• Published 5th Jun 2014
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Daily Life of an Equestrian Ninja - PianoPony

Even being a ninja and knowing that you harbor one of the world's most feared beasts can't prepare you for everything. Naruto learned just that when a white pony with wings and a horn appeared one morning at his doorstep.

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Chapter 22- Graduation

Chapter 22- Graduation

Pinkie had led the Crusaders to the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner, so they could start making some delicious Ramen.

As soon as they got there, Naruto unloaded all of the ingredients onto the counter, and set Momo’s apparatuses aside.

“Alright! Let’s start!” the orange Earth pony called, and then proceeded to open the bag of flour.

“Weehee! This is so exciting!” Pinkie called, jumping around energetically. “Tell me if you need anything, Crusaders! I Pinkie Promise to help you in any way I can!”

“Thanks, Pinkie,” Naruto said, and poured some of the flour on the counter, remembering the time he helped the Ichiraku owner save his daughter by making Ramen for the chef-ninjas who kidnapped her.

“Okay,” Naruto began. “First we—”

“Stop!” Apple Bloom yelled, causing everypony to look at her. “My sister says we always gotta wash our hooves before cooking!”

“Oh, good point,” Naruto chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head with his hoof.

After cleaning their hooves properly, Naruto began explaining. “First, we need to make a mound of flour, like this,” he instructed, shaping the flour into a small mound with a ‘crater’ at its top. The three fillies followed suit as he was demonstrating.

“We put a pinch of salt,” he continued after the others were done, taking a bit of salt from the small bag. “And put it in the mound,” he demonstrated. However, too focused on his own mound, Naruto didn’t notice that Sweetie Belle had halfway filled the crater with salt.

“And we fill up the crater with eggs!” Naruto said, breaking an egg gently on the rim of the counter, then poured its inside into the crater. Two more eggs, and the hole was filled to the brim.

However, Sweetie Belle’s eggs overflowed and soaked the salt, continuing to spill down the mount of flour like lava on an erupting volcano.

Some distance away, Pinkie Pie has happily turned to look at you. “This totally foal-friendly cooking show is brought to you by—”

“Who are you talking to, Pinkie?” Apple Bloom called, though she was busy focusing on the Ramen making project.

“Nopony!” Pinkie waved to her.

“Now mix the flour into the eggs and keep going until everything smooth and even,” Naruto called, pressing his hooves into the dough. Surprisingly enough, he found it somewhat more convenient than kneading with human hands. “Oh right, I forgot to change back…” he chuckled mentally. “Oh well.”

“How’s everypony doing?” he smiled at the Crusaders.

“Great!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle replied, while Scootaloo tried as hard as she could to keep the dough off her hooves.

“Mine is too sticky!” the Pegasus filly called, white pieces clinging to her orange coat. “I think I used too many eggs…”

“Goodnight, everypony!” Pinkie blew a kiss and waved to you.

“Just add some flour to fix it,” Apple Bloom suggested to Scootaloo.


Afterwards, the four Crusaders had all finished managed to combine the ingredients. However, they were far from done.

“Alright, now to really mix it up!” Naruto exclaimed and grabbed his piece of dough. “Now, you really gotta put your all into this!” he said as he raised the crude dough upwards, and started pulling it apart and then back together quickly like an accordion. He twisted it in mid-air, and even threw it upwards and caught it a few times. “If you don’t, the noodles won’t be thick and even enough,” he explained.

“Woah!” the others called in awe, unable to take their eyes off the impressive dough dance Naruto performed.

Then, after a few more minutes of kneading, stretching and compressing, the dough began separating into strings, almost like magic. “Whew,” Naruto said, wiping a bit of sweat from between his mane and the forehead protector. “All done!” he announced happily, turning to look at the three jaw-dropped fillies after putting the finished raw noodles on the counter.

“My Little Noodle: Ramen is Magic,” Pinkie said, looking directly at you. “Even I don’t get it,” she shrugged.

“Alright, let’s do it!” Scootaloo called as she, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom started mimicking Naruto’s actions.

Naruto watched them all, instructing and cheering them. “You’re doing great! Put more shoulder into it!”

“This is…” Sweetie Belle muttered. “A lot harder than it looks…” she said, struggling to knead the dough properly.

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom added. “My hooves hurt, and I barely even started!”

“Hang in there, this is the hardest part,” Naruto cheered them up. “I think,” he added under his breath.


About fifteen minutes later, the three fillies were sitting on the stools they used to stand on while making the noodles, completely exhausted. On the counter above them were somewhat similar creations to that of Naruto.

“Wow…” Sweetie Belle panted. “This is really hard work…”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo added. “I’m aching in places I didn’t even know existed!”

“Are we done yet, Naruto?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Not even close!” Naruto laughed.

“What? Don’t look at me,” Pinkie glared you. “I’m not even gonna comment on this anymore,” she said, turning back to the Crusaders.

“Next, we need to fry the vegetables for the broth,” Naruto explained. “Pinkie, do you have a—” he began, when he saw her holding a bottle of oil with her tail, a pan on her back.

Naruto stared at her, a bit surprised. “How did you know?” he questioned after recovering rather quickly.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Pinkie said shook her hoof towards him. “It all comes with the territory, my little ninja. I’m a cooking expert, you know!”

“Alright, thanks,” Naruto smiled and took the pan and oil from her. “A cooking expert… At making cupcakes and sweets, maybe? How does it even relate to Ramen…?” he pondered.

“So, is everypony ready?” Naruto asked the tired fillies.

“Can we have a break first, Naruto?” Apple Bloom asked.

“A break?! But we’re only like a thousand words into this chapter now!” Pinkie objected, earning utterly baffled gazes from the four other ponies.

“Anyways…” Naruto continued as if that didn’t just happen. “I’ll cut the vegetables, and you can tell Pinkie how to cook them, alright? That shouldn’t be too difficult,” he suggested, smiling.

“Okay!” Sweetie Belle called happily, grateful she doesn’t have to do much physical work again. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement.

Over the course of the next ten minutes or so, Naruto (in human form) cut the ginger, green onion and garlic for the Crusaders to use. “You only need to use a little ginger!” Naruto made sure to tell the others. Other than that, he focused intently on the task at hand and worked diligently, constantly thinking about the prize that would await them in the end. Perhaps contrarily to the three fillies, for him that prize was actually the Ramen itself, rather than the possible resulting cutie mark.

Not long afterwards, after being assisted by Pinkie and Naruto, each of the Crusaders had made their own version of the base for the broth. Naruto made his version himself, monitoring closely the smell and color of the mixture, to ensure they weren’t burnt.

“What now, Naruto?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Now we heat some water, and add all this the vegetables into it,” Naruto said, and demonstrated by filling a small pot with water, then put it on one of the stoves.

The other crusaders did the same, again with some help from the two grown-up ponies, and now there were four pots with fragrant vapors rising out of them.

“Awesome! So all we need now is put the noodles in and we’re done, right?” Scootaloo inquired.

“No, now we add soy sauce, salt and pepper until it tastes just right!” Naruto explained, grinning over the somewhat familiar smell entering his nostrils. “Plus, we need to boil the noodles in water first.”

First, the Crusaders refined and tasted the broth using the soy and salt they bought at the market, and borrowed some pepper from Pinkie that she pulled out of her mane.

“Why do you have pepper on you, Pinkie?” Naruto arched a brow at this.

“Reasons,” Pinkie replied, refusing to expand on this. But being a former prankster himself, Naruto could very accurately guess the ‘reasons’.

“This tastes… Weird,” Sweetie Belle said, tasting a spoonful of broth Naruto brought it to her mouth. “Not bad, just weird.”

“You need more soy sauce,” Naruto expressed his opinion after tasting some of hers as well. “But not a lot. Maybe half a spoon.”

The Crusaders gazed at him in surprise. “Wow, I didn’t know you were a chef back at the leaf village,” Apple Bloom said, sounding impressed.

Naruto chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. “More like a Ramen taster, really. I don’t know half a thing about other cooking-related stuff.”

About half an hour later, the four broths made by the Crusaders were all ready. Naruto smiled proudly at their achievements so far. “Good work, Crusaders! Now just one last thing before it’s ready!”

“Boil the noodles?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yep!” Naruto grinned. “Are you ready to start?”

“Yeah! Ramen Cutie Marks, hurray!” the three fillies replied.

Naruto started by filling another small pot with water, and added some salt. He then turned on the flame to boil the water. The others followed suit, with some assistance from him and from Pinkie.

“Hey, Naruto. Think someday you could show us how to be human too?” Apple Bloom asked as she saw him holding the pot. “Those weird hooves you have look really convenient,” she explained her reasoning, staring at his hands.

“Yeah! Just like how you use that juice of yours to turn into a pony!” Sweetie Belle added, smiling hopefully.

“It’s jutsu, not juice,” Scootaloo corrected her. “But yeah, that does look like it would be cool,” she grinned.

“Sorry, but using jutsus takes chakra,” Naruto said with apologetic smile. “Only ninjas have chakra.”

“Aww, that sucks…” Apple Bloom sighed.

“Well, let’s continue,” the ninja then said, redirecting their attention to the noodles. “All we need to do is put them in the water once they boil. I think about five minutes should be okay.”

Soon enough, the water was bubbling significantly, and they all put the raw noodles they prepared at the beginning into it.


“Alright! They’re finally ready!” Scootaloo called five minutes later. She and the others kept looking at the clock in anticipation.

Naruto went ahead and filled four bowls, each with each Crusader’s broth and noodles. He then put them on the floor, and transformed into a pony, so that he could use Momo’s apparatus. He was actually rather eager to use it himself. The five ponies in the room all gazed at their creations in awe, then exchanged excited gazes.

“All we need to do is stir so that the noodles will get some of the broth’s taste, and then it’s ready to eat!” Naruto explained, grinning from ear to ear.

“Me first!” Pinkie quickly called, grabbed one of Momo’s devices and tasted them all one by one, loitering with each one and pondering their taste. Or at least so it appeared to the others.

“Well…?” Sweetie Belle asked in anticipation. “How were they?”

“Hmm…” Pinkie muttered, still deep in thought. “Hmm… Alright, I’ve decided.”

“Really?! Whose is the best?!” Scootaloo asked, excited.

“I dunno. They’re all really good though!” the pink Earth pony called happily. The Crusaders nearly all fell on their faces over that.

“Let’s just try them ourselves, okay?” Naruto suggested, and handed the three fillies three of Momo’s smaller devices, while he took a larger one.

“Let's dig in!” Naruto called, and took himself some of his noodles after thoroughly stirring them inside the broth. The others did the same with their own dish, using the magical metal rods to hold the noodles for them.

The moment Naruto has brought the noodles to his mouth, his heart sank in disappointment. “It’s not bad… But it’s no way near Teuchi’s… It doesn’t even begin to compare…”

“Ah! Too salty!” Sweetie Belle cried and made a dash to the sink to drink some tongue-cleansing water.

“Too spicy!” Apple Bloom cried and joined Sweetie Belle in her attempts to clear her mouth from the taste.

“You probably used too much ginger,” Naruto called out to her.

“My Ramen tastes like eggs,” Scootaloo said, her muzzle showing she was somewhat disgusted by her meal.

Naruto then let out a sigh. “Sorry, girls. Looks like this was all for nothing. None of us got a cutie mark. I guess Ramen will have to wait until I get back home. And I guess the others won’t get to enjoy it either…”

“Even yours is bad, Naruto?” Scootaloo asked in surprise. “But you gave us all tips and helped us make everything! We should at least try yours!”

“Well… Okay,” Naruto said and moved aside so that Scootaloo could try his.

The orange filly brought the noodles to her mouth, and her eyes immediately shot open. “This… This is AMAZING!”

“It is?!” Naruto asked, stunned.

“Sweetie Belle! Apple Bloom! You’ve gotta taste this!” she called to the two fillies who were taking turns watering their mouth.

“Huh?” Apple Bloom asked, bringing her mouth away from the water flowing out of the faucet.

“Why?” Sweetie Belle asked, doing the same.

“This tastes AWESOME!” Scootaloo called, absolutely ecstatic.

“It does?!” Naruto repeated. “I didn’t think it was really good… Maybe it’s because I’m used to the Ramen at Ichiraku’s…” he wondered.

The two fillies walked over, grabbed their metallic chopsticks and took a taste one by one. Immediately as the noodles entered and touched their tongues, their expressions lighted up.

“This is…” Apple Bloom started, looking at the bowl in awe.

“THE TASTIEST THING EVER!” Sweetie Belle shrilled, her voice cracking slightly.

“I didn’t want to make you feel bad earlier” Pinkie spoke. “But Naruto’s is definitely the best, hooves down!” she exclaimed gleefully.

“Wow… Thanks, Pinkie,” Naruto said, surprised with how suddenly considerate she was about this.

“Could use a few carrots and some hot sauce, though,” the pink pony smiled.

“I’m calling Applejack over! She’s GOT to taste this!” Apple Bloom called as she immediately ran outside.

“Well, might as well get the whole gang here,” Naruto figured, smiling.


“This is… So good!” Spike called with his mouth half-filled with noodles. He kept eating the Ramen in a crazy rate, and was now downing his third bowl. The purple dragon was eating alongside the other mares on the large table at the kitchen. He was using the regular metal sticks quite skillfully.

“Slow down, Spike, or you’ll get a stomachache!” Twilight called. “Although… This is really amazing! I can’t believe I’m getting to taste food native to another universe!”

“I don’t care! I don’t care if I even explode because of it! It’s. So. Good!” the drake called as he wolfed down more and more.

Naruto smiled proudly at all of the guests, who were eating his Ramen most enjoyably. He had afterwards made another, larger batch of Ramen, this time using Pinkie’s carrot tip. He skipped the hot sauce, though.

“I do have to agree, I have never tasted anything quite so remarkable!” Rarity called after cleaning her muzzle with a napkin after her most recent bite. “The smooth, savory noodles, the picante broth and the delicious aroma… It is all very exotic!”

“Yeah! Whatever she said!” Applejack called as she slurped loudly on Ramen. “This ain’t half bad, Naruto! Ya really outdid yourself!” she grinned at him.

“I’m definitely coming for more of these, Naruto!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “So this better not be a one-time thing, got that?!”

“I bet everypony would like to have some,” Fluttershy said happily, as she was quietly eating her own meal. “Oh, another bowl please!” she called, remembering she finished her first one.

“Coming right up!” Naruto called, and quickly served her again.

“Yeah! They’re so good, I bet ponies would even pay for them!” Pinkie said merrily, as she was having her second bowl now too.

“Pay for them… Huh?” the orange stallion repeated as he laid the bowl in front of Fluttershy, pondering this. “Of course! Pinkie, you’re a genius!” he exclaimed, giving Pinkie his biggest smile ever.

“Of course I am!” Pinkie laughed and slurped on more Ramen. “What’s a ‘genius’?”

“I’ve made up my mind!” Naruto announced, directing everypony’s attention at him. “I’m gonna open a Ramen shop, right here in Ponyville!”

Immediately as he said that, a bright, white light arose from him. Every single eye in the room was directed at Naruto, as a picture came to form on his flank while the light slowly diminished. The picture was of a light blue bowl of Ramen, out which of was sticking out a pair of chopsticks and two narutomaki. On the bowl was a green-colored symbol of Konoha.

“No way! Naruto’s got a cutie mark!” Rainbow called as she flew to take a closer look at it. “And it looks downright epic!”

“I do?!” Naruto yelled in astonishment, and turned back to look at his flank. “No way, I totally do! Alright!!!” he called, throwing a triumphant hoof to the air.

“Congratulations, Naruto!” Twilight called happily, smiling at him alongside the others.

“Do you know what this means, girls?!” Apple Bloom asked in excitement, looking at Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. The look in their eyes told her they were thinking exactly the same thing.

“This is the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ first successful crusade EVER!” Sweetie Belle yelled at the top of her lungs, her voice cracking at the last word.

“Do you know what ELSE it means?” Pinkie asked. Everypony smiled, knowing full well what it meant.


“Fire in the hole!” Pinkie yelled as she pulled the wire on her fabled blue party cannon, sending to the air a barrage of colorful confetti and streamers.

Many ponies from all around town had gathered to the party Pinkie had planned and organized in just two hours as Naruto’s cute-ceañera. The entirety of the front of Sugarcube Corner was covered from floor to ceiling in balloons and streamers, and a huge sign was hanged which read ‘Congratulations for Your Cutie Mark, Naruto!’ in big, colorful letters, below which was a drawing of Naruto. “I guess that’s Pinkie’s thing for signs. It’s actually not bad at all,” the orange stallion grinned at it.

He himself was quite the busy bee these past two hours too, making even more Ramen to serve to the party’s guests. A long line formed all the way to the reception desk, from which the Ramen was served and managed by Pinkie and the Cakes.

“So that was why Pinkie was so secretive about using the kitchen,” Mrs. Cake grinned. “I would never have imagined something like that was brewing there.”

“It’s… Really good!” Mr. Cake called over a bowl of Ramen. “Kind of a shame we can’t have our shop to also be a Ramen shop, Naruto.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Naruto replied. “I decided to open shop in the market.”

“Does that mean I won’t be seeing ya down at the farm anymore, Naruto?” Applejack asked, sounding a bit disappointed.

“I’ll drop by once in a while, Applejack,” Naruto assured her.

“Glad to hear it!” the orange mare smiled. “Oh yeah, if ya need help building that Ramen stand, I have some spare parts ya can use. Plus, I could lend ya a hoof.”

“Alright! I’ll come first thing tomorrow, Applejack. Thanks!”

Suddenly, a noise of glass breaking was heard, directing everypony’s attention to the front door.

“Sweetie Belle, you need to tap on glass to get everypony’s attention, not break a glass,” Scootaloo whispered.

“Oops, sorry,” the Unicorn filly whispered back.

“Ahem! Anyway…” Apple Bloom began. She and the other two were standing at the entrance, each carrying a certain item.

Apple Bloom put the sheet of paper she was carrying on the floor in front of her and started reading it. “We have all gathered here today to celebrate a most exce… Umm, what’s that word, Rarity?” the yellow filly asked.

“Exceptional,” the white mare replied. “I helped them write the speech,” she whispered to Naruto with a grin. *squee*

“Right! Exceptional event,” Apple Bloom continued. “Naruto has finally obtained his cutie mark! But that’s not all…”

“Naruto is also the first Cutie Mark Crusader to have successfully completed his crusade,” Scootaloo continued. “Therefore, the Cutie Mark Crusaders would like to bestow upon Naruto the following gifts.”

Naruto simply stared at them with a mixture of shock and happiness.

“First, a drawing made by the three of us!” Sweetie Belle called as Scootaloo hooved over to him the piece of paper that was rest on her back.

Naruto balanced it on his hoof and looked at it, grinning. It was a crude drawing, yet it was clear the three fillies put all they had into it. It was a drawing of him, standing in a simple field of grass and blue sky above him. He was waving with his front hoof, and his cutie mark was visible for all to see. The other three Crusaders were standing beside him, waving as well.

“And second… Your very own Cutie Mark Crusaders’ official cape!” Apple Bloom called as now Sweetie Belle paced forward, giving him the red cloth that was resting on her back.

“I didn’t have a large enough piece of cloth for you back when I made ours, but now you finally get your own!” Sweetie Belle explained happily.

Naruto unfolded it and looked at it. It was completely matching to the others’. It had a gold underside and a red topside, and on it was patched the blue and yellow emblem of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. He grinned, and laid it over his back, tying the front around his neck.

“Thanks a lot! You really didn’t have to though!” he laughed.

“But wait! There’s more!” Sweetie Belle said. “We’ve decided to make you…”

“PRESIDENT OF THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!” the three fillies shouted at the top of their lungs.

“Huh?” Naruto muttered. Everypony else in the room looked just as confused.

“Well, you’re the only one of us who has a cutie mark, plus you’ll make a great leader!” Apple Bloom explained cheerfully.

“Yeah! And it’s not like you’re leaving the Crusaders, right?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well… I did say I’ll help you get a cutie mark… Okay then!” Naruto smiled.

“Great! Then all hail President Naruto!” Sweetie Belle called.

“All hail President Naruto!” for some reason everypony in the room answered.

“You can skip the ‘President’ part, though,” Naruto chuckled sheepishly.

“Yes, President Naruto!” everypony called, then burst into a laugh for playing along with this.

“And so, the Cutie Mark Crusaders would like to tell you…” Apple Bloom began.

“Keep being awesome!” they finished all at once.

“I told them to use that line,” Rainbow whispered to Naruto, smirking proudly.


That evening, after the party was over, Naruto finally trotted back to his room and slumped on the bed. “Transformation Jutsu, Release!”

The human ninja continued lying on the bed for a few more minutes, slowly processing everything that had happened today. Not only he successfully created Ramen, but he also decided on making it a permanent job here, since he didn’t have ninja missions to go out on. Just as importantly, he also obtained his cutie mark. “Or maybe, they all derived from each other?” he pondered.

Naruto then remembered Momo, the old merchant. “Now that I think about it… It kinda looked like he already knew what Ramen was. Everything just went too smoothly back there… It was like he knew what I needed before I even told him…” he thought. “Nah, it was probably just a lucky guess,” he figured, saying it out loud partially to convince himself. “There’s no way anypony knew what Ramen is, since it came from my world.”

He then concentrated on the hole in the seal that Luna had made, and as usual, a red cloud flowed out of it, becoming the miniature nine-tailed fox.

“Congratulations,” the fox said.

“Huh?” Naruto asked, completely stunned by him being so hearty. “Uhh… Thanks?”

“Congratulations for officially becoming one of these stupid ponies. I hope you’re feeling proud of yourself,” the fox said, sarcasm dripping from each word.

“Well, what should I do then?! Be grumpy all the time like you?!” Naruto snapped at him. “That won’t solve anything!”

“You’re not even trying to think of a way to get back, are you?!” the fox retorted. “Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in this sickeningly sweet place?!”

“Celestia promised me she’ll find a way back! What else do you want me to do about it?!”

“Tsk. I don’t want to even talk to you anymore. You make me sick,” the fox replied condescendingly and turned away, lying on the floor to get some sleep.

“Fine! Be like that!” Naruto yelled back. He changed into his pajama and went to sleep without saying another word, his mood completely ruined.


It was the middle of the night. Save for the hooting of owls and rustling of leaves in the wind, no sound was heard. Naruto and the fox slept soundly, basking in the pale light bestowed upon them by Luna’s moon.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by the sound of trotting hooves inside the room.

The nine-tailed fox, who was sleeping on the carpet, immediately opened his eyes to find the cause of the sound. A silhouette of a pony stood at the entrance.

“Grr… Who are you?!” the fox demanded, raising his head to gaze at him. “How did you get in here?!” By his smell, the fox quickly gathered that it was neither Rarity, nor Sweetie Belle.

The pony paced forward, basking in the moonlight peering from outside. “You sure have grown quite crabby since back then,” he said very calmly as he stared at the orange fox. “I wonder if it comes with age…”

The nine-tailed fox stood on his legs. “You’re that pony from—” he began, when something clicked and his mind, and he froze, utterly shocked. “You… I… I can’t believe it… Is it… You?!”

The pony smiled at him. “I too am surprised to finally meet you again, after all those years. Especially here.”

“What are you doing here? All this time… I thought…”

“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that I do not have much time here,” the pony cut him off. “I will talk to you more and answer all of your inquiries when we get the chance. Tonight, I have come here because I have an important request to ask of you, Kurama…”

Author's Note:

Naruto finally has a cutie mark and a job! Hurray!
I wish I could have a picture to show it, but the art request is still pending.
So use your imagination for now. :twilightsmile:

Next time, a somewhat crazy chapter is heading your way! I hope you'll enjoy it! :derpytongue2:

P.S: The wording at the cooking part was completely accidental. I swear to Celestia.

P.P.S: Naruto's birthday is October 10th! Make sure you wish him a happy birthday! (And me too, while you're at it. My birthday is October 10th too! :pinkiehappy:)

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