• Published 23rd May 2014
  • 1,626 Views, 61 Comments

This makes no sense! - Xinrick

This is what happens when you talk to a person about all the times your favorite pony show doens't make sense.

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Sense? When does anything make sense?

This makes no sense!

"Don't you think that 'Magical Mystery Cure' episode makes any sense?" A friend of mine asked.

"Why do you say that?" I ask confusedly.

"Well I mean...the spell that Twilight was supposed to use wasn't 'finished' as far as Celestia said right? So why the hell did it still work when she only read part of the spell?" He asks. "And then once she says the right spell, everything goes back to normal and she becomes an alicorn."

"You do have a point." I agree with a little thought.

"Yeah, I mean...you can't just cast half of a spell and have something happen. It's like casting fire ball half way and you get nothing but a bunch of hot air. Magic doesn't work like that."

"But what if it actually was all their, they were just missing one thing?" I ask. "I mean, she thought that it was all there...but she didn't know about that last part with friendship." I explain.

"Yet Starswirl found that it did nothing, and he still, for some reason, kept it. Or Celestia did some giant planing stuff with that book or some stupid stuff." He says to me.

"Well...maybe Celestia was hinting that he needed friends to finish it." I retort.

"But we don't know that. She could have, but he kept saying no. But what I'm getting at is that why did he keep a spell that didn't do anything when he thought it was done?"

"Scientists do that all the time." I say.

"So they keep their failed pages and experiments?" He asks.

"Well...no but they keep the closest thing to their answer." I say.

"That could be true, but we don't know." My friend says. "How come Twilight became an alicorn, and was crowned princess for no reason?" The fellow brony asks.

"Because people consider all alicorns princesses." I say, finding it slightly hard to actually argue with this.

"But in the new season, there are about four different alicorns or something and they were treated like normal ponies. What the heck." He asks.

"Well..." I say, trying to find a good argument to that.

"And with some of the things about the whole of it all. Some things are like 'what?'. Like how Twilight knows these random spells that can either help, or massively hurt, people and not tell others about it soon enough. Do you see where I'm getting at?" The guy asks.

"Your right...that doesn't make any sense what so ever." I say with a frown before something...weird happens.

"Who said that stuff doesn't make sense?" We hear before a portal of some kind opens and I'm thrown into it.

(Some random time of god knows how long later)

"Ow..." I groan before rubbing my head from the sudden warping to who knows where.

"So...I heard you said our world makes no sense." A girly voice says while I look up with blurry eyes. When my eyes focused more I saw something I would have never thought I would have seen.

"Um...what the hell is going on here?" I ask while seeing ponies....of all different colors but having stern looks on their faces. "Um....mind if I ask what just happened? Because that made no sense why I was thrown here from my home town." I say with a frown.

"We've brought you here so we can hear why you agreed that Equestria makes 'no sense'." The tall, white alicorn says.

"Ok then...just give me a moment." I say while pushing up from the ground with a little effort. "God that hurt." I groan while getting into a seated position and rubbing my eyes, getting a better look at all the ponies in the room. "Wonders...now I'm starting to go crazy, or dreaming...because there's no way in hell that I'm talking to you all." I say while looking at all the My Little Pony cast.

"Well too bad, you're talking to us now and you're going to answer our questions." A brash rainbow pegasus says to me.

"Maybe once you answer why I was taken from a park bench into a castle." I deadpan while looking around and seeing that I was actually in Canterlot Castle. "And also...why am I the only one that was brought here?"

"I'll explain that." The dark blue alicorn says. "Since you probably already know who we are, I'll tell you that we took slight offense that you said that we 'don't make sense'." Luna says. "And why your the only one is because you used to have so much faith in things, now your going back and saying 'it doesn't make sense'."

"That's because the show has more plot holes in it..." I say before seeing a bunch of blushes. "Not those holes. I mean 'story' holes and stuff like that...pervs." I grumble the last part while they all give a little 'oh'. "But back to what I was saying, it has a lot of holes in it that you can make a pent house for the few crazy people in here...and I have a feeling there's more than three." I explain.

"Well....that is true." A voice says while I look up and see a chimera eating popcorn. "But what fun is there in making 'sense'?" He asks.

"Because things need to make sense." I deadpan. "Your powers make sense since you're the 'god' or 'personification' of chaos and randomness. That makes sense, not like seeing a bunch of ponies repeat some stupid things that they already had to deal with." I say.

"How so?" A lavender alicorn asks with honest curiosity.

"Well let me see..." I say with a little thought. "Let's start with you." I say while pointing to Twilight. "You are a smart individual, but you tend to do the same mistake a few times."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asks.

"Does 'Parasprites' and 'Fruit Bats' come close to a connection?" I ask her while she takes a moment to think about it.

"Actually...yes." She says while feeling a little bad about doing that.

"Yeah. I've been talking to a few people about all of this and soon found that there are these giant spots that just...don't make sense." I say with a frown. "Like Rarity, we all know that you want to keep a social status but want to be with your friends. That's ok, but you always screw up every time." I say to her.

"Why do you think I screw up every time?" The alabaster unicorn asks.

"Your main point is 'don't be a bitch'." I say bluntly while she gasps in shock. "Every time you're the main focus, you tend to be a bitch and try to fix it later, but some times it's understandable because you have some things to deal with. But you do it every single time. The only time you actually had a sense of 'don't be a bitch' was when you went to Manehatten for that one time, but then you flipped a switch and turned into a slave driver." I say bluntly.

"Why I never." Rarity says with a little flip of her hair.

"And that's what I'm getting at." I deadpan. "Or that one time when you practically forgot Twilight's birthday." I say to her.

"Wait, what is he talking about?" Twilight asks.

"Yeah, she forgot your birthday when she was swept off her feet in the giant canterlot bustle of pompous bastards." I say while Twilight and the other ponies gasp and Rarity looks down sadly. "You got lucky that Twilight and the rest didn't even bother with wondering 'Why are you being cheap? I thought you would have had everything settled'." I say before I take a breath. "Listen, I know that friendship is a strong thing, so don't feel bad or get upset over her. You know that she want's to be a big time tailor. So she kinda...got caught up in it like Dash does in sports, Pinkie with party's, or Twilight doing the same mistake five times over." I say to them.

"Well..." Twilight sighs out. "You're right so far. Please, keep going." She says.

"Ok then. The only pony here that actually has the same problem over and over again, and still makes sense, is Fluttershy." I say while the yellow pegasus 'eeps' and looks away. "Her timidness and shyness are things that everyone deals with every day, and it's not something that can be solved with magic or a hurtle that get's jumped over in one try. It's something that takes time, not having magic become the solution for everything." I say. "Applejack for some reason has to be the perfect little farmer without any problems." I say while the farmer looks a little mad.

"Now wait just a minute. I don't have a perfect life." Applejack says before I raise a hand.

"I don't know how bad your life can be, but from what I know is that you try to do a lot of things, but besides that your just a normal farm pony. That's pretty much all you've got besides a pairing with Rainbow Dash." I say while the two ponies give a look of anger on them.

"Hey!!" The farmer and athlete ponies shout at me. "We don't have a 'pairing' ok?" They explain at the same time, before figuring that out and getting a little upset about it.

"Where's Spike?" I ask, changing the subject before I get hit.

"He's in the room we're using during our stay here sleeping." Twilight says.

"And you didn't bother to wake him up to meet little ol' me?" I ask while she takes a little thought. "Spike is a very troubled kid. He's a little dragon that is pretty much out of place in a world of ponies, and when he only met a small group of dragons he got the shittiest end of it. Now he's pretty much the comic relief of this world, or the most under rated character in the world." I explain.

"He helped saved the Crystal Empire, he kept trying to tell you people about what to actually do when your all caught up in stupid stuff, and when he's doing the wrong things, or needs help, your either not there or don't care." I say to them while they all look down sadly. "That doesn't make any sense. Based on some of my talks, he should be about Celestia's size instead of being the size of a five year old human. But I don't know how long it's been in this world so that's debatable as all hell."

"You're right..." Twilight says sadly, a tear falling to the ground. "I've been such a bad friend to him..."

"Now I didn't say that you didn't care about him." I say, wanting to remedy the moment. "I know you love him with all your heart, but you just gotta...pay a little more attention to him, so he isn't a depressed mess...but not too much so he becomes a greedy bastard." I explain. "You all know what happened last time." I say with a little roll of my eyes

"That's quite enough. You've made your point." Celestia says.

"No...not so much." I say.

"How so?" Luna asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Why you two pretty much stay here and don't do anything when you could pretty much stop any type of problem." I say to them. "With Nightmare Moon, you just disappeared for some god knows why reason." I say while pointing to Celestia. "When you probably saw their parasprite problem, you could have helped but you didn't. And some other things during that time." I say while Celestia has a look like a rock. "Luna...you're kind of understandable to a point why you weren't there for about two seasons on my world."

"Care to explain?" The lunar princess asks.

"You had to take in so much stuff after a thousand years...but you still could have showed up and said 'hi' or some stuff like that...and you kinda should have learned some modern talk during that time as well." I say while she gives a sheepish smile.

"But back to my point...Celestia, when Discord was free, you only yelled and told him to give back the Elements, instead of, say, used a magical spell to search for them." I emphasize while both Celestia and Twilight take a moment before face hoofing at something so simple. "Seriously...I know it might be hard to think of simple things during those times but still, good lord." I groan.

"Yes, well..." Celestia tries to think of something to say.

"Celestia, you're the one mare that everypony looks up to. Yet you pretty much let six ponies, and a very underrated baby dragon, do all your dirty work. Now sure, it's a little understandable since you have to deal with a kingdom, but sometimes things need to be put on hold for certain things. And also, I've never seen you deal with any stupid stuff like listening to the people besides the Gala, and some special occasions like the wedding and Twilight's coronation."

"Ok, now this is not making any sense." Applejack says while trying to wrap her head around this. "How do ya know so much about us? Ah know that you come from another place an all, but you sound like you know everything about us. Care to explain?" She asks, raising an eyebrow and making sure I wasn't lying about any of this.

"As I say again, your world is pretty much a giant T.V. show that many people watch. Probably didn't explain this before...but I'll remedy this." I say before continuing. "And the fan base goes so far as to make stories about this world, over analyze the show to point out the flaws on the execution of what happens, try to figure out why this happens, and to tell people that 'this episode doesn't suck as much as you think'." I explain. "My world has no idea what you guys do on a daily basis, hell, this entire thing could last me a week or a month on my world but only take about a half of a day or more in your world. Time differences and all that." I shrug.

"I...suppose that's true." Applejack says with a nod.

"So your telling us..." Discord says while bringing up a chalk board out of nowhere. "Is that if we don't make sense...it's a bad thing, but making sense is a good thing...that about right?" He asks while eating some chalk.

"No, you can make no sense as much as you want." I say while discord has a giant smile on his face. "But it at least has to make sense on how and why things happen. See where I'm getting at?" I ask honestly.

"I see where your getting at." The god of chaos says with a nod, writing down on the chalk board 'Sense = No sense' and a bunch of other things that pretty much explains what I've been saying.

"You people...er ponies, understand?" I ask honestly while they all nod. "Now...if I do go home soon then I want you all to make a note of this." I say while Twilight brings up a quill and a piece of paper. "Didn't mean that literally but whatever." I sigh out before taking a deep breath.

"When you look around, you always wonder 'what will happen today?'. And when you see things that 'don't make sense' you should try to figure out if it does make sense, no matter how outright stupid it might be to even think about. Always question the unquestionable, always find an answer for the unanswerable instead of saying 'that's just that'. Life's all about the things that don't make sense, but we make it fun when we figure out why it makes sense." I say with a giant smile. "From your faithful Teacher...Xinrick." I say with a nod.

"Wow...I never thought about it like that." Twilight says with a giant twinkle in her eyes.

"That changes a lot of things, even for someone like me." Discord says with a grin.

"Never would have thought someone like you would make something so weird make sense." Dash chuckles.

"Hey!" I shout at her for the comment, but the brash pegasus only chuckles a little

"I must say darling, you sure do have a way with words." Rarity compliments. "Even though you are kind of rude...none taken." She says while I just raise a hand in understanding.

"Well shoot, looks like we always have to think things through instead of going head first into stuff." Applejack admits.

"It was....nice to hear that someone explain things how they were..." Fluttershy says. "I wish I could do that...but I'm always to scared." She says a little shyly.

"Even though your still adorable like that." I say while seeing her hide away in her hair, hiding her little blush of embarrassment. "You have enough courage to put even the strongest dragon to shame. All you need to do is look at the positives of stuff, not get scared of what could happen in the worst case scenario." I explain.

"You've taught us all a valuable lesson...even though in a little weird and unorthodox way." Celestia says with a little motherly smile.

"Tis-er I mean...it's true. It was a bit weird when you were explaining everything...but when you look at it from another light...it makes sense." Luna says with a nod.

"Now I also want you to spend more time with Spike, help him be the dragon he's supposed to be, and for gods sake, stop making him the comedic relief." I say to them all as they nod. "Thank you." I sigh out a little.

"Well...I suppose you should get going now." Princess sun butt says before lighting up her horn and a portal opens.

"It was fun talking to you Mr. Xinrick." Pinkie says with a smile. "I wish we could have had a party...but I suppose that'll wait till next time." She says while getting giddy.

"Um...what next time?" Twilight says while I laugh a little. "That doesn't make any sense on how you can know there will be a next time."

"Oh come now Twilight..." I say while Discord chimes in. "What fun is there in making sense?" We say at the same time while we all have a hearty laugh. "I'm sorry, I just had to. But if there is a next time...I'll try to figure out how the portal stuff happened." I say with a wave.

"Good bye!" Everyone says to me before I walk into the portal and it closes behind me.

The end.

Author's Note:

Well...that happened. :derpytongue2:
For what inspired me to write this weird and possibly horrible piece of work...me just watching a bunch of 'Over Analyzing' show's on Youtube, like 'After the Fact with Silver Quill' and a bunch of talking with my brother about stuff that makes no sense. Please, like, and if you have anything to add to 'This makes no sense!' please comment below and add stuff that you don't understand in the MLP universe(that isn't Pinkie...unless you want to.)
And I know this is bad, so please don't shout it out in the comments
So this has been Xinrick and I am the Forbidden King, and as always, I will see you in another chapter of my stories. Bye bye XD