• Published 9th Apr 2014
  • 2,188 Views, 53 Comments

The Wager - kudzuhaiku

Discord and Celestia agree to a wager. The result is a little Anomie.

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Chapter 6

“Alright class, today the last lesson is about one of Equestria’s terrible villains, a human by the name of Tirek. Can anybody in class tell me who he was, what he did, and what his fate was?”

The older griffon paced around the classroom after his question, looking around at his students expectantly, waiting for some kind of reply.

The fire haired girl known as Anomie couldn’t help but feel that Silverskald’s eyes lingered a little too long on her. The griffon looked at her, yes, was most definitely looking at her, and Anomie couldn’t help but feel that she was about to learn a lesson about the other human that had been in Equestria.

When the class did not reply, Silverskald did not seem surprised. He fluffed out his wings a bit, clacked his talons in the floor, and made clicking sounds with his beak.

“I am guessing that Tirek was a human…” answered Anomie hesitantly.

“Very good deduction Anomie. He started out that way,” replied Silverskald.

“So what happened?” asked Anomie.

“Tirek came to Equestria during the Chaos Conflict. Discord and the Royal Sisters had reached a bit of a stalemate. The war had reached a lull. Neither side was really more powerful than the other. Discord discovered he could reach into other realms with his magic, something that is assumed he learned by mistake. Discord reached into another realm and plucked out another being of pure chaos. A human. A man named Tirek. Tirek came into Equestria and became a plaything of Discord. But Tirek was not content to be a plaything of Discord, he wanted real power. Eventually, Tirek broke free of Discord’s control. After doing so, he made a deal with a fell being, and was able to use magic. Dark foul sorcery. This was not enough. He grew jealous of the Royal Sisters and their power, and sought a way to corrupt harmony magic for his own use. A failed experiment twisted and corrupted his body, making him half pony and half human, something called a centaur,” Silverskald paused to take a deep breath, and then continued; “a centaur, which has a pony body from the human waist downwards, and a human body sprouting from where the neck is. This new form allowed Tirek to harness twisted and corrupted harmony magics, and he almost destroyed the world as we know it. He became so powerful that he even became a threat to Discord. Discord and the Royal Sisters declared a temporary truce to combine forces and work together to deal with Tirek. Eventually, Tirek was defeated, but he could not be killed. He was bound in Tartarus where he remains to this day,” finished Silverskald.

“Is this why everything is afraid of me?” asked Anomie.

“I am not afraid of you,” replied Silverskald.

“That does not answer my question,” retorted Anomie.

“Your question included the word everything Anomie. And there are lots of things that are not afraid of you, but trust you with their lives. Anyhow, class is over. Get out of here. Go have a pleasant day,” said Silverskald.

Confusing things happened sometimes, they happened just out of the blue, seemingly for no reason at all, and the best you could do was roll with the punches and continue to move on, trying to make sense of everything after it had happened.

There was no making sense of this.

No, there was no making sense of this at all.

It was simply too confusing, and Anomie felt a hot hot heat burning through her body. She stared at Dark Eye blankly, trying to figure out what had happened, what had taken place, and Dark Eye blinked her sightless eyes and waited for Anomie to come up to speed.

The kiss had been very confusing.

The aftermath was about to become even more so.

The two of them had been in the garden after school, Anomie had been reading something to Dark Eye, and then, quite unexpectedly, Dark Eye had moved swiftly and surely and had planted a wet kiss on Anomie’s lips.

The first kiss for either of them.

And it had not been an innocent kiss.

There had been some exploration on Dark Eyes’s part.

“How, why…” stammered Anomie, standing up and stepping backwards, still tasting pony slobber, a bit of drool running down from the corner of her mouth, which she quickly wiped away with the back of her hand.

“Your voice, I like it. Your mind infatuates me,” confessed Dark Eye, the blind lunar pegasus, who was now pressing her advantage on the surprised and somewhat stunned Anomie.

“Oh,” gasped Anomie.

Anomie froze as Dark Eye’s muzzle trailed over her budding breasts, sniffling and snuffling, taking in her scent, and then, Dark Eye’s nose began to travel downward. After a slow teasing descent, Dark Eye pressed her muzzle into Anomie’s groin and inhaled deeply.

“Your scent is different, but I still think I detect arousal. Do you like me Anomie?” asked Dark Eye, a faint tremor of fear now in her voice. “Or have I made a mistake?” she asked.

“I uh, well, you’re still my friend, this hasn’t changed that, but uh, I am not sure what to make of it, you caught me off guard. I’ve never thought about you as anything other than my friend,” confessed Anomie after a stammering start.

“I don’t see a world full of ponies, or griffons, or minotaurs. I just hear voices. And know minds. Sure, your body is weird and odd, but I can’t actually see it. But I do like what I have touched. Like a moment ago, I like how it felt when I ran my nose over your soft flesh on your chest, your breasts, I like how the skin gave way when I pressed my nose in,” said Dark Eye.

Anomie realised the lunar pegasus was baring her soul, and Anomie had nothing particularly heartfelt to say. She panicked slightly, not wanting her friend to feel hurt.


The lines had blurred, Anomie wasn’t certain about anything at the moment.

“And I like you Anomie, I like you a great deal, I like who you are. Well, I think I love you actually, hard to tell, there is a bad case of infatuation that has built up, and I’ve been wrestling with it for a long time now, almost a year now, and today I just had to take the risk,” explained Dark Eye.

Anomie struggled with what to do next. She didn’t have a clue.

“And you don’t seem to be responding to it very well, so I guess we have awkward times ahead of us as we try and go back to being friends and put this behind us. I do hope we can put this behind us, I’ll not make the same mistake twice,” promised Dark Eye.

Anomie had never been particularly gifted with fancy words or a overly swift mind. She was bright, she was clever, but she was failing in this situation.

There was only one thing to do.

She dropped down onto her knees, grabbed Dark Eye by her long tufted ears, and hauled her in for another kiss, causing the alarmed and surprised pegasus to emit a high pitched squeal and a series of clicks as Dark Eye echolocated, trying to figure out what was going on.

And then, in the final moment, Anomie clamped down on Dark Eyes’s lip with her teeth, as no proper display of affection between lunar pegasi took place without a hint of savagery.

The flustered girl pulled away from the breathless pegasus, her face hot, blood coursing through her veins, her hands still tightly gripping Dark Eye’s ears.

Anomie saw her mother through the kitchen window and nearly panicked. She felt her bowels nearly turn to water. Lunar pegasi were the very best and the very worst of mothers.

But Night Fright was smiling broadly, serenely, and didn’t seem upset by this at all. She saw her mother give a little nod, one eye winking, and Anomie felt a surge of gratitude.

Anomie’s distraction was a terrible blunder, as Dark Eye pushed forward and pinned her to the earth, pressing down upon her, asserting dominance.

There was a single painful nip on the shoulder that caused Anomie to yelp, and Anomie was never one to back down from a display of dominance. She used her secret weapon, fingers. Fingers that could tickle.

Dark Eye would learn her place soon enough.

“You know Luna, I think I am going to win this wager,” said Celestia, barely able to contain her excitement.

“From the letters, it does seem that you have an advantage at the moment, but remember sister, this is young love. Things change. Infatuations sometime fade away,” replied Luna.

“This certainly fixes a lot of problems, Anomie falling in love with a filly. I don’t have to worry about her being hurt by certain physical acts, but I do understand that the lunar pegasi courtship rituals can be a little bloody,” said Celestia, a faint hint of worry in her voice.

“Yes, Calpurnia had to stitch up Anomie’s backside after one particularly affectionate nip. Rotten little plot nippers, the lot of them,” Luna said, pondering her lunar pegasi.

“You will now be unbearable to be around now that you think you’ve won.” muttered Discord, who could practically feel Celestia gloating.

Celestia said nothing, but smiled broadly, her eyes wide and flashing with excitement.

“You know, this must be particularly sweet for Anomie, finding love. Being the only one of her kind in this world, finding something that saw past what she was on the outside and loving her for what she was on the inside has to be almost magical. She is a very lucky little girl,” said Discord softly, sounding almost depressed, his body slumping, his tail thudding to the floor and laying still.

Celestia felt like she had just been punched in the navel, all of her good mood suddenly gone. Discord looked truly awful, and Celestia had the dreadful feeling he wasn’t acting.

“I suppose you have this one in the bag old girl. And with no messy physical complications to consummate the marriage to boot. Well, provided that young love lasts, which I am sure it will. Anomie and her insufferable aspirations towards noble gestures,” grumbled Discord.

Celestia was feeling unbelievably bad. She didn’t know why.

Discord was taking this in the worst way possible, and it was hurting her to see him this way. And Celestia had no clue why. Seeing him in pain was causing Celestia a physical sensation of pain, deep in her barrel, and it unnerved her.

“Cheer up Discord, losing isn’t so bad. One of us had to win this wager. You saved a little girl from a fate worse than death, she is happy, she is loved, and she has found love. Can’t you take comfort in that?” asked Celestia.

Discord did not respond. He simply stared at Celestia, a broken expression on his face, looking at her pleadingly. Celestia was about to say something to comfort the draconequus when he vanished, leaving behind something on the floor.

Celestia eyed it closely, and realised it was a small damp place where something wet had fallen. Celestia suddenly had the feeling that she had done something very, very wrong, but for the life of her, could not figure out what it was.

She went off to find Luna, hoping her sister could help her sort out this mess.

Some things were simply too confusing to make them out as they happened.

Author's Note:

This was never meant to be a long story, and it rapidly approaches its conclusion.