• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 7,728 Views, 147 Comments

A Blind Delight - MajorFrostwing

Say hello to Trevor your run of the mill blind man. Transported into Equestria via an accident. How will he survive let alone fit in?

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Part 11: Shield VS Sound Final Day

A Blind Delight
Part 11: Shield VS Sound Final Day

By: Major Frostwing

Trevor stood in his room securing his mask to his face. "I must be prepared for anything he throws at me." He muttered drawing his blades taking a test swing of each listening to them with his keen hearing. "I will need to sharpen both of you after we are done with the day." Trevor said sheathing the blades with care. "I have to be careful not to rip my wound open any further." He walked to his door knowing his time to fight was here. Trevor opened the door walking towards the entrance for his battle.

The coordinator caught up with Trevor panting. "I see you are ready for the finals Trevor." Trevor only nodded to the coordinator frowning under his mask. "Be safe out there Trevor you have a lot of fans that would be sad to see you fall." Trevor nodded once again.

"TREVOR!" A voice called out making Trevor turn towards the voice. Cloudkicker stopped next to him hugging him tight. "Please be safe out there." Trevor returned the hug smiling under his mask. Suddenly Trevor felt his mask slide off of his face and something to press against his lips. Trevor felt something breathe into his mouth and then his mind caught onto what was going on. But as quick as it came it left. "Come back to me Trevor. Please." Trevor grabbed his mask off of his face cutting his finger on his blade he felt where the paint of the eyes were and traced tiny marks along the eyes symbolizing tears.

"I will return and the only tears to fall on this day will be my own and this mask's." Trevor smiled to Cloudkicker before sliding the mask over his face. "Your tears shall not fall for me in sadness but out of joy for my victory." Trevor turned on his heel facing away from Cloudkicker. "Now go watch as I fight for this victory with my heart and soul."

"Just come back to me." Cloudkicker whispered before running off away from Trevor who stood stoic.


"WELCOME EVERYPONY TO THE FINAL MATCH OF THE MASTER DIVISION THE MOST ANTICIPATED MATCH. CANTERLOT'S CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD KNOWN AS THE SHIELD OF THE SUN. SHINING ARMOR. VERSUS PONYVILLE'S RISING FIGHTER, TREVOR! WHO WILL COME OUT ON TOP ON THIS DAY?" Trevor and Shining Armor entered the arena both had their weapons drawn already Shining with his sword and shield Trevor with his dual blades. Both stopped facing each other ready for combat Shining was unphased by the mask and knew Trevor's style by examining it so closely.

"Are you ready to fight Trevor, after the blow my colleague dealt you in your last match?" Shining asked smiling.

"Focus on the battle at hand lest you be stuck down quickly." Trevor flipped both of his blades backwards.

"So he is going to be using the style he used on Sledge I am ready for this." Shining said to himself preparing for the attack to come. "I will not be defeated so easily Trevor so come at me like you mean it." Trevor nodded flipping his blade in his right hand forward. "Ah the style from his first battle easily countered with my defense." Shining shifted his shield to be more forward. Trevor tilted his head at the shift in sound.

"FIGHTERS ARE YOU READY?" Trevor Spun his left blade forward hearing Shining shift once again. "FIGHT!" Shining dashed forward ready to strike but froze when he saw Trevor sheath his back blade but holding onto it like he was about to draw it. Lowering his stance Trevor dashed forward to meet Shining swinging his right blade at him which was parried with Shining's shield.

"Too slow." Trevor muttered drawing his blade it cut through the top of Shining's kite shield. Shining jumped back thinking how to counter this new style.

"Interesting you can tell I was watching how you fought before and switched up your style." Shining dashed forward slashing at Trevor who blocked each attack with both of his blades. Shining suddenly thrust his shield forward hitting Trevor in the chest knocking him back. Trevor fell to his knee clutching at his stomach wound Shining dashed forward once again attacking in the same fashion but instead of the shield coming from the front it backhanded Trevor knocking him away to the ground. "Sadly changing your style will not save you from this fight."

"Is that so?" Trevor asked standing still holding his blades tightly. "Come at me like you mean it Captain." Trevor dashed forward hearing Shining swing his blade Trevor dodged accordingly that's when he heard the shield coming. Trevor moved his blades in an upward arc slicing through the shield with ease. Only a small cut was visible on Shining's arm as he discarded the shield.

"I guess I underestimated you Trevor." There was a strange humming in Trevor's ears as suddenly his hearing seemed to be limited to a small cube around him. Trevor had very little time to react as he dodged a blade that came at him but then a second came and a third. Blades were forming in the box around him stabbing at him some left shallow cuts others left deep gashes but then one pierced his chest into his right lung a second slammed across his mask chipping a section of it. Trevor lost all of his breath in an instant slumping forward onto the blade everything felt fuzzy in his head. He just felt so tired suddenly. The box around him dissolved letting him fall to the ground taking ragged breaths. "It was a good fight Trevor but I am the victor." Shining sheathed his blade smiling.

"Sorrow..." Trevor muttered as a strange sight caught Shining's attention. Trevor was crying as he stood up he looked barely alive but he still raised his weapons. Shining sighed drawing his blade one last time. "Silent... Style." Trevor let out a cough blood splattered on the ground in front of him. "Sorrow." Trevor took a step forward swinging his blade slowly Shining went to parry this attack but the angle changed along with the speed cutting deep into his shoulder. Trevor ripped his blade out swinging again this time with both of his blades they moved slow. Shining raised his blade to block once again but both blades changed directions cutting into his chest and arm rather deep. "Sorrow cuts deeper than any blade." Trevor rasped as he swung again this time cutting across Shining's cheek and leg.

"What in Tartarus is this style? It's slow but then lightning fast as if he can read where my blade will be to block." Shining smiled figuring out the style. "I will block at the last second." Shining lowered his blade waiting. But the next strike was blinding fast putting a shallow cut across Shining's throat while the second blade cut deep across the back of his hand forcing him to drop his blade. Trevor swung fast and hard forcing Shining to use his magic to block the attacks but, whenever Trevor would hit a shield he would strike somewhere else just as fast. Shining was about to raise another shield when both of Trevor's blades froze on Shining's person. One was sitting against the tip of Shining's horn the second rested just under his chest cavity.

Trevor was swaying lightly under the stress his body was under. Shining could have just waited for Trevor to bleed out but he couldn't do it after seeing the look in his eyes. Not only was Trevor blind there was an undying determination in his eyes that kept him moving forward. Shining smiled raising his hands. "I CONCEDE!" Shining yelled out just as he did the blades in Trevor's hand fell to the ground along with their owner. Shining caught Trevor in his magic setting him on the ground as the arena was in stunned silence. A medical crew rushed out taking Trevor away healing magic was already being used on him to try and stop his bleeding. Shining winced at his own wounds after going through the entire tournament without so much as a scratch. Trevor managed to not only wound him but made him concede defeat he let out a sigh before smiling.

"WE HAVE A NEW VICTOR!" The announcer yelled as the crowd began to whisper about Trevor's health. "TREVOR OF PONYVILLE HAS DEFEATED SHINING ARMOR BUT AT WHAT PRICE? HE HAS BEEN RUSHED TO THE HOSPITAL WHERE HOPEFULLY THEY CAN KEEP OUR VICTOR ALIVE!" Shining turned walking away the taste of defeat was bitter but well worth the lesson he learned.

"Just because you think you have won doesn't mean the opponent has conceded to his defeat." He chuckled remembering how Trevor fought. "Blind yet could see everything in his way." A hand stopped Shining he turned to see Princess Celestia smiling to him.

"You fought valiantly Captain it was a wonderful fight." Shining smiled to his ruler nodding before being treated by the medical staff.


Trevor awoke to the sound of sobbing the voice was familiar to him. "Why did you have to fight like that Trevor?" Cloudkicker asked Trevor who she thought was asleep. "You can be such an idiot." Cloudkicker wiped her tears away trying to control her emotions. "I know you said I shouldn't cry but what else can I do while you are like this?" Trevor raised his hand placing it against her cheek softly.

"Have faith." Trevor whispered hearing Cloudkicker gasp in shock. "Smile Cloudkicker let that beauty shine instead of being overcast by sorrow." Trevor cracked a weak smile. "Show me that smile." Trevor said pressing his thumb against the corner of her mouth. Cloudkicker smiled letting out a chocked laugh. "Much better I hate seeing you so sad." Cloudkicker hugged Trevor gently as he rested his arm against her back smiling. "I'm sorry I wasn't careful."

"Shut up Trevor." Cloudkicker muttered to him. "All that matters is that you came back to me alive." Cloudkicker moved back slightly looking into his light grey eyes. "Did I ever tell you that you have beautiful eyes?" She asked trying to control her tears.

"I think you have said that before." Trevor said weakly smiling. Cloudkicker leaned forward kissing Trevor gently they remained like that until Trevor heard a sound outside the door. He turned his head towards the door hearing it open.

"How is he Cloudkicker?" Twilight asked seeing the position himself and Cloudkicker was in. She blushed a deep crimson along with Trevor and Cloudkicker. "I see he is awake." Twilight said trying not to look at the scene before her. Cloudkicker sat back in her seat trying to control her blush and failing.

"I'm still alive if that is what you were wondering." Trevor said closing his eyes. "I could really go for some food I'm starving."

"Sorry Trevor The doctor said you can only have liquids until your wounds are fully healed." Twilight stated putting a cup in his hand it was warm but not hot. "I brought you some tea to help with your throat it must feel dry from the... blood." Twilight felt sick saying the word but knew that Trevor was going to live that's all that mattered. "The girls will be by tomorrow." Twilight walked towards the door. "Congratulations on winning Trevor but next time try not to give all of us a heart attack." Trevor chuckled taking a sip of the tea it helped his throat already. Twilight left the room leaving Cloudkicker and himself all alone.

"Hey Cloudkicker?" Trevor asked taking another sip. "You mind if I take us out to a nice restaurant after I get out of here?"

"Are you asking me out on a date Trevor?" Cloudkicker asked noticing the blush on his face.

"Maybe." He said taking another sip.

"I would love to Trevor just don't forget to repay the people you owe for the tournament." Trevor nodded smiling. He couldn't have done it without the help and support of his friends.

Trevor smiled to himself. "I guess I have some to thank more than others." He took hold of Cloudkicker's hand gently rubbing his thumb on the back of her hand. "I was unsure on how I was going to win or even survive that fight but something kept pushing me forward." He glanced up to face Cloudkicker. "You gave me the strength to push the limits and win this tournament so I thank you Cloudkicker." He pulled her forward planting his lips onto hers. The kiss was short but felt long in their minds. "Thank you for everything you have done for this blind fool." Trevor smiled to her genuinely before Cloudkicker kissed him.

"You are welcome Trevor just be sure to repay me by stealing my heart." Cloudkicker said in her head as they kissed.


Trevor layed in bed his eyes closed trying to rest remembering how the battle went which to a degree made him mad. "I could have gotten through that battle with little to no injuries." He sighed sliding his hand through his hair. "Why the hell was I being so careless I could have done so much better."

"That would be my doing." Trevor heard in his head making him sigh once again.

"Shade what do you want from me?" He asked Shade opening his eyes to the darkness around him.

"Just giving you a little reminder that I will be in control and when you don't listen to me I will make you bleed for the arrogance." Shade said sitting down in a chair in Trevor's mind. "If this continues Trevor I will rid you of your life and move on to someone new." Shade crossed his arms phasing back into the darkness of Trevor's mind. "Remember Trevor I'm here to stay you are expendable." A sickening laugh echoed in Trevor's mind as he rubbed his forehead.

"I want to get rid of you Shade and be done with you." Trevor closed his eyes once again drifting off into sleep.


-Canterlot Castle-

Celestia was sitting at a table with Luna and Shining Armor. "Ok Shining can you tell us more about your battle with Trevor?" Shining nodded lowering his head to think.

"It was strange to say the least. He can change styles like it was a natural talent of his." Shining let out a shudder thinking more about the fight. "I thought I beat him... but that look in his eyes He was willing to throw his life away for the win." Luna and Celestia raised an eyebrow to him confused.

"Do you think he wanted to die?" Luna asked with a hint of concern for Trevor.

"Not as deep as that Princess. It was like he had to win no matter what and if he had to die to accomplish that he would without a second thought." Celestia nodded folding her fingers together. "There was something else."

"Mind to elaborate Shining?" Celestia asked.

"Of course. I was afraid of that last form he used on me. The blade couldn't be stopped no matter what I did. If I put up a full shield I don't even think that would have stopped him from pushing through it." Shining lowered his head in shame. "I couldn't imagine what would have happened if he was trying to kill me." Shining placed his hand over his neck feeling the shallow cut.

"Thank you Shining you can have the next few days off to recover." Celestia said with a smile. Shining stood bowing to her before leaving the room. Celestia looked to Luna who looked back at her.

"What is it sister?" Luna asked her sister.

"It's about Trevor according to what Shining said he could have won the tournament without putting any effort into it. Not to mention he probably wouldn't have been hit at all but something has been bothering me." Celestia put her hand under her chin thinking. "Every hit he took from what I could see was taken intentionally."

"What do you mean? Are you saying that Trevor wanted to get hit?" Celestia shook her head.

"It's nothing sister I'm just confused about this creature." Celestia turned to her sister smiling. "Probably just my imagination is all." Luna stood from the table walking towards the door. "Have a good night Luna." Luna turned and gave her sister a gentle smile.

"I will sister I wish the same for you." Luna closed the door to a resounding thud. Celestia continued to sit at the table thinking about what had transpired at the tournament.

"I will have to keep a close eye on this Trevor from now on." Celestia said grimly before letting out a sigh. She left for her room to go sleep. "But first I will see if there is any cake in the kitchen." She walked briskly for the kitchen.

Author's Note:

Thus A Blind Delight has come to the end of it's first season. Season two will be put up in two weeks and be updated once a week on the same day as always. I'm not sure how many of you will be happy with the way I ended it but I wasn't gonna drag this season out like I was going to. Anyway I hope for the continued support and hope it carries over to season two. See all of you guys and gals next time.