• Published 30th Jun 2014
  • 3,829 Views, 191 Comments

Burnt Orange Juice - Mike the Red

"Why can't I cook anything without burning it? I can't even pour orange juice without it coming out burnt!"

  • ...

Ice Cream

We continued to trot along a path, earning a few curious stares from other ponies when they noticed what appeared to be two Sweetie Belles. I cast a few nervous glances around while we trotted towards the boutique, discussing what was to be done next. Our attention was diverted by a rather peculiar scene involving a certain blonde-maned grey pegasus, her voice sounding almost hurt as she tried to explain to her supervisor about not knowing what had gone wrong.

"Um, is that Derpy?" I asked as I stopped to watch her supervisor fire her on the spot, the mare sobbing about needing the job to buy food for her and her daughter Dinky.

"Aurora, darling, it's not polite to call her by that name," Rarity chided.

"Her name is Ditzy Doo, Aurora," Sweetie Belle added softly so as not to be heard by the pegasus.

"You lost a piano, Ditzy! My company can't replace it!" the supervisor shouted at her, causing her to cry out in anguish and fly away. "Don't come back!" he shouted at her retreating form.

"That's kinda harsh," I noted as I glanced at the brown stallion before returning my attention to Rarity. "I suppose I should thank Ditzy for helping me, but it came a bit too late to keep me from being bullied."

"What's done is done, Aurora -- and I would like to apologize for sending you out by yourself. I had no idea something like this would happen," the fashionista opined softly, placing a hoof on my back in a gesture of comfort and compassion. "If there's anything you would like, I will do what I can to help you."

"Thank you, Miss Rarity," I offered graciously. "I'm kinda thirsty right now, though -- is there somewhere close by where I can get something to drink?"

"Of course, Aurora -- Sugarcube Corner isn't far from here," she replied brightly. "How does a chocolate milkshake sound?"

"Um, Miss Rarity, I've never been one for milkshakes -- but perhaps a glass of milk would suffice," I answered.

"Ooh, ooh! Can I get some ice cream?" asked Sweetie as she hopped up and down a few times excitedly, a big grin on her face. The sight caused me to smile and a soft giggle escaped my lips.

"I suppose so, Sweetie," the fashionista sighed in resignation. "I was under the impression that Aurora might like some ice cream as well, though."

"I would, but must I remind you about my weight? I'm already feeling self-conscious enough as it is, Miss Rarity," I responded, my words tinged with exasperation. "I need to lose some of this weight if I can."

"Nonsense, darling! You're still growing, it'll fall right off once you get taller," the mare chirped mirthfully. Sweetie nudged my pudgy belly with a hoof and giggled. My belly jiggled a little at her touch, prompting her to nudge it some more. The sensation caused me to giggle in reflex, eliciting some giggles from my "sisters." We continued on a little further, reaching the bakery after just a few more minutes. Sweetie nudged my belly again, giggling as she did so.

"Ugh, isn't that enough, Sweetie? Jeez," I groaned in protest. Rarity opened the door to the bakery, the scent of food causing my stomach to grumble loudly in anticipation of more food. It seemed almost cliche that my "sisters" giggled again in response before I was roughly grabbed by a pink pony and pulled into the establishment before I could register what was going on.

"Hiya, Rory!" Pinkie giggled. "What can I getcha? How about a vanilla milkshake? Oooh, what happened to you? What's the eyepatch for? Are you dressing up for Nightmare Night as a pirate? 'Ahoy, mateys! Swab the deck! Raise the mizzenmast! Yarrrr!'"

I sighed loudly, exhaling sharply through my nostrils. Pinkie's expression changed as she sat on the floor facing me. My "sisters" sat beside me as well.

"Something wrong, Rory?" asked Pinkie, her face showing concern.

"Yeah, I got attacked by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon," I muttered softly. I lifted my eyepatch with my right forehoof to illustrate the damage done.

"Those two meanies! I should have a word with them right now!" Pinkie exclaimed, a comedic show of steam whistling as it blew from her ears.

"Somepony dropped a piano on top of them -- they're in hospital right now," I stated flatly, taking some of the steam away from Pinkie. "I've talked to Filthy Rich -- he's going to address my needs -- I think," I added, my words tinged with uncertainty.

"I hope he doesn't think you did that," Pinkie said. We got up and took seats at a nearby table, whereupon Pinkie disappeared swiftly, only to return with a milkshake, which she presented to me.

"Here ya go, Rory! Drink up, it's on the house!" the party pony chirped merrily. I took a look at it, noticing how frothy it was. A straw was sticking out of it, beckoning me to take a sip, which I almost involuntarily did. The taste was overwhelmingly sweet, a rush of vanilla and milk washing over my tongue as I continued to take bigger sips. Presently, I ended up gulping the whole thing down, emitting a loud belch upon finishing the glass. This merited a loud giggling from Pinkie, but a glare of disapproval from Rarity.

"Aurora, darling, haven't you any manners?"

"My apologies, Miss Rarity -- it tasted so good, I couldn't help myself," I replied meekly. I noticed to my left that Sweetie Belle was attacking a bowl of ice cream, her face a mess of chocolate around her muzzle. "Sweetie Belle, how's your ice cream?" I asked, tacking a giggle onto the end of my query.

"It's really good!" she exclaimed, smiling broadly.

"What flavor is it?" I asked.

"Boot to the head chocolate," she answered, giggling mirthfully.

"Pinkie, they don't really have that here, do they?" I asked, almost amazed by this fact.

"Yup, we sure do, Rory! You want some?"

"Um, well -- chocolate's not my favorite when it comes to ice cream -- mint chocolate chip, or cookies and cream would work," I averred softly. The words weren't even out of my mouth five seconds when Pinkie returned with a large bowl loaded with five scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream. She hoofed me a spoon and grinned broadly. I stared almost helplessly at the bowl, knowing full well I was going to eat all of it -- and began eating it anyway. I don't know what it is about Equestrian ice cream, but it tasted even better than what I could get at Baskin Robbins. I was mindlessly scooping large chunks into my mouth -- not so much savoring the flavor, but practically racing Sweetie Belle to see who could finish faster. Pinkie refilled Sweetie's bowl with four more scoops, giggling at the sight of both of us dispensing with the spoons in favor of sticking our muzzles into the bowls and eating as much as quickly as we could. I finished my bowl first, but Pinkie brought another bowl for me, this time with the other flavor I had mentioned. I could feel my belly getting a little larger, but when I saw more ice cream, my stomach grumbled loudly in eager anticipation.

"Woo, looks like somepony's really hungry!" Pinkie giggled, causing Rarity to giggle as well.

"Aurora, darling, looks like you're not finished yet," she added playfully. I groaned in protest at this -- I didn't want to get fatter! But the ice cream -- it looked so good -- and before I knew it, I had mashed my muzzle deeply into the bowl, licking the scoops of ice cream with my tongue, taking large bites at the same time -- and very swiftly, the bowl was empty again.

"Hey, Rory, let me take care of that for you," Pinkie chortled as she took the empty bowl with her into the kitchen.

"I hope she doesn't bring some more out," I opined, my words tinged with regret. I looked down to see my belly had gotten a little larger now, brushing up against the edge of the table.

"Hey, Rory! I gotcha some more ice cream!" Pinkie sing-songed as she sauntered over to my table. On her back was the largest bowl of ice cream I'd ever seen -- it looked like an entire five gallon bucket had been emptied into the bowl, a mix of four or five different flavors. Sweetie Belle gawped at the sight, as did Rarity. My eyes went wide as saucers upon seeing this bowl placed on the table before me.

"Um, Pinkie -- I don't think I can eat all that," I declared. My voice wavered with trepidation as I continued to stare at the mountainous bowl of ice cream.

"Don't worry, Rory! I'll finish off what you don't eat!" the perky pink pony chirped gleefully as she rubbed my belly with her right forehoof. "Besides, the weight won't stay on you for very long anyway! I eat more than this every day, and look at me! Do I look fat to you?"

"And how much exercise do you get? You're always on the move, sometimes faster than the eye can follow -- of course you're not fat -- but I don't get the same level of exercise, and if I eat as much of this as I can, I'm not going to want to move anywhere at all -- I wouldn't be surprised if Rarity has to cart me out of here using her magic," I grumbled.

"That's okay, darling, I don't mind!" Rarity giggled. She likewise rubbed my belly with a forehoof, giggling again at the touch and at my reaction. I tried to bat her hoof away from my belly, a low groan escaping my mouth as she giggled again.

I was torn -- do I eat or not? I could discern strawberry, orange, chocolate mint, cookies and cream -- and chocolate. I sighed in resignation -- even after eating as much as I already had, I still wasn't sated -- and this bowl of ice cream looked like enough to stuff six ponies. Tentatively, I began at the top, tasting the strawberry flavor. A crowd of ponies was starting to assemble to watch me devour this mountainous bowl -- I had to stand on the table in order to start, my belly hanging low -- and as I reared up to reach the top, my belly sank into the ice cream itself.

"Oooh, that's cold," I muttered as my belly made full contact. I ended up resting my forehooves on the edge of the bowl as best I could, ice cream smearing on my neck and chest as I took large bites from the top. I slowly worked my way down, though my body heat caused quite a bit of ice cream to melt -- the liquid ran down my barrel to my haunches, then down my hind legs and onto the table as I continued to eat. My belly continued to sag against the ice cream as it expanded to hold more as I ate, the crowd of ponies watching in amazement as more and more of it disappeared down my throat.

"Um, are you going to save any of that for me?" asked Sweetie Belle. I was about half-way done, the whole front of my body from my muzzle and neck all the way down my barrel to my stifles and hocks coated with a mix of melted ice cream flavors. I turned to her and grinned sheepishly, my face a mess of pink, orange, green and brown. The feeling of the liquefied ice cream running down my barrel and between my haunches sent an electrical thrill through my brain, activating my pleasure receptors. It was all I could do to keep from hugging the mountainous pile -- I didn't want to make my pleasure that obvious -- the flavors mixing together added to my pleasure as well, the tingling in my body threatening to overwhelm me. Even so, as I placed my hooves on the edge of the bowl, I lost my balance momentarily and my barrel and belly fell into the bowl, making a mess on the table as some of the mix of ice cream slid against my body and onto the table. The sensation of sticky and slippery cold and wet ice cream smearing against me intensified the tingling sensation of pleasure I seemed to be enjoying.

"I dunno, Sweetie -- this stuff's really good," I replied. My belly sagged into the bowl now as I worked my way further down -- and now I was able to straddle the bowl on the table. I was attacking what was left, though the bowl was large enough that my forelocks got melted ice cream on them -- which then dripped down my face. I didn't care, though -- I knew I was going to finish the bowl. I belched loudly, though there was still quite a bit of ice cream left -- but by this point, it was mostly liquid, and mostly brown from the chocolate flavor. I stopped at this point, as the chocolate flavor didn't appeal to me.

"Pinkie, I guess you can have the rest," I offered as I backed away from the bowl. My once-white coat was now a mix of colors and my belly rested on the table as I pushed the bowl forward with my right forehoof. The pink pony giggled at the sight of me as I took a closer look at myself. The crowd of ponies cheered me, as it had appeared I had eaten all of the ice cream. Twilight had entered some time earlier and approached me.

"Michael, did you really eat all that ice cream?" she asked in amazement. My response was another loud belch and a sheepish grin as I sat down on the table. I felt a wetness against my hocks as I had unknowingly sat down in a puddle of melted ice cream which had slid down my belly while I was eating. I felt sticky and gooey and ran a forehoof down my chest and barrel before licking off some of the melted ice cream, noting that the mixed flavors tasted good as well. My belly rested on the table, the wetness along the bottom of it causing me a slight queasiness.

"I think I need a bath or a shower or something," I observed. Pinkie came over to me and began licking me all over, causing me to giggle. "Pinkie! Stop!" I protested. She continued to lick the ice cream off me, going from my neck down to my barrel. She went further down before I booped her on her nose. "I think that's enough, Pinkie -- I can wash the rest off either at Twilight's or Rarity's place," I stated firmly.

"C'mon, Rory, there's just a little left! I want to finish the job!" she protested, pouting at me and flashing her big puppy-dog eyes look. I glanced around the bakery, noting several patrons watching the activity rather intently.

"I think I know what you wanna do, Pinkie -- but with everypony here watching us, I don't think that's such a good idea."

"We could go upstairs to my room," she giggled in a sing-song tone, her eyes bright with mischief.

"Bad idea, Pinkie," I averred, trying to inflect a hint of firmness to my voice. "Rarity, I think we're finished here -- should we go back to your place or what?"

"Aurora, darling, I feel terrible about sending you out alone earlier -- you can come with me back to the boutique," she offered, a warm tone to her voice. I hopped from the table onto a chair and then down to the floor, my belly making a splacking noise as it contacted each surface. I tried to trot, but my belly dragged against the floor now. A roll of fat had formed around my hips and a double chin had formed at the top of my neck, below my jowls. My face had rounded out a little as well. I developed a rhythm of walking taking into account my added bulk, which made progress a bit slower. Rarity noticed this immediately.

"Aurora, it looks like your earlier prediction has been proven correct. Sweetie Belle, could you fetch a cart?"

"Sure thing, sis!" she giggled as she cantered to the door and left. She returned a moment later. "Got it," she said before exiting the bakery again.

"We'll help you work it off," Rarity chortled as she enveloped me with her magic and carried me aloft, then out of the bakery.

"Come again soon, Rory! That was fun!" Pinkie giggled as we left. My only response to this was a groan as I settled onto the cart, resting on my hocks, my belly gurgling in protest at having been stuffed as full as it would go.