• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 9,413 Views, 549 Comments

A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

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Chapter 8: Ghost of our past

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony
Pre-Reader: Dragaen

Chapter 8: Ghost of our past

“Aaaahhhh! The pain!” I cried out as Eclipse gave me a massive hug.

“John, I thought we lost you,” Eclipse stated. “I thought you were going to die!”

“He’s about to die if you don’t let him go!” Snow yelled as she and Lex looked ready to attack Eclipse if he did not put me down.

“Oh shit,” Eclipse yelped, before dropping me into the wheelchair. “John, I am so sorry! Please, for the love of Arceus, can you forgive me?” I simply groaned.

“Eclipse, what were you thinking?! You know he’s hurt, so why do that?!” Lex yelled.

“I said I’m sorry, alright. I wasn’t thinking!” He yelled back.

“You’re damn right you weren‘t thinking!” Snow added in.

As the three of them continued to argue I found myself with a growing headache. The pain that occurred from the bear hug was almost unbearable and I can only imagine what it would have been if I could feel pain normally. Placing a hand on my head, as well as on my chest, I gritted my teeth.

Turning my head to the side, I motioned Holly Heart to lean in so that I could tell her something. “They’ll be at this for the next hour,” I whispered. “Inform Princess Cadance not to worry about the castle or anything. They won’t-” Before I was able finish my sentence, a mini thunderbolt hit Eclipse.

Eclipse slowly turned to Volt. He was on Princess Cadance’s head. His eyes glared death at the little monster. Lex’s and Snow’s eyes then slowly followed behind Eclipse. “Thank you Volt for getting their attention,” She cleared her throat. “Will the three of you please calm down?” She asked in a sweet voice. “From the looks of it, John is getting a headache.” The three of them turned to me. I was leaning to one side of my chair. My head resting on my fist. The look on my face telling them that I was going to make life hell for them if they didn’t stop.

“We’re sorry-” Eclipse stated.

“No,” I interrupted. “You all did wrong. Eclipse, you should have been more careful. As for you you two,” I turned to Snow and Lex. “Thank you for standing up for me, but don’t fight each other. Ever. The three of you are family. Don’t fight family.”

“John we’re-” Lex tried to apologize

Like before, I interrupted him too. “No,” I let out a sigh. “Please, the three of you just stay quiet. I want to check up on this Gengar then go deal with those ponies who are starting to hate Pokémon, and I’d like to get that finished before my headache starts to annoy me.”

The three of them sighed then nodded. I normally never got on to them when they fight, but they can fight somewhere else. Not here. Not now.

“Holly Heart,” I started. Turning to the green mare. “Can you please roll me over into the room with the Gengar. I wish to see his current condition, and assess his injuries.”

“Oh, um, yes. Of course, John.” Her horn glowed and I started to move into the room with the Gengar.

Laying on the bed was the Gengar. His breathing was slow, while his body looked bruised and beaten. All in all, it just looked like he was unconscious. Lex and Snow must have done a real number to him… “Does he have a medical chart?” I asked, turning to Holly Heart.

“I’ll ask one of the Doctors on hoof,” She said, before stepping out of the room.

I glanced back at the Gengar. Let’s see… I leaned forward. Allowing my brain time to think of what had happened to the Gengar. King Sombra must have taken over his body… Meaning either the Gengar was unaware of what happens, or he was conscious and could only watch as King Sombra attacked and killed those ponies...

There was a slight rustle in the air in the corner of the room.

I can only imagine the horror of seeing that happen and not being able to do anything about it. Turning my wheelchair, I moved myself to the other end the bed. Leaning close to the Gengar, I opened one of his eyes. His eyes seemed distant. Cold. As if there was no emotion in them. I wonder what the side effects of King Sombra taking over your body are… My money is on Psychological trauma… Leaning my head forward, I placed my ear on the Gengars chest.

-:- Flash Sentry’s POV -:-

We all watched as John examined the Gengar. “Does John have medical experience?” I asked. He seemed to look like he knew what he was doing.

Eclipse was the one to answer. “Over the years John has learned, both through personal experience and being taught, how to take care and treat Pokémon. Though he is no Nurse Joy, he does know what he is doing.”

“Who’s Nurse Joy?” The Princess asked.

“Nurse Joy is more of a common title. They are a famous family all across the world, whose job is to take care of Pokémon. They help any Pokémon that comes through the door, and do it all for free. They are, in a way, some of the kindest people you will ever meet.” Lex informed her.

“We could use a Nurse Joy right about now…” Snow added.

“...I have somewhat of a personal question for the three of you,” Princess Cadance started, as she turned to Eclipse, Snow and Lex. “How do you feel about John? Do you think he will be able to help us? The Crystal Empire, I mean. Do you think he will be able to help the Crystal Empire?”

You could hear the sorrow in her voice. She was truly worried about King Sombra, and with the Pokémon fiasco I could not blame her. I just wish there was more that I could do…

-:- John’s POV -:-

“Here is what the Doctors could tell from the Gengar.” I smiled at Holly Heart as she passed me the chart.

I stared at the chart... And continued to stare at the chart… There was little to no information on the chart. I took a deep breath, then facepalmed. Turning the page over, I found some Doctor’s notes on the back.

I, Doctor Red Pill, will be overseeing this patient. (Not that I want to. I really don’t care what happens to this ‘Pokémon’. I know one of the stallions he murdered!) From what we can tell he is not alive. Kind of. He is breathing, but we can not detect a heartbeat. From what that Turtle thing told me Ghost Pokémon are not supposed to have a heartbeat, or be able to breath. He is, to my disbelief, a ghost. The unliving. Now how in the hell am I suppose to know what is wrong with him if I have no idea what he is in the first place?

I glanced up at the Gengar. He was… breathing. He wasn’t suppose to breath. I leaned forward and placed my ear on his chest again. His breathing sounded like a cold shallow whistle. As if something inside of him was sucking in air, or that he felt alive in some way. As is, I can only speculate. I glanced back at the chart to read more of the Doctors notes.

Due to an incident where Doctor Red Pill tried to smother the patient, I, Doctor Vitamin, will be taking his place. Unlike Doctor Red Pill I have no hate for the patient, for I am aware of the rumors that King Sombra has returned. And, unlike Doctor Red Pill, I noticed some of the symptoms that occur when King Sombra takes over a mind. Or in this case, a body. These being: cold distant eyes that are unresponsive to light, and shallow breathing. I hypothesis that this Pokémon, this... Gengar, is in a coma. However I do not have a way to prove that hypothesis without more information on Pokémon.

“What happened to Doctor Red Pill?” I asked Holly Heart.

“Medical Discharge,” She stepped over to me and glanced over my shoulder. “After he tried what he did he was kicked out of the castle by Shining Armor himself.”

There was another slight rustle in the air in the corner of the room.

“Then is Doctor Vitamin on hand, um, I mean hoof?” I asked. She shook her head.

“Today is her one day off. He’s also your Doctor, though. I think he would disapprove of you moving around like you are. I mean, I know I do, but I know that you have things you have to take care off…” I smiled at Holly Heart. She was right. It would be best for me to lay down, but my best health doesn't come first in this matter. Pokémon are always my highest priority.

“Don't worry Holly,” I started. “I won’t do anything extreme. That's why you are here. I know you’ll stop me from over exerting myself. After all, we all will protect those we care for.” Holly blushed. She looked cute when she blushed.

There was another slight rustle in the air in the corner of the room.

“Anyways Holly Heart, I should almost be finished in here. Please tell Princess Cadance that it would be best that she headed back to her ponies. I shall join her once I am finished here. Oh, and I still need your help getting around. I don’t quite know the entirety of the castle just yet.”

“Alright, I’ll be right back then.”

“Please and thank you,” I called out as she left, eliciting a chuckled out of her. I watched as she left, my eyes following her every move. I could not help my myself and stared at her flank. I blinked, realizing what I was doing.

Smiling softly, I turned my chair to one of the corners of the room. Leaning forward slightly, I continued to stare at the corner of the room, never once blinking my eyes. I held this position for another twenty or so seconds before stating, “I know you are there. Show yourself…”

Several seconds passed before a rather old female sounding voice spoke up. “Well young man, you seem to have a keen eye.” It was then that a Mismagius appeared. She had a sad smile on her face. Her sad eyes lingered to the Gengar laying in the bed, then over to me. “Now don’t be shy, Gengar,” Her eyes moved over to the empty space next to her. “Say hello to the nice Infernape.” Fading into existence seemed to be another Gengar. He looked exactly like the one laying on the bed, except for a few differences. That being his size. He seemed slightly smaller.

“...” He did not speak, only glare at me with a sad expression.

“I am going to take a shot in the dark and say that you know this Gengar?” I gestured at the Gengar laying in the bed.

“You would be correct,” She started. “This Gengar was mine… It’s…” She closed her eyes to hold back tears. “Hard… to see him like this…”

“I see,” I frowned at them. “I’m sorry for has happened,” I rolled forward slightly. “I can only imagine what you are going though, but… I do have some questions I would like you to answer, miss?”

“Agatha,” She said. “Formerly of the Kanto Elite Four.”

I smile slightly and nodded in respect. “My name is John,” I started. “Though the circumstances could be better,” I glanced over at the Gengar on the bed. “It is a pleasure to meet you. You probably have some questions, don’t you?”

“Um, John, who are you talking to?” Holly asked as she entered the room. I turned to her and smiled.

I smiled as I turned to Holly Heart. “Ah, Holly Heart. Let me introduce you to Agatha and her Gengar.”

“Um, John… there’s no one in the room with you.” I glanced to the side only to see that Agatha and the Gengar were gone. I let out a sigh.

“Well Holly Heart, I was speaking to two ghost Pokémon that knew this Gengar,” I started to roll my chair towards her. “But it seems that they no longer wish to have a conversation.”

“Oh… did I interrupt? I’m sorry.” I smiled at Holly.

“Come now Holly Heart. I would never get mad at you for speaking up. I rather enjoy your voice,” She blushed. “And as for you Agatha. Next time we speak, please don’t leave the conversation half finished. It’s very rude, you know.”

“Oh, right, um, John. Princess Cadance said that once you are finished here to come and see her in her conference hall, and that she wants you to speak as a witness to King Sombra actions so that you can convince the ponies that do not believe he has returned.” Holly Heart informed me. I looked into her green eyes. It was about time I got to work isn’t it?

“Very well, Holly Heart. Time to get to work! If you don’t mind showing me the way, we can go there now. Best not to leave the Princess waiting.”


I patiently waited next to the door that lead into Princess Cadance’s conference hall. When we arrived Flash Sentry had been waiting for us. He told us to wait so that he could inform the Princess that I had arrived, so now all I was doing now is waiting for Princess Cadance to call me in to speak. Unlike before, she did not want me to simply stroll in and tell ponies off.

Speaking of telling ponies off, sitting in the stand, I could see Sir Clay. He had a few scrapes and bruises, but all in all he didn’t look that bad. A shame really. I should have thrown him just a bit harder. Luckily he had not seen me yet, and if he did then he didn’t show it.

Standing to my side was Holly Heart. She seemed worried, and even though I told her that everything is going to be fine, she didn’t listen. She was a worried that all Pokémon were going to be forced to be kicked out of the city. That being said, she was worried that she and I could no longer be together. Well… we could, but then she would have to leave the city…

Then there was Snow and Lex. They only came to keep an eye on me. Eclipse wanted to come too, but I told him to keep an eye on the Gengar. After that Doctor incident I wanted my best Pokémon on the job! The job in questioning being protecting Gengar. That and… I kind of wanted Eclipse out of the way. He seemed...off lately. Unstable even. I did not want him in a situation where he would try to kill the ponies I was arguing with, just because the pony pissed him off or something.

“Attention, everypony. I have an announcement to make before we continue where we left off,” Princess Cadance started. All eyes in the room turned to her. “Considering how todays topic is about Pokémon as well as the discussion on kicking them out of the city, I have asked John to oversee this hearing. Seeing that it would only be fair to have a Pokémon fight for their side of this argument, he’ll be representing the said Pokémon. John, if you will please enter the conference hall.” There was then a some questioning whisper throughout the room.

I slowly moved the wheelchair into the room. As I entered the quiet whispered stopped. All eyes were on me. Pony eyes went wide at the sight of me. Seeing as how the last time that they say me I was standing strong and tall. Telling off a pair of ponies without a second thought. Compared to what I was the other day I must look like hell to them. Especially Clay. His eyes were the widest it seemed.

“Good afternoon everyone. I bet your day is going better than mine.” I spoke up. Giving all crowed a big smile.

“Now then. Seeing as all parties are at hoof, let’s get this conference started then. Last I checked the line was split ‘Sixty-Forty’ in the voting to have Pokémon kicked out. The winner at the moment being the removal of Pokémon. Sir Clay, seeing as you seemed to be the driving force behind kicking the Pokémon out, would you mind taking the stand and explain why we should kick them out?”

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza? Must be a title. “As I have said earlier, the Pokémon have done nothing but cause pain and suffering since they have arrived. The incident with both that Feraligatr and that Gengar are proof enough that they need to be kicked out! For the safety of the Crystal Empire and the ponies that dwell in its care, we must kick out the Pokémon!” His argument is valid. We have been a big problem, but the recent Gengar attack was not caused by Pokémon hands… It was a Pony that killed Ponies. He just used the Gengar as the gun.

“Thank you, Sir Clay. Now John, seeing as you are the only one to defend Pokémon, do you have anything to say to that?”

“Yes, Princess Cadance. Several in fact. Just give me a moment to gather my thoughts. I am not in the best state of mind at the moment. If this was not so important I would not have gotten out of bed,” Leaning to the side of my chair I began to think. I needed to come up with something that shows Pokémon to not be so bad. This is going to be tough… since I don’t have much to work with… “Princess Cadance, is Volt with you?” I started.

“Oh, yes. He is.” Princess Cadance lifted a hoof to reveal Volt. Some of the ponies in the room gave the small spider a strange look. As for me. Well… I smiled at the little monster.

“Ah, good. Volt, mind come here.” Leaping off of Princess Cadance’s hoof, Volt scattered his way over to me. Most of the ponies in the room looked confused as to why Princess Cadance would have something as strange as Volt with her. I could not help but smile at their reactions.

Volt crawled his way up my leg, and made his way over to my hand. “Private Joltik Von’ Volt ready and able, Sir John!” He then gave me a salute. “What are your orders?” I chuckled.

“I hope you all can see little Volt here,” I started, lifting my hand into the air. “He is the smallest Pokémon to ever exist. I am rather surprised one of you has not stepped on him by now. Yes he is a Pokémon, and is capable of both great and terrible things, but all it would take is a simple misstep to take him out.”

“John, when you called me over here I thought I was going to help you. Not, you tell them to finish me off! Just yesterday I had to dodge a book that Holly Heart had thrown at me. I was so scared I saw a light. Then the light turned out to be Holly teleporting away, but that’s beside the point!”

Sorry Volt… I’ll apologize later for this. “If you were to step on him, his life would be over. You would just think that you stepped on a bug, and moved on with your life. But he is a living creature, just like you. Though he may be small, he has an opinion. He has a favorite food. He has feelings of love for his friends, and he has grown rather attached to Princess Cadance. I ask all of you, other than his size and the fact that you cannot understand him, is he still a person? He may be young. He may be small. But he has a heart. It beats like all of yours, and he does think like you. So tell me. Why are you going to kick him out of this city? I understand that some Pokémon have attacked ponies. I also understand that some ponies have tried to attack Pokémon. However, just because there is a bad apple in a group doesn't mean they are all bad. If anything, it just makes life harder for the rest. I know this from first hand experience.”

I placed a hand on my bandaged stomach. Though it was not be a good idea, I then pulled the bandages up. Revealing the massive wound that I had endured when Sombra attacked me. Ponies all throughout the room looked both shocked and sick at the sight. One even threw up. “But it is because of things like this, that I am fighting against this. Though I am truly sorry for what some Pokémon have done, we’re not all bad. And even you ponies have the power to fight us. Other than this wound, I have two broken ribs. And those ribs were broken from a training accident with Shining Armor. Though some Pokémon can be evil, you ponies do have your own bad apples. An example of this is King Sombra, and though he is the only one I know of I am sure there are more.” Many ponies looked sad at my mentioning of King Sombra. Some even looked angry as they remembered the tyrant.

“Now I ask this. Imagine if our roles were reversed. Imagine if King Sombra had shown up and killed Pokémon. Would it be fair for us to think that all Ponies are evil monsters? No. It would not. If our roles were reversed, I would be fighting for ponies. Trying to help you all. Now just think of that for a moment. Just a few bad Pokémon are going to make you damn us all from this amazing city. I have not even seen half of the Crystal Empire, and I can tell it would be a great place to have a family. To be happy. Your princess is the princess of love even. How could you not be happy in a place like that? I’ll tell you how. By everyone in that city wanting you gone. Wanting you to leave. And why? Because you’re a Pokémon. Now please, do the right thing. Don’t vote in favor of this. We may not be ponies, but we are alive. Just like you.” The silence that fell over the conference hall once I was finished was so thick that you could practically cut it with a knife.

There was a sniff from Princess Cadance. I turned to her to see her crying. Was what I said really that emotional? “S-sir C-clay. D-do you h-have a response?” She said through tears of sadness.

Clay did not answer. Like everyone in the room he seemed conflicted emotionally. He was glaring at me, but I could not tell if he was angry. He seemed… confused. Letting out a sigh he shook his head. “Yes Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. I would like to withdraw the motion for the banning of all Pokémon. Though I hate to admit it, John has a point. We cannot blame a whole race for the actions of a few. Pokémon are… just like ponies. However, Pokémon are still dangerous. I understand that we have to treat them as equal, but that doesn't mean that they cannot do harm. I suggest that any Pokémon within the city has to be watched, or at least something that will ensure to the ponies outside that the Pokémon will not go mad and attack them.”

“Might I suggest something then,” I interjected, though I had a small smile, happy that we were making progress. “Any Pokémon that wishes to live in the city has to go through a checking station or something. That way, you will be able to identify them, both so that you can keep track of the Pokémon living here, as well as keep an eye on them in case they suddenly start behaving strangely or cause trouble.”

Clay nodded. “That would be a good start, but it would be confusing at first. How many Pokémon are there?”

“Well…” I placed a hand on my chin. “There are Seven-hundred-and-twenty-one known species of Pokémon…”

“Seven Hundred!?” Clay yelled out. “Celestia help us…”

“Yes, Clay. Over Seven hundred. All with their own little thing going for them. Most being in the same family as the other, but… well that will come in time. I am just glad that we made progress in the short-” I was cut off by several painful coughs. I am glad I was not able to feel pain properly. Otherwise I would have passed out.

Everypony in the room was staring at me worryingly. To my surprised, even Clay seemed worried. I just sat there for a moment, breathing heavy. All their eyes watching me. “I am… sorry everyone, but I think it’s time for me to… get back to my room… Holly Heart… can you help me?”

Dashing over to me, Holly turned my chair around and started to move me to the door. “Sorry everypony, but John needs to rest. I think he over did it…” Holly said to everypony.

As I was pushed out of the room, the last thing I heard was Princess Cadance’s voice speaking up. “If there are no more questions or arguments, I motion that the motion to ban Pokémon from the Crystal Empire be revoked. All in favor?” Everypony in the room called out ‘aye’. “All opposed?” Not a single pony said a word. “Alright then. The motion to ban Pokémon from the Crystal Empire is now revoked. That being said, today seemed to have been a very emotional one… I say we all take the rest of the day off, and tomorrow we’ll start drawing up plans for Pokémon registration.” And with that, Princess Cadance flapped her wings and chased after Holly and I.


Beep… Beep… Beep…

I let out a sigh as I found myself back in the hospital. I was not disappointed or angry that I was here, but sad. Sad that I had to be in this bed. Sad that I was not able to move around. Sad that I couldn’t get up and go do… anything. I knew going to the conference hall and speaking with the ponies would would put a strain on my body, however I do not regret it. Within less than five minutes of me talking I was able to reach the hearts of the poneis. I could not help but smile at my achievement.

Beep… Beep… Beep…

My smiled vanished as the dreaded beeping came to mind.

Beep… Beep… Beep…

“Is John going to be fine, Doctor?” Princess Cadance asked Doctor Vitamin.

The red mare Pegasus looked at Princess Cadance sadly. “Well… I really don’t know, but as long as he doesn't go running around like he did today then his chances will improve. Despite what we thought when he first arrived, he did survive his injuries. On top of that,” She leaned over and removed the bandages around my stomach. “His healing rate is rather surprising. This wound has gotten a lot better in the two days he has been here. So… You know what. As long as he doesn't move at all he should be fine.” Doctor Vitamin then looked over at me. Her short white mane drifted over her blue eyes. A smile grew across her face.

I looked to the corner of the room. Lex, Snow, Flash Sentry and Holly all looked at me worried. “I could really go for a full restore right about now…” I spoke up.

Lex chuckled. “Ya. It is a shame that the ponies medical knowledge is not as good as the humans. But considering I don’t know anything on the subject, I shouldn't say a thing about it...”

Ignoring Lex, Doctor Vitamin turned to me and asked. “What is a… full restore?”

“A full restore is… well really good medicine. It can pretty much heal any wound. Cure any poison… Treat any burn… Ya that does sound like a good idea, John. You know, other than the fact that there is no way to get one.” Snow commented.

“Aaahhhh, your sarcasm! It hurts!” I joked.

“Ya Snow, stop it before John has to pass a kidney stone because of your sarcasm!” I chuckled and looked up at my forehead. Volt was sitting there smiling.

“Heal any wound…” We all looked over at Doctor Vitamin. She was looking at the ground, and seemed to be deep in thought. “If that is how well advanced your medicine was back home, then I must say we probably seem like caveponies to you.”

I started at the good doctor, and before anyone said anything I smiled and spoke up. “No not really,” I glanced over at the heart monitor. “Most of the equipment is the same, like this Heart monitor for example. Though we do have a lot of things that help us heal, most of the time we find ourselves lost. Not everything can be healed instantly, and sometimes we even find ourselves angry because we can not help those who are hurt.”

“I see…” Doctor Vitamin smiled at me. “Well then, I best be off. John, please stay in bed. As for the rest of you, keep him in bed. I am only going to say this once. If I learn he got up and ran around again, then I will be forced to tie him to that bed.”

Snow then took on an mischievous look. “Slow down Doctor that’s Holly Heart’s job.”

Both Holly Heart’s face as well as mine lit up red. W-Why did she have to say something like that?! “S-Snow!”

“I would say they should get a room, but you know. This would be it.” Lex added. Everyone in the room started to laugh, but Holly and I just grew more embarrassed.

“Being a medical professional I am trained in many fields. If the two of you ever have any problems in bed that requires medicine let me know.” Doctor Vitamin added in. Holly Heart covered her face with her hooves. As for myself, I closed my eyes. Doing my best to ignore them. As well as a small sensation between my legs...

“Oh, I need a laugh after what happened today,” Princess Cadance coed. I feared what her next comment was going to be seeing as she is the princess of love. “But for now, let’s give it a rest. I am sure it’s not good for John’s health.” Well then… that surprised me.

“Oh contraire Princess. That is great way for Pokémon to relieve stress.” Snow stated.

It was then that I heard a sniff from Holly Heart. Was she crying… I glanced over at her. My eyes widening when I say that she was in fact crying. Holly Heart must be very sensitive... Well then, I’ve had enough. “All of you,” I started in a cold angrily tone. “Shut the hell up. You are making Holly Heart cry.” Everyone went quiet, as they turned to me. They then slowly turned to Holly Heart. With how quiet the room became

“I-I’m sorry, Holly Heart…” Snow immediately apologize.

“I’m also sorry.” Lex added in quickly.

“I am too...” Doctor Vitaman quickly added stated before retreating out of the room. Her apology sounded more out of confused desperation than anything else.

“Other than Holly Heart and Princess Cadance. Flash Sentry, keep an eye on Snow and Lex. As for you Volt, you can stay as long as you don’t say anything that will hurt Holly Heart,” I then remembered that Holly can’t understand Volt. “I mean, as long as you stay away from her. You know how she is with you.”

Snow and Lex then exited the room, Flash Sentry following behind them, leaving Holly Heart, Princess Cadance, Volt and myself left in the room.

“Can I just ask one question… well three. Why would Holly tie you up? Why are you blushing, and what is good for Pokémon?” Oh right… he’s a kid.

“I will give you a cookie if you drop the subject.” Volt’s eyes popped open. He swiftly nodded, and placed a leg over his mouth. Then moved it to the side in the zipping motion.

I let out a long sigh. Then turned my attention to the mare I was… well. ‘Date’ would be the only good word for it. Even if we never went out or announced that we were a couple… “Are you alright, Holly Heart? I am sorry if they made you sad.”

She sniffed again. “It’s n-not that... It’s j-just been a e-emotional day. Their teasing w-was not t-that bad, just that, just t-that I’ve been w-worried about y-you. W-when you s-started coughing earlier I-I assumed the worst.”

“...So I got pissed off at them for nothing?”

“N-no. I l-like seeing you m-mad.” I blushed slightly.

“You know,” Princess Cadance started. Her tone was rather somber, though there was a slight undertone of happiness. “I can feel something between you two… But….” Letting out a quick sigh, Princess Cadance took on a sad smile. “For now John, just stay in bed. Though I haven't known you for long, I consider you a friend, and I ask of you to stay here and rest. You did what you needed to do. Pokémon can live in the Crystal Empire without having to worry about being kicked out, and though we still have to deal with Sombra, I suspect that things will go up from here. So please, just… just heal up alright. For Holly Heart’s sake.” With that, Princess Cadance turned to the door, but before she could leave, I spoke up.

“Thank you, Princess Cadance.” Though I could not see her face, I could tell she was smiling.

As the door closed behind Cadance, I turned to Holly. Tears still slowly rolled out of her, but she held a smile. “So… Holly Heart… how’ve you been holding up?” I offered.

She jucked chuckled. “John,” Leaning forward, she gave me kiss on the cheek. “You talk too much,” She then stood up and strolled over to the door. “Hurry up and heal up, ok! Once you’re healed up you have a date to take me on.” She declared, still crying. Though she tried to hide it, I could hear the sadness in her voice.

She then left the room…

Beep… Beep… Beep…

Beep… Beep… Beep…

“So about that cookie…” Volt started.

-:- Several hours later - In the royal bedroom -:-

As the day was drawing to a close, Princess Cadance sat at a desk in her and Shining’s room. She stared out of her window as Celestia’s sun started to fall over the horizon, giving way to Luna’s moon.

“Still worried, Cadance?” Shining Armor asked her.

“Of course I am! With everything that is going on how could I not be? John almost died, but he was able to convince everypony with in an hour of being awake that all Pokémon are not bad. Not to mention the fact that everypony is still on edge! Some of them are demanding the head of that Gengar! Not to mention the fact that I am trying not to freak out!”

“You mean, kind of like how you are doing now?”

“I just hope that the letter I sent to Aunty Celestia gets there in time. It’s a shame we don’t have a dragon on hoof, and had to send a Pegasus instead. A two day flight is not fast enough!”

“Well Cadance,” Shining smiled. “We did send it when John first got hurt, so it would get there right about now. Besides, once Princess Celestia gets wind of what happens I am sure she is going to get that Arceus fellow involved. From what I have heard from Lex, he is pretty much a god. With that I am sure we will take care of Sombra in no time! Just need to lay back and relax.”

Cadance face hoofed, but smiled. “Sorry, Shining. It’s just been… confusing. My emotions are all over the place, not to mention John’s speech was very moving,” She then walked over to the bed and layed down. “I don’t know what’s with him, but he has a way with words…”

“Seems I should keep my eye on him then, with the way he has you at the moment.” Shining teased.

“Oh shush,” Cadance then threw a pillow across the room at Shining Armor. “You know that Holly has her eye on him.”

“Oh I know. I’m just messing with you. You’re cute when you are like this.”

“I thought I was cute all the time?” Cadance whined.

“Nope,” Shining bluntly stated. “When you’re not cute you’re beautiful.” This made Cadance blush.

“Somepony is trying their luck…” Cadance commented.

“Is it working?”

“Come here and find out….”- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Auntie Celestia

I'm certain you're facing your own share of problems regarding the recent turn of events, especially since this Arceus said he's set up shop in the Everfree, but I feel that it is of the utmost importance that you hear of the crisis facing the Crystal Empire.

King Sombra has returned.

And he has used the bodies of Pokémon he's possessed to attack the Empire, so far he's only attacked once in the form of a Pokémon known as a Genger. But I am mortified to tell you that in this attack, he has already taken the lives of several of my little ponies.

I have hope that a former human known as John (now an Infernape) does not join the list of the departed, for he has become a good friend of mine. Tensions are running high all throughout the Empire and I don't know where else to turn. Shining Armor is doing his best to support me, but we need your help.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Author's Note:

Would you believe me if I said that I made John's speech up from the top of my head? Literally came up with it in about 20m. Also, sorry for the late chapter. Didn't have much inspiration until Zeus, TDN, and I had a chat about ideas for my story. Went well. Who liked the Chapter? Who Hates how I changed Holly's name? Who loved John's speech? Let me know in the comments below!

Zeus- Nice to see that some politicians do have a heart, and I’m glad everyone was able to come to a compromise. Now they just have to deal with Sombra.

TDN- The speech was easily one of my favorite scenes, better than the last one. Its also great to see that not all Nobles are unreasonable pricks.

Please leave a like if you enjoyed my story. It really helps me get more readers and that is always a good thing.