• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 2,689 Views, 241 Comments

Dark Souls:the descent into friendship - star dust pony

I am a undead,im not sure how i got here,who braught me here or what this this place is...but even my strange dreams...they leave me smiling compared to what i feel is ahead of me

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chapter 1:creature at Apple Jack's farm (EDITED VERSION)

Apple Jack was bucking apples from one of the many trees of the East orchard and the sweat on her forehead started getting intense "Boy howdy today has been a loooong day." She says as she uses a hoof to wipe her brow, only succeeding in spreading the sweat over the top of her head rather than removing it, before picking up a basket of apples on her back and hauling it to the rest of the apples she had previously bucked. Moving to her big brother, who was holding a mug of fresh apple cider in his hoof, she greeted him with "Howdy Big Mac, ya got the north orchard right?"

"Eyup." Is all the big red stallion said as he took a sip of his cider. Right before going wide eyed and sputtering, spitting the cider out through his mouth and nose, at the sight of something in the distance."ENOPE!!" He dropped his mug to the hard ground with a clatter as its contents sprayed the dry dirt and rushed inside.

"What in the-." She looked to the direction that her sibling was before he fled only to see a tall, metal... being with cloth hanging from its chest staring at her farm in a odd position, standing on its back legs with long, strange appendages. "W-WHAT IN TARNATION?!?" The orange mare jumped back, a movement created from her shock and surprise, and rushed towards Ponyville. Or, more specifically, the library; in hopes of getting assistance to deal with... whatever the bloody hell that was.

"Okay,now ple- GAH." Twilight was cut off by a certain panicked mare bucking down the door, startling, no; frightening the lavender unicorn within along with Spike. The two were just about to practice a new spell that involved some rocks and a orange transforming into clothes for Spike but some ponies just don't get the importance of a fabulous tux and an absolutely spiffing stovepipe hat... Some ponies...

"APPLE JACK WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST BARGING IN HERE IN THE MIDDLE OF DELICATE MAGICAL EXPERIMENTATION?!?!" Twilight yelled out, a little miffed about the unexpected interruption as her concentration faltered and the spell imploded on the tip of her horn. She panted heavily and gathered up the dropped papers in her magic and Spike who was in a daze from the small rock which had... Forcefully returned to it's place atop his head after the spell was canceled out. "Is it an emergency, at least?" Twilight slowly asked after a few deep breaths, a simple but effective way of calming herself as to avoid another 'Want It Need It' incident.

Apple Jack panted for a few moments before putting a hoof to her chest, mumbling and trying to collect her words. "M-meta- crea-... Oh, I'ma little outta' breath..." She shook her head and gathered herself before speaking. "I-i-its a monster from the E-everfree forest, i-it was starin' at mah farm." This news caught Twilight's attention as her mouth slowly made an 'O' shape.

"A monster? From the Everfree? And it was staring at your farm?" She blinked and started levitating books around, wrapping them in her purple nimbus of magic and circling them about herself, skimming titles at the speed of sound. It was also mixed in wit a lot of 'No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, 'How Babies are- NO, Dear Celestia no, no, what is that doing in the nature section? No, no and no and no and no and more no... Spike, why is a 'How to Play the Harmonica' hand book in the science secti- never mind." She looked to Applejack, "What did it look like Applejack?"

Applejack start thinking, trying to recall it all. "Well... it was metal... and it had a blue fancy, schmancy chest thingy... an' it looked really tall."

Twilight flipped through her books, deep in thought. "I...don't have anything matching that description in my books, and made of metal? I've never heard of such a thing... Except ancient steel golems used by the Old Minotaur Imperium..."

"WELL THAT'S WHAT AH SAW!!!" Apple Jack shouted , catching the attention of her rainbow maned friend outside.

"Hey, whats going on in here? I heard AJ shoutin' about something." Rainbow dash peeked her head in from the door, a rather amusing look of confusion plastered to her face. Great timing, too.

Apple Jack snapped her attention to the pony in the doorway. "A-ah saw a monster coming from the Everfree; ah wanna know if its gonna try ta' hurt us..." Rainbow dash chuckled after hearing Applejack say that. "An' what're ya'll findin' so funny, Rainbow?" AJ frowned, concerned about how Rainbow Dash could be so dismissive of the current situation..

Rainbow dash hovered a few seconds before lowering herself to the WOODEN FLOOR of the library, tucking her wings to her sides and landing in front of The other three in the room. "Your afraid of a monster? HA! well I can see if its dangerous, I'll just fly over and see what it does. Be back in 10 seconds fl-." Applejack cut her off by stuffing a good bit of a hoof between her jaws.

"We don't need that meme starting up on the internet again." Apple Jack glares at you. "And we don't ya'll startin' it up either."

"Oh fine, I'll just go see what the thing is and be right back." Rainbow deadpanned. Right before shooting out of the library, fast enough to leave a classic Pinkie Pie style dust cloud that was perfect model of the cyan pegasus.

As Rainbow dash soared over Applejack's farm at a lazy speed of only eighty kilometers an hour. Only.. She saw a figure just on the path to the forest, convenient. "Gotcha." Just as Rainbow swooped down, in hopes of getting a closer look, she failed to notice the rather sharp projectile of steel tipped wood coming straight for her until it pierced her right wing, tearing the muscle, severing tendons and splintering bone with a sickening crack and crunch with a spray of blood being thrown from the wound and into the sea of trees below.

"AAAAGGHHH!!!" Her flying quickly spiraled out of control. Transforming from a graceful dance of high speeds and high wind to a horrifying crash, flinging dirt and dust from the large skip mark which had been the result of her wild decent. As she slammed into the floor, blood flowing out of her now broken and bloodied and bent and twisted and mangled wing as she shakily lifted her blurred gaze to the tall metal beast towering over her like a Reaper composed entirely of metal, ready to strike her down with its piercing eyes. "GAAAHHH! G-GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!"

Author's Note:

yes i know this is a short chapter but i can't publish it otherwise (and thanks again to the editor who edited this chapter :3 )

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