• Published 11th May 2014
  • 5,097 Views, 271 Comments

A New World, A New Way - Swarm - Kingofsouls

A Sidestory for Zuesdemigod131's A New World A New way. X is a constructin worker. Nell is a merchant in training. Then Arceus got out of his dimesional prision.

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Chapter 1 - Foresight

Kingofsouls, in assosiation with Zeusdemigod131 presents
A New World, A New Way
Chapter 1 - Foresight

Day 0

The Changeling Empire.

Located deep in the Jungles of Hoffrica, the Changeling Empire was one of Equis's greatest secrets. Equal to size of a small country, the Changeling Empire choose to hide from the eyes of the world for very good reasons. The residents of the Empire were the Changeling Hives, similar in basic shape to their Equine cousins, the Ponies. That is where the similarities ended. The common changeling characteristics were a very dark gray coat similar to that of an insects carapace, a mane, tail, translucent moth bitten wings, each the same color, eyes with no pupils which was either turquoise or the color of the hair, and a horn sharp and curved like a small dagger. Older changelings and those of noble or royal standing often appeared grander and taller. In general, the Changeling's appearance would usually spook the average pony who saw them.

What also made the Changelings unique was their special diet. Not only did a Changeling need physical nourishment, such as food and water, Changelings needed to consume emotional nourishment, the most nutritious being love. Thus, the most elite of Changeling harvesters would infiltrate other counties (usually Equestria and other Pony settlements due to the Changeling's and Ponies sharing a common shape. That being said, there were some Changelings that infiltrate Canida and Griffenhiem), and drain the love from potential targets to return to the hives.

In essence, the entire race were emotion eaters, causing the uninitiated to be fearful of them. Fortunately, several of the world's leaders knew of the Changelings, and instead of hating them for their differences, they welcomed them as friends. At first.

Celestia was the one put the most effort into convincing the other world leaders that the Changelings should be given a chance, and the other leaders relented, allowing Harvesters into their countries to Harvest love, and only love. Celestia's gamble had paid off, and the relationship between the world and the Changeling Empire were for the most part sturdy.


Secte, The capital of the Changeling Empire.

Compared to the other capitals of the world, especially Canterlot, Secte was probably one of the smallest capitals of the world, but in the Changeling Empire, it was their citadel. Like most Changeling cities, a sturdy wooden wall circled the city, providing suitable defenses from the wild beasts whom also called the jungle home. Since removing the trees in the jungle was quite difficult, and would also compromise the Hive's safety the Changelings simply decided that if they couldn't make their houses out of trees, they would simply build houses in the trees while removing only what was necessary. Many of the houses were made of a green, crystalline material resembling a cocoon, with the number of houses in the trees outnumbering the number on the ground.

Thus, to a Changeling, “city” and “hive” were simply different ways to say the same word.

And far within the heart of the hidden city was the Royal Prison. Unlike most Changeling buildings, the prison was made of a mixture of the cocoon substance, and stone.

And it housed a special prisoner.

Deep within the bowels of the Royal Prison, the special prisoner sat silently in the dim light, two guards garbed in armor darker than their coats, watching over her. Her appearance was different than the common changeling, as she had a turquoise mane and tail,and piercing green eyes. A blue-green chitin covering her back like a saddle along with a pair of translucent insect-like wings turquoise in color. Her horn, as large as Celestia's, was crooked, as if it was a cursed sword of legend. Holes, as if she was slightly eaten by moths, were present in her legs, mane, tail, and wings.

Then, echoing in the halls were hoof steps. The guards snapped to attention, and turned to the source of the noise. Alongside the standard entourage of guards, was the changeling the prisoner did not wish to see.

The special guest, like the prisoner, had a more unique default appearance. While he had the same coat color and the holes in limbs they shouldn't be in like the other Changelings, he was of a slightly bulkier build, somehow retaining the physical form from his younger days. His silver mane and tail, each having a stripe of a lighter shade, and his wings with a warm but translucent gray. The chitin saddle was also gray, but lighter and and warmer. His horn, while crooked, curved softly instead of sharply.

He sighed as his gray eyes stared at the prisoner. “Leave us” he stated, the deep voice commanding respect with every word. The guards silently complied as they marched away.

The prisoner turned her head from her guest. “Leave me be, Lord Emperor” she commanded weakly, her scathing remark sharp as a knife.

“You know I prefer you to call me Grandfather.”

Considered by some to be Ponyvile of the Changeling Empire, the city Eintel was the closest Changeling settlement to the closest border city. While it wasn't as danger prone as Ponyvillle, it's proximity to the border made it rather important for the Empire's cash flow. Thus, it was home of many merchants, whom would make periodic journeys outside of the Empire.

The Changeling Empire needed sources of money from outside their lands after all. Trading goods not readily available at home was always was a good idea for money making.

The jungles of Hoofrica bore many rewards to those brave enough to enter it's maw. The many spices that were raised within the walls of the city were probably the number one export of the entire country. The precious metals and gemstones within the jungle also fetched a fine price.

Though it was a three day journey to the closest trading post.

The price of privacy.

Though today was a special day for one changeling. She stood in her room, a mirror from Canida showing her reflection. Her soft gold hair, tail,wings, and chitin glimmered in the sun's light as her golden eyes stared at herself intensely.

In a flash, gold fire consumed her, and the fire faded away to reveal a tan coated, black maned, purple eyed Pegasus mare with a pith helmet cutie mark. She frowned at herself. “No.”

Another flash, and the mare disappeared, a tall lanky diamond dog in it's place.


A flash again, summoning forth a light pink unicorn mare with a yo-yo cutie mark, a lock of her light blue mane dangling in front of her.


A minotaur, gray fur covering powerful muscles and a vest to mach.

“Uhg, definitely no.”

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing a young Changeling teen, about 15 years of age by the looks of it, whom appearance was identical to the changeling in the room, save for her hair and tail having a light yellow stripe. “Minotaur? Really?”

The minotaur turned to her guest. “Nall, knock first!” she scolded, the minotaurs' deep voice resonating slightly.

“Mom says breakfast is ready.” Nall replied as she left as quickly as she came. Nell sighed as she turned back into a Changeling.

Knocking wasn't that hard, was it?

Nell descended the stairs as she trotted towards the dinning room, her father and Nall sitting at the large table while her mother Hira put the finishing touches on breakfast. Her father Citel bore a short green mane, wings, chitin, and eyes, the latter currently glaring at the morning newspaper. Her mother Hira was similar to her daughters: A gold mane in a bun mane style, gold wings, gold chitin and eyes. He

Since Changelings always had gray coats, to Changelings, the colors of a Changeling's mane, wings, chitin and eyes were often used for identification, and color was passed down from one of the parents. Smell was also used, though the scent was very light: one had to actively smell to find the scent, and only at a close distance.

“Good Morning Father, Mother, Nall.” Nell says as she headed to the kitchen to claim her breakfast.

“Good morning Nell.” same her father's reply, briefly looking away from his newspaper before returning his gaze to the paper. “Now all we need is your brood sister to arrive.”

Suddenly, with a crash, a changeling identical to Nell and Nall, the only differences being three lighter stripes in her hair and her wings having a gradient effect with the color darkening towards the base, and five smaller changelings bearing a green coloring, crawling all over the mare. All of them

Hira sighed as she levitated the morning meal of eggs and toast, several pink gemstone lining the edges of the plate “Boys, Nalel, breakfast.”

The leaves fell gently withing the outskirts of Laverre City, the trees gently swaying in the wind. All was quite, save for the occasional snore.

In the special tree house built through tears, sweat, and copious amounts of nails and wood, was a treehouse. It wasn't very fancy, just a room, but for one Trainer, it was home away from home, though to be honest he spent more time in it than he should.

And right now he was in his home away from home simply relaxing.

The boy, a young man, had jet black hair that pointed every which way, a green jacket, and slacks of a soft brown color. His emerald eyes were closed, his head resting on his arms.

“What a perfect day for a lazy afternoon.” he said to no one in particular.

Suddenly, he heard cries of anguish. He sighed, slowing rising to his feet.

“I need to stop saying that.”

The young man deftly climbed down the latter, and signed as he gazed at the situation. In a small clearing just under his tree was a small dinosaur, about two feet tall. It had dark brown scales, comically short arms, and two proportionally large legs and a tail balancing it, though it seemed to hunch just a little. It's underbelly was a light gray, the color extending all the way to the jaw. Two orange ridges adorned the top of it's head, and a small color of sorts adorned the neck like a collar.

The creature was crying, it's short arms struggling to reach his eyes so he could cover them while another strange creature standing next to it. The creature resembled a tree just shorter than the average person. It's head, which was more of a helm made of tree bark, had three horn, two to the sides and one in front, and one eye like a cyclops. Unlike any normal tree, it bore two arms, each ending with a three clawed hand and tuffs of leaves. For legs, it bore six legs, like a spider or other insect. The joints of the “arm”, as well as the “neck” and “lower torso” were broken, a shadowy energy connecting the missing parts together.

The man sighed “Azisa, Apocalypse, whats going on this time?”

The two creatures gazes matched the human's, and immediately started shouting in their native tongue (Pokémon naturally had a hard time speaking any human language, though it was possible for a Pokemon to be able to speak one, though it was mostly though psychic powers, and even then it was a rarity.). The boy sighed, raising in hands. “Stop, stop, you know I can't understand you that well, unless Naruto is around.”

“Someone call for me?”

The boy turned around and smiled when he saw who it was. Leaning up against the tree they called home was a bipedal fox like being, it's gray fur, and red mane contrasting against the tree and surrounding nature. It's arms, ending in three red claws, were folded.

Immediately the tree and dinosaur started arguing again, rushing the Zoroark with a fervor. He sighed “Again?”

“Yea, though I'm a bit surprised that Inti wasn’t the one who started it.”

“We will have to put this on hold., X.” Naruto replied as he raised his claws, stopping the argument before it began again.. “We have a job.”

The boy sighed, relief that it was time to work. He turned to his two companions, two red and white spheres as large as baseballs in his hand. “Time to work.”

“So, come to chastise me again, Grandfather?” Chrysalis spat out, vile in her voice.

The Emperor of the Changelings sighed. “Chrysalis, must we have the same discussion every time we meet?”

“Until you understand that you are no longer fit to rule.”

Carapace inched closer to the bars of the cell. “I feel like slapping a foal every time you say that to me. Especially after that stunt you pulled at the wedding of the Princess of Love.”

“We needed her and Equestria's Love! I've told you time and time again, grandfather, with Equestria under our hooves we could have gorged on love!” Chrysalis nearly screech, approaching the cell, her face would have pressed against her foe if the bars were not in the way.

“And time and time again you have illustrated a lack of foresight.”

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes as he hear the retort. “A lack of foresight? From me?” she laughed mockingly “Tell me, how much love do the harvesters bring back? Far fewer than the mouths they must feed! Hiding only gets us so far, the only way for our kind to rise from being a foals bad nightmare was to take what we needed!”

At least she's talking this time. Carapace sat on his haunches, listening to his granddaughter's rant end. “So how did invasion help get us in good graces with the other races of the world?”

“They are our meals.”

“Not a great way to make friends.”

Gasping, Chrysalis looked as if she was insulted. “Leaders do not make friends, they make results!”

“Your brilliant plan had many flaws, Chrysalis” The Emperor fumed, clearly having little patience for incompetence. “First, your plan required you to kidnap the niece of an Alicorn whom is capable of moving the sun at a whim. Do you realize how stark raving mad Celestia was when she confronted me after your defeat at the Equestrian's hooves. I almost had to sing Hinny of the Hills to convince her that I was not involved with your uprising at all.”

Sighing, Chrysalis simply trotted away from the bars towards her bed (unlike most prison cells it was an actual bed with an actual mattress.) As she climbed into it, her grandfather continued. “Secondly, assuming you were successful with your plan, how would you have gotten the love we needed in the first place?”

“You must be getting senile, asking me how our kind's bodies work.”

“It's not a matter of biology,” Carapace sighed. “It's more of a case of psychology.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you were a pony, and suddenly thousands of insect ponies rained from the sky, would you be feeling loving emotions towards your parents, or your colt friend?”

“It would not have mattered!”

“Maybe not for a day, but you had plans to occupy Canterlot for much longer than a few days, am I correct? It's hard to love when your home is no longer yours, fearing for your life and unsure if you will make it to tomorrow, is it?”

Chrysalis's silence betrayed her as Carapace continued “And thirdly, you forgot one other important fact: Word spreads quickly. Harvesters from all over the world reported to me via Message Flames almost immediately after Celestia informed me of your little visit to Canterlot, that the residents of the cities they were in were out hunting for changelings.”

Chrysalis simply slumped into the bed, turned away from her Emperor in the hopes of ignoring him. “Allow me to repeat myself in case you did not get it: Our food source tried to find the changelings responsible for feeding the changelings at home.

“Your actions almost severed our relations with practically every other land in the world. The trust our kind spent years building was almost irreparably shattered because you got impatient. What do you say to that?”

Silence engulfed the air as Chrysalis silently declared the conversation over. Understanding the message, Carapace got up and turned to leave. And as he left, tears fell from Chrysalis' eyes.

Pride's talons have a tight grip on the hearts of mortals that they grasp hold to.

“Okay Inti, let it rip!”

“Helio, Helio-LISK!” the creature named Inti spoke. The creature was a lizard, standing about three feet tall, with yellow skin, and orange stripes on his legs, arms, and tail. Her head was black, and so were her hands, feet, the very end of her tail, and the frill that covered his neck, ending with orange spikes. The lizard deftly grasped two wires, and unfurled it's frill, the frill looking like a sun. Lightning surged and lit up the frill, and more importantly, the lights that the wires were attached to. Considering it was for a treehouse, the wires had to be able to last.

Unlike most members of his family, whom were Trainers and were among some of the best Trainers when it came to battling, Jacob Arrow, whom preferred to be called by his nickname X, wasn't exactly sold on the idea of being a professional Pokémon battler. Sure, it paid well if you were skilled at battling, but X didn't want to become an extension of his parents legacy. When he told them he wanted to be in construction, they reluctantly relented, though he was forced to learn the family trade just in case he needed it.

Even with the training, X wasn't that good of a battler, thus he avoided battles when he could. That being said, his training encouraged him to find his team on his own, and that was something he could never regret doing. His team was more than just a team: they were a family.

Satisfied at the lighting operating correctly, X affectionately rubbed Inti's head. “Well, looks like these lights are working. Can you check the rest, of the lighting, see if everything is on the up and up?”


Turning around, X checked the progress the current job: a treehouse for a young girl residing in town. Considering that her parents made a few uncommon requests (the lighting being the main one), X figured the family was loaded. Shoving the thought aside, he looked at Apocalypse and Naruto, currently prepping the stone statues to line the walkway to the entrance latter of the treehouse. Apocalypse was moving the stones with his head, while Naruto was cutting the stones waiting to be moves with his Focus Blasts, concentrated Fighting energy perfect for wrecking rocks and foes.

X turned and gazed at his latest job: A tree house just outside of Laverre City in the Kalos Region. For him, it was a rather easy job, considering it was close to home and working on tree houses was always a favorite of his.

“Hey Azisa, hows the wood?” he asked the Trevenenat. She turned, and gave her a thumbs up, which was an achievement due to the lack of an actual thumb. “Tree, Trevenant, ant.”


“She says she thinks we needs more wood in general.”

“Well, if you think we need more,” X smiled “then we need more. I trust your judgment. Go get some trees that look good, then take them down and bring them here.”

Azisa's eye narrowed, as if he had just spoken some unspeakable insult. X quickly got the message and sighed “Fine, you can go to the lumberyard again. Naruto, can you take her?”

“Of course.” Then with a small leap and a flash of light, the fox pokémon turned into a duplicate of his trainer. The real X simply reached into his pocket, producing a wad of bills, and lobbed it at the Pokemon, whom deftly caught it. “Bring back some change this time.”

“You are never going to let me live that down are you?” “X” said, his lips moving to reinforce the illusion. X just shook his head with a smile as the two pokémon went on their way.

“Are you sure you know what you are doing?”

X turned yet again, and saw the person paying for the treehouse, a woman in her mid 40's with her brown hair in a bun and a simple sundress bearing a flowery pattern. “Not a very big show of confidence in our synergy, is it?”

“But you gave your pokémon money.”

“And when they come back, they will give me planks of wood, and I'll use them to build your daughter's treehouse.” X replied, as he walked toward the worktable . “Trust me, Naruto and Asiza won't do anything stupid. When we are on the job, we get it done fast and efficiently, with no problems.”

Picking up the plans he had on hand., looking at it intently. Without looking, he addressed his Tyrunt. “Apocalypse, why don't you carve a few of the rocks with Dragon Tail while Naruto is gone?”


“I have no what you just said.”

Somewhat rejected, Apocalypse started to push one of the rocks that was uncarved to the walkway, the rocks being used as small statues lining the walkway. Then, the dinosaur noticed Inti's tail waving back and forth, oblivious to all but her work.

Right between Apocalypse, and where he needed to push the rock.

The Tyrunt chuckled in a way that most people would have assumed he was a Dark type if they just heard the sound. Lining his shot up, Apocalypse back up, then crashed into the rock, rolling it towards his workmate at a respectable pace.

Then, just as the rock was about to smash Inti's tail, without looking, Inti deftly and expertly pulled his tail back, avoiding the pain Apocalypse had intended to inflict. Then before Apocalypse had a moment to realize what Inti had done, Inti deftly smacked her tail upside the back of Apocalypse's head.

X chuckled as Apocalypse ceased moving the rock and begun roaring at Inti, with Inti hissing and flaring his frill in retaliation.

“Efficient, huh? Do all of your pokémon act like this?”

“Mostly Apocalypse.” X sighed “Break it up you two, you can hate each other off hours. Apocalypse, you started it, apologize”

As if he almost expected X to demand he apologize, Apocalypse instead sat down and began to roar louder.

“Well, at least it's just Apocalypse having a temper tantrum.”


“Arceus smite me now.”

“Nell, you seem a little jumpy.”

“I do?” came the innocent reply.

“Considering what's happening tomorrow, I would understand.” Citel comforted her as Nell silently ate. Nell didn't feel comforted though. Her nerves felt ravaged.

Her father continued. “ I remember when I first left my brood and ventured out into Hoofrica proper. It was the most exciting time of my life, at least”

“Until the lion's found you on the way. We remember the story Dad.” Nalel interrupted. “You ran away, turned into a bigger lion, and scared them off.”

“Well, it sounds better when I tell the story.”

Her family chuckled as Citel sulked, Hira nuzzling her husband.

By trade, Citel was a merchant, the one who had trained Nell before her journey was to begin. It was not an easy path, especial for a changeling. Merchants were often away from home for a while en route to their destinations, and being in a foreign land was not always easy, especially for changelings.

“So, you're gonna change your mind and let us come with you right ?” Nalel said in between bits of food. Suddenly Nell didn't feel so hungry.



“Please excuse me.” Nell quietly muttered as she left the table. Her brood brothers quickly pounced on her abandoned breakfast.

Nall and Nalel looked at each other. Their brood sister was easily overwhelmed by the unknown, so to them it was strange that she wanted to take up her fathers trade.

“You think we should go after her?”

“Sounds good to me.”

“You two need to stay put.” said Citel. “I'll talk to her.”

The offending shout of his name came from a dark skinned man with dreadlocks wearing a tank top and sweatpants, duck tape taped around the ends of the pant legs. His belt bore six pokèballs, capsule like devices that break the laws of physics on an alarmingly regular basis used to capture and store pokémon. “You are Jacob Arrow, right?”

“Last time I checked.” came the reply. “What do you want, I'm busy.”

The trainer chucked.” Name's Rick.” he boasted “And I challenge you to a battle!”

“Uh, why?”

“Well, isn't it obvious!?” gasped Rick, as if X's retort was him saying he didn't like chocolate. “It's because you're Jacob Arrow, the son of Morgan and Silas Arrow.”

X simply turned around, and headed towards the workbench. “I already knew that, now leave.”

The client could not believed what she was hearing. “Wait, you're related to the Morgan and Silas Arrow?”

Inti covered her head with his hands. She saw it many times before.

And to her horror it was happening again.

“Yes, I am related to the Morgan and Silas Arrow. But I don't battle.”

Rick's expression clearly showed that he though that X's newest comment was the equivalent of him saying that he ate babies on the weekends. “You're trying to trick me aren’t you?”

“Listen buddy you're not the first one to get the brilliant idea you had. You heard that I was in town, got curious, did your research, and made the connection. Then you though that if you beat me and my team in a battle then you must automatically be some great badass pokémon trainer?”

“No I di...”

“Don't lie to me”

“Fine, your right.”

“Though so. Let me ask you this: Do you honestly think that if you beat me, you're as strong as my parents? Or that maybe you've somehow earned the right to battle them by beating me?” X ranted, furiously gazing at the plans he had just picked up. “News flash: you're just another gory hound who wants fame the easy way: By beating someone better than you just one time. And that's assuming they accept your challenge.”

“You make it sound like they're picky battlers.”

“That's because they only battle people who can fight back.”

“So why don't you battle me and prove it?”

“I'm not falling for it. I'm a construction worker, not a trainer. Now leave. I'm working.” X coldly told the trainer. Rick was about to leave in a fury when he noticed Apocalypse, still having his temper tantrum. Rick suddenly realized he was doing wrong.

“I guess you're right. You don't seem to be a trainer at all.”

Twirling the pencil, he sighed “So?”

“I mean, you must not be, considering how you can't even rein your little dumb lizard in.”

Apocalypse stopped his crying, and X's eyes narrowed. “Leave him out of this.”

“Face it, if you were a good trainer you wold have him under control, not whining like that? By the way, did he accidentally eat his favorite toy or something? I mean, he's crying a storm there.

“Course, no one would really want a crybaby on their team, now would they?”

With a roar, Apocalypse charged at the trainer, his jaws chomping at the air, wishing Ricks leg was there instead on the air. Thankfully he didn't get that far, as Inti quickly chomped on Apocalypse’s tail with her teeth, and was doing an impressive job at holding the significantly stronger Fossil pokémon back.

“Take. That. Back.”


X turned and yelled “TAKE THAT BACK!”

“Then Battle me.”

Apocalypse growled. He wasn't the smart one of the group, far from it, but if he could see that his trainer got tricked, then everyone could. X knew he was being baited as well, but noone insulted his fiends. No one.

“Fine. You want a battle, you got one. Apocalypse, time to teach this punk some manners!”

Releasing him from her grip, Inti slowly backed away from the irate Pokémon, Apocalypse striding towards his trainer whom approached Rick, his hands clenched into a fist. “One on one, Rick. First to fall loses.”

“Fine by me.”Rick proclaimed, grabbing one of the pokèballs, and deftly throwing it. “GO POKEBALL!”

By command, the ball burst open, a flash of light racing out of it. Th light solidified, revealing a humanoid tan skinned Pokemon with five protrusion on on it's head, solider pads, a light purple tunic and kilt, and red boxing gloves.


Both pokémon and trainer growled. The battle hadn't even started and already they were at a disadvantage.

Nell wandered aimlessly in the market district of the city. Changeling brood families were going about their business, their goals as varied as their coloring and family size. She hoped that her little walk would help clear her head.

And she did need to buy tradeable goods.

Unlike her sisters, whom were both very active, Nell was quiet and calculating. If the three sisters were to try and hit a target from 30 feet away, Nall and Nalel would start throwing the javelins, blindfolded because it made it fun, while Nell would simply take aim and attempt to show a understanding of skill.

“So, what's on your mind?” Nell turned around, and sighed as she saw Citel trot towards her.

“Hi Dad. Just wanted to get the goods for trade. I heard Tarn has a really good spice crop this year and I want to grab some.” She started to walk away, but Citel caught up to her.

“You might want to hold on actually getting the spices until tomorrow when you leave.” her father advised.

“Um, why?”

“Well in my experience, the spices tend to stay fresh longer the more time they spend in Tarn's hooves. He's good at what he does. But he spices but ask him to hold on to them for you until tomorrow.”

“And he'll do it?”

“He's done it for me several times.” Citel replied. The duo had reached a stall selling imported apples from a place called Sweet Apple Acres. Tossing some coins at the stall owner, Citel levitated two apples, bright and red, and handed one to Nell. “But the spices are not the most important thing on your mind is it?”

“Dad, why am I different?”

“Why do you ask that?”

“I'm nothing like Nall and Nalel.”

“Don' the three of you have an impressive stuffed animal collection?”

“Well, yea we do. But to me it seems like the only thing we do have in common. They like sports, I like a good game of chess. They're hyper and active and chipper and me? I'm quiet and calm.”

“I'm beginning t have doubts about this trip.”

“And why is that?”

“Well, you know what Nall and Nalel want to do.”

“Yes, they want to be in the Changeling Hoofball League. They sure do have the talent for it.”

Nell stayed silent. “But Dad, Nall and Nalel know that their talent lies in sports. But I don't know where my talent lies? No magical mark is going to appear on my flank letting me know that buying and selling is what I'm good at. What if I mess up?”

Father and daugher had now arrived at several stalls selling home grown goods. Jungle fruits and veggies were sold in abundance, alongside exotic fruits and veggies such as carrots, lettuce, oranges.

“Then you mess up. I know I've made my fair share of mistakes selling good too low and buying too high. The only way for you to know if you are good at something is to try it, and try it again, and try it again. I though I was going to be a construction worker when I was younger, but I just didn't have the knack for it. So I tried being a merchant, and then it clicked. And I told myself 'Citel, this is what you are good at.' And that is how they say is that.”

“But aren’t your brood brothers also merchants? That doesn't exactly bode well for me.”

“But the point is that I wasn't what I was good at. You were right when you said that there isn't going to be a magical mark on your flank telling you what your good at. But part of life's journey is finding that out on your own, without a mark appearing to let you know that.

The ponies started in the same place as you: No mark on their flanks, and a million possible roads in front of them.”

Nell then smiled slightly as the duo had approached hoof woven clothing stalls. The duo had both taken a cheeky grin. It was time to really shop.

Moments passed, the seconds feeling like hours. The pokémon were tense, eagerly waiting for their trainers commands.

“Apocalypse, Crunch!”

Quickly, the dinosaur roared, and charged at the Punching Pokèmon , his jaw wide and teeth sharp and waiting.

“No wonder you don't battle. Hitmonchan, hit him with Vacuum Wave!”

Hitmonchan deftly did a quick spin, a small vacuum forming around it's first. “Hitmon, CHAN!” he shouted as he threw the punch, the small vacuum racing towards Apocalypse while increasing in size. The Fighting attack stuck the dinosaur hard, tripping him up as he tumbled to the ground.

“One More!” The Hitmonchan acknowledged, and threw another Vacuum Wave.

“Block it Apocalypse! Rock Slide!”

Roaring, Apocalypse stomped the ground, the force launching rocks int o the air, intercepting the Vacuum wave. The debris however, was launched into Apocalypse, though it didn't hurt that much.

“Okay, time for the offensive. Earthquake!'

Apocalypse screamed louder than the heavens as he slammed his head into the ground with more force that was necessary. The Hitmonchan barely had enough time to realize just how loud the battle cry was before the earth shattered underneath his feet, the tremors and random rocks jotting up from the ground striking him.

Rick screamed as his best pokémon knelt on the ground in pain. . “Give up Rick. It's over.!”

“Not from my point of view!”

“Apocalypse, change his attitude with another Earthquake!” The tiny tyrant screamed again, and raised his head to quake again.

“Dodge it Hitmonchan! NOW!” The Hitmonchan grunted in agreement, and with speed comparable to a Ninjask, jumped just as Apocalypse slammed into the ground, the Earthquake's initial shockwave missing the Fighter.

“Now strike with a Mach Punch!”

The Hitmonchan then rushed towards the Tyrunt, his boxing glove glowing with energy, his fancy feet closing the cap. X panicked as Apocalypse raised his head, only now seeing the rapidly approaching Fighting-Type Pokémon.

X did not like were this was going. And as Hitmonchan's right hook Mach Punch connected with Apocalypse's large head, Apocalypse had to agree with his trainer.

“Counter with Dragon Ta---”

“Ice Punch it NOW!”

Despite the draconian energy that flowed within Apocalypse's tail, the Hitmonchan's much faster Ice Punch powered left hook slammed into the Rock Dragon, the cold fist impacting the pokémon. Apocalypse would have screamed, but the cold numbness of the punch made it painful to do so.


Inti and X had a hard time watching as the fighter brutally punched their friend again with a powerful right hook, again strengthened with Ice.



One could almost swear that all of the sound in the area died as Hitmonchan pulled his left fist back, the Icy energies surrounding his fist. Apocalypse stumbled around, bravely trying to see straight.


The Fighter punched Apocalypse's head straight in the middle with a powerful jab. The dinosaur slid backwards before collapsing in agony. X fell to his feet, in shame.

Rick apparently didn't feel the same as X, as he was jumping around in joy “I WON! I WON! I'M THE BETTER TRAINER!”

“No, just a more brutal one. Get lost.”

“Huh. Sore loser. Hitmonchan, return!” Mike ordered. The pokèball he had grasped shot a red light at his pokémon, turning it into red light and returning to the ball as quickly as it shot out. Then trainer then turned to leave, still reveling in his victory.

X sighed as he got up, and jogged to his fallen friend. “You okay Apocalypse?” The dinosaur weakly replied with a grunt. “You did good friend. Take a breather” As he was reaching for his pokèball, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw his employer, a very visible frown and very visible angry eyebrows. With no words, she pointed towards something, X turning, then sighing.

The Earthquake damage was still there, and X noticed that among the rubble that used to be the ground, one of the statues had turned into several broken pieces of a statue.

X sighed. More work.

“Do I want to know?”

X turned around again, this time looking at Naruto, his illusion shed in favor of his real form, and Azisa, both with several carts of lumber.

Asia sheepishly waved while X sighed again.

Author's Note:

Well, here it is: My first real attempt at fanfiction! (We do not talk about the other attempt) I would like to thank Zeusdemigod131 for letting me write a story in his storyverse, and i hope that the readers stick around for the ride. Let me know what is on your cerebellum in the comments!