• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XCVII – Best-Laid Plans

Luna found herself pacing the chamber, deep in contemplation. The situation she had found herself in, the situation that Equestria had found itself in, had a… couple of possible resolutions. And all that was there to do was to find that one, best one.

Yes, that was all there was to do. That ‘all’ was already nerve-racking, causing Luna to trot in place, consider, ponder, critique the very own thought process reaching all the way from her mind to her core. For what had transpired, the daring assault on Moonwarden, had touched her as deeply as it could have done.

Now it was the time to address it. Firmly, successfully and…

… and how, exactly?

From the spacious table at the center of the chamber, the melodious voice of a unicorn resounded. Less masculine than Luna would have preferred in her heart of hearts, but no less welcome, actually.

“Is… there anything we could do to help you in these deliberations, Your Majesty?” Elegy inquired sotto voce. She had been one of the two ponies keeping Luna the silent company for the last half an hour.

The other one was doing it as a side-project of sorts, actually, a bit more concerned with putting together specialized papers than utilizing empathy. But that wasn’t entirely surprising.

“Elegy, I’m certain that Her Highness is most qualified and prepared to formulate the next steps of the plan. She might not want interruptions in the pontifications,” Jade Wind muttered under his breath addressing the actress, and one could almost call his voice supportive in a peculiar way.

Luna didn’t mind the question from the unicorn, however. Empathy was Elegy’s strong suit, after all, regardless of how she had utilized it before her time as an operative. “I am wondering if it might not be for the best, actually. I feel like I am the only pony qualified to make the final decision here, but… perhaps an outside perspective is what is needed beforehoof.”

Her two companions focused on her after those words, reverentially staying silent until she occupied one of the chairs by the table. Still, Jade Wind looked a little disappointed that he had to put aside his work.

Nevertheless, Luna conjoined her hooves before her muzzle, locking herself in thought for a moment longer before finally speaking up, hoping to receive some manner of counsel.

“You… are aware who has been deemed responsible for the attack on Advisor Moonwarden. Unofficially so far, as we are keeping things contained as necessary for the time being, but… we have pretty much all the clues now.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Elegy confirmed. “As I understand doctor Silver Scalpel added his piece to the puzzle. And the pieces, lamentably, all fit.”

Jade Wind was a bit more direct in his reply. “Which means, as far as it had been discerned, that it was one of the natives from the mountain tribes. Noctrali,” he added when Luna’s gaze found his, not that he felt apologetic about being descriptive in such a specific way.

“And you both are aware what sort of a position I am holding among them,” she continued. Mostly buying herself some time before it would be necessary to continue the fierce brainstorming.

“A deity,” the crystal stallion summed up. “An authority figure that is considered, if I am recalling and reasoning befittingly, absolute in wisdom and prerogatives, Your Highness. To the minds and cores of the… noctrali, you have a seat positioned even higher than that of the Luminous Majesties, Emperors and Empresses of our kin.”

There was a note in Jade Wind’s voice which spoke of his apprehension at the thought, but Luna wrote it off as a wayward remnant of his old beliefs. Old, broken beliefs, considering the stallion’s poor choices in the past.

Elegy’s comment took Luna’s thoughts away from the equally repentant and unrepentant traitor at the table. “And, as far as I can grasp the concept myself, your word has the ultimate say, Your Majesty. The providence that you are, allegedly, providing to the whole country is the fundamental belief, and foundation of their government, expressed in many religious rites. Have we covered it well enough?” she asked the stallion, who nodded.

“Pretty adroitly, I believe, the provided information was sufficient. Then again,” he decided to comment dryly, “I’m a little flummoxed. Not that I was particularly interested in the matter before the unfortunate curse upon our Empire, but I could swear that things were pretty much identical a millennium or so ago. One would think that a society would find a way to evolve past such concepts, or refine them, or just… be less stagnant.”

Jade Wind had a point, despite presenting it in such a tone, and Luna felt it prudent to comment. “Adherence to tradition is something that my children were always keen about, and not even the time of the Eclipse, as they call my absence, could rob them of that conviction. One would also think that a pony of the Empire and invoking the ancient rulers upon the Crystal Palace, and protectors of the Crystal Heart, would understand a conservative approach to reforms, even one which could last that long. Then again, perhaps a pony other than you, Imperial Thaumaturge.”

The stallion didn’t have to have it explained to him what she meant, and nodded in reverence. He was almost positively surprised to receive this quite indirect scolding. “Point taken, Your Highness. I suppose I should be taciturn in that regard. Then again, I’m appreciative of the simple fact that my life will not cease to continue, and though I have fallen short of requirements of integrity, I haven’t forgotten the ideal. I can only hope others will adhere to it properly.”

Luna gave Elegy a glance, and the unicorn’s eyelids fluttered a little. “There’s… enough regret in your core, I would say, Jade Wind.”

“Always the scrutiny. I accept it, it shall be my burden to carry,” the stallion deemed, and it was at least a little inspiring to hear this assessment of his own character. Especially when he clarified. “One trying to atone should not forget that it requires effort and a just reimbursement. I take it, Your Highness,” Jade Wind addressed Luna directly again, arriving at his further point, “that you are considering what a pony who is currently in hiding after a botched attempt at assassination would need to do to avoid your wrath.”

“To some degree,” she agreed, her brow furrowing, “and just where to find the right outlet for it.”

“You are keeping it contained with masterful skill, Your Majesty,” Elegy praised Luna, though that only evoked a sour chuckle initially.

“I think the problem is that I have been a little too skillful when it comes to bottling my emotions,” she admitted, returning with her thoughts to the quite unfortunate times of her life, ones that hadn’t lead her anywhere good.

The actress was, of course, aware of that, and quickly clarified what she had meant. “Naturally, Your Majesty. But I sense that what you are doing is not pointed at leaving these feelings unaddressed. There is a place for passionate ire in life, especially one that is just. Like everything, however, it needs to be explored in a controlled environment.”

“A play, for example,” Jade Wind chimed in. “I believe that a certain level of burlesque is actually therapeutic.”

“I have dealt with some of my issues through performing, yes,” Elegy admitted, tossing her mane back with practiced grace. “The rest of my issues, well… those got me here. And I think I’ve been working through them in a healthy way for some time now.”

“Not the worst fate to suffer, everything considered,” Luna deemed, much to the mare’s agreement. “I’ve also heard of games that some ponies are fond of, which involve a sort of… cooperative narrative while playing a specific, fantastical role?” She thought for a second. “I believe I’ve once heard the name ‘Ogres and Oubliettes’ used for this sort of entertainment.”

“… sounds incredibly infantile,” Jade Wind judged with a grimace.

“I don’t know, I think I wouldn’t be against trying it at some point. One never knows what speaks to the mind and heart. Though I still value chess a great deal,” Luna admitted, then shook her head. “A good, little distraction, but I wish to return to the matter at hoof.”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Elegy agreed with a small bow of her head. “Please, be forthright with us.”

“Very well. What bothers me the most, I believe, is that I am in all respects doubting that this assassination attempt was a simple matter of a murderous intent, due to whatever flight of fancy. Quite the opposite. Somepony was giving orders, somepony was passing them along,” Luna accentuated, well aware of whom she had in mind regarding the latter. “Somepony had the audacity to claim that such an action would be a form of adherence to my will, and that is exactly why I believe that my choice has to be adequately strong and subtle.”

Elegy leaned in just a little, closing her eyes in thought. “So, that must have been a pony of power, without a doubt. With ambition that exceeded far beyond the simplest of dogmas – that one, as an adherent to their faith, cannot possibly strike at another loyal servant of the same deity which one worships… unless suspecting them of some grave treason, or blasphemous disposition,” the actress deemed, nodding to herself as she opened her eyes. They betrayed her reminiscing. “I performed in a production like that once, actually…”

“How many indubitably tragic fatalities were there by the time of the denouement?” Jade Wind presented a frigid question.

“All of them, of course,” Elegy admitted, though not without some dosage of satisfaction from taking part in such an outcome.

“It goes without saying that this is exactly what I would wish to avoid, yes?” Luna replied with an adamant note in her voice, despite her choice of words. And that definitely forced the discussion’s further tone. “I have been, for a long time now, worried when it came to taking my role in such a capacity. A goddess, especially a displeased one. I was, I admit without shame, concerned that tapping into the level of power and influence which I am granted among the Seven Mountains would invoke… unpleasant memories in me. And ever-present, if old, impulses,” she revealed, feeling that dark stinging in her heart. She braved through it, however. “And though I feel much more confident in my own fortitude nowadays, I wouldn’t want to act in a way that could be considered ‘over-dramatized’, to reference what we have so far mentioned.”

“Speaking of which, yes, there is always the fear of that, Your Majesty,” Elegy affirmed, tapping into the nuances of her profession. “However, sometimes a strong accent, one which looks apparently overdone, serves a specific purpose in the grand scheme of a powerful play. One that leaves the public with memories for years to come.”

“Those usually persist sans bloodshed, unless visualized through ‘props’, or however those are called in this day and age,” Jade Wind let out a sardonic comment, before focusing in Luna. “The situation thus far reveals an extant chance at hostilities. You are considering, as I presume, Your Highness, that a firm shove will result in an even firmer push.” She nodded, so the crystal stallion continued. “A prudent approach to the matter. But, perhaps, it can be entirely avoided with precision and forethought. ‘Perhaps’ being the key word, naturally. Just like when dealing with magical currents, it is hard to foresee whether plucking one string will not cause a whole unwanted chord.”

“Which is why I am here, restless and pondering, yes,” Luna admitted, as that was also nothing to be ashamed of. “The problem lies in the, shall we say, easiest paths. I have regained enough composure to entertain those. For I could barge into the Bastion of the Nightguard, even on my own, and nopony would be able to do anything. I could demand them to follow me, to fight by my side in any possible conflict, bah, I could stop any conflict myself, I believe.”

She really thought so. And that was equal parts amazing and horrifying. To hold such a command over others was riveting in a way that was reminding her all too much of her old mistakes. Not to mention the more recent memories, formed among the dangers of Moonwarden’s mind. Dominance had a rich taste, like a heady wine, and Luna was not keen on risking addiction even from the smallest of sips.

“However, such an action would not be without an echo. And an echo too loud will drown out reason,” she deemed, looking down at the table’s surface, as if an unforeseen future consequence could just manifest itself right on the polished wood. “For example – whoever gave the order, that pony already positioned themselves against my sacred will. Would another ‘sin’ or ‘transgression’ not be just something facile? And if they would be pushed by my actions into unreasonable deeds further… What deeds would those be, if taking the life of another pony was already ordered?”

“I… believe I grasp this reasoning, Your Majesty,” Elegy replied, gracefully supporting her muzzle on her hoof. “I am still surprised by the possibility that they would act against you, were you to speak out. Declaring that anypony daring to lift a hoof against Equestria would face dire consequences, also of the… shall I say, spiritual kind?” she asked Luna, being quite right, but presenting another issue inadvertently.

“Let us say that I even manage that. That I intervene openly and in a manner grandiose. Let’s say that I even manage to limit such a statement solely to the lands of Noctraliya. Then, once again, my children would be stuck with their history unknown, kept hidden from anypony but themselves. And that is deeply unjust to them, for all of their faults. Besides,” Luna added, firmly believing in her words, “I have every reason to consider that, nowadays, the knowledge of my actions, of interfering and stopping the conflict dead like this, would make its way back here. If the ponies of Equestria would learn of this, as they surely would, I’m afraid there would be a rise of speculations, concerns, and specific tensions,” she admitted, dreading the possibility. “I haven’t sent Princess Twilight Sparkle to Noctraliya only to ruin her quest by marking my children potential invaders in Equestrian eyes. That doesn’t help in the growth of Harmony.”

She held onto that belief, though… Some other information which she had gathered made the situation a little bit more complicated still.

“No, it doesn’t, though it helps the growth of responsibility and preparedness,” Jade Wind admitted, tapping his hoof against the table. “I take it also, Your Highness, that you wouldn’t want the possibility of the… mastermind, shall we say, making a decisive move. I imagine that, while forbidden from acting directly, they could act indirectly and perhaps endanger the well-being of the Princess. Back at their seat of power they hold enough sway to strike even against the interests of a royal alicorn. Perhaps they assume that falsely, though that shall not be something stopping them, if they already ordered an assassination.”

“That is also where my logic is taking me. And whatever we do, we mustn’t endanger Twilight Sparkle, that is paramount,” Luna made the point perfectly clear, aware of the threats aplenty. “As we have been notified, despite encountering prejudice and very complicated, ancient history between our nations, she made considerable progress. As testified by Discord himself. And this one time, despite his nature and the… general shenanigans he is up to, I’m more than inclined to believe him.”

“That’s reassuring to hear. However, since he was already able to give direct insight, if there are moves to be made… would it be possible for him to be of further help?” Elegy presented the logical question.

“We’ve mentioned that, but he was actually a bit reluctant. He hinted at something about his unwillingness to travel. He actually caught himself on the word ‘gallivanting’, I believe, though I’m not sure if that was a deliberate prank or something else,” Luna explained, reminding herself that this solution was, at the moment, out of reach. “Of course, he didn’t want to be more specific about declining as he did, but... something about his behavior was telling me that he was actually facing some sort of a problem, regarding trying to find Princess Twilight Sparkle once again.”

“That’s... a little troubling, as I comprehend,” Jade Wind responded to that. “As a Spirit of Chaos, a creature of mutable nature, who can bend a number of established rules of the universe, I’m surprised to hear he is so disinclined. Out of principle? Perhaps… You are certain, Your Highness, that he wasn’t being obtrusive ‘just because’, to sound a little.. plebeian?” the crystal stallion remarked, pursing his lips. “Protest is a facet of his existence. Yet definitely not one based on something being unobtainable. That would be an almost contradictory state of affairs for a being like him.”

“You are quite well-versed in the matter, Jade Wind,” Luna expressed her genuine surprise. She wouldn’t think that a crystal pony held insights of that sort.

“It’s just cold logic, Your Highness. I’m the foremost arcane theorist regarding our kind’s influence on the ley lines. Order and synchronization are paramount facets of my research. I find myself fundamentally opposed to chaos, especially one which has form, consciousness and personality,” the stallion explained, sounding just a little full of himself. “But to be opposed to something should mean possessing a greater than rudimentary knowledge about the topic, otherwise it is simply prejudice. So, might I ask again – was it diffidence by nature or circumstance coming from him?”

“This was genuine reluctance,” Luna replied, hoping that it would give her some insight in the end. “As I said, he wasn’t transparent about his whole motivation, or lack thereof, but… I could swear that something about his previous venture had been... I suppose ‘taxing’ could be a word here?” she mused, trying to recall her last, brief exchange with Discord.

There was more to it. She could have sworn that the Spirit had been holding something back, and even her imparting upon him certain knowledge regarding Twilight Sparkle and her situation hadn’t seemed to ‘faze’ him. And, strangely enough, Luna was believing in his peculiar calm, hiding behind this reluctance.

“That is, actually, most fascinating…” the stallion latched more onto the matter in the meantime, with an expert’s zeal. “The last excursion I was a part of, however unpleasant due to the necessary hiking about bucolic forests filled with prickly shrubs and all,” he allowed himself the complaint, reaching for the notes he had just been working on, nonetheless, “revealed to me a rather unique trait of the Tramplevanian Alps. Even from a distance which allowed me to remain hidden from the mountain kin sentries at one of their strongholds, I could feel that the range possesses a one-of-a-kind arcane profile. Points of avoidance, congregations of power, movement of ley line which betray a rhythm. That is actually what I was finishing compiling. Mayhaps the Spirit is encountering a nodus there due to exactly this set of phenomena?”

Luna found herself locked in thought at this revelation. Not that she would consider herself a sage in these sort of matters, as her power and her talents were connected to slightly different sources. And yet something manifested in her mind at the stallion’s words.

During that moment when she had allowed her emotions to flare, when conversing with Captain Sunfall Ordain, there had been a… thought in her mind that hadn’t been her own. Or, at least, it had manifested from a strange place, a direction she hadn’t been entertaining there and then, and just... had happened. Right when she had been tapping into the forgotten fonts of her pure emotions, a vision had suddenly flashed in before her mind’s eye. That of a… lake? A silver substance, suddenly turning utterly calm and motionless, doing so from having remained in a certain rhythm.

And now Jade Wind had just mentioned... that. So, were those connected? It felt appropriate to think so, though Luna could not produce any proof of that.

For Discord to deny helping there had to be a very potent reason. A reason that wasn’t his pettiness, not this time, nor it was that hidden self-assuredness. Which was even more concerning. That silver vision, what Jade Wind had talked about, could it be something that—

“Your Highness?” the said stallion’s voice summoned Luna’s attention again.

“Yes? You were saying…?”

What he had been saying was exactly what Luna herself had been considering, though his approach was more scientific than instinctual. “Just that if the Spirit of Chaos encountered something that is troubling to him, perhaps it would be wise to delve into it a little. One, single matter which can be disconcerting for a being like him is encountering something so structured and infused with the principle of lawful commandment that it fights against his nature. I would be fascinated to run my research by him… even if my gut is wrenching at the very thought of encountering such a disorganized being…”

Elegy hid a little, graceful giggle behind her hoof. “With all due respect, Jade Wind, I’m afraid that you wouldn’t fare well against Discord. I haven’t had a chance to converse with him, no, but the very aura he’s leaving behind every time he is materializing is quite… daunting,” she assessed, and one could trust her empath’s instinct. “Everything, everywhere, all at once, that sort of thing.”

“Riveting,” the crystal stallion commented with irritation conjoined with a healthy dosage of fear.

As curious as Luna was about such an approach, there were more pressing matters. “Regardless, let us at the moment write Discord off when it comes to imminent actions,” she deemed. “So, what sort of an approach would assure Princess Twilight’s safety, yet allow me to pass judgment on the perpetrator, and in a way that would not prompt anypony to protect him, or their own, dark interests with unreasonable actions?”

“If they have such interests, will they not sacrifice the failed pawn, then? Bide their time, instead, look for a better angle to take?” came Jade Wind’s logical question.

“Are you speaking from experience?” Elegy’s inquiry carried with itself a quite overt bite.

“However enwrapped in shadow and crystal it is, I might as well use it,” the stallion retorted.

Luna’s mind returned to that prolonged chess game she and Moonwarden were enjoying. Yes, there was a truth to the crystal pony’s initial question, but… something was telling her that it wouldn’t be the case.

“I have a peculiar… let’s call it a spark of intuition, that we are dealing with somepony who is a little desperate,” she suggested, hoping to embellish that opinion in some more observations. “If we were to consider that the pony giving the order was reacting to the fact that Moonwarden was getting closer to revealing some sort of a plan, the assassination idea was desperate. And a failed recent scheme will without a doubt only make this rashness stronger.”

There was a moment of silence as the other ponies accepted that reasoning and began considering possible scenarios. Elegy held a hoof up to her lips, plan woven deeply behind that curtain of raven mane. Jade Wind, at the same time, began moving around his notes, though instead of referring to them it was as if he was organizing his thoughts.

It left Luna with another moment on her own. And she was also deliberating fiercely what was there to be done.

There was the direct approach, of course. It wasn’t an impossible concept, but had its problems, and many. At least, to be honest with herself, she wouldn’t feel as uncomfortable with picking this course of action as she had been before. True, she couldn’t overlook the unintended consequences of assuming her role as the deity of her children, but she believed to be more ready for it.

Mostly because, ever since she had spoken with Captain Sunfall Ordain and tapped into her feelings with intent, breaking through this dark armor of emotional drought which had encompassed her for so long, she could feel that… power stirring within her. It was conviction, it was readiness, yes, but there was more.

That form she had assumed, full of nightly splendor, infused with nebulae, comets, novae, reaching into the very core of her domain. It was no illusion, not like the one she had utilized to first make herself look like a goddess. No, this was real, this was tangible, this was… liberating. And it was there. Just behind her nightly look. She had just chosen to keep it contained, for her sake, for everypony else’s sake, preferring to hold onto her more subdued form for now. She was, to be fair, used to it at this point.

But she could feel it, the might, accessible and at the ready. Like a weapon, possessed but not brandished. Like a strong muscle, formed through strife, but relaxed for the time being.

To have this option, this potency, it was making all the difference and… and filled Luna with pride. She wanted to show it at a crucial moment. To her children, yes. But also to Tia, so that she would know that Luna had managed to conquer a very dastardly foe, one within herself, and was ready to join her own sister in a manner befitting a diarch of Equestria, the Lady of the Night.

And Luna definitely wanted to show it to Moonwarden, as well. So that the stallion, her beloved unicorn, would be aware of just how much he had managed to help her.

She… She wanted to be beautiful and powerful for him. Though realizing that made her fight a terrible blush. To have a pony for whom she wished to look her best was… new. And very welcome. It anchored her in the world around, world which had changed dramatically during her absence. One which, suddenly, felt a lot more important, lasting and just… there.

Because it had Moonwarden in it.

He was also a pony that most required of her to act, to keep him safe from that would-be assassin, to exact justice in his, her beloved’s, name. She couldn’t let anypony endanger Moonwarden in any way, and those attempting it would—

“What about a bait, Your Highness?”

Luna blinked as she heard the question. And she almost felt her eyelid tic, just a little, as the inquiry weaved itself right into her thought process. At the worst possible place, nonetheless.

Her gaze fell on Jade Wind who had just uttered those words. “I… beg your pardon?”

“I was considering a daring stratagem, Your Highness, nothing more. Prompted by Elegy, since she mentioned my past experiences,” the crystal stallion clarified, and it became apparent that Luna’s voice must have been rather sharp. It was all too telling, as well, that he was trying to dilute the blame right away.

Luna guessed that old, self-preserving habits died hard.

Still, it was at least prudent to let him place the idea on the table. She could give him that much, so she gestured for him to continue.

Which he did, though his voice became a little softer. “You say that you would want to act in a proper way, Your Highness. Well, why not utilize a little bit of duplicity. Intrigue for an intrigue. You mentioned that the unsuccessful assailant is still on the loose, though we can pinpoint him. If he is, indeed, in the employ of a powerful player, then he is definitely concerned with his initial failure,” Jade Wind explained, subconsciously moving one particular sheet under his hoof. “Elegy, I remember your remarks regarding the high level of security at the hospital, where the Royal Advisor is recuperating?”

“That’s right. We didn’t want to risk anypony getting close to master Moonwarden and succeeding at a potential second attempt,” she admitted, looking at the crystal pony intently. “Are you… considering allowing him to strike once more?”

“It did cross my mind,” Jade Wind admitted, keeping his eyes on Luna and gauging her reaction.

What a prudent thing to do, she thought, as she had to contain her outrage at the suggestion. Then again, she remembered that she was speaking to a pony who had offered his own sovereign to a tyrant on a silver platter, just to keep his position and assure his safety in the midst of King Sombra’s maddened reign.

Not to mention that Luna had the distinct feeling that Moonwarden himself would be at least curious to learn of such a dastardly scheme. Though perhaps he wouldn’t be so keen on becoming the said bait. He had already carried to marks from one such a plan, and although proud in succeeding through this sacrifice, he wasn’t pleased by his aversion to chair backrests and forced resting arrangements.

“You are telling me, Jade Wind, that we should taunt the potential assassin. Lure him, enough for him to act, so that he tries to complete his assignment and potentially avoid the wrath of his master?” Luna asked, hoping to receive a bit more from the crystal stallion.

And something that wouldn’t make her more upset at the suggestion.

“In a controlled manner, Your Highness, yes. So that we can get our hooves on him before anything happens,” he explained, still playing with that paper, sliding and turning it under his hoof. The gesture which was sending slight, greenish reflections from his shiny coat and distinctive heritage around the room. As if a gust was passing through, carrying viridian sand on its breath. “That way you don’t have to make your involvement grander than necessary. And if we shall have the assailant in our grasp, we can not only extract information, we can even adjust and arrange matters in a way which might suggest to his master that things had encountered an obstacle, initially, but whatever scheme or interest they have, it was secured.”

Elegy hummed, very overtly, exactly like an actress would. “If you, Your Majesty, would act potently enough in your role, I have every ounce of belief that you could make the perpetrator talk, and quite openly. You might have your justice and your sequestration from a wider audience that way. We gain knowledge, secure master Moonwarden’s safety, at least from one threat…”

“I will make sure that he shall be safe, mark my words,” Luna interrupted the mare with a strong voice. She wasn’t going to feel ashamed by it, as well. She cared for the stallion, and while she wouldn’t be overt about the extent of her feelings, she would act her part.

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Elegy supported the declaration. “Still, I have to ask… Jade Wind?”


“Let us say that we have Her Majesty agree to this scheme…” she began, giving Luna a cautious glance. “What if the assassin won’t take the bait after all? What if they see through the ruse, because, let us be honest, it is not a complex one to discern? Why would we ever allow him a second chance at all? Master Moonwarden should be the most guarded pony in Equestria at that point. And he is, truth be told.”

“That is a possibility. But we could say that we have caught a potential assailant. If we diffuse such news with forethought, so that we don’t also get swarmed by town criers—”

“I believe they are called ‘journalists’ right now,” Elegy allowed herself a quip, but Jade Wind didn’t really care for it.

“Regardless, if the information is released in a controlled manner, than a smaller amount of sentinels accompanying the Royal Advisor shall be conceivable… Small enough for a potential killer to try his luck,” the stallion continued explaining the idea. “Naturally, I think he will be in for a surprise when he enters the right premises and sees, for example…” He moved the sheet he had been playing with aside and his hoof pointed straight at Luna. “… you, Your Highness.”

“That… would stop him in his tracks, I imagine,” she admitted, considering the scenario. “That sounds, at least, like a viable plan, but I… am uncertain still.”

“That is prudent,” Jade Wind commented, looking over what paper he had been turning around. “Oh, no, that shouldn’t be this way at all,” he murmured, turning it back the right side before adding. “Of course, this isn’t a foolproof concept. Even motivated by the worry about his ‘desperate’ patron, the assassin might bide his time or try to get away.”

“I won’t allow him to,” Luna again declared. “He shall not slip my grasp. Even if I will have to march straight to where he is hiding with the Royal Guard in tow. Or with the Nightguard doing the same…”

She meant it, even while knowing the consequences of such an action. It would still be better than doing exactly nothing. Passivity had been something which had pushed Luna further into her problems.

“Do you find this viable, as I have said, Elegy?” she still asked of the other mare, hoping for some additional insight, perhaps.

“It is a plan, Your Majesty, without a doubt. And one that would deal with a number of issues at the same time,” she deemed. “However, it carries risks. Like the murderer finding another way to get to master Moonwarden. He tried with the blade, he might attempt to use poison or some other contraption which can be utilized by professionals in the killing field...”

“Duly noted, Elegy,” Luna admitted, since the mare had a point.

“Thank you, Your Majesty. And so risk assessment is vital before we proceed. It would also have to be run by Her Solar Majesty, Advisor Raven, and Her Highness Princess Cadance with her husband, the Prince-Consort. Just so everypony is duly informed. And!” the actress lifted her hoof, seeing that Jade Wind was ready to intercede. “Informed properly. So many ponies knowing about the ruse is already dangerous. Of course, none of those would ever become a turncoat. Not even the Prince-Consort, despite that he is leaving behind some terrible auras after… certain meetings…”

Luna rolled her eyes just a little, recognizing what Elegy had in mind. Shining Armor’s love for his wife was as strong as her own Advisor’s dedication to his assignments. And the persisting grudge was a very clear proof.

Still, Elegy was very right. “We must act as one in this endeavor, yes,” Luna did agree. She had a caveat to make, still. “But I feel like you have missed a vital pony in this puzzle.”

“Master Moonwarden,” Elegy responded, realizing whom she had omitted. Perhaps having done that on purpose, actually. “Do not think that I have forgotten about him, Your Majesty. Quite the opposite, I have him in mind and I also have a feeling that he won’t take much convincing, which might have resulted in me not invoking him.”

“Oh? And why would that be?” Luna asked, feeling a surge of curiosity.

“Well, Your Majesty, it might be… preposterous for me to say that, but I think that if he were to learn that he shall be taking part in a conniving scheme that has your approval, well… that he will be all the more thrilled to partake,” Elegy summed up.

And that caused Luna to smile a little. It was a treacherous smile, as it happened, for it definitely revealed the warm thoughts gathering behind it. But she couldn’t be bothered by that, not there and then. She recalled a very specific worry which Moonwarden had revealed before her. That of her becoming almost desperately cautious not to endanger him from the moment of learning of the depth of his affection.

Well, she was going to prove him wrong, it seemed. Yet this proclivity for planning and manipulation which he was holding... That was something that she had to address, actually, instead of blatantly indulging.

She frowned. There were those little shards of doubt lodged deep within her heart, ones she would have to work through.

“I… very well, I will deliberate on the whole proposition,” Luna promised, to her companions and to herself. “Thank you for giving me the idea. Though I reserve for myself the final word about it.”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Elegy agreed, bowing her head.

“Naturally, Your Highness,” Jade Wind followed, reaching out to gather his documents properly again.

Luna stood up from her seat, ready to leave the secret chamber via the Royal Office. She didn’t know if what had been discussed was the best course of action, after all. It seemed almost too simple, and at the same time too convoluted. Too obvious?

Perhaps it would be better to just… move. To act, to take matters firmly into her hooves. But wouldn’t that be detrimental to Princess Twilight Sparkle? As far as Luna could tell, she might have had a problem right by her side…

Thankfully, she again had somepony she could ask. And any excuse was good enough to see Moonwarden once again.

Twilight’s eyelids fluttered as she tried to lift them. They felt a little heavier than usual.

She felt soft material underneath and around her, and for some reason it didn’t feel like moss. And she could smell herbs, flowers and wool, which hadn’t been the case just a moment ago.

Most notably, there wasn’t an oppressive presence hanging right over her or remaining nearby. Nothing and ‘nobody’ was casting whispers right into her ears, extending their hoof to bring untold maladies onto her, encouraging her with a warm tone of a fatherly sage…

What had been its name?

“… hwalba knaze? Honored Princess, can you hear me?” a delicate voice reached Twilight’s ears and it wasn’t a nauseating, alluring murmur.

She blinked, trying to get her vision to focus. She was… inside. A room? Not spacious, but big enough. Its ceiling was fashioned out of stone both chiseled and preserved in its natural form, though it was hard to see any details without a spell on one’s eyes. She was, apparently, on a decently-sized bed, covered with a soft comforter… and a familiar, coral-eyed mare was right nearby, looking at her with a healer’s keen gaze.

“R… Rowan Berry?” Twilight asked with a groggy voice, blinking a couple more times.

Ha, Bogine grata,” the lupule called out, relief expressed firmly in her words, alongside gratitude. “It’s me, Honored Princess, yes. We’re so glad that you’re awake again.”

“We?” Twilight presented another question, just before she could see a little shape which flapped its wings somewhere above, let out a little joyous squeal, and darted away. “Was… Was that Blossom?”

“You’ve recognized her, that’s good,” the healer deemed, leaning back, her hoof ready to reach for something. “How are you feeling? Are you in pain? Thirsty?”

“Thirsty, yes, definitely,” Twilight admitted, and was immediately offered a goblet of juice.

So she took the effort to sit up properly, though that almost prompted Rowan Berry to drop the drink, as she rushed to steady her. However, Twilight didn’t find the motion difficult, her muscles were just a little sluggish to react. Making herself a little more comfortable on the bed she pointed at the chalice and received it post haste, then wasted no time to down the whole thing.

“You are coordinated, that’s very good,” she heard the lupule’s assessment, realizing that the mare was ready to catch any wayward, falling cups. “I see no signs of fever, your gaze is clear though… darker? Why is that a thing? We were deeply worried about your state, and this...”

Twilight, not having spared even one drop, exhaled deeply, and in a way that would make a noctral jealous. She passed the goblet to Rowan Berry while savoring the taste of the drink. The rich juice was definitely helping with her parched throat. She took a second to assess her state, which mostly meant dealing with the numb feeling in her mind, though she paid enough attention to register the healer’s words.

“Don’t worry, it’s just that I don’t see in the dark by nature. I’m usually using a little spell to help myself,” Twilight explained, wondering if she had done so before. That annoying hole in her recent memories was distracting. “Mind if I try to restore it?”

Ha, well… I mean, please, if you feel like you are healthy enough to use your abilities,” the lupule said, and it was clear that she was doing her best to push away any apprehensions.

Twilight felt grateful about that. She took a deep breath, focused on the pattern which manifested easily enough in her mind, then rapidly gathered the energy around her horn and cast the spell. She mastered it enough not to require Midnight’s presence…


She blinked, happy to be witnessing more details, and for her sight to push away the shadows.

“That’s much better,” she uttered, blinking a couple more times. “You said that ‘we’ were worried – was Midnight here? Is he alright?”

Rowan Berry smiled at the question. “He’s woken up a couple of hours ago. And, knowing him, if he only spotted Blossom leaving in such a rush, he’ll be here promptly. I only somehow convinced him to be patient and stay in his bed,” the healer remarked, and Twilight felt rather encouraged by her tone. It carried no ill will at all, not towards Midnight, nor her, and definitely not the feeling they were sharing.

… was this a dream? Twilight wasn’t quite sure.

Even if it was, Rowan Berry kept explaining things to her. “By ‘we’ I meant a lot more ponies, actually. Because, ab Bogine, who hasn’t been here over those hours? Of course, within reason,” the lupule remarked, before she began the list. “Both the Honored Lord Harvest of Family Dusk and the Honored Lord Consort Flight of Family Dusk kept checking in on your state, and wanted to be notified continuously about it. Blossom definitely went to tell them that you’ve awoken... in her own, bat way. The warriors that were accompanying us from the Mountain of Crescent, and who were capable of doing so, wished to guard the room, as a sign of respect for your stand against the Lesy. I think I’ve heard even Overseer General Dusk Tarn outside, asking for your well-being… A lot was happening.”

“A lot? But, how long was I out…?” Twilight asked, putting aside this pleasant knowledge about everypony being concerned, as she recognized that there was, indeed, a dark spot in her memories that didn’t want to go away. And even those prior to this touch of oblivion were a little fuzzy.

“About twenty four hours, hwalba knaze…” the healer told her, much to Twilight’s distress. “We were monitoring your state carefully, though nothing out of the ordinary was observed, other than you being unresponsive. It was like you were put into deep sleep. So we’ve transported you here, to this part of the Lord’s palace, and I stayed by your side. Just making sure to keep you warm, we tried to give you drink and helpful herbs. We were deliberating, that is me and the other lupuli, whether we would need to give you something to wake you up… but Midnight Wind managed on his own, and you’ve done so very well too.”

“So I see… I’m feeling fine, but what of the…?” Twilight tried to ask, as she clearly did remember that she had gone into the strange thicket to meet with the Lesy.

But Rowan Berry shook her head. “Everything we’ll be explained, but the Honored Lord explicitly forbid anypony from saying anything until he arrives. What I can share, is that you were found alongside Midnight Wind, side by side, and—”

The healer had no sooner mentioned the warrior’s name again than the doors to the chamber swung open and the very stallion appeared in them, his eyes frantically looking for Twilight. He was wearing a loose, patient’s robe he had clearly been granted instead of the bulk of his armor, and actually one looking very much like the one that Twilight had on her, but otherwise looked perfectly healthy.

And the word ‘perfectly’ was very accurate, since it looked like his wounds hadn’t come back, and his wing was in a great shape once more.

Without waiting for any words to be uttered, or even a permission, Midnight galloped into the room until he planted himself forcefully on the side Twilight’s bed, and then reached out an embraced her, at the same time firmly and lovingly. Relief and a cascade of deep emotions were expressed in that hug, and Twilight felt no objections there and then to participate in it.

The both deserved it, she felt.

And so they remained locked like this for a while, just holding each other and breathing deeply. They were communicating in this direct and indirect way, both thankful of the fact that they had managed to survive their ordeal.

Although Twilight was wondering whether the stallion was perhaps suffering from the same bout of amnesia regarding their encounter.

But she left that for a little later, drinking from the stallion’s closeness, and awash with comfort that she could see him again.

Iau lumn…” he whispered right by her ear, and the sound of that phrase was like balm right onto her heart.

She had the distinct feeling that the only reason that they were not kissing there and then was Rowan Berry, who was still by the bed. And when the moment of joyous reunion had happened, both Twilight and Midnight shared a glance towards the lupule, who was looking away very much on purpose.

“S-sorry…” Twilight stammered just a little, and Midnight looked even more abashed, for obvious reasons.

But the healer only giggled, still avoiding staring in their direction. “Are you done being adorable and breaking taboos?” she asked in an impish tone.

“I suppose we have to be,” Midnight replied with a smirk, giving Twilight space, but not before running his hoof alongside her cheek, leaving behind a very pleasant tingle. “Ia ecus, I shouldn’t have be so… unrestrained, not with you here, Yazembe Acine.”

“Listen now, both of you,” Rowan Berry responded to that, and with a smile nonetheless. “I know about you very well at this point. Yes, I was against it. Yes, I still think this is at least somewhat unreasonable, for many different reasons, traditional and not. But I understand things now, many more things. Besides,” she wanted to add and her voice shook just a little, “I should have been there. Right there, in that creature’s domain, with you both. But… I wasn’t. Because I was afraid.”

“Rowan Berry, you didn’t have to—” Twilight wanted to interject, but the mare didn’t really let her.

“It wasn’t about duty, past trauma or proving anything,” the healer declared, filled with conviction. “For the sake of you both, I simply should have been there. I cannot change that choice, but the least I can do for you now is not to act like a jealous filly if you want to feel close after that ‘adventure’. I say – you’ve more than earned it.”

“That is… very noble of you,” Twilight uttered, while Midnight nodded with respect and understanding at the lupule.

“You are most gracious, Yazembe Acine.”

“I’m just through with being petty about some things. The past was then, and now is… now, if my Equestrian allows me to express that properly,” she claimed with a little shrug, instead. “From the way you are acting, however, I would say that you are perfectly fine.”

“Well…” Twilight dared to claim otherwise. “There’s one problem, actually. I… don’t really remember what happened. We’ve went into the thicket, made our way through the fog, but then… well, things themselves are getting a little ‘foggy’,” she allowed herself the pun. “Midnight?”

“Actually, same here,” the warrior admitted, looking between her and Rowan Berry. “It’s just… scenes in my mind. Like fragments of a dream. And the dream was feverish, because I barely make sense of what I can recall.”

“That’s it,” Twilight agreed, as she could remember a feeling going through her veins, that of some sort of a malady. “I know… I know we met it. And that we were… talking.”

“Talking?” Rowan Berry asked. It wasn’t as if she was being doubtful. More like this simplest of actions didn’t fit into her vision of a possible encounter with a monster. “You mean to tell me that you’ve just had a conversation?”

“I… think so?” Twilight replied, “though I have little proof of it.”

“Same here,” Midnight admitted, though the healer shook her head.

“There is one proof, but let us wait a moment longer. I wouldn’t want to disappoint the haspadr by being a tattletale.”

“For once… I have a good feeling which is coming from such secrecy,” the stallion commented, giving Twilight a happy glance.

Thankfully, the mystery didn’t last long, for not a minute later there was a knock on the door, which Rowan Berry rushed to answer. A few, quick sentences were exchanged, before the healer turned to Twilight in an official tone.

“Honored Princess Sparkle of Twilight, Honored Lord Harvest of Family Dusk, alongside the Honored Lord Consort, request your permission to enter and converse.”

“Yes, of course. As long as they don’t mind that I’m not properly dressed,” Twilight remarked, but that only caused the healer to smile.

“That they definitely not mind,” she assured her, before she took a step back, allowing the leadership of the Dusk Family to enter.

Lord Dusk Harvest was brandishing a traditional, Dusk gown with floral motifs and embroidery, made that much more official by him wearing all of his regalia. Right behind him, the vision that Dusk Flight was glided into the room with her perfect trot, her black, stately gown trailing behind her like a whole entourage of loyal bats. There was one live bat with her, of course, as Blossom rested on the mare’s shoulder, nuzzling into her neck and also flashing Twilight a toothy smile.

The official capacity of the visit was making Twilight a little uncomfortable about being in bed and wearing only what would be the equivalent of a hospital gown. Midnight took that pressure much better, as even without his equipment his salute was pristine.

Dusk Harvest wasted no time, coming close to Twilight’s bed… and giving her a deep bow, followed by one from his wife. They remained silent for a good moment, which caused a pretty overt glance from Midnight to meet Twilight’s stare.

Just what had happened while they had been unconscious?

“H-Honored P-Princess, we are s-so glad to see you a-a-awake,” the haspadr began, still in this humble stance. “L-Let me be the f-f-first, as it is p-proper, to thank you, from the b-b-bottom of my h-heart. May the G-Goddess bless you f-forevermore.”

“I… thank you, Honored Lord, I’m just… unsure for what you are thanking me,” Twilight revealed, feeling a little abashed by receiving such gratitude. Especially while sitting on the bed like this. “Nopony told me what the result of my excursion was…”

“That’s g-good,” Dusk Harvest replied, looking up and giving Twilight an honest smile, if as shy as his usual demeanor allowed. “B-because I really w-wanted to be the o-one to tell you of y-your success! I d-don’t know how, a-a-and I’m dying to find o-out, but y-you have m-managed to d-d-drive away the L-Lesy completely.”

“… oh!” Twilight expressed her surprise, a very positive one. Minus the fact that she had little idea of the ‘how’, such an outcome was most pleasing. “So… is the thicket no more? Did the being relent?”

“N-n more and it d-did,” Dusk Harvest confirmed, with the Lord Consort taking a step forward and speaking up as well.

Her regal closeness and rich voice were still enough to cause Twilight to shiver. “The plantation has been restored completely, not a sign of interference or the presence of the creature. Well, one or two,” she clarified, her gaze escaping towards Midnight, clearly referencing his supernatural restoration as one of those, “but not connected to the place. The trees are back to their normal self, and some owocellatani even claimed that the yield might increase, spotting new, yet unripe fruit.”

“It’s a m-miraculous outcome,” the Lord agreed, though giving his wife but a little glance, focusing instead on Twilight. “And we have y-you to thank, H-H-Honored Princess. This d-deed will be r-remembered in our history, for I d-don’t recall a-anypony make a claim to b-b-best one of the L-Lesyi, ever.” The haspadr turned to Midnight as well, with an according nod of his head. “Your c-contribution shall l-l-likewise be remembered, N-Nocferratan.”

The stallion beamed with pride, though Twilight recognized his gaze constantly escaping towards her, notifying any and all gathered that she was the main reason for the tremendous achievement. Nevertheless, she wasn’t one about hoarding those, either.

“I’m glad to hear that the situation was resolved. I can only deem it a conjoined effort,” she stated, turning towards Midnight and being repaid by a most official nod, and a much less official, loving glint in the stallion’s saffron gaze. “Although… I’m not sure how it happened. We both can recall but snippets of our encounter.”

“Is that so?” Dusk Flight asked, thoughtful. “It must have been a truly exhausting endeavor. Explains why you were found next to each other, seemingly asleep.”

“As a bearer of the Divine Aspect, I can safely assess that the power of the Lesyi is not to be underestimated. We’ve stepped right into its domain and might. However…” Twilight considered everything for a moment, trying to piece together the scenario in her head. There wasn’t much to work with, unfortunately. “It… It didn’t seem antagonistic, at least not in an overt way. Yes, it nearly caused a terrible crash, and it’s understanding of safety and, well, moral conduct is much different. But I have a feeling that it just wanted to… converse.”

“And you are basing that on what exactly, if I might inquire?” came Dusk Flight’s question.

“That it could and would have done things much, much worse otherwise.”

“So y-you held a c-c-conversation? It a-actually wished to negotiate and p-parley?” the Lord asked, also most intrigued. “D-did you promise it a-anything for his l-leave?”

“Not that I recall. Midnight Wind?”

“No, Honored Princess,” the stallion told her and everypony. “I… believe that it was mostly curious about hwalba knaze. And I… I think I recall…?” He paused briefly, trying to bring forth a specific detail, apparently. “Haven’t you used that amulet that the hwalbu haspadr here gave you, Honored Princess?”

“That… That I did, I think?”

“Th-that could e-e-explain things. L-lupule, is it still h-here?” the Lord asked of Rowan Berry, who trotted away and then returned.

Tac, hwalbu haspadr.

She presented the charm which had been mentioned, swinging from its strap.

Twilight blinked, as she recognized just how different it now looked. Between the binds which were the Fang Family hoofwork, a fresh stem of a plant was visible, remarkably having grown from dry twigs. And, for some reason, looking at it made her feel a little warmer, refreshed and… almost giddy?

She glanced at Midnight, as she spotted that his stare was also locked on the amulet, his slit irises getting smaller and sharper, as if in great focus.

Dusk Harvest’s voice managed to snap them both out of that momentary fascination, though it was unlikely that anypony else but them had felt anything strange.

“I-I’m glad to h-hear that it was h-helpful. And I a-a-apologize for h-how I acted p-prior to you h-heading into the t-t-t…!”

The stallion got himself stuck, but without even a second of delay Blossom hopped from Dusk Flight’s shoulder to his, nuzzling him fiercely and getting him to focus and calm down.

Twilight couldn’t quite miss the fact that the regal mare’s gaze filled with concern and deep feelings as she gazed at her husband. And that her hoof shifted ever so slightly, as if she wanted to rest it against the stallion, instead of using her faithful helper.

“… tangle!” the Lord finally shouted, smiling nervously to excuse his outburst. “I was w-w-worried this th-thing managed to b-beguile you.”

“There’s nothing to apologize for, Honored Lord, it was most prudent of you to be cautious. And it was said caution which helped,” Twilight told the stallion with a sincere expression. “I appreciate your conviction, I truly do.”

“Th-thank you,” Dusk Harvest uttered, as he surely wasn’t receiving these sort of compliments often. He scratched the faithful companion before Blossom returned to her ‘perch’ on Dusk Flight’s shoulder. He then reached out and took the charm from Rowan Berry, putting it on his hoof. “This is th-the only m-m-mark of the c-creature’s presence left. Could you t-tell me what that m-means? C-can you remember w-w-what caused this? What d-does this imply?”

Before Twilight replied, the Lord Consort’s voice sounded. “My Lord and husband, I’m sure that the Honored Princess shall explain it all, if only she can,” she said in a calming tone, though her success was moderate.

Twilight, one the other hoof, was at an utter loss. “I’m… really uncertain, Honored Lord. Midnight Wind says that I brandished it at some point, but why exactly is… hard to tell. Maybe the Lesy was curious about it as well?” she asked of herself and the stallion, but he couldn’t provide an answer either.

“It d-definitely did s-s-something to it. I would normally be v-very apprehensive, but... I f-find it rather m-moving. A s-sapling, from this d-d-dried thing?” Dusk Harvest stated, looking the piece over once more. “It c-carries great s-s-significance like this, I feel.”

He so stated and it looked like he was ready to give the amulet back to Twilight, so that she could keep it as a reminder of her bravery.

But she shook her head. “It did its job, Honored Lord. And now it carries that memory. Of my actions, yes, but also of your devotion to protecting those around you. I believe that I should return it back to you,” Twilight suggested with a smile. “Let it be a sign, greater than it had already been. It was a gift from the Honored Lord Blessed Fang to you. And I think that he would be both overjoyed to learn of its application and that it remained in your possession.”

Dusk Harvest thought for a moment, then nodded, accepting that reasoning. However, there wasn’t any pride in him over the fact. Twilight was being utterly serious while praising him, alas, his lack of confidence blocked her attempt at instilling some strength into him.

For there was a deeper meaning behind her declaration. It was just that Twilight had decided to keep the matter to herself for the moment.

The moment of silence following the exchange was interpreted in a different way by the Lord, actually.

“By the l-look in your eyes I arrive at an o-o-observation that you are the kind of p-p-pony not ever h-happy with an u-unsolved mystery or p-problem,” he told her with a slight, nervous smile.

He clearly had the Lesy situation and the hole in her memory in mind, though she was beginning to deliberate about an utterly different issue to deal with in the near future. But she wasn’t going to let that be known, not right now.

“You are quite right, Honored Lord,” she spoke up, hoping to forgive herself for misleading the stallion briefly. “I’m not overzealous about indulging this trait of mine, but I hate leaving such a matter just… there,” she admitted. For she was really trying to recall the details of the meeting, yet they remained locked behind a dark veil in her mind. “I truly wish I had the answer. I… I swear that we’ve talked about very important matters with the being. It’s like I have this nagging feeling at the back of my mind that something vital escaped it. What exactly was mentioned – I know not, and I fear I might not learn anytime soon,” she tried to explain, and a grimace did twist her lips. “It is a little frustrating, actually.”

“Indubitably,” Dusk Flight replied in her rich voice. “May you, then, find succor in the knowledge and certainty that your actions brought you great renown in the midst of our Iug. To save the Valleys, to tackle a Lesy for our sake?”

Twilight smiled. Yes, that was very good to know. After what she had been through, an encounter with an ancient spirit notwithstanding, being recognized for her efforts was a pleasing change. No, she didn’t forget that she had already been recognized as an important figure for having helped in the Goddess’ return, though that had only granted her the opportunity to visit Noctraliya.

It was possible that she had just made a huge step in building a new, more current and present rapport.

It was about to gain even more weight, at least in some sense.

Lord Dusk Harvest, prompted by his wife’s words, assumed a yet more dignified stance out of a sudden and spoke up. He was trying to measure his words properly to control his impediment. And it soon became very clear what was the purpose of such a choice.

“Your actions h-have been of great benefit to our lands and k-kin. They are r-recognized to their f-full extent. And so I w-wish to declare myself in p-personal debt to you, Honored P-Princess,” he stated, nodding in reverence while delivering this short speech. “If I c-could provide you with a-any favor, gain or h-help, besides w-what we have already d-discussed in the o-official c-capacity of your v-v-visit, consider m-me in y-your d-debt, hwalba k-k-knaze,” he managed to finish his declaration, though his voice began to give at the end.

Twilight, rather than on his stutter, much preferred to focus on what he had just uttered. She still wouldn’t consider herself a foremost specialist in the matters of batpony culture, but... considering the idea of reciprocity which was prevalent among the Seven Mountains, receiving such a promise was a most profound honor. She, honestly, found herself at a loss for words, as she hadn’t been anticipating to receive such a reward for her actions. It felt like almost too much!

And then Dusk Flight spoke up as well, and Twilight was pushed even firmer into this pleasant shock. “As the Lord Consort, wife to the Honored Lord of the Dusk Family, I too wish to express my deepest gratitude for your bravery and conviction in the face of such an extraordinary threat. I am as willing as my Lord and husband to provide my aid to your cause, in whatever capacity you see fit. I declare myself in personal debt to you...”

Twilight had to blink, as the voice of the mare and her entire presence was as charming as ever. And with such a declaration to add to her husband’s, the situation became truly extraordinary…

… and gave Twilight a wonderful idea on how to utilize this unique gift she had just received.

“Honored Lord, Honored Lord Consort, I… am deeply grateful for this honor. I do promise not to abuse this incredible form of thanks. First, however, I would like to do my best to try and figure out what exactly I managed to do,” she explained, bringing forth a pleasant expression onto her muzzle. “Perhaps a little more rest shall help me recall more details. Would I be allowed to spend some time focusing on regaining strength?”

“N-naturally, Honored P-Princess,” the haspadr immediately replied. “You can r-rest and recuperate a-as long as y-you wish. You sh-shall have a hero’s s-stay in this M-Mountain. More s-so than before.”

“That is most kind of you, hwalbu haspadr,” Twilight thanked him again.

And, as it turned out, it wasn’t hard to convey without more words that she wanted to start gathering herself there and then. The Lord Consort’s empathy worked especially well in regards to that.

“Then let us allow you just that, Honored Princess. If my Lord and husband agrees?”

“Y-yes,” came the stallion’s quite neutral reply.

Too neutral, as it had been and was still the persistent problem.

With a humble bow of her head, Twilight thanked and bid farewell to the couple. She was observing them as they trotted out of her temporary chamber, feeling that while thinking about the immediate past was a little convoluted, the immediate future could clarify itself with some ease.

Still, only after the door had closed did she actually exhale and leaned back against the pillow. She had received a most gracious visit and was, in truth, moved by what she had heard and experienced. And yet even the simple fact that she had felt a little, well, inappropriately casual without a dress on, and that she was meeting with the couple while in bed, had caused unnecessary tension to build within her.

Not to even mention the factor of this strange, strained relationship which she had already delved into the last time she had visited the Mountain of Dusk. One she could still see remaining. The batponies who had come before her were of the same mind, but, seemingly, of two hearts apart.

Her overt reaction caused Midnight and Rowan Berry to close in, with the healer asking aloud first.

“I something wrong, hwalba knaze? Stressed by the meeting? Or is it also...?”

“That and the hole in my memory, yes,” Twilight admitted, putting her hoof to her forehead. She wasn’t running a fever, for certain, and that was something which pleased her a great deal. She felt that enough things had run through her system lately. She glanced at the healer. “Now I know what sort of worry you are holding from your past encounter with one of these creatures, Rowan Berry…”

The lupule didn’t look particularly pleased about somepony sharing that plight. Still, she tried to make her voice hopeful. “We... We both returned back to civilization not being worse for wear, so... perhaps there is strength to be found in this connection, at least?” she tried to lift Twilight’s spirits.

That felt like something to hold onto, actually. For there was one, particular change. Up until Twilight had met the Lesy in person, or guise, or however one would call that, she had felt almost... branded. For that memory of the chasm-like smile had been resurfacing from time to time, pushing back other thoughts. She could still visualize it, yes, with the abyss behind it being confirmed by having encountered One of the Forest, but it wasn’t oppressive. Just an unpleasant recollection.

She felt almost daring enough to speak the Lesy’s name, just to be sure...

Midnight’s voice interrupted her before she tried, as the stallion was clearly interested in a more ‘practical’ side of things, regarding their troubles with amnesia. “You have managed to actually make us resist the attempts by the Lesy to influence us at first, I remember that much. Travel through that thicket would have been even more threatening otherwise,” he pointed out and a clear shudder crossed his back at the imperfect memory of their journey. “Do you think you could try and fix our memory with a spell or two?” he asked, thinking aloud.

“I don’t have a vast experience when it comes to utilizing mentalism, actually, though I know the premise of the art enough. I could try, but… that would require a lot of effort and energy. And I’m not sure I would risk it… Although…” Twilight felt her caution battling her curiosity. “Alright, I will think about it, but I’m not making this a priority.”

“Very well. You would know much better than me,” the warrior admitted without shame. “And, well, perhaps it actually would be wise to abstain a little from non-natural interference... It’s enough that I am suddenly healed,” he added, extending his wing and flapping it slowly, not to cause a gust.

Rowan Berry giggled. It was both an amused and a little nervous expression, and Twilight had a distinct feeling that it was not referencing the stallion’s return to perfect health.

“What’s wrong?” she asked the healer, interested in such a reaction coming from her.

“A noctral asking a soleerane to cast a ‘spell or two’ on him... Bogine, what age do we live in?” she asked, sounding somewhat serious about her momentary apprehension.

“Clearly a new one, and it’s moving fast,” Midnight remarked with a smirk as he looked at Twilight. “Who knows what it shall bring us?” he jested further, though his gaze got just a little worried at being so direct.

“Want to help me find out, actually?”

Twilight’s tone was peculiar enough to have both the batponies look towards her in interest... and a little bit of healthy concern.

Perhaps the timing wasn’t too fortunate, as well, for Twilight could tell from the stallion’s stare that he had just had in mind their unique connection and was now quite rapidly trying to discern what she had just suggested they do.

It was somewhat amusing for her. Or perhaps it was just the relief of having survived the latest ordeal which was putting her in such a good mood.

Midnight was the first to comment on that initial question, and on Twilight’s expression, though he was still unsure of her motivation. “You... have something in mind, definitely. I’m curious to find out...” he stated, glancing at Rowan Berry in genuine concern regarding her presence and a possible offer from Twilight. “… and at the same time a little reluctant.”

“Thankfully, for no reason,” she assured the stallion.

Not that she would mind a... different suggestion to present before the stallion. And her readiness to consider it after the latest strain upon their relationship was a little surprising, to her as well.

She sat up again, wishing to include them both in this, particular discussion. “I need some guidelines from you first, however. Notably – how often does one receive such a declaration from a haspadr? Of them being personally indebted to somepony. I imagine that it’s quite an extraordinary thing.”

“It’s a rare enough occasion, yes,” Rowan Berry admitted, also intrigued by why Twilight was asking at all. “I have to say, I was most amazed to hear that just now, but... I think it’s understandable. You’ve managed to chase away an ancient spirit, one which had already shown the capacity of endangering not only the lives of individual ponies, but our very livelihood in the Dalli. That has to count for something.”

“And just how far does such a ‘personal debt’ go?” Twilight pursued the subject a little more.

Midnight pondered for just a moment, considering the topic, and clearly trying to discern her intentions now. “It’s a little... open to interpretation, as those things usually are. But you could ask for quite a boon or favor, actually. I’m… trying to think of an example from my Iug, but I don’t think that Honored Lord Midnight Eye has ever done anything like that. However, I imagine that… Lord Bright Crescent did…?”

“Yes, I suppose. Just not like this,” Twilight admitted.

She had gained quite a lot from the private discussion back at the Mountain of Crescent, and she imagined that the concerned stallion had wished to make himself being indebted a similarly private matter. She hadn’t received a declaration of such a caliber, no, but she had gotten what she needed from the Lord. Just in a less overt way.

Midnight accepted that, clearly also arriving at the conclusion that things had been kept under wraps for a very specific reason. Twilight could actually see that little of his muzzle that betrayed his continuous anger at what she had had to endure from Ebony Crescent.

“At the same time,” the warrior continued, getting back to the topic, “moderation in collecting such a debt is seen as a noble choice. A sign of appreciating the gesture more than the actual gains, if that makes sense.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t dream of abusing the trust of the Lord and the Lord Consort,” Twilight responded. But felt the need to clarify outright. “Well... a little?”

Rowan Berry’s coral eyes widened just a little, hearing that. “Are we… Are we sure it’s her?” she asked on Midnight in faux secrecy.

He nodded, fighting a grin. “Definitely.”

“Then…” the lupule tried to say something, but arrived at an explanation for those words in the confines of her head. “It must be something about this Mountain, then, which is putting you in such a mood, hwalba knaze. Or, should I say… about the rulers of it? Are you still focusing on their shared plight?”

“Yes. Though this time I wish to act more directly, rather than operate on gossip which you gathered so proficiently the last time,” Twilight admitted, her voice lowering on instinct. “How would the two of you like… saving a marriage and a Family’s future?”

That was perhaps that last thing that the two batponies had been expecting to hear, but Twilight was quite surprised to see them both glance at one another, and then look back at her with almost identical, smirking expressions.

They were betraying amusement, yes, but more importantly they were signifying a readiness to help. And a certain predisposition, even, to partake in such a scheme.

Twilight nodded with a smile of her own, then leaned back onto the pillow and closed her eyes. “I have a plan. Let me pull myself together… and dress, because as much as I enjoy the breezy clothing, I think I need something more solid than this to walk around the Mountain again.”

“I don’t know, these robes are rather comfortable. The wool is amazing,” Midnight commented, stretching his back and enjoying the fabric. “Could I pretend to be wounded still so I can just keep using them?”

Rowan Berry rolled her eyes a little. “A Nocferratan sauntering about in this? What a shame,” she quipped, though remaining in good mood when she turned to Twilight. “You’ll be glad to learn that all of our belongings had been gathered from the crash site. Some external damage, but nothing was destroyed, I don’t believe. I asked the Honored Lord to get the luggage secured, you can check on everything inside when you wish, without an issue or prying eyes, hwalba knaze.”

Twilight’s relief and high spirits made her give the mare a knowing look. “Were you tempted to shift through those”

“Oh, always. I think there’s this expression in Ekwestriyar… ‘Par for the course’,” the healer and operative in one pony answered. “But… I do prefer to be a lupule first while near you, Honored Princess.”

“Then I will gladly see you be one,” Twilight told the other mare with a nod of appreciation, and receiving one in return. She then turned to Midnight. “I don’t think I need to ask you if you are ready to continue our adventure.”

“Ask away, I believe I hold the one, right answer,” the stallion told her with a smile. His eyes ever so briefly shifted towards Rowan Berry, and Twilight understood that he didn’t want to say more with a witness about, however changed the said witness’ views were now. “If I can also hope for at least a ‘hero-adjacent’ status in the circumstances of us surviving an encounter with a Lesy... well, we’ll have plenty of time to gather ourselves, converse, and get ready for more to come.”

Twilight closed her eyes again, feeling that she got the response she had been hoping for. However...

“Not tonight, please,” she asked of the world around.

And, for once, she believed that it would listen.

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