• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,499 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 49

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait on this getting here, been busy with stuff. With any luck then ext one won't take as long, and for those of you who read Absolution 2 as well, that'll be updated soon. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

Abby glanced at Kasai, the big Arcanine had a happy expression on his face as they stood outside of the Ponyville Library. He looked so confident, so eager, so very much like himself that Abby felt a bit of her hesitation slip away and she gave him a nuzzle. Kasai gave her a nuzzle in return, licking the side of her ear.

“We’ll be fine, let’s do this,” Kasai said, nudging her. “And if we’re not fine then we run for the Capital, alright?”

Abby nodded. “Yeah, yeah let’s do this Kasai. Let’s kick ass, take names, and chew bubblegum.”

“Abby, we can’t chew bubblegum,” Kasai said, blinking blankly. “It melts too fast in our mouths.”

“Who are you, Rill?” Abby snarked, nuzzling his neck for a moment before she moved further forwards and pushed the door open, walking into the library. “Twilight? Tia? Are you here?”

"Abby, Kasai," Celestia said with a smile from a spot in the center of the room, a makeshift desk in front of her covered in documents. "I'm glad you two are here."

Abby smiled as she moved forwards and nuzzled the white alicorn. “Thank you, and it’s no trouble at all, I may be ‘suspended’ at the moment but I’m here to do anything that I possibly can to help with the situation,” she said.

“I’m here to keep from getting hit,” Kasai said, walking up beside Abby. “Just like always.”

Celestia sighed. “At this point, it looks like we need all the help we can get,” she looked over the list Twilight and Juniper had given her again. “So many mislead by a single man...”

Abby sighed. “He’s a good man... just very set in his ways,” the Ninetales said quietly. “But; that doesn’t really matter right now. Tell me where you need us.”

Celestia smiled. “I’d appreciate it if you two could guard the main road into town,” she looked over the map of Ponyville she’d laid out before her. “I don’t know if any of them would actually be... oblivious, enough to try that, but then again, they don’t seem to be much for subtlety.”

“Yeah... that whole group is a bunch of hot heads,” Kasai said, shaking his head disdainfully. “And that’s coming from a fire breathing dog.”

“I don’t even know what Surge is doing here... he should be in a mental hospital,” Abby muttered darkly. “He’s got a record of nearly killing his opponents Pokemon in Gym Battles.”

“I’ll take that into consideration,” Celestia said, she had originally figured she could simply arrest most of the protesters, though as she learned more about them, she began to wonder if that was the best course of action. “And Hastings?”

“Well...” Abby let out a sigh. “I love the man like a second father, he was there for me when I needed him most of the time but...” she trailed off. “But he’s very set in his ways... and for good reason I guess. He’s seen too many Pokemon destroyed by their humans... hell, if not for Kasai I’d probably be the same way.”

“And that would be a crime,” Kasai added, nuzzling her before glancing at Celestia. “And yeah... I owe the Professor my ability to walk,” he said, glancing at his metallic leg.

Celestia shook her head, her job was so much easier when it consisted of toppling tyrants and dethroning dictators. “I’ll have to talk with him when this is all over,” she told them with a frown. “See if he needs therapy or... something else.”

“Meh, therapy’s overrated,” Abby muttered, shaking her head. “Still, anything else before we head out?”

“Not that I can think of,” Celestia said after a moment. “Good luck you two, and stay safe.”

Kasai chuckled. “Ma’am, we’ve faced skinners, murderers, poachers, hardened criminals, and mercenaries, we’ll be fine,” he told her, pulling Abby close to him with one forepaw. “Just leave the main road to us.”

Celestia smiled. “Good to know that Ponyville is in capable paws.”

“The very best,” Abby said, ducking out from underneath Kasai’s arm and darting forwards to give Celestia a lick on the cheek. “Thanks for the compliment though, Princess.”

Celestia chuckled. “You deserve it.”

Abby nodded and stepped back, she and Kasai heading out of the library for the main road and leaving Celestia alone again with her ‘advisors’.

“THEY THINK THEY CAN HURT US?! THEY THINK THEY CAN MAKE US TREMBLE!? AHAHAHAAH! IT SHALL BE THEY WHO TREMBLE!” Axle roared loudly, his eyes full of anger incarnate as he stood before Iris.

“Uh huh,” Iris said, rolling her eyes. “You know the idea is to try not to attack them?”


Iris chuckled. “You know, my whole thing back on Earth was calming Dragons,” she flexed her fingers and smirked at him. “I wonder if it would work on you.”

Axle looked at her, wounded. “You wouldn’t,” he protested.

“Wouldn’t I?” She taunted back.


Iris chuckled again. “Have you ever considered taking up poetry?” She asked, only half joking. “Admittedly, it would be loud poetry, but still.”


Iris shook her head, then blinked. “Wait... what did you just say?”

“That I would become a poet worthy of legends!” Axle replied, grinning widely. “THERE WILL BE BALLADS THAT SPEAK OF ME!”

“The only thing that’ll speak of you is a damage report,” Iris mumbled. “Let’s just try and find-” Iris stopped when she felt a shiver run down her spine. “Oh no.”

Axle frowned and turned to her. “What is it?” His voice was suddenly completely serious.

“There’s only one person who can creep me out before I even see them,” she told him with a frown. “Grimsley! I know you’re there!”

There were a few seconds of silence before a soft chuckle filled the air. “Quite perceptive of you Iris,” a Liepard purred, stalking out of the brush.

“A Liepard... why am I not surprised?” She glared at the feline. “You know, when Juniper told me you were part of Hastings’ group, I was honestly hoping she was lying to me.”

“Grimsley... Grimsley... do I know a Grimsley?” Axle asked himself, claws tapping out a rhythm on his scales.

“He’s a member of Unova’s Elite Four,” Iris explained. “Dark type specialist.”

“Indeed,” Grimsley said with a smirk. “And who might this be? I’m certain this isn’t your Haxorus.”


Grimsley chuckled. “My word Iris, where do you find these characters?” He smiled at Axle. “To answer your question,” as if on cue, a Tyranitar, Krookodile, and Bisharp all stepped into view. “I’m here to bring Gene Phillips to justice.”

“Heh... heh... heh...” Axle chuckled dryly. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OH! Finally! Someone who can challenge me.”

Ignoring Axle for the moment, Iris turned her attention back to Grimsley. “I’m not letting you attack my friend Grimsley,” she said bluntly. “So just turn around and go back the way you came.”

Grimsley’s tail swished back and forth in the air for a moment as he considered that. “Hm... no. NOW!”

His Tyranitar roared and rushed Axle, tackling the Haxorus out of view, and his other Pokemon followed. Grimsley smirked, but not for long as he felt a clawed hand grasp the scruff of his neck and lift him off the ground. “We’re going to have a talk,” Iris growled. “And for once. You WILL listen to me.”

Either not knowing or not caring of what was surely an intense debate through the treeline, Axle was having the time of his life. After crashing through a few small saplings, the Haxorus got his feet back under him and ground to a halt and brought his head forwards hard into the Tyranitar’s forehead.

“Gahh!” the Tyranitar shouted, letting go of Axle as his hands reflexively moved for his aching head. Axle let out a roar of triumph and brought his head blade down hard into his side before his combat senses told him to dodge and he leapt away. The enemy Krookodile slammed head first into the Tyranitar and Axle began to chuckle.

“Heh... heh... heh..” he grinned at the pair of them. “You are members of the elite four? HAH! You are pathetic in comparison to me! The only thing ‘Elite’ about you is-”

The Bisharp appeared from behind him and stabbed into the small of his back, the sharp metal hand penetrating through his scales. Axle let out roar of pain and pivoted hard as blood seeped down from the wound, his headblade colliding solidly with the Bisharp’s arms and forcing it backwards.

The Haxorus drew his head back and prepared to fire a Dragon Pulse into the Bisharp when he sensed the other two approaching from either side of him. It has been far too long since I’ve been involved in a three on one, Axle thought to himself as he launched himself back a few steps, the Tyranitar and the Krookodile coming to a stop around him. He cracked his neck as the three of them stared him down from different angles and time seemed to stop around him.

Right then, task one, kill the heavy hitter of the group, Axle thought as his eyes fell on the Tyranitar. When it’s gone the others will be forced to play it more defensively. The Bisharp started in for an attack but Axle was already turning back to him, his arms extending and catching the over confident Bisharp by the arm joint, just behind the blade.

In a smooth, well practiced by years of arena fighting, Axle launched the Bisharp into the Krookodile. Good, keep them distracted for just a moment, long enough for me to kill the Tyranitar.

“AHAHAAH! SUFFER A DEFEAT MORE PAINFUL THEN BEING THROWN INTO THE SUN!” Axle cheered as he charged at the Tyranitar.

“YOU TALK TOO MUCH!” the bleeding Tyranitar shouted back as it charged forwards to meet him, clearly expecting a collision

Axle though had a different idea. At the last second, he leapt to the side and unleashed a powerful Dragon Pulse straight into the Tyranitar, the beam of purple energy stabbing into its already bleeding side. The Tyranitar screamed in pain as it was driven back several steps before it turned on its tormentor, hate in its eyes. Axle was genuinely impressed that it was still standing, that was a move combo that generally took down most opponents in one shot.

Hrmph, apparently it is Elite in its toughness if nothing else, Axle thought to himself before his eyes glanced around for the other two opponents. The Bisharp was currently running full tilt at him, it’s blades glowing with a deadly Night Slash. The Krookodile was strangely absent.

The Haxorus didn’t have much time to think about that however as the very angry Bisharp closed with him a second later. The Night Slash stabbed into Axle’s stomach and he let out a roar of pain as more blood began to flow from his body. The cocky Bisharp went in for another slash but Axle’s head came down in a lightning swipe and his blade chomped into it’s steel lined neck.

The Bisharp staggered back and Axle charged forwards, bending his legs so that his hands closed around its ankles and lifted it high in the air with a roar. Wait for it, he thought, holding the Bisharp over his head for a millisecond as he felt the vibrations beneath him. NOW! He swung the flailing Bisharp straight down into the Krookodile as it erupted from the ground. The reptile let out a shout of pain as Axle brought the Bisharp around for another blow and sent the angry ground gator flying.

“BEHOLD THE POWER OF AXLE! I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA! YOU ARE DIRT! YOU ARE THE WORMS IN THE DIRT GROVELING BENEATH MY FEET!” Axle roared, smashing the Bisharp head first into the ground. And... now.

The Tyranitar bull rushed him and Axle met him, the big angry dino nearly taking him off his feet despite having braced himself. This is what happens when I get distracted, Axle thought as his muscles rippled beneath his scales and his vision turned red. OH WELL! TIME TO DESTROY THE DISTRACTIONS!

Rill lay on the beach, a happy smile on her lips as she ran her claws over Lex’s back. He was currently curled up on her rather expanded belly.

“Ah... I still can’t believe how full you are right now,” Lex said with a chuckle, leaning into the claws. “Draco must be very virile, more virile than the average Flygon.”

“Indeed, it was rather lovely,” Rill said, smiling at her mate, leaning down to nibble on his ear. “And soon we shall be parents.”

Lex smiled as his ears flickered. He heard explosions in the distance. “Hmm, I wonder what that is.”

“More then likely simply Axle having a brawl with someone,” Rill answered with a small shrug. “Let’s simply enjoy this moment.”

“I can agree to that, my desert ruby,” Lex said, leaning over to nuzzle her. Rill just let out an insectoid humm. “Hmm, I hope Axle’s winning, he hates losing fights.”

“I am sure he’s fine. Axle usually is.”

The world around Axle was red, his enemies were yellow, and the sky above was vaguely green. They Tyranitar was drawing in unsteady breaths as it faced him, its chest heaving in and out with effort, blood pouring from two dozen deep cuts. Axle was hardly unscratched either and a cracked line of scales covered his right side, blood pooling on the ground beneath him an staining his legs.

“Yield or die,” Axle growled, his voice too tired to manage more then that.

“I will not yield,” the Tyranitar growled back. “Grimsley is counting on me. I will not fail him.”

Axle grit his teeth. “Very well... I will not be held responsible for your death. Only a fool tries to outlast the ocean!”

Before Axle could make the deciding move, one way or another, the Bisharp rose from where it had been thrown at some point in the battle, Axle had lost track, and walked between them. Its armblades had been dulled by the constant impacts and its body was covered in deep wounds but it persisted all the same. Axle was about to attack it when it started to speak.

“Enough,” it croaked out. “Our job was to distract you... we’ve done that. We’ve not failed in the least.”

Axle growled at it. “You have indeed distracted me but I will not allow any harm to come to Iris... if you three have enabled ‘Grimsley’ to harm her then I will kill the lot of you.” He narrowed his eyes at them.

“He just wanted to talk to her dude, geez,” the Krookodile muttered as he painfully pulled himself to his feet. “Why do you have to be so life or death about everything.”

The Haxorus simply gave him an unimpressed glare and stalked forwards. “I will help Iris. You will not stop me.” With that, he walked out of the clearing, a trail of blood leaking behind him.

That... was the best fight I’ve had in a long time... he thought to himself, a smile breaking through his features.

Abby and Kasai stood in the middle of the road, awaiting anyone foolish enough to try the main road to the town. Kasai pressing himself against her side.

“Brings you back doesn’t it?” he asked her with a small chuckle. “Remember the old days when we were just starting out?”

Abby chuckled softly despite the tension coursing through her body. “Yes, I remember, waiting around in random places hoping that one of the perps would show up.” That was when her vision caught sight of a certain foursome walking down the street towards them.

Abby’s fur shivered as Sven and Wendy neared them,

“Halt,” Abby barked out. “By order of the Equestrian Ranger Union you are not to take another step towards this town if you are after myself or Gene Phillips. Failure to comply will be met with violence.”

“Um... we’re not,” Sven said awkwardly. “We’re kinda... defecting.”

Abby blinked and her mask of calm ranger authority crumbled. “... really?” she asked, gobsmacked.

“Hah,” Kasai said with a small chuckle, leaning over and nuzzling Abby. “Told you someone would.”

Abby just blinked again. “Umm... thank you?”

“Yeah, we kinda got sick of all those idiots constantly arguing with each other,” Wendy admitted.

“And not listening to us,” Luxray said under his breath.

“Ah... yeah I can see that, they didn’t seem all that well strung together,” Abby agreed with a nod of her head. “Hehe, I guess my speech paid off more than I thought if you four are here.”

“Plus,” Staraptor added, smirking slightly. “Their main argument kinda fell apart when we found out you were part of this,” he chuckled. “Unless you’ve been abusing Kasai all this time.”

He did not just suggest that! she raged in her mind at even the joking implication of abuse as a single metaphorical straw fell into place on her back.

The Ninetale’s right eyebrow twitched and she turned her red eyed gaze on Staraptor. “You know, I’m sorry that I’m about to unleash this on you but if I don’t use it on someone then I’m going to go insane, so sorry in advance,” she said, unable to stop the words from pouring out of her mouth.

Kasai’s eyes widened at the sudden tonal shift but frowned and leaned against her, offering Abby all the support he could.

“Tell me Sven, when was the last time you saw a Pokemon commit, or attempt to commit suicide because their ‘true love’ was taken away from them?” Abby asked calmly, her mind flashing back through the countless Pokemon she’d seen meet such a fate, and how she’d been unable to stop them most of the time. “How often did that happen to you on a weekly basis?”

Sven blinked and looked over to Abby. "We... we weren't part of that division." He admitted.

“Yeah, you weren’t,” Abby agreed caustically. “Sorry that I couldn’t be out saving a region every other day,” she continued, glancing between the two of them. “I was down in the muck, fighting against people who were destroying Pokemon. How many people have you been forced to kill Sven?”

Abby saw Sven gulp. "Not... not many..." he said slowly. "Luxray and I... we brought in most of the grunts and poachers we had the displeasure of crossing paths with."

“How nice,” Abby replied with the slimmest of smiles though it lacked any warmth at all. “I’d love to say I had that luxury at all times but no, I really didn’t.” She looked over to Kasai, suddenly incredibly thankful to have him there. “Kasai, my partner, the love of my life, lost a leg saving me from a poacher who sent a Claydol at me with the intention of using Self Destruct.” Her eyes hardened. “I have never abused Kasai, I’ve never hurt him, I’ve only ever disciplined him when he was bad, the same way you’d discipline anyone else.”

She felt her fur beginning to glow with heat. “I’ve spent my entire life fighting against the bad Pokephiles, and trust me, I know there were many... I’ve shut down brothels, I’ve shut down underground fighting rings, hell, I arrested one of the heads of Sylph for his ‘collection’ of beautiful dragon types.” She sucked in a deep breath.

“So you know what, maybe long ago I came to the conclusion that maybe Pokemon were better then humans! Forgive me for getting sick of the way that society always treated them like second class citizens. Forgive me for getting sick of men who always wanted to get into my pants. Forgive me for falling in love with the most compassionate, caring, handsome man I’ve ever met in my entire life!” Abby glared at the pair of Rangers, unable to keep the anger and contempt out of her voice, her inner fire burning fiercely.

“Kasai was the one who was always there for me when my parents got eaten, when I had to go trekking into the wild for nights on end there he was beside me. He was there for me when I nearly froze to death in the snow, when I was staying in the hospital, and the times when I didn’t feel much like being alone anymore! So You know what, I guess I did abuse him! I made him waste the chance to be with another Arcanine who would be Arceus damned WORTHY of him!”

She stood there shivering with anger, she’d been carrying those words with her for years now. Nearly a decade of inner loathing and hatred finally out there in the open and it felt... strangely good to have said it all. That was when she noticed the absolutely devastated look on the other Rangers’ faces. ... dammit Trombley... they’re not the ones you hate, she thought quietly to herself. They’re here to help us... so what the fuck are you doing screaming at them like an overly emotional child?

“She’s right you know, about most of it anyways,” Kasai suddenly spoke up, breaking her from her trance like state and leaning over to give Abby a nuzzle “Though, I wouldn’t say that there’s another person on this or any planet as ‘worthy’ of me as Abby.”

Wendy and Sven stepped back at Abby’s outburst, while Staraptor merely flinched and Luxray stepped forward. “Why doesn't everyone just calm down?" Luxray said softly. "We’re not here to fight, so there’s no need to be hostile."

Abby panted a few times before finally finding her voice again. “Yeah... yeah you’re right... sorry... you guys didn’t deserve that.” She glanced down. “I’ve just... been holding that in for years now.”

“It’s, um, it’s alright,” Wendy said, awkwardly, not really sure what to say next.

Kasai broke the following silence as they started walking before it could get too awkward. “So, Luxray, you had any luck finding anyone lately? Last time we ran into each other you were at that awkward ‘between’ phase.”

As the others talked, Abby looked down at the road in front of them, wondering if she really deserved her title of ‘Top Ranger’... she certainly wasn't acting like she did.