

"Is that what happens when you travel around Equestria?"

"Something like that… When I was kid, I didn't fit in anywhere… I still don't… but when I am with you, I don't feel… so alone…"

"Oh… me, too…" she leaned her head on his shoulder.

This surprised both Discord and Rainbow.

"Why do you say that? Don't you have your sisters and animals to keep you company?" he asked.

"Yes, but there are some things I can't talk to them about and the animals aren't much of a conversationalists, but whenever you come, I can tell you the things I never say to my sisters… You've helped me in more than one… To this day, I feel happy knowing I made the right choice of setting you free. I gained a friend, companion, and… lover…" she smiled brightly.

He smiled at her and moved his fingers through her hair. He moved her closer to his face and before Rainbow had a chance to look away, their lips pressed against each other.

Rainbow nearly felt like gagging and quickly went back to her colt.

He saw the look on her face and asked, "What happened?"

She groaned, "I caught them kissing…"

"That's um, very…" he tried picturing it, but found it too weird to do so, "You need a distraction."


He lunged forward to press his lips to hers. Her eyes were wide from the impact, but she eventually gave in.

When they all finally came back into the ballroom, Twilight noticed Fancy's bow tie being crooked. Even his blue hair and mustache were a bit messy. She saw a little bit of red lipstick still smeared on his lips. When she looked at her sister next to him, her mane was messed over, her dress mostly wrinkled, not to mention half of her make-up was gone. The both of them had intensity in their eyes while staring at the other.

Twilight could see the love from all of her sisters and knew then they did the best thing they have ever done to bring happiness back in their lives. She addressed the guys.

"I speak on behalf of me and my sisters when I say we are grateful you came tonight and we hope we can have more nights like this."

"We should be the ones thanking you!" Cheese pointed out, "This place is too mind-blowing to keep away from! If only there was something we can do for you!"

Discord had suddenly thought of something as a light bulb appeared above his head and he said to the girls, "Excuse us for one moment…" he grabbed up the guys into a huddle and there was intense whispering from the girls' perspective.

They finally turned back to them with grins on their faces.

"What?" all the princesses said.

Discord spoke for the colts, "Since you were sweet enough to share this place with us, we feel it's only fair we take you ladies out to the town tomorrow!"

"In Canterlot?" Rarity questioned.

"No, in Ponyville!" Cheese jumped.

"Ponyville?!" they all said again.

"Oh, my gosh! I've never been there before!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Neither have I!" motioned Rarity, "But the idea of someplace new sounds so inviting!"

"I'm so in!" Rainbow twirled in the air.

"What the hay, sign me up!" cheered Applejack.

"Do you think there'd be new creatures there?" Fluttershy asked.

"Only one way to find out…" Twilight gestured back towards the stallions, "Alright, we accept your invitation."

"Excellent!" Discord put his hands together, "We'll be around to pick you up at two o' clock. That should give us enough time to get out of castle and be back before your mother knows you're gone."

The others nodded in agreement. Then Pinkie asked, "One last dance before we all go?"

"What time is it?" Rarity asked Twilight.

Twilight was about to answer when Discord took out a pocket watch, "About two AM, Your Highness."

Both Pinkie and Cheese both had grins stretched across their faces practically begging Twilight to let them have that final dance.

Twilight gave out an exasperated sigh and said, "Fine, we can stay, but only for an hour! Then we have to get back!"

"Whoo-yoo!" both party ponies whooped with Pinkie saying, "I wish for the music to start up again!"

The instruments came back and played a sweet melody. One by one, the dates got on the dance floor and moved gracefully with their dancing partners.

When the hour had ended, they all got back into the boat as it moved back to the cave. Once they got inside the cave and disappeared from sight, Luna flapped in a blue glow from the night sky she created for the underground kingdom.

She said to herself, "This is a problem…" and then she thought, It is wonderful that my nieces have found love, but now… I'm afraid I will have no choice but to tell Celestia…