• Published 30th Jun 2014
  • 3,824 Views, 191 Comments

Burnt Orange Juice - Mike the Red

"Why can't I cook anything without burning it? I can't even pour orange juice without it coming out burnt!"

  • ...

A Steep Learning Curve

I discovered the disturbing fact that anything I tried to cook would automatically burn -- my first attempt resulted in Twilight and Spike giggling and laughing at me, even after I had explained to them that I was able to cook stuff in my home world without it burning. A second attempt was a failure, despite my serious attempt to control the heat level -- even the lowest setting still caused the food to burn. The third time, I didn't even turn on the stove and the food still burned! This caused Twilight and Spike to express their shock and surprise that this would happen.

"It's like I'm cursed or something," I mused aloud as the drake fanned the smoke out the kitchen window.

"I may have to consult with the Princess on this matter -- the same thing happens to Sweetie Belle at the boutique," Twilight added, though she continued to giggle at my frustration.

"I remember you mentioning something about that earlier -- I wonder how Sweetie Belle would react to seeing a duplicate of herself," I opined softly. Twilight had poured me a glass of juice which I took a sip from at this point.

"She'd probably want you to help her pull a prank on Diamond Tiara," the librarian replied nonchalantly. I raised my eyebrows at this and let out a soft chuckle.

"Yeah, but -- I've heard she's a meanie. There's a part of me that wants to teach her a lesson in humility, but -- in my home world, there've been people like that, and it doesn't matter how hard you beat them over the head with an object lesson, they remain set in their ways, their minds closed to new ideas or new information," I explained. "People can change -- perhaps ponies can, too."

"Did I just hear that come out of your mouth, Sweetie Belle?" Spike asked, his face showing extreme surprise.

"You missed out on our earlier conversation, Spike -- Michael may look like Sweetie Belle, but -- he's almost 50 years old! Do I have to explain to you what happened to him last night?" asked Twilight, showing a bit of exasperation at the drake.

"It's gonna take me awhile to wrap my head around the idea that -- this Sweetie Belle -- is from -- where did you say you were from again?"

"Where I came from, we called it Earth -- in other places, it's called by other names, depending on the language," I replied nonchalantly, smiling softly at the drake. "I must admit to some curiosity to see Sweetie's reaction to seeing me."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Michael -- what if you get mistaken for her? Keep in mind that some ponies still remember the changeling invasion -- that's why Spike mistook you for one -- so we need to be careful," Twilight advised, though she wore a smile as well as she hypothesized the reaction not only of Sweetie Belle but Rarity as well.

"I wonder what Scootaloo and Apple Bloom would think of two Sweetie Belles," I chuckled as my mood seemed to be improving. "Besides, I don't think even Chrysalis herself could scare me as far as the changelings go."

"Don't joke about that! What if she were to show up right now? How would you defeat her?" Twilight asked in exasperation.

"I'd put her on the stove and try to cook her," I replied, giggling a little. "She wouldn't be able to do much if she were burnt to a crisp."

"I hadn't thought of that -- it might actually work -- it might also make her very angry," the librarian offered, chuckling slightly.

"I'd pay good money to see that, though!" Spike laughed.

"Yeah, no. Let's not tempt fate any more than we have to," Twilight responded. I finished my juice at this point.

"I'm too short in this body to rinse out and clean the glass," I observed, giving Spike an almost apologetic look.

"Yeah, yeah, I've got it, Sweetie -- I mean, Michael -- hey, do you prefer to be called Mike?"

I snorted in mild amusement. "Yeah, I guess you can call me Mike, if you feel like it. Most people in my home world called me that, and I don't see why it shouldn't be the same here, except that I'm in a filly's body...I don't know how long it's gonna take me to get used to trotting around like this -- I hate being two feet tall," I grumbled.

"Perhaps Princess Celestia can work a little magic on you, Mike," Twilight offered, grinning broadly at me.

"Don't get my hopes up, Twilight," I replied glumly as I sat on my hocks again and rubbed my temples in frustration. The mare trotted over to me slowly and sat beside me, giving me a soft smile.

"Don't let it get you down, Mike -- you wanted to come here and now you are. What did you plan on doing when you got here?"

"I dunno -- I was kinda hoping I'd be returned to my eighth birthday in my home world -- it was a happier time for me and I wanted to enjoy being young again. But -- I was torn -- and I couldn't decide on what I really wanted. Now that I'm here, I don't know what I should do. I'm open to suggestions," I replied.

"How much do you know about Equestria? About Ponyville? I know I had to teach you a little for you to use magic ... Perhaps I should take you to the school? If you know as much about Equestria as you did about magic, you have much to learn about our world," the librarian offered.

"That means I'd have to interact with the other colts and fillies in the school -- and because I have no cutie mark, I'd get called a blank flank -- I've been called worse, to be sure. The only problem I see with that is how would my classmates react to seeing two Sweetie Belles? And considering how old I already am, I'm not sure if that's such a good idea. Perhaps you could be my personal tutor, Twilight?" I asked, flashing her a big toothy grin, my eyes wide and bright.

"Hmmmm. I don't think I've been given the opportunity to be a teacher -- I've sat in on a few classes as an observer, but -- let me think on it awhile, Mike," she replied softly, returning my grin with a demure smile. "I'm pleased to know you regard me so highly, though."

"You're the mare with the answers, Twi -- back in my home world, my co-workers sometimes called me the Answer Man because I knew so much stuff. Now that I'm here, I know next to nothing -- and I'll have to learn everything all over again."

"Aren't you insterested in learning everything you can about a place you've only dreamed of? If I were in your hooves, I'd be excited to learn as much as I could about your home world! You have the chance of a lifetime here! Tell you what -- you teach me what you can about your home world and I can be your personal tutor!"

I gave the librarian a sincere smile and raised my right forehoof. "You've got a deal, Twilight! Hoofbump!" I exclaimed gleefully.

"What's that for? I'm your tutor now, and the first rule is this -- I don't do hoofbumps with my students!" she admonished.