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Rainbow Pox

Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow Dash all flew up and landed on Rainbow Dash's soft puffy porch. Rainbow Dash pounded the front door angrily. "Rainbow Dash, wake up! We have a serious problem!" The problem was indeed serious--worse even than Lavender Unicorn Syndrome.

"Ughhhh, it's only 11 o'clock. I'm sleeping!"

Rainbow Dash knickered and huffed. "Rainbow Dash, come on. This is important!"

"Fine, fine, I'm coming!" Rainbow Dash groggily opened the door to her cloud home. This seemed to be becoming a regular thing. "Huh? Why am I staring at five of me?"

"Rainbow, it's us, your friends! We've all come down with the Rainbow Pox! We have to do something!"

"Why? The world just got a whole lot more awesome!"

"Rainbow! Don't you want to be the most awesome pony around? If we're trapped in your body, we can't help but exude the same levels of awesomeness as you. Do you want that?"

"I'm still not seeing why this is a problem."

"Gah! Look! If everypony is Rainbow Dash, who are you going to impress with your tricks? Who are you going to boss around on weather patrol? Who are you going to be a surrogate big sister to? And a more important question is: Do you really want all this new competition for getting on the Wonderbolts?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," the mare said, scratching the back of her head. "Probably should get you guys some immunization. No offense to me, but I liked my friends more before you all turned into me.

"So you'll help us?"

"Yeah, but one condition."

"Great! What's the condition?" Rainbow Dash eagerly asked.

"You gotta stay 1/5th me."

"Huh, why?"

"Well, I'd like you guys to be about 20% cooler."

Author's Note: