• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 6,340 Views, 190 Comments

Leave of absence - Stormhoof

After a long arguement with twilight sparkle Spike decides to leave ponyville to get time to himself

  • ...

The reply

The fire still glowed green as Twilight paced back and forth. She had only just sent the note but each second seemed to crawl by. Then it hit her...Spike had no way to actually reply, how would they know what his decision was? before the fire could fade she quickly rolled a short scroll of parchment,a quill, and a small ink pot into a neat bundle and tossed it again, doing the spell a second time. Still she was unsure, and just in case any other problems should arise she tossed some light sticks and a heavy log on the fire to sustain it.

"A mare can never be too careful" She said to herself as she went downstairs to join her friends for breakfast.


Spike sighed, he was exhausted, the small dragon had cleared nearly a ton and a half of stone. But he had himself a cozy little cave, he had even stumbled upon a few gems, which he promptly devoured. He began thinking of how he would last, Rarity had taught him a thing or two about finding gems without magic, and being that it was from her, remembering the information was no hard task, but what does a dragon do when all his purpose is removed? He no longer had chores, or ponies he could help. Perhaps he will just expand his cave, he won't be going on any raids like the brutes during the migration, but a little space never hurt.

Suddenly he felt a pressure in his chest and barely a moment later he belched green fire, which he noticed as the flames dissipated contained a small scrap of paper,with a few words,and no seal. Obviously not from the princess, he looked closer to see it signed "Your closest friend, Twilight Sparkle". He growled to himself, "Closest friend" his tail. Sighing again he grabbed the scrap of paper and read it out loud to himself, "Dear Spike, I am sorry for what I said the other night, Please return home soon as we are all worried...your closest friend...Twilight...Sparkle", he sighed, not exactly the worlds best apology.

Feeling a pressure in his chest again he belched another green flame revealing blank parchment,an inkpot, and a quill. He looked from the note to the parchment, he was not even sure if he should reply. He will just get more orders, demands, and chores. No, Not today. Taking up the quill he started writing, and writing,and writing. He looked down and reread it in his head a hundred times, hoping his point would be clear, hoping for Celestias sake she would understand.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,
I hope you do not think that such a menial apology would actually suffice given the circumstances. In fact I personally don't feel that any apology would be enough, I have taken order after order from you, always trying my best to keep up with the workload and never hearing any thanks.Perhaps in the future I may forgive you, but until such a time I request that you refrain from contacting me. Seeing as my work goes unappreciated you obviously will not be noticing The extra workload on yourself.

Still angry,

Your unneeded assistant, Spike

Rolling the parchment up he released a short gout of green fire upon it, Luckily for him, dragon-fire delivery is as simply as knowing who the recipient was. Digging his claws into the dirt he let out another short growl, he was glad he decided to make a cave, he planned on being here awhile.

Authors note: Sorry for the short chapter,having trouble out here in the real world. Next update will be nice and ginormous for you