• Published 10th Jul 2014
  • 2,331 Views, 194 Comments

Sleipnir's Big Adventure - BlackRoseRaven

A hero makes an unlikely alliance with a stubborn prince, and they adventure across Equestria together.

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The Art Of Mercy

Chapter Nineteen: The Art Of Mercy

The Lich King smiled pleasantly at Sleipnir and Blueblood as the enormous earth pony explained calmly: “So thus we defeated the flesh golem. I fear that there was little other choice in the matter, sad as it makes me. But I fear leaving it to live would only be leaving it to suffer... and of course, 'tis obvious that its master, whoever it may be, may have ordered it to harm others.”

“You have done very well.” Auros praised almost tenderly, leaning forwards with a kind smile. To one side, Chancellor Sageworm was only scowling, and the court of zombies and spirits was shifting almost uneasily, whispering amongst themselves even as the Lich King continued warmly: “I cannot begin to express the joy I feel in the fact that I decided to place my faith in you both... you have done exceptionally well, far beyond my hopes and expectations.”

Sleipnir only shrugged with a smile that was less modest and more... well, sad, Blueblood thought. “We merely did what was necessary, that is all. Now, I do not desire to be rude, Auros, but I fear that I must press to move on to matters of business...”

“Oh, yes, of course. I understand.” Auros replied kindly, bowing his head forwards before he frowned ever so slightly as he tented his hooves, saying in a more solemn voice: “But sadly, Sleipnir, we have a small difficulty to discuss before we can speak at all of any business...”

The earth pony cocked his head, and Blueblood shifted apprehensively, part of him wanting to reach for the sword sheathed on his back as the earth pony asked slowly: “And what is that, Auros? Have I not done as thou asked?”

“Oh, but that's just it! You were... too enthusiastic, I am afraid, in carrying out my request... I didn't mean to send you in as executioners, after all.” Auros said disapprovingly, shaking his head slowly as he leaned forwards. “That is not how we do things here in my kingdom. We are a peaceful people, who handle our disputes with decorum and grace. I fear you've disappointed me, Sleipnir... you and your young friend.”

Sleipnir bowed his head politely, replying candidly: “Then all I can do is apologize to thee and ask if there is some way by which I can make amends for this error, my friend. I fear that I knew not else what to do, though.”

The Lich King smiled slightly at this, studying Sleipnir with interest for a few moments before he said softly: “Well, even as upset as I am, Sleipnir, I appreciate your candor and your apology... but I need to know you're sincere. And if you are sincere, Sleipnir, then of course you won't mind making a small pledge of loyalty to me... something to help me believe that you are as honorable as you claim to be. And of course, I will give you the same freedoms as I give all my other subjects... once you have earned it back, and made up for this... error of judgment.”

Sleipnir smiled kindly in return to the Lich King, and then he said gently: “I fear I must decline. Certainly I would be pleased to correct any mistakes I have made, but cost and payment must be equal, should they not? And 'tis not that I do not trust thy word, Auros... 'tis rather that I fear thy words are left a little too open to interpretation for my liking.”

Slowly, the Lich King frowned, his eyes darkening and his features tensing, losing much of their handsomeness as he asked quietly: “Are you trying to say something, Sleipnir? Because there's no need for you to step around the subject. I would invite you to be honest with me.”

“Then I shall.” Sleipnir looked evenly up at the Lich King, fearless and cordial... even gentle still, in spite of his next words. “I do not see any others here who would have the power to craft a flesh golem such as the one that I faced. Thou sent me to destroy the evidence of what thou did, and I have done it: but I did so out of mercy, not because I desire to be thy lackey.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then the Lich King gave a thinner, colder smile, sitting back in his throne before he said icily: “Very well. I certainly appreciate your... forwardness on this matter at least, Sleipnir. But I fear that I am going to have to... insist.”

The Lich King calmly rose one hoof, and the specters vanished from the seats on either side of the room as the beautifully-dressed undead all began to crawl forwards, their features distorting, their movements jagged and twisted, their finery no longer able to hide their true natures as they hissed and rumbled. Chancellor Sageworm stepped forwards as well, grinning coldly as his features became more sallow, his staff floating at the ready in front of himself as the Lich King yawned and sat back in his throne, asking in a wheedling voice like a child who didn't want to deal with his chores: “Are you sure you don't want to just give in, Sleipnir? This is so dreadfully boring... and if you give yourselves up willingly, I'll be very happy to give you a much higher place in my court than if you force my hoof to do something... unpleasant.”

Sleipnir, however, only smiled even as the monsters surrounded them, raising his head high as he said kindly: “I fear that this glimpse behind thy mask of lordship neither pleases nor terrifies. But as thou wert polite enough to offer me thine idea of a generous bargain, I shall offer thee mine own: there is still time for thou to call off this attack and instead for us to trade knowledge and supplies in peace. Do not force this confrontation.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then the Lich King laughed and shook his head slowly, sitting up in his throne but only looking amused as he gestured at the half-dozen undead and his blue-robed Chancellor. “Oh please. I must admit that I admire your fortitude and your courage, Sleipnir, but all the same... I have to question whether you speak out of brazen foolishness or if some poor, mentally-deficient part of you actually believes that you could stand a chance against my court.”

Blueblood couldn't help but privately agree, grimacing as he nervously held his sword at the ready behind the enormous earth pony as he looked fearfully back and forth, but the enormous earth pony only smiled and replied almost cheerfully: “Well, I suppose we shall find the answer to thy question in only a few moments. Tell me, will thou be taking part in this conflict?”

The Lich King looked both indulgent and entertained by this, waving a hoof a few times as he said wryly: “As if my powers are necessary to tame a nuisance like yourself. No, my court should be more than sufficient to handle the likes of you. I only hope that they won't leave too much of a mess to be cleaned up afterwards: I would like enough pieces of you left intact that I am able to bring you back as a thrall. I'm very forgiving, after all.”

Sleipnir only chuckled at this, and then he said gently over his shoulder: “Prepare thyself now, Blue. And remember that 'tis not an act of cowardice to bow thy way politely out of a battle if thou feels thou art unprepared. Besides, 'twill be all the more fun for me.”

The earth pony cracked his neck as he looked forwards with a slight smile, and the Lich King snorted in entertainment as he sat up in his throne before gesturing calmly outwards with one hoof. “Let's see if you're half the stallion you claim to be then, Sleipnir. Why don't you go ahead and show me what you're capable of, earth pony?”

Sleipnir didn't falter, even as the Chancellor suddenly stepped forwards, swinging his staff down as it crackled with maleficent magic; but as if he was dealing with a foal instead of a powerful deathless mage, the earth pony simply held up a foreleg and blocked the attack before he said almost gently: “'Tis a bold try.”

Sleipnir's hoof lashed down in a brutal hammer, smashing the staff into two halves, and the Chancellor staggered backwards in disbelief with a shout of pain as telekinetic recoil sparked over his horn. Before he could recover, the enormous earth pony slammed his other hoof into his face, sending the blue-robed unicorn hurtling across the room to crash painfully into the wall as the Lich King sat up in his throne with shock, alarm passing over his face for a bare moment before he snarled as it became anger. “Get him! All of you, get that earth pony!”

Two of the undead court leapt at Sleipnir, hissing furiously, but the earth pony caught one and easily flung it past him into the other, knocking them both in a sprawl before he ducked under a third, then stepped forwards and slugged a fourth, its skull giving a sickening crack as it was knocked flying backwards. The earth pony was only grinning widely, however, shouting cheerfully: “Come, come then, show me what these puppets can do! Show me thy mettle!”

“Do not allow him to make a fool of us! He is only one pony!” shouted the Lich King furiously, as Sleipnir laughed and continued to draw attention to himself... while Blueblood carefully slid backwards and out of the fight, feeling both cowardly but also relieved that the earth pony had taken over, watching with awe as his sword trembled at his side-

“You.” hissed a voice, and Blueblood looked up in shock to see the Chancellor was standing only ten feet away, glaring at him balefully. His eyes and horn both glowed with hellish, unnatural light as his horn sparked with poisonous magic, and Blueblood quickly set himself as he rose his silver sword defensively before the robed unicorn growled: “Pathetic.”

He flicked his horn, a toxic lash of poisonous lightning shocking towards Blueblood, but the prince only winced as he slashed his sword into the attack, keeping the blade tight in his telekinetic grip as he felt the weapon shivering beneath the fury of the magic... and then he managed to tilt the weapon slightly and deflect the burst of malice off to the side, the Chancellor looking surprised.

Blueblood was too surprised himself to try and press the advantage, but he quickly readied himself for combat all the same, clearing his throat before raising his sword gamely and saying in a voice that only shook slightly: “Y-You... I am giving you one chance to surrender.”

“Don't mock me, boy!” snarled the Chancellor, his horn and eyes glowing brighter, making him look monstrous before he slashed his horn viciously outwards, sending a blast of hellish energy at the ivory unicorn.

Blueblood swore under his breath, then leapt to the side, and the toxic missile of magic streaked past and exploded in a burst of malefic light against the wall before the magewight snarled and shot another poisonous burst at him. But Blueblood reacted swiftly, dodging to the other side as he gritted his teeth, remembering the basic rule that Sleipnir had taught him about magic combat: to keep moving and not be wherever his enemy was aiming.

The Chancellor swore under his breath, then snapped his horn fiercely upwards, and Blueblood felt the magic gathering beneath his hooves before he leapt backwards, flinching and narrowly avoiding being impaled on a volley of earthen spikes that exploded upwards out of the ground.

The magewight hissed in fury, then reared back, his whole body thrumming with power as blue veins pulsed hideously through his flesh, his eyes and horn blazing with hellish light as Blueblood looked up in shock: whatever the stallion was channeling, it wasn't going to be a spell he could simply dodge. And Blueblood found himself reacting on instinct, leaping forwards and making a wild charge straight for the robed monster.

Blueblood's sword lashed out, the reach catching the Chancellor by surprise and making him hiss in shock as it slashed through his robes before Blueblood drove his sword forwards, piercing deep into the chest of the unicorn even as he gritted his teeth. The Chancellor gasped, his body shivering before he grabbed at the blade as the vile aura died out from around him... and then he snarled in fury, glaring down at Blueblood and beginning to slowly force the sword back out of his chest as he hissed: “Your silvered weapons aren't enough to s-save you!”

“N-No...” Blueblood trembled, staring in horror as he lost his grip on the sword for a moment, letting the Chancellor yank it free from his body and toss it away with a curse as he staggered backwards. The wound was bloodless even with the blue veins pulsing visibly through the magewight's form, the unicorn gaping in horror as the Chancellor slowly steadied himself... and then Blueblood forced himself to remember what he was dealing with, forced himself not to panic or give in to fear as he stepped quickly backwards and swept up his sword, breathing hard as he snapped: “I'm not afraid!”

“You should be.” growled the Chancellor, and then he snapped his horn forwards, and Blueblood flinched as he was blasted backwards by a telekinetic hammer before the magewight followed up with a burst of toxic energy. And this time, Blueblood didn't react fast enough to block it, crying out in agony as the hellish burst ripped across his face, searing his features and gouging deep, putrid wounds through his cheek.

The unicorn staggered, and the magewight grinned viciously before he snapped his horn forwards, a burst of lightning thundering from the spire towards Blueblood... before he hissed in disgust as Blueblood managed to slash his sword up and block the stream of toxic electricity, arcs of energy pulsing and crackling around the blade as Blueblood hissed breath in and out through his teeth, one eye swollen shut but the other glaring at the undead stallion.

As they struggled, Sleipnir moved back and forth with incredible grace for such a large stallion, every movement carrying into a blow that smashed one of the undead harrying him aside as the Lich King watched with a mix of horror and disbelief from his throne. The earth pony moved with agility and power, one of his hooves swinging fiercely back to smash in the face of a ghoul before Sleipnir fiercely kicked both rear hooves back, knocking another monster flying across the room, and then he dropped flat on his stomach to avoid tackles from two more of the undead court.

Moving like liquid, Sleipnir suddenly rolled over, yanking one of the ghouls to the ground before slamming a hoof viciously down through its skull, and a scream rose up from the creature even as it burst apart into ashes and dust beneath its regal clothing. The Lich King shouted a denial from his throne as he straightened, staring with disbelief as Sleipnir leapt up to his hooves to smash another ghoul aside, then seize another member of the undead court by the back of the head, yanking it out of mid-charge before he slammed a hoof into its face as he yanked its skull forwards at the same time.

It too collapsed into dust, and the Lich King snarled in fury before he straightened, shouting: “What are you idiots doing? Get him! He's only one mortal earth pony, how can he-”

Then the Lich King gaped when Sleipnir snagged a ghoul on either side of him before he smashed their skulls together hard enough to turn them both to dust, the last two members of the undead court staggering fearfully backwards as the stallion said calmly: “Oh, I fear I never said that I was any mortal, friend... although aye, I am an earth pony. Now come: there is still time to settle this peacefully, and I would certainly be willing to do so.”

The Lich King stared for a few moments... then trembled before snarling furiously, his horn flashing as he gestured violently at one of the ghouls. The undead beast shrieked, then flung itself violently at Sleipnir, and the stallion's eyes widened as he saw the aura, felt the malicious energies around it too late to do more than desperately try and cover his face-

The ghoul exploded in a tremendous blast of malevolent energy, and the Lich King grinned cruelly... then stared in horror as the toxic smog quickly cleared, revealing Sleipnir standing with a look of disgust on his face, his body badly seared and his armor dented, part of his mane rotted away... but all the same, calmly brushing at himself before he looked up at the Lich King and said equably: “I fear that 'tis quite a grave offense to tamper with my mane.”

The Lich King's eye twitched, and then he began to make the same gesture at the other ghoul: Sleipnir, however, moved like lightning, sweeping up the undead beast even as Auros cast the spell before the earth pony sharply lobbed the ghoul to the side. It flew backwards with a squeal, and the Lich King's eyes widened as he realized too late what was going to happen.

The ghoul hit the Chancellor, who swore as the stream of magic he had been concentrating on Blueblood was interrupted before the undead beast exploded in a tremendous blast of miasma, the magewight howling as he was sent skidding to the side over the tile, his blue robes shredded by the rotting energy and his whole body steaming violently. He collapsed in a shivering heap as Blueblood stumbled in shock... then quickly readied himself with the Chancellor slowly began to haul himself up to his hooves, screaming: “This is unacceptable!”

He snarled as he straightened, the last of his robes falling away as his coat became a bruised mix of yellows, greens and purples, with blue veins like snakes twisting wildly through it. His tail and mane both fell away until only loose strands remained, and his hide tightened until bones and the pulse and shape of organs were visible through his thin skin.

The Chancellor rasped loudly in and out for breath, then licked his rotting teeth as sockets that were filled only with blue light glared furiously at Blueblood. The prince quaked in fear at the sight of the monstrosity, but all the same he forced himself to raise his sword, to steady himself as the Chancellor hissed: “How dare you try and stand against us...”

Blueblood only set himself, unable to give any other response, and the Chancellor lashed his horn viciously out to send a blast of poisonous energy at the stallion. But the unicorn dodged quickly to the side, then winced and darted back and forth as the magewight's horn slashed back and forth through the air, sending crescent blades of energy shooting one after the other at Blueblood. But the attacks, while vicious and fast, were easy to predict, easy to avoid... and even when the prince was almost cornered and a blade of magic shot straight at him, Blueblood reacted on instinct, slashing his sword through the magic missile and dispelling it.

The magewight snarled, then reared back, his horn and eyes glowing as he summoned up his energies, but this time Blueblood ran quickly to the side, avoiding the blast of lightning that hammered into the ground, then bounced and arced after him. He zigzagged towards the Chancellor before dropping his sword to try and thrust it into his chest-

The Chancellor lashed his horn viciously forwards, and Blueblood was sent flying across the room by a tremendous blast of thunder and lightning, hitting the ground painfully on his back and skidding into a wall with a groan of pain as his sword bounced and clanged to a halt beside him. He trembled as the magewight slumped for a moment, hissing in fury as he gathered his magical energies, and then Blueblood gritted his teeth as an old promise rose in his mind: he wasn't going to die a coward. He wasn't going to die on his knees, or crying. He wasn't going to defeat himself.

Blueblood crawled up to his hooves, steeling himself as he picked him his silver sword with telekinesis, and the magewight snarled before sending a vicious barrage of poisonous magic in the direction of the unicorn. But Blueblood dodged most of the missiles of magic, ignoring the pain in his body, the agony in his face, the fear trying to overcome his mind before he charged for the Chancellor again, roaring wordlessly as he rose his silver sword.

As the two clashed, Sleipnir gave a slight smile, his eyes flicking over his shoulder even as he remarked calmly to the Lich King: “Well, at least not all of this shall be for naught. Thy servant is giving my partner a well-needed challenge... and much as it pains me that we must be enemies, at least some good will come of it.”

“No 'good' will come of this because you are about to die.” the Lich King hissed, leaning down and glaring balefully at Sleipnir as he strode down from his throne, fearlessly striding forwards to stand almost nose-to-nose with the earth pony, who blinked and looked awkwardly down at the unicorn. “Do you know what you are dealing with? Do you know who I am? I have wandered Equestria for five hundred years and I will not allow you to ruin everything that I have worked for!”

“Oh? I also wandered Equestria for a sum of years quite similar to that. See how much we have in common already, friend?” Sleipnir asked pleasantly, and the Lich stared blankly up at him before the earth pony childishly patted the Lich's head, knocking his crown aslant. “We should put aside these petty differences and follies, and-”

The Lich King slammed a hoof into Sleipnir's breast... then whimpered and drew it quickly back, shaking it hurriedly with a look of disbelief as the earth pony smiled benevolently, reaching up to calmly pat his breastplate. “Aye, I apologize. I have blessed and purified mine most beloved armor many times. I fear it may cause thee some difficulties. Another reason for us to put aside this quarrel, though, is it not?”

Auros' horn began to glow as he leaned up with a snarl, and then he stared in horror when Sleipnir simply reached up and calmly grasped the spire, the Lich King's magic whiffing out before he whined and began to wildly shake his head back and forth, but Sleipnir only grinned roguishly as he said cheerfully: “Now, normally 'tis not that part of a stallion that causes them to panic so when I grip into it! Now do not get so excited, Lich King, I fear that if thy horn goes off 'twill still be quite a bang!”

Sleipnir laughed at his own joke, and the Lich King snarled in fury before he reached up and shoved himself free, glaring at the stallion before he shouted angrily: “I will not be made a fool of like this! You are nothing to me, absolutely nothing, earth pony, and it's time that you learned your place!”

He slashed his horn forwards, and Sleipnir grimaced as a telekinetic hammer smashed into him, knocking him back a step as the Lich King stared in disbelief. Then Sleipnir simply rolled his shoulders before saying gently: “My sisters would say I am too generous, but... I suppose I have always felt even more than they, that there is no greater gift to give than mercy. I would like to give thee that precious gift, Auros. Surrender whilst there is still time: I have faith thou can mend thy ways.”

The Lich King continued to stare before he shook his head slowly, grinding his teeth together before he snarled: “No! You... I won't... I won't be fooled by you, I... I will not be pitied by a miserable slave hoof! I'll kill you!”

Auros reared back, his horn taking on a terrible, dark gleam that made his gaunt features monstrous... and then the glow died out from around his horn as he gave a weak hurk of pain, his eyes bulging, his body trembling violently as he dropped limply forwards to hang over Sleipnir's forelimb, the earth pony's hoof buried deep into his stomach as the warrior said gently: “Thou cannot fight me if thou art too busy fighting thine own fears.”

Then Sleipnir lightly lobbed the Lich King into the air before slamming his other hoof into the undead unicorn, sending him hurtling backwards to crash into his throne, the huge, golden chair screaming against the floor as it slid backwards into the wall. The Lich King himself lay in a broken, whimpering heap, staring with disbelief as Sleipnir rolled his head on his shoulders before winking. “Now come! Try again now! If thou art to fight me, thou must fight with all thou has!”

The Lich King snarled in fury and desperation, his body trembling with fear before he shoved himself out of his throne. He overbalanced slightly, wincing as he looked down at the deep imprints left in his body from Sleipnir's hooves, but these were already healing... or perhaps a better word for the process was 'resetting,' as his body stayed visibly bruised and flayed even as his form tried to take back its natural shape.

Sleipnir readied himself, and he didn't flinch even as there was a resounding boom behind him and a cry of pain. He had faith in Blueblood: more faith, perhaps, than the prince had in himself as he was sent skidding backwards again.

But Blue managed to catch himself, breathing hard and trembling in pain, but raising his sword gamely and preparing himself again all the same. The Chancellor, meanwhile, had his head lowered as he breathed hard in and out, his eyes glowing with fury as his horn sparked with magic.

The magewight flexed, then rose his head before roaring and snapping his horn upwards to create three blades of energy that hovered ominously in the air above his head, before the Chancellor slammed his hooves into the ground as he snapped his horn forwards. Blueblood gritted his teeth as the blades began to shoot at him even as he felt the hostile energy beneath his hooves...

He dodged to the side at the last moment, and a fissure exploded in the earth where he had been standing, venting up poisonous steam as a blade of energy whickered narrowly past. Then Blueblood's sword lashed up, revolving sharply twice to smash apart the other two blades of energy before he snarled and charged forwards again.

The Chancellor snarled at him, eyes blazing as his horn crackled with energy and he roared: “Don't you ever learn?”

The magewight snapped his horn forwards, sending out a powerful shockwave of lightning and raw magic force, but this time Blueblood skidded to a halt before he gritted his teeth and anchored himself, bringing his sword up to try and absorb some of the magical malice.

He was knocked stumbling back a step as pain ripped across his body, but then he caught himself and looked up, his eyes widening as he saw his chance: and with that, everything else was washed away as the Chancellor struggled to raise his own head, trying to drag himself backwards, but he was too drained from the exertion to focus-

Blueblood gave a raw yell as he leapt forwards and slashed his sword down, hewing deep into the magewight's neck, and the Chancellor gave a strangled scream before he yanked himself backwards as he slashed his horn wildly out, but it was the sudden blast of reeking, toxic mist from the wound that made Blue stagger hurriedly backwards, yanking his sword with him.

The magewight was left gasping, the wound bloodless but leaking a strange blue ichor and toxic smog. He groaned weakly, dropping his head to the side, and the wound visibly ripped a little further as cracked and damaged vertebrae were exposed, Blueblood feeling nausea run through his system as he stared in horror... before trembling and stepping backwards when the magewight's head slowly rolled towards him and his eyes opened to look at him with undiluted hatred, the undead unicorn hissing: “You are going to pay for that, mortal...”

Blueblood trembled but set himself, raising his sword defensively before his eyes widened as he felt the crackle of power even before the Chancellor's horn glowed. The prince leapt sideways a moment before a blast of toxic mist streaked through the air, moving with the force of a cannonball and narrowly missing the stallion.

A second cannonball of poisonous energies shot at him, and Blueblood winced as he sidestepped again before the Chancellor drew his head back, growling as his horn glowed: “Stay still!”

The magewight snapped his horn back and forth, ignoring the stress he was putting on his own wound, the crackle of bone, the ripping of flesh: he was focused only on trying to hurt this stallion as much as possible as he sent blade after blade of malicious energy at the unicorn. But Blueblood dodged the first two, then slashed his silver sword back and forth even as he flinched at the shocks of energy that were released every time he smashed a crescent of magic out of the air.

The Chancellor snarled in fury, eyes glowing with rage before he snapped his head viciously forwards and sent another powerful blast of toxic mist at the stallion, but Blue ducked beneath this before his eyes widened as the magewight reared back, roaring: “You can't run from me forever!”

His horn and eyes glowed with hellish light before he lashed his head forwards, unleashing a tremendous, thunderous blast of blue hellfire... but the massive boulder of magic went slightly off kilter as the recoil blasted back over the Chancellor, and he was left gaping stupidly as his head tore free from his shoulders and was launched through the air, flipping erratically before it crashed down with a wet, sickening thud behind his still-standing body.

Blueblood barely had to stagger to the side as the boulder of magic force slammed into the vault doors that guarded the throne room, knocking them ajar. Fortunate for him, since he was gaping at the sight of the headless corpse as it slowly settled to its hooves, then stood for a few calm moments before its legs buckled beneath it, and then it simply fell forwards.

Immediately, the corpse began to steam violently, rapidly rotting away to nothing but reeking, toxic mist as the Chancellor gargled and foamed at the jaws, mouthing wordlessly before the light in his eyes stuttered, then died out as he gave a weak, broken sigh. And a moment later, the magewight's head burst into blue flames, in mere seconds charring away into ash and toxic mist that quickly faded from sight.

“N-No!” the Lich King cried out, staring stupidly at the ashes and smears on the floor that were all that remained of his Chancellor as he took his eyes off Sleipnir, and then Auros snarled before his horn began to glow as he shouted: “I'll destroy you for-”

And then a hoof grabbed his horn, and the Lich King had a moment to look stupidly up before a second hoof slammed into his skull: there was a bright, terrible flare of agony, and then the Lich King staggered backwards with a scream, shaking his head wildly as blood burst over his face and a horrible sensation of losing something wrenched through him...

Auros stumbled, then collapsed on his side in a broken heap, trembling and breathing hard as his features became sallow and ancient, his robes hanging loose now over an emaciated body as his crown tumbled down to bounce down the steps and roll slowly over the ground. The Lich King blinked weakly a few times... and then he looked slowly, disbelievingly up to see Sleipnir standing calmly over him... and in one hoof, the earth pony held his horn.

The Lich King mouthed wordlessly as Blueblood stared in shock, and then Sleipnir simply tossed the horn away as it began to steam and smolder. Auros immediately whimpered and leapt for it, scrambling uselessly after it... but far too late, as a moment later, the horn began to rot rapidly away to nothing, the undead pony whispering: “N-No, no, oh no...”

“Now calm down, friend. I know thou art a Lich and I know it will regenerate. But I cannot have thee threatening my partner, can I?” Sleipnir asked reasonably, and the Lich King looked blankly up at the earth pony before he whimpered and leaned back when the enormous stallion thrust a hoof towards him, but then Sleipnir only huffed. “Oh, cease that. I am not going to harm thee more than thou forces mine hoof, I would have thought that obvious by now.”

The Lich King stayed fearfully on his stomach, only staring with terror up at Sleipnir before the earth pony finally sighed tiredly and drew his hoof back, looking mildly down at the stallion. “Oh, fine. Be that way, great fool. But if I wished to harm thee, I would be much more straightforwards about it. I would not play mind games with thee. I do not wish to hurt thee.”

“You just tore off my horn! M-My horn, my precious horn!” Auros howled, staring up with fear and horror and fury at Sleipnir. “How can you say any of that? Y-You... you monster!”

The earth pony only smiled and shrugged easily, replying kindly: “Well, aye. But thou art a Lich, art thou not? 'Twill regenerate.”

One of the Lich King's eyes twitched at this, and then he shoved himself up to his hooves and shouted: “So just because my body will heal, you think it's perfectly acceptable to maim me however you please, is that it?”

“Well, again. Thou wert threatening my friend. I would not have done such harms upon thy head if thou had not started this conflict in the first place.” Sleipnir said reasonably, gesturing pointedly at the Lich King with one hoof, and the undead unicorn snarled before wincing and shrinking back when Sleipnir firmly pushed a hoof against his nose. “And I feel that I am being perfectly reasonable right now, especially when I inform thee that I find thy tone rather... unpleasant.”

“O-Of course.” Auros swallowed thickly, shrinking down in front of the enormous earth pony before he gave a weak grin, nervously reaching up to rub at the gaping hole in his skull... which made Blueblood feel a little ill as he tried to draw his eyes away, shivering a bit. “You know, I... this was all a big misunderstanding, wasn't it?”

“Aye, I think 'twas.” Sleipnir said amiably, smiling as he sat back before asking gently: “Now. Need I fear further attack by thee or any of thine?”

The Lich King hurriedly shook his head, whimpering a bit as he looked back and forth: at the empty court benches, at the damage that had been done to his once-magnificent throne room, at the smoldering remains of the Chancellor and the bubbling puddle that had once been his own horn. “N-No! No, certainly not! That... that would be silly, and... I have truly seen the error of my ways and-”

“There is no need to lie, Auros, simply be honest with me and I shall be honest with thou. That is all.” Sleipnir said mildly, looking pointedly at the Lich King, who swallowed thickly and nodding fearfully a few times. “I do not expect for thou to turn over some brand new leaf, after all... although 'twould be rather nice if thou did. I do not know what thy true goals in this place are, but I do know that thou shan't achieve a noble end through subjugation and bondage.”

The Lich King only grimaced as he looked away... then winced when Sleipnir reached up and grasped his shoulder, forcing him to look back at the enormous earth pony. “Aye, I know my counsels are unpleasant to thy ears. But perhaps that is precisely the proof that thou should listen to them.”

Auros grumbled under his breath, lowering his head and looking distinctly sulky before he flinched a little as he saw three skeletons had poked their heads in through the open doors. Immediately, he attempted to snap his horn down... and then he shook his head wildly before wincing as he remembered his horn was gone before he shouted in a strangled voice: “Get out! G-Get out!”

The trio of skeletons flinched, but didn't retreat: instead, they leaned in further as the Lich King awkwardly tried to hide behind Sleipnir and cover his head, whimpering. The enormous earth pony only glanced curiously over his shoulder, then he turned a smile back towards the Lich King, who whimpered weakly again before whispering fearfully: “P-Please, you have to get them out of here, I... I c-can't be seen like this!”

Sleipnir only shrugged a little as Lock, Shock, and Barrel looked with confusion between themselves. Blueblood looked woriredly back at the three, then turned his uneasy eyes towards the Lich King as he pleaded: “I'll... I'll do anything! A-Anything!”

“Well, 'twould be very helpful if thou would tell where thy stores of crystal are kept.” Sleipnir said gently, and the Lich King nodded hurriedly as he looked up at Sleipnir with terror. “But thou knows that thou cannot simply hide in here forever. And of course, 'tis a little difficult to extend too much trust to thou at this point. So instead... aye, I know!”

Sleipnir brightened as Blueblood uneasily looked over his shoulder at Lock, Shock, and Barrel, who were now nervously standing in the throne room and trying to peer past Sleipnir. Then the trio of skeletons winced when the earth pony spun around and said cheerfully: “I require thy aid, friends. I assume thou knows where the stores of crystal are kept, aye?”

“Uh... well, yeah...” Lock said hesitantly, shifting nervously on the spot as he leaned slowly to the right to try and peer around Sleipnir.

“Sure, no problem. But uh... hey, is he...” Shock began almost anxiously, leaning to the left and cocking her head curiously.

“Dead?” supplied Barrel, and then he shrugged when the other two skeletons gave him pointed looks, and he rubbed at his face awkwardly. “I mean, dead-dead. Not just... dead.”

Sleipnir turned back around to the Lich King and peered at him, but Auros was curled up in a trembling pile at the stallion's hooves, wheezing loudly for breath before he whispered loudly: “Get them out of here! I... I can't be seen like this! T-Tell them that... tell them that I beat you and I... I am going to take the next week to rest!”

“Why?” Sleipnir asked with honest curiosity, and the Lich King's jaw fell open as he struggled to find an answer, before the earth pony simply nodded and reached up to pat his head benevolently. “There, there. Fear not, all shall be well.”

The earth pony gently grasped the Lich King by the scruff of the neck, lifting the horrific undead monster like he was a foal, and Auros whimpered and curled up before staring with horror as Sleipnir turned around and gently deposited him in front of the three skeletons, who all stared with amazement at the sight of their ruler. “I fear we had a slight disagreement, but thy lord and master is still alive and fairly well.”

The Lich King flushed in fear and fury as he tried to cover the hole in his head, curling up in a terrified little ball before he whimpered out: “Y-You aren't allowed to be in here! G-Get out! Get out!”

But Lock, Shock, and Barrel were all only leaning forwards in fascination, and there was silence for a few moments before Sleipnir said gently: “I will ask the three of thee to lead me to where the crystals and gems are stored. Lich King, thou shall walk with us. 'Tis what is safest, after all: if we leave thee here, who knows what evils may befall thy head when more learn of thy... difficulties?”

The Lich King whimpered in terror, looking up at Sleipnir and shaking his head violently as he clutched compulsively at his amulet. “N-No! I can't go out there, I can't-”

And then Sleipnir reached out and snatched the amulet off the Lich King's head, and the undead unicorn stared for a moment before making a squealing sound like a kettle, grabbing wildly at this. But Sleipnir only childishly held the amulet up above his head out and out of reach, ignoring Auros as he scrambled back and forth, grabbing wildly at the jewelry as Blueblood stared in disbelief.

“Well, if thou insists. But I fear I must bring this, then, to ensure thou does not try anything silly...” Sleipnir looked meditatively down at the Lich as he attempted to crawl up him like a ladder, and then he simply shrugged him off before asking mildly: “Why would thou wear thine own phylactery? Truly, art thou that foolish, or that fearful?”

“I... I'm neither! It... it just... it enhances my powers, it's... I mean...” The Lich King suddenly cleared his throat, stepping backwards and looking nervously over his shoulder at the three skeletons, who were all peering at him suspiciously. “I mean, uh. It's nothing important, I really don't...”

“Oh, good. Then thou shan't mind if I do this?” And with that, Sleipnir cheerfully tossed the amulet in the air, then caught it in his mouth, Blueblood staring in disbelief as the Lich King paled, looking up at the earth pony with absolute horror as he said positively around the amulet: “It tastes of malign magic, and yet... 'tis rather sweet, for all of that.”

He suckled on it like it was a lollipop, and the Lich King squealed and grabbed wildly at the amulet, but Sleipnir simply reared back out of the way, then huffed and bit down when the Lich King snagged the chain and yanked wildly on it. But Sleipnir firmly jerked his own head back, growling like a dog before he suddenly jerked firmly and twisted his head, and the Lich King was yanked off his hooves to land with a splat on his face in front of the stallion, the amulet's thin chain snapping and dangling loosely from one side of the pendant.

There was an uncomfortable silence for a few moments broken only by the whimpering of the undead unicorn, and then Sleipnir finally spat out the amulet into one hoof. The Lich King looked up immediately, then he winced when the earth pony simply tucked this away beneath his breastplate, saying mildly: “I shall be keeping this for now. And 'tis up to thee whether or not thou shall stay here or come with us, but I think 'twould be much more in thine interests to come with us.”

The Lich King shrank a bit, and Blueblood frowned, his sword nervously flicking back beside him before he approached Sleipnir and asked quietly: “What are you doing?”

“Trust in me.” Sleipnir said gently, and Blue grimaced before wincing when Sleipnir reached up and carefully touched the wounded side of his face. “Damnation, Blue, this still throbs with malign magic... we shall have to purify this later. But for now, come along: Lock, Shock, Barrel, lead us onwards to where the crystal is stored.”

The trio of skeletons all saluted Sleipnir awkwardly, then spun around, gossiping eagerly between themselves. The Lich King whimpered on the ground, but then stumbled to his hooves when Sleipnir poked him a few times before he started forwards, dropping his head miserably and looking like a prisoner as the earth pony strode benevolently along after the stallion.

Blueblood hesitated a moment, then shrugged before following last, keeping his silver sword at the ready. His nervousness only grew as they entered the stone tunnels and found plenty of undead were already waiting for them, skeletons shifting back and forth and armored guard half-stepping forwards... but Sleipnir leaned forwards and muttered something to the Lich King, and Auros winced before saying hurriedly: “Everyone... everyone stay back!”

Most of the skeletons ignored him, but the guard listened at least, staying out of their way. Blueblood kept himself at the ready all the same, though, feeling his nervousness growing as the horde of undead slowly began to march after them, following in their wake not just with curiosity, but some growing feeling of... was that bitter justice? Gleeful retribution?

Blue swallowed thickly as they made their way slowly onwards, feeling like this could only end terribly as Lock, Shock, and Barrel whispered between themselves at the front of the group. The Lich King looked nervously back and forth as Sleipnir only continued to smile calmly, as if he had everything under control.

They eventually reached a large, heavy door, and the trio halted in front of this as the Lich King mumbled something about his treasures. Sleipnir studied the armored door thoughtfully, and then he said easily over his shoulder: “Thou shall wait out here, Blue, with Auros and our companions. I will be but a moment, and then I shall return.”

Blueblood winced, but then he nodded nervously as he strode uneasily over to the Lich King and then turned around. Auros half-hid behind him, whimpering a little, as Lock, Shock, and Barrel continued to mutter amongst themselves on one side, and the ring of undead slowly closed in around them, looking strangely eager now as they whispered amongst themselves...

“P-P-Please... you have to protect me...” whispered the Lich King fearfully, and Blue frowned over his shoulder as Auros half-clung to him, whimpering weakly. “They... they'll know that I'm vulnerable without my h-horn, you... you don't understand...”

Blueblood only turned his eyes back ahead, doing his best to ignore the undead unicorn before a voice suddenly shouted from the crowd: “Give him up!”

There was silence for a moment, and then another voice whispered: “Give him to us... walk away! The Lich King is... the Lich King is fallen!”

“The Lich King is ours...” rasped another voice, and Blueblood could hear... the pain, the fury, the hatred in it as it added roughly: “Let us take from him... everything he took from us...”

“His drones won't protect him for long... get away, living ponies... get away, leave with our thanks for bringing the Lich King to his knees, but leave him here with us... let him suffer at our claws, as we suffered for so long under his hooves...”

Blueblood looked back and forth, breathing hard: there were so many. Skeletons, fleshier undead, other thralls and creatures that Blueblood couldn't identify. All of the prince's worst fears, nightmares made real, standing in a slowly-closing ring... and Blueblood clenched his eyes shut before he suddenly rose his head and said as clearly and loudly as he could: “The Lich King... for now, he's under our protection!”

There were hisses and growls at this, but the undead all hesitated, and it took Blueblood a moment to realize why: it was because they were afraid. And although it seemed ridiculous that these monsters were scared of him, the prince realized a moment later that all these undead knew was that these two stallions had marched in, destroyed one of the Lich King's monsters, then taken down the entire undead court by themselves.

Of course they were afraid. If the Lich King had ruled through his power, keeping all his undead servants afraid of him, then what must he and Sleipnir look like to these poor drones? Blueblood could only imagine as he shook his head briefly before he frowned uncertainly as the crowd shifted a little closer.

Afraid or not, though, they were also angry... and likely saw an opportunity that might not ever come again for them: a chance to take their revenge on the tyrant who had lorded over them for so long. It was making them braver, and Blueblood grimaced as he wondered uneasily what he was even supposed to do as the mob of undead inched forwards, little-by-little...

And then Sleipnir came back out of the storage room, smiling as he looked back and forth before saying cheerfully: “Excellent news, my friend! 'Twas a grand supply of processed crystal, in most wondrous condition. It should prove most useful for our purposes.”

Blueblood gave an uneasy smile, and then he gestured nervously outwards at the crowd of undead before Sleipnir calmly dropped a hoof on the Lich King's shoulder, looking down at him with a smile. Auros looked up at them weakly, whimpering a little, and then the earth pony said gently: “A strong king is not one who rules through fear and tyranny. No matter what thy true vision was, Auros, thou must reap what thou sows... and iron hooves and tyranny can only beget bloodshed.”

“I... I just wanted... but...” Auros looked fearfully up at the crowd of undead, and then he trembled as he fell backwards, saying weakly: “P-Please! All I wanted was what was best for... for all of us! A... a kingdom, we... we would have become...”

The crowd of undead growled, and Blueblood could feel the anger and the aggression as they started to close in again. The prince knew there was no way they could stop them all: not even with Sleipnir's strength and talent, and yet at the same time, the earth pony was smiling...

“Friends!” Sleipnir shouted suddenly, surprising all present into looking at him and listening. “I ask all of thee today for the most difficult of gifts to give: I ask all of thee today to show mercy to this broken crown, this fallen king. All of thee, I look upon as people, and so I ask of thee to seek thy justice as a people, not as monsters. Jail him, put him to trial, and punish him however thou must, but do not strike him down here and now, while he is weak and vulnerable and beaten!”

There was silence for a few moments, and then a voice shouted brazenly from the crowd: “He would never show us that mercy! He made us act like... like ants! He killed our friends!”

“He's a murderer! He's worse than a murderer, bringing back the dead to serve him, stealing the minds of ponies who disagreed with him!” howled another voice, and there were roars of agreement as Sleipnir looked calmly back and forth.

“I believe thy words. I believe that he has done this, and worse. And yet all the same, I ask thee: show him mercy.” Sleipnir said calmly, and the undead shifted and shouted and swore at him, but the earth pony only smiled calmly and gestured towards the Lich King. “If thee and thine destroy him, what will it accomplish? 'Twill only make all of thee look like the monsters I see that none of thee wish to be. Look at thyselves! Just because thou art trapped in such a shape, does not mean thou must play the role of beast!”

Some of the undead uneasily looked down at themselves, but others were only snarling, one of them stepping forwards and snapping: “What do you know about us? Or about what he's done? You can't begin to understand the pain he's caused here, how we all had to toil away in his perfect, pretty little kingdom like dogs!”

The earth pony only chuckled quietly, and then he replied gently: “Aye, but if he is destroyed, then what will this accomplish? Truly, will any of thee feel better? Or will this only be the beginning of a cycle of death and suffering, as the Lich King will simply rise anew?”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Sleipnir said softly: “Nay. His death shall bring none of thee any joy. I do not ask for his mercy for his sake... I ask for his mercy for the sake of all of thee. So that all of thee may pick up the ruins of his kingdom and make it thine own prosperous nation. So that none of thee will be fooled into thinking anything at all was accomplished by thine act of vengeance. For more years than I can count, we ponies have killed each other, and then realized too late that it brings nothing but more heartache and sorrow. I do not desire to see this repeated yet again.”

Some of the undead shifted, and others snarled, refusing to be swayed, trembling with malice and hatred. And then Sleipnir lowered his head for a moment before he said gently: “But there is another option. Send him into exile: his court is demolished, and his supporters are few and far between. Thou may have both thy mercy and thy justice this way, and be secure in the knowledge he shan't ever trouble thee again. And believe me: once he is gone out of thy sight and mind, thou shall feel better for it.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then the Lich King trembled, dropping himself low and pleading in a broken voice to the glaring crowd: “P-Please... just... just let me go, I... I promise. I'll do anything any of you ask... I'll... I'll free each and every one of you from servitude, I'll let the other prisoners go, I'll... I'll do anything...”

For a long few moments, there was only uncomfortable silence... and then Lock finally said quietly: “He's pretty lame. I mean, look at him. He's pathetic.”

Shock hesitated, then agreed in a grudging voice: “Yeah. And I think he should definitely hand over the keys to the kingdom, but... killing him...”

“Exile?” Barrel asked, and the other two skeletons nodded firmly. “Exile.”

The Lich King rose his head, staring hopefully at the crowd of undead... and finally, there was a rumble from the group before a voice said moodily: “He... he has to release all his drones from servitude, and he has to release all the prisoners from the dungeon, and he has to turn off all his magic traps. Then he leaves and he never, ever comes back.”

“We shall stay here and ensure that all goes according to thy wishes.” Sleipnir said kindly, and Blueblood groaned, but nodded moodily after a moment. He looked nervously out over the group of undead, but Sleipnir only smiled down at the prince, slapping him gently on the back. “Fear not, my friend. All shall be well.”

Blueblood only hoped that Sleipnir's endless optimism was proven right... and that none of the undead were going to change their mind before they got out of this strange little kingdom.