• Published 2nd Jul 2014
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Letters to Luna - Minds Eye

Princess Luna collects letters detailing Equestrian lore.

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Mother Moon

Dear Princess Luna,

Forgive me for this audacity, but ever since you tasked me with sorting these tales, this story would not leave me. It is a legend that has been passed down through my tribe for untold generations. The tale concerns an earth stallion seeking to understand the ways of the moon. A silly thing now, but I can picture the scene: the ponies would gather around the fire on a moonless night, before they understood the truth of the cosmos and unicorn magic, and listen as their elder told them why the moon would choose to turn away from them. I humbly submit it to your collection, pending your approval of course.

Mind's Eye, Chamberlain to the Princess of the Night

Now the hour has come again, this darkest of nights. Now again we gather 'round, safe with our fire, for the fire is our protection. The wolves may howl, the manticore may roar, the panther may prowl, but only the pony may burn.

Burn we must, for Father Sun takes his rest. Burn we must, to avoid the clash of fang and claw against hoof. The warning of daylight has left our eyes, and the children of darkness play in the starlight. And where is Mother Moon, you ask? Where is her light? Why does she turn away from her children?

Listen, then, to the tale of Earth Mound.

On one moonless night years ago, Earth Mound stood watch over his clan. As he kept the fire burning, watching the gleaming eyes of the beasts beyond its glow, he thought of Mother Moon's abandonment. Why does she allow the beasts to crowd around her children? While he was not the first to have the thought, he was the first that determined to find the answer.

He spoke to his mare the next day. "I will go to Mother Moon. I will find out why she turns away from us."

She answered, "You would turn away from your clan to find out why the great Mother Moon does the same? You are so arrogant as to think Mother Moon will answer you? Wait one day, and stay this madness."

He said to her, "For you, I will wait."

Earth Mound stayed in his hut with his mare that night, unburdened from his duty. Still, the beasts of the night haunted his dreams. At daybreak, he set out to find Mother Moon, and this time, his mare could not stop him.

He traveled alone, heading east to meet Mother Moon as she began her climb into the sky. The first day took him into a vast forest, and Earth Mound climbed a tall tree before nightfall. He raised his voice to the stars, but Mother Moon did not answer him.

The second day of his travels brought him to the foot of a great mountain. Earth Mound climbed for days to reach the summit, and Mother Moon's face began to show again when he reached the top. Again, he raised his voice to the night sky, and again, there was no answer.

Earth Mound climbed down the mountain and came to a lush valley. He rested until the night that Mother Moon's face was half seen. This time, he called from the valley, hoping the rock of the mountains would carry his voice to her ears. Only his echo answered him.

Undaunted, he pushed on to the east. He did not call again, waiting for the night when Mother Moon's face was full. That night found him in the middle of empty plains as far as his eyes could see. The stars blanketed the earth, and Mother Moon's silver day bathed the world in its light. Earth Mound smiled and called at the top of his voice.

And he waited.

And he waited.

And he waited.

Mother Moon did not answer him.

Earth Mound fell to the ground in despair. He lay in the field until sleep took him, sending him back to his clan and his mare. She welcomed him home as a hero, yet he knew he failed. He found no rest in his dream, and when morning came, he resolved to follow his path east.

He traveled by day, calling out in desperation each night. Each night sent him to a disappointed sleep, where his mare waited for him. Her welcome changed as time went on. The joy on her face at his return gradually became tears. Their warm embrace turned tight and fearful. The dreams were pushed out of mind each morning, and he pressed on until he could go no further.

The final day of his journey brought him to the edge of a high cliff. The sea spread out before him, uniting with the sky in the distance. He looked to his left and saw only water, with no way across. He looked to his right and saw only water, with no way across. There he waited for nightfall, when Mother Moon's face was once again turned away from the world.

For the final time, he called out to her.

For the first time, she answered him.

Foolish child, why do you continue calling to me?

"Mother Moon, why do you turn your face away from your children like this? Do you not know that the ponies fear the night?"

Foolish child, I know what you seek from me. I felt it in your dreams, and I will answer your question after you answer mine. Why do you continue calling to me?

"To hear your answer. Why else would I continue?"

Why did you not stop? Do you not miss your mare as she misses you?

She knew his dreams. If that was true..."Mother Moon, did you put her in my dreams to stop me?"

Foolish child, I joined your dreams. As you called to me, I heard her call for you. Did you not see the joy she felt at your return? Why did you not go back? Your place is at her side.

"The clan is with her. They-"

There is a life within her.

Earth Mound was struck dumb.

Your final night together will bear fruit. She fears a future without you, and your place is at her side. Foolish child, what will you do?

"I must go back to her." Soft laughter filled his ears.

Then know this, child, and be foolish no longer. As your place is with her, my place is here. I turn away from your world so I might face another. Your child grows, Earth Mound, and I will guide it to you. Care for the body, and I will care for the spirit.

"You know my child?"

My night witnesses the union of stallion and mare. Mine is also the realm of dreams, and until you wake from your mother, dream is all you do. And you return to me every night, telling me all your hopes and fears. Father Sun may watch you grow, but it is to your Mother Moon that you bare your soul. I know all of my children this way, and though I turn my face, I can never turn away my thoughts.

Earth Mound bowed his head in reverence to his mother. "I will go back to the clan. I will tell them what you told me. We will not doubt you again, Mother Moon."

Go then, child, and know that I love you. Though I may leave for a time, I will always return.

Earth Mound went home to his clan and told them his tale. When his daughter was born, she was named Starlight to honor the nights Mother Moon spent with her. His story was soon passed from clan to clan so all might hear and know the Mother's words. Though she must leave us for a time, her love will always bring her back to us.