• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 7,719 Views, 145 Comments

A Blind Delight - MajorFrostwing

Say hello to Trevor your run of the mill blind man. Transported into Equestria via an accident. How will he survive let alone fit in?

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Part 8: Day 1 of 7

A Blind Delight
Part 8: Day 1 of 7

By: Major Frostwing

It has been a month since Trevor's run in with the passenger only known as Shade. He would constantly invade Trevor's mind as he slept and attack his psyche when he was awake. Cloudkicker was beginning to become worried about him but every time she would ask what's wrong.

"It's nothing Cloudkicker just some bad memories nothing to worry about."

It still worried her but she was afraid of offending the man by pushing the subject. At least there was something to take her mind off of it all today. "The tournament is today Trevor. Are you ready?" She asked grabbing hold of his hand.

"I have everything I need." Trevor was tying the cloak Rarity made for him throwing the hood up over his head. "The last thing is to get in the ring." Trevor checked to make sure his cane was at the ready and the second blade was secured to his back firmly. "Let's go I want to test everything I have learned." Cloudkicker squeezed his hand smiling to herself.

"I will be watching your matches Trevor just be careful out there. Some of the other contestants use this tournament just to hurt people." Trevor smiled pulling out a mask.

The mask was a flat white with four eyes painted on the front no eye holes were present. Each eye was different from the last but each one was in a wide eyed stare seeming to pierce the soul with a single gaze. Trevor's trademark from his world intimidation was key to victory that and skill. Skill always seemed to help.

"I will be sure to take your breath away with a truly beautiful match." Trevor smiled one last time before securing the mask to his face.

"Come on Trevor we'll be late for the check in." Cloudkicker moved with Trevor towards the train station to make the short trip to Canterlot Colosseum for the tournament.


"ALL RIGHT CONTESTANTS!" A man yelled on a podium in front of every contestant. "You will submit all items to a judge and a list will be made. You are not allowed to bring any more gear into the Colosseum after the process is complete you will be given a room number and a key that will be your room for the week of the tournament. Relax in your rooms and in the lounge area until the tournament starts. When it does start stay in your rooms to avoid any unnecessary incidents. Any questions?" The entire group was silent. "Move to the judges state your name and level of competition that is all." The man stepped down taking his leave as Trevor and Cloudkicker moved forward to the judges.

"Name?" The judge asked Trevor not looking up.


"Level of fighting?"

"Master." Trevor looked down towards the stallion in front of him.

"Gear you are bri- GAH!" The judge yelled falling out of his seat from being startled. All the judge saw was those four eyes staring him down. Trevor tilted his head slightly.

"I am bringing two swords, the mask, and the cloak. Oh and the clothes on my back but that was obvious now wasn't it?" Trevor leaned forward slightly.

"Y-yes that is good." The judge got back in his chair still feeling a little unnerved about the mask. He pulled a key out of a box handing it to Trevor. "Room 4 in the south wing." Trevor nodded pulling his hood a little lower. Trevor snapped his fingers moving through the room deeper into the Colosseum there was a problem though he ha no way of knowing which room was his. A hand landed on Trevor's shoulder rather hard making him stagger slightly.

"Hello Comrade, you seem a little lost first time at the Colosseum?" Trevor turned his head to hear the man, he sounded like he was Russian to Trevor and also a full head taller than him judging from where the voice was coming from. Trevor reached up removing his mask and sliding it in his pocket.

"Yea I don't know my way around mind if I know your name?" The man let out a hearty laugh slapping Trevor's back.

"Of course you can know my name. I am simply Sledge Hammer Captain of the Night Guard I am in the master division." Trevor narrowed his eyes upon hearing this a smile creeped up onto his lips.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Captain I am Trevor I am in the master division as well." Trevor bowed towards Sledge Hammer.

"So what room you gonna be staying in?" Sledge asked walking towards the rooms. Trevor followed after him.

"I am room 4."

"I guess that makes us neighbors I am in room 3." Sledge suddenly stopped unlocking his room. "Be careful Trevor you never know who your allies and who your enemies are." Trevor only nodded smiling.

"I don't know what your talking about Captain. Everyone is my enemy in this tournament." Sledge was silent watching Trevor walk away to his own room.

Something about Trevor made The Night Captain nervous as if his goal was not to beat Shining Armor but to defeat Trevor instead. "I think the Princess warned me about that man but he is nothing special I will break him like all of my other opponents." He let out a short laugh before closing his door locking it.


Canterlot Colosseum Round 1 of The Master Division. Trevor (Dual Wielder) VS. Grey Wing (Battle Axe).

Trevor heard the announcement for his fight which happened to be first he never liked being first he would have to hold back and not show off all of his moves. Slowly Trevor removed his mask securing it to his face pulling his hood low to hide it until the right time. A match official entered the room to see Trevor looking down at the ground his cane in his hand.

"Mr. Trevor follow me when you are announced enter the arena when the announcer say fight the match will begin. The match only ends with a concede or death do you understand?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Trevor smiled as he walked out of his room after the official.

"FILLIES AND GENTLECOLTS ARE YOU READY FOR THE FIRST ROUND OF THE MASTER DIVISION?" The applause was like thunder echoing through the hallways as Trevor made it to his entrance. "THIS YEAR WE HAVE A NEW CHALLENGER ENTERING THE MASTER DIVISION BUT FIRST LET'S INTRODUCE OUR VETERAN COMPETITOR! COMING FROM THE COLD MOUNTAINS OF THE GRIFFIN EMPIRE. THE ONE THE ONLY GREY WING!" The applause was near deafening as Grey Wing entered the ring with his battle axe across his shoulders. He was tall with his facial feature resembling a bird only with dark grey feathers leading up to dark brown feathers covering the top of his head and neck. Just as his name says his wings were a light grey in color. He was clad in a deep red plate armor. This griffon was very old but with age came wisdom such does battle make you stronger and quick on your feet. "A few words for the audience?" The announcer asked Grey Wing. He nodded taking the microphone.

"This challenger has guts for entering the Master division without even trying to take on the advance division first let us treat this warrior with respect before he loses." The crowd went wild as Grey Wing passed the mic back to the announcer.

"NOW WITHOUT FURTHER ADO COMING FROM THE VILLAGE OF PONYVILLE. GIVE A WARM CANTERLOT WELCOME TO TREVOR!" Trevor opened the door walking out to the center of the arena. It was strangely quiet the crowd not knowing what to do at the appearance of Trevor clad in a black cloak a cane held out in front of him.

"YOU CAN DO IT TREVOR!" A single voice yelled from the stands which caught everyone's attention. It was Pinkie Pie who yelled. It was suddenly joined by hundreds of other cheers. Trevor knew the voices as others from Ponyville cheered all of his friends were here cheering for him.

"Do you want to say something to the crowd?" The announcer asked Trevor who nodded. The arena went silent listening closely to what Trevor was going to say.

"Grey Wing was it?" Trevor said smiling behind his mask. "I'm sorry to say I will not lose this round to you." Trevor paused to let that sink in. "But let us make this a battle the audience will soon not forget." The crowd went wild forcing Trevor to smile. "TO THE BETTER FIGHTER!" Trevor tossed the mic back to the announcer. Grey Wing smiled at his challenger yet still the man before him made his blood run cold. Trevor even though he spoke of a good match he not once looked up at him or the crowd.

"ALRIGHT I AM GOING TO MOVE TO A SAFE DISTANCE WHEN I SAY FIGHT THE MATCH WILL BEGIN IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?" Both Trevor and Grey Wing nodded. The announcer moved away from the two fighters standing with the judges. "READY? FIGHT!"

Grey Wing charged forward raising his battle axe high swinging it down upon Trevor causing dust to be kicked up from the impact. Grey Wing chuckled but jumped back suddenly. Trevor was standing only a few inches away from where the axe impacted continuing to keep his head down.

"Nice miss Mr. Wing would you like to try again?" Trevor still had his blade sheathed. Grey Wing was to a degree stunned at Trevor.

'He only moved enough to dodge the blade nothing more nothing less.' Grey Wing said to himself analyzing his opponent more carefully. 'Just who is this stallion?' Trevor tilted his head a ray of light shined into his hood revealing a single eye on his mask. This made Grey Wing shudder slightly.

"I see." Trevor said grabbing the handle and sheath of his blade tightly. "I will try to make this quick." Trevor drew his blade holding it out in front of him his sheath was still in his left hand facing away from his thumb. "Loud Stance: Fury." Trevor muttered to himself remembering how this stance worked. Almost as if he was listening to his master explain the stance to him.


10 years ago...

"But master you told me that sword-fighting was not something that used anger." A younger Trevor said sitting across from his master.

"I know what I said Trevor but let me explain this stance to you." The man lifted up his tea cup taking a sip smiling. "The loud stance is just as it states you will be making a lot of noise with your strikes. The reason it is known as fury is the ferocity in your strikes. You will strike quick and hard most people do not expect sudden ferocity in battle." The master stood picking up his cane it was the same cane Trevor would inevitably carry as his own. "Walk with me Trevor I will demonstrate this ferocity to you and maybe one day you will use it as your own." The master drew his blade just as Trevor did. "You will hold your blade in your right hand facing towards your opponent and your sheath in your left hand facing away from your thumb just as you would when drawing your blade."

"Alright master but it feels clumsy and awkward." Trevor said trying to get the feel of the weight.

"That's the point if you can master this stance then I can continue to teach you the other stances." The master patted Trevor on his head. "Remember Trevor if you fight with anger you will only secure your defeat and remember battle is not meant to be fun but a smile can cause an opponent to rethink how to approach you." Trevor nodded as he began to practice with the stance he had just learned.


Trevor crouched low leaning forward slightly. Grey Wing raised his battle axe ready to defend when Trevor dashed forward swinging with his blade it slammed against the blade of the axe. The strength behind the attack startled Grey Wing but he didn't see Trevor's left hand swinging the sheath which struck him in the side where his armor didn't defend. Trevor's attacks didn't cease there Trevor moved his blade to the side pushing Grey Wing's axe away from a defensive position. Grey Wing didn't even get to see the blade as it froze against his throat when he looked down he saw the mask Trevor wore he was looking up at Grey Wing those eyes seemed to bore right into his soul. Grey Wing for the first time in his long life was absolutely terrified at the creature that stood before him.

Trevor let out a light chuckle tapping Grey Wing on the side of the neck with his sword. Grey wing glanced over to see not only the blade against his neck but the sheath as well against his adams apple. 'If he had two swords he could easily sever my head from my shoulders.' Grey Wing dropped his axe knowing he had no chance of winning in a position like this. "I surrender." Trevor moved his blade away from his neck sheathing it.

"I'm sorry about that Grey Wing I have to win this competition." Trevor reached up removing his mask to show his true face. "Maybe next year we can have another match." Trevor bowed to Grey Wing who bowed back to him. When Trevor stood back up straight extending his hand to Grey.

"I just have to ask where did you learn that style it seems so familiar?" Trevor only smiled.

"Never ask a magician how his tricks work." Grey chuckled taking Trevor's hand in his.

"THE VICTOR OF ROUND ONE IS TREVOR OF PONYVILLE WITH A MATCH TIME OF 1 MINUTE 35 SECONDS!" The crowd let out their cheers and applause for Trevor but then Trevor heard a series of boos directed at Grey Wing. Trevor had heard enough and walked to the announcer holding out his hand. "THE VICTOR WOULD LIKE TO SAY A FEW WORDS!" The announcer placed the mic in Trevor's hand.

"I have only one thing to say. For each of you that boo at the defeated know this... they chose to put their life on the line for a shot at proving that they are the best. SHOW SOME FUCKING RESPECT!" Trevor boomed the entire Colosseum went silent. "If you think you can do better than any man in this competition then grow a pair and do what we do. Spend everyday perfecting your style, fight through the blood, sweat, and tears to make it this far. yet there are a select few of you who boo at the defeated it's just the same as someone destroying everything you worked so hard to make. I do not want to hear a single boo come from this Colosseum show the respect that we show all of you." Trevor dropped the mic walking over to Grey Wing patting him on the shoulder.

"Thank you." Grey said smiling.

"Think nothing of it friend just make sure you come back next year." Grey smiled placing his hand on Trevor's shoulder. That's when he noticed Trevor's eyes.

"You're blind." Trevor began chuckling.

"Yea but that's how the style works. Eyesight clouds the mind and leaves you vulnerable." Trevor smiled slipping the mask back onto his face. "Without it life is hard but I turned it into my weapon with the help of my master." Trevor walked away to the exit. Grey walked towards his own exit.

"That stallion is weird but I have faith in him that he will win." Grey felt his side wincing. "The scary thing is he knew where to strike where my armor didn't cover." Grey went to his room to pack up his gear his chance was over.

Author's Note:

Well then Trevor's skill with a blade comes to light. We will have to see how he handles the next battle. I would also like to say I am pretty bad at writing battle scenes but I tried my best. Anywho I wish for the continued support and wish all of you a wonderful day.