• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 7,730 Views, 147 Comments

A Blind Delight - MajorFrostwing

Say hello to Trevor your run of the mill blind man. Transported into Equestria via an accident. How will he survive let alone fit in?

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Part 3: Stiff Joints And Pained Eyes

A Blind Delight
Part 3: Stiff Joints And Pained Eyes

By: Major Frostwing

Trevor was laying down in a bed in the living room. He sat there just looking towards the ceiling even though everything was dark in his eyes. "I can't sleep." He said taking his headphones and audio book out he plugged his headphones in. He smiled as he heard the voice begin to read the book out to him. Trevor smiled listening to the poems being read to him.

He smiled gently listening intently on the words being read to him. Trevor heard the creak of steps leading upstairs. He took one of his headphones out of his ears listening with inhuman intent. The steps creaked once again making his eyebrow twitch with irritation.

"I said it once and will say it again announce your entry." Trevor said pausing his audio book. He sat up listening to his surroundings.

"Sorry I was coming down to get a snack." Twilight said moving past Trevor into the kitchen. "I thought you were asleep." She said rubbing her eyes she was tired.

"I can't fall asleep without my soundproof ear-muffs." He looked over towards the kitchen standing up. "I can hear every leaf and branch moving outside this place it's all so loud at night." Trevor took a seat at the kitchen table placing his hands on his head. "I can't sleep with it being so loud." Trevor heard a burner being turned on.

"I'll make us some tea." Twilight said as she began the process of making tea. "Earl grey or sleepy time?" She asked with a smile Trevor lifted his head looking off in the distance.

"Earl grey sounds perfect right about now." He said with a gentle chuckle. "You don't mind if I listen to something right now?" He said turning his audio book back on.

"Not at all just make sure it isn't loud." She said finishing up the process of making the tea she just needed to boil the water.

"It wouldn't be loud you won't even hear it." Trevor said pressing play on the book the words began to flow once again. "This is my favorite poem." He whispered the strength behind the words hitting his soul.

Twilight continued to watch Trevor as he listened to something from a strange little box he held in his hands tenderly. He had his eyes closed the entire time but she noticed little twitches in his eyes until she saw tears stream down his cheeks. She was about to ask him if something was wrong but he reached up wiping the tears away as if they were nothing.

He suddenly paused the audio book looking over towards Twilight. "The water is beginning to boil." Twilight broke out of her trance looking to the pot a gentle boil began on the pot. "Shouldn't take much longer now." Trevor smiled to her which made Twilight smile as well. She went to the kettle when it was about to come to a full boil she moved it off the burner filling up the tea pot. Letting the tea mix she set the tea set on the table.

"Here you are Trevor." Twilight set the cup in front of him filling it with the warm liquid. "Careful it is still hot so please be cautious." Trevor nodded before picking up the cup gingerly before taking a deep breath of the aroma.

"Thank you Twilight it means a lot to me." Trevor took a gentle sip.

"Think nothing of it Trevor." Twilight smiled taking a cautious sip of her tea. "I might be able to enchant some ear-muffs so you can sleep Trevor." Trevor smiled as he took another sip.


Trevor awoke the next morning to absolute silence he felt such peace as he sat up. "I love moments like this." Trevor muttered pulling off his ear-muffs to hear the outside world. The birds chirped along with the sound of the tree around him.

"Yo Trevor." Spike said walking towards Trevor. "Did you sleep good?" Trevor cracked his joints smiling.

"It was alright I guess I kinda want to go outside today." Trevor said getting to his feet. "Know a place where I can get a massage?" Spike thought closely.

"Yes there is a spa in town that you can go to." Spike said with a smile. "The problem is you have no money." Trevor placed his hand to his chin nodding.

"True I don't know what I am going to do." Trevor said with a sigh.

"I can spot you if you want." Spike said picking up Trevor's cane placing it in his hand. "Massages do not cost that much anyway." Trevor shook his head.

"No I do not wish to burden you with my problems. Do you mind if I go outside though I don't want to get twitchy from cabin fever?" Spike heard his last words a little more closely than the others.

"Cabin fever sounds like a painful disease." Trevor chuckled at his words.

"No it is not a real disease just a figure of speech. It means that I will become extremely bored eventually and begin to turn coat hangers into mini catapults to bide my time." Trevor patted the small dragon boy on the head smiling. "Maybe you can show me around town so I can get a mental map in my head." Spike let out a small laugh.

"Sure let me just tell Twilight." Spike ran up the stairs towards Twilight's room.

"Spike think you can help me organize the library today?" Twilight asked writing something down most likely a list for her day.

"Actually Trevor and myself were going out today so I can show him around town." Spike scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Would you mind if I go show him around town?" He asked almost pleading with her so he could get out of his chores.

Twilight thought long and hard about it. On the first hand Trevor could try and make friends in town. On the other hand their help could allow her to do more with her day. Sadly she knew that making her guest do work would be rude to him. She finally sighed in defeat looking up to Spike. "Fine you may go out today. Enjoy your day off but tomorrow I want you to work twice as hard." Spike groaned knowing what that would entail Twilight adopted a devious smile. "Of course you can stay and work right now." Spike raised his hand shaking them.

"No no no I will work hard tomorrow." He smiled nervously before running out of the room. Within the next few minutes Spike and Trevor left the library on their way through town going towards the spa first.


Trevor and Spike were walking through town Trevor was only listening to his surrounding closely from the light buzz of the people around him. The words they said bothered him greatly.

"What is that thing?" A man whispered.

"Is it a new breed of monster?" A woman asked someone.

"It's blind might be one of those diamond dogs." A man said.

"Stay away from that thing son it might be dangerous." Trevor finally stopped moving pulling out a set of headphones plugging them in. He turned on his book listening to the poems. He began to move his cane following the last place Spike was heard.

Trevor felt something grab his shoulder which made him pause. He was sure he heard a female voice. Pulling out his headphones he only heard the last of what the female said.

"-Darling?" Trevor recognized the voice immediately.

"I'm sorry Rarity what did you say?" He asked turning around to hear her better.

"I asked where are you going darling?" She asked with a smile that was wasted on Trevor.

"Spike was showing me to the spa." Trevor smiled gently to Rarity. "Though I do not have money if I ever come in possession of some money I would be able to get a massage."

"Oh I know the owners I'm sure I can get you a massage." Rarity said with a bounce of her hair. Trevor was about to protest but Rarity stopped him with a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I will not take no as an answer Trevor think of it as a welcoming gift." Trevor sighed knowing that arguing will only get him nowhere.

"I will accept your generosity Rarity thank you." Trevor said with a gentle bow. Rarity giggle taking hold of his hand leading him into the spa.


"Welcome Miss Rarity are you here for your appointment?" One of the two twins behind the counter asked.

"Who may your guest be and is he here for an appointment?" The other sister asked after her twin.

"I am here for my appointment and his name is Trevor he will be joining me today add him to my bill." Rarity smiled leading Trevor.

"Rarity you don't have to pay for me." He said trying to get her to reconsider.

"Nonsense I am paying and that is that." Rarity smiled as one of the twins walked up to Trevor showing him to the male changing room.

The changing room felt rather large to Trevor and the sister hadn't noticed that Trevor felt very lost in the unknown building. "The towels are in that corner and you may use any locker you wish." She was about to leave when Trevor stopped her. "Is something wrong?" She asked cautiously.

"Can you show me to the towels and to a corner locker?" She looked at Trevor confused until she saw his cane.

"Oh I'm sorry I hadn't noticed you were bl-" Trevor stopped her shaking his head. She nodded moving Trevor to the towels he grabbed one and a robe. When he was at his locked he set his cane against it.

"Thank you miss." Trevor said with a smile. "I can take it from here." The woman bowed closing the door to the locker room. Trevor opened the locker changing quickly folding his clothes with dedicated care. He wrapped his robe around him throwing his towel around his neck. The door opened suddenly which made Trevor draw his blade from his cane holding it only a millimeter from the masseuses face. "Do not do that ever again." Trevor said coldly moving his blade back into it's sheath. The woman was staring at Trevor the terror evident on her face.

"I-I'm sorry..." She stuttered terrified. "I will show you to the massage table. Trevor nodded tapping his cane on the floor moving towards her as she guided him to a new room.

Trevor laid down on a table face down crossing his arms as the woman began to work on his tight and rough back. "My shoulders and neck have a harsh pain can you fix that?" He asked as She moved her hands up to his shoulders working out the knots carefully.

"I have to say you have many knots and tightness in your upper back." She began becoming more relaxed as she worked out the knots. "Not to mention the number of scars as if you have been to war." Trevor's shoulders stiffened suddenly but then relaxed just as quickly.

"No I was picked on when I was a child for being blind do not worry yourself over them it was long ago." Trevor muttered as a loud sickening pop resounded in the room. Trevor let out a grunt from the pain the pop brought. "God that's much better." Trevor said shakily.

"Your shoulder was reinserted incorrectly which is what caused your pain." The woman massaged his other shoulder checking to see if the other was the same. "Good news the other shoulder is fine albeit stiff from over work." She finished her massage shortly after when Trevor stood she noticed the large scars across his chest. She knew better than to ask about them. "I will show you to the hot spring so your muscles can relax."

"I never asked your name miss." Trevor said sounding sorry for not asking before.

"My name is Lotus Aloe is my twin sister." Lotus said moving Trevor to the hot spring.

Rarity was sitting in the spring a towel wrapped around her body relaxing in the hot water. When Trevor entered the room she instinctively moved to wrap herself but stopped herself. "Trevor did you enjoy your massage?" She asked smiling.

Trevor took off his robe his towel wrapped around his waist he slowly entered the water taking care of his footing. When he finally settled down in the water he sighed. "Finally got my shoulder fixed." He said with a content smile. "What about yourself Rarity did your massage go well?" The room was silent which unnerved Trevor slightly. "Rarity? You still in here?" He asked listening closely.

"Sorry darling I just noticed the scars on your body." She said looking towards his face the glasses were still on his face. "I'm guessing they are from your accident." Trevor nodded lowering his head.

"Let's not focus on them and instead let us enjoy this wonderful hot spring." Trevor set his can on the edge of the spring slipping lower into the water. He could feel his muscles relax and loosen from the heat. He lowered his head slightly allowing the water to cover his ears plunging his world into silence. Sleep took him quickly as he relaxed completely.

Rarity continued to watch Trevor as he layed in the water that's when he noticed that he had fallen asleep. She nudged him gently waking him from his short slumber he sat back up suddenly from being awoken. When he remembered he was in the spa still he relaxed. "You shouldn't fall asleep in water you might drown." She said slightly concerned for his safety.

"Thanks." Trevor said lifting his glasses rubbing his eyes. "I just don't sleep often so I tend to fall asleep at the strangest of times." Rarity giggled at this before standing up in the spring.

"I have to go to my next session I expect you to be able to not get into trouble." She said like a parent warning their child that they better behave.

"I'm not a child Rarity I can behave." He smiled going back to relaxing. Rarity left the room allowing him to his own devices which only meant for Trevor to sit in the water listening to the water move around him.


A few minutes after Rarity had left the door to the spring opened which in turn made Trevor look to the door placing his hand on his cane. "It is alright." The voice said moving into the water sitting across from him. "It is good to see you once again Trevor the swordsman." Trevor recognized the voice as Cloudkicker.

"I am sorry to inform you we can not have our rematch in here for I promised I would cause no trouble." He tapped his can onto the tile floor the echo in the room threw him off a little but he could see his surroundings.

"I am not here for a fight I am here to relax just as you." she moved over towards Trevor which was answered by Trevor moving away from her. "Why do you back away?" She asked stopping her advance.

"That is not of your concern Cloudkicker." He said annoyed moving out of the water. "I have been in here for to long I wish you good day." The look on his face was that of anger yet sadness could be seen as well as if he had been betrayed before in his life. He picked up his cane moving out of the room when he found the door. He slowly made his way into the locker room finding his locker changing rather quickly forgetting his wallet in the locker as he left. He was angry from her moving towards him like that the memory of what his "Friends" had done to him still fresh in his mind. He placed his hand against his left eye it throbbed as if struck. "Dammit all they aren't like this. They wouldn't pull such a horrible trick like this." He stopped in the hallway placing his hand against it gently. He could feel the tears well up in his eyes at what they had done to him.

"Trevor?" Rarity asked concerned for him.

"I would like to go home." He said choking back his tears.

"Are you alrig-" Rarity began before being cut off by him.

"JUST!" Trevor checked his rage lowering it. "Take me home please." He rubbed his eyes of the tears.

"Of course Trevor." Rarity took his hand gently leading him out of the spa back to Twilight's. All he wanted to do now was sleep and leave this day and his old memories behind. If not for himself for the others.