• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 10,459 Views, 659 Comments

Stars in the Making - Borsuq

Princess Starburst, who dreams of becoming the Captain of the Royal Guard, begins dating scarred by past Starfall, who cares for little other than having fun. How will this end?

  • ...

Aftermath - Part II

This cannot end well, Starburst thought as she slowly dragged herself to her family mansion’s door, resigned to her fate.

There were a whole bunch of things she’d rather be doing right now. She could go and train; sweet Celestia, did she miss the time when her only concern was finding more free time to do some workouts. But of course, she now had more important things to worry about. Starburst needed to find Starfall and learn just what the hay he was up to now with working on Sweet Apple Acres, talk to him about last night, and a bunch of other slightly less important stuff. As annoying as that was going to be, she’d really prefer to do that right about now. Hay, right now she would rather start working with Annie on that stupid biology assignment!

Sighing, Starburst reached the door. As much as she wanted to avoid what was about to come, it was no use prolonging this, sooner or later she would have to face her mom.

Let’s just get it over with, she thought, opening the door. Otherwise Mom could always just teleport me back home when she’d get tired of waiting… or worse, send the guards after me again, like when Star took me out on our first date.

“Good morning, Princess Starburst,” she almost immediately heard, making her jump. Rosie ignored her reaction and continued, “Princess Twilight wanted me to tell you upon your return that she’d like you to see her immediately. Your mother is currently in her study room.”

“Oh, right,” Starburst mumbled, recovering after being surprised by the housemaid. “Thank you, Rosie.”

The older mare nodded and trotted away to no doubt deal with some other duties (Or rather, some actual duties; I’m pretty sure that “guarding the door waiting for your employer’s daughter to send her to her mother” wasn’t on her official list of duties.). Shaking herself out of her earlier shock, Starburst headed to her mother’s study deeper within the mansion.

A few moments later, she was right before its door. Taking a deep breath and steeling herself, she knocked on it.

“Come in,” came a quick reply, and Starburst entered.

Her mom’s study was a small, cozy room, its walls filled with bookshelves. Inside was a desk, an armchair, and a small couch for the rare moments she’d have visitors here like now. Her mother was currently sitting behind the desk writing something down on a scroll.

“Hello Star,” she greeted her without looking up. She pointed with her quill at the couch and added: “Please wait a moment, I’ll just finish this letter in a few moments and then we’ll talk.”

No need to hurry, Starburst remarked privately, trotting over to the couch and sitting down. Casting her mother a sidelong glance, she briefly wondered what this letter could be about, but then brushed that thought aside as she recalled she and Celestia had some festival to attend to in the Crystal Empire next week and figured it was probably related, and instead focused on what was about to come...

… which apparently had to come out now, as her mom placed her quill back in the inkpot and rose from her armchair. Starburst did her best not to sigh or show in any way just how uncomfortable she was as the alicorn joined her on the couch.

“Star-” her mother began, but she cut her off.

“Mom, before you say anything… Star and I, um, w-well, we didn’t do anything last night,” she said awkwardly, feeling her cheek heat up from embarrassment. “And we weren’t going to do anything, anyway, even if you hadn’t come in, Star was just messing with me, I think, because of something the other guys had said the day before… and while we’re at it, Mom, would you please knock on my door before coming in? That was the second time you walked in on us for crying out loud, I deserve some privacy-”

“Wait, what do you mean by ‘second time’?” her mother interrupted her, blinking at her in surprise.

Starburst’s jaw dropped as she started back at her in sheer horror of what she had just said. “I… I’m just… gonna stop talking now,” she managed to mumble, burrowing her face in her forehooves.

Mercifully, her mom decided to not pursue this topic further. Instead Starburst heard her sigh and then ask, “Starburst, how old are you?”

She lowered one of her forehooves to look at her, confused. “Fifteen? Well, almost sixteen actually,” she replied, wondering where her mother was going with this.

“To be more precise, you will be sixteen next month,” Twilight pointed out, causing her to roll her eyes. “But the point is, you are almost an adult mare. It is only natural that now that you have a coltfriend you two are becoming more physical. And while I’ll admit that I don’t know Starfall very well, I do know you; well, to some degree I suppose,” she added with a small smile. “And I know that you are responsible enough to not do something you’d regret.”

Surprised, Starburst dropped her forehooves down to look at her mom properly. “Wait, so you’re saying that-”

“-that what you’re doing with your coltfriend is none of my business,” she finished, smiling. “All I ask is that when you do decide to become more intimate you remember about protection. Aaaand closing the door wouldn't hurt,” her mom added, somehow managing to hold back a smirk that Starburst knew she wanted to make.

“Yeah, I know,” she replied, certain that the fur on her face had become red by now. “But is that seriously all? Shouldn’t you be, I dunno, upset, say we’re moving too fast or question just why there were six of my colfriend in my bedroom?!”

“Star, I just said that I think you’re old enough to make your own choices in that regard,” her mother replied, rolling up her eyes. “It’s up to you to decide whether you are moving too fast or not, well, both you and Starfall, but knowing you you’re probably too strong-willed to let him talk to you into something you wouldn’t want even if he’d try to.”

Despite how embarrassing this entire conversation was, and how she wished it would never happen, Starburst couldn’t help but feel a little proud that her mother trusted her that much and thinks of her as strong-willed.

“And as for what exactly I saw in your room,” her mom continued, just as she had began to brighten up; the remark immediately dampened her, “well, you can’t discuss somepony’s tastes. I’m mostly surprised, fetishes aren’t something you’d expect to be hereditary. Especially not one so specifically magic-requiring one.”

“Hereditary?” Starburst repeated, confused. “What do you-” and then her eyes bulged as she realized what her mother had meant. “Ew, Mom! I did not need to know that!” she exclaimed, grabbing her head instinctively as if trying to squeeze the thought out of her head.

“Oh come now Star, I thought we were discussing this like adults,” Twilight sighed, sounding a little exasperated. “Besides, I thought you’d have realized that, I mean, didn’t you think about why I just had so many condoms on hoof to send you two?”


It took several moments for Starburst to recover after getting her mom to agree to not speak about things like fetishes, ever. She just found it too hard for her mind to not try and conjure images after her mother’s remark, images that Starburst was certain would scar her for life. She even considered asking her mom to wipe the memory of the last few minutes, but she knew that she’d never agree to use her magic on her.

But apparently, traumatizing your daughter by practically telling her what exactly her parents do is a fair game, Starburst thought before she could stop herself. Ugh, no, don’t think about it. Remember, your parents had sex only twice, that’s the official story!

“Okay, I think I am ready to talk some more,” she slowly said, then sharply added, “But not about any of that!”

Her mother’s expression seemed to say something along the lines of ‘You are being so dramatic about this’, but fortunately for everypony involved she merely said, “Very well, Star.”

A part of her wondered what the hay she was still doing there. She could end the conversation, they had a talk, her mother succeeded in embarrassing her without even trying, end of story. If this was a cheesy romance novel like she had once jokingly told Starfall, this would be the moment everything would fade to black and next she’d be at Sweet Apple Acres looking for her coltfriend. And yet, she was still there.

“So, just to summarize,” Starburst began, “you’re saying that whatever I... do with Starfall is up to me, and you won’t try to talk me out of it or anything, or even say that we should wait until we are adults?”

“Star, if I were completely honest, I would obviously prefer if you’d wait before having sex until you actually are adults,” Twilight replied, rolling her eyes. “If for nothing else then so I wouldn’t have to worry about your father having a heart attack. But as I said, I trust your judgement…” she suddenly trailed off as she looked at her. Confused, Starburst opened her mouth to ask what’s wrong, but her mom spoke first: “You know, it just occurred to me that it’s rather odd for you to continue the subject you are so uncomfortable with, and, hm, how do I put it… you almost look as if you’re not pleased with my answer.”

Starburst blinked in surprise, but before she could say anything or even wonder if she was indeed making such a face her mother said something that gave her mind a pause.

“Did you… want me to forbid you from having sex with Starfall? Or at least, try to talk you out of it?” she added, looking at her with concern.

Her jaw dropped as she tried to comprehend just what her mother had said. “What?! No, of course not-”

She paused. Was that the truth though? She had stayed to talk more about this, and was purposely drilling down the topic, asking the question she had already been given an answer too. Was she trying to get her mother to tell her that she can’t do something? And the said something being… that, of all things?

“I don’t know,” she finally admitted, looking away. “Maybe. It’s just… not something I ever considered before, and it’s all… confusing.”

“Oh, Star,” her mother said sympathetically, drawing a little closer, “of course it is. It was pretty confusing for me too, and I was much older than you now when I met your father.”

Star looked at her mother in surprise. It was really hard to imagine her being confused about anything, ever. On the other hoof though it was also really hard to imagine her talking with her mom about sex.

Despite how odd and embarrassing it was, Starburst found herself feeling glad that they were having this talk. Maybe she could learn something that would help with this whole ridiculous matter?

“I can only imagine how it must be for somepony your age,” her mother continued. “Quite frankly, I don’t think that there is anything I could say that could make this seem more clear for you. Well, besides telling you that this is something you should talk about with your coltfriend.”

“We kinda already did talk about it,” Starburst confessed; she was very careful to not mention when that was this time. “Star said that he’s fine with me deciding when we would, um… take things further. But then he goes and pulls that thing!” she exclaimed, annoyed.

Twilight, of course, at once understood what ‘that thing’ she was referring too. “Yes, well, based on how little I know him I must say that you’re probably right and he was just messing with you.” Starburst snorted at that, while her mother paused and smiled. “Starfall doesn’t seem that he would want to push you to do something you wouldn’t want to. After all, he had made his feelings regarding you pretty clear just the other day.”

Aaand she had to bring up about the only thing that could possibly be more embarrassing than talking about sex!

“Ugh, don’t remind me of that!” Starburst exclaimed, slamming her head against the couch.

She could hear her mother’s soft giggle. “Sorry Star… but he seemed earnest when he said that,” she continued, ignoring her annoyed groans. “I’m sorry if I’m embarrassing you now, but can I ask how do you feel about Starfall?”

Starburst glanced up at her mother. She wasn't looking at her like her friends had, with the very noisy kind of curiosity and amusement bordering on friendly mocking. No, her mom was curious, obviously, but she wasn’t pushing her to answer the question, and looked as if she was ready to back away from the topic, if Starburst wouldn’t want to talk about it.

Well, she didn’t but… this was her mom after all, maybe confiding in her more wasn’t the worst idea ever…

“I… think I… love him too,” she mumbled the last part, looking away from her mother in embarrassment… then turning back sharply after hearing a strange high-pitched sound. Seeing her mother still sitting like before but with a strange smile on her face, Starburst asked: “Did you just… squee?!”

“Sorry, I tried to hold it back,” Twilight confessed before her face broke into a wide smile, then next thing she knew Starburst was pulled into a hug. “Oh, I’m so happy to hear that!”

“Mom! Cut it out!” Starburst protested, trying to release herself. “Don’t make me regret confiding in you literally five seconds later!”

“I’m sorry, I’ll stop,” her mother said as she let her go. As Starburst pulled away to a - relatively - safe distance on the couch, she saw to her horror that it looked as if the Princess of Friendship was about to skip in joy. “But I’m really happy for you!”

Starburst managed to deadpan at her. “You could at least pretend to worry that your daughter is probably in love with a former felon.”

“Oh come now Star, that was uncalled for,” she replied, but at least she finally calmed down. “You know that despite, hm, how we all met Starfall, your father and I both grew to like him a lot. And consider what you, well, are considering, I feel a lot more calm that you’re thinking about doing it with somepony you love.”

Blushing, Starburst replied, “I said I think I love him. I… I’m not completely sure. I mean, I care about him a lot,” she quickly added before her mother could interject, or worse, look at her with worry, “but I’ve never, you know… been in love before.”

Her mother, who thankfully had by now completely calmed down, sighed. “Yes, I understand. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to offer much help with figuring out if you are or not; I can’t even think of any book on the subject of love that’s actually credible. Buuut,” she added, glancing at her with a smile, “I think that your Aunt Cadance could help you figure out if what you feel for Starfall is love or not. Love is her speciality after all.”

“Aunt Cadance?” Starburst repeated, deadpanning at her mother. “Seriously Mom? Should I ask her about this before or after I tell her that the colt I might be in love with is most likely a son of her subjects' mortal enemy?”

“Oh, don’t be silly Star-” her mother snorted, but Starburst cut her off.

“She already knows, doesn’t she?” she asked, without changing her expression.

“Yes,” Twilight admitted, then cleared her throat and resumed. “But what I was going to say is that Cadance wouldn’t care about it. Even if Starfall somehow is King Sombra’s son, he is first and foremost a pony like anypony else. He deserves to be treated with kindness and respect like everypony. Aaand your aunt would be able to tell if he’s also your ‘the One’,” she added, smiling hopefully.

Starburst decided against arguing again. “Well, he better be, I’m not going through all of what I’ve been through until now ever again with somepony else,” she snorted, causing her mother to chuckle with laughter.

Before any of them could say anything else, a knock on the door sounded. As Twilight called for the pony on the other side to enter, it turned out to be Rosie.

“Apologies, Your Highnesses,” the maid said with a polite bow, “the dinner is ready to be served.”

Hearing the word ‘dinner’ made Starburst recall that she hadn’t eaten anything today. Now that the nausea-inducing fear of the confrontation with her mother was gone, she realized that she was starving!

“Thank you Rosie,” Twilight replied, rising. “We’ll be at the dining room shortly.”

As Rosie nodded and left, Starburst quickly scrambled up to her hooves.

“Guess this concludes our talk,” her mother said as they slowly left her study. Smiling, she added, “Thank you for sharing so much with me Star, I know you aren’t exactly the most open of ponies.”

“Yeah, well, I did need some advice,” Star mumbled, a little embarrassed. “Thanks Mom.”

“I’m here anytime you need me,” she reminded her, still smiling. As they began to head towards the dining room, she blinked and said, “Oh, changing the subject a little, since we mentioned earlier your upcoming birthday, may I ask if you are making any plans?”

“Um, not really?” Starburst replied, taken aback by the subject; her birthday was still a month away, she hadn’t even thought about it with everything that has been going on. “Candy is probably going to throw me a party at Sugarcube Corner like every year.”

“And what about Starall?”

“I’m guessing he’ll be there?” Starburst said, frowning in confusion.

“No, I mean, what are you planning for his birthday?”

“Oh,” Starburst exclaimed, finally understanding what her mom was getting at. “Um, I don’t even know when his birthday is, actually. Aaaand considering what he had been through for the last decade I doubt he even remembers, anyway.”

“Probably,” Twilight agreed, then frowned and hummed. “Hmm, if only you knew somepony who had happened to meet his mother when he was a newborn foal and would ask such an obvious question…”

Starburst blinked in a surprised stupor at her mother as the alicorn slowly let her frown transform into a grin. Recovering, she grinned back. “Trust you, Mom, to remember the birthdate after almost sixteen years of a foal you met once.”

This is great! she thought privately. I’ll have a chance to surprise HIM for a change! And prepare him the best birthday he had in over a decade!... Which, admittedly, wouldn’t be hard, considering…

Lost in her thoughts, she had almost missed her mother’s giggle. A little confused, she gave her a quizzical look. “Well, it wasn’t especially hard to remember his birthdate.”

“Really? How come?”

“Because it’s the same as yours,” Twilight replied, giggling.

Starburst stopped, staring at her mom in disbelief, then after a moment she covered her face with her forehooves.

“Merciful Celestia, my life is a cheesy romance novel!”

Author's Note:

WHAAT?! Borsuq published a new chapter a little over a month after the last one?! Yes, I'm throwing pandas at you!

Okay, enough paraphrasing others (congratz if you recognized it xD), hope you enjoyed this chapter. Will take a bit longer for the next one, but I promise it will come at least this year, will try for one more in 2020 but I make no promises.